Report - Lincolnshire Family Services Directory

Report - Lincolnshire Family Services Directory

Report - Lincolnshire Family Services Directory


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REPORT<br />

29 March 1953 - 24 March 1954

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />


County Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Sessions Rolls, Kesteven and Holland . . . . . .<br />

Tralnsferred Poor Law Records, Holland . . .<br />

Transferred Poor Law Records, Lindsey . . .<br />

Deposited records, Lindsey ._. . . . . . .<br />


Whichcote .........<br />

Cragg ... .........<br />

Ancaster Second Deposit ...<br />

Williams and Glanfield ......<br />

Padley ............<br />

Cardinal’s Hat .........<br />

Lowe ............<br />

Other deposits . . . . . . . . .<br />

Other gifts .........<br />

DEAN AND CHAPTER . . . .:.<br />


Alnwick Tower . . . . . . . . .<br />

PARISH RECORDS . . . . . . . . .<br />


Chatterton . . . . . . . . .<br />

PUBLICATIONS . . . . . . . . .<br />


USE OF THE OFFICE . . . . . .<br />


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<strong>Lincolnshire</strong> Archives Committee<br />

Representing Lindsey County Camcil<br />

Alderman Mrs. A. Croft Baker<br />

Alderman G. Canty<br />

Alderman Sir Weston Cracroft-Amcotts, M.C., D.L.<br />

Alderman J . Forrester<br />

Alderman A. W. Harrison<br />

Alderman G. W. Lefley<br />

Councillor W. H. Crowder<br />

Representing Kesteven County Council<br />

Alderman Sir Robert Pattinson, D.L.<br />

Councillor the Earl of Ancaster, L.L., T.D. (Chairnzan)<br />

Councillor A. J. Hossack<br />

Representing Holland County Council<br />

Alderman Lt. Col. 0. B.<br />

Alderman E. H. Gooch<br />

Representing Lincoln City Council<br />

Alderman J. W. F. Hill,<br />

Alderman J. W. Rayment<br />

Councillor J. W. Giles<br />

Giles, D.L.<br />

MA., LL.M., Litt.D. (v&e-Chairman)<br />


The Earl of Ancaster, L.L., T.D. (Custos Rotulorum)<br />

The Reverend Canon A. M. Cook, M.A. (representing the Lord Bishop of Lincoln)<br />

The Reverend Canon T. R. Milford, M.A., (representing the Dean and Chapter<br />

of Lincoln)<br />

Professor G. R. Potter, M.A., Ph.D. (representing the University of Sheffield)<br />

Professor J. S. Roskell, M.A., D.Phil. (representing the University of Nottingham)<br />

Professor J. Simmons, M.A. (representing the University College, Leicester)<br />

F. W. Brooks Esq., M.A. (representing the University College, Hull)<br />

Miss K. Major, M.A., B.Litt. (representing the Lincoln Record Society)<br />

E. W. Scorer Esq., O.B.E. (representing the Lincoln Law Society)<br />

The Reverend P. B. G. Binnall, F.S.A., (representing the <strong>Lincolnshire</strong><br />

Archaeological Society)<br />

H. J. J. Griffith Esq. (Lincoln Diocesan Registrar)<br />

Miss J. S. Lumsden, M.A., F.L.A. (Kesteven County Librarian)<br />

A. C. Curtis Esq., A.L.A. (Lindsey and Holland County Librarian)<br />

F. J. Cooper Esq., A.L.A. (Director, Lincoln Public Library)<br />

Councillor the Earl of Ancaster, L.L., T.D. (representing the <strong>Lincolnshire</strong><br />

Archives Committee)<br />

Alderman Sir Weston Cracroft-Amcotts,. M.C., D.L.<br />

Councillor W. H. Crowder<br />

Alderman Lt. Col. 0. B. Giles, D.L.<br />

Alderman J. W. F. Hill MA., LL.M., D.Litt.<br />

Councillor A. J. Hossack<br />


(ditto)<br />

(ditto)<br />

l$dio]<br />

1<br />

(ditto)<br />

Clerk of the Committee: J. E. Blow, Esq., County Offices, Sleaford, Lines.<br />

Treasurer: W. C. Elliott, Esq., County Offices, Sleaford, Lines.<br />

Archivist: Mrs. J. Varley, M.A., Record Otlice. Exchequer Gate. Lincoln.<br />

Assistant Archivist: Miss D., $1. Williamson, MA., Record Office! Exchequer<br />

Gate, Lincoln.

II<br />


This year it was decided that a beginning might be made on<br />

detailed work on some part of the records of the constituent authorities,<br />

which had previously been reported on in a general iyay (Archivists’<br />

<strong>Report</strong> 1948-50 pp. 4-20, 33-38; ibid. 1950-l pp. 9-15). The earliest<br />

surviving sessions bundles or files of Kesteven and Holland were chosen<br />

for this purpose and a number of them have been brought to Exchequer<br />

Gate. The assistant archivist has prepared the calendar of some Holland<br />

sessions bundles and the archivist some for Kesteven, the archivist being<br />

responsible for the report on both given below. Welcome experience of<br />

working in Quarter Sessions records was gained by both archivists in<br />

collecting material for the history of the ofice of county treasurer, a<br />

report on which by the archivist is given below.<br />

Both archivists were glad to participate in the coronation exhibition<br />

Lincoln Illustrated under the auspices of the Library Committee of the<br />

city of Lincoln, in which a section was devoted to ancient documents.<br />

This section was sub-divided into the sub-sections Local Government<br />

and Public Life, <strong>Family</strong> and Estate, Parish, Diocesan, Capitular and<br />

Various relating to the City of Lincoln, and a variety of documents of<br />

different types and ages was shewn bearing on the history of Lincoln<br />

and neighbourhood. The archivists met some dozen.school parties at<br />

the exhibition and told them something about the records displayed.<br />

Two large deposits of documents were received during the year, one<br />

a further instalment of the Ancaster muniments, the other the Cragg<br />

collection, Ancaster being reported on by the assistant archivist and<br />

Cragg by the archivist. The assistant archivist has also reported on<br />

episcopal and archidiaconal records among the muniments of the Dean<br />

and Chapter of Lincoln, on the Whichcote deposit, the Lindsey deposited<br />

records and on some of the smaller deposits and gifts on which she has<br />

worked. The archivist has shared in the work on smaller gifts and<br />

deposits and has further reported on the Williams and Glanfield deposit,<br />

much of the work on which has been clone under her direction by the<br />

archivists’ clerk. Work has been begun on a calendar of the Thorold<br />

muniments reported on briefly last year (Archivists’ <strong>Report</strong> 1952-53<br />

pp. 28-30) but any further report has been postponed until the work<br />

on the collection is more advanced.<br />




A request was made through the Society of Local Archivists on<br />

behalf of the Society of County Treasurers and by the county treasurer<br />

for Lindsey that some search might be made both for the history of the<br />

office and for its surviving records. This was undertaken both for the<br />

interest of the subject itself and in the hope of further familiarising the<br />

archivists with the records of the three parts of the county, and several<br />

journeys were made to Sleaford apd l&ton and v&its paid to the<br />

Lindsey County Offices,

The work on the treasurerships of Lindsey and Holland was done<br />

by the assistant archivist and that for Kesteven by the archivist. Some<br />

account of their findings and a list of names of treasurers and of<br />

surviving records was sent to the Society of County Treasurers, and to<br />

the clerks and treasurers for each of the parts of the county. What<br />

follows is a brief summary based on the work done.<br />

No evidence survives for a period earlier than the second half of the<br />

seventeenth .century. Treasurers are then found acting in theory for<br />

certain specific funds authorised by statute, namely for the maimed<br />

soldiers and for the marshalsea. In Lindsey the three separate sessions<br />

divisions of Louth and Horncastle, Caistor and Gainsborough or Spital<br />

each had treasurers in charge of both funds. In Kesteven and Holland<br />

separate treasurers operated each fund throughout the whole area<br />

although sessions divisions were in existence. The treasurers were<br />

usually drawn from the active magistrates, from families of good<br />

standing, for the most part holding office for a year at a time. Their<br />

accounts were passed by their fellow magistrates most of whom in their<br />

turn would hold the office. Among the Lindsey treasurers were members<br />

of such well known families as Skipwith, Dymoke, Newcomen, Wray<br />

and Pelham, in Kesteven Nevile, Hussey, Harrington, Brownlow and<br />

Pury Cust, while in Holland where there were fewer outstanding gentry<br />

at that time, an Oldfield and a Welby were noted. In the Gainsborough<br />

and Spital sessions division of Lindsey George Healey was exceptional<br />

in holding office for 7 years. The uses of the funds were more elastic<br />

than their titles would lead one to imagine. Money was provided by<br />

the Gainsborough and Spital treasurers for the repair of sessions buildings<br />

and the building of a house of correction, 1667. Treasurers for the<br />

marshalsea in Kesteven were ordered from time to time to make payment<br />

for removing prisoners by habeas corpus, for expenses in apprehending<br />

a highwayman and other offenders, to various persons for relief, towards<br />

the repair of the shire hall and the cost of books of the clerk of the<br />

peace, to the governor of the house of correction at Folkingham, for<br />

pensions for former service to the king, and to a victim of losses by flood.<br />

During the early years of the eighteenth century Kesteven and<br />

Holland followed Lindsey in having a treasurer for all funds for each<br />

sessions division. This may have been due to the increasing burdens<br />

placed upon the country which would emphasise the need of a common<br />

stock and in Kesteven the new arrangements followed hard on the act<br />

of 1699 relating to the power to levy rates for the removal and<br />

conveyance of vagrants. At the same period two new sessions divisions<br />

each with its own treasurer were formed in Lindsey, Louth being<br />

separated from Horncastle and Spilsby being newly established. In<br />

Holland only one treasurer is named perhaps operating all funds for<br />

both divisions from 1687-1716 and again from 1740-49, after which<br />

separate treasurers for the divisions of Elloe and Kirton were appointed.<br />

Lindsey had a single treasurer for the public stock from 1750 onwards.<br />

Kesteven did not have a single treasurer till 1794 and he continued to<br />

account separately for both divisions at least till 1869. In Holland there<br />

were still separate treasurers for Elloe and Kirton respectively in 1842.<br />

The types of treasurer and the duration of their holding of the<br />

office varied in different parts of the county. In all three parts there was<br />

a period when the treasurers were men with legal training who might<br />

both engage in private practice or land agency and hold other public or<br />

semi-public office. In the southern sessions division of Kesteven Joshua

Bfackweii and john Toller attorneys of Horbling, held o&e, followed<br />

in succession by members of the Denshire family who were barristers,<br />

lenders of money and auditors for large estates. The treasurer for this<br />

sessions division from 1756-1784 was Samuel Reynardson, an active<br />

magistrate, one of the Six Clerks in Chancery and of superior social<br />

standing to his immediate predecessors. On the other hand the annually<br />

elected treasurers, drawn from the county families and active magistrates,<br />

continued in the northern division of Kesteven until 1794, with such<br />

names as Payne, Cust, Whichcote, Fane, Thorold and Sibthorpe among<br />

them. Thomas Brackenbury of Spilsby, the first treasurer for the whole<br />

of the parts of Lindsey, who held office from 1750-1771, was an attorney<br />

and land agent, clerk of sewers and for a long period also clerk of the<br />

peace, and his successors were men of the same type. Benjamin Cheales<br />

first treasurer for both divisions of Kesteven and his successor William<br />

Forbes were also clerks of the peace for the parts of Kesteven, the former<br />

being also clerk to the lieutenancy and the latter clerk for the gaol<br />

sessions for the county. In Holland the Francis Thirkills senior and<br />

junior, treasurers for Kirton 1771-1783 and from 1811 onwards, were<br />

also lawyers and clerks to the Boston commissioners of sewers.<br />

During the eighteenth century, whatever the form of the treasurer’s<br />

office and method of appointment, there was a consolidation of the<br />

assessment and raising of rates and county charges for the gaol, prisoners,<br />

transport of felons, houses of correction, removal of vagrants and<br />

expenses of various officers were met from a common stock. By the<br />

middle of the nineteenth century the lawyer, often also clerk of the<br />

peace, had ceased to hold the office of treasurer, and instead some<br />

connection with banking seems to have been the best recommendation.<br />

In Lindsey the defection of Mr. Pye in 1868 owing %9,519 was followed<br />

by a connection of the office of treasurer with the banking firm Smith<br />

Ellison and Company, in the person of A. S. L. Melville, and this banking<br />

connection continued with the National Provincial bank in succession to<br />

Smith Ellison and Company until about twenty years ago. John Warwick<br />

treasurer of Kesteven from 1843 had his address at The Bank, Sleaford,<br />

and this connection also continued until about twenty years ago first<br />

with Peacock’s bank then with Lloyds bank. Boston’s treasurer was also<br />

associated with Lloyds bank in 1930.<br />

The principal sources for this historical summary are the Minute<br />

books of the Quarter Sessions for the respective parts of the county, the<br />

Lincoln Record Society’s volumes of Kesteven Quarter Sessions Minutes<br />

1674-1695 edited S. A. Peyton (Lincoln Record Society volumes 2.5 and<br />

26, 1931) with some use of local directories for the later period.<br />

Information concerning treasurers’ accounts and other records in official<br />

custody has been given in former Archivists’ <strong>Report</strong>s as follows: Lindsey<br />

in Archivists’ <strong>Report</strong> 1948-50 p. 8, Holland ibid. p. 12, Kesteven ibid.<br />

pp. 15 and 34. A note of a treasurer’s account book in private hands,<br />

that of John Toller treasurer for the southern division of Kesteven<br />

1714-1732, is in the possession of Mr. F. G. Smith of Horbling the<br />

successor to the Tollers’ legal practice (Archivists’ <strong>Report</strong> 1952-53 p.<br />

