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测试报告 号码.:SHHG1 1 12041340SD日期:2012年03月05日 页数:第,页,共23页<br />

松下电器研究开发(苏州)有限公司<br />

苏州T.业园区钟南街 300<br />

下列样品山客户提供及确认为:<br />

产品名称<br />

测试时间<br />

测试要求<br />

测试结果<br />

通标标准技术服务有限公司<br />

授权代表签署<br />

口臼痴f<br />

冯晖<br />

技术经理<br />

'<br />

冷<br />

沙<br />

:吹风机(EH-NE32,. EH-NA1O),派冷蒸脸器<br />

(EH2473),离子保湿美容器(EH-SA42)<br />

:2012匀二02月15日至2012年02月16日<br />

:根据客户要求测试项日<br />

1.发束光泽度<br />

2,皮脂洁净率测试<br />

3. Nanoe离子直径测量,含水量测量<br />

4.纳米水蒸气的离子直径大小测定<br />

5.纳米水蒸气的离子自金浓度测定<br />

6. Nanoe离子的PH值测定<br />

:见附贞<br />

********* *食女<br />

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf. available on request or accessible at http://www.ags.com/terms_and conditions.<br />

htm and.for electronic format documents.subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at weie..gs .com/terms e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of<br />

T<br />

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朋<br />

r洲<br />

c<br />

rercising an inei 毛<br />

authorized altera<br />

risdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that informal<br />

the limits of Clients instructions. if any. The Compr inns sole responsibility into its Client and this document does not euonerate parties 10 a transaction<br />

3and obligations under the transaction documents 下his document cannol be reproduced except in full,withOut prior written approval of the Company<br />

forgery or falsification o八he content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law<br />

esults shown in this test report refer Only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only<br />

SG狈 樱她针<br />

ng.Ns.889Yishan Road, Xuhu) Distr)ctShan9hai,China 200233<br />

tISe舞 g(i)Co 归绝ildj<br />

Tes(:Ce 纽‘Sn 上海 ・ 徐汇区宜tii路889号3号楼邮编: 200233<br />

乡犷干鲤.<br />

石<br />

降21)61402666,2013<br />

(86-21)61402666'2013<br />

SHHG<br />

(86-21)54500353<br />

(86-21)54500353<br />

846010<br />

www.cn.sgs.com<br />

esgs.chjna@sgs.com<br />

Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

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测试报告号码. :SHHG1112O4134OSD 日 1tJ]: 2012 年 03 fl 05 日页数:第 2 j(, 共23页<br />

测试项目:<br />

I.发束光泽度测试(客户内部测试方法)<br />

,1测试样品数量:样品A负离子吹风机(E日一NE32);样品B纳米离子吹风机(EH-NA1 0,开启Nanoe<br />

模式),样品C纳米离子吹风机(EH-NA1 0,关闭Nanoe模式)<br />

1.2测试地点:松下电工株式会社彦根工厂‘<br />

1.3操作人员:上林真山香<br />

1.4测试方法:在25士2C. 50士10%环境条件卜,使用香波和护发素对30个发束( A I [10 束,B织10<br />

束,C组10束)进行处理,并用毛巾擦+,使发束自然干燥半天。待干燥后将发束挂在架子!:,用水雾对<br />

发束表面进行喷雾,将卷发梳置于发束内侧,样品A, B. C分别在距离发束表ifii保持约为50mm离,用<br />

吹风机对着发束表面吹风,测试时吹风机和卷发梳按照同样的速度从发梢移动至发根。一次动作7秒,梳理<br />

三次,梳发时梳发力为 0.1 kgf; 梳发后,将各发束放置于暗箱内,在用 shinebox 灯 tITi 射的条件卜,用相机<br />

进行拍摄。拍摄后,将所拍摄照片用软件识读后计算出光泽度数据:重复以上实验步骤三次,得出每个样品<br />

30个数据。<br />

测试顺序 第次 第二次<br />

样品A (EH-NE32) A组 B组<br />

样品 B(EH-NA1 0 ,开启 Nanoe 模式) B夕 IL C 组 A i I<br />

1.5测试照片:<br />

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This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf. available on request or accessible at http:IIw<br />

htm and.tor electronic format documents,subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs com/terms e-documeflt htm. At tention is drawn to the limitation<br />

risdiction issues defined therein Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company's findings at the time<br />

the limits of Client's instructions if any. The Company's sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction<br />

and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full.without p<br />

orgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law<br />

suits shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only<br />

S&S.C TesrgCe':5 巡鹦 '4G SE"' g(i)o11c 3d Bui<br />

Iding.No.869,Yishart Road, Xuhui District Shan9hai,China 200233<br />

・ 上海 ・ 徐汇区宜山路889号3号楼邮编: 200233<br />

(86-21)61402666'2013<br />

(86-21冷1402666'2013<br />

ww.sgs.comlternl 乞迎生四因鲤丝 o fof<br />

JHHG<br />

f(86-21)54500353<br />

f(86-21)54500353<br />

8460,I<br />

www.cn.sgs.com<br />

e sgs.china@sgs.com<br />

Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

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测试报告 号码: SHHG1112O4134OSD H 期: 2012 年03月05日 页数:第3页,共23页<br />

