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<strong>ST</strong>. <strong>THOMAS</strong> <strong>THE</strong> APO<strong>ST</strong>LE <strong>CHURCH</strong><br />


PARISH OFFICE – 656-5800 RECTORY – 656-5578<br />

www.stthomasbillings.org E-MAIL: st_thomas@qwestoffice.net<br />

Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday – 5:00 pm<br />

Sunday – 8:30 am & 10:30 am<br />

Daily Mass Schedule: Tues. thru Friday – 9:00 am<br />

Word & Communion – Mondays at 9:00 am<br />

Sacrament of Reconciliation:<br />

Saturdays - 3:30 pm<br />

Baptism Class: A preliminary class is required of<br />

parents if this is their first child to be baptized. Classes<br />

are scheduled the first Thursday of each month and<br />

Baptisms are scheduled the 3 rd weekend of each month.<br />

Call the office to register.<br />

Wedding Prep: A six-month time of preparation is<br />

required from the time you contact the pastor until the<br />

wedding date. Call the office to enroll.<br />

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm<br />

Friday: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm<br />

Staff: Pastor: Father Steve Zabrocki<br />

Deacon/Liturgy Coordinator: Tim Birkle<br />

Office/Facility Manager: Mary Gillespie<br />

Financial Manager: Keith Lavachek<br />

Outreach Coordinator: Kathy Lombardozzi<br />

Director, Religious Education: Joyce Hollowell<br />

Director, Youth Ministry: Cathy Day<br />

Director, Music Liturgy: Carolyn Peters<br />

Administrative Assistant: Theresa Ball<br />

Maintenance/Custodial: Rob Burgess<br />

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew<br />

their strength. They will soar on wings like<br />

eagles; they will run and not grow weary,<br />

they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31<br />

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most<br />

High will rest in the shadow of the<br />

Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my<br />

refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I<br />

trust.” Psalm 91:1-2<br />

As we face the close of the year as well as the promise<br />

of another, let’s choose to trust that our Lord, who<br />

loves those we love even more than we can, holds those<br />

who have died close to His heart and let us choose to<br />

begin the year anew in that hope. Even more, let us<br />

choose to stand strong as a witness to that trust and<br />

walk with a renewed purpose to seek out that which the<br />

Father still wants us to do on our own journey.<br />


“Therefore the Lord himself will give<br />

you this sign: the virgin shall conceive,<br />

and bear a son, and shall name him<br />

Emmanuel.” Isaiah 7:14<br />

Today is delivery day for the<br />

Christmas food baskets and<br />

Giving Tree gifts. The<br />

Thanksgiving delivery went very<br />

smoothly in spite of the inclement<br />

weather. We will need more help for<br />

Christmas delivery due to the gifts.<br />

Thank you for the many ways you<br />

make this ministry a fantastic<br />

success.<br />

Winners of the coffee gift baskets:<br />

Thanksgiving – Susan King<br />

Christmas – Marie Smith<br />

Thank you to those of you who bought<br />

Mystic Monk coffee from our Youth<br />

Ministry! There are still many varieties of<br />

coffee available, so call the church office to get<br />

the best choice for your last-minute gifts.<br />

The Environment Committee thanks all those<br />

who have purchased Christmas Poinsettias<br />

to enhance our celebration of the Christmas<br />

Season. Look for the list of memorials and<br />

honorariums as an insert next weekend.