71). There may well be many other such records still in the hands of<br />

the ancestors of former treasurers or of their successors in business.<br />


Eight bundles have been calendared for Holland and two for<br />

Kesteven. Most of these show signs of disturbance but the arrangement

of some of the Holland bundles as found suggests that originally each<br />

sessions meeting had its own bundle or file. The present make-up is as<br />

follows:<br />

Holland<br />

H.S.B. (Holland Sessions Bundle) 1683 / 1 contains Kirton and Spalding<br />

Easter Sessions 1683, Spalding and Kirton Summer Session 1683,<br />

Spalding and Kirton Michaelmas sessions 1683 and some strays.<br />

H.S.B. 1683/Z, mainly Kirton Christmas 1683/4.<br />

H.S.B. 186313, Spalding Christmas 168314.<br />

H.S.B. 1684/l, Spalding Easter 1684.<br />

H.S.B. 1684/Z. mainlv ~~~ ~J ____.__i Kirtor Mich. 1684.<br />

H.S.B. 1684j3; Spalding Mich. 1684.<br />

H.S.B. 1684/4, Kirton Easter 1684.<br />

H.S.B. 1684/5, Kirton and Spalding Summer 1684.<br />

Kesteven<br />

K.S.B. (Kesteven Sessions Bundle) 1682 contains Sleaford Christmas<br />

1682/3, Sleaford Christmas 1683/4.<br />

K.S.B. 1683 contains Folkingham Christmas 1682/3, Bourne and<br />

Sleaford Easter 1683, Bourne and Sleaford summer 1683, Folkingham<br />

and Sleaford Mich. 1683, Folkingham Christmas 1683/4.<br />

It must be understood that the above gives the arrangement in<br />

broad outline. The Kesteven bundles and Holland 1683/l are in<br />

considerable disarrangement and even the other Holland bundles have<br />

strays among the prevailing sessions papers.<br />

Both Holland and Kesteven were divided into two districts. In<br />

Holland sessions were held quarterly at Kirton for the wapentakes of<br />

Kirton and Skirbeck, and at Spalding for the Elloe wapentake. Likewise<br />

in Kesteven they were held at Sleaford for the wapentakes of<br />

Aswardhurn, Boothby Graffoe, Flaxwell, Langoe and Loveden, and at<br />

Folkingham or Bourne for the wapentakes of Aveland, Beltisloe, Ness,<br />

Winnibriggs and Threo, the soke of Grantham being dealt with separately<br />

by the Grantham justices. The main types of documents preserved in<br />

these bundles are the verdicts or presentments of the juries made on the<br />

day of the sessions, the list of juries, that is grand juries, wapentake or<br />

constables’ juries and juries of traverse, indictments dated by the date<br />

of the offence but endorsed “Vera billa” or “Ignoramus” and sometimes<br />

annotated as to the sentence passed, being set out as if the<br />

presentment of an inquisition, with the names of prosecutors added at<br />

the foot, memoranda of recognizances to appear at the next sessions,<br />

dated by the day on which the parties were bound over by the justice,<br />

examinations and depositions taken before a single justice, orders made<br />

at the sessions and petitions made to the justices assembled. There were<br />

also other documents filed for record such as sacrament certificates<br />

obtained by office holders and others in accordance .with the Test Act.<br />

There is a commission for justices with the Kesteven bundle 1683<br />

which seems to have been used as a wrapper, and which is dated 11<br />

June 1680 (K.S.B. 1683/l) Mr. Peyton mentions in his introduction to<br />

the Kesteven Sessions Minutes (op. cit. p. xxx footnote) the commission<br />

for 1682-3, which had 72 names of which 31 were entirely nominal,. being<br />

national figures unlikely to function locally, and of the remammg 41

only 28 were recorded as having sat at any time at Quarter Sessions<br />

locally. The 1680 c6mmission had 78 names, including such national<br />

figures as Prince Rupert, the lord Chancellor, the lord President, the<br />

keeper of the Privy Seal, the dukes of Monmouth and Lauderdale and<br />

the earls of Arlington and Halifax. One among the names, however,<br />

Robert earl of Lindsey, Great Chamberlain, was on the bench at Bourne<br />

summer sessions in 1683. There was also included in this 1680<br />

commission what looks like every possible justice who might act for<br />

each of the parts of the county. Of these not more than from two to<br />

seven were present at any given quarter sessions meeting, and a few<br />

others at the same period might be active in taking recognizances or<br />

depositions acting singly. Some justices tended to limit themselves to<br />

one sessions division.<br />

In Holland Daniel Rhodes and John Empson<br />

were active in the Kirton sessions division, Sir John Oldfield bar-t. and<br />

Walter Johnson at Spalding, but Henry Burrell acted in both divisions<br />

as did Henry Heron knight, and Thomas Shuttleworth. These last<br />

named were also active in the Kesteven divisions of Sleaford and<br />

Folkingham-Bourne respectively. There were more active justices in<br />

Kesteven.<br />

In addition to those already named there were Sir Robert<br />

Markham bart., Thomas Harrington, William Hyde, William Goodhall<br />

and Daniel Wigmore mainly at Folkingham and Bourne, Christopher<br />

Berisford, William Lister, Christopher Nevile and Edward King for<br />

Sleaford and Lister Tigh for both divisions. Christopher Clapham knight<br />

took recognizances for the Folkingham sessions.<br />

On the sessions day the justices received the presentments of the<br />

grand jury and the juries of the wapentake. Mr. Peyton (op. cit. p.<br />

lxxi) quotes an opinion that the grand jury was composed of high<br />

constables. This would have been impossible in Holland where the<br />

wapentake of Elloe had its own grand jury and only two high constables<br />

at the Spalding sessions, and the two wapentakes of Kirton and Skirbeck<br />

had only four high constables. It does not seem to have been the<br />

practice in Kesteven either as chief constables do not appear usually in<br />

the grand jury list. On the other hand the practice of using the petty<br />

constables as the wapentake jury (referred to in the same work pp. lxxilxxii)<br />

seems to have been followed. All the jurors’ lists have a note of<br />

their attachment by the sheriff.<br />

Persons other than jurors and justices figuring in the documents are<br />

those who were the subjects of presentments, those who had made<br />

recognizances, those who had been indicted, those who had made<br />

depositions before justices, those who had petitioned or were the subject<br />

of orders and those who had obtained or given sacrament certificates.<br />

An attempt will be made to indicate at least some of the business dealt<br />

with in quarter sessions and to indicate the kind of information recorded.<br />

As the Toleration Act of 1689 had not yet been passed giving liberty of<br />

worship it was an offence not to attend church and, similarly, to attend<br />

conventicles. The presentments of juries of wapentakes and sometimes<br />

or grand juries give long lists of persons who had not attended church<br />

for the past three months or for the past three Sundays according to which<br />

of two Acts of Parliament was being invoked. There is no indication<br />

as to what alternative form of worship was being attended, but the<br />

historian of recusancy or of nonconformity might soon recognise certain<br />

names as his own, and these lists might also be used profitably in<br />

conjunction with the episcopal and archidiaconal records. These<br />

presentments appear to be almost in the nature of enrolments. Signs of<br />

action taken against recusants and others in the years covered by these<br />

undie are very few, In the Kesteven files there is a certificate of<br />

William Hyde a justice based on evidence on oath of two witnesses<br />

relating to a conventicle at Thurlby by Bourne 26 January 1683 (K.S.B.<br />

1683/ 154) and a warrant of the same justice to distrain the goods of<br />

John Millai of Post W’th 1 am for $6 7s. 6d., his share of a fine of %20<br />

imposed on Thomas Heads in whose house the conventicle was held<br />

and who was unable to pay, dated 4 Sept. 1683 (K.S.B. 1683/115). An<br />

endorsement shows that the constables “strained John Millar” and had<br />

sold his goods for ;E4 16s. 6d. There was one other indictment for<br />

non-attendance at church but no endorsement as to penalty. In Holland<br />

Henry Burrell, a justice, attempted to be active in this matter but with<br />

little result. He laid information that Richard Wales of Pinchbeck had<br />

preached at a conventicle at Thurlby by Bourne, on the information of<br />

William Hyde justice, and that a distraint for the penalty of 240 due<br />

for a second offence of this nature was thwarted by various persons<br />

seizing back the goods from the officers on pretext that they were due<br />

for rent to one of them and that other items were not the goods of the<br />

offender (July 1682, H.S.B./1683/1/47). The same justice obtained<br />

information about the meeting of a conventicle at Monks House<br />

Spalding where Thomas Lawson preached to about 23 other persons,<br />

and that a boy, the informer, said that when “the constables was<br />

acoming . . . the company came out and fell to pulling apple trees and<br />

pair trees” (H.S.B. 1684/3/44-45). Henry Burrell further certified<br />

that he had ordered fines in connection with this meeting to be levied<br />

but that only 5 shillings had been recovered in respect of one person<br />

(H.S.B. 1684/5/30). Philip Tallence vicar of Moulton who was indicted<br />

6 March 168314 by his churchwardens, had an order for appearance<br />

issued against him to appear at the michaelmas sessions. He had refused<br />

to allow the serving of Henry Burrell’s warrant for collection of the fine<br />

of 12 d. a Sunday for non-attendance at church saying “It was against<br />

his judgment that any should against. there will be compelled to come to<br />

church and that compulsion in such nature was not used to any in our<br />

saviour Christ’s and his apostles tymes” (K.S.B. 168415143).<br />

Regarding individual misdemeanours of a personal nature, the<br />

offences that figure most frequently in indictments, depositions and<br />

recognizances (when the latter specified the offence) are thefts, including<br />

stealing by finding, and misappropriation. There are also indictments of<br />

employers for withholding wages from their servants. Next in frequency<br />

are assaults, and there were also cases of sabbath breaking, drunkenness,<br />

abuse and slander. This latter was sometimes directed against justices,<br />

as when John Reynolds plumber of Sutton St. Mary, said that Sir John<br />

Oldfield “was a foole a jackanapes and a puppy” (H.S.B. 1683/3/5).<br />

John Longfoot of Bourne baker said “that the Earle of Lindsey when<br />

others appeared in pubhck durst not show his head but pretended himself<br />

sicke” (K.S.B./1683/144). He was fined %40, committed till it was<br />

paid, but afterwards remitted. What Richard Parker of Sleaford said<br />

of Mr. Edward King justice is very far removed from polite usage. He<br />

was fined 6s. 8d. but that covered also his offence in selling meat on<br />

Sunday as well as his rude words (K.S.B. 1683/86).<br />

Some presentments and indictments dealt with the failure in varying<br />

measure of persons to fulfil1 their obligations to the community. There<br />

were cases of refusal to serve for a year as constable (an onerous and<br />

unpaid office which all capable of executing it might be called upon to<br />

fill) of abuse of office in various ways, of failure to perform statutory<br />

work on the highways, of neglect of fences, or of common lands, of

despoiling commons, of breaking the pound and one for erecting new<br />

cottages and thereby of encroaching on existing common rights (at Tydd<br />

St. Mary. H.S.B. 1684/3/l). There were cases of persons following<br />

trades without having served an apprenticeship, for example John<br />

Johnson acting as a woollen draper at Butter-wick (H.S;B. 1684/5 / 12)<br />

of giving false measure as of Thomas Shores of Sutton in Beckingham<br />

fraudulently winding a certain parcel of wool at Long Leadenham to<br />

deceive the buyer (K.S.B. 1683/171) and of persons following certain<br />

trades without licence or, in the case of Thomas Lampson of Fosdike,<br />

for refusing to sell beer to an inhabitant in necessity, for which however<br />

the endorsement “ Ignoramus ” was recorded (H.S.B. 168412124).<br />

There were also a number of indictments for failure to pay rates which<br />

might have a religious significance in so far as they were church rates<br />

but which was sometimes extended to the rates for maimed soldiers.<br />

The justices at Folkingham made an order to the chief and petty<br />

constables of the townships of the borough and soke of Grantham to<br />

pay 3 shillings a week for each, township at each quarter sessions to the<br />

treasurer for maimed soldiers and pensioners. The order stated that<br />

the borough and soke of Grantham had agreed to relieve and maintain<br />

its own pensioners on being released from payment to Quarter sessions<br />

for the purpose, but had failed to do this, pensioners still being chargeable<br />

to the parts of Kesteven without any assistance from the borough<br />

and soke of Grantham (K.S.B. 1683/111).<br />

Many documents relate in some measure to the administration of<br />

the poor law, such as petitions by parish authorities against rates or<br />

against some particular order, removal orders, documents relating to<br />

bastardy and to apprenticeship. A petition from Skillington was<br />

concerned with a payment of 4 shillings a month ordered to be made to<br />

John Walpole of that parish “a poor ancient man with a wife and small<br />

children who was past his work and could get none of the little he could<br />

do”. The parish petitioned against this, alleging that John Walpole<br />

had refused work when offered and said he could get more by begging,<br />

that he had lost money in legislation against a cousin, that he had<br />

already been relieved when in real need, and that he was intending to<br />

use the money to pay his debts. “In short he hath all allong the course<br />

of his life beene a turbulent crossgrained (a blank left here) he went a<br />

king katching to Woster, a searcher for armes under old Noll, an<br />

assistant to one Thorp a sequestrator, a trooper in the time of the<br />

Rebellion, a contentious person and wee hope this honourable court<br />

duely waieing the abovesaid cannot but conceive that the person having<br />

acted so many parts in the tyme of rebellion would lay up some hurd<br />

(? hoard) to weather of a storm and that not he nor any such may<br />

tiranyse over us with his pretensive inabilities.” The order was made<br />

null and he was to have 30 shillings only and then the matter was<br />

adjourned (K.S.B. 1683/ 109-110). The overseers and inhabitants of<br />

Gedney Fen petitioned for help with the support of their poor because<br />

of the unproductivity of the parish owing to the wetness of the season<br />

and Gedney Town was ordered to help with 13 shillings a month (H.S.B.<br />

1684 15 122). A landowner and his tenant at Cowbit petitioned for the<br />

relief of rates on 6 acres of low land surrounded by water and scorched<br />

,by the late drought (H.S.B. 1684/5/20). Anthony Pooles of Holbeach<br />

had apparently suffered from the drive against new cottages which<br />

seems to have been a feature of this period. He petitioned successfully<br />

for relief as his house had been pulled down although he had built it<br />

over thirty years ago on the lord’s waste and paid 33 shillings at the<br />

time (H.S.B. 1684/ l/ 16).

