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Ong B. and Krishnan S., 1995. Changes in the macrobenthos community of a sandflat after erosion. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 40:21-33. Owens N.J.P. and Stewart W.D.P., 1983. Enteromorpha and the cycling of nitrogen in a small estuary. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 17:287-296. Paterson D.M., 1994. Microbiological mediation of sediment structure and behaviour. In: Microbial mats. NATO ASI Series vol. G35 (Lucas S.J. and Caumette P., eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp.97-109. Pauly D. and David N., 1981. ELEFAN I, a basic program for the objective extraction of growth parameters from length-frequency data. Meeresforsch. 28:205-211. Pawlik J.R. and Butman C.A., 1993. Settlement of a marine tube worm as a function of current velocity: interacting effects of hydrodynamics and behaviour. Limnol. Oceanogr. 38 (8):1730-1740. Pawlik J.R., Butman C.A. and Starczak V.R., 1991. Hydrodynamic facilitation of gregarious settlement of a reef-building tube-worm. Science 251:421-424. Pearson T.H. and Rosenberg R., 1978. Macrobenthic succession in relation to organic enrichment and pollution of the marine environment. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 16:229-311. Pearson T.H. and Stanley S.O., 1979. Comparative measurement of the redox potential of marine sediments as a rapid means of assessing the effect of organic pollution. Mar. Biol. 53:371-379. Perkins E.J. and Abbott 0.J., 1972. Nutrient enrichment and sandflat fauna. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 3:70-72. 262

Peterson J.H. and DeAngelis D.L., 1996. Prey patchiness and predator foraging behaviour: predation on migrating juvenile salmon in the Columbia River. Draft. Pianka E.R., 1994. Evolutionary ecology. Fifth Edition. Harper Collins College Publishers, New York, USA. 486pp. Pielou E.C., 1969. An introduction to mathematical ecology. Wiley, New York, USA. 286pp. Pihl L. and Rosenberg R., 1984. Food selection and consumption of the shrimp Crangon crangon in some shallow marine areas in western Sweden. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 15:159-168. Platt T. and Sathyendranath S., 1992. Scale, patterns and processes in marine ecosystems. In: Aquatic ecology: Scale, pattern and processes. Giller P.S., Hildrew A.G. and Raffaelli D.G. (eds.). Blackwell Scientific Publications. 649pp. Pleijel F. and Dales R.P., 1991. Polychaetes: British Phyllodocoideans, Typhloscolecoideans and Tomopterideans. Synopsis of the British Fauna (New Series). Kermack D.M. and Barnes R.S.K. (eds.). 202pp. Prescott G.W., 1970. How to know the freshwater algae. 2nd edition. W.M.C. Brown Co. Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa. Price L.H. and Hylleberg J., 1982. Algal-faunal interactions in a mat of Ulva fenestrata in False Bay, Washington. Ophelia 21 (1):75-88. Probert P.K., 1984. Disturbance, sediment stability, and trophic structure of soft- bottom communities. J. Mar. Res. 42:893-921. Raffaelli D., Limia J., Hull H. and Pont S., 1991. Interactions between the amphipod Corophium volutator and macroalgal mats on estuarine mudflats. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK. 71:899-908. 263

Ong B. and Krishnan S., 1995. Changes in the macrobenthos community of a sandflat<br />

after erosion. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 40:21-33.<br />

Owens N.J.P. and Stewart W.D.P., 1983. Enteromorpha and the cycling of nitrogen in<br />

a small estuary. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 17:287-296.<br />

Paterson D.M., 1994. Microbiological mediation of sediment structure and behaviour.<br />

In: Microbial mats. NATO ASI Series vol. G35 (Lucas S.J. and Caumette P., eds.).<br />

Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp.97-109.<br />

Pauly D. and David N., 1981. ELEFAN I, a basic program for the objective extraction<br />

of growth parameters from length-frequency data. Meeresforsch. 28:205-211.<br />

Pawlik J.R. and Butman C.A., 1993. Settlement of a marine tube worm as a function<br />

of current velocity: interacting effects of hydrodynamics and behaviour. Limnol.<br />

Oceanogr. 38 (8):1730-1740.<br />

Pawlik J.R., Butman C.A. and Starczak V.R., 1991. Hydrodynamic facilitation of<br />

gregarious settlement of a reef-building tube-worm. Science 251:421-424.<br />

Pearson T.H. and Rosenberg R., 1978. Macrobenthic succession in relation to organic<br />

enrichment and pollution of the marine environment. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev.<br />

16:229-311.<br />

Pearson T.H. and Stanley S.O., 1979. Comparative measurement of the redox<br />

potential of marine sediments as a rapid means of assessing the effect of organic<br />

pollution. Mar. Biol. 53:371-379.<br />

Perkins E.J. and Abbott 0.J., 1972. Nutrient enrichment and sandflat fauna. Mar.<br />

Pollut. Bull. 3:70-72.<br />


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