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CRpFGateNo.3,HingnaRoad,Digdoh,Nagpur-440016(lndia)<br />

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.Phone<br />

Sunif Raisoni : 91-7104 -235220,236383 Fax : 91-7104 -232560 Dr' P' R' Bajaj<br />

che.!-nle!-r E-mail : ghrcenag@'aisoni.edu.in Website : http://www.ghrce.raisoni.net/ Princlpel<br />

Rer :<br />

G.H. <strong>RAISONI</strong> <strong>COLLEGE</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>ENGfNI9ffTNG</strong><br />


<strong>OF</strong><br />


The fir.st meeting of Acadernic Council of G.H. Raisoni College of Engineeling was held on<br />

1010712010 at 11.00 arn in the conference Hall of the college' Dr' P'R' Ilapf its chairperson<br />

presided over the meeting.<br />

The following members were preseut in the meeting:<br />

9<br />

10<br />

Prof. S.B. Bodhke<br />

Prof. A.Y. Deshmukh<br />

D. S.B" P"t t;,<br />

Fiot Sir. Bodhk;<br />

Dr. V.M. KriPlani<br />

Prof. A. Thomas<br />

Prof. M.A. Tongo<br />

Designation<br />

Chairperson<br />

Member<br />

Member<br />

Member<br />

Member<br />

Member'<br />

Member<br />

11 Slui. Nitesh Sanklecha Member<br />

Dr. Ashok Yende<br />

Dr. A.G. Keskar,<br />

Prof. S.S. Dorle<br />

Prof. S.S. Wankhede<br />

Prof. P.Y. Pawade<br />

b;S.Br"r,<br />

Dr. P.B. Nagarnaik<br />

Member<br />

Member'.<br />

Member<br />

Member<br />

Member SecretarY<br />

1. Dr. M.U. Deshpande, Mernber and Prof' Dr' R'V. Dharaskar, Member, have been granted<br />

leave of absence.<br />

Name of Members<br />

Dr. P.R. Bajaj<br />

Prof. H.V. Hajare<br />

Prof. L.G. Malik

l'he follovving agenda rvere discussed:<br />

Dean acadernic Dr. P.B.Nagarnaik has welcome the chairperson and member of academic<br />

council and handed over the proceedings to Chairperson Dr'. P.R.Bajaj.<br />

The Chairperson has cordially welcomed the members of academic council and deliberated upon<br />

the details continuations of academic council and purpose thereof.<br />

The chairperson has highlighted and presented before the academic council. The governing<br />

ordinances, laws and bye-laws as well as hierarchy of autonomous structure {br the approvai.<br />

AGENDA No-l:<br />

l'o discuss and recommend to the Goveming Body for the approval of the Draft copy of Rules &<br />

Regulations of the college.<br />

'fl-re l)raft copy of Rules & Regulations<br />

thorough discussion on the Rules &<br />

unanimously.<br />

Resolution No -1l1:<br />

AGENDA No-2:<br />

fo prepare and recommend to the<br />

follor,ving Ordinances & Bye-laws.<br />

of the college was circulated to each member. After<br />

Regulations, the following resolution was passed<br />

Resolved that this Authority unanimously recornmends with following suggestions to the<br />

Governing Body for the approval of the Draft copy of Rules & Regulations of the college.<br />

Ordinances &<br />

-<br />

Description<br />

Governing Body fbr the apploval of the Draft copy of<br />

Ordinances & bye-laws for Admission of stu

t1<br />

n--<br />

Science for students admitted<br />

Status.<br />

prior to Conferment of Autonomous i<br />

Ordinances & bye-laws for Code of Conduct fol the Students.<br />

Ordinances & bye-larvs for Grievance Appeal Cornmittee for<br />

Students.<br />

Ordinances & bye-laws for Grievance Committee for the<br />

Fsployees. the<br />

Ordinances & bye-laws for Students Welfale.<br />

Ordinances & bye-laws for Award of Medal/Prizes/Scholarships.<br />

Ordinances & bye-laws for Code of Conduct for Ernployees.<br />

Ordinances & bye-laws for Research & Development, Training and<br />

*C*9rlgl]qrry,<br />

T'he Draft copy of each Ordinarlces & bye-laws prepared on behalf of the Acadernic Council<br />

were circulated to each member.<br />

Prof. A.Y. Deshmuldr with the permission of chair has presented the synoptic view of vadous<br />

laws and bye laws.<br />

After discussion and following<br />

unanimously.<br />

Resolution No -2l1:<br />

suggestions the members approved the following resolution<br />

Resolved that this ar"rthority recorrmends unanimously to the Governing Body for approval of the<br />

