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(SYSLIB) Programming Reference Manual - Public Support Login ...

(SYSLIB) Programming Reference Manual - Public Support Login ...


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xccc...cyxccc...cz<br />

where:<br />

x Number of characters C (1 ≤x ≤ 37)<br />

y 40 + Number of blanks (41 < y ≤ 77)<br />

z 40 = End of image<br />

SIR$–Symbolic Input/Output Routine<br />

The number of characters in a string is limited to 37; the number of blanks is limited to<br />

36. If either is larger, a new x or y is initiated.<br />

In addition to the x, y, and z characters, two other special characters are used:<br />

41 character<br />

indicates the end of images in this element.<br />

0 character<br />

is a special character in column 80 if a new x will begin in column 80. The x is<br />

moved to the next physical card and the 0 is placed in column 80.<br />

The compressed images immediately follow one another on the physical card and<br />

continue to the next card when the end of card is reached. The punch routine begins<br />

each physical card with an x, y, or z by breaking an x string at the end of the card and<br />

starting a new string on the next card. This guarantees a nonzero character in the first<br />

character position of the card. A compressed blank image is represented by a 40<br />

character. The physical card may contain compressed image characters in columns 1<br />

through 80.<br />

Compressed images are not retained in the program file. SIR$ expands the images and<br />

stores them in the program file in SDF format.<br />

Compressed image symbolic input is an SIR$ configurable feature.<br />

7833 1733–004 23–21

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