vSphere SDK for Perl Programming Guide - Documentation - VMware

vSphere SDK for Perl Programming Guide - Documentation - VMware

vSphere SDK for Perl Programming Guide - Documentation - VMware


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Example<br />

$client->register_xml_ns((wsen => 'http://www.dmtf.org/wsen'));<br />

Appendix A Web Services <strong>for</strong> Management <strong>Perl</strong> Library<br />

Declares a prefix wsen with the URL http://www.dmtf.org/wsen in the global XML namespace.<br />

register_class_ns<br />

Registers extra ResourceURIs that the WS‐Management server might require. By default, the constructor<br />

provides a set of ResourceURIs only <strong>for</strong> classes in the CIM schema. Classes with other schema names, such as<br />

<strong>VMware</strong>_* classes, require a different ResourceURI when enumerated using the <strong>vSphere</strong> <strong>SDK</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Perl</strong>.<br />

You can find the ResourceURIs corresponding to other supported schemas in the OpenWSMan configuration<br />

file, which is located in the serverʹs file system at /etc/openwsman/openwsman.conf. The ResourceURIs are<br />

listed in the value of the vendor_namespaces configuration parameter.<br />

Arguments<br />

A hash. Keys are the prefixes, values are the relative URLs as values.<br />

Example<br />

$client->register_class_ns((OMC => 'http://schema.omc-project.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2',<br />

<strong>VMware</strong> => 'http://schemas.vmware.com/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2'));<br />

Registers the ResourceURIs needed to enumerate classes in the OMC and <strong>VMware</strong> schemas.<br />

Identify<br />

Per<strong>for</strong>ms the wsmid:Identify operation, which causes the WS‐Management server to identify itself. Helps<br />

you determine whether the server is up and running.<br />

Arguments<br />

No arguments.<br />

Returns<br />

Returns a SOAP::SOM object, which you can use to parse the results or do error correction.<br />

Enumerate<br />

Filters results depending on the arguments you pass in. Several arguments per<strong>for</strong>m generic operations that<br />

are implemented in another class, as described in “Generic CIM Operations with WSMan::GenericOps” on<br />

page 57. Other arguments implement enumeration <strong>for</strong> non‐standard‐compliant servers. This document<br />

discusses the most common arguments. Look at the <strong>Perl</strong> code <strong>for</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation on other arguments.<br />

Arguments<br />

Accepts the following arguments:<br />

Argument Description<br />

class_name Specifies the class that you want to enumerate. This argument is passed as a string.<br />

namespace Default CIM namespace. Default is root/cimv2.<br />

If the namespace is not root/cimv2, you must pass in the namespace of the class in this<br />

argument.<br />

enummode (optional) Specifies an enumeration mode such as EnumerateEPR or EnumerateEPRandObject.<br />

This argument is passed as a string.<br />

polymorphism (optional) Specifies polymorphism modes, passed in as a string. For example<br />

IncludeSubClassProperties, ExcludeSubClassProperties, and None.<br />

<strong>VMware</strong>, Inc. 55

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