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Ready Rafa - USPTA divisions - United States Professional Tennis ...


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<strong>Ready</strong><br />

for<br />

<strong>Rafa</strong><br />

Creating<br />

the Next<br />

Generation<br />

<strong>USPTA</strong> Southern Division: Where Excellence is STANDARD<br />

The <strong>USPTA</strong> Southern Division<br />

Volume 12 Issue 3 : June, 2011<br />

INSIDE:<br />

pg 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Convention Highlights<br />

pg 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2011 Hall of Fame & Award Winners<br />

pg 11 . . . . . . . . . . Should You Be Offering a Buying Club?<br />

pg 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Security for Your Facility<br />

pg 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Core Training

Page 2 Volume 12 Issue 3<br />

HANDLING The Situation!<br />

Handling the Situation is YOUR opportunity<br />

to share how you handle various<br />

situations. Everyone that sends in a<br />

response will be entered into a drawing for a<br />

<strong>USPTA</strong> shirt/T-shirt or other prize.<br />

Situation: You have a player who would like<br />

to play on a league team. This player does not<br />

get picked up by any of your league captains and<br />

comes to you to complain that they cannot get<br />

on a team. What do you do to get this player on<br />

to a team?<br />

As pros, we can only try to help but we really<br />

can’t dictate whether a player is picked up for a<br />

league team or not. We can try to ask a captain<br />

who might be sympathetic to the situation but<br />

there is really nothing we can do to force a team<br />

to take a player. One option might be to help<br />

that player form their own team! This would<br />

offer a great alternative if there are enough<br />

players available at that level. The player would<br />

get the experience of captaining a team and<br />

another team would be added to the league! If<br />

this is not possible perhaps the player could join<br />

a regular game. While this would not be in the<br />

“league” it would still afford the player to play on<br />

a regular basis and perhaps meet more players<br />

and join a league in the future!<br />

Fast Facts<br />

-Ed Gaskell, LA<br />

I would try to identify a team with an easy<br />

going captain and non-cut-throat-competitive<br />

players, and explain the situation to the captain,<br />

asking if the team could do me (not the<br />

player) a favor by taking on the player. In most<br />

cases, teams are more than willing to help out<br />

the teaching pro.<br />

-Neil Witherow, MS<br />

At our club, the policy is a maximum of 2 nonmembers<br />

per team. Most of our teams take<br />

advantage of this. So, I simply tell the captains<br />

that they must take all club members interested<br />

in playing before accepting or asking<br />

non-members. They (the captains) absolutely<br />

cannot have non-members on their team if they<br />

refuse to take another interested member. A<br />

side note...we really haven’t had an issue with<br />

this. I bend over backwards to help our captains<br />

before, during, and after the seasons, so in<br />

turn, they help me when it comes to placing<br />

interested players.<br />

-Jeff Hawes, LA<br />

nEXt Situation: Is it professional to socialize<br />

with clients? At all? How much? Send your solution<br />

to usptasouthern@gmail.com.<br />

Philadelphia Freedom was written by Elton John in the seventies for the<br />

Philadelphia Freedom <strong>Tennis</strong> Team and Billie Jean King.<br />

<strong>Tennis</strong> Rackets kept growing in length until the USTA decided to regulate<br />

the length to 29 inches. Before this Dunlop made a racket that was 32<br />

inches long in 1996.<br />

The first tie-break that was used in tournaments was a nine point tiebreak<br />

that had a sudden death point at 4 all.<br />

Pressureless or zero pressure balls can be used in tournaments at high<br />

altitude or 4000 feet above sea level.<br />

Jimmy Connors is and will be the only player to ever win the USOPEN on<br />

three different surfaces.<br />

Southern Officers<br />

The “Standard” is the official newsletter<br />

for the Southern Division of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>States</strong><br />

<strong>Professional</strong> <strong>Tennis</strong> Association.<br />

President<br />

Bill Phillips - 337-849-5821<br />

phillips@sta.usta.com<br />

Past President<br />

Pat Whitworth - 678-482-6357<br />

pwhitworth@aol.com<br />

1st Vice President<br />

Todd Upchurch - 704-258-7220<br />

tupchurch1@gmail.com<br />

2nd Vice President<br />

Sophie Woorons-Johnston - 864-202-1917<br />

sophie@brookstonemeadows.com<br />

Secretary-Treasurer<br />

Matt Grayson - 770-475-3802<br />

tennis@ccroswell.com<br />

Executive Director<br />

Fred Burdick - 800-438-7782<br />

usptaexdir@windstream.net<br />

State Presidents<br />

alabama<br />

Kevin Theos - 337-981-0543<br />

theos@sta.usta.com<br />

arkansas<br />

Jimbo Hobson - 501-835-9793<br />

jimbopro@ipa.net<br />

Georgia<br />

Andrew Minnelli - 770-368-7040<br />

ajm@acc1.org<br />

Kentucky<br />

Keith Cecil - 859-608-4640<br />

kcecil@transy.edu<br />

Louisiana<br />

Ed Gaskell - 225-924-6273<br />

edgaskell@bocagerc.org<br />

Mississippi<br />

Kevin Jackson - 662-840-3528<br />

kjackson@tupcc.com<br />

north Carolina<br />

Scott Mitchell - 704-334-7361<br />

nescott10s@yahoo.com<br />

South Carolina<br />

Teodora Doncheva - 803-326-3842<br />

teodoradoncheva@yahoo.com<br />

tennessee<br />

Bill Riddle - 615-824-6642<br />

tennisun@aol.com<br />

Head tester<br />

Tommy Wade - 256-341-4948t<br />


Standard Page 3<br />

Southern Board Steps Up For Justice<br />

STEP 1: Executive Committee takes Stand against<br />

rogue actions (April 9th)<br />

STEP 2: Judge Rules in favor of <strong>USPTA</strong> in the Randy<br />

Mattingley vs. <strong>USPTA</strong> case (April 29th)<br />

Recent events at the National Board Meeting (January) have brought<br />

about swift and firm actions by the governing body in our association, the<br />

<strong>USPTA</strong> Executive Committee (April). This committee is made up of two representatives<br />

from each division in addition to eight National Board members<br />

and three National Past Presidents. Your Southern Executive Committee<br />

members and Board could not consent to 5 National Board members over<br />

ruling the power of the nominating committee and the Executive Committee.<br />

Nine <strong>divisions</strong> share a similar view on the events that have taken place.<br />

