2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army

2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army 2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army

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14.c.(2)(b) must be directed specifically to the subordinate. Violations of regulations, standing orders or directives, or failure to perform previously established duties are not punishable under this article, but may violate Article 92. (c) Form and transmission of the order. As long as the order is understandable, the form of the order is immaterial, as is the method by which it is transmitted to the accused. (d) Specificity of the order. The order must be a specific mandate to do or not to do a specific act. An exhortation to “obey the law” or to perform o n e ’ s m i l i t a r y d u t y d o e s n o t c o n s t i t u t e a n o r d e r under this article. (e) Knowledge. The accused must have actual knowledge of the order and of the fact that the person issuing the order was the accused’s superior c o m m i s s i o n e d o f f i c e r . A c t u a l k n o w l e d g e m a y b e proved by circumstantial evidence. (f) Nature of the disobedience. “Willful disobedience” is an intentional defiance of authority. Failure to comply with an order through heedlessness, remissness, or forgetfulness is not a violation of this article but may violate Article 92. (g) Time for compliance. When an order requires immediate compliance, an accused’s declared intent not to obey and the failure to make any move to comply constitutes disobedience. If an order does not indicate the time within which it is to be complied with, either expressly or by implication, then a reasonable delay in compliance does not violate this article. If an order requires performance in the future, an accused’s present statement of intention to disobey the order does not constitute disobedience of that order, although carrying out that intention may. ( 3 ) C i v i l i a n s a n d d i s c h a r g e d p r i s o n e r s . A d i s - charged prisoner or other civilian subject to military law (see Article 2) and under the command of a commissioned officer is subject to the provisions of this article. d. Lesser included offenses. (1) Striking superior commissioned officer in execution of office. (a) Article 90—drawing or lifting up a weapon or offering violence to superior commissioned officer in execution of office (b) Article 128—assault; assault consummated by a battery; assault with a dangerous weapon IV-20 ( c ) A r t i c l e 1 2 8 — a s s a u l t o r a s s a u l t c o n s u m - mated by a battery upon commissioned officer not in the execution of office (d) Article 80—attempts (2) Drawing or lifting up a weapon or offering violence to superior commissioned officer in execution of office. ( a ) A r t i c l e 1 2 8 — a s s a u l t , a s s a u l t w i t h d a n - gerous weapon (b) Article 128—assault upon a commissioned officer not in the execution of office (c) Article 80—attempts (3) Willfully disobeying lawful order of superior commissioned officer. (a) Article 92—failure to obey lawful order (b) Article 89—disrespect to superior commissioned officer (c) Article 80—attempts e. Maximum punishment. (1) Striking, drawing, or lifting up any weapon or offering any violence to superior commissioned offic e r i n t h e e x e c u t i o n o f o f f i c e . D i s h o n o r a b l e d i s - charge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 10 years. (2) Willfully disobeying a lawful order of superior commissioned officer. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 5 years. (3) In time of war. Death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. f. Sample specifications. (1) Striking superior commissioned officer. In that (personal jurisdiction data), did, (at/on board—location) (subject-matter jurisdict i o n d a t a , i f r e q u i r e d ) , o n o r a b o u t 2 0 , ( a t i m e o f w a r ) s t r i k e , h i s / h e r s u p e r i o r c o m m i s s i o n e d officer, then known by the said to be his/her superior commissioned officer, who was then i n t h e e x e c u t i o n o f h i s / h e r o f f i c e , ( i n ) ( o n ) the with (a) (his/her) . (2) Drawing or lifting up a weapon against superior commissioned officer. In that (personal jurisdiction data), did, (at/on board—location) (subject-matter jurisdict i o n d a t a , i f r e q u i r e d ) , o n o r about 20 , (a time of war) (draw) l i f t u p ) a w e a p o n , t o w i t : a ,

