10-28-12 - St. Thomas The Apostle

10-28-12 - St. Thomas The Apostle

10-28-12 - St. Thomas The Apostle


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Parish Office:<br />

2055 Woody Dr<br />

Billings, MT 59<strong>10</strong>2<br />

406-656-5800<br />

www.shomasbillings.org<br />

st_thomas@qwestoffice.net<br />

Rectory: 406-656-5578<br />

Sacrament of Reconciliation:<br />

Saturdays - 3:30 pm<br />

Weekend Mass Schedule:<br />

Saturday - 5:00 pm<br />

Sunday - 8:30 am, <strong>10</strong>:30 am<br />

Daily Mass Schedule:<br />

Tues. thru Friday - 9:00 am<br />

Office Hours:<br />

Mon -Thurs: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm<br />

Friday: 8:00 am - <strong>12</strong>:00 pm<br />

Pastor: Father <strong>St</strong>eve Zabrocki<br />

Deacon: Tim Birkle<br />

Parish <strong>St</strong>aff:<br />

Office/Facility Mgr: Laurie <strong>St</strong>ergar<br />

Finance Mgr: Keith Lavachek<br />

Outreach Coord: Kathy Lombardozzi<br />

Dir, Liturgy/Adult Ed: Nick Coffman<br />

Dir, Religious Ed: Joyce Hollowell<br />

Dir, Youth Ministry: Cathy Day<br />

Dir, Music Liturgy: Carolyn Peters<br />

Administrative Asst: <strong>The</strong>resa Ball<br />

Custodian/Maint: Rob Burgess<br />

October <strong>28</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong> · 30 th Sunday in Ordinary Time<br />

<strong>The</strong> Holy Day of Obligaon, All Saints Day, is<br />

Thursday, November 1st. Mass will be<br />

celebrated at<br />

7:00 am or 9:00 am.<br />

An All Souls Day Liturgy, Friday, November 2 nd , at<br />

7:00 pm, will especially honor those loved ones who<br />

have died during the past year. Nofy Kathy<br />

Lombardozzi at kathyl_shomas@qwestoffice.net<br />

or 656-5800 if you have a non-parishioner loved one<br />

you’d like included at the candle service.

<strong>St</strong>ewardship Report<br />

Weekly Collecon of October 21, 20<strong>12</strong><br />

Envelope Donaons .................................$11,699<br />

Loose Checks .............................................. $2,915<br />

Loose Cash..................................................... $461<br />

Electronic Fund Transfer ............................ $3,725<br />

Total Collecon ....................................... $18,800<br />

Weekly Budget .........................................$14,750<br />

Over (Short) ............................................... $4,050<br />

Year-to-date Collecon (start: July 1, 20<strong>12</strong>)<br />

YTD Total Collecon ........................... $<strong>28</strong>4,117<br />

YTD Total Budget ................................... $250,750<br />

Over (Short) ........................................ .$33,367<br />

Thank you for supporng your parish!<br />

Monday, October 29<br />

Prayer Group, 7:00 pm, Chapel Rm<br />

Tuesday, October 30<br />

Bible <strong>St</strong>udy, 9:30 am, Mul-purpose Room<br />

RCIA, 7:00 pm, Room 4<br />

Wednesday, October 31<br />

NO RE classes.<br />

Bible <strong>St</strong>udy, 7:00 pm, Mul-purpose Room<br />

Adult Choir pracce, 7:00 pm, Room 3<br />

Thursday, November 1 (All Saints’ Day)<br />

Prayer Yoga , 9:45 am, Room 4<br />

PCCW Morning Meeng, 9:45 am, MP Room<br />

Parish Nurses, 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm, Room 6<br />

Bapsm Preparaon Class, 7:00 pm, Conf. Room<br />

Next weekend, Nov. 3/4, First Sunday events<br />

2 Welcome to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Thomas</strong> the <strong>Apostle</strong> · Billings, MT 59<strong>10</strong>2<br />