1.6测试要求:三种样品的所有数据中,样粼:B (EH-NA1O,开启Narioe模式)光泽度数据较另外两种样品<br />

1苛。<br />

1.7测试结果:<br />

处理前<br />

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18测试结沦:<br />

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样ii纳米离r吹风机(EH-NA1 0,开启Nanoe模式)对发束的光泽度效果在相等使用条<br />

品A负离子吹风机( EH-NE32 )以及样.II Ill 纳米离子吹风机( EH-NA1 0 ,关闭 N a noe 模<br />

式),即说明,和负离子及普通吹风机相比纳米离子吹风机使头发更有光泽。<br />

r<br />

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This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleat, available on request or accessible at 丛囚丛丝 csgs.corn/terms_and conditions.<br />

hIm and,for electronic tormat documents,subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sps.com/terms e-document.htrn. Attention is drawn to the limitation of<br />

liability 沙扭屏阶陇划咬nand jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder ot this document is advised that intormation contained hereon reflects the Company's findings at the time of<br />

the limits of Client's instructions, if any. The Company's sole responsibility into its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction<br />

Ircising all th叽 hts and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full,without prior written approval of the Company<br />

authorized altera 、 forgery or falsification of the content or appearance ot this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law<br />

esults shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only<br />

ta 200233<br />

笋哪搬呼恻:跷卿hai)。阳惚州 Na.889,Yishas 瞥缨缨Ct势 hai,Chir<br />

毫:200233<br />

lfSlI1 if 平缨..D竺生竺且里竺丝竺至堕丝址- SPSt<br />

t(86-21)61402666t2013<br />

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电<br />

1(86-21)54500353<br />

f(86-21)54500353<br />

IHHG 846012<br />

www.cn.sgs.com<br />

e sgs.china@sgs.com<br />

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测试报告号码.:s日日 Gil 12041340S 。口期: 2012 年03月。5日页数:第4页,共23页<br />

2.皮脂洗净率测试(客户内部测试方法)<br />

2.1测试样.}{:数最:样品A负离子吹风机(EH-NE32),样留:B纳米离子吹风机(EH-NA1 0,开启Nanoe<br />

模式)<br />

2.2测试地点:松卜电工株式会社门真工厂<br />

2.3操作人员:岸本笃子<br />

2.4测试方法:(1)回收皮脂:用头皮皮脂回收夹具轻擦观察对象者的头皮,使皮脂附着在夹具上。使用氯<br />

仿清洗夹具,回收皮脂于一干净玻璃器皿‘1,,对三人实施皮脂收集,将三人济解有皮脂的氯仿相混合。<br />

(2)测试初期状态:称星所使用的齐玻璃盖片重最,使用微'=3.滴管将溶解有皮脂的氯仿滴在玻璃Iii'片上,<br />

使附着有皮脂的一面朝上,将玻璃盖片放在Kimtowel擦拭纸上,使其自然干燥,直到氯仿完全抨发并称量<br />

初期皮脂的重最。(3)将样品预置开启 Nanoe 模式,并确认正在释放 Nanae ,样品设置为 Cold, Set 模式,<br />

将样品机头垂直朝1几稳定地固定T夹具上,用纸挡住吹风机风日,川摄子火持玻璃盖片2分钟,附着有皮脂<br />

的朝向吹风机并隔开, 50mm 的趴离。重复测试3次。3)清理处理:用纯水对玻璃盖片进行冲洗,水流速<br />

度为50m L130秒,H寸问为30秒。冲洗后小心取出玻璃盖片,将附着有皮脂的一面向上,放在Kim towel擦<br />

拭纸上,使其自然干燥。对3个样品重复操作。(4)计算皮脂洁净率:根据卜列公式计算皮脂洁净率<br />

皮脂洁净率二100%*(初期重量一清洗后的重量)/(初期重量一玻璃盖片重量)<br />

2.5测试照片:<br />

龟<br />

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This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at 巡创进丝 N.595 corn/terms and conditions.<br />

htm and,for etectronic format documents,subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms e-document担匹AttentIon is drawn to the} imitation of<br />

risdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company's findings at the time of<br />

fs<br />

mnt ithin the limits of Clients instructions, if any. The Company's xote responsibility isto its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to atransaction<br />

r O<br />

C frcising alt thd气 hts and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in fult.without prior written approvat ot the Company<br />

户<br />

A authorized altera forgery or talsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the futlest extent of the law<br />

户<br />

U<br />

exults shown月n this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only<br />

