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710 Chapter 13 Optical Storage Orange Book The Orange Book defines the standards for recordable CDs and originally was announced in 1989 by Philips and Sony. The Orange Book comes in three parts: Part I describes a format called CD-MO (magneto-optical), which was to be a rewritable format but was withdrawn before any products really came to market; Part II (1989) describes CD-R; and Part III (1996) describes CD-RW. Note that originally, CD-R was refered to as CD-WO (write-once), and CD-RW originally was called CD-E (erasable). The Orange Book Part II CD-R design is known as a WORM (write once read mostly) format. After a portion of a CD-R disc is recorded, it can’t be overwritten or reused. Recorded CD-R discs are Red Book and Yellow Book compatible, which means they are readable on conventional CD-DA or CD- ROM drives. The CD-R definition in the Orange Book Part II is divided into two volumes. Volume 1 defines recording speeds of 1x, 2x, and 4x the standard CD speed; the last revision, dated December 1998, is 3.1. Volume 2 defines recording speeds up to 16x the standard CD speed, and the last version released, 0.9, is dated December 2000. The Orange Book Part III describes CD-RW. As the name implies, CD-RW enables you to erase and overwrite information in addition to reading and writing. The Orange Book Part III CD-RW definition was broken into two volumes. Volume 1 defines recording speeds of 1x, 2x, and 4x times the standard CD speed; the latest version, 2.0, is dated August 1998. Volume 2 defines recording speeds from 4x to 10x standard CD speed, and is sometimes refered to as high-speed CD-RW; the latest version, 1.0, is dated May 2000. Besides the capability to record on CDs, the most important features instituted in the Orange Book specification is the capability to do multisession recording. Multisession Recording Before the Orange Book specification, CDs had to be written as a single session. A session is defined as a lead-in, followed by one or more tracks of data (or audio), followed by a lead-out. The lead-in takes up 4,500 sectors on the disc (1 minute if measured in time or about 9.2MB worth of data). The lead-in also indicates whether the disc is multisession, and what the next writable address on the disc is (if the disc isn’t closed). The first lead-out on a disc (or the only one if it is a single session or Disk At Once recording) is 6,750 sectors long (1.5 minutes if measured in time or about 13.8MB worth of data). If the disc is a multisession disc, any subsequent lead-outs are 2,250 sectors long (0.5 minutes in time or about 4.6MB worth of data). A multisession CD has multiple sessions, with each individual session complete from lead-in to leadout. The mandatory lead-in and lead-out for each session does waste space on the disc. In fact, 48 sessions would literally use up all of a 74-minute disc even with no data recorded in each session! Therefore, the practical limit for the number of sessions you can record on a disc would be much less than that. CD-DA and older CD-ROM drives couldn’t read more than one session on a disc, so that is the way most pressed CDs are recorded. The Orange Book allows multiple sessions on a single disc. To allow this, the Orange Book defines three main methods or modes of recording: ■ Disk-at-Once (DAO) ■ Track-at-Once (TAO) ■ Packet writing Disc-at-Once Disc-at-Once means pretty much what it says: It is a single- session method of writing CDs in which the lead-in, data tracks, and lead-out are written in a single operation without ever turning off the

Compact Disc and Drive Formats Chapter 13 711 writing laser, and the disc is closed. A disc is considered closed when the last (or only) lead-in is fully written and the next usable address on the disc is not recorded in that lead-in. In that case, the CD recorder is incapable of writing any further data on the disc. Note that it is not necessary to close a disc to read it in a normal CD-ROM drive, although if you were submitting a disc to a CD duplicating company for replication, most require that it be closed. Track-at-Once Multisession discs can be recorded in either Track-at-Once (TAO) or Packet writing mode. In Track-at- Once recording, each track can be individually written (laser turned on and off) within a session, until the session is closed. Closing a session is the act of writing the lead-out for that session, which means no more tracks can be added to that session. If the disc is closed at the same time, no further sessions can be added either. The tracks recorded in TAO mode are divided by gaps of normally 2 seconds. Each track written has 150 sectors of overhead for run-in, run-out, pre-gap, and linking. A CD-R/RW drive can read the tracks even if the session is not closed, but to read them in a CD-DA or CD-ROM drive, the session must be closed. If you intend to write more sessions to the disc, you can close the session and not close the disc. At that point, you could start another session of recording to add more tracks to the disc. The main thing to remember is that each session must be closed (lead-out written) before another session can be written or before a normal CD-DA or CD-ROM drive can read the tracks in the session. Packet Writing Packetwriting is a method whereby multiple writes are allowed within a track, thus reducing the overhead and wasted space on a disc. Each packet uses 4 sectors for run-in, 2 for run-out, and 1 for linking. Packets can be of fixed or variable length, but most drives and packet-writing software uses a fixed length because it is much easier and more efficient to deal with file systems that way. With packet writing, you normally use the Universal Disk Format (UDF) file system, which enables the CD to be treated essentially like a big floppy drive. That is, you can literally drag and drop files to it, use the copy command to copy files onto the disc, and so on. The packet-writing software and UDF file system manage everything. If the disc you are using for packet writing is a CD-R, every time a file is overwritten or deleted, the file seems to dissapear, but you don’t get the space back on the disc. Instead the file system simply forgets about the file. If the disc is a CD-RW, the space is indeed reclaimed and the disc won’t be full until you literally have more than the limit of active files stored there. Unfortunately, Windows versions up through Windows 2000 don’t support packet writing or the UDF file system directly, so drivers must be loaded. Fortunately, though, these typically are included with CD-R/RW drives. One of the most popular packet-writing programs is DirectCD from Roxio (Adaptec). When you remove a packet-written disc from the drive, the packet-writing software first asks whether you want the files to be visible to normal CD-ROM drives. If you do then the session must be closed. Even if the session is closed, you can still write more to the disc later, but there is an overhead of wasted space every time you close a session. If you are going to read the disc in a CD-R/RW drive, you don’t have to close the session because they will be capable of reading the files even if the session isn’t closed. PhotoCD First announced back in 1990 but not available until 1992, PhotoCD is a standard for CD-R discs and drives to store photos. You simply drop off a roll of film at a participating Kodak developer, and they digitize and store the photos on a specially formatted CD-R disc called a PhotoCD, which you can