It is not just large <strong>divisions</strong> that were unhappy with the process, we just felt<br />

too strongly that it is imperative to abide by the democratic process.<br />

14. When Tom Daglis convened the meeting<br />

he shared that he was visited by Mattingley<br />

and several other board members in his hotel<br />

room that morning, and was asked whether<br />

he would accept the nominating committee’s<br />

decision to nominate him for President for a<br />

second term. Tom shared that he had not yet<br />

been informed of any decision of the nominating<br />

committee. The first day of the board of<br />

directors meeting was routine business.<br />

15. The second day of the Board of Directors<br />

meeting (held in January) was like witnessing<br />

bullies in a playground. In what appeared<br />

to be pre-orchestrated, the plaintiff and<br />

four members of the Board made a series of<br />

motions against Tom Daglis, which I recorded<br />

in my notes as follows:<br />

Motion: President Daglis shall not make<br />

any binding commitments with any entity<br />

without prior Board approval.<br />

Motion (Bunny Brunning): All written<br />

communications between Pres. Daglis and<br />

the national office shall be copied by the<br />

president to the Board. All written communications<br />

by national to Pres. Daglis shall be<br />

copied by the national office to the Board<br />

Motion (Mark Fairchild): The <strong>USPTA</strong><br />

Now It’s Your Turn<br />

national Board of Directors expresses a<br />

vote of “no confidence” in Tom Daglis as<br />

president of the <strong>USPTA</strong>.<br />

Motion (Randy Mattingley): The Board<br />

requests a special Executive Committee<br />

meeting in Houston for the purpose of<br />

removing Tom Daglis from the office of<br />

president of the <strong>USPTA</strong>.<br />

Motion (Randy Mattingley): The Board<br />

moves that the <strong>USPTA</strong> send another representative,<br />

rather than President Daglis, to<br />

the USTA meeting in March.<br />

16. The protests of these board members<br />

were revealing of their true motivation, as<br />

they expressed their sentiment that the<br />

nominating committee had chosen the<br />

wrong person for president, that it was Randy<br />

Mattingley’s turn to be President, that Tom<br />

should resign, that it had only happened<br />

once before that a president was permitted<br />

to serve two consecutive terms, that<br />

the nominating committee didn’t interview<br />

enough people, and so on and so forth. I was<br />

asked by these board members to find some<br />

illegality in the nominating committee’s decision.<br />

I said that the nominating committee’s<br />

decision was legal, explaining that regard-<br />

An unfortunate consequence is that two industry standouts, Jim Loehr<br />

and Jack Groppel tendered their resignation if the original slate was put<br />

forth. By no means was this the intention of any of us, but we still felt<br />

strongly about the entire events that preceded this declaration: and as difficult<br />

as it was, we were not deterred by their actions.<br />

Rather than try to explain the details of these events, we felt it would best<br />

serve our Southern members to utilize excerpts from the affidavit of our<br />

<strong>USPTA</strong> legal counsel, Paul Waldman, to paint a clear picture. Paul has served<br />

our association for 36 years and authored our national bylaws back in 1974.<br />


PLEASE VOTE: In July you will receive a ballot. You will have an opportunity<br />

to vote on a slate of officers. The President and First Vice President<br />

cannot be run against according to the by-laws. However, every other<br />

office will have two candidates. This is a turning point in the history of our<br />

STEP 3: YOU…vote for Candidates that Support<br />

REAL CHANGE! (July/August)<br />

STEP 4: Go to www.ServetheFacts.com to learn<br />

more and view legal documents<br />

less of what the board members may think<br />

about the nominating committee’s choice,<br />

the nominating committee was duly elected<br />

by the Executive Committee and under the<br />

bylaws you have to live with their decision.<br />

22. The events of the January 8-9 board<br />

meeting were a concern to me because it<br />

was the first instance in thirty-six years that<br />

a board of directors was circumventing the<br />

bylaws and negating the nominating committee’s<br />

choice for president. Regardless of<br />

individual preference one may have for any<br />

particular candidate, in my view this action<br />

threatened the democratic processes set<br />

out in the bylaws and thus the ability of the<br />

<strong>USPTA</strong> to effectively govern itself. If the board<br />

can use blackmail to cause a nominee to<br />

decline his/trer nomination, then the board<br />

of directors - not the nominating committee<br />

- is effectively choosing the nominees.<br />

This would allow the board of directors in the<br />

future to effectively elect themselves, which<br />

is the opposite of democratic.<br />


32. It was well within the general powers of<br />

the Executive Committee, as set forth in Article<br />

VI, section 1, to reinstate the nominating committee’s<br />

original choice for president.<br />

association. Who will prevail? That is up to you. Ask questions and get<br />

the facts. The entire affidavit of Paul Waldman is something every member<br />

should read and is available on the www.ServetheFacts.com website.<br />

The future is in your hands.<br />

Please know that The Southern Division Board of Directors and these Past Presidents support the actions and motions of the Executive Committee at<br />

the April meeting and will support those candidates that agree…<br />

Past Southern Division Presidents<br />

Bill Phillips, President<br />

Jimbo Hobson, AR President Keith Cecil, KY President Fred Burdick<br />

Randy Stephens<br />

Todd Upchurch, 1st VP Andrew Minelli, GA President Kevin Jackson, MS President Tom Daglis<br />

John Stone<br />

Sophie W. Johnston, 2nd VP Bill Riddle, TN President Kevin Theos, AL President Dave Dvorak<br />

Reedy Toney<br />

Matt Grayson, Sec/Trea. Tedi Doncheva, SC President<br />

Greg Grover<br />

Tommy Wade<br />

Ed Gaskell, LA President Scott Mitchell, NC President<br />

Jeff Hawe<br />

Tom McGraw<br />

Pat Whitworth<br />

www.ServetheFacts.com<br />

Please visit this site for a complete list of information on these events and the importance of this election.

Page 4 Volume 12 Issue 3<br />

Convention Wrap-up<br />

What a great time we had at the<br />

Bocage Racquet Club in Baton<br />

Rouge. The weather was excellent,<br />

the agenda was world class, and the attendees<br />

helped make this an event to remember<br />

by their participation and energy. There was<br />

something for all experience levels with the full<br />

on court tract and full off court tract. Add to<br />

that, where else would we learn to eat crawfish<br />

prepared Cajun style??<br />

Special thanks to Rod Heckelman, Feisal<br />

Hassan, Joe Dinoffer, Ajay Pant, Butch Staples,<br />

John Callen, and Sophie Woorons-Johnston for<br />

their presentation efforts. Scott Mitchell gets<br />

an honorable mention for staying on court for<br />

4 hours as a hitter, and working harder than<br />

he has in years!! Our Pro-Am raised $500 for<br />

Children’s Care. Personal Career Consulting was<br />

a new item this year, and 20 people took advantage<br />

of this opportunity to meet with an expert<br />

in various work related areas. We learned during<br />

Rod Heckelman’s presentation that he indirectly<br />

helped the San Francisco Giants win the<br />

World Series. You will have to hear his reasoning<br />

behind that statement!!<br />

Lastly, a special thanks to convention chair<br />

Todd UpChurch, president Bill Phillips, past president<br />

Pat Whitworth, LTA president Brett Schwartz<br />

for sponsoring the welcome party, and Fred &<br />

Beth Burdick for all their efforts to make every<br />

convention a great memory. This will be their last<br />

since Fred is retiring at the end of this year.