Parish Vision<br />

<strong>St</strong>atement<br />

~<strong>The</strong>re’s a place & ministry for each of<br />

you ~<br />

- Where evangelizaon is understood as a responsibility of all,<br />

efforts to invite people into the Church are fruiul, and the Rite<br />

of Chrisan Iniaon is fully celebrated.<br />

On Thursday, October 11 th , at <strong>St</strong>. Patrick<br />

Co-Cathedral, Bishop Michael Warfel presided at<br />

the kickoff celebraon for the Year of Faith. He<br />

shared words from the pope, which echo our<br />

parish vision and the call to evangelize:<br />

“Being Chrisan is not the result of an<br />

ethical choice or a loy idea, but the<br />

encounter with an event, a person, who<br />

gives life a new horizon and a decisive<br />

direcon.” - Porta Fidei, Pope Benedict XVI<br />

Bishop Michael connued, “<strong>The</strong> Year of Faith<br />

coincides with the 50th anniversary of the<br />

beginning of the Second Vacan Council, and the<br />

20th anniversary of the release of the Catechism<br />

of the Catholic Church and the World Synod of<br />

Catholic Bishops on the New Evangelizaon. <strong>The</strong><br />

goal of the Year of Faith is to draw all the faithful<br />

to know beer the content of the faith we share<br />

as Catholics, but also to follow Christ more<br />

deeply as disciples.” As you consider the riches<br />

of our faith, seek out ways to let the Lord fill<br />

your heart, so that it may overflow for others.<br />

One praccal way to engage your faith is by<br />

parcipang in the Living the Eucharist program,<br />

which will be introduced in our parish at the<br />

onset of Lent (and in dozens of parishes<br />

throughout the diocese). This opportunity<br />

provides avenues for personal reflecon/learning, as well as group faith-sharing, family acvies and youth<br />

enrichment, all aimed at enriching faith, blossoming from a richer connecon to the Eucharist.<br />

Finally, allow the gi of faith to take you by surprise, such that you cannot help but share it with others.<br />

Consider what it might mean to evangelize, to truly enter into the Year of Faith:<br />

“Nothing is more praccal than finding God, that is, than falling in love in a quite absolute, final way. What<br />

you are in love with, what seizes your imaginaon, will affect everything. It will decide what will get you out<br />

of bed in the morning, what you will do with your evenings, how you will spend your weekends, what you<br />

read, who you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratude. Fall in love, stay<br />

in love, and it will decide everything.” - Fr. Pedro Arrupe, SJ

Liturgical Ministers Nov. 1 - 2<br />

Altar Servers<br />

Asst Collect<br />

Collecon<br />

Cup 1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Plate 1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

Greeters EE<br />

ME<br />

OD<br />

WD<br />

Proclaimer 1<br />

Proclaimer 2<br />

Sacristan<br />

Thur 7:00 am<br />

NEEDED<br />

NEEDED<br />

NEEDED<br />

M Majerus<br />

A McFarlin<br />

NEEDED<br />

NEEDED<br />

B Belinski<br />

J Jacobsen<br />

NEEDED<br />

L Belinski<br />

NEEDED<br />

NEEDED<br />

NEEDED<br />

B Ellis<br />

NEEDED<br />

A McFarlin<br />

Thur 9:00 am<br />

NEEDED<br />

NEEDED<br />

NEEDED<br />

K Lavachek<br />

R Ramseier<br />

M Fishbaugh<br />

D Kuehn<br />

J Kuehn<br />

R Listoe<br />

M Helfrich<br />

D Morrison<br />

K Barth<br />

M Marek<br />

J Jordan<br />

D Kimmery<br />

T Chechet<br />

K Lombardozzi<br />

P Barnes<br />

Fri 7:00 pm<br />

NEEDED<br />

NEEDED<br />

NEEDED<br />

Ji Downs<br />

Je Downs<br />

M Majerus<br />

D Morrison<br />

C Rollman<br />

B Junnila<br />

D Kimmery<br />

L/B Belinski<br />

E Parks<br />

T Broderick<br />

R Broderick<br />

J Dringman<br />

NEEDED<br />

A McFarlin<br />

Next Week’s Readings<br />

31 st Sunday in Ordinary Time: Nov. 4, 20<strong>12</strong><br />

Deuteronomy 6:2-6 (152B)<br />

Hebrews 7:23-<strong>28</strong> Mark <strong>12</strong>:<strong>28</strong>b-34<br />

