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Legendre P. and Troussellier M., 1988. Aquatic heterotrophic bacteria: modelling in<br />

the presence of spatial autocorrelation. Limnol. Oceanogr. 33 (5):1055-1067.<br />

Legendre P. and Fortin M.J., 1989. Spatial pattern and ecological processes. Vegetatio<br />

80:107-138.<br />

Legendre P. and Legendre L., 1997. Numerical ecology. Second edition. Elsevier<br />

Scientific Publ. Co., Amsterdam.<br />

Legendre P., Thrush S.F., Cummings V.J., Dayton P.K., Grant J., Hewitt J.E., Hines<br />

A.H., McArdle B.H., Pridmore R.D., Schneider D.C., Turner S.J. and Whitlatch R.B.,<br />

1997. Spatial structure of bivalves in a sandflat: scales and regenerating processes. J.<br />

Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 216:99-128.<br />

Levin L.A., 1981. Dispersion, feeding behaviour and competition in two spionid<br />

polychaetes. J. Mar. Res. 39 (1):99-117.<br />

Levin L.A., 1982. Interference interactions among tube-dwelling polychaetes in a<br />

dense infaunal assemblage. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 65:107-119.<br />

Levin L.A., 1984a. Life history and dispersal patterns in a dense infaunal polychaete<br />

assemblage: community structure and response to disturbance. Ecology 65 (4):1185-<br />

1200.<br />

Levin L.A., 1984b. Multiple patterns of development in Streblospio benedicti Webster<br />

(Spionidae) from three coasts of North America. Biol. Bull. 166:494-508.<br />

Levin L.A., 1987. Demographic consequences of larval development mode:<br />

planktotrophy vs. lecithotrophy in Streblospio benedicti. Ecology 68 (6):1877-1886.<br />


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