2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army

2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army

2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army

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App. 13 APPENDIX 13<br />

Prior participation of defense<br />

counsel<br />

Inquiry concerning Article<br />

38(b)<br />

The defense counsel stated that no member of the defense had acted in a manner<br />

which might tend to disqualify (him) (her) except as indicated below.<br />

Note. If a member of the defense is unqualified or disqualified under R.C.M. 502(d), the record will show<br />

that fact and the action taken under R.C.M. 901(d). Any inquiry or hearing into the matter should be summarized.<br />

The military judge informed the accused of the rights concerning counsel as set forth<br />

in Article 38(b) and R.C.M. 901(d).<br />

The accused responded that he/she understood the rights with respect to counsel, and<br />

that he/she chose to be defended by .<br />

Personnel sworn The military judge and the personnel of the prosecution and defense who were not<br />

previously sworn in accordance with Article 42(a) were sworn. The prosecution and<br />

each accused were extended the right to challenge the military judge for cause.<br />

Challenge: military judge The military judge was (not) challenged for cause (by ) (on the<br />

ground that ).<br />

Request for trial by military<br />

judge alone<br />

Note. The record should show the grounds for the challenge, a summary of evidence presented, if any,<br />

and the action taken.<br />

The military judge ascertained that the accused had been advised of his right to request<br />

trial by the military judge alone and that the accused did (not) desire to submit<br />

such a request.<br />

Note. If the accused requests trial by the military judge alone, any written request will be included in the<br />

record. The action on the request, whether oral or written, should be indicated as follows:<br />

After ascertaining that the accused had consulted with defense counsel and had been<br />

informed of the identity of the military judge and of the right to trial by members,<br />

the military judge (approved) (disapproved) the accused’s request for trial by military<br />

judge alone.<br />

Note. If the military judge announced at this point that the court-martial was assembled, the record should<br />

so reflect. If assembly was announced at a different point it should be so shown in the record.<br />

Note. If the military judge disapproved the accused’s request, this fact and any reasons given for the disapproval<br />

should be summarized.<br />

Note. If the accused did not submit, or the military judge disapproved, a request for trial by military judge<br />

alone, and if the accused is an enlisted person, the following should be included:<br />

Request for enlisted members The trial counsel announced that the accused had (not) made a request in writing<br />

that the membership of the court-martial include enlisted persons. The defense counsel<br />

announced that the accused had been advised of the right to request enlisted<br />

members and that the accused did (not) want to request enlisted members.<br />

Convening authority<br />

identified<br />

A13-4<br />

Note. If the accused did request enlisted members, the written request will be included in the record.<br />

(Name, rank, and organization of convening authority) convened the court-martial<br />

and referred the charges and specifications to it.<br />

Note. In a special court-martial without a military judge, ordinarily the examination and challenges of<br />

members would occur at this point. The format used below for examination and challenges may be inserted<br />

here as appropriate.

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