Board Governance - Blytheville Public Schools

Board Governance - Blytheville Public Schools Board Governance - Blytheville Public Schools
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1.14—MEETING AGENDA The agenda guides the proceedings of the Board meeting. The Superintendent shall prepare the agenda with consultation from the Board President. Items may be placed on the agenda upon request by any Board member or by members of the community. Community members must submit their agenda item requests, in writing, to the Superintendent or President of the Board at least one (1) week prior to the meeting of the Board. The written request must be sufficiently descriptive to enable the Superintendent and Board President to fully understand and evaluate its appropriateness to be an agenda item. Such requests may be accepted, rejected, or referred back to the individual for further clarification. The Superintendent shall be responsible for Board members receiving copies of the Agenda with all accompanying pertinent information at least three (3) days prior to the meeting. This policy’s advance notice requirements do not apply to special or called board meetings. Meetings of the Board Regular meetings of the School board shall be held on the fourth Monday of each month. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to notify each board member in writing three days prior to each meeting and to send a copy of the agenda with the notification. Special meetings of the School Board may be called when necessary by the President, Secretary, or any three members of the board, or when petitioned to do so by a petition in writing signed by fifty electors in the District. No business other than that stated in the call will be conducted at the special meeting unless all board members are present and consent to act on other business. The President may call a special meeting by telephone if he considers it urgent to do so. In the event of special meetings, the news media will be notified at least two hours before such a meeting takes place in order that the public shall have representatives at the meeting. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of all members of the School Board It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to be responsible for the keeping of the minutes of board meetings. Minutes shall be filed in the Superintendent’s office and shall be available at any time for inspection by the School Board or citizens of the District. Copies of the minutes shall be distributed to members of the board and to the news media. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the official guide to parliamentary procedures for use by the School Board in its deliberations. Meetings of the board shall be open to the public and the news media except for the time when the board is in executive session. Any citizen who wishes to express a concern to the board may do so by submitting a request in writing to the Superintendent at least one week prior to the time of the regular board meeting. By a majority vote, the board may suspend the rules and allow a visitor to be heard without a written request. The time allotment for presenting a matter of concern by any citizen shall not exceed five minutes unless otherwise approved by a majority of the board. 16

Date Adopted: 1993 Last Revised: 04/25/11 17

Date Adopted: 1993<br />

Last Revised: 04/25/11<br />


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