Stewardship Report<br />

Week of December 12, 2010<br />

Weekly Collection<br />

Envelope Donations $12,617<br />

Loose Checks $4,492<br />

Loose Cash $676<br />

Electronic Fund Transfer<br />

Total Collection $17,785<br />

Weekly Budget $12,500<br />

Over (Short) $5,285<br />

Year-to-date Collection (start: July 1, 2010)<br />

Total Collection $305,063<br />

Total Budget $300,000<br />

Over (Short) $5,063<br />

Retirement Fund for Religious contributions to-date total $3,638.00,<br />

which is 110% greater than last year! Your gifts will make a<br />

difference in the lives of thousands of Catholic sisters, brothers and<br />

religious order priests. Thank you for your generosity!<br />

End-of-the-Year<br />

Charitable contributions are deductible in the year<br />

the gift is made.<br />

Transfers of stocks or securities are fully tax<br />

deductible and must occur prior to Dec. 31 st to be<br />

deductible this year. Stocks that have appreciated<br />

in value are not subject to capital gains tax when<br />

donated to a tax exempt entity.<br />

Have you considered supporting the St. Thomas<br />

parish ministries in your will?<br />

Thank you for your prayers and financial support of<br />

the mission of St. Thomas the Apostle Church.<br />

********************************************<br />

Coming this week:<br />

Monday, December 20 th –<br />

Prayer Group, 7:30 pm, Church Chapel<br />

Tuesday, December 21 st –<br />

KC Meeting, 6:00 pm, Multi-Purpose Room<br />

NO RCIA Meeting<br />

St. Anthony Circle Meeting, 7:00 pm, Conference Rm<br />

Wednesday, December 22 nd –<br />

NO Religious Education classes<br />

Children’s Choir for Christmas, 5:30 pm, Church<br />

Thursday, December 23 rd –<br />

NO Prayer Yoga<br />

AA Step Study - Closed, 12:00 pm, Room 7<br />

Parish Nurses, 1:30 pm, Room 6<br />

LA<strong>ST</strong> ADVENT PENANCE SERVICE:<br />

St. Patrick Co-Cathedral, Dec. 21 st , 7:00 pm<br />



WE<strong>ST</strong> WALL ANNOUNCING <strong>THE</strong> MESSAGE OF <strong>THE</strong><br />


*******************************************<br />

Wow! They make terrific stocking stuffers<br />

OR they arrive just in time to help the cook<br />

with the Christmas holiday preparations!<br />

There are still some available at the church<br />

office for the LOW, LOW PRICE of just $10!<br />

******************************************<br />

Bible Study will restart on Tuesday, Jan.<br />

25 th or Wednesday evening,<br />

Jan. 26 th with Jeff Cavin’s study<br />

on the Acts of the Apostles.<br />

Please call Laurie Gunville at 652-3108<br />

by January 1 st to order study materials.<br />

******************************************<br />

Jr. High: Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:00 pm,<br />

Christmas party. Meet and pick-up at Old<br />

Chicago Pizza.<br />

High School: No YG. See you in 2011!<br />

**********************************<br />

The St. Thomas Knights of Columbus say a big<br />

THANK YOU to the parishioners supporting the<br />

pancake breakfast last Sunday. Thanks to your<br />

generosity, they were able to present St. Vincent<br />

DePaul with a check for $500!<br />


Teach Kids to Protect Themselves at Home<br />

We consider our homes to be safe places for our children. But<br />

being home alone can pose risks for children. Here are a few<br />

tips to teach kids that will help keep them safe when you are<br />

not with them at home: Never answer the door if alone. Do not<br />

invite anyone in the house without the permission of a parent<br />

or babysitter. Don’t tell anyone on the phone that your parents<br />

are not home. Instead, tell them that your parents can’t come<br />

to the phone, and take a message. For more tips, please visit<br />

www.kidsafe.com.<br />

For local help, you may call: Sr. Kathleen Kane at<br />

406-378-2369 or email kkop@itstriangle.com<br />

Needed<br />

Beginning in January, we need volunteers<br />

willing to take our monthly Food Bank<br />

collection downtown for us. (Please call the<br />

church office if you can help!<br />

Please continue to pray for…<br />

Jerry Hummel, Donna Michael, Stephanie Davis,<br />

Marcella Honas, William Huschka, Mercedes Lund,<br />

Marguerite McClellan, Donna Michael, Annette<br />

Roseborough, Donna Egan, & Becky Sanders.