Standard Page 5<br />

Congratulations to all of our<br />

award winners and Hall of Fame<br />

inductees for 2011<br />

Hall of Fame Inductees<br />

Kurk Kamperman Wade Herren<br />

Pride of the South<br />

Jeff Hawes<br />

Tester of the Year<br />

tommy Wade<br />

Male Player of the Year<br />

45’s - Kevin Gillette<br />

Industry Excellence Award<br />

Brett Schwartz<br />

General Manager of<br />

the Year<br />

Joanne Wallen<br />

Director of <strong>Tennis</strong> of the Year<br />

Louis (Boo) Mason<br />

Assistant <strong>Professional</strong><br />

of the Year<br />

Eric Baumgardner<br />

Rookie of the Year<br />

teodora (tedi) Doncheva<br />

Seminar Contest Winner<br />

Marcus Rutsche<br />

Male Player of the Year 55’s<br />

Randy Stephens<br />

Alan Henry Southern<br />

<strong>Professional</strong> of the Year<br />

adam thomson<br />

Ed Gaskell<br />

Bocage Senior Invitational,<br />

Tournament of the Year<br />

Matt Grayson<br />

Country Club of Roswell<br />

Charity Event of the Year<br />

award Winners not pictured<br />

Female Player of the Year 45’s<br />

Diane Fishburne<br />

Male Player of the Year 35’s<br />

Jan Deener<br />

Male Open<br />

Rawleigh Martin<br />

Touring Coach of the Year<br />

Brian De Villiers<br />

High School Coach of the Year<br />

Bernie McGuire

Page 6 Volume 12 Issue 3<br />

State News<br />

Alabama<br />

After tornadoes devastated areas of Alabama on April<br />

27th, it didn’t take long for <strong>USPTA</strong> pros to help families<br />

in need. Tommy Wade immediately volunteered to get food, water and other<br />

essentials to victims. Keith Swindoll saw to it that proceeds totaling $5,000 from<br />

the 24th Annual Keith’s Classic <strong>Tennis</strong> Tournament went to disaster relief. Meanwhile,<br />

Boo Mason donated proceeds from a mixed doubles round robin to tornado<br />

relief and personally helped cleanup in Pratt City. <strong>Tennis</strong> pros do a great deal of<br />

good through charity and examples like these make me proud to be a <strong>USPTA</strong> pro.<br />

On behalf of USTA Alabama, thanks to all those who assisted the Alabama <strong>Tennis</strong><br />

Foundation with getting folks to pre-commit to purchase specialty tennis tags. The<br />

state requirement was 250 by May and the official count is 357!! The state will now<br />

start printing tags. Proceeds will support junior tennis in Alabama.<br />

Please mark your calendar as Hoover Country Club will host the <strong>USPTA</strong> Alabama<br />

Workshop on Saturday, August 20th. We still have speaking slots available and if<br />

there are any particular topics that interest you, please let me know at theos@sta.<br />

usta.com.<br />

The crazy weather has pushed school until the middle<br />

Arkansas of June. Pros are adjusting their schedules after a<br />

winter of snow and a spring of tornados and floods. I guess we should consider<br />

ourselves lucky if we didn’t get hit directly with the tornadoes and our thoughts<br />

go out to those who are struggling to get through these weather catastrophes. We<br />

had a great test in Conway in early May and had seven candidates that did a bang<br />

up job. Special thanks to Harold Henderson who takes the time each year to line<br />

up lessons and furnish the <strong>USPTA</strong> his indoor courts to host the test. The conference<br />

in Baton Rouge was fantastic. I was saddened that I was the only Arkansas pro that<br />

attended a conference that had some of the best speakers I have ever seen at a<br />

southern conference. Bocage was an incredible facility and had some of the best<br />

convention food I have ever had.<br />

We just had a meeting of the Arkansas pros and only had nine pros attend. It<br />

looked like the numbers were up at our Junior Qualifying which is a good sign that<br />

tennis is healthy and growing. I am starting an Arkansas <strong>USPTA</strong> facebook page that<br />

should help us communicate better. Please contact me if you can’t get on the site<br />

or if you have any questions involving our association. Congratulations go out to<br />

Bob Wagstaff and his 3.0 senior men’s team that captured a national championship.<br />

That makes three national champions for the state of Arkansas in adult team tennis.<br />

Is that hot or what??<br />

<strong>USPTA</strong> Georgia had an outstanding time at the Southern<br />

Georgia Convention in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Thank you to<br />

Ed Gaskell and Bocage Racquet Club for hosting an incredible event. Some of us<br />

finally learned how to properly eat a crawfish; however, everyone had the opportunity<br />

to come together and share educational and personal moments with each<br />

other.<br />

What’s more, Georgia certified pros represented the Chapter well at the Southern<br />

Awards Luncheon. Congratulations to following pros who were honored: Marcus<br />

Rutsche – Seminar Speaking Contest; Country Club of Roswell – Charity Event<br />

of the Year; Randy Stephens – Men’s 55’s Player of the Year; Brian de Villiers – Touring<br />

Coach of the Year; Eric Baumgarnder – Assistant <strong>Professional</strong> of the Year.<br />

Make sure, <strong>USPTA</strong> pros, that you “Save the Date” for our first annual Summer<br />

Workshop hosted by Reynolds Plantation, August 13th and 14th. National caliber<br />

speakers such as Rod Heckleman, Jorge Capestany, Tim Wilkinson, Kevin Jackson<br />

and Mike Imbornone will be on hand to share their expertise on and off the court.<br />

Don’t miss out on a chance to get away for a weekend and enhance your career<br />

with top notch seminars, relax with a round of golf, and hang with your colleagues<br />

by the pool. We look forward to seeing you this summer.<br />

Hope everyone is off to a great summer! We jump<br />

Kentucky started the summer with a trip down to Baton Rouge<br />

for the <strong>USPTA</strong> Southern Convention. It was a long trip, but there were several great<br />

presentations, tennis professionals, and, of course, good food! Kentucky was well<br />

represented at the awards lunch with Jan Deener receiving the Female 35’s Player<br />

of the Year, Dennis Emery named College Coach of the Year, and Joanne Moore Wallen<br />

honored as General Manager of the Year.<br />

If you weren’t able to make the trip down to Baton Rouge, the <strong>USPTA</strong> Kentucky<br />

workshop will be October 21-22 in Lexington. This is going to be a fantastic<br />

workshop, with some great presentations, giveaways, awards, good food, and a<br />

Keeneland trip squeezed in as well! We’ll be getting more details out soon, but<br />

keep those dates open for <strong>USPTA</strong> in your calendar!<br />

I hope everyone received our first <strong>USPTA</strong>-KY digital newsletter. If you didn’t get<br />

a copy, email kcecil@transy.edu and we’ll email it to you. Visit our facebook page<br />

“<strong>USPTA</strong> Kentucky Chapter” that is open to everyone to share ideas/stories/pictures/<br />

news and stay connected with <strong>USPTA</strong> Kentucky.<br />

Louisiana<br />

Contact info for all officers at www.usptasouthern.com/contact.php<br />

Louisiana is warming up and league play is in full<br />

swing! Players are hitting the lesson courts getting<br />

ready for league matches and tournament play. Juniors are taking to the new<br />

QuickStart format and having a blast! Did anyone see the QuickStart lines on the<br />

court during the Sampras/Agassi and McEnroe/Lendl exhibition at Madison Square<br />

Garden in New York? We are showcasing the 36 foot courts and equipment at our<br />

USTA National Level II $15,000 Bocage Senior Invitational Tournament April 13-17 in<br />

a fun event on Friday night during the tournament with prizes! Click the link to the<br />

tournament to see the event: http://tennislink.usta.com/Tournaments/TournamentHome/Tournament.aspx?T=96099<br />

