2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army

2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army 2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army

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52.f.(1)(b) T h e a t e r ) ( , t h e p r o p e r t y o f ) , o f a v a l u e o f ( a b o u t ) $ . (2) Simple arson. In that (personal jurisdiction data), did, (at/on board— location) (subject-matter jurisdiction data, if required), on or about 20 , willfully and maliciously (burn) (set fire to) (an aut o m o b i l e ) ( ) , t h e p r o p e r t y of , of a value of (about) $ . 53. Article 127—Extortion a. Text of statute. Any person subject to this chapter who communicates threats to another person with the intention thereby to obtain anything of value or any acquittance, advantage, or immunity is guilty of extortion and shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. b. Elements. ( 1 ) T h a t t h e a c c u s e d c o m m u n i c a t e d a c e r t a i n threat to another; and (2) That the accused intended to unlawfully obtain something of value, or any acquittance, advantage, or immunity. c. Explanation. (1) In general. Extortion is complete upon communication of the threat with the requisite intent. The actual or probable success of the extortion need not be proved. (2) Threat. A threat may be communicated by any means but must be received by the intended victim. The threat may be: a threat to do any unlawful injury to the person or property of the person threatened or to any member of that person’s family or any other person held dear to that person; a threat to accuse the person threatened, or any member of that persons’s family or any other person held dear to that person, of any crime; a threat to expose or i m p u t e a n y d e f o r m i t y o r d i s g r a c e t o t h e p e r s o n threatened or to any member of that person’s family or any other person held dear to that person; a threat to expose any secret affecting the person threatened or any member of that person’s family or any other person held dear to that person; or a threat to do any other harm. (3) Acquittance. An “acquittance” is a release or discharge from an obligation. IV-98 ( 4 ) A d v a n t a g e o r i m m u n i t y . U n l e s s i t i s c l e a r from the circumstances, the advantage or immunity sought should be described in the specification. An intent to make a person do an act against that person’s will is not, by itself, sufficient to constitute extortion. d. Lesser included offenses. (1) Article 134—communicating a threat (2) Article 80—attempts e . M a x i m u m p u n i s h m e n t . D i s h o n o r a b l e d i s c h a r g e , forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 3 years. f. Sample specification. In that (personal jurisdiction data), did, (at/on board—location) (subject-matter jurisdiction data, if required), on or about 20 , with intent unlawfully to obtain (something of value) (an acquittance) (an advantage, to wit ) (an immunity, to wit ), communic a t e t o a t h r e a t t o ( h e r e d e s c r i b e t h e threat). 54. Article 128—Assault a. Text of statute. (a) Any person subject to this chapter who attempts or offers with unlawful force or violence to do bodily harm to another person, whether or not the attempt or offer is consummated, is guilty of assault and shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. (b) Any person subject to this chapter who— ( 1 ) c o m m i t s a n a s s a u l t w i t h a d a n g e r o u s weapon or other means or force likely to produce death or grievous bodily harm; or (2) commits an assault and intentionally inf l i c t s g r i e v o u s b o d i l y h a r m w i t h o r w i t h o u t a weapon; is guilty of aggravated assault and shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. b. Elements. (1) Simple assault. (a) That the accused attempted or offered to do bodily harm to a certain person; and (b) That the attempt or offer was done with unlawful force or violence. (2) Assault consummated by a battery. (a) That the accused did bodily harm to a certain person; and

(b) That the bodily harm was done with unlawful force or violence. ( 3 ) A s s a u l t s p e r m i t t i n g i n c r e a s e d p u n i s h m e n t based on status of victim. ( a ) A s s a u l t u p o n a c o m m i s s i o n e d , w a r r a n t , noncommissioned, or petty officer. (i) That the accused attempted to do, offered to do, or did bodily harm to a certain person; (ii) That the attempt, offer, or bodily harm was done with unlawful force or violence; (iii) That the person was a commissioned, warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer; and (iv) That the accused then knew that the pers o n w a s a c o m m i s s i o n e d , w a r r a n t , n o n c o m m i s - sioned, or petty officer. (b) Assault upon a sentinel or lookout in the execution of duty, or upon a person in the execution of law enforcement duties. (i) That the accused attempted to do, offered to do, or did bodily harm to a certain person; (ii) That the attempt, offer, or bodily harm was done with unlawful force or violence; (iii) That the person was a sentinel or lookout in the execution of duty or was a person who then had and was in the execution of security police, military police, shore patrol, master at arms, or other military or civilian law enforcement duties; and (iv) That the accused then knew that the person was a sentinel or lookout in the execution of duty or was a person who then had and was in the execution of security police, military police, shore patrol, master at arms, or other military or civilian law enforcement duties. (c) Assault consummated by a battery upon a child under 16 years. (i) That the accused did bodily harm to a certain person; (ii) That the bodily harm was done with unlawful force or violence; and (iii) That the person was then a child under the age of 16 years. (4) Aggravated assault. (a) Assault with a dangerous weapon or other means of force likely to produce death or grievous bodily harm. (i) That the accused attempted to do, offered to do, or did bodily harm to a certain person; 54.c.(1)(b)(ii) (ii) That the accused did so with a certain weapon, means, or force; (iii) That the attempt, offer, or bodily harm was done with unlawful force or violence; and (iv) That the weapon, means, or force was used in a manner likely to produce death or grievous bodily harm. (Note: Add any of the following as applicable) (v) That the weapon was a loaded firearm. (vi) That the person was a child under the age of 16 years. (b) Assault in which grievous bodily harm is intentionally inflicted. ( i ) T h a t t h e a c c u s e d a s s a u l t e d a c e r t a i n person; (ii) That grievous bodily harm was thereby inflicted upon such person; (iii) That the grievous bodily harm was done with unlawful force or violence; and (iv) That the accused, at the time, had the specific intent to inflict grievous bodily harm. (Note: Add any of the following as applicable) (v) That the injury was inflicted with a loaded firearm. (vi) That the person was a child under the age of 16 years. c. Explanation. (1) Simple assault. (a) Definition of assault. An “assault” is an attempt or offer with unlawful force or violence to do bodily harm to another, whether or not the attempt or offer is consummated. It must be done without legal justification or excuse and without the lawful consent of the person affected. “Bodily harm” means any offensive touching of another, however slight. (b) Difference between “attempt” and “offer” type assaults. (i) Attempt type assault. An “attempt” type assault requires a specific intent to inflict bodily harm, and an overt act—that is, an act that amounts to more than mere preparation and apparently tends to effect the intended bodily harm. An attempt type assault may be committed even though the victim had no knowledge of the incident at the time. (ii) Offer type assault. An “offer” type assault is an unlawful demonstration of violence, either by an intentional or by a culpably negligent act or omission, which creates in the mind of another a IV-99

