Monteiro-Riviere ,NA. Indirect Immunohistochemistry

Monteiro-Riviere ,NA. Indirect Immunohistochemistry

Monteiro-Riviere ,NA. Indirect Immunohistochemistry


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<strong>Monteiro</strong>-<strong>Riviere</strong> ,<strong>NA</strong>. <strong>Indirect</strong> <strong>Immunohistochemistry</strong> and immunoelectron microscopy distribution<br />

of eight epidermal-dermal junction epitopes in the pig and in isolated perfused skin treated with bis<br />

(2-chloroethyl) sulfide. Toxicologic Pathology 23:313-325, 1995.

<strong>Monteiro</strong>-<strong>Riviere</strong> <strong>NA</strong>: Integument. In Eurell J, Frappier B, eds. Dellman’s Textbook of<br />

Veterinary Histology, Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, 6 th ed., pp.320-349, 2006.

Experimental Model Systems

• Practicality<br />

• Absorption<br />

Animal Models<br />

• Toxicology - Increased absorption compared to man to<br />

assess worse case scenario<br />

• Rats, Mice, Rabbits<br />

• Pharmacology - Similar absorption to man<br />

• Toxicity<br />

• Pigs, Primates, Hairless Rodents<br />

• Immunological considerations<br />

• Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Rodents<br />

• Species differences for different mechanisms are<br />

independent ∴one species is not the best model for all<br />

endpoints in humans!

Species Differences<br />

• Anatomical factors such as thickness,<br />

adnexial structures, etc.<br />

• Biochemical differences in lipid<br />

composition, enzymes, etc.<br />

• Different receptors for immunological or<br />

pharmacological agents<br />

• Physiological differences including blood<br />

flow, etc.

Body Site Differences<br />

• The rate of penetration and absorption differs<br />

across various body sites<br />

• Scrotum > Forehead > Axilla > = Scalp > Back =<br />

Abdomen > Palm and Plantar surface<br />

• Seen in humans and animals making route to<br />

route extrapolations “interesting.”<br />

• The major reasons are due to:<br />

– Differences in anatomy:skin thickness<br />

– Differences in physiology: blood flow and distribution<br />

of blood vessels<br />

– Stratum corneocyte cell size ?

Pig Skin is Similar to Human Skin<br />

• Similar surface characteristics<br />

• Body masses and skin to body surface area ratio<br />

• Sparse hair coat<br />

• Thick epidermis<br />

• Hair follicle density<br />

• Epidermal turnover kinetics<br />

• Lipid composition<br />

• Biophysical properties of lipid<br />

I like pigs. Dogs look up to us.<br />

Cats look down on us.<br />

Pigs treat us as equals.<br />

Don’t use skin from an abattoir if hide is scalded!

Differences Between Pig and<br />

Human Skin<br />

• Pig skin has an additional interfollicular<br />

muscle<br />

• Young pigs have hair follicles that occur<br />

in a triad<br />

• Pigs have only apocrine sweat glands over<br />

most of the body<br />

• Immunological and drug metabolism<br />

differences not well characterized

<strong>Monteiro</strong>-<strong>Riviere</strong>, <strong>NA</strong>. Comparative Anatomy, Physiology, and Biochemistry<br />

of Mammalian Skin . In Hobson DW (ed) Dermal and Ocular Toxicology:<br />

Fundamentals and Methods, Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, Chpt. 1, 3-71, 1991.

Porcine Skin<br />

Stromberg MW, Huang YC, <strong>Monteiro</strong>-<strong>Riviere</strong> <strong>NA</strong>. Interfollicular smooth muscle in the<br />

skin of the domesticated pig. The Anatomical Record 201:455-462, 1981.

Porcine Skin

Human Skin

Monkey Skin

Nude Guinea Pig Skin

Mouse Skin

Nude Mouse

Rat Skin

Rabbit Skin

Cow Skin

Cow Skin

Dog Skin<br />

<strong>Monteiro</strong>-<strong>Riviere</strong> <strong>NA</strong>: Integument. In Eurell J, Frappier B, eds. Dellman’s Textbook of<br />

Veterinary Histology, Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, 6 th ed., pp.320-349, 2006.

Dog Skin<br />

<strong>Monteiro</strong>-<strong>Riviere</strong> <strong>NA</strong>: Integument. In Eurell J, Frappier B, eds. Dellman’s Textbook<br />

of Veterinary Histology, Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, 6 th ed., pp.320-349, 2006.