against , his/her superior commissioned officer, then known by the said to be his/her superior commissioned officer, who was then in the execution of his/her office. (3) Offering violence to superior commissioned officer. In that (personal jurisdiction data), did, (at/on board—location) (subject-matter jurisdict i o n d a t a , i f r e q u i r e d ) , o n o r about 20 , (a time of war) offer violence against , his/her superior comm i s s i o n e d o f f i c e r , t h e n k n o w n b y t h e s a i d - to be his/her superior commissioned officer, who was then in the execution of his/her office, by . ( 4 ) W i l l f u l d i s o b e d i e n c e o f s u p e r i o r c o m m i s - sioned officer. In that (personal jurisdiction data), h a v i n g r e c e i v e d a l a w f u l c o m m a n d f r o m , h i s / h e r s u p e r i o r c o m m i s s i o n e d officer, then known by the said to be h i s / h e r s u p e r i o r c o m m i s s i o n e d o f f i c e r , to , or words to that effect, did, (at/on b o a r d — l o c a t i o n ) , o n o r a b o u t 2 0 , w i l l f u l l y d i s o b e y the same. 15. Article 91—Insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer a. Text of statute. Any warrant officer or enlisted member who— (1) strikes or assaults a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer, while that officer is in the execution of his office; (2) willfully disobeys the lawful order of a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer; or (3) treats with contempt or is disrespectful in language or deportment toward a warrant offic e r , n o n c o m m i s s i o n e d o f f i c e r , o r p e t t y o f f i c e r while that officer is in the execution of his office; shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. b. Elements. (1) Striking or assaulting warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer. (a) That the accused was a warrant officer or enlisted member; 15.b.(3)(f) (b) That the accused struck or assaulted a certain warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer; (c) That the striking or assault was committed while the victim was in the execution of office; and (d) That the accused then knew that the person struck or assaulted was a warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer. [Note: If the victim was the superior noncommissioned or petty officer of the accused, add the following elements] (e) That the victim was the superior noncommissioned, or petty officer of the accused; and (f) That the accused then knew that the person struck or assaulted was the accused’s superior noncommissioned, or petty officer. (2) Disobeying a warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer. (a) That the accused was a warrant officer or enlisted member; (b) That the accused received a certain lawful order from a certain warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer; (c) That the accused then knew that the person giving the order was a warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer; (d) That the accused had a duty to obey the order; and ( e ) T h a t t h e a c c u s e d w i l l f u l l y d i s o b e y e d t h e order. (3) Treating with contempt or being disrespectful in language or deportment toward a warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer. (a) That the accused was a warrant officer or enlisted member; ( b ) T h a t t h e a c c u s e d d i d o r o m i t t e d c e r t a i n acts, or used certain language; (c) That such behavior or language was used toward and within sight or hearing of a certain warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer; (d) That the accused then knew that the person toward whom the behavior or language was directed was a warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer; (e) That the victim was then in the execution of office; and (f) That under the circumstances the accused, by such behavior or language, treated with contempt IV-21

14.c.(2)(b)<br />

must be directed specifically to the subordinate. Violations<br />

of regulations, standing orders or directives,<br />

or failure to perform previously established duties<br />

are not punishable under this article, but may violate<br />

Article 92.<br />

(c) Form and transmission of the order. As<br />

long as the order is understandable, the form of the<br />

order is immaterial, as is the method by which it is<br />

transmitted to the accused.<br />

(d) Specificity of the order. The order must be<br />

a specific mandate to do or not to do a specific act.<br />

An exhortation to “obey the law” or to perform<br />

o n e ’ s m i l i t a r y d u t y d o e s n o t c o n s t i t u t e a n o r d e r<br />

under this article.<br />

(e) Knowledge. The accused must have actual<br />

knowledge of the order and of the fact that the<br />

person issuing the order was the accused’s superior<br />

c o m m i s s i o n e d o f f i c e r . A c t u a l k n o w l e d g e m a y b e<br />