December 21 st – December 26 th<br />

Tuesday, 9:00 am - Intentions of Donna Egan by Dan & Dode Donnelly<br />

Wednesday, 9:00 am - † George & Hattie Dvorak by Ed & Evelyn Kinzel<br />

Thursday, 9:00 am - † Melissa Weaver by Tami Schroeder<br />

Friday, 5:00 pm - † Joseph & Marian Schmidt by Ed & Evelyn Kinzel<br />

Friday, 8:00 pm - † Anton & Christine Kinzel by Ed & Evelyn Kinzel<br />

Saturday, 9:00 am - Intentions of the Parish Family<br />

Sunday, 8:30 am - † Melissa Weaver by Walt & JoAnn Weaver<br />

Sunday, 10:30 am - † Suzanne Studer by her family<br />


Sacristy – Dec 24 – Darlene Dibble<br />

Collection Counters – Dec 26 – Herman Hauck, Jim Downs<br />

5:00pm Ushers – Dec 25 – NO MASS<br />

8:30am Ushers – Dec 26 – Michael Rath, Jerry Sawicki, Dan Uecker, Rod Svee<br />

10:30am Ushers – Dec 26 – Tom Casey, Bill Gibson<br />


Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14 (17ABC) Colossians 3:12-21 Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23<br />

Liturgical Ministers for Christmas, Dec. 24-25<br />

Altar<br />

Servers<br />

Extra-<br />

Ordinary<br />

Ministers<br />

5:00 pm 8:00 pm 9:00 am<br />

M Bofto<br />

Er Taylor<br />

Em Taylor<br />

K Mitchell<br />

J Gibson<br />

Deacon Tim<br />

N Kittelson<br />

B Bodine<br />

NEEDED<br />

NEEDED<br />

NEEDED<br />

C Purinton<br />

Deacon Tim<br />

P Snyder<br />

Of Special Note:<br />

The Parish Office will be closed on<br />

Friday, December 24 th .<br />

Mi Bruschwein<br />

Ma Bruschwein<br />

NEEDED<br />

Ji Downs<br />

B Kenney<br />

Deacon Tim<br />

A McFarlin<br />

Plate 1: C Gannett D Morrison P Casey<br />

B Gibson P Purinton Je Downs<br />

B Belinski R Snyder R Listoe<br />

Greeters EE R Scherr NEEDED NEEDED<br />

ME L/D Bofto NEEDED R White<br />

OD NEEDED NEEDED C Gritten<br />


Proclaimer J Fehr T Gregori T Chechet<br />

Sacristan A Parks NEEDED C Gritten<br />

St. Thomas and First<br />

Presbyterian Church will<br />

be hosting the Interfaith Hospitality Network<br />

families the week of January 2 nd – 8 th ! Sign-up<br />

sheets to help with meals, game leaders/homework<br />

helpers and overnighters are available in the<br />

vestibule of the church. Thanks for helping!<br />

Prayer Yoga will recess until January 6 th . See you then!<br />

All are welcome. Questions? Phone Cynthia Marble at<br />

426-1226. Merry Christmas!<br />

Liturgical Ministers for Sunday, December 26<br />

5:00 pm 8:30 am 10:30 am<br />

Altar NO MASS M Sanchez R Dugas<br />

Servers<br />

E Ostermiller<br />

O Easton<br />

M Keeley<br />

M Plant<br />

Extra-<br />

J Ramseier KM Kittelson<br />

Ordinary<br />

K Mahoney M Hensley<br />

Ministers<br />

Deacon Tim Deacon Tim<br />

P Mahoney L Badura<br />

Plate 1: T Ball K Studer<br />

M Mahoney NEEDED<br />

R Ramseier NEEDED<br />

Greeters EE<br />

V Maus T/E Zimmer<br />

ME<br />

B/S Long V Bell<br />

OD<br />

P/R Svee NEEDED<br />

WD<br />

L/D Lemke NEEDED<br />

Proclaimer G/K Simpson NEEDED<br />

Sacristan P Barnes K Studer<br />

Scholarship Opportunity for Carroll College, Fall<br />

2011: Named in memory of the deceased priests<br />

of the Diocese of Helena and the Diocese of Great<br />

Falls-Billings, this $500 scholarship is for first-time<br />

students only. Applications can be picked up at the<br />

parish office or you may download it from<br />

http://www.carroll.edu/finaid/forms.cc.<br />

Applications must be into our parish office by<br />

February 1 st and recipient will be selected at the<br />

parish level.<br />

******************************************<br />

The Society of St. Vincent DePaul will be having a<br />

city-wide orientation here at St. Thomas for those<br />

interested in becoming more actively involved with the<br />

Society on Saturday, 1/22, from 9 am to 2 pm. A<br />

continental breakfast will be served at 8:30am and lunch<br />

is included. Call 252-1855 for more information.

“In many areas of public policy, the rift continues to widen between the moral principles expressed by a majority of<br />