Cat Skin

Cat Skin<br />

<strong>Monteiro</strong>-<strong>Riviere</strong> <strong>NA</strong>: Integument. In Eurell J, Frappier B, eds. Dellman’s Textbook<br />

of Veterinary Histology, Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, 6 th ed., pp.320-349, 2006.

Cat Foot Pad<br />

<strong>Monteiro</strong>-<strong>Riviere</strong> <strong>NA</strong>: Integument. In Eurell J, Frappier B, eds. Dellman’s Textbook of<br />

Veterinary Histology, Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa, 6th ed., pp.320-349, 2006.

Comparative Epidermal Thickness and Number<br />

of Cell Layers From the Back of Nine Species<br />

Species Epidermis Stratum Corneum Number of Cell Layers<br />

(µm) (µm)<br />

Cat 12.97 + 0.93 5.84 + 1.02 1.28 + 0.13<br />

Cow 36.76 + 2.95 8.65 + 1.17 2.22 + 0.11<br />

Dog 21.16 + 2.55 5.56 + 0.85 1.89 + 0.16<br />

Horse 33.59 + 2.16 7.26 + 1.04 2.50 + 0.25<br />

Monkey 26.87 + 3.14 2.05 + 2.30 2.67 + 0.24<br />

Mouse 13.32 + 1.19 2.90 + 0.12 1.75 + 0.08<br />

Pig 51.89 + 1.49 12.28 + 0.72 3.94 + 0.13<br />

Rabbit 10.85 + 1.00 6.56 + 0.37 1.22 + 0.11<br />

Rat 21.66 + 2.23 5.00 + 0.85 1.83 + 0.17<br />

<strong>Monteiro</strong>-<strong>Riviere</strong> et al. Interspecies and interegional analysis of the comparative<br />

histological thickness and laser Doppler blood flow measurements at five cutaneous<br />

sites in nine species. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 95:582-586, 1990.

Blood Flow Measurements of Nine Species at<br />

Five Cutaneous Sites<br />

Species BUT EAR HSJ TLJ VAB<br />

Cat 1.82 + 0.59 6.46 + 2.30 1.86 + 0.70 2.39 + 0.35 6.19 + 0.94<br />

Cow 6.03 + 1.84 6.98 + 2.19 5.51 + 2.32 5.49 + 1.49 10.49 + 2.13<br />

Dog 2.21 + 0.67 5.21 + 1.53 5.52 + 1.31 1.94 + 0.27 8.78 + 1.40<br />

Horse 3.16 + 1.22 ----- 6.76 + 1.49 2.99 + 0.86 8.90 + 1.46<br />

Monkey 3.12 + 0.58 20.93 + 5.37 8.49 + 3.28 2.40 + 0.82 3.58 + 0.41<br />

Mouse 3.88 + 0.92 1.41 + 0.48 10.10 + 3.51 20.56 + 4.69 36.85 + 8.14<br />

Pig 3.08 + 0.48 11.70 + 3.02 6.75 + 2.09 2.97 + 0.56 10.68 + 2.14<br />

Rabbit 3.55 + 0.93 8.38 + 1.53 5.38 + 1.06 5.46 + 0.94 17.34 + 6.31<br />

Rat 4.20 + 1.05 9.13 + 4.97 6.22 + 1.47 9.56 + 2.17 11.35 + 5.53<br />

Units=ml/min/100g (mean + SE)<br />

But = buttocks; Ear = pinnae; HSJ = humeroscapular joint; TLJ = thoracolumbar junction;<br />

VAB = ventral abdomen.<br />

<strong>Monteiro</strong>-<strong>Riviere</strong> et al. Interspecies and interegional analysis of the comparative histological<br />

thickness and laser Doppler blood flow measurements at five cutaneous sites in nine species.<br />

Journal of Investigative Dermatology 95:582-586, 1990.

Hair Follicle Density<br />

Species Area of Skin Number of Hair<br />

Follicles/cm 2<br />

Human Abdomen 11 + 1<br />

Pig Back 11 + 1<br />

Rat Back 289 + 21<br />

Mouse Back 658 + 38<br />

Hairless Mouse Back 75 + 6<br />

Bronaugh et al. Methods for in vitro percutaneous absorption studies II. Animal<br />

models for human skin. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 62, 481-488, 1982.

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