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Thalassodrilus, Clitellio, Adelodrilus, Phallodrilus and Spiridion may be classified as<br />

marine oligochaetes (Hrabe, 1960). Among the brackish water forms may be<br />

considered several species of Monopylephorus and other such as Tubifex costatus,<br />

Peloscolex benedeni, and several Isochaeta species (Brinkhurst and Simmons, 1968).<br />

At the superficial level, there is an obvious tendency for some naidids and<br />

lumbriculids to occur in stony streams whereas tubuficids, which is frequently limited<br />

to Tubifex tubifex, Peloscolex.ferox and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, are more often<br />

found in the softer sediments of river and lake (Brinkhurst and Jamieson, 1971).<br />

Brinkhurst (1964) established that Tubifex tubifex is often found in productive or<br />

polluted lakes, replacing Peloscolex ferox, which is common in oligotrophic or<br />

mesotrophic lakes. All of these three species is always found in mud and debris<br />

substrates (Figure 6). Aulodrilus pluriseta also seems to occur most often in mud rich<br />

in plant fragments, whilst Rhyacodrilus coccineus and the lumbriculid Stylodrilus<br />

heringianus being mostly restricted to sandy sediment (Brinkhurst, 1967).<br />

Figure 6 Colony of Tubificidae in mud and debris substrates.<br />

Source: Pennak (1989)<br />

3. Pollution Biology<br />

The diversity of benthic fauna was severely reduced by the degree of pollution<br />

suffered. Lacking of oxygen and food supply, accumulation of poisonous products of<br />

anaerobic breakdown of organic matter and metabolic wastes are the most limiting<br />

factor. Certain species of aquatic oligochaete have the ability to tolerate under these<br />

conditions (Lerberg et al., 2000). In fact, the distributional patterns of certain<br />


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