2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army

2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army 2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army

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19.c.(5)(c) without force or artifice, and either with or without the consent of the custodian. However, where a prisoner is released by one with apparent authority to do so, the prisoner may not be convicted of escape f r o m c o n f i n e m e n t . S e e a l s o p a r a g r a p h 2 0 c ( 1 ) ( b ) . Any completed casting off of the restraint of confinement, before release by proper authority, is an escape, and lack of effectiveness of the restraint imposed is immaterial. An escape is not complete until the prisoner is momentarily free from the restraint. If the movement toward escape is opposed, or before it is completed, an immediate pursuit follows, there is no escape until opposition is overcome or pursuit is eluded. ( d ) S t a t u s w h e n t e m p o r a r i l y o u t s i d e c o n f i n e - ment facility. A prisoner who is temporarily escorted outside a confinement facility for a work detail or other reason by a guard, who has both the duty and m e a n s t o p r e v e n t t h a t p r i s o n e r f r o m e s c a p i n g , remains in confinement. (e) Legality of confinement. A person may not be convicted of escape from confinement if the confinement is illegal. Confinement ordered by one authorized to do so is presumed to be lawful in the absence of evidence to the contrary. Ordinarily, the legality of confinement is a question of law to be decided by the military judge. d. Lesser included offenses. (1) Resisting apprehension. Article 128—assault; assault consummated by a battery (2) Breaking arrest. (a) Article 134—breaking restriction (b) Article 80—attempts (3) Escape from custody. Article 80—attempts ( 4 ) E s c a p e f r o m c o n f i n e m e n t . A r t i c l e 8 0 — a t - tempts e. Maximum punishment. ( 1 ) R e s i s t i n g a p p r e h e n s i o n . B a d - c o n d u c t d i s - charge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 1 year. (2) Flight from apprehension. Bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 1 year. (3) Breaking arrest. Bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 6 months. (4) Escape from custody, pretrial confinement, or confinement on bread and water or diminished ra- IV-30 tions imposed pursuant to Article 15. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 1 year. (5) Escape from post-trial confinement. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 5 years. f. Sample specifications. (1) Resisting apprehension. In that (personal jurisdiction data), did, (at/on board—location) (subject-matter jurisdict i o n d a t a , i f r e q u i r e d ) , o n o r a b o u t 2 0 , r e s i s t b e i n g a p p r e - hended by , (an armed force policeman) ( accused. ), a person authorized to apprehend the (2) Flight from apprehension. In that (personal jurisdiction data), did, (at/on board—location) (subject-matter jurisdict i o n d a t a , i f r e q u i r e d ) , o n o r a b o u t 2 0 , f l e e a p p r e h e n s i o n b y , ( a n a r m e d f o r c e p o l i c e m a n ) ( accused. ), a person authorized to apprehend the (3) Breaking arrest. In that (personal jurisdiction data), having been placed in arrest (in quarters) (in his/her company area) ( ) by a person authorized to order the accused into arrest, did, (at/on board— l o c a t i o n ) o n o r a b o u t arrest. 2 0 , b r e a k s a i d (4) Escape from custody. In that (personal jurisdiction data), did, (at/on board—location) (subject-matter jurisdict i o n d a t a , i f r e q u i r e d ) , o n o r a b o u t 2 0 , e s c a p e f r o m t h e c u s - tody of hend the accused. , a person authorized to appre- (5) Escape from confinement. In that (personal jurisdiction data), having been placed in (post-trial) confinement in (place of confinement), by a person authorized to o r d e r s a i d a c c u s e d i n t o c o n f i n e m e n t d i d , ( a t / o n board—location) (subject-matter jurisdiction data, if required), on or about from confinement. 20 , escape

20. Article 96—Releasing prisoner without proper authority a. Text of statute. Any person subject to this chapter who, without proper authority, releases any prisoner committed to his charge, or who through neglect or design suffers any such prisoner to escape, shall b e p u n i s h e d a s a c o u r t - m a r t i a l m a y d i r e c t , whether or not the prisoner was committed in strict compliance with law. b. Elements. (1) Releasing a prisoner without proper authority. (a) That a certain prisoner was committed to the charge of the accused; and (b) That the accused released the prisoner without proper authority. (2) Suffering a prisoner to escape through neglect. (a) That a certain prisoner was committed to the charge of the accused; (b) That the prisoner escaped; (c) That the accused did not take such care to prevent the escape as a reasonably careful person, acting in the capacity in which the accused was acting, would have taken in the same or similar circumstances; and (d) That the escape was the proximate result of the neglect. (3) Suffering a prisoner to escape through design. (a) That a certain prisoner was committed to the charge of the accused; (b) That the design of the accused was to suffer the escape of that prisoner; and (c) That the prisoner escaped as a result of the carrying out of the design of the accused. c. Explanation. (1) Releasing a prisoner without proper authority. (a) Prisoner. “Prisoner” includes a civilian or military person who has been confined. (b) Release. The release of a prisoner is removal of restraint by the custodian rather than by the prisoner. (c) Authority to release. See R.C.M. 305(g) as to who may release pretrial prisoners. Normally, the l o w e s t a u t h o r i t y c o m p e t e n t t o o r d e r r e l e a s e o f a 20.e.(3) post-trial prisoner is the commander who convened the court-martial which sentenced the prisoner or the officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction over the prisoner. See also R.C.M. 1101. (d) Committed. Once a prisoner has been conf i n e d , t h e p r i s o n e r h a s b e e n “ c o m m i t t e d ” i n t h e sense of Article 96, and only a competent authority (see subparagraph (c)) may order release, regardless of failure to follow procedures prescribed by the code, this Manual, or other law. (2) Suffering a prisoner to escape through neglect. (a) Suffer. “Suffer” means to allow or permit; not to forbid or hinder. (b) Neglect. “Neglect” is a relative term. It is t h e a b s e n c e o f c o n d u c t w h i c h w o u l d h a v e b e e n taken by a reasonably careful person in the same or similar circumstances. ( c ) E s c a p e . E s c a p e i s d e f i n e d i n p a r a g r a p h 19c(4)(c). (d) Status of prisoner after escape not a defense. After escape, the fact that a prisoner returns, i s c a p t u r e d , k i l l e d , o r o t h e r w i s e d i e s i s n o t a defense. (3) Suffering a prisoner to escape through design. An escape is suffered through design when it is intended. Such intent may be inferred from conduct so wantonly devoid of care that the only reasonable inference which may be drawn is that the escape was contemplated as a probable result. d. Lesser included offenses. (1) Releasing a prisoner without proper authority. Article 80—attempts (2) Suffering a prisoner to escape through neglect. None (3) Suffering a prisoner to escape through design. (a) Article 96—suffering a prisoner to escape through neglect (b) Article 80—attempts e. Maximum punishment. (1) Releasing a prisoner without proper authority. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 2 years. (2) Suffering a prisoner to escape through neglect. Bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 1 year. (3) Suffering a prisoner to escape through design. IV-31