This is a great way to get the kids and parents, parents and pros together with<br />

some hands on fun with the Quickstart format. Try doing this with a mixer or other<br />

fun event at your club!<br />

Louisiana was proud to host the <strong>USPTA</strong> Southern Convention at the Bocage<br />

Racquet Club in Baton Rouge May 12 – 15. There were great seminars with nationally<br />

renowned speakers, a great Pro-Am Friday night that raised $500 for St. Jude’s<br />

Children Hospital and 500lbs of boiled crawfish! Many of the attendees I spoke<br />

with enjoyed the venue and the educational opportunities. Personally I had a<br />

blast participating on the winning team of “knockout” played with the orange 10<br />

& under balls. Two of my own staff took the certification test and even thought<br />

they could not take as many of the seminars as they would have liked to, they felt<br />

reenergized from the ones they did take as did my other pros! I would encourage<br />

everyone to attend state or division conventions and workshops as much as your<br />

time allows as the camaraderie and education that are available at these events are<br />

beneficial in so many ways to your professional career and positive outlook to the<br />

industry!<br />

Mississippi<br />

I would like to thank the <strong>USPTA</strong> Southern board<br />

for all their hard work with the 2011 Southern<br />

Convention. In all my years of being a part of the <strong>USPTA</strong>, this was the strongest and<br />

most rewarding convention I have ever attended. The dual track of both on court<br />

and off court presenters was perfect. Having served on so many boards the past<br />

10 years, I get to see all the hard work put into these types of events. A thank you<br />

goes out to Ed Gaskell and Bocage Racquet Club for hosting this year’s convention.<br />

I would also like to thank the Mississippi professionals that attended. It is these<br />

types of educational events that will help take your career to the next level. We all<br />

need to do our part and encourage as many of our fellow professionals to make<br />

attending educational opportunities a necessity. Mississippi is working on partnering<br />

with Alabama for a joint dual state convention in August. We want to offer more<br />

chances for our professionals to continue their education. Our state workshop will<br />

be in conjunction with USTA Mississippi’s annual meeting which is in January 2012.<br />

Knowing that we would move our workshop to January of next year, the Alabama/<br />

Mississippi workshop will be a great way to have 2 workshops for our state in less<br />

than 6 months! Last but not least, I would like to give big congratulations to Kevin<br />

Gillette in winning Southern 35’s Player of the year.<br />

N. Carolina<br />

What a great <strong>USPTA</strong> Southern Convention in<br />

Baton Rouge in May. Bocage Racquet Club<br />

provided a great facility for one of the best conventions <strong>USPTA</strong> Southern has put<br />

together in recent memory. The food was amazing, the speaker presentations were<br />

top notch and you combine that with great weather and it was just a great experience<br />

for all that attended.<br />

We want to invite all <strong>USPTA</strong> southern professionals to our summer workshop<br />

August 21-22 in Winston-Salem, NC in conjunction with the new ATP Winston-<br />

Salem Open. We will be spending some time at the beautiful Forsyth Country Club<br />

as well as the brand new Winston-Salem <strong>Tennis</strong> Center. We have put together some<br />

great presentations and will be hosting a kids day on Monday morning for all the<br />

pros to attend. We have worked out a discount package for those <strong>USPTA</strong> pros that<br />

buy one of the tournament packages. Bring your players along to enjoy the great<br />

tournament as you get to see and hear some of our industry’s best, share their<br />

secrets with you.<br />

S. Carolina<br />

South Carolina <strong>USPTA</strong> is excited to present Tedi Doncheva<br />

as Southern Rookie of the Year! Also, South<br />

Carolina’s Sophie Woorons-Johnston is our State Liaison on the Southern Board as she<br />

is 2nd Vice-President for <strong>USPTA</strong> Southern so don’t hesitate to contact her at Sophie@<br />

brookstonemeadows.com. The Southern Convention in Baton Rouge Louisiana was<br />

terrific! Our SC workshop will be help on August 22nd at the Spartanburg Westside<br />

Club. Applications for the convention will be sent by email, email tedi at teodoradoncheva@yahoo.com<br />

for more information. We will discuss new ways to implement<br />

Quick Start at your Club. The 1 day tournament is a new format for Sanctioned tournaments<br />

in South Carolina. Fitness for your game. Mental training for your members. I<br />

look forward to seeing you all at our SC workshop.<br />

Tennessee No report submitted

Standard Page 7<br />


type: Singles<br />

time & Players: 15 min. [1, 4]<br />

Prepared by: Kevin Jackson<br />


type: Singles<br />

time & Players: 15 min. [1, 4]<br />

Prepared by: Kevin Jackson<br />


Games Galore<br />

Category: Other<br />

Level: Intermediate<br />

tennis organization: <strong>USPTA</strong> Southern<br />


• Players play singles points out on half of the court.<br />

• Players start the point by feeding down the line to their opponent.<br />

• Both Player 1 and Player 2 must feed the ball at the same time.<br />

• Once one team finishes playing the point the other team can then finish their point<br />

anywhere in the court.<br />

• The 1st point won is worth 1 point. The “Dingles” point is worth 2 points<br />


When one team finished the half court point they yell “Dingles” to alert the other 2 players<br />

that they can use the entire court to play. For large groups playing on 3-4 courts. Let each<br />

court play to 21 and winning team moves up a court and losing team moves down a court<br />


Category: Other<br />

Level: Advanced, Competitive, Intermediate<br />

tennis organization: Inter<strong>Tennis</strong><br />

• This drill is a fun way to get your junior players to exercise while in clinic.<br />

• This is a competitive drill for intermediate to advance players.<br />

• 4 players start playing a doubles point.<br />

• When a point is lost, the player that lost the point drops out and begins to jog around<br />

the outside of the court.<br />

• Players that are jogging around the court race to any open spots to play.<br />

• First player that wins 20 points wins the drill!<br />


There are lots of fun variations to throw into this type of drill.<br />

Variations:<br />

1. If you hit a ball into the net at anytime you lose all your points<br />

2. If you hit a volley or overhead winner you win 5 points<br />

3. All 4 players must use slice while playing the point<br />


Consistency, Cardio and fun.<br />

Created using the i<strong>Tennis</strong>System - www.inter<strong>Tennis</strong>.com<br />

Dingles<br />

Musical Chairs

Page 8 Volume 12 Issue 3<br />

Southern<br />

Spotlight<br />

Francis ali - Sun City Peachtree, Griffin, Ga<br />

Brief description of your tennis career: Started playing at 14 in Fiji. There<br />

was an opportunity to come to Atlanta to play college tennis when I was<br />

19. About 2yrs later returned to Fiji to play for Fiji in Davis Cup competition.<br />

Teaching career started with a stint working as a National Coach<br />

for another Pacific island country- Tonga. My teaching career included<br />

working for two 5 star resorts in Fiji as a <strong>Tennis</strong> Director, working for the<br />

International <strong>Tennis</strong> Federation as a Pacific Development Officer and then<br />

finally returning to the <strong>United</strong> <strong>States</strong> where I have worked at various clubs.<br />

