2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army

2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army 2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army

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R.C.M. 910(h)(2) which a finding is based, the military judge shall inquire into the providence of the plea. If, following such inquiry, it appears that the accused entered the plea improvidently or through lack of understanding of its meaning and effect a plea of not guilty shall b e e n t e r e d a s t o t h e a f f e c t e d c h a r g e s a n d specifications. Discussion When the accused withdraws a previously accepted plea for guilty or a plea of guilty is set aside, counsel should be given a reasonable time to prepare to proceed. In a trial by military judge alone, recusal of the military judge or disapproval of the request for trial by military judge alone will ordinarily be necessary when a plea is rejected or withdrawn after findings; in trial with members, a mistrial will ordinarily be necessary. (3) Pretrial agreement inquiry. After sentence is announced the military judge shall inquire into any p a r t s o f a p r e t r i a l a g r e e m e n t w h i c h w e r e n o t previously examined by the military judge. If the military judge determines that the accused does not understand the material terms of the agreement, or that the parties disagree as to such terms, the military judge shall conform, with the consent of the Government, the agreement to the accused’s understanding or permit the accused to withdraw the plea. Discussion See subsection (f)(3) of this rule. (i) Record of proceedings. A verbatim record of the guilty plea proceedings shall be made in cases in which a verbatim record is required under R.C.M. 1103. In other special courts-martial, a summary of the explanation and replies shall be included in the record of trial. As to summary courts-martial, see R.C.M. 1305. (j) Waiver. Except as provided in subsection (a)(2) of this rule, a plea of guilty which results in a finding of guilty waives any objection, whether or not previously raised, insofar as the objection relates to the factual issue of guilt of the offense(s) to which the plea was made. Rule 911. Assembly of the court-martial The military judge shall announce the assembly of the court-martial. II-102 Discussion When trial is by a court-martial with members, the court-martial is ordinarily assembled immediately after the members are sworn. The members are ordinarily sworn at the first session at which they appear, as soon as all parties and personnel have been announced. The members are seated with the president, who is the senior member, in the center, and the other members alternately to the president’s right and left according to rank. If the rank of a member is changed, or if the membership of the court-martial changes, the members should be reseated accordingly. When trial is by military judge alone, the court-martial is ordinarily assembled immediately following approval of the request for trial by military judge alone. Assembly of the court-martial is significant because it marks the point after which: substitution of the members and military judge may no longer take place without good cause (see Article 29; R.C.M. 505; 902; 912); the accused may no longer, as a matter of right, request trial by military judge alone or withdraw s u c h a r e q u e s t p r e v i o u s l y a p p r o v e d ( s e e A r t i c l e 1 6 ; R . C . M . 903(a)(2)(d)); and the accused may no longer request, even with the permission of the military judge, or withdraw from a request for, enlisted members (see Article 25(c)(1); R.C.M. 903(a)(1)(d)). Rule 912. Challenge of selection of members; examination and challenges of members (a) Pretrial matters. (1) Questionnaires. Before trial the trial counsel may, and shall upon request of the defense counsel, submit to each member written questions requesting the following information: (A) Date of birth; (B) Sex; (C) Race; (D) Marital status and sex, age, and number of dependents; (E) Home of record; (F) Civilian and military education, including, w h e n a v a i l a b l e , m a j o r a r e a s o f s t u d y , n a m e o f school or institution, years of education, and degrees received; (G) Current unit to which assigned; (H) Past duty assignments; (I) Awards and decorations received; (J) Date of rank; and (K) Whether the member has acted as accuser, counsel, investigating officer, convening authority, or legal officer or staff judge advocate for the con-

