The Secret Of The Veda Aurobindo - HolyBooks.com

The Secret Of The Veda Aurobindo - HolyBooks.com

The Secret Of The Veda Aurobindo - HolyBooks.com


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<strong>The</strong> Angiras Rishis 169<br />

truth-thinking and seven-rayed, whose seven rays of the light<br />

hold that truth which he thinks (r.tadhītim) and whose seven<br />

mouths repeat the word that expresses the truth, the god of<br />

whom it is said (IV.50.4-5), “Brihaspati <strong>com</strong>ing first to birth out<br />

of the great Light in the highest heaven, born in many forms,<br />

seven-mouthed, seven-rayed (saptāsyah. saptara´smih. ), by his cry<br />

dispelled the darkness; he by his host with the Rik and the Stubh<br />

(the hymn of illumination and the rhythm that affirms the gods)<br />

broke Vala by his cry.” It cannot be doubted that by this host<br />

or troop of Brihaspati (sus.t.ubhā r.kvatā gan. ena) aremeantthe<br />

Angiras Rishis who by the true mantra help in the great victory.<br />

Indra is also described as be<strong>com</strong>ing an Angiras or as be<strong>com</strong>ing<br />

possessed of the Angiras quality. “May he be<strong>com</strong>e most<br />

Angiras with the Angirases, being the Bull with bulls (the bull<br />

is the male power or Purusha, nr., with regard to the Rays and<br />

the Waters who are the cows, gāvah. , dhenavah. ), the Friend with<br />

friends, the possessor of the Rik with those who have the Rik<br />

(r.gmibhir r.gmī), with those who make the journey (gātubhih. ,<br />

the souls that advance on the path towards the Vast and True)<br />

the greatest; may Indra be<strong>com</strong>e associated with the Maruts<br />

(marutvān) for our thriving.” <strong>The</strong> epithets here (I.100.4) are all<br />

the proper epithets of the Angiras Rishis and Indra is supposed<br />

to take upon himself the qualities or relations that constitute<br />

Angirashood. So in III.31.7, “Most illumined in knowledge<br />

(vipratamah. , answering to the vepis.t.ho a ˙ngirasā ˙m viprah. of<br />

VI.11.3), be<strong>com</strong>ing a friend (sakhīyan, the Angirases are friends<br />

or <strong>com</strong>rades in the great battle) he went (agacchad, upon the<br />

path, cf. gātubhih. , discovered by Sarama); the hill sped forth<br />

its pregnant contents (garbham) for the doer of the good work;<br />

strong in manhood with the young (maryo yuvabhih. , the youth<br />

also giving the idea of unaging, undecaying force) he sought<br />

fullness of riches and won possession (sasāna makhasyan); so<br />

at once, chanting the hymn (arcan), he became an Angiras.”<br />

This Indra who assumes all the qualities of the Angiras is, we<br />

must remember, the Lord of Swar, the wide world of the Sun<br />

or the Truth, and descends to us with his two shining horses,<br />

harī, which are called in one passage sūryasya ketū, the sun’s

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