2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army

2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army 2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army

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M.R.E. 413(d) form Code of Military Justice, or a crime under Federal law or the law of a State that involved— (1) any sexual act or sexual contact, without consent, proscribed by the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Federal law, or the law of a State; (2) contact, without consent of the victim, between any part of the accused’s body, or an object held or controlled by the accused, and the genitals or anus of another person; (3) contact, without consent of the victim, between the genitals or anus of the accused and any part of another person’s body; (4) deriving sexual pleasure or gratification from the infliction of death, bodily injury, or physical pain on another person; or (5) an attempt or conspiracy to engage in conduct described in paragraphs (1) through (4). (e) For purposes of this rule, the term “sexual act” means: (1) contact between the penis and the vulva or the penis and the anus, and for purposes of this rule, contact occurs upon penetration, however slight, of the penis into the vulva or anus; (2) contact between the mouth and the penis, the mouth and the vulva, or the mouth and the anus; (3) the penetration, however slight, of the anal or genital opening of another by a hand or finger or by any object, with an intent to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person; or ( 4 ) t h e i n t e n t i o n a l t o u c h i n g , n o t t h r o u g h t h e clothing, of the genitalia of another person who has not attained the age of 16 years, with an intent to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person. (f) For purposes of this rule, the term “sexual contact” means the intentional touching, either directly or through clothing, of the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person with an intent to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person. (g) For purposes of this rule, the term “State” includes a State of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, and any other territory or possession of the United States. III-22 Rule 414. Evidence of similar crimes in child molestation cases ( a ) I n a c o u r t - m a r t i a l i n w h i c h t h e a c c u s e d i s charged with an offense of child molestation, evidence of the accused’s commission of one or more offenses of child molestation is admissible and may be considered for its bearing on any matter to which it is relevant. (b) In a court-martial in which the Government intends to offer evidence under this rule, the Governm e n t s h a l l d i s c l o s e t h e e v i d e n c e t o t h e a c c u s e d , including statements of witnesses or a summary of the substance of any testimony that is expected to be offered, at least 5 days before the scheduled date of trial or at such later time as the military judge may allow for good cause. (c) This rule shall not be construed to limit the admission or consideration of evidence under any other rule. (d) For purposes of this rule, “child” means a person below the age of sixteen, and “offense of child molestation” means an offense punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, or a crime under Federal law or the law of a State that involved— (1) any sexual act or sexual contact with a child proscribed by the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Federal law, or the law of a State; (2) any sexually explicit conduct with children proscribed by the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Federal law, or the law of a State; ( 3 ) c o n t a c t b e t w e e n a n y p a r t o f t h e a c c u s e d ’ s body, or an object controlled or held by the accused, and the genitals or anus of a child; (4) contact between the genitals or anus of the accused and any part of the body of a child; (5) deriving sexual pleasure or gratification from the infliction of death, bodily injury, or physical pain on a child; or (6) an attempt or conspiracy to engage in conduct d e s c r i b e d i n p a r a g r a p h s ( 1 ) t h r o u g h ( 5 ) o f t h i s subdivision. (e) For purposes of this rule, the term “sexual act” means: (1) contact between the penis and the vulva or the penis and the anus, and for purposes of this rule, contact occurs upon penetration, however slight, of the penis into the vulva or anus;

(2) contact between the mouth and the penis, the mouth and the vulva, or the mouth and the anus; (3) the penetration, however slight, of the anal or genital opening of another by a hand or finger or by any object, with an intent to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person; or ( 4 ) t h e i n t e n t i o n a l t o u c h i n g , n o t t h r o u g h t h e clothing, of the genitalia of another person who has not attained the age of 16 years, with an intent to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person. (f) For purposes of this rule, the term “sexual contact” means the intentional touching, either directly or through clothing, of the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person with an intent to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person. (g) For purposes of this rule, the term “sexually explicit conduct” means actual or simulated: ( 1 ) s e x u a l i n t e r c o u r s e , i n c l u d i n g g e n i t a l - g e n i t a l , oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between person of the same or opposite sex; (2) bestiality; (3) masturbation; (4) sadistic or masochistic abuse; or (5) lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person. (h) For purposes of this rule, the term “State” includes a State of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, and any other territory or possession of the United States. PRIVILEGES SECTION V Rule 501. General rule (a) A person may not claim a privilege with respect to any matter except as required by or provided for in: (1) The Constitution of the United States as applied to members of the armed forces; (2) An Act of Congress applicable to trials by courts-martial; (3) These rules or this Manual; or (4) The principles of common law generally rec- M.R.E. 502(b)(2) ognized in the trial of criminal cases in the United States district courts pursuant to rule 501 of the Federal Rules of Evidence insofar as the application of such principles in trials by courts-martial is practicable and not contrary to or inconsistent with the code, these rules, or this Manual. (b) A claim of privilege includes, but is not limited to, the assertion by any person of a privilege to: (1) Refuse to be a witness; (2) Refuse to disclose any matter; (3) Refuse to produce any object or writing; or (4) Prevent another from being a witness or disc l o s i n g a n y m a t t e r o r p r o d u c i n g a n y o b j e c t o r writing. (c) The term “person” includes an appropriate representative of the Federal Government, a State, or pol i t i c a l s u b d i v i s i o n t h e r e o f , o r a n y o t h e r e n t i t y claiming to be the holder of a privilege. ( d ) N o t w i t h s t a n d i n g a n y o t h e r p r o v i s i o n o f t h e s e rules, information not otherwise privileged does not become privileged on the basis that it was acquired b y a m e d i c a l o f f i c e r o r c i v i l i a n p h y s i c i a n i n a professional capacity. Rule 502. Lawyer-client privilege (a) General rule of privilege. A client has a privilege to refuse to disclose and to prevent any other person from disclosing confidential communications made for the purpose of facilitating the rendition of professional legal services to the client, (1) between the client or the client’s representative and the lawyer or the lawyer’s representative, (2) between the lawyer and the lawyer’s representative, (3) by the client or the client’s lawyer to a lawyer representing another in a matter of common interest, (4) between representatives of the client or between the client and a representative of the client, or (5) between lawyers representing the client. (b) Definitions. As used in this rule: (1) A “client” is a person, public officer, corporation, association, organization, or other entity, either public or private, who receives professional legal services from a lawyer, or who consults a lawyer with a view to obtaining professional legal services from the lawyer. (2) A “lawyer” is a person authorized, or reasonably believed by the client to be authorized, to practice law; or a member of the armed forces detailed, assigned, or otherwise provided to represent a per- III-23

