Safety data sheet information - ECHA - Europa

Safety data sheet information - ECHA - Europa

Safety data sheet information - ECHA - Europa


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<strong>Safety</strong> <strong>data</strong> <strong>sheet</strong> <strong>information</strong><br />

Dissemination & Confidentiality<br />

Claims<br />

06 September 2012<br />

Martin ALBERT<br />


Content of presentation<br />

• Background <strong>information</strong><br />

• Timelines<br />

• General Information on SDS Claims<br />

• Detailed description of new SDS Claims<br />

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SDS info & Dissemination<br />

Background Information /<br />

Timelines<br />

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Background on dissemination of SDS info<br />

• According to Article 119(2) of REACH, <strong>ECHA</strong> shall<br />

disseminate certain <strong>information</strong> unless claimed<br />

confidential<br />

• Article 119(2)d: <strong>information</strong>, other than that listed in paragraph<br />

1, contained in the safety <strong>data</strong> <strong>sheet</strong>;<br />

• Initially only uses and uses advised against were<br />

disseminated under Article 119(2)(d)<br />

• Following a re-interpretation of the scope of Article<br />

119(2)(d), more <strong>information</strong> from registration dossiers<br />

will be disseminated as of November 2012<br />

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Timelines for dissemination of SDS info<br />

For previously submitted dossiers:<br />

• Action needed: Review your dossier; edit and insert<br />

claims if appropriate, and resubmit<br />

• Submit an update by 31 October 2012<br />

• Dissemination of SDS info (not claimed confidential)<br />

starts November 2012<br />

Assistance:<br />

• Dissemination and Fee calculation plug-in<br />

• Data Submission Manuals 15 and 16<br />

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SDS <strong>information</strong> to be disseminated<br />

• Registration number<br />

• Registrant name<br />

• Life cycle description and uses advised against<br />

<strong>information</strong><br />

• Result of the PBT (Persistent, Bioaccumulative and<br />

Toxic chemicals) and vPvB (very Persistent and very<br />

Bioaccumulative) assessment<br />

• Indication of whether a chemical safety assessment<br />

(CSA) was performed<br />

• Exposure scenario elements (not before 2014)<br />

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SDS info & Dissemination<br />

General Information on SDS Claims<br />

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General principles<br />

• Claim on SDS will be invoiced once for all elements.<br />

(Independent from number of SDS items claimed)<br />

• <strong>ECHA</strong> requires an individual justification for each item<br />

claimed confidential<br />

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<strong>ECHA</strong> invoices confidentiality claims<br />

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<strong>ECHA</strong> invoices confidentiality claims<br />

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Updated version of Fee calculation plug-in<br />

• Same logic as for REACH-IT invoicing<br />

• Indicates the places of chargeable confidentiality<br />

claims<br />

• Because all the <strong>information</strong> is not available in the<br />

dossier (i.e. classification from the lead dossier),<br />

some checkboxes have been implemented:<br />

• SDS indicator<br />

• PBT/vPvB indicator<br />

• Hazardous substance indicator<br />

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Confidentiality claim charges<br />

• Confidentiality claims on SDS info will in general only be<br />

charged if the substance requires a safety <strong>data</strong> <strong>sheet</strong>:<br />

• Criteria listed in REACH Art. 31,<br />

• Not applicable for On-Site Isolated Intermediates (OSII)<br />

• If no SDS required, the confidentiality claim indicates<br />

that the registrant does not volunteer the publication of<br />

the <strong>information</strong> (no fee will be charged)<br />

• Some items for the SDS claims are only charged if a<br />

CSR is required:<br />

• Section 2.3: PBT assessment (endpoint summary and / or endpoint<br />

study record(s))<br />

• Section 13: CSA performed<br />

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Criteria when SDS is required<br />

a) substance is hazardous; or<br />

• Hazardous definition amended by CLP 58(2). As submitted by<br />

registrant in Section 2.1 Classification and Labelling in the<br />

IUCLID dossier<br />

b) substance is PBT or vPvB; or<br />

• As defined by the registrant in Section 2.3 endpoint summary in<br />

the IUCLID dossier<br />

c) substance is included in the candidate list<br />

• Substance EC number, CAS number or IUPAC name are<br />

compared with those on the candidate list.<br />

Not applicable for “On-Site Isolated Intermediates” (OSII)<br />

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SDS info & Dissemination<br />

Detailed description of SDS claims<br />

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Section 1.1: Company name<br />

• For manufacturers and importers, the registrant name will be<br />

disseminated unless it is claimed confidential<br />

• The name of the OR will be disseminated unless it is claimed<br />

confidential, or unless suppliers (importers) are listed in section 1.7<br />

whose identity is not claimed confidential<br />

• ORs having indicated suppliers (importers) need to attach<br />

permission from the suppliers for dissemination of their<br />

<strong>information</strong><br />

• The name of the Third Party Representative will not be disseminated<br />

• Legal entity name and full address will be disseminated<br />

• Information is taken from REACH-IT except for the supplier details<br />

that come from section 1.7 in IUCLID<br />

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Section 1.1: Company name<br />