proved by circumstantial evidence.<br />

(f) Nature of the disobedience. “Willful disobedience”<br />

is an intentional defiance of authority. Failure<br />

to comply with an order through heedlessness,<br />

remissness, or forgetfulness is not a violation of this<br />

article but may violate Article 92.<br />

(g) Time for compliance. When an order requires<br />

immediate compliance, an accused’s declared<br />

intent not to obey and the failure to make any move<br />

to comply constitutes disobedience. If an order does<br />

not indicate the time within which it is to be complied<br />

with, either expressly or by implication, then a<br />

reasonable delay in compliance does not violate this<br />

article. If an order requires performance in the future,<br />

an accused’s present statement of intention to<br />

disobey the order does not constitute disobedience of<br />

that order, although carrying out that intention may.<br />

( 3 ) C i v i l i a n s a n d d i s c h a r g e d p r i s o n e r s . A d i s -<br />

charged prisoner or other civilian subject to military<br />

law (see Article 2) and under the command of a<br />

commissioned officer is subject to the provisions of<br />

this article.<br />

d. Lesser included offenses.<br />

(1) Striking superior commissioned officer in execution<br />

of office.<br />

(a) Article 90—drawing or lifting up a weapon<br />

or offering violence to superior commissioned officer<br />

in execution of office<br />

(b) Article 128—assault; assault consummated<br />

by a battery; assault with a dangerous weapon<br />

IV-20<br />

( c ) A r t i c l e 1 2 8 — a s s a u l t o r a s s a u l t c o n s u m -<br />

mated by a battery upon commissioned officer not in<br />

the execution of office<br />

(d) Article 80—attempts<br />

(2) Drawing or lifting up a weapon or offering<br />

violence to superior commissioned officer in execution<br />

of office.<br />

( a ) A r t i c l e 1 2 8 — a s s a u l t , a s s a u l t w i t h d a n -<br />

gerous weapon<br />

(b) Article 128—assault upon a commissioned<br />

officer not in the execution of office<br />

(c) Article 80—attempts<br />

(3) Willfully disobeying lawful order of superior<br />

commissioned officer.<br />

(a) Article 92—failure to obey lawful order<br />

(b) Article 89—disrespect to superior commissioned<br />

officer<br />

(c) Article 80—attempts<br />

e. Maximum punishment.<br />

(1) Striking, drawing, or lifting up any weapon or<br />

offering any violence to superior commissioned offic<br />

e r i n t h e e x e c u t i o n o f o f f i c e . D i s h o n o r a b l e d i s -<br />

charge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and<br />

confinement for 10 years.<br />

(2) Willfully disobeying a lawful order of superior<br />

commissioned officer. Dishonorable discharge,<br />

forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement<br />

for 5 years.<br />

(3) In time of war. Death or such other punishment<br />

as a court-martial may direct.<br />

f. <strong>Sam</strong>ple specifications.<br />

(1) Striking superior commissioned officer.<br />

In that (personal jurisdiction data),<br />

did, (at/on board—location) (subject-matter jurisdict<br />

i o n d a t a , i f r e q u i r e d ) , o n o r<br />

a b o u t 2 0 , ( a t i m e o f w a r )<br />

s t r i k e , h i s / h e r s u p e r i o r c o m m i s s i o n e d<br />

officer, then known by the said to be<br />

his/her superior commissioned officer, who was then<br />

i n t h e e x e c u t i o n o f h i s / h e r o f f i c e , ( i n ) ( o n )<br />

the with (a) (his/her) .<br />

(2) Drawing or lifting up a weapon against superior<br />

commissioned officer.<br />

In that (personal jurisdiction data),<br />

did, (at/on board—location) (subject-matter jurisdict<br />

i o n d a t a , i f r e q u i r e d ) , o n o r<br />

about 20 , (a time of war) (draw)<br />

l i f t u p ) a w e a p o n , t o w i t : a ,

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