(b) That the bodily harm was done with unlawful<br />

force or violence.<br />

( 3 ) A s s a u l t s p e r m i t t i n g i n c r e a s e d p u n i s h m e n t<br />

based on status of victim.<br />

( a ) A s s a u l t u p o n a c o m m i s s i o n e d , w a r r a n t ,<br />

noncommissioned, or petty officer.<br />

(i) That the accused attempted to do, offered<br />

to do, or did bodily harm to a certain person;<br />

(ii) That the attempt, offer, or bodily harm<br />

was done with unlawful force or violence;<br />

(iii) That the person was a commissioned,<br />

warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer; and<br />

(iv) That the accused then knew that the pers<br />

o n w a s a c o m m i s s i o n e d , w a r r a n t , n o n c o m m i s -<br />

sioned, or petty officer.<br />

(b) Assault upon a sentinel or lookout in the<br />

execution of duty, or upon a person in the execution<br />

of law enforcement duties.<br />

(i) That the accused attempted to do, offered<br />

to do, or did bodily harm to a certain person;<br />

(ii) That the attempt, offer, or bodily harm<br />

was done with unlawful force or violence;<br />

(iii) That the person was a sentinel or lookout<br />

in the execution of duty or was a person who<br />

then had and was in the execution of security police,<br />

military police, shore patrol, master at arms, or other<br />

military or civilian law enforcement duties; and<br />

(iv) That the accused then knew that the person<br />

was a sentinel or lookout in the execution of<br />

duty or was a person who then had and was in the<br />

execution of security police, military police, shore<br />

patrol, master at arms, or other military or civilian<br />

law enforcement duties.<br />

(c) Assault consummated by a battery upon a<br />

child under 16 years.<br />

(i) That the accused did bodily harm to a<br />

certain person;<br />

(ii) That the bodily harm was done with unlawful<br />

force or violence; and<br />

(iii) That the person was then a child under<br />

the age of 16 years.<br />

(4) Aggravated assault.<br />

(a) Assault with a dangerous weapon or other<br />

means of force likely to produce death or grievous<br />

bodily harm.<br />

(i) That the accused attempted to do, offered<br />

to do, or did bodily harm to a certain person;<br />

54.c.(1)(b)(ii)<br />

(ii) That the accused did so with a certain<br />

weapon, means, or force;<br />

(iii) That the attempt, offer, or bodily harm<br />

was done with unlawful force or violence; and<br />

(iv) That the weapon, means, or force was<br />

used in a manner likely to produce death or grievous<br />

bodily harm.<br />

(Note: Add any of the following as applicable)<br />

(v) That the weapon was a loaded firearm.<br />

(vi) That the person was a child under the<br />

age of 16 years.<br />

(b) Assault in which grievous bodily harm is<br />

intentionally inflicted.<br />

( i ) T h a t t h e a c c u s e d a s s a u l t e d a c e r t a i n<br />

person;<br />

(ii) That grievous bodily harm was thereby<br />

inflicted upon such person;<br />

(iii) That the grievous bodily harm was done<br />

with unlawful force or violence; and<br />

(iv) That the accused, at the time, had the<br />

specific intent to inflict grievous bodily harm.<br />

(Note: Add any of the following as applicable)<br />

(v) That the injury was inflicted with a loaded<br />

firearm.<br />

(vi) That the person was a child under the age<br />

of 16 years.<br />

c. Explanation.<br />

(1) Simple assault.<br />

(a) Definition of assault. An “assault” is an attempt<br />

or offer with unlawful force or violence to do<br />

bodily harm to another, whether or not the attempt<br />

or offer is consummated. It must be done without<br />

legal justification or excuse and without the lawful<br />

consent of the person affected. “Bodily harm” means<br />

any offensive touching of another, however slight.<br />

(b) Difference between “attempt” and “offer”<br />

type assaults.<br />

(i) Attempt type assault. An “attempt” type<br />

assault requires a specific intent to inflict bodily<br />

harm, and an overt act—that is, an act that amounts<br />

to more than mere preparation and apparently tends<br />

to effect the intended bodily harm. An attempt type<br />

assault may be committed even though the victim<br />

had no knowledge of the incident at the time.<br />

(ii) Offer type assault. An “offer” type assault<br />

is an unlawful demonstration of violence, either<br />

by an intentional or by a culpably negligent act<br />

or omission, which creates in the mind of another a<br />


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