Sacristy Linens for November - Sue Begger<br />

Sacristy/Holy Water, Nov 2 - Carol Ganne<br />

5:00 pm Ushers, Nov 3 - Ed Parks, Dale Sherman,<br />

Ted Lechner, John Costello, Tom Eldredge, NEEDED<br />

8:30 am Ushers, Nov 4 - Michael Rath, Dan Uecker,<br />

Rod Svee, Briant Duray, Kyle Ruby, NEEDED<br />

<strong>10</strong>:30 am Ushers, Nov 4 - Frank Dugas, Gerry Morgan,<br />

Paul Miron, Randy Broderick, Roger Sage, NEEDED<br />

Mass Intenons<br />

Our Featured Advertiser: Thanks to<br />

A. C. S.<br />

Advanced Chemical Soluons<br />

216 Moore Lane<br />

406-252-7408<br />

Liturgical Ministers Nov. 3 - 4<br />

Altar Servers<br />

Asst Collect<br />

Collecon<br />

Cup 1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Plate 1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

Greeters EE<br />

ME<br />

OD<br />

WD<br />

Proclaimer 1<br />

Proclaimer 2<br />

Sacristan<br />

Sat 5:00 pm<br />

Em Taylor<br />

A Reynaga<br />

Er Taylor<br />

D Kuehn<br />

M Majerus<br />

B Ellis<br />

NEEDED<br />

C Ganne<br />

J Kuehn<br />

D Kimmery<br />

J/E Whitman<br />

K <strong>St</strong>uder<br />

H Sandon<br />

K Barth<br />

V Mading<br />

M Fishbaugh<br />

NEEDED<br />

Sun 8:30 am<br />

L Duray<br />

F Duray<br />

NEEDED<br />

L Ray<br />

K Lavachek<br />

R Turley<br />

P Svee<br />

K Lombardozzi<br />

A McFarlin<br />

D Dibble<br />

R Svee<br />

J Jacobsen<br />

B/S Long<br />

J/J Downs<br />

D/M Marek<br />

B/S Duray<br />

E Helgeson<br />

R Nau<br />

A McFarlin<br />

Mass Intenons at Nursing Homes<br />

Friday, 11/2, Valley, <strong>10</strong>:00 am<br />

† Jeannie Glennon & Suzannie <strong>St</strong>uder by their Family<br />

Saturday, 11/3, <strong>St</strong>. John, 9:45 am<br />

† Jeanne Glennon by Kathy Lombardozzi<br />

Tuesday, <strong>10</strong>/30, 9:00 am Jeanne Glennon by Marie Hudyma<br />

Wednesday, <strong>10</strong>/31, 9:00 am † Teresa Link by <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Thomas</strong> Youth Ministry<br />

Thursday, 11/1, 7:00 am † Mercedes Lund by Jody Dringman<br />

Thursday, 11/1, 9:00 am Intenons of the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Thomas</strong> Parish Family<br />

Friday, 11/2, 7:00 pm † Jeannie Glennon by her Family<br />

Saturday, 11/3, 5:00 pm † Marvin & Martha Leggate by Damon & Carol Ganne<br />

Sunday, 11/4, 8:30 am † Bob Smith by Tim & Sharon Beeter<br />

Sunday, 11/4, <strong>10</strong>:30 am Intenons of the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Thomas</strong> the <strong>Apostle</strong> Parish Family<br />

