2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army

2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army

2008 edition - Fort Sam Houston - U.S. Army

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R.C.M. 804(c)(2)<br />

(C) Afford the accused a continuing opportunity to return to<br />

the courtroom upon assurance of good behavior. To this end, the<br />

accused should be brought to the courtroom at appropriate intervals,<br />

and offered the opportunity to remain upon good behavior.<br />

(D) Ensure that the reasons for removal appear in the record.<br />

(d) Voluntary absence for limited purpose of child<br />

testimony.<br />

(1) Election by accused. Following a determination<br />

by the military judge that remote live testimony<br />

of a child is appropriate pursuant to Mil. R. Evid.<br />

611(d)(3), the accused may elect to voluntarily absent<br />

himself from the courtroom in order to preclude<br />

the use of procedures described in R.C.M. 914A.<br />

( 2 ) P r o c e d u r e . T h e a c c u s e d ’ s a b s e n c e w i l l b e<br />

conditional upon his being able to view the witness’<br />

testimony from a remote location. Normally, transmission<br />

of the testimony will include a system that<br />

will transmit the accused’s image and voice into the<br />

courtroom from a remote location as well as transmission<br />

of the child’s testimony from the courtroom<br />

to the accused’s location. A one-way transmission<br />

may be used if deemed necessary by the military<br />

judge. The accused will also be provided private,<br />

contemporaneous communication with his counsel.<br />

The procedures described herein shall be employed<br />

unless the accused has made a knowing and affirmative<br />

waiver of these procedures.<br />

(3) Effect on accused’s rights generally. An election<br />

by the accused to be absent pursuant to subsection<br />

(c)(1) shall not otherwise affect the accused’s<br />

right to be present at the remainder of the trial in<br />

accordance with this rule.<br />

(e) Appearance and security of accused.<br />

(1) Appearance. The accused shall be properly<br />

attired in the uniform or dress prescribed by the<br />

m i l i t a r y j u d g e . A n a c c u s e d s e r v i c e m e m b e r s h a l l<br />

wear the insignia of grade and may wear any decorations,<br />

emblems, or ribbons to which entitled. The<br />

accused and defense counsel are responsible for ensuring<br />

that the accused is properly attired; however,<br />

upon request, the accused’s commander shall render<br />

such assistance as may be reasonably necessary to<br />

ensure that the accused is properly attired.<br />

Discussion<br />

This subsection recognizes the right, as well as the obligation, of<br />

an accused servicemember to present a good military appearance<br />

at trial. An accused servicemember who refuses to present a<br />

II-78<br />

proper military appearance before a court-martial may be compelled<br />

to do so.<br />

(2) Custody. Responsibility for maintaining custody<br />

or control of an accused before and during trial<br />

may be assigned, subject to R.C.M. 304 and 305,<br />

and subsection (c)(3) of this rule, under such regulations<br />

as the Secretary concerned may prescribe.<br />

(3) Restraint. Physical restraint shall not be imposed<br />

on the accused during open sessions of the<br />

court-martial unless prescribed by the military judge.<br />

Rule 805. Presence of military judge,<br />

members, and counsel<br />

(a) Military judge. No court-martial proceeding, except<br />

the deliberations of the members, may take<br />

place in the absence of the military judge, if detailed.<br />

If authorized by regulations of the Secretary<br />

concerned, for purposes of Article 39(a) sessions<br />

solely, the presence of the military judge at Article<br />

39(a) sessions may be satisfied by the use of audiov<br />

i s u a l t e c h n o l o g y , s u c h a s v i d e o t e l e c o n f e r e n c i n g<br />

technology.<br />

(b) Members. Unless trial is by military judge alone<br />

pursuant to a request by the accused, no court-martial<br />

proceeding may take place in the absence of any<br />

detailed member except: Article 39(a) sessions under<br />

R.C.M. 803; examination of members under R.C.M.<br />

912(d); when the member has been excused under<br />

R.C.M. 505 or 912(f); or as otherwise provided in<br />

R.C.M. 1102. No general court-martial proceeding<br />

r e q u i r i n g t h e p r e s e n c e o f m e m b e r s m a y b e c o n -<br />

ducted unless at least five members are present, or<br />

in capital cases, at least 12 members are present<br />

except as provided in R.C.M. 501(a)(1)(B), where<br />

12 members are not reasonably available because of<br />

physical conditions or military exigencies. No special<br />

court-martial proceeding requiring the presence<br />

of members may be conducted unless at least three<br />

members are present except as provided in R.C.M.<br />

9 1 2 ( h ) . E x c e p t a s p r o v i d e d i n R . C . M . 5 0 3 ( a ) ( 2 ) ,<br />

w h e n a n e n l i s t e d a c c u s e d h a s r e q u e s t e d e n l i s t e d<br />

members, no proceeding requiring the presence of<br />

members may be conducted unless at least one-third<br />

of the members actually sitting on the court-martial<br />

are enlisted persons.<br />

(c) Counsel. As long as at least one qualified counsel<br />

for each party is present, other counsel for each<br />

party may be absent from a court-martial session.

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