The whole trend of the judicial and administrative work of the<br />

quarter sessions seems to have been towards simplicity. Its efficiency<br />

might be much increased by the activity of the individual justice and<br />

his use of recognizances to bind over to appear to answer or to prosecute.<br />

The presentments of the juries seem to have been little heeded unless<br />

they could be transformed into indictments and a prosecutor found.<br />

On being indicted, judging by the endorsements, the accused often<br />

pleaded guilty there and then, or he might sometimes choose to put<br />

himself on a jury. For the most serious offences dealt with the worst<br />

punishment recorded was whipping till the blood ran, and for others<br />

plain whipping, or a fine. There is very little reference to imprisonment.<br />

No complete calendar of prisoners was found but it seems as if the<br />

emphasis was rather on other more summary forms of punishment.<br />

Similarly with petitions and the subsequent orders, the justices grappled<br />

with their responsibilities and administered rough justice.<br />



Through information kindly sent by Mr. H. A. H. Walter then<br />

deputy clerk Holland County Council and Mr. C. M. Hensman Welfare<br />

Officer, it was learnt that a considerable number of these records were<br />

housed in the County Offices, Boston, in a locked room near the muniment<br />

room. These records were visited by the archivists and their<br />

clerk and the following were noted :<br />

Boston Union<br />

Minute Books, meetings of Guardians: 1836-38, 1841-44, 1845-48, 1849-<br />

53, 1853-58, 1858-62, 1862-66, 1866-70, 1870-75, 1875-79, 1879-84,<br />

1884-88, 1888-91, 1891-95.<br />

The same, numbered series: 1. 1895-98, 2. 1898-1901, 3. 1901-1904,<br />

4. 1904-07, 5. 1907-10, 6. 1910-13, 7. 1913-16, 8. 1916-20, 9.<br />

1920-24, 10. 1924-28, 11. 1928-30.<br />

Other minute books: Finance Committee 1919-30, House Committee<br />

1919-28, Children’s Committee 1926-30, Maintenance and Recovery<br />

Committee 1927-30.<br />

Correspondence: Letters and orders from Poor Law Commissioners,<br />

bound, 1836-37; Letter book 1898-1900.<br />

Holbeach Union<br />

Minute Books meetings of Guardians:’ 1835 Dec.-1837, 1837-39, 1839-<br />

41, 1841-42, 1842-44, 1844-46, 1846-47, 1847-49, 1849-51, 1851-53,<br />

1853-54, 1854-57, 1857-59, 1859-61, 1861-64, 1864-66, 1866-68,<br />

1868-71, 1871-73, 1873-76, 1876-80, 1880-82, 1882-84, 1884-85,<br />

1885-87, 1887-89, 1889-91, 1891-93, 1893-95, 1895-97, 1897-99,<br />

1899-1901, 1901-03, 1903-05, 1905-08, 1908-10, 1910-13, 1913-17,<br />

1917-22, 1922-27, 1927-30.<br />

Other minute books: Parochial Assessment Committee 1862-90, Rural<br />

Sanitary Authority 187287! 1887-96,

e<br />

Account Book, Guardians with parishes etc. 1847-48.<br />

Register of Orders for payments 1924-33.<br />

Correspondence: With Poor Law Board 1848-51; with Local Government<br />

Board 1888-90; Letter Books 186566, 1870-73, 1898-1914,<br />

1925-6.<br />

Case papers, appeal in the House of Lords, Holbeach Union versus<br />

West Ham 1904. Printed.<br />

Fleet Workhouse, Holbeach Union: Admission and Discharge books<br />

1904-05, 1913-16, 1929-33.<br />

Holbeach Institution and Union Workhouse: Admission and Discharge<br />

Books 1930-34, 1934-37; Register of Deaths 1914-36; Lunatic<br />

Examination Book 1870-93.<br />

Spalding Unich<br />

Minute Books, meetings of Guardians: 183538, 1838-40, 1840-44, 1844-<br />

48, 1848-53, 1853-57, 1857-62, 1862-65, 1865-68, 1868-70, 1870-72,<br />

1872-75, 1875-78, 1878-81, 1884-87, 1888-91, 1891-94, 1894-97, 1897-<br />

1900, 1904-07, 1911-14, 1914-16, 1920-23, 1923-26, 1926-28, 1928-<br />

30.<br />

Letter book: 1926-28.<br />

Workhouse Punishment Book: 1862-1928.<br />

Admission and Discharge Book: 1913-16.<br />

Public Assistance Committee<br />

Records of Pensioners, Boston and Spalding Institutions, 1933-42,<br />

separate index of names.<br />

Register of Pensioners in Institutions, Spalding, Boston ‘and Holbeach<br />

193043.<br />

Weekly Returns of persons in receipt of poor relief, indoors and outdoors,<br />

1942-47.<br />

Summary of weekly returns of domiciliary relief 1938-42.<br />

District Medical Officer’s Relief Book Wrangle, Leake and Leverton<br />

district 1939-44.<br />

Requisition Books: Boston Casual Wards 1938-42; Holbeach Casual<br />

Wards and Children’s Homes 1939-42.<br />

Inventory Books: 1 and 2 Jubilee Villas 1936.<br />

Postage Books: 1938-40, 1946-42, 1942-45,

‘Y<br />



The following records had accumulated at the former Public<br />

Assistance Institution and Workhouse at Oakdene, Lea Road, Gainsborough.<br />

The archivist is grateful to Mr. D. A. Schofield, Welfare<br />

Officer for Lindsey County Council, for informing her of their nature<br />

and existence, and to Mr. B. C. Duddles for his kind help in arranging<br />

transport to Lincoln for them. They are now housed in the committee’s<br />

room in the Castle.<br />

<strong>Report</strong> Books<br />

Masters’ 1909-34; Masters’ Day Books 1930-46, Matrons’ 1926-34,<br />

Visiting Committees’ 1930-37; Medical Officers’ 1934-43, the same,<br />

Examination and <strong>Report</strong>, 1913-29, Chaplains’ 1913-47.<br />

Regulations<br />

Printed notices: Orders regarding casuals, disorderly inmates, notice<br />

of discharge, dietary sheets.<br />

Records relating to Inmates<br />

Admission and discharge books 1889-1935, the same, casual poor, 1933-<br />

37, indoor relief lists 1932-47, register of deaths 1866-1914, religious<br />

creed registers 1879-1930, duplicate notices to coroner of death of<br />

lunatics 1901-33, register of mental defectives seen by the visiting<br />

committee 1907-42.<br />

Staff<br />

Time book of staff 1946-51, wages books 1906-35.<br />

Accounts<br />

Masters’ receipt and payment .1902-42, masters’ invoices 193350, invoice<br />

dissection books 1932-48, misc. receipts 1931-48, delivery notes<br />

1942-51, vouchers 1940-49, bank books 1939-47, receipt books pay’<br />

ment for accommodation 1948, the same, private money and pensions<br />

194950.<br />

Provisions summary and balance 1931-9, daily provisions and consumption<br />

accounts 1934-40, weekly provisions receipt and consumption<br />

account 1934-40, daily summary of diet and extras 1940-44, necessaries<br />

and misc. summary and balance book 1932-48, requisition<br />

book 1932-38, tobacco allowance books 1913-48, farm accounts<br />

receipt and expenditure 1910-45, crockery and hardware, bedding<br />

and house linen 1933-45, clothing and material receipt and conversion<br />

accounts 1934-45, firewood receipt and delivery books 1934-46,<br />

postage book 1931-46, milk delivery 1942-51.


During the fortnight in September when the office was closed the<br />

Archivists and their clerk began and completed the listing of part of the<br />

contents of the second muniment room at the Lindsey County Offices,<br />

which houses the bulk of the deposits made with the county council in<br />

the years 1934-1945. A shelf list of the entire room was made in 1949<br />

and detailed catalogues had already been completed for three of the<br />

large deposits housed there: Holywell (<strong>Report</strong> 194850, pp. 20-26),<br />

Tennyson d’Eyncourt (<strong>Report</strong> 195051, pp. 5-8 and Harlaxton Manor<br />

(Ibid., pp. 8-9). The manorial records deposited with the county<br />

council, which are also housed in this room, were reported on last year<br />

(<strong>Report</strong> 1952-3, pp. 34-5). There remain for detailed attention a<br />

collection of documents from Skellingthorpe, for which Mr. F. W.<br />

Brooks had prepared an inventory and the Massingberd-Mundy deposit<br />

from Ormsby Hall, a box-list of which has been made.<br />

The documents dealt with in this report are the deposits of fifteen<br />

private owners and of the British Records Association, Records Preservation<br />

Section. The private deposits are as follows: Sir Hickman Bacon,<br />

56 items, local government circulars, 18821929; K. G. Brackenbury<br />

esq., 141 items, title deeds, Brackenborough, Louth, Stewton and North<br />

Willingham; Burton and Company, solicitors, of Lincoln, 388 items,<br />

title deeds, Lincoln and the neighbourhood, 1583-1853; Sir Geoffrey<br />

Cornewall, bart., 4 items, title deeds, manor of Bloxholme,, 1359-1601;<br />

literary executors of Canon C. W. Foster, 34 items, a court book of<br />

Moulton cum membris, 1596-1603 and title deeds to land at Billinghay,<br />

formerly of Kyme Priory, 1556-1664; Sir Arthur Heneage 3 items,<br />

portions of the first ordnance survey maps, <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> and Rutland;<br />

J. W. F. Hill esq., 164 items, title deeds, chiefly for Goxhill, 1549-1848;<br />

G. H. Nowell esq., solicitor, of Barton-upon-Humber,. 16 items, poll<br />

books and other printed material relating to elections in the north of the<br />

county, 1818-35; G. L. Nussey esq., 190 items, title deeds and settlements,<br />

Temperon family, 1600-1804; cf. <strong>Report</strong> 1952-3, pp. 21-22; Mrs.<br />

Robinson of Ravendale Hall, 66 loose items and 21 bundles of vouchers,<br />

accounts and letters, families of Shuttleworth of Market Rasen and<br />

Parkinson of Ravendale, 1790-1840; Mrs. E. H. Rudkin of Willoughton,<br />

49 items, title deeds to land at Frampton and miscellaneous personal<br />

documents, 1483-1858; A. A. F. Stubbs esq., solicitor, of Brigg, 90<br />

items, vagrancy orders, receipts, precepts, and other papers connected<br />

with the constabulary and the commissions of sewers in the wapentakes<br />

of Manley and Corringham, 1803-61; H. C. Tong esq., of Waddington,<br />

8 items, printed Schemes of the Charity Commissioners for the Haxey<br />

charities, 1867-1919; Canon W. E. Varah, of Barton upon Humber, 11 .<br />

items,. chiefly copies and notes made by Thomas Tombleson (cf.<br />

Nelthorpe deposit in <strong>Report</strong> 1951-2, pp. 47-51) but including an original<br />

grant of Thornton Abbey land in Goxhill to Bellow and Streitbury,<br />

1550; Miss Joan Wake, 26 items, wills, settlements and title deeds,<br />

estate of Pownall family at Grainthorpe, 1762-1811.<br />

The deposits and gifts, made by the British Records Association<br />

over a period of many years number in all 2,987 separate documents.<br />

Many of these are single title deeds, the provenance of which it has not<br />

been possible to discover but there emerge certain large groups of documents<br />

which merit individual mention. One or two smaller collections<br />

are also of some interest. A portion of a B.R.A. deposit numbered 369

included estate accounts, surveys, and lists of building expenses, for the<br />

estates of the Tomline family at Riby, Immingham and Stallingborough.<br />

10 items, 1803-44. B.R.A. deposit 149 which contained a number of<br />

title deeds of the 17th and 18th century and a sheriff’s return of M.P.‘s<br />

for Grantham in 1713, included also a rental and account book of<br />

estates at Culverthorpe, Rippingale and Theddlethorpe for the years<br />

1683-1711. This rental began life as a student’s notebook and seems to<br />

have been used by one or more members of the family of Lister of<br />

Coleby, cf. A. Gibbons, Visitation of <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> 1634 (Lincoln, 1898)<br />

pp. 22-37, to whom the estates belonged.<br />

B.R.A. Deposits 157, 247 and 369 all have related items, including<br />

title deeds, plans, rentals and guardianship accounts for estates in<br />

Manby, Saltfleetby, Skidbrook, Strubby, Trusthorpe and Withern,<br />

which were accumulated by the families of Hardy and Fitzwilliam<br />

(Maddison Pedigrees, I, 357-60) and which passed partly by inheritance,<br />

partly by purchase to George, Stovin of Withern and his descendant,<br />

Richard Stovin Maw. (For this information the archivists are grateful<br />

to G. S. Dixon esq., who was able to supply a pedigree of the Stovin-<br />

Maw family.)<br />

The deposit is particularly valuable for the light it throws<br />

on the steady rise of the Hardy family during the 17th century, which<br />

they began as mercers and ended as landed gentry and for the agricultural<br />

memoranda of Richard Stovin Maw, who in the years 1822-53 was<br />

“improving” his estates at Withern and Strubby. 206 items, 1556-1853.<br />

Two very large collections numbered B.R.A. 328 and 437,<br />

apparently deposited in a number of instalments, contain portions of<br />

the records of the Curtis and Neale families of Stamford and their<br />

descendant Sir John Wildbore Smith. Members of the Curtis family<br />

were well established as attorneys in Stamford All Saints at the<br />

beginning of the 18th century when Francis Peck the antiquary married<br />

a Miss Curtis; their practice was taken over about the mid-century by<br />

their relatives the Neales and they themselves moved out to Wilsthorpe.<br />

Before or during their residence at Wilsthorpe the Curtis family became<br />

connected by marriage with the Wildbores, from whom they inherited<br />

considerable estates in Miningsby and its neighbourhood, and with Sir<br />

J.ohn Smith of Sydling co. Dorset (died 1807) to whose son, Sir John<br />

Wildbore Smith their accumulated properties were eventually to pass.<br />

(Burke, Peerage, 1828 edition, p. 566.)<br />

The collection thus deposited falls into two parts, title deeds to the<br />

family properties, and documents associated with the legal practice of<br />

the Curtis-Neale family. The family title deeds themselves fall into<br />

three groups. There are the “original” properties in Stamford (chiefly<br />

All Saints parish) and Stamford Baron. To these were added land at<br />

Barholme, Stow, Greatford, Langtoft and East Deeping, some of which<br />

were purchased from the earl of Exeter. Finally there are title deeds<br />

for the large purchases made in the first half of the 18th century by the<br />

Wildbore family at Miningsby, Hareby, Toynton and Bolingbroke.<br />

There are two items of outstanding interest in this section of the deposit,<br />

a late 15th century map of Greatford and Shillingthorpe which is<br />

accompanied by a narrative purporting to explain the intercommoning<br />

arrangements of the neighbourhood, and a memorandum of 1714 giving<br />

the detailed views of bishop Wake on the proposed plan for rebuilding<br />

Wilsthorpe church,

17<br />

Noah Curtis, who was active in the mid 18th century, seems to have<br />

been an attorney of some importance in the town. It was he who was<br />

called in to disentagle the affairs of the bankrupt John Maddison in<br />

1737 (A. R. Maddison, The Making and Unmaking of a <strong>Lincolnshire</strong><br />