I have been teaching for 19 yrs now!<br />

What other sports did you play? Soccer, rugby, track sprint<br />

Who were mentors that helped you develop as a professional? Dan<br />

O’Connell (ITF Development Officer in the Pacific) Paul Albares (PBI pro)<br />

What is your favorite shot to teach? Drop shot<br />

What are you teaching right now? Strokes & strategies!<br />

What advice do you have for someone starting in the tennis profession?<br />

You have to love this game to enjoy doing this!<br />

Which personality traits are most important for tennis professionals to<br />

master? -Friendly, patient, outgoing, some humor and FUN!<br />

What are your hobbies? Love meeting new people, music, travelling<br />

What is your favorite movie? I have quite<br />

a few of them…all action movies like<br />

“The Expendables”.<br />

Are you reading anything right now?<br />

“The 21 Indispensable qualities of a<br />

leader” by John C Maxwell.<br />

What is your favorite sports team? Manchester<br />

<strong>United</strong> (English Premier League<br />

soccer)<br />

Favorite player of all time? Pete Sampras<br />

Person you would most like to have lunch<br />

with: My wife!<br />

<strong>Tennis</strong> player you would like to play a set<br />

with: Nadal!<br />

First thing you would purchase if you won<br />

the lottery: My own tennis club!!<br />

Do you have other ambitions in your<br />

career? To help develop tennis in my<br />

Francis Ali<br />

home island of fiji!<br />

What would you be doing if you were not in tennis? Be an attorney<br />

What was your most inspirational moment? Meeting a tennis legend in<br />

Fiji…Evonne Cawley Goolagong!<br />

tom McGraw - Louisville Country Club, KY<br />

Brief description of your tennis<br />

career: I played high school<br />

tennis my sophomore through<br />

senior years and continued<br />

to play tournaments while<br />

teaching part time shortly after<br />

graduation. I accepted a full time<br />

position at Louisville <strong>Tennis</strong> Club<br />

in 1979 and became a <strong>USPTA</strong><br />

certified professional in 1980. I<br />

was the Director at Big Spring CC<br />

in the summers of 1983-87 while<br />

continuing at LTC during the<br />

winters. I will celebrate my 32nd<br />

year at Louisville <strong>Tennis</strong> Club this<br />

year and my 16th year as <strong>Tennis</strong><br />

Director at the Louisville Country<br />

Club.<br />

What other sports did you play?<br />

Basketball, track, cross country<br />

and tournament softball in the<br />

Tom McGraw<br />

summer.<br />

What moved you to teach tennis? I loved being around people, teaching<br />

outside and it was exciting to help my students improve their tennis<br />

game.<br />

Who were mentors that helped you develop as a professional? Chuck<br />

Cooper and Chuck Saacke<br />

What are you teaching right now? Beginners to tournament juniors and<br />

all ages. I recently taught two brothers, who are 7 & 8 yrs. old and then<br />

taught their 84 year old aunt.<br />

What advice do you have for someone starting in the tennis profession?<br />

Search for a quality director that will serve as your mentor. Place as much<br />

emphasis on learning the off court aspects of our job<br />

as the on court. Place a priority on attending education<br />

opportunities and getting involved in the <strong>USPTA</strong>.<br />

What are your hobbies? Cooking, golf and biking.<br />

What is your favorite movie? The Grinch that Stole<br />

Christmas with my children and grandchildren during<br />

the holidays<br />

What is your favorite book? All the David Baldacci books<br />

What is your favorite sports team? University of Louisville<br />

Basketball<br />

Favorite magazine? Food and Wine<br />

Favorite player of all time? Roger Federer<br />

Person you would most like to have lunch with: Any<br />

President of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>States</strong><br />

<strong>Tennis</strong> player you would like to play a set with: Agassi<br />

Do you have other ambitions in your career? Serve on<br />

the <strong>USPTA</strong> National Board and help move the association<br />

on a positive path for the future<br />

What was your most inspirational moment? Very early in my career I<br />

taught a young girl that was physically handicapped and it opened my<br />

eyes to being creative in how I taught and what a person can achieve with<br />

desire and determination.

Standard Page 9<br />

“Success Secrets”<br />

The Keys to Building a Successful 10 and<br />

Under Program<br />

By Butch Staples, Head <strong>Tennis</strong> <strong>Professional</strong> – Midtown <strong>Tennis</strong> Club<br />

Five years ago when we set sail on the journey known as our<br />

“Junior Development Pathway”, it was impossible to have created<br />

an image of our current success. Midtown <strong>Tennis</strong> Club in Chicago<br />

is proud of the 581 participants a week who are involved in the<br />

10 and Under Program using appropriate courts, balls and racquets. To<br />

embellish this statistic, this past Saturday evening we had 141 juniors<br />

competing in a play night at the club. To give a relative sense to the<br />

growth of our program, note that in 2006 we had 391 participants in the<br />

program and we averaged 28 kids playing in our monthly Saturday Rallyball<br />

evenings. What caused this incredible growth? To put it simply; we<br />

have stayed focused, consistent, and we recruited and trained the right<br />

people. At the heart of everything is a vision that includes a long-term<br />

development belief.<br />

10 keys to our success!<br />

1. Commitment from the top! – We are fortunate to have our company<br />

(TCA) and the club General Manager as passionate supporters of the<br />

Junior Development Pathway.<br />

2. Relentless leadership – The individual(s) driving the program have<br />

been courageous and resilient (thick skinned).<br />

3. Recruit apostles – you cannot do it alone! Don’t forget to include<br />

some parents in this group.<br />

4. Pros must support the program through their privates – consistent<br />

courts, balls and racquets.<br />

5. Parental support – This is a process and requires a lot of educating<br />

and nurturing.<br />

6. Use a planned, well thought out curriculum that is growth and<br />

development based – We hired a consultant Mike Barrell (Evolve 9) to<br />

design our Junior Development Pathway curriculum.<br />

7. Provide competitive opportunities and make competition a part<br />

of the pathway – Practicing without a competitive structure is practicing<br />

without a purpose!<br />

8. Patience – The learning occurs over time through a process we call<br />

shaping. Allow the kids to learn. It is a progressive journey!<br />

9. Simple set-up! Formal courts are only necessary for competition.<br />

Defining spaces is all that is necessary for the program (practices). We are<br />