SG导<br />

飞S<br />

价<br />

汤<br />

息<br />

户<br />

招<br />

胜<br />

热<br />

鳄袅黔 5'4tD' rhjCo..Ltd<br />

3v Bu ilding. No 889 Yishar Road, Xuhui District Shanghai.China 200233 t (86 ・21)61402666*2013<br />

中国 ・ 上海 ・ 徐汇区宜iii路889号3号楼邮编: 200233 t (86-21)61402666'2013<br />

公<br />

S F! HG<br />

(86-2 )54500353<br />

(86-2 (54500353<br />

846013<br />

www.crt.sgs.com<br />

e sgs.china@sgs.corr<br />

Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

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测试报告 号码.;SHHG1 1 12041340SD 日期: 2012'l: 03 月05日 页数:第5页,共23页<br />

‘训肠<br />

弄泛一泣翻一<br />

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2.6测试要求:iiF明样品 B(EH-NA1 0<br />

NE32 )以及初期状态。<br />

2.7测试结架:<br />

条了‘1 次数 洗净前<br />

'mg)<br />

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Nanoe 模式)对皮脂洗净率有显著效果,相较于样品 A (E 日-<br />

夕戈留率<br />

(%)<br />

平均残留<br />

率(%)<br />

洗(<br />

净%<br />

率)<br />

1 0.21 0.19 90.5 89.2 9.5 j 08<br />

2 0.22 0」 9 86.4 13.6<br />

3 0.22 0.20 90.9 9,<br />

1 0.22 0.18 8 18 85.1 18.2 j49<br />

2 0.23 0.19 82.6 17.4<br />

3 0.22 0.20 90.9 9.1<br />

1 0.20 0.16 80.0 74.6 20.0 25.4<br />

2 0」 5 0.11 73.3 26.7<br />

3 0.17 0.20 70.6 29.4<br />

2.8测试结论:样品B纳米离子吹风机( EH-NA1 0, 开启Nanoe模式)对皮脂洗净率高于样品A负离子吹<br />

风.)L (EH-NE32),LiJ 说Fyi,相对J一负离子吹风机 纳米离子吹风机可以有效减少头皮皮脂(油脂)量。<br />

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf. available on request or accessible at坦壑鲤ww.sgs.co 型岭rms_ and_ conditions<br />

htm and.for electronic tormat documents,subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sqs.com/terms e-咖 cument,htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation<br />

risdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that intormation contained hereon reflects the Company's findings at the time<br />

the limits of Client's instructions, if any. The Company's sole responsibility is foils Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction<br />

and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in tull.without prior written approval of the Company<br />

orgery or falsification of the content or appearance ot this document is unlawful and offenders maybe<br />

suIts shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only<br />

TesfpCer<br />

)ding.No.889.Yishan Road, Xuhui District Shanghai,China 200233<br />

・ 上海 ・ 徐汇区宜Lii路889号3号楼邮编: 200233<br />

1)61402666'2013<br />

1冷14026662013<br />

SHHG 846014<br />

o<br />

f<br />

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www.cn.sgs.com<br />

e sgs.china@sgs.com<br />

Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

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测试报告 号码.:SHHG1 1 12041340SD日期:2012年03月05日 页数:第6页,共23页<br />

,<br />

3. Nanoe离子直径测量,含水量测量(客户内部测试方法)<br />

3.1测试样品数量:样品B纳米离子吹风机(EH -NA 10,开启Nanoe模式);样品D(离子保湿美容器<br />

(EH-SA42))<br />

3.2测试地点:松卜电工株式会社门真工)<br />

3.3操作人员:三鸿有纪子<br />

3.4测试力法:将样品D的Nanoe发生器设置在趾离测试设备2mm的位置上。启动扫描式Mobility Particle<br />

Sizer (SMPS 3936N76) 进行对 Nanoe 离子直径测hi:。测试三台取平均值。<br />

3.5测试照片:<br />

3.6测试要求: I.iL 明样 nI-In(EH-NA1O, )F 启 Nanoe 模式);样品D(离子保湿美容器 (EH-SA42) )的<br />

兮<br />

Nanoe发生器所产生的Nanoe离子属于纳米级别。Nanoe的含水}.卜是负离子的1000倍。<br />

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleat available on request or accessible at http://www<br />

o<br />

山印 and,tor electronic format docurnents.subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.s 胆 .co rn/terms e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation f<br />

that information contained hereon reflects the Company's findings at the time O<br />

the limits of Clients instructions visibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction f<br />

Ibis document cannot be reproduced except in tull.without prior written approval ot the Company<br />

orgery or talsification ot the content or appearance of this document is unlawtul and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law<br />

suIts shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only<br />

晌<br />

门口<br />

toad, Xuhui District Shanghai.China 200233 t (66-21)61402666'2013<br />

宜山路889号3号楼邮编:200233 t (86-21)614O2666,2013<br />

」<br />

,'<br />

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(86-2 )54500353<br />

(86-2 )545加353<br />

846015<br />

www.cn.sgs.com<br />

e sgs.thina@sgs.con<br />

Member of the SOS Group (SGS SA)

