Pankin - ICTP

Pankin - ICTP

Pankin - ICTP


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Computer Modeling of<br />

the Accretion Disk Corona<br />

Alexei Y <strong>Pankin</strong><br />

Institute for Nuclear Research, Kyiv, Ukraine<br />

Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA<br />

Z. Mikic, S. Titov<br />

San Diego, CA, USA<br />

J. Goodman, D.A. Uzdensky<br />

Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA<br />

D.D. Schnack<br />

University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA<br />

International Conference on Turbulence Mixing and Beyond<br />

August 17-26, 2007, Trieste, Italy

Outline<br />

Introduction<br />

Model for coronal accretion disk<br />

Initial state, equilibrium, assumptions<br />

Coupling of accretion disk and corona<br />

Simulation results<br />

Summary<br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007

Introduction<br />

Accretion disks are unique phenomena that observed<br />

for very different astrophysical objects such as<br />

Protostars<br />

Galactic X-ray binaries<br />

Active galactic nuclei<br />

The problem of formation and dynamics of accretion<br />

disks is closely related to the problem of jet formation<br />

The accretion of matter should be associated with the<br />

release of energy and angular momentum<br />

Energy losses for most astrophysical objects can be<br />

explained by emission of radiation<br />

Angular momentum losses remain an open problem in<br />

astrophysics<br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007

Models for angular momentum dissipation<br />

There are several models for angular<br />

momentum dissipation in accretion disks:<br />

Dissipation due to viscosity<br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007

Cataclysmic Variable<br />

T accretion =l 2 / v ≈ 108 2 [m 2 ]<br />

10 [m 2 /sec]<br />

Companion star<br />

=10 15 [sec]≈10 9 [years]<br />

Accretion disk<br />

White dwarf

Models for angular momentum dissipation<br />

There are several models for angular<br />

momentum dissipation in accretion disks:<br />

Dissipation due to viscosity<br />

anisotropic viscosity<br />

Dissipation due to magnetized winds (Blandford &<br />

Payne'82):<br />

ejection of matter that spun up to the velocities that are<br />

grater than the escape velocity<br />

occurs when the projection of gravitational force is not<br />

sufficient to balance the centrifugal force.<br />

Dissipation due to magnetic stresses<br />

Balbus-Hawley ('91) instability (following Velikhov'59<br />

derivations)<br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007

Conservation of angular momentum<br />

Angular momentum equation<br />

∂<br />

∂t ∫ V r×v⋅z dV =−∫ ∂ V n⋅⋅r * ⋅z dS−∫ v v ∇×v⋅z dV<br />

Stress tensor: =v⊗v− 1<br />

In cylindrical coordinates (r, φ, z)<br />

(disk rotation is around z-axis)<br />

• the microscopic viscosity is too small to sustain the accretion<br />

• a turbulent viscosity ?<br />

• magnetic field helps to make differential-rotation flows unstable<br />

MRI in the disk<br />

coronal MRI<br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007<br />

4<br />

B⊗B pB2<br />

8 I − ∇ v<br />


Coronal Magneto-Rotational Instability (MRI)<br />

Side view<br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007<br />

Top view<br />

The flux tube stretches <br />

• leading/lower spot loses<br />

to the trailing/upper one,<br />

• the lower spot sinks,<br />

while the upper spot rises;<br />

• the difference in their increases

cont. eq.<br />

induct. eq.<br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007<br />

Disk<br />

In cylindrical coordinates (r, φ, z), integrated over z<br />

Eqs. of motion<br />

input (from corona)<br />

output (for corona)