Draft copies of all the above 12 Ordinances and Bye-laws prepaled with necessary changes as<br />

below.<br />

Prof. Dr. A.G.Keskar has opined that eligibility criteria for adrnission to UG/PG programme<br />

should be kept rurchanged as per existing norms let down by state government /univelsity.<br />

He also suggested to do the provisions of make up classes for the students joining late due to<br />

delayed admission.<br />

The council opened that for students who will not fullfil the norms of maximum duration fcrr a<br />

particular course to be refered to examination committee/ separate committee.<br />

The students whose have enrolled for any programrne of institute shall be governed by existing<br />

norms of RTM, Nagpur University Nagpur.<br />

The council has agreed to keep the duration of end examination for three hours and insteaci of<br />

giving f,rx no. of questions ,student should be encourages to solve as many question as possible.<br />

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The council has approved the s)'stem for the awards of gold medals and silver medals to the<br />

meritorious students, ftiilher in case of tie, it is to be broken by considering the SGPA of<br />

previous semesters.<br />

AGENDA No-3:<br />

To approve the recommendations for two expefis by the Chairperson on BOS of each<br />

Departments in anticipation of approval of the Council.<br />

T'here is a provision of two nominees of Academic Council on Board of Studies of each<br />

department as per the guide lines of UGC. As such in anticipation of approval of the Academic<br />

Council, its Chairperson nominated two members on the Board of Studies of each department.<br />

The Member Secretaly reqriested to the members present in the rneeting to approve this<br />

nomination.<br />

'l-here after the following resolution was passed unanimously.<br />

Resolution No -3l1:<br />

Resolved that this authority unanimously approves the nominations made by the Chairperson on<br />

Board of Str"rdies of eaeir department.<br />

AGENDA No-4:<br />

'fo approve and recommen-d to the Finance Comrnittee the remuneration for Paper Setters.<br />

Examiners, Moderators etc. and fees for different courses.<br />

A Draft sheet for remuneration to be paid to the Setters, Examiners, and Moderators etc. was<br />

placed before the Council for its approval.<br />

'fhe Council has approved remuneration for conducting practical examination as per Rs. 300/-<br />

for 60 siudents ancl Rs. 600/- for 120 students.<br />

Resolution No -4l1:<br />

Resolved that the remuneration for different examination works as placed before this Authority<br />

is approved and the same is recommended to the Finance Committee for the needful.<br />

Further resolved that the fee prescribed for different courses is approved and same is<br />

recommended to the Finance Committee for needful.<br />

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AGENDA No-5:<br />

To approve and recornmend to the Finance Committee/ Governing Body the TA, DA and other<br />

remuneration to be paid to the Members of Goveming Body/ Finance Committee/ Academic<br />

Councii/ Board of Studies for attending the Meeting.<br />

The following resolution was passed unanimously.<br />

Resolution No -5l1:<br />

Resolved that the proposal for TA. DA and other remuneration to be paid to the Members of<br />

Governing Body/ l'-inance Committee/ Academic Council/ Boald of Studies for attending the<br />

Meeting is approved and is recomrnended to the Finance Committee for its needful.<br />

AGENDA No-6:<br />

'Io apprcve and recommend to the Governing Body for various Appointments like Deans, COE,<br />

etc. made by the Principal cum its Chairperson.<br />

A list of appointments to the posl of Deans, COE, etc. has been placed before this Authority for<br />

its consideration.<br />

Some members suggested to create some new post, Some members suggested to re-clesignate<br />

some post. l'here_ after the following resolution was passed<br />

Resolution No -611:<br />

Resolved that the appointments made by the Chairperson/ Principal to the posts of Deans, COE,<br />

etc. is approved and is reeomlnended to the Governing Body for its consent and approval.<br />

AGENDA No-7:<br />

To approve the recommendations of BOS for the course structure and syllabi for BE I't vear (All<br />

branches).<br />

After thorough discussion the following resolution was passed.<br />

Resolution No -7ll:<br />

Resolved that recomtnendations of BOS for the course structure and syllabi for BE I't year (All<br />

branches) is approved.<br />

5a/-:1<br />


AGENDA No-8:<br />

To approve the recomlnendations of BOS to adopt the existing course structuLe, syllabi,<br />