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测试报告<br />

3.7测试结果:<br />

离子直径<br />

测试次数<br />

「八自<br />

改吞<br />

,<br />

号码. :SHHG1 1 12041340SD 日期: 2012 年03月05日<br />

'I乏均粒径(5-2Onm粒径离子比例)<br />

1 2 3 平均佰<br />

斗 B(EH- 9.37 nm 9.73 nm 12.02 nm 10.37 nm<br />

NA1 0 ,开启<br />

Nanoe模式)<br />

样品D(离子保湿<br />

美容器(E日-<br />

(78%) (73%) (85%) (79%)<br />

6.98 nm<br />

(75%)<br />

5.86 nm<br />

(73%)<br />

5.13 nm<br />

(60%)<br />

5.99 nm<br />

(69.3%)<br />

SA42 )。 ! ! 」 ! }<br />

3.7测试结沦:<br />

备注<br />

页数:第7页,共23页<br />

沿用 2011 年 5 )i 20 H4F 告 IN-SH<br />

5305-11020<br />

E日一 NA3O 结果,E日<br />

NA3O’ 、 EH-NA1 0 发生装置技术上原<br />

理一致。<br />

样品B纳米离子吹风机( EH-NA1 0 ,开启 Nanoe 模式);样品D(离子保湿美容器 (EH-SA42) )的<br />

N a noe 发生器所产生的 Nanoe 离子属于纳米级别。 Nanoe 的含水量是负离子的 1000f音。<br />

备注1:引用文献“空气负离子的科学与应用,编者:离子情报信息中心,ISBN-10:4990181905, ISBN-<br />

13:978-4990181901),环境中负离子的平均离子直径大小为mnm0 Nanoe的平均离子直径为负离子平均粒<br />

径的10倍,单个 Nanoe 水离子的平均含水量约为负离子平均含水量的 1000 倍(体积比)。<br />

琴<br />

タ<br />

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleat. available on request or accessible at http://www.sgs.com/terms一 nd_Conditions<br />

htm and.for electronic format documents,subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.s<br />

cument.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of<br />

ha创以y<br />

sand lurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that iritormation contained heroon reflects the Company's findings at the lime of<br />

its I nt 创 六晌 ithin the limits of Clients instructions, it any. The Companys sole responsibility is to ito Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction<br />

trcising all th hts and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in tulI.without prior written approval of the Company<br />

authorized altera forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law<br />

esults Shown i ri this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days oniy<br />

01吧打心 ted t蟹<br />

~"‘卜富<br />

笋娜溜笋秘哄舞妙卿C<br />

}励用汾t从理七三男岁z<br />

3d Bu)ding,No.889,Yishan Road. Xshui District ShanghaLChina 200233<br />

邮编: 200233<br />

t(86-21)61402666'2013<br />

t(86-21 冷1402666'2013<br />

(86-21)54500353<br />

(86-21)54500353<br />

SHHG 846016<br />

www.cn.sgs.com<br />

e sgs.china@sgs.com<br />

Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)<br />

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测试报告号码 SHHG1 1 1204134USD 日期: 2012 年03月05日贝数:第8页,<br />

4.纳米水蒸气的离子直径大小测定(客户内部测试方法)<br />

4.1测试样品数帚:样品E(温冷蒸脸器(EH2473))<br />

4.2测试地点:松卜电T株式会社门真工)<br />

4.3操作人员:岸本笃子<br />

4.4测试方法:女Ii图月了示,使用 Spraytec 2.00 喷雾专用激光衍射粒度分布测定装置 (STP5000,<br />

Sysmex) ,将样品的多空喷雾头设置于距离仪器 25cm 之处开始测定纳米水蒸气的离子直径大小。<br />

品运行30秒,30秒后蒸汽稳定输出,开始测试,时问为,分钟。<br />

4.5测试照片:<br />

4.6测试要求:水蒸气离f直径大小平均值在500nm以F。<br />

4.7测试结果:<br />

经测定水蒸气离子直径平均值为157.2nm<br />

4.7测试结论:<br />

样品E(温冷蒸脸器EH2473)所产牛的水蒸气的平均粒径为157.2nm,属J..纳米级别。<br />

,礴<br />

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This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at http://www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions o<br />

htm and,for electronic format documents,subiecf to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sqs.com/terms e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation f<br />

;diction issues defined therein Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reftects the Company's findings at the time o<br />

le limits of Clients instructions if any. The Company's sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction f<br />

nd obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in fulIwithout prior written approval of the Company<br />

rgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law<br />

sits shown in this test report refer Only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only<br />