REMEMBER: In case you are an OR and you indicate suppliers (importers),<br />

be sure to attach an agreement from the supplier for dissemination of their <strong>information</strong><br />

Alternative solution in case you do not have an agreement with your suppliers:<br />

1) Put a flag on Section 1.1 (chargeable) no name is disseminated<br />

2) Put a flag on Section 1.7 (not chargeable) name of OR is disseminated<br />

Different repeatable blocks can be created in Section 1.7<br />

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Section 1.1 Contact person for the SDS<br />

• In IUCLID 5.4, a<br />

new type of<br />

contact person is<br />

introduced:<br />

competent person<br />

responsible for the<br />

safety <strong>data</strong> <strong>sheet</strong><br />

• Information will be<br />

disseminated<br />

unless claimed<br />

confidential:<br />

• Organisation name<br />

• Phone number<br />

• Address<br />

• In case claimed<br />

confidential, no fee<br />

will be charged<br />

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Company <strong>information</strong> to be disseminated<br />

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Dossier header & section 1.3:<br />

Registration number<br />

• Registration number in full (13 digits) will be<br />

disseminated unless claimed confidential<br />

• If the registrant name has been claimed confidential<br />

but the registration number has not, the last four<br />

digits will be hidden<br />

• Possibility to claim confidentiality on registration<br />

number in two places:<br />

• Dossier header Section 1.3<br />

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Section 2.3 endpoint summary:<br />

PBT assessment outcome<br />

• The <strong>information</strong> on the PBT/vPvB assessment outcome<br />

will be disseminated, unless it is claimed confidential<br />

• Endpoint summary in section 2.3:<br />

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Section 2.3 endpoint study records:<br />

Results on PBT assessment<br />

• The <strong>information</strong> on the PBT/vPvB assessment results<br />

will be disseminated, unless it is claimed confidential<br />

• The reference substance attached to an endpoint study<br />

record in this section and the remark for the assessed<br />

substance will not be disseminated<br />

• Endpoint study records in section 2.3<br />

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Section 3.5: Life Cycle description<br />

• Identified uses (section 3.5) in IUCLID 5.4 has been renamed Life<br />

Cycle description and has been restructured and expanded<br />

• The uses entered in the tables in section 3.5 are currently<br />

disseminated, unless claimed confidential<br />

• The same <strong>information</strong> will be disseminated with IUCLID 5.4. The new<br />

tables in these sections (for example Formulation) will be<br />

disseminated in a similar way<br />

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Section 3.6: Uses advised against<br />

• The uses advised against entered in section 3.6 are<br />

currently disseminated, unless claimed confidential<br />

• The same <strong>information</strong> will be disseminated with<br />

IUCLID 5.4. The new tables in these sections<br />

(for example Formulation) will be disseminated in a<br />

similar way<br />

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Section 3.7.1 endpoint study records:<br />

Exposure scenarios and local assessment<br />

• Information from this section will only be disseminated<br />

when TCC will be applied for this section (not before 2014)<br />

• Registrants are encouraged to complete this section<br />

comprehensively,<br />

• since IUCLID 5.4 is providing the opportunity to store this <strong>information</strong> in<br />

a structured and harmonised format in one single <strong>data</strong>base, and<br />

• to avoid having to rewrite this section in case of a later update of their<br />

dossier<br />

• For the moment <strong>ECHA</strong> recommends not to flag this section<br />

as confidential<br />

• A further announcement on the specific fields to be<br />

disseminated will be published well in advance<br />

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Section 3.7.3: Generic exposure potential<br />

• The fields in section<br />

3.7.3 were<br />

previously part of<br />

section 3.5 on the<br />

uses,<br />

• The <strong>information</strong> will<br />

automatically be<br />

migrated in IUCLID 5.4<br />

• Section 3.7.3 on<br />

Generic exposure<br />

potential will be<br />

disseminated in full,<br />

unless it is claimed<br />

confidential<br />

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Section 13: Assessment report<br />

• An indication of whether a CSA was performed will be<br />

disseminated, unless claimed confidential.<br />

• Whether an assessment report of the type ‘REACH Chemical safety report (CSR)’<br />

was included in the dossier, and the existence or absence of an attachment.<br />

• SDS fee will be charged in case there is a flag in the section 13<br />

endpoint study record with a document type ‘REACH Chemical<br />

<strong>Safety</strong> Report (CSR)’<br />

• Note that the CSR<br />

itself will not be<br />

disseminated<br />

ä<br />

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Conclusions<br />

• Use the latest version of the dissemination plugin to<br />

check your dossier before submission<br />

• Resubmit your dossier before 31 October 2012 if new<br />

claims on the safety <strong>data</strong> <strong>sheet</strong> are needed<br />

• ORs who have listed suppliers need to attach their<br />

permission for dissemination<br />

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Thank you<br />

ALBERT, Martin<br />


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