able to set-up and take-down very quickly!<br />

10. Many of our coaches have more fun than the kids! Make it contagious!<br />

Here’s how it works:<br />

I want to make $25 I want my players to sign up online Player Registration<br />

$25 + $3 = $28<br />

Cost out of your pocket - $0<br />

Revenue for you - $25/per player<br />

Why pay a monthly fee for your tennis programs?<br />

In fact, why pay anything at all?<br />

To find out more today visit www.courtsideusa.com<br />

E-mail nancybiggs@tenniscores.com or call 704-806-8116

Page 10 Volume 12 Issue 3<br />

<strong>USPTA</strong> Invited Guest<br />

Ten and Under <strong>Tennis</strong><br />

The Proof is in the Specs! By Jason Miller, Ph.D.<br />

a Quality Start<br />

It is hard to argue with the level of positive<br />

energy being generated by 10 and Under <strong>Tennis</strong><br />

featuring the QuickStart <strong>Tennis</strong> Play Format. The<br />

logic of meshing age appropriate equipment<br />

and competition models is sound. Throw in science<br />

driven, play based, coaching methods and<br />

a winning combination is in place. The goals of<br />

building a larger base of tennis players while<br />

developing the next wave of American champions<br />

begin to come into focus. As expected, the<br />

<strong>USPTA</strong> Southern Division and the USTA Southern<br />

Section are at the forefront of this trailblazing<br />

initiative. Proven leadership is tough to beat<br />

and quality partnerships enable success.<br />

one Challenging Scenario<br />

Despite the positive energy, there is still work<br />

to be done. Coaches and administrators across<br />

the South have undoubtedly observed one con-<br />

cerning trend. At issue are facilities and coaches<br />

claiming to support and use the QuickStart<br />

<strong>Tennis</strong> Play Format while not embracing or correctly<br />

implementing all six specifications: age,<br />

ball, racquet length, court size, net height, and<br />

scoring format. In most instances it is nothing<br />

more than an easily remedied matter of education.<br />

In other cases it is a matter of personal<br />

preference or convenience. Regardless of the<br />

situation, the overall success of the 10 and<br />

under growth initiative is greatly enhanced by<br />

appropriate use of all six specs. Uniformity is a<br />

cornerstone of successful youth sport organizations<br />

in soccer, baseball, and basketball. <strong>Tennis</strong><br />

now has the ability to benefit from the strength<br />

of such uniformity.<br />

Moving the Ball Forward<br />

Whether you are an old school Project 36/60<br />

veteran, a QuickStart <strong>Tennis</strong> convert, or new to<br />

the 10 and Under <strong>Tennis</strong> bandwagon, compliance<br />

with the six specifications gives coaches,<br />

administrators, manufacturers, officials, and most<br />

importantly players the best chance is attaining<br />

the lofty goals set forth by the growth initiative.<br />

In short, competing with other youth sports for<br />

players and talent becomes less daunting, while<br />

winning championships on the international<br />

stage becomes the norm. The bottom line: the six<br />

specifications are a winning combination.<br />

For more information on the six specifications<br />

please see the chart below and visit www.southern.usta.com<br />

and www.10andundertennis.com.<br />

Jason Miller is the USTA Southern Section<br />

<strong>Tennis</strong> Service Representative in Kentucky. He is<br />

also a <strong>USPTA</strong> P1 <strong>Professional</strong>, PTR <strong>Professional</strong>,<br />

and member of the USTA Recreational Coach and<br />

QuickStart <strong>Tennis</strong> training faculties.

Standard Page 11<br />

Many tennis shops have been using “Buying Clubs” to help maintain a<br />

loyal customer base and avoid price wars with other local retailers. Here<br />

are some pros and cons to think about as you try and determine if this<br />

will work for you.<br />

This type of program will help keep a set customer base. You have<br />

“members” join by paying a set fee for the year and they receive a set discount<br />

on merchandise from your shop. You can have different discount<br />

amounts for different type products in your shop (racquets, apparel,<br />

stringing, etc.) This program will allow you to generate a set amount of<br />

income with the annual membership dues, but your revenue from sales<br />

will be exceptionally low due to all of the deep discounts from the program.<br />

The deeper the discounts for the year, the higher the dues should<br />

be on the front end. This is a price analysis you will have to run to see if<br />

this type of program is needed or beneficial to your situation.<br />

Some of your vendors do have strict policies preventing their products<br />

from being included in these type “clubs”. Make sure that you check with<br />

all your accounts before you include all of your merchandise in the program.<br />

You would not want to lose a vendor over a breech in policy.<br />

Some tennis shops have even paired with the golf shops at their facilities<br />

to give the members of the buying club a wider range of products to<br />

choose from, increasing the number of members who would be willing<br />

to buy into the program. The division of funds between the two shops<br />

will have to be negotiated very clearly to prevent an accounting nightmare,<br />

but with some open communication this should be possible.<br />

This type of strategy needs to be looked into very carefully before it is<br />

* Penn internal core softening data and abrasion box testing – new Pro Penn vs. original Pro Penn<br />

Vectorscope digital test data 2/01<br />

I<br />

AM<br />

ANDY<br />

MURRAY<br />

AND TO ME,<br />

THE<br />

BALL<br />

MATTERS <br />

by Matt Grayson<br />

begun because it must be a long term strategy. Once someone pays into<br />

the program, the program needs to be offered long enough for them<br />

to see the perceived value of being in the buying club. At the absolute<br />

least, it would need to be offered for one calendar year. If you are going<br />

to run it as a test for a year, I would make that clear up front with everyone<br />

who joins the program. You want to encourage loyalty, not drive them<br />

away with a program in which they feel like they were not being dealt<br />

with honestly.<br />

If you are hesitant in starting a program like this you may want to look<br />

into a program that is based off participation (string club where a family<br />

receives a set discount after a set number of stringing a year) or activity<br />

(top ten most active players at the club get a set discount in the shop).<br />

The activity level can be measured by assigning points to every activity<br />

or volunteer position someone takes at the club. The winners from 2011<br />

would get the discount program in 2012. These type program lets members<br />

earn their way in, while the other programs are bought into.<br />

Both of these type discount programs can be very effective in driving<br />

business into your shop if you are having customer loyalty issues strictly<br />

motivated by price from competitors. If your customers are looking<br />

elsewhere due to limited selection or lack of customer service, these programs<br />

