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12. Loutsiou – Ladd, A., Panayiotou, G. & Kokkinos, C. M. (2008). A review of the factorial<br />

structure of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI): Greek Evidence. International Journal of Testing,<br />

8, 90 – 110.<br />

13. Kokkinos, C. M. (2007). Elementary school children’s involvement in bullying and<br />

victimization: The role of attachment style and internalizing and externalizing<br />

symptomatology. Scientia Peadagogica Experimentalis, XLIV, 1, 33 – 49.<br />

14. Kokkinos, C. M. & Panayiotou, G. (2007). Parental Discipline Practices and Locus of<br />

Control: Relationship to Bullying and Victimization Experiences of Elementary School<br />

Students. Social Psychology of Education, 10, 281 – 301.<br />

15. Kokkinos, C. M. (2007). Job stressors, personality and burnout in primary school teachers.<br />

British Journal of Educational Psychology, 77, 229 – 243. (2009 Impact Factor: 1.651)<br />

16. Kokkinos, C. M. (2006). Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Maslach<br />

Burnout Inventory - Educators Survey among elementary and secondary school teachers in<br />

Cyprus. Stress and Health, 22, 25 – 33. (2009 Impact Factor: 0.714)<br />

17. Panayiotou, G. & Kokkinos, C. M. (2006). Self-consciousness and its role in psychological<br />

distress: A study using the Greek SCS. Personality and Individual Differences, 41, 83 – 93. (2009<br />

Impact Factor: 1.878)<br />

18. Kokkinos, C. M., Panayiotou, G. & Davazoglou, A. M. (2005). Correlates of teachers’<br />

appraisals of students’ behaviours. Psychology in the Schools, 42, 79 - 89. (2009 Impact Factor: 0.965)<br />

19. Kokkinos, C. M. & Panayiotou, G. (2004). Predicting bullying and victimization among early<br />

adolescents: Associations with disruptive behavior disorders. Aggressive Behavior, 30, 520 - 533.<br />

(2009 Impact Factor: 1.698)<br />

20. Panayiotou, G., Kokkinos, C. M. & Spanoudis, G. (2004). Searching for the “Big Five” in a<br />

Greek context: The NEO-FFI under the microscope. Personality and Individual Differences, 36,<br />

1841 – 1854. (2009 Impact Factor: 1.878)<br />

21. Kokkinos, C. M., Panayiotou, G. & Davazoglou, A. M. (2004). Perceived seriousness of<br />

pupils’ undesirable behaviours: The student teachers’ perspectives. Educational Psychology, 24,<br />

109-120.<br />

β) Ελληνικά<br />

22. Καραμπατζάκη, Μ. & Κόκκινος, Κ. Μ. (2009). Το ντροπαλό παιδί μέσα από τα μάτια των<br />

εκπαιδευτικών. Παιδαγωγική Επιθεώρηση, 47, 60-76.<br />

23. Δαβάζογλου, Α., Αλβανόπουλος, Γ., & Κόκκινος, Κ. Μ. (2008). Μεγαλώνοντας παιδιά με<br />

αυτισμό: Οι ανάγκες των γονέων. Ελληνική Επιθεώρηση Ειδικής Αγωγής, 1, 67-90.<br />

24. Κόκκινος, Κ. Μ. (2005). Επαγγελματική εξουθένωση στην πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση: Μια<br />

συγκριτική μελέτη ανάμεσα σε εκπαιδευτικούς από την Ελλάδα και την Κύπρο. Μακεδνόν,14, 79 -<br />

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