<strong>10</strong>:30 am<br />

Day Smith<br />

Daw Smith<br />

M Keeley<br />

R Gallagher<br />

C Brinkel<br />

D Morrison<br />

J Gomez<br />

W Waite<br />

M Helfrich<br />

J Janca<br />

S Lombardozzi<br />

M Vincelee<br />

M/T Hunt<br />

R Sage<br />

J Davies<br />

J Dringman<br />

P Snyder<br />


Religious Educaon<br />


all 3 Masses. Come and check<br />

out the delicious home-baked<br />

items the families of our<br />

Religious Educaon students have made. We are<br />

raising money for the <strong>St</strong>. Labre aerschool<br />

program. Each year, we teach our students the<br />

importance of service on a parish level, city or<br />

diocesan-wide, as well as worldwide. Each year,<br />

we raise money to bring awareness of others in<br />

need.<br />



Have a safe Halloween. Happy<br />

Trick or Treang!<br />

Joyce<br />

October Nurses’ Notes<br />

~ October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.<br />

Please schedule your own mammogram and<br />

encourage your family and friends to do the<br />

same.<br />

~ <strong>The</strong> Annual Enrollment for Medicare Part D<br />

(prescripon drug plans) is<br />

October 15 th to December 7 th . Call<br />

the Resource Center, 259-52<strong>12</strong>, for<br />

more informaon.<br />

Keep Christ in Christmas<br />

<strong>The</strong> Knights of Columbus will selling Christmas<br />

Cards aer the weekend Masses beginning<br />

November 17th and through December 2nd, the<br />

first Sunday of Advent. Sales will benefit LaVie<br />

Crisis Pregnancy Center.<br />

Help keep Christ in Christmas by sending cards with<br />

the true spirit of Christmas. KC representaves will<br />

have applicaons available<br />

for prospecve members.<br />

As always, the Knights<br />

thank you for your support.<br />

4 Welcome to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Thomas</strong> the <strong>Apostle</strong> · Billings, MT 59<strong>10</strong>2<br />

Youth Ministry<br />

Tuesday, <strong>10</strong>/30 - Junior High YG<br />

7 - 8:30 pm, Room 2, “All Souls & All Saints”<br />

Wednesday, <strong>10</strong>/31 - Schedule change! High School:<br />

Meet at Off the Leaf, 6:30 to 8:30 pm.<br />

Happy Eve of All Saints Day!<br />

Mass for the Holy Day: Thursday, 7 am or 9 am<br />

***Catholic Heart Work Camp - Sign-up now!***<br />

Cathy<br />

<strong>The</strong> Knights of Columbus<br />

French Toast Breakfast is this<br />

Sunday, October <strong>28</strong>, aer each<br />

of the Sunday Masses!<br />

Proceeds will benefit<br />

seminarian Grant Kelly. Grant<br />

is from Billings and is aending Holy Trinity<br />

Seminary in Irving, TX. Enjoy a great breakfast<br />

and help support Grant!<br />

Take “A Walk with the Holy Spirit”.<br />

Cum Christo weekends are held at <strong>St</strong>. Anthony’s<br />

Parish Hall in Laurel. Applicaons are available<br />

in the church office, or by contacng Lucy<br />

Melugin, 208-2340 or Bitsy Merchant, 252-2681<br />

or at bigskycumchristo.com/billings.<br />

Men’s Weekend: March 7-<strong>10</strong>, 2013<br />

Women’s Weekend: March 14-17, 2013<br />

Sacramental Preparation<br />

Baptism Class:<br />

A preliminary class is required of parents if this is<br />

their first child to be baptized. Classes are<br />

scheduled the first Thursday of each month and<br />

Baptisms are scheduled the 2 nd weekend of each<br />

month. Call the office to register.<br />

Wedding Preparation:<br />

A six-month time of preparation is required from<br />

the time you contact the pastor until the<br />

wedding date. Call the office to enroll.

Social Jusce<br />

Evangelizaon is a proclamaon of the Gospel both by word and by acon, by<br />

preaching and teaching as well as by the living witness of those commied to<br />

the works of jusce and charity, the work of healing the world.<br />

<strong>The</strong> clue is in the Greek, then Lan, root of the word “evangelizaon,”<br />

evangelism, which literally means “good news” — the good news of Jesus<br />

Christ who came into this world to proclaim the Kingdom of God, the coming<br />

“Kingdom of truth and life, of holiness and grace, of jusce, love and<br />

peace” (Preface of the Mass, Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe). Evangelizaon, most<br />

fundamentally, is the work of touching peoples’ minds and hearts, peoples’ lives, touching the world with<br />

the saving, healing, liberang good news of Jesus Christ who came, he said, not to be served but to serve.<br />

Evangelizaon hopes to change individuals and to transform the world.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Church’s work of evangelizaon clearly includes the work of social development, aiding those in need<br />

and contribung to the enrichment of society and culture.<br />

“Tesmony to Christ’s charity, through works of jusce, peace and development , is<br />

part and parcel of evangelizaon…” Pope Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate, June-2009<br />


