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among Teachers. Unpublished manuscript.<br />

- Grayson, J. L. (2006). An assessment of teacher burnout levels as associated with<br />

contextual and diversity factors in rural appalachian school districts. Unpublished Msc Thesis.<br />

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− Dempsey, A. G., & Storch, E. A. (2010). Psychopathology and health problems affecting<br />

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− Guerra, N. G., & Williams, K. R. (2010). Implementing bullying prevention in diverse<br />

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− Ybrandt, H. & Armelius, K. (2010). Peer Aggression and Mental Health Problems: Self-<br />

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− Owen, K. (2009). The Experiences and Construing of Young People Involved in Bullying.<br />

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− Seeley, K., Tombari, M. L., Bennett, L. J., & Dunkle J. B. (2009). Peer Victimization in<br />

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School Engagement, Truancy, School Achievement, and Other Outcomes. National Center for School<br />

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− Alsaker, F. D., & Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger, E. (2009). Social Behavior and Peer<br />

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− Dukes, R. L., Stein, J. A., & Zane, J. I. (2009). Effect of relational bullying on attitudes,<br />

behavior and injury among adolescent bullies, victims and bully-victims. The Social Science<br />

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