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Emerging from the Shadow of Abdus Salam<br />

Author(s): Daniel Clery<br />

Source: Science, New Series, Vol. 300, No. 5617 (Apr. 11, 2003), p. 241<br />

Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science<br />

Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3834114<br />

Accessed: 17/09/2009 10:45<br />

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Emerging From the Shadow<br />

Of Abdus Salam<br />

Once a scientific oasis during the Cold War, a unique center for theoretical physics and its<br />

scientific neighbors in Trieste want to honor after his death in 1996. Salam remains a<br />

formidable presence. His former office is<br />

something of a shrine: Bookshelves are<br />

glassed in to keep the volumes as he left them,<br />

while other glass cases preserve his walking<br />

sticks, prayer mat, and scores of awards and<br />

honors from across the globe. "Salam became<br />

update their missions for today's political climate a demigod," says Sreenivasan. "He cared for<br />

what he was doing. But he has made it difficult<br />

TRIESTE, ITALY-Arbab Ibrahim Arbab had took over as <strong>ICTP</strong> director last month and is for his successors."<br />

reached a dead end. He'd earned a bachelor's cautiously exploring ways to reinvigorate it. Despite the U.N. badge, 85% of <strong>ICTP</strong>'s<br />

degree at the University of Khartoum, Sudan,<br />

$22.5 million annual budget comes from the<br />

in the early 1990s but was unable to continue Einstein's dream<br />

Italian government. Italy views the center as<br />

his studies in astrophysics. "There is hardly After World War II, several prominent physi- an important foreign policy tool and, in 1983,<br />

any money for research in Sudan," he ex- cists, including Albert Einstein, Robert was happy to add the International Centre for<br />

plains. Then one of his former professors sug- Oppenheimer, and Niels Bohr, floated the Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology<br />

gested that he apply for a new diploma course idea of a physics institute under a U.N. flag (ICGEB) and the Third World Academy<br />

at the United Nations-backed Abdus Salam where researchers from across the globe of Sciences to the Trieste roster. The<br />

International Centre for Theoretical<br />

International Centre for Science<br />

Physics (<strong>ICTP</strong>) in Trieste.<br />

and High Technology was estab-<br />

He got in but was in for a<br />

lished in 1988 and, 3 years ago,<br />

shock. "From the first moment, I<br />

the InterAcademy Panel, a nethad<br />

to do lots of very new stuff,"<br />

work of 80 national science acade-<br />

Arbab says. Taking open-book ex-<br />

mies, took up residence.<br />

ams and defending his views in<br />

seminars were a far cry from the<br />

A grander role<br />

rote learning in<br />

Some think that the Trieste System<br />

Khartoum. But<br />

should capitalize on this drawing<br />

Arbab considers<br />

power and seek official status as a<br />

his time in Trieste<br />

U.N. field office devoted to proas<br />

a lucky break.<br />

moting science in the developing<br />

"We had the best<br />

world. Budinich, in particular, is<br />

teachers from all<br />

pushing hard for a grander U.N.<br />

over the world," he<br />

role for the Trieste System, seeing<br />

says, and the<br />

it as the fulfillment of Salam's<br />

friends he made in<br />

Melting pot. New director Katepalli Sreenivas< an wants dream. Others are equivocal.<br />

this academic bas-<br />

<strong>ICTP</strong> to remain a refuge for researchers away from the "Recognition by the U.N. or the<br />

tion in northeast-<br />

divisions of world politics.<br />

E.U. is something we strive for,"<br />

ern Italy helped<br />

says ICGEB director Arturo<br />

him on his path to<br />

could work free of military interference. Falaschi, "but we do not yet have the critical<br />

a faculty position<br />

The idea went nowhere until the early mass." Sreenivasan has other doubts. "It's a<br />

in Saudi Arabia.<br />

1960s, when celebrated Pakistani physicist slippery slope. I don't know where we'd end<br />

Arbab's experi-<br />

Abdus Salam made a formal proposal to up," he says. "I would like us to be lean and<br />

ence resonates across the developing world. the International Atomic Energy Agency. mean, not grow too much, and stay effective."<br />

For the past 4 decades, <strong>ICTP</strong> has played host Salam mobilized developing countries to Sreenivasan, who was director of the<br />

to more than 80,000 visits from Third World support the center concept, which at first was Institute for Physical Science and Technology<br />

physicists who have immersed themselves in opposed by big U.N. players wary of losing at the University of Maryland, College Park,<br />

the center's intellectual melting pot. Its open- top talent. After 3 years of wrangling, it was before coming to Trieste, is feeling his way on<br />

door policy made it one of the few venues for "a rare case of the poor winning against the how to achieve those goals. One possibility<br />

Soviet and U.S. physicists to meet during the rich," says Paolo Budinich, then head of is to create affiliated centers in countries such<br />

Cold War. Nowadays, Indians and Pakistanis physics at the University of Trieste. In 1964, as India, Brazil, and South Korea whose<br />

sip espressos together while Iranians and at Budinich's suggestion, the center was sited physicists profited greatly from the <strong>ICTP</strong> ex-<br />

Libyans rub shoulders with Americans. This in Trieste, which at the southern end of the perience and could now support colleagues in<br />

0<br />

cosmopolitan spirit inspired the creation of Iron Curtain seemed symbolically ideal. poorer neighboring countries. He also hopes<br />

v,<br />

other science centers in Trieste that have Embraced by the V)<br />

physics community, <strong>ICTP</strong> to tap such transitional countries for financial<br />

0n turned the city into a kind of scientific quickly established itself as a first-class re- contributions that could build up a reserve for<br />

Shangri-la. Together, these institutions refer to search and training center where dozens of expansion or new programs.<br />

themselves as the Trieste System.<br />

Nobel laureates came to teach. It received a The one thing that Sreenivasan does not<br />

But some fear that the missionary zeal that further boost when founding director Salam want to see is an erosion of <strong>ICTP</strong>'s unique<br />

established and nourishes this utopia may be shared a Nobel Prize in 1979 with Sheldon role as a scientific crossroads, a u<br />

meeting<br />

fading. Many of the leading lights of <strong>ICTP</strong>'s Glashow and Steven Weinberg for the unifica- place for researchers separated by politics.<br />

il.<br />

early years are retiring, and the "new people tion of electromagnetism and the weak nuclear "So many people think <strong>ICTP</strong> belongs to<br />

don't have the same fervor," says Katepalli force. For 30 years, Salam's inspiring personal- them. I don't want to fail them."<br />

u Sreenivasan, an Indian-born physicist who ity dominated <strong>ICTP</strong>, which was renamed in his<br />


www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 300 11 APRIL 2003<br />


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