Kelly Anderson, Cole Darling, Meagan Kia, Alex Perakis, Tara Peters

Kelly Anderson, Cole Darling, Meagan Kia, Alex Perakis, Tara Peters

Kelly Anderson, Cole Darling, Meagan Kia, Alex Perakis, Tara Peters


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<strong>Kelly</strong> <strong>Anderson</strong>, <strong>Cole</strong> <strong>Darling</strong>, <strong>Meagan</strong> Ki3,<br />

<strong>Alex</strong> <strong>Perakis</strong>, <strong>Tara</strong> <strong>Peters</strong>

Introduction<br />

• Phantom limb syndrome is a sensa

History<br />

• The first recorded observa

Historical Treatment Failures<br />

• Previously thought to be induced by irrita

Clicker Question<br />

As a therapy some pa

Types of Sensations<br />

• Stump pain-­‐ pain referred to the amputa

Phantom Posture and Movements<br />

• Same posi

Phantom Posture and Movement<br />

• Pa

Symptoms<br />

• Who it affects<br />

o Amputees with long-­‐term stump pain or sudden trauma

Symptoms<br />

• Pain can last for a few days or up to 60 or more years.<br />

o Pain can some

Body Schema: Knowing your body<br />

and its appendages<br />

• Large scale, overall understanding of body<br />

• Internal, dynamic representa

Body Schemas provide the template<br />

for perceiving Phantom Limbs<br />

Damage to sensory systems result in many perceptual aberra

Changes to the Nervous System

Mirror Neurons and their rela0onship to<br />

the body schema<br />

• Somatosensory cortex<br />

• Ac

Cortical Reorganization<br />

• Invasion by neighboring areas<br />

• Not always physical proximity

Clicker Question<br />

Do you think the magnitude of cor

Cortical reorganization in human<br />


Treatment and Therapy<br />

• General analgesics, an

Prosthe0cs and PLP<br />

• Perceive phantom limb<br />

to be more distal with<br />

myoelectric prosthesis<br />

• Prosthesis is<br />

incorporated into body<br />


Prosthetic use for treatment of PLP<br />

• Over two-­‐week training period, amputees were trained in use of<br />

myoelectric prosthe

Prosthetic use for treatment of PLP<br />

Weiss, et.al 1999

Mirror Box Therapy for PLP<br />

• Changes in Phantom Limb Pain were<br />

measured on a 100-­‐mm Visual-­‐Analogue<br />

Scale<br />

• Higher scores indicate a greater severity<br />

of pain<br />

• Mirror therapy reduced PLP in pa

Mirror Neurons and PLP<br />

• Neurons that are ac

PLP and Mirror Box Therapy Video

Types of Phantom Sensations<br />

• Phantom limb sensa

Tinnitus- Phantom Perception of<br />

Sound<br />

• Occurs in 4-­‐15% of the general popula

Tinnitus linked to less gray matter<br />

loss in hearing loss patients<br />

Husain, et al. 2011

Phantom Eye Syndrome<br />

• seen in 50% of pa

References<br />

• h3p://www.scien

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