)C.1td shan Road,Xuhui Djstrict Shanghai.China 200233 t (86-21)61402666'2013 (86-21)54500353<br />

}〔区宜山路889号3号楼邮编:200233 t (86-21)61402666*2013 f (86-21)54500353<br />

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www.cn.sgs.com<br />

e sgs.thjna@sgs.com<br />

Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

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测试报告号码: SHHG 川 2041 340 SD 日期: 2012 年03月05日页数:第9页,共23页<br />

5.纳米水蒸气的离子白金浓度测定(客户内部测试方法)<br />

5.1测试样品数量:样品E(温冷蒸脸器 (EH2473)) "<br />

5.2测试地点:松下电T株式会社门真一「)'<br />

5.3操作人员:胜山关纱<br />

5.4测试方法:在烧杯上吹冷风,将蒸汽凝结后收集。用纯净水稀释市售白金标准液(1000mg/I),调制可<br />

涵盖测定范围的水溶液(0.1-b Oug/I),在各浓度调铭水溶液上添加硝酸(lOOuI/lOmI),做成检量线。在测<br />

试试剂上添加lOOuI硝酸,用IcP质量分析装置进行测定(Agilent 7700x)<br />

5.5测试少!砚)}:<br />

! 荃<br />

吞<br />

厂 愁<br />

议 洛<br />

器<br />

万<br />

叭<br />

卜<br />

‘<br />

1<br />

广<br />

仙<br />

「<br />

、<br />

5.6测试要求:检测出白金浓度 0.lug/ ]以上。<br />

5.7测试结果:<br />

浓度( ug/I)<br />

5.8测试结论:<br />

样品E温冷蒸脸器 (EH2473) 所产生的水蒸汽含有铂金成分,且浓度在 0.lug/L 以上。<br />

笋<br />

公<br />

军<br />

介<br />

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咬<br />

勺<br />

月巨<br />

MDL (ug/I)<br />

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at http://www.sgs.com/terms_an 生conditions.<br />

htjii and,for electronic format documents,subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www. 约 scorn/terms e-document 担rn. Attention is drawn to the Il<br />

isdiction issues defined therein Any holder of this document is advised that information contained heroon reflects the Company's findings at the time of<br />

the limits of Clients instructions if any. The Company's sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not euonerate parties to a transaction<br />

and obligations under the transaction documents. This document<br />

cannot be reproduced except in full,without prior written approval of the Company<br />

orgery orfalsitication of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law<br />

suIts shown in this test report refer Only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only<br />

‘比华<br />

4.<br />

shan Road,Xuhui OistrictShanghai.Chifra 200233 t (86-21)61402666'2013<br />

汇区宜di路889号3号楼邮编:200233 t I86-21)61402666'2013<br />

0.1<br />

)G 846018<br />

(86-21)54500353 www.cn.sgs.com<br />

(86-21)54500353<br />

e sgs.chjna@sgs.com<br />

Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)<br />

V<br />

沙<br />

E<br />

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只<br />

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CO工钊C口}}<<br />

乙<br />

产<br />

抽<br />

心犷<br />

测试报告 号码:SHHG1 112041 340SD日期:2012年03月05 H 页数:第10页,共23页<br />

6. Nanoe 离子的PH值测定(客户内部测试方法)<br />

6.,测试样:}尹:数量:样品B纳米离子吹风机(EH-NA1 0,开启Nanoe模式),样品D(离子保湿美容器<br />

(EH-SA42))<br />

6.2测试地点:松日匕工株式会社门真工厂<br />

6.3操作人员:小村泰浩<br />

6.4测试方法:用Horiba F-71对于Nanoe离子进行P日fit测试。<br />

6.5测试照片:<br />

喃<br />

嗜<br />

.<br />

峨<br />

6.6测试要求:Nanoe离子PH值I1现弱酸性。<br />

6.7测试结果:<br />

、<br />

心<br />

,<br />

r<br />

PH值 , 2 3<br />

纯水<br />

任<br />

比<br />

弓<br />

了<br />

今<br />

样,异旧 5 .18 5.22 5.27 5.22<br />

Nanoe 离于 PH 值 9. ri 现弱酸性。<br />

嘴粤<br />

冰<br />

5.68 5.7 5.68 5.69<br />

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf. available on request or accessible at http 卫www.<br />

以m and,for electronic format documents.subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sqs.com/terms e-document.htm. Attentton is drawn to the Ilmttation of<br />

sdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company's findings at the time of<br />

,e limits of Client's instructions. if any. The Company's sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction<br />

主nd obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced escept in full,without prior written approval of the Company<br />

rgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law<br />

ults shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only<br />

确<br />

'.<br />

SHHG 846019<br />

jCo..Ud 3旧 Bsilding.No.889.Yishan Road. Xuhui District Shanghai.China 200233 (86-21)61402666'2013 f 1)54500353 www.cn.sgs.com<br />

