2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army

2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army 2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army

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App. 14 APPENDIX 14 trial; (6) proof of service on the defense counsel of the Staff Judge Advocate’s recommendation and any response to the recommendation (if the defense response to the recommendation is combined into one document with the matters submitted by the accused pursuant to R.C.M. 1105, then the document should be placed in the record of trial as if it were solely matters submitted by the accused pursuant to R.C.M. 1105); (7) either proof of service on the accused of the Staff Judge Advocate’s recommendation or a s t a t e m e n t e x p l a i n i n g w h y t h e a c c u s e d w a s n o t served personally; (8) signed review of the Staff Judge Advocate including any addenda and attached clemency matters; (9) matters submitted by the accused pursuant to R.C.M. 1105; (10) any request for deferment of post-trial confinement and action thereon; (11) any request for deferment/waiver of automatic forfeitures and any action thereon; (12) any request for deferment of reduction in grade and any action thereon. D D F o r m 4 5 7 , “ I n v e s t i g a t i n g O f f i c e r ’ s Report,” pursuant to Article 32, if any, and all r e l a t e d e x h i b i t s a n d a t t a c h m e n t s . T h e o r i g i n a l , signed investigation will be placed in the original copy of the record of trial. Pretrial Allied Papers. These papers should include: (1) advice of the Staff Judge Advocate or legal officer; (2) requests by counsel and action of the convening authority taken thereon; (3) any other papers, endorsements, investigations which accomp a n i e d t h e c h a r g e s w h e n r e f e r r e d f o r t r i a l ; (4) record of any former trial. Record of Proceedings of Court-Martial , in the following order: (1) errata sheet; (2) index sheet with reverse side containing receipt of accused or defense counsel for copy of record or certificate in lieu of receipt; Note. The preprinted index may be inadequate to properly reflect the proceedings, witnesses, and exhibits. Court reporters should liberally expand the index and use additional sheets as necessary. Special attention should be paid to noting the pages at which exhibits are offered and accepted/rejected, to include annotating those page numbers on the bottom of an exhibit, as appropriate. ( 3 ) c o n v e n i n g a n d a l l a m e n d i n g o r d e r s ; ( 4 ) a n y written orders detailing the military judge or counsel; (5) request for trial by military judge alone if A14-2 not marked as an appellate exhibit; (6) any written request for enlisted members if not marked as an a p p e l l a t e e x h i b i t ; ( 7 ) v e r b a t i m t r a n s c r i p t o f t h e proceedings of the court, including all Article 39(a) sessions and original DD Form 458, “Charge Sheet”; (8) authentication sheet followed by Certificate of Correction, if any; (9) action of convening authority and, if appropriate, action of officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction. Note. Any necessary assumption of command orders should be included in the record of trial. Post-trial sessions. Post-trial sessions will be authenticated and served in accordance with R.C.M. 1103, and are part of the record of trial. Page numbering should continue in sequence from the end of the transcript of the original proceedings, and will be s e p a r a t e l y a u t h e n t i c a t e d i f t h e i n i t i a l p r o c e e d i n g s have been previously authenticated. Additional exhibits should be lettered or numbered in sequence, following those already marked/admitted. P r o s e c u t i o n E x h i b i t s a d m i t t e d i n t o e v i - dence. [The page(s) at which an exhibit is offered and admitted should be noted at the bottom of the exhibit, as appropriate, as well as noting those pages on the DD Form 490.] Defense Exhibits admitted into evidence. [The page(s) at which an exhibit is offered and admitted should be noted at the bottom of the exhibit, as appropriate, as well as noting those pages on the DD Form 490.] Prosecution Exhibits marked but not offered and/or admitted into evidence. [The page(s) at which an exhibit is offered and rejected should be noted at the bottom of the exhibit, as appropriate, as well as noting those pages on the DD Form 490.] Defense Exhibits marked but not offered a n d / o r a d m i t t e d i n t o e v i d e n c e . [ T h e p a g e ( s ) a t which an exhibit is offered and rejected should be noted at the bottom of the exhibit, as appropriate, as well as noting those pages on the DD Form 490.] Appellate Exhibits. [The page(s) at which an exhibit is marked should be noted at the bottom