Estate, A.A.S.R., 27 (1903-4), 337-73). He acted as steward to<br />

Deeping Wakes manor, agent to the earl of Gainsborough, clerk to<br />

Browne’s Hospital trustees and apparently to those of the Truesdale<br />

Hospital. Traces of all these activities as well as assignments in bankruptcy,<br />

copies of probates, draft conveyances and case papers of various<br />

types have survived in the collection. There is for example the petition<br />

of an applicant for the post of confrater of Browne’s Hospital, which<br />

bears the signature of William Stukeley and a portion of a grant made<br />

to the Hospital c. 1500, besides a court book for Deeping manor, 1681-<br />

1700 with a number of draft admissions. 765 items, late 15th century<br />

to 1812.<br />

A single B.R.A. deposit, number 275, represents the title deeds of<br />

the family of Mainwaring of Coleby to lands in Lincoln, Goltho, Hackthorn,<br />

and Welton. The chief interest of this deposit lies in the title<br />

deeds and related documents of Monks’ Liberty in Lincoln, which is<br />

identical with the land and privileges of the cell of St. Mary’s York<br />

usually known as Monk’s Abbey, cf. J. W. F. Hill, Medimal Lincoln,<br />

Cambridge, 1948, pp. 340 seq., for an account of this. The title<br />

includes the counterpart of an agreement about commons made in 1455<br />

between the abbot and convent of York and the Mayor and citizens of<br />

Lincoln; this document bears the common seal of the city and the press<br />

mark of St. Mary’s, York and its counterpart is among the muniments<br />

of the corporation of the city of Lincoln (H.M.C.R., Lincoln p. 15).<br />

There is also a counterpart of the agreement of 1585 (ibid., p. 16) by<br />

which the city secured the Monks Leys common. 275 items, 1455-1868.<br />

Portions of three deposits, 301, 305 and 306 contain rentals, estate<br />

accounts and estate papers of Ancaster estates in <strong>Lincolnshire</strong>, late<br />

eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; with a few earlier documents. Many<br />

of them fill gaps in series of accounts brought from Grimsthorpe in<br />

September of 1953 (see Ancaster below) while the sale particulars, draft<br />

conveyances and miscellaneous accounts for the Lindsey coast estates,<br />

1850-87, resemble very closely a deposit made with this committee by<br />

the B.R.A. in 1951 (<strong>Report</strong> 1952-3, pp. 5-6). There is a single year’s<br />

account of the Duke of Ancaster as Master of the Horse, 1777. 398<br />

items, 1544-1907.<br />

Frequent references have been made in the past to Newton-Archer-<br />

Houblon estate papers which in a highly “fragmented” form appear in<br />

many collections of which those of the sixth Lord Monson and Captain<br />

W. A. Cragg are the most notable (<strong>Report</strong> 1951-2, pp. 20-24). B.R.A.<br />

Deposit 203, which was packed in a box labelled “Newton estate”, is<br />

another section of these papers and deeds. It contains title deeds for<br />

Aunsby, Great Ponton, Kelby, Aisby, Oasby and Haydour, Swarby and<br />

Skillington, besides eighteenth century estate papers similar to those<br />

bound up by lord Monson and agreements for partial enclosures at<br />

Heydour (1619) and Gt. Ponton (1723). 513 items, early 13th century<br />

to 1882.



i’he Archivist&’ <strong>Report</strong>, 1951-2, pp: 48-9, &ntained a -bri& accoun’t<br />

@f four boxes of documents deposited hy Mr. -H: H: Morris of Sleaford<br />

bn behalf of the Whichcote trustees: Iii the autumn of 1952 Mr. Morris<br />

amad@ a further deposit of 11 boxes and a large parcel which together<br />

with.,the first deposit form a collection of very great richness and com-<br />

Qlexlty. A preliminary survey showed that three boxes contained papers<br />

ifi considerable confusion from the breaking of bundles. The largest<br />

8f these, which was brought up the stairs at Exchequer Gate only with<br />

very great difficulty, proved also to contain 190 loose mediaeval documents,<br />

a number of late title deeds and 53 court rolls, besides 91 groups<br />

of letters and estate papers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.<br />

This, with another, smaller box of papers appears to represent the<br />

muniments of the elder branch of the Whichcote family which lived at<br />

Harpswell [A. R. Maddison, Lincolnshtire Pedigrees, III, 1701-31. They<br />

passed to Aswarby when after the death of Thomas Whichcot in 1775<br />

his estates were inherited by his only surviving daughter Jane, who had<br />

married her distant cousin Christopher Whichcote of Aswarby.<br />

Colonel George Whichcot [sic] of Aswarby who had been one of<br />

the county members from 1705 to 1710 had married as his third wife,<br />

Francis Katherine, one of the three daughters of sir Thomas Meres of<br />

Kirby Bellars. Their eldest son Thomas was a co-heir of his mother’s<br />

unmarried brother sir John Meres, from whom he inherited business<br />

interests in the City, leases of fee-farm rents and the Meres estate at<br />

Scotton. As a result large numbers of agents’ letters, miscellaneous title<br />

deeds, manorial records and case papers were brought to Harpswell.<br />

During the years 1676-1685 sir Thomas Meres had fought a long dispute<br />

with Lord Irwin about the latter’s claim to manorial rights in Scotton<br />

and had collected large quantities of evidences to defend his own title.<br />

Many early title deeds and court rolls are endorsed in his hand “material<br />

to the title” and doubtless owe their preservation to the happy accident<br />

of their inclusion among his papers.<br />

The estate to which these title deeds and court rolls relate is one of<br />

considerable interest. At Domesday it was held by the abbot of Peterborough<br />

[<strong>Lincolnshire</strong> Domesday, ed. C. W. Foster and T. Longley,<br />

Lincoln Record Society vol. 19 (19!24), S/15] and by the 13th century *<br />

it was held in lay fee by the family of Nevile [W. T. Mellows, The<br />

Estates of the Monastery of Peterborough in the County of Lincoln,<br />

<strong>Lincolnshire</strong> Historian No. 4 (1949) p. 1321. A number of the mediava1<br />

documents in this collection, which were endorsed by sir Thomas Meres<br />

as forming the title to the manor, relate to the Nevile family, which is<br />

revealed in several interesting relationships. As vassals of the abbot of<br />

Peterborough the Neviles owed suit at his wapentake court of Manley,<br />

an obligation which Robert de Nevile attempted to pass on to the prior<br />

and convent of Thornholme who were his under-tenants at Ravensthorpe<br />

and who resisted his efforts. The final settlement in King’s<br />

Bench is recorded in an indenture of Hilary term, 1277 by which the<br />

prior and convent were acquitted of all service except suit at Robert’s<br />

Michaelmas court at Scotton, ward at Rockingham Castle and scutage<br />

(2/ I/S). Another aspect of the relationship between the abbey and its<br />

tenants is demonstrated by a licence granted by the abbot and convent<br />

in 1363 for the burial of sir Philip Nevile in Scotton church-yard on

condition that his executors pay over one hundred shillings in lieu of<br />

the fully armed horse which could be claimed as mortuary (2 / 1/ 10).<br />

The role of the Neviles as improvers and drainers of land in the Scotton<br />

neighbourhood is revealed by a quitclaim of 1284 (2/ 1 /S) in which<br />

Robert Legat of Kinmel Ferry quitclaims to Robert Nevile any right he<br />

may have had in a “land improvement” between the causeway of<br />

Swirswar and the boundary between Scotton and Halton marshes<br />

receiving in return pasture right between Ferry and Swirswar causeway.<br />

There survives with these documents a small memoranda book relating<br />

to the Peterborough liberty of Scatter within which lay the manor of<br />

Scotton (2/ 27) . This is a small parchment book of six folios written in<br />

a hand of the early 14th century. It contains copies of various returns<br />

made to royal inquests about feudal service in the wapentakes of Manley<br />

and Corringham, the earliest of which is part of the “Lindsey Survey”<br />

(L/S 4 in Lincoln Record Society vol. 19)) “together with some information<br />

about methods of assessing taxation, from which it appears that<br />

Kesteven and Holland paid one quarter each and Lindsey the remaining<br />

half, of any sum levied in the county. The work ends with lists of<br />

Peterborough tenants and their service in all the vills which form the<br />

Scatter liberty and a brief survey of Northorpe with notes of variations<br />

in the size of loaves occasioned by the changing price of corn, all of<br />

which suggests that it was compiled for the use of the abbey or its North<br />

<strong>Lincolnshire</strong> agent. Comparison with the surviving records of the abbey<br />

at Peterborough, which has not yet been possible, would doubtless yield<br />

more light about this work.<br />

After the death of sir Philip Nevile the Scotton estate passed to the<br />

family of Bussy of Hougham by the marriage of his daughter Matilda<br />

to sir John Bussy, who was to be attainted and beheaded by the<br />

Lancastrians at Bristol in 1399 (D.N.B., VIII, 40). Scotton seems soon<br />

to have returned to the family possession for the earliest court roll, for<br />

1401-Z (2/23 / 1) names a Bussy as lord. There is an unusually good<br />

series of court rolls, rentals and surveys of the manor during the<br />

succeeding century and a half when it remained in Bussy hands and the<br />

family is also represented by a receipt for money paid by sir John Bussy<br />

in 1344 to the wardrober of Henry earl of Lancaster, for the marriage of<br />

an heir (21 l/9) . This is an important document for at least two reasons:<br />

it demonstrates the increasing use of non-indented letters patent by<br />

Henry earl of Lancaster which is remarked on by Mr. Somerville, Tke<br />

Dztchy of Lancaster 1265-1603, (London, 1953)) p. 116 and it shows<br />

that the policy pursued by John of Gaunt of selling or farming the feudal<br />

incidents of wardship and marriage (ibid., 93) had already begun.<br />

With the death of. John Bussy of Hougham in 1542 the estate<br />

passed for a brief and stormy period, recently chronicled by Miss Joan<br />

Wake (The Bmdenells of Deene, London, 1953), to sir Edmund<br />

Brudenell whose wife Agnes was Bussy’s daughter and heir. No trace<br />

remains in these documents of the violent and even murderous disputes<br />

which raged among the many claimants to the <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> property of<br />

the childless Dame Agnes Brudenell but in 1531 Scotton passed to the<br />

least remarkable of these claimants, Anthony Meres, grandson of a<br />

Bussy daughter. He was a younger member of a family prominent in<br />

South Holland for two centuries before this time, who through his<br />

mother Dorothy Cony also inherited considerable property in Boston,<br />

Kirton and Skirbeck.

The title deeds of these Holland properties are chiefly interesting<br />

for the light they throw on the rise into wealth and importance of a<br />

single yeoman family, that of Cony, which is comparable in type to<br />

some of those recently described by Mrs. Thirsk (Fenland Farming in<br />

the Sixteenth Century, University College Leicester, department of Local<br />

History, 1953). There is an unusually large number of wills included<br />

in the titles, from a period for which few have survived in the probate<br />

registries and marriage settlements also occur for families describing<br />

themselves as yeomen. The Cony family appears first in the person of<br />

Robert Cony who between 1510 and 1520 was buying a number of small<br />

pieces of land for one of which he paid more than half the purchase<br />

price in stock and crops (Z/4/12). His will, dated 1521, (2/3/B) shows<br />

that he inherited only 5 acres of land from his father. Robert’s son<br />

Thomas, who was to make three marriages, two with widows who seem<br />

to have been well endowed (Z/3/12, 214121, 2/4/26), was buying<br />

chantry and gild property (21415 and 28 and 211415) and his probate<br />

inventory at his death in 1554, (2/111/2) shows him to have been<br />

possessed of considerable property in stock and household stuff. His<br />

eldest son Anthony, who was to die childless in 1589, was wealthy<br />

enough to found an almshouse for four aged men (Charity Commissioners’<br />

<strong>Report</strong>s, Lincoln volume, p. 41); his daughter married into the<br />

old and wealthy family of Meres. Richard, merchant of the Staple, of<br />

Bassingthorpe and his son Thomas whose estate book was published in<br />

the first volume of <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> Notes and Queries (1880-90, p. 113 and<br />

seq.) and whose house still stands (M. W. Barley, <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> and the<br />

Fens, London, 1952, 86 and picture 29) were family connections.<br />

Anthony Cony’s will (214137) is interesting for the instructions he left<br />

for the carving on his gravestone of the coat of armour which he claimed<br />

to inherit from Muschamp of East Keal. The grave was seen by Lord<br />

Monson (Lincoln Record Society vol. 31, p. 316) but no arms are<br />

recorded on it. From the Meres family there comes a small group of<br />

court rolls of the manor of Hiptoft Hall in Algarkirk which included an<br />

account of the year 1411-12 in which payments were made for the repair<br />

of Fosdyke sea-bank (91 l/7) and a small, much-rubbed notebook<br />

recording the non-payment of ship-money in Algarkirk in 1637 (91 l/20).<br />

After 1660 all these estates passed to sir Thomas Meres who was to<br />

be M.P. for the city of Lincoln for most of the rest of the century and<br />

who was at one time Speaker of the House [D.N.B. 37, 2741. His<br />

energetic prosecution of a cause against Lord Irwin has already been<br />

noted; it preserved a useful collection of case papers and estate<br />

memoranda. This includes two rudimentary maps of 1616 and 1682,<br />

the latter taken “from the top of the steeple” and a set of instructions<br />

to William Barret, usher of Brigg School who in 1683-4 was employed<br />

to make a further survey and who demanded compensation for schooltime<br />

lost by himself and his apprentice (2/62/ 11-15). There are also a<br />

small number of assessments made at Scotton during the Commonwealth<br />

(2 159117) and a ley for repairs to East Ferry chapel in 1685<br />

(2 15916-7). Finally useful light is thrown on the state of trade on the<br />

Trent by two petitions of 1682 from the merchants and ship-owners of<br />

Gainsborough and Stockwith against the refusal of Hull customs officials<br />

to clear without unloading the unwieldy cargoes of lead which they<br />

were transporting from the Midlands. (216616 and 7).<br />

It was however the business papers of sir Thomas and his second<br />

son and heir, sir John, which took up most of the space in the two<br />

boxes of papers referred to above., Sir Thomas was clearly a man of

keen business sense who not only threw himself with zest into the case<br />

he was conducting against Lord Irwin, as his endorsements, scrutinies<br />

of the jury lists and instructions to counsel suggest, but also was continually<br />

ready to invest money in likely speculations. One small bundle<br />

of his papers (2111127) contaming details of promising mortgages is<br />

endorsed “ About putting out money ” and another (2/ 77) “Letters<br />

relating to my private interest”, and it is clear from the letters of his<br />

man of business that Meres was in a small way operating like sir Robert<br />

Clayton. There are also details of new buildings in Leicester Gardens<br />

which he purchased in 1677 from Nicholas Barbon (2/56 / l-3) ‘and of<br />

a life insurance which seems to have been a form of speculation<br />

(2/56/49-60). Sir Thomas’ son John, was even more devoted to<br />

commercial affairs than his father though there is no sign that he took<br />

much interest in politics. In a letter written to his Whichcote relatives<br />

towards the end of his life he said “When all trades fail and I want<br />

health I may incline to lead a trifling county life but until then I shall<br />

not indzGlge myself in, that idle way” (2 / 114 15) and certainly he can<br />

have had little time for ease. He was for example concerned in a case<br />

against the directors of the York Building Company in 1729 in which<br />

he played a leading part as a financial expert (2128). Much of his time<br />

seems also to have been taken up with the exploitation of some of<br />

fee-farm rents of the Duchy of Lancaster and of the Crown which he<br />

took over from the Duke of Portland about 1722. There are a large<br />

number of letters and memoranda exchanged between local agents and<br />

the principal collector James Swaine and Meres himself seems to have<br />

thought no means too difficult to use for increasing his profit. It is<br />

characteristic of him that in an attempt to revive a claim upon the earl<br />

of Derby for a rent payable from certain Manx chantry lands he should<br />

have enlisted the help of the bishop of Sodor and Man (2 / 50). The full<br />

exploitation of his revenues in the Knaresborough area seems to have<br />

led naturally to an interest in the Duchy’s mineral rights and we find<br />

him about 1725 involved with a company called the Honourable Company<br />

of Royal Mine Adventurers (Z/41-43). A number of letters from<br />

his agents contain a variety of technical details about the finding and<br />

sinking of mines and the extent of the industry. The whole group of<br />

his papers seems to be of some importance for administrative and<br />

economic history.<br />

The Whichcot family which eventually inherited the Scotton and<br />

Kirton estates itself left behind a number of letters of the liveliest<br />

interest for the first thirty years of the eighteenth century. Some are<br />

written by a son at Cambridge, and his tutor Daniel Waterland, with<br />

much university gossip, others by daughters and nieces at school in<br />

London, and by the mistress of the school, Dorothy Draper, who repeat<br />

current Whig gossip, describe Queen Anne’s funeral and the coronation<br />

of, George I and send specimens of material for court mourning<br />

(lo/20 /3). There are many letters from Mrs. Whichcot’s sister and<br />

brother in law, sir Horace Pettus and his lady, of Rackheath in Norfolk<br />

with local political and social news and much comment upon the<br />

activities of sir John Meres, whose importance is well reflected in the<br />

sarcastic references made to him. The letters include a number from<br />

and about the two Misses Stanhope, co-heiresses of Melwood Park in<br />

Axholme whose father had left them to the guardianship of Colonel<br />

Whichcot, their grandmother’s second husband [Colonel Whichcot<br />

married first, Frances Boynton, second, Isabella widow of Darcy<br />

Stanhope and third Frances Katherine Meres, Maddison <strong>Lincolnshire</strong><br />