Again, we begin the<br />

work to distribute<br />

Food Baskets to<br />

families in the Billings<br />

area. <strong>The</strong> families<br />

chosen are those who have children in the<br />

public elementary schools. We take<br />

applicaons to the schools and rely upon<br />

the teachers and staff to idenfy the<br />

families who need addional help.<br />

Our parish has been involved in this<br />

ministry for 25 years. Food sign-up sheets<br />

are available at all of the church<br />

entrances. You will also find sign-up<br />

sheets and informaon on how to “Adopt<br />

a Family”. Thank you for your connued<br />

support!<br />

Sponsored by the Diocese of Great Falls-<br />

Billings and part of the “Year of Faith”<br />

Bishop’s Evangelizaon Iniave<br />

Mr. Robert Feduccia founded the Youth<br />

Liturgical Leadership Program at <strong>St</strong>. Meinrad<br />

School of <strong>The</strong>ology. Through his work as a<br />

parish youth minister and more, he has invited<br />

young people into a relaonship with the Lord<br />

and the Church. Robert holds a Master of<br />

<strong>The</strong>ological <strong>St</strong>udies degree and lives in Portland,<br />

Oregon with his wife and four children.<br />

Join him in a lively, spirit-filled, holy & inspiring<br />

day at <strong>St</strong>. Bernard’s on Wednesday, November<br />

14 th from <strong>10</strong>:00 am to 3:00 pm.<br />

Attention: All Parishioners<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Nicholas Day is approaching. You can help!<br />

Please collect and bring motel/hotel small plastic<br />

containers of lotions, shampoos, and conditioners<br />

for the Women’s Prison. Please drop them off at<br />

the green bin by the church office. Questions?<br />

Call Joei Uselman at 690-1539.<br />

Needing prayers<br />

Helen Boespflug, Eugene Kolb, Susan Costello, Kathy McKinney, Mary Snodgrass, Don Ryan, Mike<br />

Kuehn, Eric Wood, Nancy Whitmer, Bob Barnhart, John McGahan, Linda Cronk, & Cynde Kaufman.<br />


Words of Life<br />

Marriage is not just one choice among<br />

many in a person’s life. It is not a mere<br />

contract with another person, more or<br />

less lasting, for an exchange of love and<br />

good times. It is not even merely a<br />

“status” that the state assigns to your<br />

relationship if you fulfill the legal<br />

requirements for entering into marriage.<br />

Catholics hold that marriage is a vocation,<br />

a “call.” It is a way of life that offers<br />

continual opportunities to be in loving<br />

service to the other. Marriage has a way<br />

of calling us to make this happen, and of<br />

making us want it to happen. It is both a<br />

splendid reality and serious business.<br />

Helen M. Alvare, Esq.,<br />

Life Matters: Marriage, the Sanctuary of Life”,<br />

Respect Life Program 20<strong>12</strong><br />

Local Announcements<br />

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat, for women, men and<br />

couples struggling aer aboron, is taking place<br />

this weekend. Please keep all those aending<br />

and leading the retreat in your prayers.<br />


6 Welcome to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Thomas</strong> the <strong>Apostle</strong> · Billings, MT 59<strong>10</strong>2<br />

Local Announcements connued:<br />

Always Our Children is a faith-based support<br />

group for parents, families and friends of gays<br />

and lesbians. <strong>The</strong>y meet the first Tuesday of<br />

each month at 7:00 pm, September thru May, at<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Pius X Fellowship Hall. <strong>The</strong> next meeng is<br />

Nov. 6. Call Hank & <strong>The</strong>lma at 656-7996 for info.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Bernard’s Cra Show is Saturday, Nov. 3<br />

from 9 am - 3 pm. With over 70 vendors on 2<br />

levels, a white elephant sale and a bake sale,<br />

connental breakfast and lunch will be available.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Benedict’s Fall Dinner is Sunday, Nov. 4, in<br />

Roundup from 11:30 - 3:00 pm. Price is Adults,<br />

$8, ages 3 to <strong>12</strong>, $4, and under 3 is free for a<br />

complete turkey dinner with all the trimmings.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re will also be a Bake Sale/Country <strong>St</strong>ore, a<br />

Cake Walk and a Raffle. All are welcome.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Mary’s in Columbus will have their annual<br />

