Recycling Treated Municipal Wastewater for Industrial Water Use

Recycling Treated Municipal Wastewater for Industrial Water Use Recycling Treated Municipal Wastewater for Industrial Water Use
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Industrial Water Quality Concerns Section 3: Recycled Wastewater System Components and Costs Recycling Treated Municipal Wastewater for Industrial Water Use Industrial uses of recycled wastewater include cooling, process water, stack scrubbing, boiler feed, washing, transport of material, and as an ingredient in a product. Cooling is the predominant recycled wastewater application, accounting for more than 90 percent of the total volume of recycled wastewater in the U.S. used for industrial purposes. As shown in the demand analysis of Section 2, cooling water is also the predominant industrial water use in Minnesota. Cooling and boiler feed water are water uses applicable to multiple industry categories. The constituents of concern for these water uses and some process water uses are listed in Table 3.2 and are discussed in more detail below. Cooling Water The constituents of concern for cooling water uses include: pathogenic microorganisms, inorganic matter that leads to scale formation, dissolved solids that can cause corrosion, and organic matter and nutrients that promote biological growth and the formation of slimes. These problems are caused by constituents in ground or surface waters and potable water, as well as recycled wastewater, but the concentrations of some constituents in recycled wastewater may be higher. These constituents need to be controlled in the supply to the cooling systems and may also have to be removed from the blowdown prior to discharge, depending on the cycles of concentration and discharge option (surface water, land application, or sewer system) and the corresponding limits. Pathogenic microorganisms in water supplied to cooling towers must be eliminated prior to use so there is no hazard to workers and to the public in the vicinity of cooling towers from aerosols and windblown spray. Biocides are added to all cooling waters onsite to prevent slimes and otherwise inhibit microbiological activity, which has the secondary effect of eliminating or greatly diminishing the potential health hazard associated with aerosols or windblown spray. Biocide addition is required for recycled wastewater and traditional water supplies. Aerosols produced in the workplace or from cooling towers also may present hazards from the inhalation of VOCs. This same hazard exists with traditional water supplies that could have VOCs present. There has been no indication that VOCs have created health problems at any existing recycled wastewater site. Closed-loop cooling systems using recycled wastewater present minimal health concerns unless there is inadvertent or intentional misuse of the water. All cooling water systems should be operated and maintained to reduce the Legionella threat, regardless of the origin of the source water. There have been no reported cases to show that recycled wastewater is more likely to contain Legionella pneumophila bacteria than waters of non-sewage origin. Cooling water should not lead to the formation of scale, i.e. hard deposits in the cooling system. Such deposits reduce the efficiency of the heat exchange. The principal causes of scaling are calcium (as carbonate, sulfate, and phosphate) and magnesium (as carbonate and phosphate) deposits. Scale control through chemical addition or other treatment processes is common for facilities using potable, supplies or their own permitted ground or surface supply with naturally hard water. The higher concentrations of these inorganic constituents in recycled wastewater may require more extensive treatment than with an existing supply. High levels of dissolved solids, ammonia, and heavy metals in cooling water can cause serious corrosion problems. Corrosion potential is higher in recycled wastewater where total dissolved solids (TDS) concentrations are between 100-400 mg/L more than in traditional water supplies [Puckorius and Hess, 1991; Tchobanoglous et al., 2003]. Of particular concern in Minnesota are high chloride levels. Many of Minnesota’s recycled wastewater supplies may have high chloride levels as a result of softening system salt brine disposal from homes and commercial and industrial businesses. This was evident in the sampling of Twin Cities metro area WWTPs that identified higher levels of chlorides in communities served by potable ground water supplies without centralized softening treatment. Chloride concentration in WWTP effluent has also been linked to the influence of infiltration and inflow (I&I) and chlorides imparted from road salt used for winter deicing. Metropolitan Council Environmental Services 41

Section 3: Recycled Wastewater System Components and Costs Recycling Treated Municipal Wastewater for Industrial Water Use Ammonia can induce corrosion in copper-based alloys. Ammonia is present at high concentrations in the treated wastewater effluent of plants without advanced secondary treatment processes. Dissolved gases and certain metals with high oxidation states also promote corrosion. For example, heavy metals, particularly copper, can plate out on mild steel, causing severe pitting. Corrosion also may occur when acidic conditions develop in the cooling water. The moist environment in a cooling tower is conducive to biological growth. Microorganisms can significantly reduce the heat transfer efficiency, reduce water flow, and in some cases generate corrosive by-products [California State Water Resources Control Board, 1980]. Recycled wastewater used in cooling systems may require treatment to control the nutrients, ammonia and phosphorus, and/or organic matter which promote the growth of slime-forming organisms. Organic matter is measured by surrogate parameters such as carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD) or total organic carbon (TOC). Sulfide-producing bacteria and sulfate-reducing bacteria are the most common corrosion-causing organisms in cooling systems using recycled wastewater. These anaerobic sulfide producers occur beneath deposits and cause pitting corrosion that is most severe on mild and stainless steels. Serious corrosion is caused by thiobaccillus bacteria, an acid-producer that converts sulfides to sulfuric acid. Similarly, nitrifying bacteria can convert ammonia to nitric acid, thus causing pH depression, which increases corrosion on most metals. Boiler Feed Water Boiler feed water has very stringent water quality requirements that typically requires a treatment system even with potable water supplies. Boiler feed water must be treated to remove hardness. Calcium and magnesium salts are the principal contributors to scale formation and deposits in boilers. Excessive alkalinity contributes to foaming and results in deposits in heater, reheater, and turbine units. Bicarbonate alkalinity, under the influence of boiler heat, may lead to the release of carbon dioxide, which is a source of corrosion in steam-using equipment. Silica and aluminum form a hard scale on heat-exchanger surfaces, while high concentrations of potassium and sodium can cause excessive foaming in the boiler. Process Water The suitability of recycled wastewater for use in industrial processes depends on the particular use and is highly variable. For example, the electronics industry requires a very high water quality for washing circuit boards and other electronic components. On the other hand, the tanning industry can use relatively low-quality water. Requirements for textiles, pulp and paper, and metal fabricating are intermediate. The constituents of concern for the pulp and paper industry are discussed in more detail to provide an example of the variety of water quality parameters that must be considered for any process water use. Use of recycled wastewater in the paper and pulp industry is a function of the grade of paper produced. The higher the quality of the paper, the more sensitive it is to water quality. Impurities found in water, particularly certain metal ions and color bodies, can cause the paper to change color with age. Biological growth can cause clogging of equipment and odors and can affect the texture and uniformity of the paper. Corrosion and scaling of equipment may result from the presence of silica, aluminum, and hardness. Discoloration of paper may occur due to iron, manganese, or microorganisms. Suspended solids may decrease the brightness of the paper. 42 Metropolitan Council Environmental Services

<strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Water</strong> Quality Concerns<br />

Section 3: Recycled <strong>Wastewater</strong> System Components and Costs<br />

<strong>Recycling</strong> <strong>Treated</strong> <strong>Municipal</strong> <strong>Wastewater</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Use</strong><br />

<strong>Industrial</strong> uses of recycled wastewater include cooling, process water, stack scrubbing, boiler feed,<br />

washing, transport of material, and as an ingredient in a product. Cooling is the predominant recycled<br />

wastewater application, accounting <strong>for</strong> more than 90 percent of the total volume of recycled wastewater in<br />

the U.S. used <strong>for</strong> industrial purposes. As shown in the demand analysis of Section 2, cooling water is also<br />

the predominant industrial water use in Minnesota. Cooling and boiler feed water are water uses<br />

applicable to multiple industry categories. The constituents of concern <strong>for</strong> these water uses and some<br />

process water uses are listed in Table 3.2 and are discussed in more detail below.<br />

Cooling <strong>Water</strong><br />

The constituents of concern <strong>for</strong> cooling water uses include: pathogenic microorganisms, inorganic matter<br />

that leads to scale <strong>for</strong>mation, dissolved solids that can cause corrosion, and organic matter and nutrients<br />

that promote biological growth and the <strong>for</strong>mation of slimes. These problems are caused by constituents in<br />

ground or surface waters and potable water, as well as recycled wastewater, but the concentrations of<br />

some constituents in recycled wastewater may be higher. These constituents need to be controlled in the<br />

supply to the cooling systems and may also have to be removed from the blowdown prior to discharge,<br />

depending on the cycles of concentration and discharge option (surface water, land application, or sewer<br />

system) and the corresponding limits.<br />

Pathogenic microorganisms in water supplied to cooling towers must be eliminated prior to use so there is<br />

no hazard to workers and to the public in the vicinity of cooling towers from aerosols and windblown<br />

spray. Biocides are added to all cooling waters onsite to prevent slimes and otherwise inhibit<br />

microbiological activity, which has the secondary effect of eliminating or greatly diminishing the<br />

potential health hazard associated with aerosols or windblown spray. Biocide addition is required <strong>for</strong><br />

recycled wastewater and traditional water supplies. Aerosols produced in the workplace or from cooling<br />

towers also may present hazards from the inhalation of VOCs. This same hazard exists with traditional<br />

water supplies that could have VOCs present. There has been no indication that VOCs have created health<br />

problems at any existing recycled wastewater site. Closed-loop cooling systems using recycled<br />

wastewater present minimal health concerns unless there is inadvertent or intentional misuse of the water.<br />

All cooling water systems should be operated and maintained to reduce the Legionella threat, regardless of<br />

the origin of the source water. There have been no reported cases to show that recycled wastewater is more<br />

likely to contain Legionella pneumophila bacteria than waters of non-sewage origin.<br />

Cooling water should not lead to the <strong>for</strong>mation of scale, i.e. hard deposits in the cooling system. Such<br />

deposits reduce the efficiency of the heat exchange. The principal causes of scaling are calcium (as<br />

carbonate, sulfate, and phosphate) and magnesium (as carbonate and phosphate) deposits. Scale control<br />

through chemical addition or other treatment processes is common <strong>for</strong> facilities using potable, supplies or<br />

their own permitted ground or surface supply with naturally hard water. The higher concentrations of<br />

these inorganic constituents in recycled wastewater may require more extensive treatment than with an<br />

existing supply.<br />

High levels of dissolved solids, ammonia, and heavy metals in cooling water can cause serious corrosion<br />

problems. Corrosion potential is higher in recycled wastewater where total dissolved solids (TDS)<br />

concentrations are between 100-400 mg/L more than in traditional water supplies [Puckorius and Hess,<br />

1991; Tchobanoglous et al., 2003]. Of particular concern in Minnesota are high chloride levels. Many of<br />

Minnesota’s recycled wastewater supplies may have high chloride levels as a result of softening system<br />

salt brine disposal from homes and commercial and industrial businesses. This was evident in the<br />

sampling of Twin Cities metro area WWTPs that identified higher levels of chlorides in communities<br />

served by potable ground water supplies without centralized softening treatment. Chloride concentration<br />

in WWTP effluent has also been linked to the influence of infiltration and inflow (I&I) and chlorides<br />

imparted from road salt used <strong>for</strong> winter deicing.<br />

Metropolitan Council Environmental Services 41

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