中国 ・ 上海 ・ 徐汇区宜山路889号3号楼邮编: 200233 (86-21 珍1402666'2013 f 1)545的353 e sgs.china@sgs.com<br />

'<br />

Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

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测试报告 号码. :SHHG1 112041 340SD 日期: 2012 年03月05日<br />

数据记录:<br />

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下<br />

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This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf. available on request or accessible at 丛里丝鲤丝 sgs .com! terms_and_con恻 ons.<br />

him and.for electronic format documents,subject to Terms and Conditions tor Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of<br />

imits of Clients instructions, it any. The Company's sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction<br />

}obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full,without prior written approval of the Company<br />

vry or<br />

5shown in this text report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only<br />

(uhui Disfrict Shanghai,China 200233<br />

洛889号3号楼邮编: 200233<br />

I (88-21)61402666,2013<br />

t(86-21 冷14026662013<br />

(86-21)54500353<br />

(86-21)54500353<br />

SHHG 84602,<br />

www.cn.sgs.com<br />

e sgs.china@sgs.com<br />

公 Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)<br />

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htm and.tor electronic format documents,subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs corn/termS e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of<br />

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ithiri the limits of Client's instructions, if any. The Company's sole responsibility is toils Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction<br />

rcising all thi 如渺 ts and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full,without prior written approval of the Company<br />

forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law<br />

esulto shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days Only<br />

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www.cn.sgs com<br />

esgs.china@sgS.com<br />

Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

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rms and conditions<br />

a and,for electronic tormat documentS,Sublect to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sqs.com/terms e-document.htm. Attention Is drawn to the limitation of<br />

sand jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company's findings at the time of<br />

Its 行 bility ir1tQ<br />

ithin the limits of Client's instructions, if any. The Company's sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not esonerate parties to a transaction<br />

0<br />

A 角rcising all th姚 hts and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full.without prior written approval of the Company<br />

U C.<br />

L authorized altera forgery or falsiticatios of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and ottenders may be pronecut<br />

引<br />

esults shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained tor 30 days only<br />

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846024<br />

Wss Qtt!1te<br />

www.cn.sgs.com<br />

SGS-C T)r C8r1. S 墨 o s cISer<br />

gfUCo.1Id 3', Bui)ding,No.889,Yishan Road, Xuhui District Shanghai,China 200233<br />

中国 ・ 上海 ・ 徐汇区宜山路889号3号楼邮编:200233<br />

,如户<br />

吧欠犷<br />

(86-21)61402666,2013 ((86-21)54500353<br />

(86-21)61402666'2013 f(86-21)54500353<br />

有<br />

e sgs.china@sgs.com<br />

Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)<br />

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誉 测试报告 号码. :SHHG1 1 12041340SD 日期: 2012'I 几 03月05日 页数:第16页, 共 23页<br />

冲<br />

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20120216, smeaYExp 003一2012 Feb l6VAveregenhSrvamer 2 I. psrt<br />

Sample:Steam;er<br />

002473<br />

Start'iO (s)::e1:01 (.)<br />

Title Average 吓 !妞 in 从ax<br />

Trans 1%) 65.5 3. 358 56. 5 171 1<br />

tln(l0) (tjm) 」0. 1129 Io:ooi 0. 1056 0.1173<br />

Un (50) (tire) 0. 1572 0. 003923 IOJ 0. 1671<br />

Sn (90) (un) 0. 282 0. 008464 0. 2567 0. 3032<br />

D[i 了 [3] (Ii") 1.297 0. 1621 1. 063 1. 8<br />

5(3] [2] (ott) 0. 3434 0.00713 0, 3171 0. 3579<br />

Cv (PPM) 61. 36 7.011 49.74} 84. 19<br />

(part 1,076 0. 01782 1.013 1. 113<br />

乡SD (tire) 2. 184 (I. (j5177 」 2 ・ 085 」 12. 368<br />

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SataV2Ol2Q....Steeaier 2 1. psi,<br />

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Edited 二 ?4o 几 Edited<br />

pert it dtsnblei)<br />

Spanytox 3.10 Serial Ntiirber - 以1,1003CC S<br />

This document is issued by the Company Subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf. available on request or accessible at http:llwww.sgs.com/terms_and 二conditions<br />

bloi and,for electronic format documents,sublect to Terms and Conditions for Etectronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms e-document,htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of<br />

sdicliori issues detined therein, Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company's findings at the time of<br />

te limits of Client's instructions, if any. The Company's sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction<br />

.nd obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full,without prior written approval of the Company<br />

rgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law<br />

ultn shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only<br />

‘们翻<br />

扩<br />

'-HG 846025<br />

}以 LI sharRoad.XuhuiDistrictShanghai.China 200233 t (86-21)61402666'2013 (6-21)54500353 www.cn.sgs.com<br />