Americans and the actions of government. For example, Americans oppose public funding of abortion by wide margins,<br />

with 67% opposing federal funding of abortion in health care in one recent poll. … Yet in March of this year, Congress<br />

passed a health care reform law that allows for federal funding of abortion in some programs and could pressure millions<br />

of Americans to help subsidize other people’s abortions through their health care premiums. Ensuring that health care<br />

reform will meet the urgent needs for which it has been proposed, and is not misused to promote abortion or to trample<br />

on rights of conscience, will be an urgent task in the coming year.”<br />

~ Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston and Chair of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities, Statement for Respect Life Month (2010)<br />

∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞<br />

The Perpetual Adoration Chapel, located in the parish center of St. Patrick’s, is in need of filling some night hours. The Adorer<br />

scheduled for the following hours is no longer able to do this due to illness. Please consider one or two of the following hours:<br />

Monday evening 11 pm to midnight or Tuesday early morning 12 am – 1 am, 1 am – 2 am, 2 am – 3 am, or 3 am – 4am. Please pray<br />

about this and if you feel called to spend one hour with our Lord in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, please call Pauline at<br />

245-7444 or 860-4912. Thank you!<br />

∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞<br />

Billings Catholic Schools: Merry ChristMas and a happy new year froM your Billings<br />

CatholiC sChools! The BCCHS Alumni Basketball Tournament will be held this year at BCCHS on Wednesday and<br />

Thursday, December 29-30. For more information or to register your team, please call 252-0997 or 245-6651.<br />

∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞<br />

Angela’s Piazza, a drop-in center for women at 420 Grand Avenue, will have a Christmas Sale from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday<br />

through Friday, beginning now until Christmas. Please support our programs by shopping our sale. We also have a need for quart<br />

jars for our gift-making day. (The women make gifts that they can share with their family and friends.)<br />

∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞<br />

Christ is the reason for the Season. Is Christ in your marriage? Worldwide Marriage Encounter can help you make your marriage<br />

Christ-centered. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend in Billings is January 28-30, 2011. Early registration is highly<br />

recommended. For more information and online registration, visit our website at www.wwmesection9.org or contact Chris & Angie<br />

Stokes at 406-534-2391.<br />

∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞<br />

Cum Christo Weekends: The Men’s Cum Christo weekend will be March 3-6, 2011. The Women’s Cum Christo weekend will be<br />

March 10-13, 2011. APPLICATION DEADLINE is February 2 nd , 2011. The weekends will be held at St. Anthony’s Parish Hall in Laurel.<br />

Applications are available through your parishes, Ultreya or by contacting Lucy Melugin at 208-2340, lucym@csa-inc.net.<br />

NEW HERE? We hope you will let us get to know you better by filling out this<br />

PARISH REGI<strong>ST</strong>RATION FORM or calling the office at 656-5800. Welcome!<br />

Name/DOB________________________________________Spouse/DOB_____________________________________<br />

Address___________________________________________ City & Zip______________________________________<br />

Phone(s) __________________________________________ E-Mail_________________________________________<br />

Names and birthdates of dependent children still living at home: _____________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />


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