Harvest Dinner-Raffle and Cra Bazaar on<br />

Sunday, Nov. 4, from 11 am to 3 pm in the<br />

Sllwater Pavilion. A raffle cket is included with<br />

each paid dinner, with amazing raffle prizes.<br />

Adults, $<strong>10</strong> and children 5-<strong>12</strong>, $5. Under 5 - free.<br />

Save the Date: November 17, 9 am - 4 pm at<br />

1st Congregaonal United Church of Christ.<br />

“Awakening the Dreamer Symposium”.<br />

Please take a moment to fill out the quick form below to get you registered in the parish.<br />

Full Name ______________________________________________ Date of birth _______________ Religion _________________<br />

Full Name ______________________________________________ Date of birth _______________ Religion _________________<br />

Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Phone Number (s) ________________________________________________ E-mail ________________________________________<br />

Name(s) of child(ren) and date of birth :<br />

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />


Bill Schulze<br />

Alice Snodgrass<br />

Josephine Dobson<br />

Sandra Meeve<br />

Lavone Zentz<br />

Bryce Barth<br />

Russell Monaco<br />

David Kennedy<br />

Mercedes Lund<br />

Teresa Link<br />

Karl Lechner<br />

REMEMBERED - ALL SOULS 20<strong>12</strong><br />

Dolly (Agnes) Plumage<br />

Jim Paul<br />

Virginia Payne<br />

Tom Schleder<br />

Mavis Curry<br />

Lando Gregori<br />

John Messer<br />

Dana Whitman<br />

Mary Healow<br />

Neil Wolff<br />

Sam MacDonald<br />

Magdalene Winslow<br />

Gene Brosovich<br />

Bob Schmidt<br />

Grace Schieffer<br />

George “Bud” Smith<br />

Jeanne Glennon<br />

Ray Klem<br />

Owen Neiter<br />

Virginia Yegen<br />

Wayne Beaner<br />

Noah Joseph Buller<br />

Paul Metheney<br />

Nick Leenknecht<br />

Sr. Rita Ryan<br />

Betty Dernbach<br />

Bud Rausch<br />

Margaret Viall Nelson<br />

Ronette Ball<br />

Martha Blake<br />

Albina Geerts<br />

Lawrence Walsh<br />

Harry Funk<br />

Allan “Doc” Kruger<br />

Anita McKenna<br />

Mary Blount<br />

Doreen Baker<br />

Julia Iacopini<br />

Frank Lutgen<br />

Chin Oifah<br />

Albert Codenys<br />

Catherine “Kitty” Smith<br />

<strong>Thomas</strong> Kryzer<br />

Donna Egan<br />

Frances Guthridge<br />

Lawrence Bruski<br />

“I have finished the race,<br />

I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7

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315 S. 24th <strong>St</strong>reet West<br />

Billings, MT 59<strong>10</strong>2<br />

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322-5520 www.specialkranch.com<br />

Billings Alarm is protecting<br />

Father <strong>St</strong>eve’s home.<br />

Let us protect yours!<br />

<strong>10</strong>% discount on new services<br />

Jay M. Zygmond<br />

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If I can’t help you,<br />

I know who can!<br />

406-252-6656<br />

Ed Lawler, Dentist<br />

<br />

<br />

406-256-2243<br />

www.billingsdentalclinic.com<br />



To Advertise Here,<br />

Call Earl Cookson today at<br />

1-800-952-9952 Ext. 2656<br />

or 303-253-2072<br />

or email: ecookson@4LPi.com<br />

www.SeekAndFind.com<br />

©20<strong>12</strong> FOR AD INFO CALL EARL COOKSON 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. <strong>Thomas</strong> the <strong>Apostle</strong> CHURCH, Billings, MT<br />

<br />

<br />

2115 Broadwater Ave<br />

406-652-8808<br />

We cover taxes, payroll and workers<br />

compensation. We will cover an employee<br />

for a day or forever! Call Us!<br />

Michael & Jacque Ayers<br />

Owners & Parishioners<br />

(406) 256-8085<br />

1916 4th Avenue North<br />

Billings, MT 59<strong>10</strong>1<br />

B 4C 05-0452<br />

<strong>12</strong>-18-2006 16:35:21

<strong>The</strong>resa Ball<br />

Independent Beauty Consultant<br />

Full <strong>St</strong>ore in Home<br />

2502 Burlington Ave.<br />

Billings, MT 59<strong>10</strong>2<br />

406-651-0489<br />

tball@marykay.com<br />

www.marykay.com/tball<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Thomas</strong> the <strong>Apostle</strong> Parishioner<br />