Pedigrees, III? 9211. The administration of the Stanhope estates in

Axhohne seems to have occupied much time and thought until the<br />

marriages of the two heiresses and there is a series of rentals, vouchers<br />

and estate accounts which is of considerable interest for the economic<br />

history of Axholme and the Trent ports. [2/86-96 and 10/36-401.<br />

The Stanhope family, itself of Yorkshire origin, had by an alliance<br />

with the family of Hawley in 1593, (W. B. Stonehouse, History and<br />

Topography of the Isle of Axholme (London, 1839) 258-60 and Maddison,<br />

op. cit., III, 921) acquired considerable estates in the Hooton<br />

Pagnell neighbourhood. The title deeds and family documents of the<br />

Hawleys and their predecessors the Stodfolds form an interesting section<br />

in this deposit with many 13th and 14th century charters. There is a<br />

small group of conveyances for Pontefract in the period immediately<br />

after lhomas of Lancaster’s execution which name “the place where<br />

Thomas of Lancaster lost his life” as a bound (2/ 16/5). Two grants<br />

by John Tiptoft lord of Bentley, made in 1345 have fine examples of<br />

‘I iptoft’s seal (211712 and 2a) and the well-known families of Ann,<br />

Fitzwilliam and Wentworth are all represented in the deeds.<br />

After the death of Thomas Whichcot of Harpswell in 1776 his<br />

estates passed to his son in law sir Christopher Whichcote, bart., of<br />

Aswarby, of the junior branch of the family which since 1723 had been<br />

settled m the county and the remainder of the deposit is concerned with<br />

this part of the family. There are account books and letter books for<br />

Henry Whichcote, one of the sons of sir Jeremy Whichcote, a Levant<br />

merchant of the later 17th century (1 / 17, 1B / 48-52)) and letters, letter<br />

books and wills of his son Paul who acted at one time as secretary to<br />

sir Horatio Walpole (brother of the Prime Minister) and preserved one<br />

of his letter books (lB/43).<br />

From a later period are title deeds and settlements relating to the<br />

family’s 18th and 19th century purchases of land in Aswarby and its<br />

neighbourhood and in Rutland, with a number of estate memoranda and<br />

letters of the 18th century which illustrate every side of land-owning<br />

activity in the period. There are a number of interesting letters relating<br />

to such local projects as the Deeping Fen Drainage 1730-l (l/27,<br />

10 / 56) and the Peterborough-Lincoln turnpike, 1755-9 (10 / 57) . The<br />

pitfalls and difficulties of enclosure are well-illustrated by a group of<br />

letters about Timberland 1770-5 (10/58) and the part played by the<br />

local gentry in elections in various letters and accounts for elections at<br />

Boston in 1780-2 (10/65).<br />

As executor of Francis and Nathaniel Tregagle whose sister had<br />

been his wife’s mother, sir Christopher Whichcote preserved two groups<br />

of papers of considerable interest, the first relating to Nathaniel’s business<br />

as a merchant in S. Carolina, 1742-64 (l/23), the other, much<br />

bigger group, scattered throughout the deposit, concerned with the<br />

administration of the estates of Francis Tregagle at Melchett (Wiltshire)<br />

and in London.<br />

The Records<br />

Meres and Whichcote families<br />

Title deeds: Algarkirk, 16051705, 8 items; Aswarby, 1558-1741, 82<br />

items; Aunsby, 1645-1853, 69 items; Boston, 1571-1639, 29 items;<br />

Burringham, X98-1622, 3 items; Deeping St. James, 1540-1829,

194 items; Fishtoft, 1714-24, 3 items; Gainsborough, 1724, 2 items;<br />

Harpswell, 16051772, 59 items; Hemswell, 1366-1868, 317 items;<br />

Kirton Holland, 1436-1675, 123 items; Laughton, 1340, 1 item;<br />

Lincoln, 1658-95, 3 items; Moulton, 1613, 1 item; Osbournby, 1559-<br />

1877, 461 items; Saltfleetby, 1504, 1 item; Scotton, early 13c.-<br />

1644, 49 items; Scredington, 1701-1880, 48 items; Sibsey, 1577-96,<br />

5 items; Spanby, 1808-61, 9 items; Swarby, 1672-1731, 8 items;<br />

Timberland Thorpe, 1557-1789, 116 items; Wigtoft, 1513, 1 item.<br />

Bucks., Chesham Leicester, 1722-30, 40 items; He&., Totteridge,<br />

1719, .I item; Rutland, Glaston and Bisbrooke, 1604-1885, 334 items,<br />

Leighfield, 1842, 1 item; Narborough, 1720, 1 item.<br />

Manorial records: Algarkirk, Hiptoft Hall, court rolls, 1437-1652, 17<br />

items, compotus, 1411-12, 1 item, rentals, late 15c.--1655, 8 items,<br />

steward’s memoranda book, c. 1637-9, 1 item.<br />

Scotton, court rolls, 1434-1582, 47 items, compoti, 1443-53, 4 items,<br />

rentals 1417-1587, 12 items.<br />

Aswarby, court papers, 1676-1735, 15 items.<br />

Letters and papers subsidiary to title : Aswarby, 1722-30, 19 items;<br />

Aunsby, 1711-53, 23 items: Deeping 1759-72, 45 items; Hemswell,<br />

1713-17, 20 items; Osbournby, 1739-45, 26 items; Scotton, early<br />

14c.-1701, 369 items; Timberland Thorpe, 1687-1875, 302 items;<br />

Glaston and Bisbrooke, 1654-1854, 81 items.<br />

Rentals and surveys: Deeping St. James, 1774-8, 9 items; Hemswell,<br />

1805, 1 item; Kirton Holland, c. 1660, 1 item; Scotton, late 16c.,<br />

1 item; Timberland Thorpe, 1722-85, 89 items.<br />

Leases: Scotton, 1315-1682, 78 items; Tunbridge, 1682-1720, 21 items.<br />

Estate accounts: 1649-1718 (Meres), 17 items; 1799-1830, 2 items.<br />

Vouchers: estate and personal, 1701-1778, 802 items.<br />

Public undertakings: Deeping Fen drainage, 1730-1, 35 items; Lincoln-<br />

Peterborough turnpike, 1755-9, 23 items; Timberland Thorpe,<br />

enclosure and drainage, 1719-75, 67 items.<br />

Probates and family settlements: 1582-1875, 148 items.<br />

Executorships, letters, accounts and vouchers : George Whichcot of<br />

Harpswell, 1720, 1 item; Thomas Whichcot of Harpswell, 1776, 21<br />

items; Sir Thomas Whichcote of Aswarby, 1828, 138 items; Paul<br />

Whichcote of Finchley, 1759, 68 items; Sir John Meres, 1736, 172<br />

items; Francis Tregagle, 1759, 223 items; Nathaniel Tregagle, 1769,<br />

1,103 items; sir Neville Hickman, 1780, 57 items; Thomas Ashby<br />

of Chelsea, 1740, 385 items.<br />

Papers relating to business and public affairs: Cony family, 1535-75, 3<br />

items; Henry Whichcote of Aleppo and Finchley, 1666-1714, 20<br />

items; Paul Whichcote of Peterhouse, Cambridge and Finchley,<br />

1706-43, 156 items: Whichcot of Harpswell, 1701-32, 339 items;<br />

Whichcote of Aswarby, 1730-1822, 445 items; sir Thomas Meres,<br />

1655-93, 100 items; sir John Meres, 1708-35, 824 items; Tregagle of<br />

Melchett and Georgetown, Carolina, 1672-1769, 173 items.

’ Stanhope family<br />

Title deeds: Burnham, 1566-1691, 45 items; Epworth, 1650-95, 5 items;<br />

Melwood, 1563-1701, 8 items; Owston, 162187, 9 items; Stockwith<br />

and Walkerith, 16881714, 6 items; co. York, Armyn, 1612, 1 item;<br />

Billam, c. 1200-1626, 17 items; Cumberton, 1563, 1 item; Eskrick,<br />

1613, 1 item; Hambleton, 1634, 2 items; Pontefract, 1327-42, 4<br />

items; Snaith, 1414, 1 item; Stodfold, 1300-1634, 83 items.<br />

Probates and settlements: 1592-1704, 42 items.<br />

Papers about business and public affairs: 1490-1640, 5 items.<br />

Letters regarding the trusteeship: 1707-20, 193 items.<br />

Vouchers, estate and personal: 170819, 584 items.<br />

Miscellaneous estate papers: Axholme estates, 1700-1720, 52 items.<br />

Rentals: Axholme estates, 1704-20, 36 items.<br />

Printed Book: No clue as to ownership, Desiderii Era& Roter’ Flares,<br />

Amsterdam, John Jansson, 1640.<br />


This most interesting collection was deposited at Exchequer Gate in<br />

November last by Major W. J. R. Cragg of Threckingham with the<br />

good offices of Alderman J. W. F. Hill. Some part of it was known to<br />

the archivist who visited Threekingham House in the lifetime of the late<br />

Capt. W. A. Cragg and reported on the collection in the Archivists’<br />

<strong>Report</strong> 1948-50 pp. 63-4. It seems appropriate to give a fresh survey of<br />

the collection in the light of the present deposit.<br />

Except for some valuable topographical notes and records as an<br />

Enclosure Commissioner of John Cragg of Threckingham, late 18 c. and<br />

early 19 c., the collection now deposited is an artificial one, accumulated<br />

over a long period by the late Captain W. A. Cragg. Classification of<br />

such a collection of items, acquired separately from time to time, cannot<br />

be made on any normal archive principles, and the grouping given<br />

below is based largely on its present physical arrangement. It is sometimes<br />

possible to recognise strays from archive groups and of much<br />

interest to see how, these documents supplement or relate to other<br />

deposited documents here. A detailed calendar of the deeds is in ,<br />

progress, and on the work done so far it is possible to indicate some of<br />

the sources from which this collection has been built up. In many<br />

cases the immediate sources for many of the documents are the collec-<br />

tions of other collectors and the stores of dealers. It is hoped to<br />

incorporate in the calendar detailed information wherever possible ‘on<br />

the provenance of the various items.<br />

Ctagg 1<br />

This group consists of the notebooks of John Cragg of Threckingham,<br />

great-grandfather of the late Capt. Cragg among which are two<br />

ms. topographical directories for <strong>Lincolnshire</strong>, the work of John Crapg,<br />

one being apparently a first draft. These are especially valuable for the<br />

state of the county in his time. He appears to have considered publication<br />

and advertised the work, with a request for further information<br />


2.5<br />

towards fulfilling his plans, in the Stamford Mercury 3 March 1300 (I<br />

am indebted to Mr. C. L. Exley for this information). It can only be a<br />

matter of conjecture as to why publication was not proceeded with, but<br />

it may be noted that White’s <strong>Directory</strong> of <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> first appeared<br />

in 1826. Other note books contain valuable material for the enclosures<br />

of Ropsley, Skillington and Scredington 179597, for which he was one<br />

of the commissioners, and miscellaneous antiquarian notes, some<br />

apparently contributions to the Gentleman’s Magazine. There are 9 note<br />

books in all, c. 1795-1830. Capt. Cragg inserted in one of the directories<br />

mentioned above some 36 original documents, which are a miscellaneous<br />

collection relating to different places in the county. There are tax<br />

duplicates Aveland hundred 1777-9, a number of strays from parish<br />

chests or justices’ papers, such as precepts to constables, warrants and<br />

removal orders, and there are two documents relating to the mustering<br />

of 200 men to be sent to Chester in 1602.<br />

Cragg 2<br />

This very valuable group consists of books collected by Capt. Cragg<br />

and a brief list follows herewith:<br />

Commentary on the apocalypse 13 c. or 14 c.; a Carthusian compilation<br />

of treatises and rules thought to be German, 15 c.; a terrier of<br />

Dean and Chapter’s land in Lincoln ? late 15 c. or 16 c., a survey of<br />

Thornton abbey land, early 17 c. (extracts printed Lines. Notes and<br />

Queries vol. x p. 136); the Order for Swans, with drawings of swan<br />

marks and an index, 16 c.; Sir Joseph Banks’ paper on the ordinance<br />

respecting swans on the Witham, printed, 1810; Visitation of <strong>Lincolnshire</strong>,<br />

1562, Phillips ms. 21450, book plate of sir John Warburton,<br />

Somerset Herald, 17 c.; Visitation .of <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> and Nottinghamshire<br />