20. Article 96—Releasing prisoner without<br />

proper authority<br />

a. Text of statute.<br />

Any person subject to this chapter who, without<br />

proper authority, releases any prisoner committed<br />

to his charge, or who through neglect or<br />

design suffers any such prisoner to escape, shall<br />

b e p u n i s h e d a s a c o u r t - m a r t i a l m a y d i r e c t ,<br />

whether or not the prisoner was committed in<br />

strict compliance with law.<br />

b. Elements.<br />

(1) Releasing a prisoner without proper authority.<br />

(a) That a certain prisoner was committed to<br />

the charge of the accused; and<br />

(b) That the accused released the prisoner without<br />

proper authority.<br />

(2) Suffering a prisoner to escape through neglect.<br />

(a) That a certain prisoner was committed to<br />

the charge of the accused;<br />

(b) That the prisoner escaped;<br />

(c) That the accused did not take such care to<br />

prevent the escape as a reasonably careful person,<br />

acting in the capacity in which the accused was<br />

acting, would have taken in the same or similar<br />

circumstances; and<br />

(d) That the escape was the proximate result of<br />

the neglect.<br />

(3) Suffering a prisoner to escape through design.<br />

(a) That a certain prisoner was committed to<br />

the charge of the accused;<br />

(b) That the design of the accused was to suffer<br />

the escape of that prisoner; and<br />

(c) That the prisoner escaped as a result of the<br />

carrying out of the design of the accused.<br />

c. Explanation.<br />

(1) Releasing a prisoner without proper authority.<br />

(a) Prisoner. “Prisoner” includes a civilian or<br />

military person who has been confined.<br />

(b) Release. The release of a prisoner is removal<br />

of restraint by the custodian rather than by<br />

the prisoner.<br />

(c) Authority to release. See R.C.M. 305(g) as<br />

to who may release pretrial prisoners. Normally, the<br />

l o w e s t a u t h o r i t y c o m p e t e n t t o o r d e r r e l e a s e o f a<br />

20.e.(3)<br />

post-trial prisoner is the commander who convened<br />

the court-martial which sentenced the prisoner or the<br />

officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction<br />

over the prisoner. See also R.C.M. 1101.<br />

(d) Committed. Once a prisoner has been conf<br />

i n e d , t h e p r i s o n e r h a s b e e n “ c o m m i t t e d ” i n t h e<br />

sense of Article 96, and only a competent authority<br />

(see subparagraph (c)) may order release, regardless<br />

of failure to follow procedures prescribed by the<br />

code, this Manual, or other law.<br />

(2) Suffering a prisoner to escape through neglect.<br />

(a) Suffer. “Suffer” means to allow or permit;<br />

not to forbid or hinder.<br />

(b) Neglect. “Neglect” is a relative term. It is<br />

t h e a b s e n c e o f c o n d u c t w h i c h w o u l d h a v e b e e n<br />

taken by a reasonably careful person in the same or<br />

similar circumstances.<br />

( c ) E s c a p e . E s c a p e i s d e f i n e d i n p a r a g r a p h<br />

19c(4)(c).<br />

(d) Status of prisoner after escape not a defense.<br />

After escape, the fact that a prisoner returns,<br />

i s c a p t u r e d , k i l l e d , o r o t h e r w i s e d i e s i s n o t a<br />

defense.<br />

(3) Suffering a prisoner to escape through design.<br />

An escape is suffered through design when it is<br />

intended. Such intent may be inferred from conduct<br />

so wantonly devoid of care that the only reasonable<br />

inference which may be drawn is that the escape<br />

was contemplated as a probable result.<br />

d. Lesser included offenses.<br />

(1) Releasing a prisoner without proper authority.<br />

Article 80—attempts<br />

(2) Suffering a prisoner to escape through neglect.<br />

None<br />

(3) Suffering a prisoner to escape through design.<br />

(a) Article 96—suffering a prisoner to escape<br />

through neglect<br />

(b) Article 80—attempts<br />

e. Maximum punishment.<br />

(1) Releasing a prisoner without proper authority.<br />

Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and<br />

allowances, and confinement for 2 years.<br />

(2) Suffering a prisoner to escape through neglect.<br />

Bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and<br />

allowances, and confinement for 1 year.<br />

(3) Suffering a prisoner to escape through design.<br />


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