will not address those issues. Make sure that you understand what<br />

the program you design is addressing and make sure that it matches up<br />

with your problems.<br />

Good luck and make sure to do your research and cost analysis of your<br />

shop before you jump into any program.<br />

#1 Choice of <strong>USPTA</strong><br />

Teaching Pros<br />

+<br />

Pro Penn+ is Penn’s longest lasting tennis<br />

ball featuring exclusive Encore Technology,<br />

for a more durable core, and LongPlay Felt,<br />

allowing the felt to stay brighter longer.<br />

As the #1 choice of <strong>USPTA</strong> Teaching Pros,<br />

Pro Penn+ is guaranteed to spend more<br />

time in play – and in your basket. Play<br />

Pro Penn+, and see why The Ball Matters.<br />

Find out more at pennracquet.com<br />

Pro Penn is<br />

the Official Ball<br />

of the <strong>USPTA</strong><br />

The Ball Matters <br />

10206-A.Pro_Penn_Murray_<strong>USPTA</strong>_1_1 1 12/14/10 2:14:37 PM

Page 12 Volume 12 Issue 3<br />

Tech Corner<br />

Make Your Facility Secure<br />

<strong>Tennis</strong> professionals wear lots of hats in our industry.<br />

Over the past few years I have tried to find ways<br />

to save time, increase revenue, and look<br />

more professional. Technology can<br />

be intimidating but once embraced, it<br />

will prove very valuable. In this issue of<br />

Tech Corner, we will be addressing video<br />

surveillance. Most tennis professionals never<br />

utter the words video surveillance until something<br />

bad has happened. Either your tennis shop was<br />

broken into, or someone was injured on the<br />

courts after hours. In an effort to be pro-active,<br />

you should start to look at how it can actually<br />

make your work easier. Let’s first discuss the types<br />

of surveillance that are on the market and which ones are<br />

more important for your business. First you have to decide if you<br />

need it to view the activity on your courts or record activity while<br />

you are closed. If you have a large pro-shop and lots of inventory<br />

you may want to have a video recording of the shop overnight.<br />

Everyone hopes that they are never robbed, but the chance does<br />

exist. Having a video recording of the robbery occurring can help<br />

identify the robber which can lead to an arrest. It might not sound<br />

like that big of a deal, but getting an arrest could lead to getting<br />

your property returned. Having a video system can also lower your<br />

shop insurance. Most insurance companies lower your price for an<br />

alarm and/or surveillance system.<br />

The second way tennis professionals can benefit from a surveillance<br />

system is with live monitoring. Some tennis facilities that<br />

have lots of courts or courts that are not easily seen from one<br />

Ladies Vantage by<br />

During the <strong>USPTA</strong> Southern Conference<br />

at Bocage Racquet Club in Baton Rouge La,<br />

the women’s committee had a chance to<br />

meet all the ladies that attended the conference.<br />

The ladies were very well represented.<br />

Over lunch, we got to know each other and<br />

shared stories of how we each got started in<br />

this wonderful sport.<br />

After lunch, we had a<br />

round table discussion about<br />

various issues. One issue in<br />

particular dealt with a promotion<br />

to a head pro position<br />

(go girl!). She was dealing with<br />

people who thought she may not have<br />

enough experience<br />

Others discussions were about dealing<br />

with general managers who don’t know<br />

anything about tennis and do not want to<br />

give the pro any authority.<br />

I believe these are not only women pro<br />

By Kevin Jackson<br />

vantage point use live video. Video can also<br />

allow you to check court conditions<br />

during inclement weather as well as<br />

determine if players are still playing on<br />

certain courts. During tournaments you<br />

could send players to the courts sooner rather<br />

than waiting for the players to return to the<br />

desk. Another benefit is the ability to be in<br />

2 places instead of one! When you can look<br />

over your entire facility from one place and<br />

view all the court activity, you can save time and<br />

deliver better service to your membership. Most security<br />

surveillance systems now come with a hard drive, cameras,<br />

and internet connectivity. Having a system with the ability to stream<br />

direct to the internet can be a huge asset. Most systems give you<br />

the flexibility to stream video of your courts or facility to your staff<br />

or even your membership. With today’s technology, video streaming<br />

can be viewed on your smart phone.<br />

In most of my technology articles I do recommend a few products<br />

that I have firsthand experience. Currently Sam’s Club online store<br />

has a very nice 8 camera video surveillance system. It comes with 8<br />

indoor/outdoor night vision cameras, 500 gigabyte hard drive (which<br />

can store over 1 year of video), and a DVR box that connects directly<br />

to your television or computer monitor. For those that are a little savvy<br />

with technology, the system can be installed without the need of a<br />

professional installer. The best thing about this particular system is the<br />

price. The entire system is less than $500 bucks! You may have never<br />

seen the need for a video system, but now is the time to protect your<br />

shop and your members.<br />

Joanne Wallen<br />

issues but issues that all pros<br />

endure from time to time.<br />

Our advice was to stay strong<br />

and show the managers how you can<br />

make their job easier and make them<br />

look good. Always try to put a positive<br />

spin on everything you do.<br />

In our next issue, I would love to hear<br />

from women pros with success stories.<br />

Send in your feedback from people<br />

you are working with, and ideas you have<br />

implemented that are successful. Please<br />

email them to: Joanne@ltctennis.com.

Standard Page 13<br />

One Good Idea!<br />

Doubles Coaching tips Scott Mitchell<br />

When coaching your club doubles teams make sure your players<br />

understand how important communication, positioning, patterns of<br />

play and placement of their shots are and you’ll see their level of awareness<br />

and actual play increase dramatically.<br />

the Value of a tennis Pro Rod Heckelman<br />

What is the value of what you do? What makes you different that the<br />

other pros in your area? What do you do really well? Many pros do not<br />

lock in to a specialized area. We are in an age of specialization. If another<br />

pro in the area is the known expert on movement, then send your<br />

students to that person for their movement work, and you can continue<br />

to work in your best areas. Create a market and get known for your<br />

specialty. This gives you an edge in your marketing.<br />

Stay in Front of Your Leaders Matt Grayson<br />

Stop your club from finding ways to grab portions of your income by<br />

staying in the drivers seat and creating income first. Matt continues to<br />

create income areas for the club that will not impact their tennis lesson<br />

income. By being responsible for multiple departments, he has been able<br />

to make $10,000 and up for the club each year. Not only is this helpful for<br />

All ideas from the 2011 Southern Convention<br />

the club, but it keeps the financial department happy and eliminates the<br />

constant fight to take a percentage of the tennis income. Being proactive<br />

in finding income sources is the key to protecting your income.<br />

Your Club Should Pay Lee Stall<br />

Everyone should have their professional dues and education<br />

expenses paid by your club. HOWEVER: it will take some work on your<br />

part also. You must show your club the value of the conventions and<br />

events you attend. Bring ideas back to your club that either save money,<br />

make money, or produce a big enough hit at your club and create<br />

attention in the area. Lee paid his own dues and education expenses<br />

his first year as a GM. Upon returning from the first CMAA meeting, he<br />

saved the club 10 times the cost of the price of membership. From then<br />

on, the club paid all his dues and education expenses, and Lee continue<br />

to show value to the club each year.<br />

the #1 Complaint about tennis Pros CMaa national Meeting<br />

The #1 complaint about tennis pros is that they are self serving. Pros<br />

do a great job going the extra mile in creating income for themselves,<br />

but they don’t show this same perseverance in creating income and<br />

positive growth for the club.