vening authority in the case, or has forwarded the charges with a recommendation as to disposition. Additional information may be requested with the approval of the military judge. Each member’s responses to the questions shall be written and signed by the member. Discussion Using questionnaires before trial may expedite voir dire and may permit more informed exercise of challenges. If the questionnaire is marked or admitted as an exhibit at the court-martial it must be attached to or included in the record of trial. See R.C.M. 1103(b)(2)(D)(iv) and (b)(3)(B). ( 2 ) O t h e r m a t e r i a l s . A c o p y o f a n y w r i t t e n materials considered by the convening authority in selecting the members detailed to the court-martial shall be provided to any party upon request, except that such materials pertaining solely to persons who were not selected for detail as members need not be provided unless the military judge, for good cause, so directs. (b) Challenge of selection of members. (1) Motion. Before the examination of members under subsection (d) of this rule begins, or at the next session after a party discovered or could have discovered by the exercise of diligence, the grounds therefor, whichever is earlier, that party may move to stay the proceedings on the ground that members were selected improperly. Discussion See R.C.M. 502(a) and 503(a) concerning selection of members. Members are also improperly selected when, for example, a certain group or class is arbitrarily excluded from consideration as members. (2) Procedure. Upon a motion under subsection (b)(1) of this rule containing an offer of proof of matters which, if true, would constitute improper selection of members, the moving party shall be entitled to present evidence, including any written materials considered by the convening authority in selecting the members. Any other party may also present evidence on the matter. If the military judge determines that the members have been selected improperly, the military judge shall stay any proceedi n g s r e q u i r i n g t h e p r e s e n c e o f m e m b e r s u n t i l members are properly selected. R.C.M. 912(f) ( 3 ) W a i v e r . F a i l u r e t o m a k e a t i m e l y m o t i o n under this subsection shall waive the improper select i o n u n l e s s i t c o n s t i t u t e s a v i o l a t i o n o f R . C . M . 501(a), 502(a)(1), or 503(a)(2). (c) Stating grounds for challenge. The trial counsel s h a l l s t a t e a n y g r o u n d f o r c h a l l e n g e f o r c a u s e against any member of which the trial counsel is aware. ( d ) E x a m i n a t i o n o f m e m b e r s . T h e m i l i t a r y j u d g e may permit the parties to conduct the examination of members or may personally conduct the examination. In the latter event the military judge shall permit the parties to supplement the examination by such further inquiry as the military judge deems p r o p e r o r t h e m i l i t a r y j u d g e s h a l l s u b m i t t o t h e members such additional questions by the parties as the military judge deems proper. A member may be questioned outside the presence of other members when the military judge so directs. Discussion Examination of the members is called “voir dire.” If the members have not already been placed under oath for the purpose of voir dire (see R.C.M. 807(b)(2) Discussion (B)), they should be sworn before they are questioned. The opportunity for voir dire should be used to obtain information for the intelligent exercise of challenges; counsel should not purposely use voir dire to present factual matter which will not be admissible or to argue the case. The nature and scope of the examination of members is within the discretion of the military judge. Members may be questioned individually or collectively. Ordinarily, the military judge should permit counsel to personally question the members. Trial counsel ordinarily conducts an inquiry before the defense. Whether trial counsel will question all the members before the defense begins or whether some other procedure will be followed depends on the circumstances. For example, when members are questioned individually outside the presence of other members, each party would ordinarily complete questioning that member before another member is questioned. The military judge and each party may conduct additional questioning, after initial questioning by a party, as necessary. Ordinarily the members should be asked whether they are aware of any ground for challenge against them. This may expedite further questioning. The members should be cautioned, howe v e r , n o t t o d i s c l o s e i n f o r m a t i o n i n t h e p r e s e n c e o f o t h e r members which might disqualify them. (e) Evidence. Any party may present evidence relating to whether grounds for challenge exist against a member. (f) Challenges and removal for cause. II-103

