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Multivariate analysis of community structure - The complete species matrices were used for multivariate analyses and these are summarised in Table 6.3. In total, 15 species colonised the azoic sediments within 3 weeks, although the majority of these were found in very low numbers. Pygospio elegans (adult) Eteone cfflava Pygospio elegans (juvenile) Anaitides mucosa Capitella capitata Glycera tridactyla Cerastoderma edule Scoloplos armiger Macoma balthica Fabulina fabula Polydora cornuta Nephtys hombergii Streblospio benedicti oligochaetes Spio martinensis polynoids Table 6.3 : Total species list from patch and non-patch azoic samples for all three experiments. The dendrograms produced by hierarchical agglomerative clustering, together with the 2-dimensional ordination plots produced by non-metric MDS of the resulting communities from the April, August and December experiments are given in Figures 6.5-6.12. The stress values associated with these MDS ordinations varied from 0.04 to 0.18. Although there is no critical cut-off value for stress values above which a species matrix cannot be represented adequately in a 2-dimensional MDS plot, the lower the stress the better. Warwick and Clarke (1994) suggested that stress values between 0.1-0.2, as the majority of those in the present study, give 'only potentially useful 2-dimensional pictures'. Under these circumstances, they recommended that the MDS plot should be complemented with other techniques such as clustering. Therefore, for ordinations with stress values between 0.1-0.2 dendrograms are included since they can potentially aid interpretation of the MDS plots. However, superimposition of the cluster groups at arbitrary similarity levels from the dendrograms onto the ordination plots, as outlined by Warwick and Clarke (1994), was not performed since this tends to add discrete subdivisions onto a community continuum. To investigate community differences between patches and non-patches, 149

circles enclosing treatments were drawn where the degree of overlap is a reflection of the community similarities/differences between them. These were statistically analysed by One-way ANOSIM tests (Table 6.4). In April, the invertebrate faunal communities of 5 out of the 6 patch replicates occurred in the same cluster at 70% similarity (Figure 6.5). This suggests that in April, colonisation of disturbed sediments within P.elegans patches resulted in distinctly different initial communities compared with those in non-patch areas. The MDS plot supported this, there was no overlap between the clusters formed by the 2 plot types (Figure 6.6). The results of the One-way ANOSEVI test also suggested this, the test being statistically significant with a p-value of 0.2% and a test statistic of 0.367. There appeared to be greater replicate variability in the community assemblages in the non-patch sediments compared to patch sediments, the replicates of the former creating 3 clusters at 71% similarity. Although the initial community structure in patches and non-patches were different to each other in August, the distinction was not as marked as that observed in April. The dendrogram presented in Figure 6.7 suggested that patch replicates 1 and 5 showed some similarity to non-patch communities. This is supported by the MDS plot (Figure 6.8) in which the 2 clusters have a large overlap. The p value for the One-way ANOSIM test was 4.3%. However, in view of the lack of compensation for multiple testing, and an R value of only 0.250, this is not considered significant. In December, no statistical differences between patch and non-patch communities were observed (p=35.5% and R=0.028; One-way ANOSIM, Table 6.4). Figure 6.9 shows that at 70% similarity, a large cluster is formed containing 5 of the non-patch replicates and 3 patch replicates. Figure 6.10 shows that there is a large overlap between the clusters formed by the 2 plot types in an MDS plot. 150

circles enclosing treatments were drawn where the degree of overlap is a reflection of<br />

the community similarities/differences between them. These were statistically<br />

analysed by One-way ANOSIM tests (Table 6.4).<br />

In April, the invertebrate faunal communities of 5 out of the 6 patch replicates<br />

occurred in the same cluster at 70% similarity (Figure 6.5). This suggests that in<br />

April, colonisation of disturbed sediments within P.elegans patches resulted in<br />

distinctly different initial communities compared with those in non-patch areas. The<br />

MDS plot supported this, there was no overlap between the clusters formed by the 2<br />

plot types (Figure 6.6). The results of the One-way ANOSEVI test also suggested this,<br />

the test being statistically significant with a p-value of 0.2% and a test statistic of<br />

0.367. There appeared to be greater replicate variability in the community<br />

assemblages in the non-patch sediments compared to patch sediments, the replicates<br />

of the former creating 3 clusters at 71% similarity.<br />

Although the initial community structure in patches and non-patches were different to<br />

each other in August, the distinction was not as marked as that observed in April. The<br />

dendrogram presented in Figure 6.7 suggested that patch replicates 1 and 5 showed<br />

some similarity to non-patch communities. This is supported by the MDS plot<br />

(Figure 6.8) in which the 2 clusters have a large overlap. The p value for the One-way<br />

ANOSIM test was 4.3%. However, in view of the lack of compensation for multiple<br />

testing, and an R value of only 0.250, this is not considered significant.<br />

In December, no statistical differences between patch and non-patch communities<br />

were observed (p=35.5% and R=0.028; One-way ANOSIM, Table 6.4). Figure 6.9<br />

shows that at 70% similarity, a large cluster is formed containing 5 of the non-patch<br />

replicates and 3 patch replicates. Figure 6.10 shows that there is a large overlap<br />

between the clusters formed by the 2 plot types in an MDS plot.<br />


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