Page 14 Volume 12 Issue 3<br />

Fit to Hit<br />

Core Training<br />

by Keith Cecil, MS, CSCS<br />

Stability, energy, and balance are some of<br />

the most important aspects of a great tennis<br />

game. One way to help improve these three<br />

key pillars is to increase core strength. When<br />

strengthening the core muscles, (namely in the<br />

abs, back, hips, and pelvis) it helps to remember<br />

a few key things when performing virtually any<br />

exercise: keep your shoulders back, head high<br />

and straight, and squeeze your abs. If you focus<br />

on balance and stability during your workouts,<br />

it will translate to the tennis court, and even<br />

your day-to-day activities. Here are some of the<br />

exercises we do with our athletes to improve<br />

core strength:<br />

• Side Bridges (forearm and side of foot, try<br />

to keep head and body as straight as possible).<br />

• Reverse crunches (lie on a stability ball<br />

with feet spread on ground and heels against a<br />

wall for balance and arms crossed, extend body<br />

until you are just past parallel to the ground and<br />

lower. For a tennis “twist”, rotate to each side<br />

during repetitions!).<br />

• Push Ups!<br />

• Squats (Technique is very important when<br />

performing this exercise, so be sure to be balanced<br />

when doing squats and keep your feet<br />

flat on the ground with knees over the toes and<br />

maintain fantastic posture!).<br />

• Rotating lunges (hold arms out in front,<br />

use medball for additional resistance, step out<br />

into a lunge keeping knees over toes but not in<br />

front of toes, and rotate at the torso. Perform in<br />

each direction and maintain great balance).<br />

• Rotating stability ball crunches (lie on<br />

stability ball with feet flat on ground. Crunch up<br />

and rotate and touch the outside of the opposite<br />

knee, and repeat to other knee).<br />

• If you only find time to incorporate one exer-<br />

I<br />

AM<br />

IVAN<br />


AND<br />

MY<br />

GAME IS<br />

EXTREME.<br />


HEAD’s YouTek concept aims to provide you with the perfect<br />

racquets for your individual game. The new YouTek IG Extreme is<br />

specially designed for the needs of the modern tennis player like<br />

Ivan Ljubicic. It offers increased power and spin for players with<br />

an aggressive long swing style. The Extreme Series incorporates<br />

Innegra, which reduces vibration on ball impact by up to 17%, giving<br />

you unmatched control and precision on every shot you take.<br />

What’s your game? FIND out at heaD.com/teNNIs<br />

cise into your day or week, Hip Bridges/Plank<br />

(forearms and toes touch the ground, make sure<br />

hips don’t sink or raise) provide a lot of ‘bang<br />

for your buck’ in terms of time to complete and<br />

benefit to your core muscular strength.<br />

These exercises should be done 3-5 days/<br />

week for 5-10 minutes to help improve core<br />

strength. However, you can increase core<br />

strength by maintaining good posture when<br />

generally exercising and maintaining your balance.<br />

There’s nothing worse than seeing people<br />

in the gym doing biceps curls arching their<br />

backs as far as possible to lift that extra weight.<br />

If these exercises aren’t your favorites, Yoga<br />

and Pilates are also great ways to increase core<br />

strength. Be sure to keep it fresh and challenging<br />

for your muscles by mixing-up your exercise<br />

routine and trying new things. It really helps<br />

strengthen the core and improves your game!<br />

Scan with your<br />

mobile phone<br />

to find out!<br />

HEAD is the<br />

Official Racquet<br />

of the <strong>USPTA</strong><br />

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Standard Page 15<br />

<strong>USPTA</strong> Certification Tests & Upgrades<br />

JUNE<br />

6/11/11 - Atlanta, GA<br />

Dunwoody Country Club<br />

6/26/11 - Birmingham, AL<br />

Highland Park Racquet Club<br />

JULY<br />

7/10/11 - Myrtle Beach, SC<br />

The Dunes Golf &<br />

Beach Club<br />

7/17/11 - Memphis, TN<br />

Racquet Club of Memphis<br />

7/23/11- Metairie, LA<br />

Metairie Country Club<br />

7/24/11 - Jackson, MS.<br />

Courthouse Health & Fitness<br />

AUGUST<br />

8/13/11-Atlanta, GA<br />

Dunwoody Country Club<br />

8/20/11 – Lafayette, LA<br />

the City Club<br />

C<br />

8/20/11 - Gastonia, NC<br />

Country Club of<br />

the Carolinas<br />

8/28/11 - Nashville, TN<br />

Williamson County <strong>Tennis</strong><br />

Complex<br />


9/11/11 – Rome GA<br />

Coosa Country Club<br />

9/11/11 - Lexington, KY<br />

Lexington <strong>Tennis</strong> Club<br />

9/11/11 - Hilton Head, SC<br />

Haig Point Club<br />


10/8/11 – Atlanta, GA<br />

Dunwoody Country Club<br />

10/22/11 - Fayetteville, NC<br />

Methodist University<br />

“In the business world, the rearview mirror is<br />

always clearer than the windshield.”<br />

-Warren Buffett<br />

“The quality, not the longevity, of one’s life is what<br />

is important.”<br />

-Martin Luther King Jr.<br />

“You can’t do today’s lesson with yesterday methods<br />

and be in business tomorrow.”<br />

-Todd Upchurch<br />

“The ideal attitude is to be physically loose and<br />

mentally tight.”<br />

-Arthur Ashe<br />

“I fear no one, but respect everyone.”<br />

-Roger Federer<br />

“Nobody beats Vitas Gerulaitis 17 times in a row.”<br />

- Vitas Gerulaitis, on finally beating<br />

Jimmy Connors<br />

<strong>USPTA</strong> Welcomes Our New Members<br />

Aybar, Richard Fayetteville, NC<br />

Baldwin, Jessica Birmingham, AL<br />

Berumen, Jeff Canton, GA<br />

Conradi, Janusz Lafayette, LA<br />

Darbar, Kethan Adamsville, TN<br />

El-Kheddiwi, Mehdi Murrelle Inlet, SC<br />

Flowers, Stanfill Charleston, SC<br />

Fly, Robert Memphis, TN<br />

France, Lee Greenville, MS<br />

Harmon, Mitchel Lake Charles, LA<br />

Hutchinson, Cari Matthews, NC<br />

Irvin, David Baton Rouge, LA<br />

Isaccs, Don Prospect, KY<br />

Kahle, Gerald Baton Rouge, LA<br />

Kee, Stephen Madison, AL<br />

Klyuyenko, Oleksandr Adamsville, SC<br />

Lindsay, Clifford Charlotte, NC<br />

McNulty, Lane New Orleans, LA<br />

Moultrie, Julie Arlington, TN<br />

Noblitt, William Raleigh, NC<br />

Osterhold, Bill Alpharetta, GA<br />

Pastorek, Jon New Orleans, LA<br />

Reeves, Samatha Clemmons, NC<br />

Shoptaugh, Matthew Baton Rouge, LA<br />

Simonetti, Alex Charlotte, NC<br />

Stapp, Ben Memphis, TN<br />

White, Michael Charlotte, NC<br />

‘90 percent of kids would rather play on a losing team than sit on<br />

the bench of a winning team.’<br />

‘The more they enjoy it, the more they will do it. The more they do<br />

it, the more they will learn. The more they learn, the better they will<br />

perform.’ Gary Avischious (Youth Sports Advocate and Founder of<br />

www.coachingschool.org)<br />

The QuickStart <strong>Tennis</strong> play format addresses considerations that<br />

affect young children’s ability to learn and enjoy tennis. These considerations<br />

include, age, court size, ball weight and bounce, racquet<br />

length, net height, and scoring system. There is, however, one more<br />

component to keep in mind, and that is team play. Lessons help kids<br />

improve their skills, but kids enjoy being part of a team. By placing<br />

kids on teams and using a cumulative scoring format, we can make<br />

competition meaningful even for weaker players while providing<br />

them the opportunity to enjoy being part of a team. Through combining<br />

the QuickStart play format with team play, we give ourselves<br />

a greater chance of keeping players in tennis than by emphasizing<br />

lessons alone.

<strong>USPTA</strong> SOUTHERN DIVISION<br />

N E W S L E T T E R<br />


DALTON, GA 30721<br />

The Standard is published every 60 days by the<br />

Southern Division of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>States</strong> <strong>Professional</strong><br />

<strong>Tennis</strong> Association.<br />

The opinions expressed in The Standard are those of<br />

the authors and not necessarily those of The Standard,<br />

the <strong>USPTA</strong> or Southern Division.<br />

Copyright© The Standard/<strong>United</strong> <strong>States</strong> <strong>Professional</strong><br />

<strong>Tennis</strong> Association, Inc. 2011. All rights reserved.<br />

Reproduction of any portion of the newsletter is not<br />

permitted without the written permission from the<br />

<strong>USPTA</strong> Southern Division.<br />

Advertising information: All ads must be camera<br />

ready and in color, if possible. Prices are per issue.<br />

Full Page ........ $400<br />

Half Page ....... $275<br />

1/4 Page ........ $140

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