汇区宜山路889号3号楼邮编: 200233 t (8621)6l402666*2013 t6-21)54500353 esgs.china@sgs.com<br />

J<br />

毛<br />

龟<br />

Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)<br />

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测试报告 号码. :SHHG1 1 12041340SD 日期: 2012 年03月05日 页数;第17页,共23页<br />

Average Derived l'aramcters<br />

(avorago scatter, weighted)<br />

20120216. saeaVhxp 003 一 2012 Feb l6flAvcragosVStcorner<br />

Sample 二 Steamer<br />

ER2473<br />

Start+0 乏 s)::459 (s)<br />

Slasihuid Values:<br />

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Printed vii 2012 Cnh 16 it 10:15:5) lIner<br />

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L月吕t Edited 一 Not Edited Spritytee 3. 10 SeriaL thaibor Spry yt弧 L1003645<br />

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0.1I43 10. 002062 0. 1092 Io. ii1i<br />

!0.1611 10. 004825 .0. 1483 0. 1718<br />

0. 2924 0.01046 0. 2624 to. 3149<br />

11.滋汤-- 0. 1091 1198 1.827<br />

[0.3546 0.007886 沁 326 0. 37<br />

60. 89 6.736 阳 64 73. 36<br />

1.1 肠 }o. 02066 Ii. 033 1. 14<br />

2. 12 0. 06496 2.039 12. 273<br />

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养年瞬乡<br />

下St 必a.,.r pad<br />

sgs.com/terms_a nd conditions o<br />

of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at http<br />

This document is issued by the Company subject toils General Conditions<br />

IlwWW Atlas hon is drawn to the limitation f<br />

let to Terms and Conditior<br />

ww,w-sgs n/terms e-document.hlm<br />

film<br />

o<br />

contained hereon reflects the Company ・s findings at the time f<br />

nisdiction issues defined therein Any holder of this document is advised that information<br />

Inv's sole responsibility is to its Cii<br />

f<br />

the limits of Clients instructions<br />

rtus dnnriimorvt cannot be reoroduced except in full without prior written approval of the Company<br />

r 泊rcising as tne1F/ sand obligations under the transaction documents<br />

authorized altera 甲八r门n rynr falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law<br />

O<br />

sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only<br />

柳<br />

时<br />

SHHG 846026<br />

ss ott ited 剪 suits shown in this test report refer only to the<br />

www cn.sgs.com<br />

、仆引心r ghaiiCo U<br />

nRoad, Xuhu( District Shanghai.Cbina 200233 降21冷1402666'2013 (86-2 曰500353<br />

e sgs.chjna@sgs.com<br />

cs眨吧<br />

宜山路889号3号楼邮编: 200233 (86-21 冷1402666'2013 (86-2 )54500353<br />

TysrCe'b0 SGSdit<br />

Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

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测试报告 号码. :SHHG1 112041340SD 日川] :2012 年03月05日页数:第18页,共23页<br />

Average Derived Paraipters<br />

:average scatter. weighted(<br />

20120216. smeaYExp 002一2012 Fsb I6VAveragvsVStt'ame-<br />

Starr0 Sa.ple : (s) Stesuer . . +1:01 (sj<br />

Standard Values:<br />

Trans 二 .7(%)<br />

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This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on requ 妙I or<br />

accessible at 叫创,!丛到 5.com/terms_and_conditl0!!<br />

hIm and,for electronic tormat documents,subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at wwws9 鱼g旦业旦卫Is o-000um int.htm. AttentIon Is drawn Ii<br />

in. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereOn 而flects the Companys findings at the lime of<br />

le limits of Client's instructions, if any, The Companys sole responsibility is to its Cli<br />

ext does not euonerate parties toa transaction<br />

nd obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full without prior written approval of the Company<br />

rgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law<br />

ulta shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only<br />

口臼<br />

圈<br />

卜verage 卜 胜 in<br />

}<br />

」<br />

卜3. 7 5.711 152 4 }78. 4<br />

0.1109 0. 0008259 0. 1085 0.1116<br />

0. 1521<br />

0. 2688<br />

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0.005177<br />

10. 1457 0. 1536<br />

0 25,6} 10. 2721<br />

I. 194 0. 07692 1. 069 1. 424<br />

0. 323 0侧万 : 12 0. 3091 0. 3297<br />

}阳.3 13.45 36.66 勺n-9<br />

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2. 168 0. 02742} 2. 156 2. 274<br />

36. 3」 5711 I 1216 .<br />

889.YisflanRoad.Xuhui District Sirangfrai.Chwa 200233<br />

二汇区,山路88号3号搜邮编: 200233<br />

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喇娜卜-<br />

Ma I ye rn<br />

劝}恋、亿‘心<br />

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,C:tDociav.nts and SotIirgvSAt I tJet,riVDors..nt,VIl.,Iv.rn Instrs..n t礴Spnayt ,arawre.st Dala020:20<br />