ρ <br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007<br />

Corona<br />

Resistive MHD eqs.<br />

input (from disk)<br />

∇ ×B= 4π<br />

c<br />

J , ∇ ×E=− 1<br />

c<br />

at z = 0<br />

∂ B<br />

∂t<br />

, 5 <br />

E 1<br />

v×B= η J , 6 <br />

c<br />

∂ ρ<br />

∇⋅ ρv =0, 7 <br />

∂t<br />

∂ p<br />

∇⋅pv =−γ−1 p ∇⋅v , 8 <br />

∂t<br />

v<br />

∂ v<br />

1<br />

v⋅∇ = J×B−∇ pρg∇⋅νρ ∇ v , 9 <br />

∂ t c<br />

output (for disk)

Initial Equilibrium State<br />

Axisymmetric disk and corona<br />

Kepler differential flow profile: Ω=Ω 0 (r/r 0 ) –3/2<br />

Self-consistent equilibrium with finite pressure and g appropriate to a central object<br />

(modified to remove singularity)<br />

Isothermal equation of state: γ = 1, p=c s 2 ρ with cs constant<br />

Barotropic equation of state: p = p(ρ)<br />

Bipolar potential magnetic field: J×B=0<br />

The initial B z is chosen to minimize force imbalance when the coupling between the<br />

disk and corona is included<br />

Equilibrium state is found as a balance between pressure, gravity and centrifugal<br />

force<br />

For p = constant at z = 0,<br />

max(M a )=1, max(M b )≡v 0 /v A

Initial Equilibrium State<br />

Linear and angular<br />

velocities<br />

Gravitational<br />

potential<br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007<br />

Magnetic field bipole with poles at r =<br />

3a and r = 6a<br />

Kepler Flow with Initial Contours of B z

MHD resistive code MAB<br />

3D Cartesian (x,y,z) resistive MHD code<br />

Finite difference mesh, structured, nonuniform<br />

Implicit (semi-implicit waves, fully implicit diffusion)<br />

OpenMP support<br />

Used for solar coronal modeling (magnetic and thermal<br />

structure of active regions)<br />

MAB code has first-order upwind diffusion<br />

Estimated viscosity and resistivity due to upwinding:<br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007<br />

ηuw ,ν uw ~vΔ x /2

Magnetic torque density<br />

We are interested in the evolution of the<br />

magnetic torque density on the disk:<br />

Eqs. of motion on the disk<br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007<br />

K =R B B z<br />


Simulation results<br />

Evolution of B z at z = 0<br />

Magnetic field lines<br />

Launch point at B z =.5 B zmax<br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007<br />

Magnetic field lines<br />

Launch point at B z =.75 B zmax<br />

Magnetic field lines<br />

Launch point at B z =.25 B zmax

Evolution of magnetic torque<br />

Projection of this simulation results indicates that there a transport of<br />

angular momentum inward for the inner spot and outward for the outer<br />

spot<br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007

Deviation from force free conditions<br />

∣J⋅B∣<br />

∣J× B∣<br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007<br />

∣J⋅B∣ and ∣J× B∣<br />


New initial conditions for magnetic perturbations<br />

Disk magnetic flux function:<br />

=sina RtanhbR 4 tanhR 2 tanhR out −R ,<br />

Ψ<br />

where a=4/R out tanhbR out 4 <br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007<br />

B z

New initial conditions for magnetic dipoles<br />

Disk flux function:<br />

=sina RtanhbR 4 tanhR 2 tanhR out −R ,<br />

Ψ<br />

where a=4/R out tanhbR out 4 <br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007<br />

B z

Results for multispot case<br />

Bz<br />

Σ<br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007<br />

Evolution of magnetic torque density

Results for multispot case<br />

Evolution of<br />

magnetic field<br />

lines<br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007

Summary<br />

Model for accretion disk in solar corona is developed<br />

and implemented in resistive MHD code<br />

Evolution of single and multiple magnetic loops in the<br />

corona driven by Keplerian shear flow in the disk is<br />

reported<br />

There are indications that the evolution of magnetic<br />

loop is associated with reconnection of magnetic<br />

field lines in corona and<br />

produces angular momentum transport towards<br />

the central object for inner spot<br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007

Simulation results<br />

ICTMB, Trieste, Italy, August 2007

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