Compact Disc and Drive Formats Chapter <strong>13</strong><br />

711<br />

writing laser, and the disc is closed. A disc is considered closed when the last (or only) lead-in is fully<br />

written and the next usable address on the disc is not recorded in that lead-in. In that case, the CD<br />

recorder is incapable of writing any further data on the disc. Note that it is not necessary to close a<br />

disc to read it in a normal CD-ROM drive, although if you were submitting a disc to a CD duplicating<br />

company for replication, most require that it be closed.<br />

Track-at-Once<br />

Multisession discs can be recorded in either Track-at-Once (TAO) or Packet writing mode. In Track-at-<br />

Once recording, each track can be individually written (laser turned on and off) within a session, until<br />

the session is closed. Closing a session is the act of writing the lead-out for that session, which means<br />

no more tracks can be added to that session. If the disc is closed at the same time, no further sessions<br />

can be added either.<br />

The tracks recorded in TAO mode are divided by gaps of normally 2 seconds. Each track written has<br />

150 sectors of overhead for run-in, run-out, pre-gap, and linking. A CD-R/RW drive can read the<br />

tracks even if the session is not closed, but to read them in a CD-DA or CD-ROM drive, the session<br />

must be closed. If you intend to write more sessions to the disc, you can close the session and not<br />

close the disc. At that point, you could start another session of recording to add more tracks to the<br />

disc. The main thing to remember is that each session must be closed (lead-out written) before<br />

another session can be written or before a normal CD-DA or CD-ROM drive can read the tracks in<br />

the session.<br />

Packet Writing<br />

Packetwriting is a method whereby multiple writes are allowed within a track, thus reducing the overhead<br />

and wasted space on a disc. Each packet uses 4 sectors for run-in, 2 for run-out, and 1 for linking.<br />

Packets can be of fixed or variable length, but most drives and packet-writing software uses a<br />

fixed length because it is much easier and more efficient to deal with file systems that way.<br />

With packet writing, you normally use the Universal Disk Format (UDF) file system, which enables<br />

the CD to be treated essentially like a big floppy drive. That is, you can literally drag and drop files to<br />

it, use the copy command to copy files onto the disc, and so on. The packet-writing software and UDF<br />

file system manage everything. If the disc you are using for packet writing is a CD-R, every time a file<br />

is overwritten or deleted, the file seems to dissapear, but you don’t get the space back on the disc.<br />

Instead the file system simply forgets about the file. If the disc is a CD-RW, the space is indeed<br />

reclaimed and the disc won’t be full until you literally have more than the limit of active files stored<br />

there.<br />

Unfortunately, Windows versions up through Windows 2000 don’t support packet writing or the UDF<br />

file system directly, so drivers must be loaded. Fortunately, though, these typically are included with<br />

CD-R/RW drives. One of the most popular packet-writing programs is DirectCD from Roxio (Adaptec).<br />

When you remove a packet-written disc from the drive, the packet-writing software first asks whether<br />

you want the files to be visible to normal CD-ROM drives. If you do then the session must be closed.<br />

Even if the session is closed, you can still write more to the disc later, but there is an overhead of<br />

wasted space every time you close a session. If you are going to read the disc in a CD-R/RW drive, you<br />

don’t have to close the session because they will be capable of reading the files even if the session<br />

isn’t closed.<br />

PhotoCD<br />

First announced back in 1990 but not available until 1992, PhotoCD is a standard for CD-R discs and<br />

drives to store photos. You simply drop off a roll of film at a participating Kodak developer, and they<br />

digitize and store the photos on a specially formatted CD-R disc called a PhotoCD, which you can

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