CelebratingHOME Sherryl Adam<br />

BRINGING FAMILIES <strong>St</strong>ar Designer/<br />


Parishioner<br />

406-850-3874<br />

R. ERNIE LEE<br />

General Manager<br />

Phone (406) 655-8501<br />

Fax (406) 655-8520<br />

Toll Free (800) 652-7926<br />

elee@rimrockauto.com<br />

www.rimrocksubaru.com<br />


324 S. 24TH ST.-PO BOX 80208<br />


BILLINGS, MT 59<strong>10</strong>8-0208<br />

Billings Local Returns Home<br />

“Find out why age 7<br />

is the right time to<br />

see an orthodontist”<br />

Complimentary<br />

Consultation<br />

252-3417<br />

www.michelottisawyers.com<br />

<br />

Ph. 245-6427<br />

Specializing in Orthodontics<br />

for children, teens and adults<br />

Roberts Orthodontics, PLLC<br />

Michelle K. Roberts, DMD<br />

<br />

406-702-1939<br />

www.MichelleRobertsOrtho.com<br />

Print Marketing Design Mail<br />

2920 Overland Ave.<br />

24 248- 8- 8-68 68 6811 11<br />

Brian & Janette McGovern<br />



Agent<br />

<br />

(406) 252-8318<br />

www.farmersagent.com/cwolf<br />

“Serving Billings Area Since 1956”<br />

Aladdin Lock<br />

Locksmith<br />

804 Broadwater Avenue<br />

<br />

Locked Out? Call 259-7215<br />

Fabrics & Notions<br />

Sewing Classes<br />

Handi Quilter Dealer<br />

Horn Cabinet Dealer<br />


Sewing Machines<br />

1505 REHBERG LANE<br />


MONTANA 59<strong>10</strong>2<br />

DORIS HOLZER Bus: (406) 656-4999<br />

1-800-598-8976 Res: (406) 252-1658<br />



Donna K. Fredericks, LUTCF<br />

Financial Professional<br />

<strong>The</strong> Prudential Insurance Company of America<br />

<br />

www.prudential.com/us/donna.fredericks<br />

<strong>The</strong> Prudential Insurance Company of America, Newark, NJ.<br />

<br />

1601 Mullowney Lane<br />

When planning your estates or<br />

making funeral preparations<br />

Please call us at:<br />

259-3389<br />



<br />

<br />

<br />

406-259-4242<br />

<br />

New Construction<br />

Remodel<br />

Maintenance<br />

Repair<br />

Dan Glennon<br />

Commercial & Residential Sam <strong>The</strong>len<br />



POLY<br />

LARRY SPERRY, Owner<br />

NAPA Auto Care Center<br />

Repairs, Service & Maintenance<br />

ASE Master Certied Techs<br />

repair all types of vehicles<br />

17<br />

672-3706<br />

Billings, MT<br />

grobinson@bresnan.net<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

th <br />

Phone: 245-6944<br />

©20<strong>12</strong> FOR AD INFO CALL EARL COOKSON 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. <strong>Thomas</strong> the <strong>Apostle</strong> CHURCH, Billings, MT<br />

Dedication to your family’s needs<br />

has been our priority since 1939.<br />

<br />

www.dahlfuneralchapel.com<br />

<br />

301 S 24th <strong>St</strong> West, Billings, MT 59<strong>10</strong>2<br />

406-839-9111<br />

To Advertise Here,<br />

Call Earl Cookson today at<br />

1-800-952-9952 Ext. 2656<br />

or 303-253-2072<br />

or email: ecookson@4LPi.com<br />

www.SeekAndFind.com<br />

P.O. Box 80725<br />

Billings, MT 59<strong>10</strong>8-0725<br />

(406) 656-3816<br />

“Quality & Service You Can Count On”<br />

For All Your Asphalt & Concrete Needs!<br />

Licensed, Bonded & Insured<br />

Free Estimates<br />

A 4C 05-0452<br />

<strong>12</strong>-18-2006 16:35:21

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