of the exhibit, as appropriate, as well as noting those pages on the DD Form 490.] Any records of proceedings in connection with vacation of suspension. 11. Stock Dividers. The foregoing bullets will be separated by the use of heavy stock dividers, colored, and labeled with gummed labels. 12. Binding. Volumes of the record will be bound at the top with metal or plastic fasteners. Top or leftside binding is acceptable with sufficient adjustment to the top or left margin. Volumes shall be bound to withstand repeated handling, utilizing DD Form 490. Do not sew or stack fasteners together in gangs to bind thick volumes. 13. Dividing Records into Volumes. Divide ROTs that are over 11/2 inches thick into separate volumes. Make the first volume of a multi-volume record an inch thick or smaller. This will allow for i n c l u s i o n o f t h e S J A r e c o m m e n d a t i o n , c l e m e n c y GUIDE FOR PREPARATION OF RECORD OF TRIAL RECORD OF TRIAL of matters, and other post-trial documents. Limit subsequent volumes to 11/2 inches thick, unless dividing t h e m r e q u i r e s a s s e m b l i n g a n a d d i t i o n a l v o l u m e smaller than 1/2 inch thick. If the transcript is split into two or more volumes, indicate on the front cover which pages of the transcript are in which volume. ( e.g. Volume 1 of 4, Transcript, pages 1- 300). Number each volume of the ROT as follows: “ V o l u m e 1 o f . ” I n t h e u p p e r r i g h t - h a n d corner of the DD Form 490, label the ROT to reflect which copy it is, i.e., “ORIGINAL,” “ACCUSED,” et cetera. Words on the margins of this appendix are not part of the form of record. As a general rule, all proceedings in the case should be recorded verbatim. See R.C.M. 1103. Following this appendix does not necessarily produce a complete record of trial. It is to be used by the reporter and trial counsel as a guide in the preparation of the completed record of trial in all general and special court-martial cases in which a verbatim record is required. (Name-last, first, middle initial) (SSN) (Rank or grade) App. 14 (Organization and armed force) (Station or ship) by _________________________________________________________________________ COURT-MARTIAL Convened by_______________________________________________________________________________ (Title of convening authority) (Command of convening authority) ___________________________________________ on ___________________________________________ (Place or places of trial) (Date or dates of trial) Note. The title should be followed by an index. The form and content of this index will be as prescribed in publications of the Secretary concerned. However, it should cover important phases of the trial such as: introductory matters, arraignment, motions, pleas, providence inquiry, pretrial agreement inquiry, prosecution case-in-chief, defense case, prosecution case in rebuttal, trial counsel argument, defense counsel argument, instructions, findings, allocution rights, prosecution matters in aggravation, defense sentencing case, prosecution rebuttal, trial counsel argument, defense counsel argument, sentencing instructions, appellate rights, sentencing, and review of the sentencing terms of any pretrial agreement. Moreover, the index should also reflect all exhibits (prosecution, defense, and appellate) whether offered/accepted into evidence or not. A14-3

App. 14 APPENDIX 14<br />

trial; (6) proof of service on the defense counsel of<br />

the Staff Judge Advocate’s recommendation and any<br />

response to the recommendation (if the defense response<br />

to the recommendation is combined into one<br />

document with the matters submitted by the accused<br />

pursuant to R.C.M. 1105, then the document should<br />

be placed in the record of trial as if it were solely<br />

matters submitted by the accused pursuant to R.C.M.<br />

1105); (7) either proof of service on the accused of<br />

the Staff Judge Advocate’s recommendation or a<br />

s t a t e m e n t e x p l a i n i n g w h y t h e a c c u s e d w a s n o t<br />