M.R.E. 413(d)<br />

form Code of Military Justice, or a crime under<br />

Federal law or the law of a State that involved—<br />

(1) any sexual act or sexual contact, without consent,<br />

proscribed by the Uniform Code of Military<br />

Justice, Federal law, or the law of a State;<br />

(2) contact, without consent of the victim, between<br />

any part of the accused’s body, or an object<br />

held or controlled by the accused, and the genitals or<br />

anus of another person;<br />

(3) contact, without consent of the victim, between<br />

the genitals or anus of the accused and any<br />

part of another person’s body;<br />

(4) deriving sexual pleasure or gratification from<br />

the infliction of death, bodily injury, or physical<br />

pain on another person; or<br />

(5) an attempt or conspiracy to engage in conduct<br />

described in paragraphs (1) through (4).<br />

(e) For purposes of this rule, the term “sexual act”<br />

means:<br />

(1) contact between the penis and the vulva or the<br />

penis and the anus, and for purposes of this rule,<br />

contact occurs upon penetration, however slight, of<br />

the penis into the vulva or anus;<br />

(2) contact between the mouth and the penis, the<br />

mouth and the vulva, or the mouth and the anus;<br />

(3) the penetration, however slight, of the anal or<br />

genital opening of another by a hand or finger or by<br />

any object, with an intent to abuse, humiliate, harass,<br />

degrade, or arouse or gratify the sexual desire of<br />

any person; or<br />

( 4 ) t h e i n t e n t i o n a l t o u c h i n g , n o t t h r o u g h t h e<br />

clothing, of the genitalia of another person who has<br />

not attained the age of 16 years, with an intent to<br />

abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse or gratify<br />

the sexual desire of any person.<br />

(f) For purposes of this rule, the term “sexual contact”<br />

means the intentional touching, either directly<br />

or through clothing, of the genitalia, anus, groin,<br />

breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person with an<br />

intent to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse<br />

or gratify the sexual desire of any person.<br />

(g) For purposes of this rule, the term “State” includes<br />

a State of the United States, the District of<br />

Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands,<br />

and any other territory or possession of the United<br />

States.<br />

III-22<br />

Rule 414. Evidence of similar crimes in child<br />

molestation cases<br />

( a ) I n a c o u r t - m a r t i a l i n w h i c h t h e a c c u s e d i s<br />

charged with an offense of child molestation, evidence<br />

of the accused’s commission of one or more<br />

offenses of child molestation is admissible and may<br />

be considered for its bearing on any matter to which<br />

it is relevant.<br />

(b) In a court-martial in which the Government intends<br />

to offer evidence under this rule, the Governm<br />

e n t s h a l l d i s c l o s e t h e e v i d e n c e t o t h e a c c u s e d ,<br />

including statements of witnesses or a summary of<br />

the substance of any testimony that is expected to be<br />

offered, at least 5 days before the scheduled date of<br />

trial or at such later time as the military judge may<br />

allow for good cause.<br />

(c) This rule shall not be construed to limit the<br />

admission or consideration of evidence under any<br />

other rule.<br />

(d) For purposes of this rule, “child” means a person<br />

below the age of sixteen, and “offense of child<br />

molestation” means an offense punishable under the<br />

Uniform Code of Military Justice, or a crime under<br />

Federal law or the law of a State that involved—<br />

(1) any sexual act or sexual contact with a child<br />

proscribed by the Uniform Code of Military Justice,<br />

Federal law, or the law of a State;<br />

(2) any sexually explicit conduct with children<br />

proscribed by the Uniform Code of Military Justice,<br />

Federal law, or the law of a State;<br />

( 3 ) c o n t a c t b e t w e e n a n y p a r t o f t h e a c c u s e d ’ s<br />

body, or an object controlled or held by the accused,<br />

and the genitals or anus of a child;<br />

(4) contact between the genitals or anus of the<br />

accused and any part of the body of a child;<br />

(5) deriving sexual pleasure or gratification from<br />

the infliction of death, bodily injury, or physical<br />

pain on a child; or<br />

(6) an attempt or conspiracy to engage in conduct<br />

d e s c r i b e d i n p a r a g r a p h s ( 1 ) t h r o u g h ( 5 ) o f t h i s<br />

subdivision.<br />

(e) For purposes of this rule, the term “sexual act”<br />

means:<br />

(1) contact between the penis and the vulva or the<br />

penis and the anus, and for purposes of this rule,<br />

contact occurs upon penetration, however slight, of<br />

the penis into the vulva or anus;

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