1562, Liber Phillipi Laycock, 17 c.; rental of the estate of sir Robert<br />

Carre, 1627; list of sheriffs, all counties, Henry II-James I, 17 c.;<br />

Visitation articles of Bishop Sanderson 1662, printed, with ms. notes on<br />

reading signed by Robert Sanderson, apparently the son of the Bishop;<br />

a ms. book with notes on a plague at Threckingham 17 c.; the Seven<br />

Epistles to the churches of Asia by Henry More D.D. 17 c.; Kelham<br />

family notes 18 c.; a ms. text book of arithmetic 17 c. bound up with<br />

notes on offerings at Westborough and Doddington 1672-96, Phillips<br />

ms. 15137; Commonplace book and family notes John Adamson rector<br />

of Burton Coggles 1669-1718; a ms. book of sermons 17 c.; Spanby<br />

sermons 1703-04 with notes of their re-use at various neighbouring<br />

places, Robert Smith curate of Swaton; memoranda of parliament 9<br />

Edward II-19 Edward II, 17 c.; Orders for the House of Lords, 1712,<br />

1773; conference at Sleaford between Hem-y Pickworth Quaker and<br />

Francis Bugg 1701, printed 1702; copies of Stamford Mercury 172329;<br />

account books of John later Sir John Newton bart. 1693-97 household,<br />

1701-03 personal, Phillips mss. 21730 and 15909; accounts of William<br />

Grant chief constable of Boothby Graffoe 1700-12; copies of settlements,<br />

various families, labelled Boydell Cartze, 18 c.; Stukeley mss., 22 books,<br />

of which 7 are mainly sermons or essays on allied topics, such as ethics,<br />

the Trinity, the Resurrection, the Kalendar, the Mysteries, the Pectoral<br />

of Aaron, the nature of the deity, the re-marriage of widows, the life of<br />

Christ, a description of Mount Sinai, and coronation sermon 1761; 12<br />

are mainly archaeological, dealing with the antiquities of Stamford,<br />

British coins, the order of Roman knights, pedigrees mainly of kings,<br />

Crowland abbey, the early use of brick, a journey illustrated 1757, a<br />

diary September to December 1735, correspondence 1728-9 (copies)

etween Stukely and Maurice Johnson concerning a society of literary<br />

men meeting at Ancaster; and 3 are miscellaneous and include some<br />

family and biographical notes; acre books Wyberton 1702, revised 1723,<br />

Frampton 1737, Algarkirk 1737-9, from the collection of Col. J. T.<br />

Moore; copy, 18 c., of an award by decree Claypole dated 1615; court<br />

book manor of Doubledyke, Gosberton, 1747-1832, the same, Buckminster<br />

Hall, Billingborough 1739-1780; The Coroners’ Guide, printed,<br />

1746, with notes, formerly belonging to James Burton of Billingborough;<br />

notes and extracts on the history of Crowland abbey, 18 c.; record of<br />

Thomas Marshall’s rents 176871 and of family marriages etc. in the<br />

Chequer church, Lincoln, 1758-68; copy, minutes of commissioners for<br />

the Black Sluice 1791-1803; copy, minutes of the county magistrates<br />

1788-1823; collection of printed notices of meetings etc. mainly Lincoln<br />

1820-48; letters re farming to and from sir Joseph Banks 1790-1819<br />

(which have stuck in the same book a commission to sir Thomas Hussey<br />

bart. from the Council of State 16 April 1660, letter to sir Edmund<br />

Hussey 1610, copy address to the king 1695, 2 letters re estate business,<br />

lord Willoughby 1632, 1639; letter of Robert earl of Lindsey re visit to<br />

Lines. of the Duke and Duchess of York 1679; copy, grant of additional<br />

arms to sir John Walpole, letter Anne to Robert Boswell 17 c.); letter<br />

book, letters received by John Halkett clerk of the lord Chancellor<br />

regarding livings in his gift, covers the whole country, 1797-1800; estate<br />

and household accounts, duke of Ancaster, accountant Mr. Parker 1801-<br />

09; diary of William Parker of Hanthorpe, landowner, justice of the<br />

peace, commissioner on drainage etc. 3 ~01s. 183158; book with notes,<br />

drawings, prints and the like for the counties of Gloucester, Hants,<br />

Hereford, Herts., Hunts., Lancaster, Lincoln, the Reverend John<br />

Pridden 18 c. -mid 19 c.; 2 ~01s. antiquarian notes, perhaps of the<br />

Rev. George Ashby of Barrow in Suffolk, on Roman roads and related<br />

topics, c. 1797-1807; a formulary on the order of Quarter Sessions and<br />

some notes from the Harleian mss. M. P. Moore 1827, who was later<br />

clerk of the peace, parts of Kesteven; notes, privately printed, sir<br />

Robert Heron bart. 1850, biographical material 1812-50; a collection of<br />

miscellaneous printed matter, 18 c. -19 c.; transcript of Inventarium<br />

monumentorum sqkrstitionis, Edward Peacock, printed English Church<br />

Fzcrhiture, London, 1866; 3 mss. of A. Gibbons, Institutions, Lincoln<br />

archdeaconries, copy Sutterton churchwardens accounts S-13 Henry<br />

VIII, monumental inscriptions in Lincoln churches, 1889; <strong>Report</strong>, Royal<br />

Commission on Agriculture, Lincoln except the Isle of Axholme, 1895;<br />

2 mss. of Major General W. H. Smith, copies of 14 c. deeds Pinchbeck,<br />

Whaplode and Holbeach, wills from Canterbury Prerogative Court<br />

1558-89 (extracts from the former printed Lines. Notes and Queries<br />

vol. xviii pp. 60-157 passim), Antiquarian notes, <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> and<br />

Liverpool, Henry Peet, early 20 c.<br />

Cragg 3<br />

This consists of deeds mounted or placed loose in an album. It<br />

was decided to calendar these in their present physical order in case<br />

this gives and clues as to provenance or date of acquisition. Examination<br />

of other groups of deeds in the collection, however, suggests that the<br />

arrangement cuts across some portions of archive groups. The Southwell<br />

deeds, for example, are divided between the album and a series of<br />

small boxes which is listed as Cragg 4. A notable item from this group,<br />

a fragment of an Anglo-Saxon document relating to Thorney abbey,<br />

has been deposited by Major Cragg in the library of Queen’s College,<br />

Cambridge, where it re-joins another portion of the same document.<br />


It had apparently been used as a binding strip and there was no clue as<br />

to provenance. Another item in this group of much interest is two<br />

folios of the history of Crowland, which had been identified as part of<br />

the work of the second continuator, 1149-1470. It is of interest that<br />

these folios are in a hand not later than about the beginning of the<br />

fourteenth century. It is not known from what source these were<br />

obtained.<br />

The group of Southwell deeds mentioned above are of much<br />

interest, and, together with those in Cragg 4, listed below, they may be<br />

presumed to have come as survivors from the scattering of the Southwell<br />

archives graphically described in Southwell Schools, W. A. James,<br />

Lincoln, 1927, pp. 14-15, as part of the despoliation following the visits<br />

of the Commissioners in 1547 when the cupboards and chests in which<br />

the “evidences” were kept were taken away and the deeds cast abroad<br />

in the church and churchyard. (Some of these may be presumed to<br />

have been enregistered in the White Book of Southwell, a brief list of<br />

the contents of which is given in Visitations and Memorials of Southwell,<br />

-4. F. Leach, Camden Sot. new series, vol. 48, 1891.) They include<br />

the following:-<br />

Relationship with York: John Kempe archbishop of York, to the chapter<br />

of Southwell, mandate to install a canon, 1442; the official of the<br />

archbishop of York to the chapter of Southwell, transmission of<br />

instructions of the commissary of Hugh Pelegrine papal nuncio re<br />

the sequestration of two prebends 1358.<br />

Relationship of prebendary with the chapter: Appointment of a proxy<br />

to appear concerning residence 1472.<br />

Visitation: Monition to churchwardens in the Southwell peculiars to cite<br />

vicars and 6 laymen, 1376; return of a mandate to cite for a visitation,<br />

1354. In both cases the attached schedule giving the names<br />

of persons cited or to be cited is lost.<br />

Prebendal: Resignation of the vicar of the prebendal church of Oxton<br />

1409; grant to a man and the heirs of his body, with reversion to<br />

the prebendary, lands in Northwell, 1400.<br />

The Chapter: Lease of the rectory of Barnby, 1390; properties in Halam<br />

and Edingley, 14 c. and ? 1506; in Southwell, fabric fund, 1296;<br />

deed re the foundation of Richard de Sutton’s chantry c. 1268.<br />

Appropriated church: The rector of Kneesall promised to pay a rent of<br />

4 marks to Norton Priory, and will submit himself to the archdeacon<br />

of Nottingham in the case of failure, 1256. Kneesall church<br />

was not appropriated until the reign of Henry VI (Tanner,<br />

Monasticon, 1744, p. 400).<br />

Vicars Choral: Deed relating to the foundation of a chantry for John<br />

de Bella Aqua and Hugh de Annesley 1408; grant of right of way<br />

to mine coal in Rawmarsh co. York 1482.<br />

Unidentified funds: Properties in Beckingham 1399, 1407, 1411; Southwell,<br />

Easthorpe and Upton 1439; Easthorpe and Southwell, ? early<br />

14 c.; Southwell a half burgage, witnesses clerk of the court and<br />

bailiff of the borough of Southwell 1449.

The Southwell deeds are numbered Cragg 3/6-13, 15-21, 21-32.<br />

They appear to have been sent for examination to Mr. J. P. Gilson of<br />

the British Museum who was also consulted regarding the terrier of the<br />

Dean and Chapter of Lincoln mentioned above, and summaries of the<br />

deeds in his hand were pasted in the album. Some of these deeds are<br />

in a fragmentary condition.<br />

Other groups are strays from the public records, strays from the<br />

Newton family’s deeds, documents relating to Alford and Well, miscellaneous<br />

personal and official documents, and other miscellaneous deeds<br />

which may be summarised as follows:-<br />

Strays from the public records: A number of judicial and original writs<br />

and notes of fines relating to places and persons in <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> 14 c.<br />

and 15 c. (Cragg 3139-40, 42-51, 62. See also Cragg 8 below from<br />

which these <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> *examples have evidently been removed.)<br />

Newton deeds : Manors of Culverthorpe 1587, Balderton 1535 (2),<br />

dispensation to hold the vicarage of Haydor, to Robert Lamb<br />

chaplain to the Countess of Coningsby 1734, receipt for hearth tax<br />

1687 (Cragg 3133-37. See also Cragg 2 above for 2 Newton account<br />

books and Lindsey deposited collections above for other Newton<br />

documents. See also Archivists’ <strong>Report</strong> 1951-2 pp. 20-24).<br />

Alford and Well: Enrolment of proceedings in the king’s court regarding<br />

a market at Alford and Saleby c. 1290 (cf. <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> Notes<br />

and Queries vol. x p. 35), gift to the altar of St. Mary in the chapel<br />

at Well, probably c. 1250 (Cragg 3152, 65. See also Cragg 4/l-3<br />

below).<br />

Miscellaneous personal and official: Licence as preacher, Alford 1605;<br />

commissions to Gervase Hollis from Robert earl of Lindsey to be<br />

captain 1642, to Capt. Robert Markham of Grayby to await the<br />

king’s summons 1642; Thomas Parker Smith to be ensign in the<br />

South Lincoln militia 1815; order by the registrar of the Committee<br />

for the county of Lincoln for raising money to maintain the army<br />

1649; receipt from treasurers appointed under the act for provision<br />

of money to pay off the forces 1660; bonds to the sheriff to appear<br />

before the lord Protector 1657; copies of articles against the earl of<br />

Strafford 1640 ; petition of the Commons c. 1628 ; will of A.<br />

Adamson weaver of Market Rasen 1660; bond Vavasour to Skipwith<br />

1655; bond re landing a cargo of beans Grimsby 1691; letters<br />

of orders Timothy Shaw 1741; Quaker marriage certificate Tumby<br />

Woodside 1745; letter of John Green bishop of Lincoln to George<br />

Marquis Townsend 1771; Aveland and Beltisloe tax duplicates<br />

windows and servants 1779-80.<br />

Miscellaneous deeds: Spanby 1612; Halton Holegate 1450, Crowland<br />

1519, Corby 1461, Burton Pedwardine 1575-1681 (4), North Cove<br />

co. Suffolk 1390, Anderby 1538, Pinchbeck 1441, 1405, Alvingham<br />

? 13 c., Donington 1519 (2), 1540, West Laughton 1472,<br />

detailed topographical information, Tydd St. Mary case papers 16<br />

c., 3 items (see also Cragg 5 below), Bourne 1607, Grimoldby 1593,<br />

Denton, Harlaxton, Hungerton and Wyville 1608, Haxey Westwood<br />


.,<br />

Cragg 4<br />

These were deeds carefully folded and kept in a series of small<br />

boxes. They fall into three groups, namely deeds relating to Alford<br />

and Well (See also Cragg 3 above and Cragg 6 below), miscellaneous<br />

deeds mainly relating to <strong>Lincolnshire</strong>, and Southwell deeds (See also<br />

Cragg 3 above).<br />

Alford and Well: Exchanges of land, mid 13 c. ?, (Z), grant by Robert<br />

lord of Well to his free tenants and concommoners to hold their<br />

lands in “inham” with some details as to cultivation, 1281 (Cragg<br />

4/l-3).<br />

Misc. deeds: Agreement between the abbots of Kirkstead and Revesby<br />

re common in Wildmore 1257; Wilsford 1393; one third of the<br />

manor of Gedney 1398; South Cave co. York, relates to the Ellerker<br />

family who had a branch in Threckingham, 1458; petition for the<br />

augmentation of a benefice, Deopham co. Norfolk 1465; receipt<br />

for a pension from appropriated churches, dean and chapter of<br />

Lincoln to the abbot and convent of. Sulby 1529; Hungerton and<br />

Wyville 1557, 1568; Boston 1557; rental of lands of Corpus Christi<br />

guild, Boston, 1489 (printed in Pishey Thompson’s History of<br />

Boston 1856, pp. 127-9); Cowick in Snaith co Yorks 1587; Crail,<br />

Scotland, witnessed by the scribe of the borough 1592; licence to<br />

alienate, rectory of Staunton co. Gloucester and annexed chapel of<br />

Snowshill 1600; commission to Gervase Hollis as colonel, 1642.<br />

Southwell deeds: Relating to the ordination of Robert de Lexington’s<br />

chantry, confirmations of Walter de Gray archbishop of York,<br />

with seals, confirmation of the dean and chapter of York and a<br />

grant of land in Barnborough co. York to Robert de Lexington,<br />

mid 13 c.; relating to West Ravendale, grant by king Henry VI of<br />

the alien priory there to the chapter of Southwell, 1439, letters of<br />

protection king Henry III for all possessions of the abbot and convent<br />

of Beauport (of which West Ravendale was a cell) 1230,<br />

letters of the abbot and convent of Beauport appointing a proctor<br />

1279; relating to the chapter, fabric fund, Halam and Edingley,<br />

? early 14 c. 3 items; attested copy of will re rents in Farnsfield,<br />

Edingley, Osmondthorpe and Halam to the church master of the<br />

works ? 15 c.; relating to the chapter, resignation of the vicar of<br />

Caunton 1477, exemplification of pleadings re the rector of Kneesall<br />

and the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem concerning<br />

rent from land in Maplebeck 1449, quitclaim re the office of auditor<br />

and receiver of revenues, the chapter to the widow of Edward<br />

Burnell gent. 1592; relating to prebends ? land in Normanton 1416,<br />

and Beckingham, no date: relating to the vicars, contemporary<br />

copy order of pope Boniface IX to Thomas de Arundel archbishop<br />

of York to confirm an agreement between the chapter and vicars<br />

of Southwell 1390 (this was apparently attached, judging by surviving<br />

slits for tags, to a covering letter of confirmation sent to the<br />

chapter and vicars by the archbishop of York, Boniface IX’s own<br />

confirmation of the affair is recorded in the Cal. of Papal Registers<br />

vol. V p. 592); leases of land in Rawmarsh co. York 1474 (giving<br />

details of construction of buildings to be erected) 1540, leases, a<br />

cottage at Halam 1581 and land in Westhorpe in Southwell 1489.