served personally; (8) signed review of the Staff<br />

Judge Advocate including any addenda and attached<br />

clemency matters; (9) matters submitted by the accused<br />

pursuant to R.C.M. 1105; (10) any request for<br />

deferment of post-trial confinement and action thereon;<br />

(11) any request for deferment/waiver of automatic<br />

forfeitures and any action thereon; (12) any<br />

request for deferment of reduction in grade and any<br />

action thereon.<br />

D D F o r m 4 5 7 , “ I n v e s t i g a t i n g O f f i c e r ’ s<br />

Report,” pursuant to Article 32, if any, and all<br />

r e l a t e d e x h i b i t s a n d a t t a c h m e n t s . T h e o r i g i n a l ,<br />

signed investigation will be placed in the original<br />

copy of the record of trial.<br />

Pretrial Allied Papers. These papers should<br />

include: (1) advice of the Staff Judge Advocate or<br />

legal officer; (2) requests by counsel and action of<br />

the convening authority taken thereon; (3) any other<br />

papers, endorsements, investigations which accomp<br />

a n i e d t h e c h a r g e s w h e n r e f e r r e d f o r t r i a l ;<br />

(4) record of any former trial.<br />

Record of Proceedings of Court-Martial ,<br />

in the following order: (1) errata sheet; (2) index<br />

sheet with reverse side containing receipt of accused<br />

or defense counsel for copy of record or certificate<br />

in lieu of receipt;<br />

Note. The preprinted index may be inadequate to properly reflect<br />

the proceedings, witnesses, and exhibits. Court reporters should<br />

liberally expand the index and use additional sheets as necessary.<br />

Special attention should be paid to noting the pages at which<br />

exhibits are offered and accepted/rejected, to include annotating<br />

those page numbers on the bottom of an exhibit, as appropriate.<br />

( 3 ) c o n v e n i n g a n d a l l a m e n d i n g o r d e r s ; ( 4 ) a n y<br />

written orders detailing the military judge or counsel;<br />

(5) request for trial by military judge alone if<br />

A14-2<br />

not marked as an appellate exhibit; (6) any written<br />

request for enlisted members if not marked as an<br />

a p p e l l a t e e x h i b i t ; ( 7 ) v e r b a t i m t r a n s c r i p t o f t h e<br />

proceedings of the court, including all Article 39(a)<br />

sessions and original DD Form 458, “Charge Sheet”;<br />

(8) authentication sheet followed by Certificate of<br />

Correction, if any; (9) action of convening authority<br />

and, if appropriate, action of officer exercising general<br />

court-martial jurisdiction.<br />

Note. Any necessary assumption of command orders should be<br />

included in the record of trial.<br />

Post-trial sessions. Post-trial sessions will be<br />

authenticated and served in accordance with R.C.M.<br />

1103, and are part of the record of trial. Page numbering<br />

should continue in sequence from the end of<br />

the transcript of the original proceedings, and will be<br />

s e p a r a t e l y a u t h e n t i c a t e d i f t h e i n i t i a l p r o c e e d i n g s<br />

have been previously authenticated. Additional exhibits<br />

should be lettered or numbered in sequence,<br />

following those already marked/admitted.<br />

P r o s e c u t i o n E x h i b i t s a d m i t t e d i n t o e v i -<br />

dence. [The page(s) at which an exhibit is offered<br />

and admitted should be noted at the bottom of the<br />

exhibit, as appropriate, as well as noting those pages<br />

on the DD Form 490.]<br />

Defense Exhibits admitted into evidence.<br />

[The page(s) at which an exhibit is offered and admitted<br />

should be noted at the bottom of the exhibit,<br />

as appropriate, as well as noting those pages on the<br />

DD Form 490.]<br />

Prosecution Exhibits marked but not offered<br />

and/or admitted into evidence. [The page(s)<br />

at which an exhibit is offered and rejected should be<br />

noted at the bottom of the exhibit, as appropriate, as<br />

well as noting those pages on the DD Form 490.]<br />

Defense Exhibits marked but not offered<br />

a n d / o r a d m i t t e d i n t o e v i d e n c e . [ T h e p a g e ( s ) a t<br />

which an exhibit is offered and rejected should be<br />

noted at the bottom of the exhibit, as appropriate, as<br />

well as noting those pages on the DD Form 490.]<br />

Appellate Exhibits. [The page(s) at which<br />

an exhibit is marked should be noted at the bottom

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