R.C.M. 910(h)(2)<br />

which a finding is based, the military judge shall<br />

inquire into the providence of the plea. If, following<br />

such inquiry, it appears that the accused entered the<br />

plea improvidently or through lack of understanding<br />

of its meaning and effect a plea of not guilty shall<br />

b e e n t e r e d a s t o t h e a f f e c t e d c h a r g e s a n d<br />

specifications.<br />

Discussion<br />

When the accused withdraws a previously accepted plea for guilty<br />

or a plea of guilty is set aside, counsel should be given a reasonable<br />

time to prepare to proceed. In a trial by military judge alone,<br />

recusal of the military judge or disapproval of the request for trial<br />

by military judge alone will ordinarily be necessary when a plea<br />

is rejected or withdrawn after findings; in trial with members, a<br />

mistrial will ordinarily be necessary.<br />

(3) Pretrial agreement inquiry. After sentence is<br />

announced the military judge shall inquire into any<br />

p a r t s o f a p r e t r i a l a g r e e m e n t w h i c h w e r e n o t<br />

previously examined by the military judge. If the<br />

military judge determines that the accused does not<br />

understand the material terms of the agreement, or<br />

that the parties disagree as to such terms, the military<br />

judge shall conform, with the consent of the<br />

Government, the agreement to the accused’s understanding<br />

or permit the accused to withdraw the plea.<br />

Discussion<br />

See subsection (f)(3) of this rule.<br />

(i) Record of proceedings. A verbatim record of the<br />

guilty plea proceedings shall be made in cases in<br />

which a verbatim record is required under R.C.M.<br />

1103. In other special courts-martial, a summary of<br />

the explanation and replies shall be included in the<br />

record of trial. As to summary courts-martial, see<br />

R.C.M. 1305.<br />

(j) Waiver. Except as provided in subsection (a)(2)<br />

of this rule, a plea of guilty which results in a<br />

finding of guilty waives any objection, whether or<br />

not previously raised, insofar as the objection relates<br />

to the factual issue of guilt of the offense(s) to<br />

which the plea was made.<br />

Rule 911. Assembly of the court-martial<br />

The military judge shall announce the assembly of<br />

the court-martial.<br />

II-102<br />

Discussion<br />

When trial is by a court-martial with members, the court-martial<br />

is ordinarily assembled immediately after the members are sworn.<br />

The members are ordinarily sworn at the first session at which<br />

they appear, as soon as all parties and personnel have been announced.<br />

The members are seated with the president, who is the<br />

senior member, in the center, and the other members alternately<br />

to the president’s right and left according to rank. If the rank of a<br />

member is changed, or if the membership of the court-martial<br />

changes, the members should be reseated accordingly.<br />

When trial is by military judge alone, the court-martial is<br />

ordinarily assembled immediately following approval of the request<br />

for trial by military judge alone.<br />

Assembly of the court-martial is significant because it marks<br />

the point after which: substitution of the members and military<br />

judge may no longer take place without good cause (see Article<br />

29; R.C.M. 505; 902; 912); the accused may no longer, as a<br />

matter of right, request trial by military judge alone or withdraw<br />

s u c h a r e q u e s t p r e v i o u s l y a p p r o v e d ( s e e A r t i c l e 1 6 ; R . C . M .<br />

903(a)(2)(d)); and the accused may no longer request, even with<br />

the permission of the military judge, or withdraw from a request<br />

for, enlisted members (see Article 25(c)(1); R.C.M. 903(a)(1)(d)).<br />

Rule 912. Challenge of selection of<br />

members; examination and challenges of<br />

members<br />

(a) Pretrial matters.<br />

(1) Questionnaires. Before trial the trial counsel<br />

may, and shall upon request of the defense counsel,<br />

submit to each member written questions requesting<br />

the following information:<br />

(A) Date of birth;<br />

(B) Sex;<br />

(C) Race;<br />

(D) Marital status and sex, age, and number of<br />

dependents;<br />

(E) Home of record;<br />

(F) Civilian and military education, including,<br />

w h e n a v a i l a b l e , m a j o r a r e a s o f s t u d y , n a m e o f<br />

school or institution, years of education, and degrees<br />

received;<br />

(G) Current unit to which assigned;<br />

(H) Past duty assignments;<br />

(I) Awards and decorations received;<br />

(J) Date of rank; and<br />

(K) Whether the member has acted as accuser,<br />

counsel, investigating officer, convening authority,<br />

or legal officer or staff judge advocate for the con-

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