Quality Assurance Handbook for Rural Roads Volume-I - pmgsy

Quality Assurance Handbook for Rural Roads Volume-I - pmgsy Quality Assurance Handbook for Rural Roads Volume-I - pmgsy


SECTION 1500 195 Quality Assurance Handbook for Rural Roads CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT

1501 : PLAIN CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT A. Methodology 1. Approval of materials, plant, equipment and construction method. 197 Quality Assurance Handbook for Rural Roads (i) A trial length of at least 30 m will be constructed off road to demonstrate the proposed materials, plant, equipment and construction methodology before constructing the concrete pavement. Relevant test data of materials and construction methodology listing all steps, details of personnel and plant, equipment, batching and mixing of materials handling, curing texturing should be furnished by the Contractor. (ii) The trial length will be constructed in 2 days with a minimum 15 m length on each day. (iii) Before taking up the trial length, ensure that the sources with test results of all materials to be used in the concrete work are approved by the Engineer well in advance, (at least 30 days before their use), and the mix design based on laboratory trial mixes using approved materials is submitted for approval of the Engineer at least 30 days prior to the paving of trial length. (iv) The mix design shall be based on the compressive strength of concrete as specified in the Contract. The cement content should not be more than 425 kg nor less than 310 kg per cum of concrete unless specified otherwise. If flyash is used to replace a part of cement in the concrete mix, the cement content should not be less than 250 kg/cum. All batching of materials shall be by weight. Volume batching may be allowed for small jobs with the approval of the Engineer. Minimum M 30 grade concrete is recommended. Water cement ratio should not be more than 0.5. Admixtures may be used to achieve the desired workability. (v) Semi-mechanised and labour oriented construction techniques will be permitted. Plant, equipment and tools required for preparation and laying of concrete are listed in Clause 1501.11.2 of MoRD Specifications. (vi) Approval of materials, plant, equipment and construction method will be given when the trial length complies with the specifications 2 Prepare the Sub-grade to the specified grades and cross-sections and compact to the design strength specified in the Contract. A day before placing the sub-base, clean the surface and apply a light spray of water on the sub-grade and roll with one or two passes of suitable 80-100 kN roller to stabilise any loose material. 3 Lay granular or WBM grading 3 or lime treated sub-base of the specified type and thickness. Near the bridge or culvert, an additional layer of 200 mm thick non-plastic GSB over the subgrade, should be provided in full panel length and full carriageway width. 4 Provide a separation membrane (125 micron thick plastic sheet) between sub-base and concrete slab. It should be laid without creases.

SECTION 1500<br />

195<br />

<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>Assurance</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Rural</strong> <strong>Roads</strong><br />



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