Printed on 2012 P.1, lb at 7O:I8 月招 L's.r 二 Spr.yt.c (21 仔只 earl Ii d,nabl.d)<br />

(sat Fl'. 臼it司‘知t臼生t曰 Spr.yt.x 3. (0 S创二l 如目”r一甘肚 (003645<br />

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(eb-2 曰印m邸<br />

846028<br />

www cn sgs corn<br />

a sgs 山叫嗯sgs 以 rn<br />

Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

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This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at 丝创丛竺岁四丝望必e rrrs and conditions o<br />

htm and.for electronic format documents,subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sqs.com/terms e-如列贝ent.hfm. Attention Is drawn to the limitation f<br />

ction issues defined therein<br />

o<br />

Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reftects the Company's findings at the time<br />

f<br />

imitsof Clients instructions<br />

insibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction<br />

I obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full,without prior written approval of the Company<br />

rry or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law<br />

s shown in this fest report refer Only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days oniy<br />

200233<br />

・Jd}洲即i)d)ngNs.889,'ti 些an Road, Xuhui Distr 吵卜 nghai,卿 na<br />

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测试报告<br />

1<br />

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on requestor accessible at http://www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.<br />

htni and,for electronic format documents,subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terrns e-docurnent.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of<br />

rd jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company's findings at the time of<br />

:15 its f<br />

ithinthe limitsof Clients instructions, if any. The Company's sole responsibility isto its Client and thisdocurnent does not esonerate partiesto a transaction<br />

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U<br />

。卜S施溉<br />

esults Shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only<br />

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1)目的<br />

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www.cn.sgs.com<br />

e sgs.china@sgs.com<br />

Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)<br />

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This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf. available on request or accessible at http:1/w1fs9s.com/terms_and_conditions o<br />

htm and,for electronic tormat documents,subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms e-document.htm. AttentIon is drawn to the limitation fof<br />

liability,<br />

n and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company's findings at the time<br />

its f inte4f 心肠厅断 ithin the limits of Client's instructions, if any. The Company's sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction<br />

0 r n A trcising all th叽<br />

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hts and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full,withoul prior written approval of the Company<br />

U authorized altera<br />

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'An. rorgery or raisiticarion or mne content or appearance or mnis oocurnent is uniawiui ano ortenoers may oe prosecuieu to 川. iuiiesi extent vil lie law<br />

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esults shown in this test report refer Only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only<br />

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(86-21)61402666'2013<br />

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,<br />

(86-21)54500353<br />

(86-21)54500353<br />

www.cn.sgs.com<br />

e sgs.china@sgs.com<br />

Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)<br />

口口<br />


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nand jurindiction issues defined therein. Any holder ot this document is advised that in而rmation contained hereOn reflects the Company's findings at the time of<br />

its 行 mnt砚 ithin the limits of Client's instructions, if any. The Companys sote responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction<br />

O<br />

C<br />

A lrcising attth姚 hts and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in tull,without prior written approval of the Company<br />

月<br />

U authorized alter<br />

止<br />

forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is untawtut and offenders may be prosecut<br />

引<br />

exults shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only<br />

SG洲<br />

If<br />

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This document<br />

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is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleat, available on request or accessible at http<br />

jConditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms e-document.htm<br />

}<br />

8劫<br />

ghaij Co.,LId.13" Building.Na.889.'tishan Road. Xuhui District Shanghai,Chisa 200233'(86-21)614026662013'(86-21)54500 岑<br />

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//www.sgs.com/termn_and_conditions<br />

Attention is drawn to the limitation of<br />

;HHG 846032<br />

www.cn.sgs.com<br />

e sgs.china@sgs.oom<br />

Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)<br />

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测试报告 号码, :SHHG1 1 12041340SD 日期: 2012 年03月05日 页数:第23页,共23页<br />

愁 样品E(温冷蒸脸器(EH2473))<br />

产,<br />

玄<br />

产‘、“<br />

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J声口,洲,<br />

」<br />

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf available on request or accessible at http:f/www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions. o<br />

him and.for electronic format documesls.subject to Terms and Conditions tor Electronic Docsments at www.sgs.com/terms e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation f<br />

isdiction issues defined therein Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company's findings at the time O<br />

the limits of Client's instructions if any. The Company's sole responsibility is 10 its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction f<br />

and obligations under the Iransaclion documents. This document cannot be reproduced escept in full,without priorwritten approval of the Company<br />

orgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law<br />

suits shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 30 days only<br />

a Co.. Ltd 3尤 Buildtng,No.809,Yishan Road, Xshsi District Shanghai,China 200233<br />

中国 ・ 上海 ・ 徐汇区宜山路889号3号楼邮编:200233<br />

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www.cnsgs.com<br />

e sgs.thina@sgs.com<br />

Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA) 叹<br />

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月<br />

口口<br />


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