36<br />

Cragg 5<br />

After the two groups of deeds Cragg 3 and 4 which had been seen<br />

when visiting Threckingham had been dealt with, there remained a<br />

large residue of deeds not previously looked at and not in any definite<br />

arrangement, although in many cases annotated by Captain Cragg.<br />

These have now been sorted into three sections, namely <strong>Lincolnshire</strong><br />

deeds arranged alphabetically by place, deeds relating to other counties<br />

and miscellaneous personal and official documents. A calendar of these<br />

is in progress. Most of these appear to have been purchased from<br />

dealers, some probably in a large lot as they do not appear to he<br />

individually priced and have similar dealers’ marks on them.<br />

<strong>Lincolnshire</strong> deeds<br />

Alford 1664, Alvingham late 13 c. or early 14 c. (Z), Aslackby 1611,<br />

Barkston 1612, Barkwith and Snarford 1693, Barrow manors of<br />

Sutton and Beesby 1689, Barrowby 1697, Barton on Humber 1681,<br />

Bassingham 1630, 1649, Beckingham 1660-1698 (4), Long Bennington<br />

no date ? 17 c., Bitchfield 1657, 1659, Blankney 1633,<br />

Boston 1566-1632 (3), Burringham 1589, Carlton and Scrafield<br />

manors of, 1603, Cockerington 1545, Corby manor of, 1419, messuage<br />

in 1556, Crowle lands of the poor 1703r, Dalby 1713, Deeping<br />

manor of East and West, lease, 1650, Deeping St. James 1746,<br />

Dry Doddington 1673, ,1676, Dowsby manor of 1617, Dunholme<br />

1679, Dunston 1648, East Fen 1639, Edenham lease 1674, Epworth<br />

admissions mid 17 c. (6), Ewerby 1654 (Z), Fleet 1619, 1684,<br />

Fishtoft 1616, Fishtoft and Skirbeck 1652 (Z), Fiskerton 1746,<br />

Foston and Long Bennington 1705, Folkingham honour of, 1526,<br />

Frieston 1726, Fulbeck 1692, Gedney 1679, Gonerby Allington and<br />

Manthorpe 1649-75 (4)) Gosberton 1647-85 (4), Gosberton Quadring<br />

Surfleet and Moulton 1603-1762 (6), Goulceby manor and<br />

advowson 1601-53 (5), Grantham, various properties 1591, 1599,<br />

1608, 1651, 1675, 1655-1701 (4), 1759, probates 1756, 1785, 1796,<br />

Great Grimsby 1793, East Halton 1669, Hameringham 1691,<br />

Potter Hanworth 1609 (2)) Haxey a warren of coneys 1595, Haxey<br />

land in Epworth manor 1634-52 (3)) Haxey land in Hallgarth<br />

manor 1658, 1683, Haxey land in Westwood manor 1755, Heckington<br />

1627, Holbeach 1682, Honington manor and advowson<br />

Somerby, Corringham, Springthorpe and Gainsborough 1661,<br />

Hough and Gelston 1656, Houghton Walton and Spittlegate 1711,<br />

Howell manor 1612, Humberstone 1551, Ingoldsby Evedon and<br />

Cammeringham manors 1777, Keadby 1742, East Keal manor 1815, ’<br />

Kettleby Thorpe in Bigby, manor, 1674, Kirkstead 1661, Laceby<br />

1630, Laughton 1632, Lincoln piece of ground between the towers<br />

at the east part of the Castle 1683, Lincoln lease of tenement in<br />

the Chequer 1636, Lincoln part of the Chanter’s house 1651, Lound<br />

in Witham on the Hill 1616, Morton by Bourne rectory 1652-1743<br />

(6), Morton by Bourne 1639, Morton by Gainsborough 1610, 1660,<br />

Morton in Swinderby 1678, 1679, ? Morton in Swinderby 1603,<br />

1630, Mumby chapel 1663, Nocton lease 1593, Norton Disney 1635,<br />

Orby rectory 1653, Pinchbeck leases 1596, 1771, Reasby in Stainton<br />

by Langworth 1569, North Reston and Cammeringham 1695,<br />

Risby manor and Appleby 1619, Rowston 1658, Ruskington 1698-<br />

1779 (17), Saltfleetby 1550-1659, Skillington 1676-99 (3)) Skirbeck<br />

1709, Sleaford, an annuity from, 1705, Sotby 1593, Southray<br />

1577, Spittlegate 1698-1766 (5), Stamford 1590-1667 (3), Stamford<br />

1661, 1691, 1796, Stickney 1596, SurfIeet 1567-1687 (4),<br />

1 Appears on closer examination Crowle co. Wore.

Sutterton and Wigtoft 1607-1631 (3), Sutton le Marsh 1578, Sutton<br />

St. Edmund 1722, 1737, Sutton St. Nicholas or Lutton 1783, Sutton<br />

Fleet and Gedney writ to enquire into the stoppage of a dyke 1528,<br />

Swinderby Morton and Eagle 1576-1658 (4), Swineshead 1640-<br />

1676 (3), Tetford Gretford and Baston licence to alienate 1629,<br />

Thorton le Moor 1660, Thorpe next Wainfleet 1636, Thurlby by<br />

Bourne 1554, Toft in Witham on the Hill 160251 (4), East Torrington<br />

1633, Tydd St. Mary 1638, Tydd St. Mary case papers 16<br />

c. (cf. Lines. Notes and Queries vol. 24 pp. 5-lo), Waddingham<br />

1630 (2), Waddingham rectory 1702, West Willoughby in Ancaster<br />

1655, Winthorpe 1598, Wintringham 1677, Wyberton 1698-1772<br />

(3)) Wykeham in Spalding 1664.<br />

Other counties<br />

Bedford: Eaton ? Bray and Totternhoe 1620, Lidlington, Marston Mortayne,<br />

Aspley, Potton and Shillington 1727.<br />

Cambridge: Morton’s Learn, lease from the conservators of the Great<br />

Level 1731.<br />

Gloucester: Hawkesbury 1628, Sandhurst in GIoucester City, a terrier<br />

1580.<br />

Hampshire: Cridmore in Carisbrooke Isle, of Wight 1701.<br />

Hereford: Eardisley, Willersley, Kington, Brilley 1641.<br />

Kent: Maidstone 1442.<br />

Lancashire : Aughton 1599.<br />

Middlesex, London: St. Clements Lane near Candlewick Street 1466,<br />

St: Sepulchre Newgate 1610, 2 water mills in East Smithfield 1615,<br />

St. Paul’s, shop at the south door 1607, shop in the great churchyard<br />

1620, shop in churchyard parish of St. Gregory, adjoining<br />

west end 1629, Whitechapel 1621, St. Michael Quorn 1632, Mileend<br />

Stepney 1652, fields near Hyde Park 1662, St. James Street<br />

and Bennet Street 1735.<br />

Norfolk and Suffolk: Mundham ? late 12 C.--early 13 c.; Fundenhall,<br />

Tittleshall (Norfolk), Horham, Fressinglield (Suffolk) ? early 14<br />

c.; Letheringsett early 14 c.; Thetford 1308, Gresham manor 1399,<br />

Redenhall, indentures re delivery of goods of an intestate by the<br />

bishop’s attorney 1390; Fakenham (Suffolk) 1393, licence to<br />

preach, bishop of Norwich, Boyton (Suffolk) 1663; letters of orders<br />

bishop of Norwich to Joseph Bokenham 1712, letters of institution<br />

to Bacton (Suffolk) 1634, Buxton (Norfolk) 1692; probate John<br />

Burgess of Brockdish 1850, Weston (Suffolk) 1649.<br />

Northampton: Syresham 1668,’ 1696.<br />

Nottingham: Newstead site and lands of the abbey 1539; Mansfield<br />

copyhold in, 1611, 1741; Clareborough 1675, Misson 1686-1767 (4);<br />

Laneham 1703.<br />

Oxford: Bicester 1693, 1707; Morton in Thame 1703.<br />

Shropshire: Norton in the Moors, Worthen etc. 1606.<br />

Somerset: West Harptree, bond re the rectory 1615.<br />

Surrey: Caterham manor, 1773.<br />

Worcester: See p. 30 note.

L.-<br />

Miscellaneous Personal and Official<br />

Licence to teach, free school of Fleet 1800; letters of institution<br />

Scrivelsby 1789; appointment of an attorney re Moorehouse in<br />

Chelsea Theophilus earl of Lincoln 1623; schedule of plate of the<br />

countess of Downes 1670; will of John Mill of Mottisfont, Hampshire,<br />

signed and sealed, 1693; probate of Henry Naylor midshipman<br />

1804; settlement of household goods Edward Bromhead of<br />

Thurlby by Lincoln 1717, bond for debts to Thomas Bromhead of<br />

Scarcliffe co. Derby 1669, bonds for landing of goods to customs<br />

at Grimsby and Hull 1691, 1813; copies of enrolments cases relating<br />

to goods and a wharfinger at Gainsborough 1813, 1821; share<br />

certificate Fosdyke bridge 1811, copy declaration of trust to the<br />

proprietors, Fosdyke bridge 1816; grant of debts and judgments to<br />

Thomas Manse11 of Briton Ferry co. Glamorgan 1677.<br />

Sheriff’s quittance, Sir Henry Bromley kt. for Shropshire 1603-23,<br />

Phillips ms. 14015; sheriff’s indentures of return of members of<br />

parliament for Grantham, of Thomas Harrington and John Thorold<br />

by Sir Edward Ayscoghe kt. 1685; appointment by the duke of<br />

Portland of John Calcraft as steward of the manor and soke of<br />

Grantham 1744; duplicate tax on male servants hundred of Winnibriggs<br />

and Threo 1779; appointment of James Torkington as town<br />

clerk and clerk of the peace, borough of Stamford 1820.<br />

Cragg 6<br />

This is a miscellaneous collection of rolls, including court rolls,<br />

accounts, surveys as follows:-<br />

Court rolls: manor of Well 37 Edward III, 3 mm., manor of Rither in<br />

Alford 15 Henry VIII 1 m., manor of Well and Alford, Hanby and<br />

Rither fees: 1605, 1656, 1 mm. each, 1660-65, 6 mm.; manor of<br />

Long Bennington 5 Henry V 1 m.; Bourne temp. Charles II 1 m.;<br />

Fenton 4-6 Hemy VIII 1 m., East and West Hall in Ruskington<br />

1664-69, 4 mm.<br />

Other misc. rolls: manor of Tallington compotus of collector of rents<br />

and farms 1413-14, Uffington Tallington and Deeping 1454-5 (for<br />

another compotus of Uffington see below under other gifts and<br />

deposits) ; compotus of collector of rents and farms Coningsby<br />

1431-32 (gives details of payments for work on buildings); executrix’s<br />

account roll, Dame Mary Trollope for Thomas Trollope bart.<br />

incomplete, Sir Thomas died 1651; probate inventory Thomas Hall<br />

of Byfield co. Northampton 1662; administrator’s account Thomas<br />

Bredgland of Goodhurst co. Kent discharge of the official of the<br />

archdeacon of Canterbury 1678; sheriff’s quittance Thomas Harrington<br />

esq. 1677; rental of Towcester co. Northampton, master<br />

Thomas Emson’s land late the prior of Bradenstoke ? late 15 c.<br />

(perhaps Thomas Emson B.D. 1488-9. B.D. 1492 Alumni Cantab.) ;<br />

terrier of lands belonging to Great Humby and Kellams freehold<br />

1585, first membrane lost, detailed information re lands in furlongs,<br />

signed by several persons.

