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224 Chapter 9—Keyboards, Mice, and Input Devices Table 9.6 101-/102-Key (Enhanced) Keyboard Key Numbers and Scan Codes Continued Key Scan Code Scan Code Scan Code Number Key/Character Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 55 / 35 4A 4A 57 Right Shift 36 59 59 58 Left Ctrl 1D 14 11 60 Left Alt 38 11 19 61 Spacebar 39 29 29 62 Right Alt E0, 38 E0, 11 39 64 Right Ctrl E0, 1D E0, 14 58 75 Insert E0, 52 E0, 70 67 76 Delete E0, 53 E0, 71 64 79 Left arrow E0, 4B E0, 6B 61 80 Home E0, 47 E0, 6C 6E 81 End E0, 4F E0, 69 65 83 Up arrow E0, 48 E0, 75 63 84 Down arrow E0, 50 E0, 72 60 85 Page Up E0, 49 E0, 7D 6F 86 Page Down E0, 51 E0, 7A 6D 89 Right arrow E0, 4D E0, 74 6A 90 Num Lock 45 77 76 91 Keypad 7 (Home) 47 6C 6C 92 Keypad 4 (Left arrow) 4B 6B 6B 93 Keypad 1 (End) 4F 69 69 95 Keypad / E0, 35 E0, 4A 77 96 Keypad 8 (Up arrow) 48 75 75 97 Keypad 5 4C 73 73 98 Keypad 2 (Down arrow) 50 72 72 99 Keypad 0 (Ins) 52 70 70 100 Keypad * 37 7C 7E 101 Keypad 9 (PgUp) 49 7D 7D 102 Keypad 6 (Left arrow) 4D 74 74 103 Keypad 3 (PgDn) 51 7A 7A 104 Keypad . (Del) 53 71 71 105 Keypad - 4A 7B 84 106 Keypad + 4E E0, 5A 7C

Table 9.6 101-/102-Key (Enhanced) Keyboard Key Numbers and Scan Codes Continued Key Scan Code Scan Code Scan Code Number Key/Character Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 108 Keypad Enter E0, 1C E0, 5A 79 110 Escape 1 76 8 112 F1 3B 5 7 113 F2 3C 6 0F 114 F3 3D 4 17 115 F4 3E 0C 1F 116 F5 3F 3 27 117 F6 40 0B 2F 118 F7 41 83 37 119 F8 42 0A 3F 120 F9 43 1 47 121 F10 44 9 4F 122 F11 57 78 56 123 F12 58 7 5E 124 Print Screen E0, 2A, E0, 12, 57 E0, 37 E0, 7C 125 Scroll Lock 46 7E 5F 126 Pause E1, 1D, 45, E1, 14, 77, 62 E1, 9D, C5 E1, F0, 14, F0, 77 The additional keys on a 104-key Windows keyboard have their own unique scan codes. Table 9.7 shows the scan codes for the new keys. Table 9.7 104-Key Windows Keyboard New Key Scan Codes Scan Code Scan Code Scan Code New Key Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Left Windows E0,5B E0, 1F 8B Right Windows E0,5C E0, 27 8C Application E0,5D E0, 2F 8D Keyboard Connectors 225 Keyboard Connectors While some of the newest systems offer color-coded keyboard connectors and cables, the best way to recognize the keyboard connector is still to know what it looks like. Two common standards exist, and low-cost adapters are available to switch a device using one

Table 9.6 101-/102-Key (Enhanced) Keyboard Key Numbers <strong>and</strong><br />

Scan Codes Continued<br />

Key Scan Code Scan Code Scan Code<br />

Number Key/Character Set 1 Set 2 Set 3<br />

108 Keypad Enter E0, 1C E0, 5A 79<br />

110 Escape 1 76 8<br />

112 F1 3B 5 7<br />

113 F2 3C 6 0F<br />

114 F3 3D 4 17<br />

115 F4 3E 0C 1F<br />

116 F5 3F 3 27<br />

117 F6 40 0B 2F<br />

118 F7 41 83 37<br />

119 F8 42 0A 3F<br />

120 F9 43 1 47<br />

121 F10 44 9 4F<br />

122 F11 57 78 56<br />

123 F12 58 7 5E<br />

124 Print Screen E0, 2A, E0, 12, 57<br />

E0, 37 E0, 7C<br />

125 Scroll Lock 46 7E 5F<br />

126 Pause E1, 1D, 45, E1, 14, 77, 62<br />

E1, 9D, C5 E1, F0, 14,<br />

F0, 77<br />

The additional keys on a 104-key Windows keyboard have their<br />

own unique scan codes. Table 9.7 shows the scan codes for the new<br />

keys.<br />

Table 9.7 104-Key Windows Keyboard New Key Scan Codes<br />

Scan Code Scan Code Scan Code<br />

New Key Set 1 Set 2 Set 3<br />

Left Windows E0,5B E0, 1F 8B<br />

Right Windows E0,5C E0, 27 8C<br />

Application E0,5D E0, 2F 8D<br />

Keyboard Connectors 225<br />

Keyboard Connectors<br />

While some of the newest systems offer color-coded keyboard connectors<br />

<strong>and</strong> cables, the best way to recognize the keyboard connector<br />

is still to know what it looks like. Two common st<strong>and</strong>ards exist,<br />

<strong>and</strong> low-cost adapters are available to switch a device using one

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