Teaching Scheme and Examination Scheme of RTM Nagpur University. Nagpur for present BE<br />

II year to BE IV year courses (All branches).<br />

This was thoroughly discussed. In the interest of students, RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur ald<br />

the college the followi'g resolution was passed unanimously:<br />

itesolution No -8/l:<br />

itesolved that recomnlendatious of BOS to adopt the existing course struclure, syllabi, Teachipg<br />

Scheme and Exarnination Scheme of RTM Nagpul University, Nagpur for present BE II year to<br />

BE IV year courses (All branches) is adopted and passed.<br />

AGENIIA No-9:<br />

fo approve the recommendations of BOS for course structure for BE III to BE vIII Semester<br />

under Autonomy.<br />

The Chairperson infoilned to the members that the Course Structure and Syllabi tbr BE III sem.<br />

to BE VIII sem. have been prepared after updating Course Structure and Syllabi of RTIvt.<br />

Nagpur Univelsity' Nagpur'. We shall revise the Coulse Structure a1d Syllabi at every for.trtl<br />

year' 'I'here after no member raised any question/doubt and foilowing resolution was passed.<br />

Resolution No -9ll:<br />

Resolved that recomrnendations of Bos for course structure for BE III to BE vIII semester<br />

under Autonomy is adopted and passed.<br />

AGENDA No-10:<br />

To approve the recotnmendations of BOS for the course stmcture and syllabi for I & II semesters<br />

of all Postgraduate programs run by the institute.<br />

After thorough discussion, the following resolution was passed.<br />

Resolution No -10/1:<br />

Resolved that recommendations of BoS for the course structure and syllabi for I & II semesters<br />

of all Postgraduate programs run by the institute is adopted and passed.<br />

=ar- '6\<br />

I<br />


AGENDA No-ll:<br />

To approve the recommendations of BOS for the panel of Paper setters Moderator/ Valuares/<br />

External Examiner fbr Practical for different subjects of BE I" to BE IVtr' year as weil as for PG I<br />

year & II year.<br />

Chairperson:- She infonned the house that there has been made a provision of external I paper<br />

setters/examiners in each program run by the college. Even we have constituted Acadernic Audit<br />

Cotnmittee with external l3xperts so that proper Academic Standard can be evaluated.<br />

There aftel the following resolution was passed.<br />

Resolution No -11l1:<br />

Resolved that recommendations of BOS for the panel of Paper setters Moderator/ Valuares/<br />

External Examiner for Practical for different subjects of BE I" to BE IVtl'year as well as for pG I<br />

year & II year ale passed and adopted.<br />

AGENDA No-12:<br />

To approve the recommendations of BOS for CEP courses, Short Term & Diploma Courses to be<br />

run by the various deparlments.<br />

Afler thorough discussion the following resolution was passed.<br />

Resolution No -12ll:<br />

Resolved that recommendations of BOS for CEP courses, Short Term & Diploma Courses to be<br />

run by the various deparlments is passed and approved subject to the condition that this courses<br />

shall be rolled oril within the stipulated time span of two years failing which shall call for fresh<br />

proposai to be submitted before the Academic council for the approval.<br />

AGENDA No-13:<br />

To approve the Academic Calendar, Examination Calendar of the institute for the Academic<br />

Session 20 I 0-1 1 .<br />

After thorough discussion the following resolution was passed,<br />

Resolution No -13/1:<br />

Session 2010-1 1 is approved. apprcciated and adopted.<br />

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AGENDA No-14:<br />

To approve the provision of Re-admission of the existing BE First Year DC students in BE Firsl<br />

Year 201 0- I 1 batch under Autonomy.<br />

In the interest of the students the following resolution was passed howel,er, Dr. A.G. Keskar and<br />

Dr. Ashok Yende has commented that provision for optional readmission may be incorporated.<br />

Resolution No -14l1:<br />

Resolved that the provision of Re-admission of the existing BE l.'irst ye:ar: DC students i' IIE<br />

f irst Year 2010-11 batch under Autonomy is allowed and approved.<br />

AGItrNDA No-15:<br />

Any other point with the priol permission of Chairperson<br />

l'he rneeting concluded with vote of thanks delivered by Member secretary of acaclemic council<br />

Dr. P.B.Nasarnail

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