JJ<br />

Cragg 7<br />

Two volumes of Tellers’ bills which appear to be some of the documents<br />

described in M. S. Giuseppi’s G&de to the Public Records vol. 1<br />

p. 184 (London, 1923), as being the slips, shewing money received at<br />

the Exchequer, which were thrown down a pipe into the Tally Court<br />

so that a wooden tally might be struck, which was split in!‘two, one<br />

half being given to the party paying in the money. The&bills have<br />

the name of the county or district for which payment was being made,<br />

the nature of payment whether subsidy, fee farm rent, tenths and the<br />

like, the date, the name of the person paying the money and the amount<br />

paid. To this was added “Recordatur”, Easter in the regnal year 22 or<br />

23 Charles II and the signature of the teller, Sir George Downing in<br />

1670, John Loving in 1671. There seems to be no clear arrangement by<br />

date or place of these parchment slips which are sewn together to make<br />

pages in the books. A dealer’s label states that there were 239 of them<br />

and that they were formerly part of the Phillipps collection.<br />

Cragg 8<br />

Reference has been made to a collection of notes of fines and<br />

original and judicial writs from which some <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> examples had<br />

been removed and placed in the album Cragg 3 above. The notes of<br />

fines range from those dated by the year only of an unnamed king (?<br />

Edward II to Edward III) to those of Henry VII. They have rows of<br />

holes along the top shewing that they have been sewn up and some of<br />

them are still sewn together incongruously as regards date or subject<br />

matter. They are for various counties. The earlier documents have a<br />

slit running from the left hand edge towards the middle, and a hole<br />

punched for filing, and all have filing marks. There are only about a<br />

dozen writs some in very poor condition. There are about 80 items in<br />

all.<br />

Cragg 9<br />

A portfolio of papers of which the greater part are of the executors<br />

of sir Roger Townshend of Raynham co. Norfolk, Michael Stanhope of<br />

Grays Inn and Miles Corbett of Sproston co. Norfolk, mainly 1590-95.<br />

The affairs were handled by and most of the letters and receipts<br />

addressed to John Owles late servant of Roger Townshend. They consist<br />

of correspondence, cancelled bonds, accounts presented and<br />

vouchers, and are detailed and of much interest. With these is a printed<br />

portion of a catalogue on which it is stated that these papers were<br />

removed from Raynham Hall, Fakenham and sold with the approbation<br />

of Mr. Justice Swinfen Eady. There are c. 120 items. The other papers<br />

in the portfolio consisted of warrants and other papers apparently of<br />

Ralph Peirson justice of the peace for the district of the Isle of Ely<br />

1693-1701, 15 items. Some others of this group had been removed and<br />

placed in John Cragg’s <strong>Directory</strong> of <strong>Lincolnshire</strong>, Cragg 1 above.<br />

Cragg 10<br />

This is a folder with letters relating to the Boswell family of<br />

Thoresby. More of these are inserted into the book of letters relating<br />

to agriculture of sir Joseph Banks (See Cragg 2 above) where are two<br />

letters of lord Willoughby to Robert Boswell regarding estate business,<br />

1632, 1639 and a letter from his wife Anne to Robert Boswell, date torn<br />

away. Here are eleven letters relating to estate business of the earl of

Lindsey of which &veml are addressed to Robert and John Boswell<br />

including the appointment of Robert as bailiff of the manor of Will<br />

loughby in the Marsh 1634 and a letter authorising John Boswell to<br />

collect rents at ‘Belleau Aby and Swaby 1662 (1634-1719). There are<br />

six letters to or drafts from Robert Boswell, some regarding estate or<br />

family business, one from his son John then a student at the Middle<br />

Temple 1633 (1616-49). There are another twentv-one letters mainly<br />

to John Boswell who practised as an attorney, of which eleven are from<br />

Charles Dymoke 1676-80, three from Boswell’s son in law Dymoke<br />

Walpole 1676, two to his daughter Mrs. Walpole 1676, 1701, one to<br />

his ? son Robert 1699, and five miscellaneous including his draft to the<br />

earl of Devon on the subject of exchanges of meadow lands in Willoughby<br />

in the Marsh 1662-79. These are of interest and relate both to<br />

family and professional affairs.<br />

Cragg 11<br />

Estate papers relating to the manor of Crowland and papers of the<br />

Reverend Moor Scribe incumbent of Crowland 1767-1808 are together<br />

in this parcel.<br />

Estate papers as follows: Justices order on rating of Great Postiand in<br />

Crowland 1687; rental and abstract of the manor of Crowland,<br />

lord, Brigadier Robert Hunter, 1723, abstract of pains and penalties<br />

in the manor of Crowland 1727-36, steward Maurice Johnson,<br />

rental of Great Postland in Crowland and Burton Pedwardine;<br />

extract of fines on admission and for penalties, manor of Crowland<br />

1777, Charles Orby Hunter lord, Walter Johnson steward, copies<br />

of documents re the conveyance of the reversion of the manor<br />

1752-3 (2)) documents relating to mortgages of Crowland and<br />

Burton Pedwardine and particulars of work required on the estate<br />

at Crowland 1775-81 (4).<br />

Letters and papers of Moor Scribe: Letters regarding a curacy at<br />

Gedney 1756, letters from J. C. Brooke of the Herald’s College<br />

including one introducing R. Gough the antiquary 1782, and relating<br />

to Scribe’s management of the Lines. property of Brooke’s<br />

aunt, 1777-1790, copies of letters to R. Gough 1783-94, some notes<br />

on the descent of the manor of Gedney, extracts from Crowland<br />

registers re the Wyche family 1639-87, letters regarding the right<br />

of the parishioners to some land of the Durnford family 1789-90,<br />

a letter from Thomas Pownall (Governor) regarding a boundary<br />

stone at Crowland, undated. In all 30 items.<br />

Cragg 12<br />

Some 25 fragments of manuscripts which have been used in binding<br />

and one or two pieces of early printing, not yet identified.<br />

Cragg 13<br />

Two foreign manuscripts as follows: The “vidimus” of Louis duke<br />

of Anjou, of a confirmation by Philip king of France of certain jurisdiction<br />

in Languedoc in right of the preceptory of St. Eulalia formerly of<br />

the Templars, to William de Relevia prior of St. Giles of the hospital<br />

of St. John of Jerusalem 1369, and with it, the grant of a pension by<br />

Emmanuel de Rohan grandmaster of the order of Knights Hospitallers<br />


33<br />

” A large service book with music, “in festo sanctoruni ap0st0i0nm<br />

Phillipi et Jacobi ad missam” by grant of pope Benedcit XIV to all<br />

churches in the dominions of the catholic king 17 March 1756.<br />

There remain a few prints, and a further parcel labelled historical<br />

manuscripts to be catalogued. These are mostly unrelated to one<br />

another and bought at different times. It is hoped to proceed to a<br />

calendar of them. They are mostly from the 16 c-19 c. in date. The<br />

following manuscripts which were referred to in the earlier report on<br />

this collection are being retained at Threckingham: John Cragg’s note<br />

book with drawings of churches etc. 1790, the Bussey psalter, a service<br />

book with obits of members of the Bussey family in the calendar at the<br />

beginning of the book, 1400-1609, and sir Joseph Banks’ two books<br />

Fishery book 1788, and minutes of the annual fishing on the Witham<br />

1784-96.<br />


This second deposit of records from Grimsthorpe Castle was received<br />

in September, 1953. A portion of it, consisting of recent estate records<br />

was placed in the store-room in the Castle, the remainder, including a<br />

single large and heavy chest, came directly to the Exchequer Gate:<br />

When opened, the chest was found to contain two trays which had<br />

effectively excluded the air from the bottom, where a small number of<br />

books and court rolls were in a very decayed condition. The lower of<br />

the two trays contained more court rolls, which had suffered slightly<br />

from damp but were not seriously affected and the upper tray had, loose<br />

and in ,bundles tied with thin string which broke almost at touch, 593<br />

documents, almost all of them mediaval. The archivists were fortunate<br />

in that the arrival of this deposit coincided with a visit to Lincoln of<br />

Sir Frank and Lady Stenton, for whose illuminating comments, no less<br />

than for the interest they have taken in the deposit, they are very<br />

grateful.<br />

The catalogue of the title deeds, court rolls, maps, surveys and<br />

accounts in the deposit is now complete. Miss Jean Monteith, M.A., to<br />

whom the archivists are very grateful for her help, has made a list of<br />

the lieutenancy papers. The remaining documents have been sorted and<br />

roughly cleaned but are not yet catalogued: they include settlements<br />

and trust deeds arranged in three groups, Willoughby (before 1520),<br />

Brandon-Bertie 1520-1580 and Willoughby-Ancaster 1600-1780, Personal<br />

vouchers and miscellaneous estate memoranda, 18th and 19th<br />

centuries. In addition there is a further series of vouchers and accounts<br />

with a few business papers, of the Heathcote family, 1720-1790 (c.f.<br />

<strong>Report</strong> 1951-2, pp. 39-40) and of the junior branch of the Bertie family<br />

which had settled at Uffington, 1700-1760.<br />

At the time when Lord Ancaster’s first deposit was made it was not<br />

possible to say what had become of most of the mediaeval title deeds of<br />

the Willoughby family though it was sufficiently clear from the Harleian<br />

charters printed by sir Frank Stenton in Danelaw Charters and from<br />

Tanner’s notes reprinted in Monasticon (V, 579 and VII, 865 and 951)<br />

that the charters of Bullington, Greenfield and Newhouse had been seen<br />

at Grimsthorpe in 1646, were subsequently in the possession of sir<br />

Simonds D’Ewes and were finally bought by Humphrey Wanley for the<br />

Harleian Library (Sir Christofiher Hutton’s Book of Seals, ed. L. C.

Loyd and D. M. Stenton, Oxford, 1950, pp. xxxviii-xxxix). Some few<br />

charters, which appeared to relate to Vaudey Abbey, had been cut into<br />

strips to tie round court rolls, where they were found in the first deposit.<br />

Twelve charters, none of which has yet been re-discovered, were published<br />

in the Historical Manucript Commission’s <strong>Report</strong> on the Manuscripts<br />

of the Earl of Ancaster (1907)) pp. 449-452, from among “a great<br />

number of medizval deeds and court rolls” then in the muniment room<br />

at Grimsthorpe; otherwise the reporter thought that the collection at<br />

Grimsthorpe “affords little material for the family history earlier than<br />

the reign of Elizabeth.” It seems likely that the present deposit represents<br />

part, at least of these deeds so summarily dismissed in 1907 and<br />

it was with the greatest pleasure that the archivists recognised among<br />

them large numbers of documents of great value for the history of the<br />

Willoughby family and of the county.<br />

The bundles in which some. though bv no means all of the deeds<br />

were arranged proved on examination t”o ha;e no significance and it was<br />

necessary to re-sort the entire deposit as a preliminary to the making of<br />

‘a catalogue. The catalogue was then begun on a topographical basis<br />

corresponding to the divisions in which the estates were known to have<br />

been administered, the Kesteven estates with their centre at Edenham,<br />

those of the “Lindsey coast”, in the southern and eastern parts of that<br />

division which looked to Spilsby and finally the estates in Holland,<br />

Norfolk and London which had passed out of the family’s hands soon<br />

after 1600.<br />

The value of this collection for genealogical and feudal history was<br />

realised as early as the 17th century, for comparison of surviving sections<br />

of Bishop Sanderson’s notes (<strong>Report</strong> 1951-2, p. 33) with these<br />

deeds shows that he saw and noted most of them and others that have<br />

not survived, and drew or described a number of the seals. Moreover<br />

the number of deeds of an early period, (188 being datable before 1280)<br />

and the great diversity of place represented among them gives the<br />

collection peculiar value for the study of the place names of the county.<br />

The bulk of the deposit is taken up with documents’relating to the<br />

estates of the Bek and Willoughby families, united c. 1300 in the person<br />

of William de Wilughby son of Robert de Wilughby and Alice Bek, in<br />

south and east Lindsey. Many of these are title deeds to additions made<br />

to the “original” estates, especially by John Bek in the second half of<br />

the thirteenth century. It has previously been observed (L.A.A.S., vol.<br />

4 part 1, pp. 1-56 Some Notes on the Mediaeval Manors of Fulstow),<br />

that John Bek purchased large quantities of small properties in Fulstow<br />

to consolidate his holding there and the same process can be seen here,<br />

particularly in the title deeds of Skidbrook, where many pieces of land<br />

were being conveyed to him in the second half of the 13th century by<br />

John Galle, Andrew son of Robert of Somercotes and others who had<br />

themselves purchased the lands from sokemen like Roger and Hugh,<br />

the sons of Wigot Cnoting (l/7/4 and 5) who had sold 304 acres and<br />

84 acres respectively to Andrew son of Robert. The same process of<br />

consolidation was pursued, rapidly by John Bek, more gradually by<br />

the Willoughby family which succeeded him, in a number of different<br />

manors in south-east Lindsey. The documents relating to these purchases<br />

reveal the family in close association, especially in the 14th century,<br />

with other <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> families of equal or lower status, such as<br />

Trehampton, Copledike and De La Launde who figure as trustees or<br />

vendors and incidentally provide numerous examples of the fine armorial

seals of these and. other families. Not much can be learned from them<br />

of the administration of the estates: Anchetin the servant of Walter Bek I<br />

occurs as tenant of a fee in Wisping-ton c. 1175 (1/33/l) and John<br />

Fraunceys, servant of John Bek, was his tenant in Raithby by Spilsby<br />

(l/29/1-3); in 1380 Robert de Wilughby enfeoffed a tenant with land,<br />

in the presence of his council (l/29/22) and Albinus of Enderby appears<br />

as his steward in a number of transactions about the year 1400.<br />

The interest of individual documents is very great and much that<br />

deserves comment must be omitted. There is, however, tucked inside<br />

the fold of a conveyance of land in Grebby dated 1282 (l/26/10) a<br />

Norman-French letter giving proof that the vendor is of age and the<br />

same group of documents contains a conveyance to Peter of Scremby<br />

lord of the manor of ten selions in Grebby, which he is to be allowed to<br />

enclose and hold in severalty. (l/26/ 15, 1330). There are examples of<br />

exchange for the purpose of enclosures at Spilsby in 1656 (l/2/54) and<br />

Edenham in 1659 (l/3/25). Among many instances of the operation<br />

of .feudal relationships is the agreementr,made in 1347 between John de<br />

Wilughby and Alice countess of Lincoln about the right of escheat over<br />

a toft in Hundleby which had belonged to a man hung for felony and<br />

which Alice had wrongfully claimed in right of her court of Bolingbroke.<br />

An example of the economic arrangements possible in a feudal<br />

society is found in a document of unknown provenance of the late 13th<br />

century (l/41/16) which contains a memorandum of the number of<br />

works done for 234 bovates of land in Lutton and Sutton in a single<br />

year, with a detailed account of the nature of the employment, which<br />

included “Digging the sea bank” on a number of occasions. The whole<br />

concludes with a balance of 708Q days owing by the lord, each bovate<br />

being responsible for providing 107 days.<br />

The upkeep of coastal defences and the reclamation of land from<br />

the sea are illuminated by a number of documents. At Killingholme in<br />

the early 13th century there is mention of a rent charge which represented<br />

all charges on a piece of land except “defence of the sea and<br />

* marsh” and there are a number of similar references in the Skidbrook<br />

and Saltfleetby deeds (l/7). At Mablethorp (l/11/3) and Sutton<br />

(l/12/19) 4 pastures called Nucroft in le Neufen, surrounded by<br />

ditches, suggest methods of reclamation already in vogue by the early<br />

14 c. and at Skidbrook two holdings of sea-bank and marsh, “across<br />

from” two holdings in the common field, are mentioned in a conveyance<br />

of the mid 13th century. Social conditions in the coastal villages. reflect I<br />

those described by sir Frank Stenton in The Free Peasantry of the NOTthem<br />

Danelaw (Lund, 1926), with free conveyances of small pieces of<br />

land by sokemen of Anglo-Danish descent who pay rents in lieu of<br />

services, at the four terms “fixed in the soke of Gayton.” The presence<br />

of villeins is however ta ‘be noted; Matilda de Rabayne conveyed a<br />

villein and his land in Skidbrook to John Bek in 1284 (l/7/5) and<br />

villeins are mentioned at Sutton in 1339 (l/12/22). There is much topographical<br />

detail in the coastal charters, particularly those of Skidbrook<br />

where for example the haven called “Mar” occurs in. the mid 13th<br />

century (l/7/27). Finally there is mid 13th century sale made by<br />

Basilia de Marisco for 8 marks “so that I may perform my pilgrimage”<br />

(l/7/8) *<br />

Miss Marian Dale printed, as a document of some rarity a deed of<br />

partition of a manor-house at Chalgrave, dated 138617 (Cozm! Roll of<br />

Chalgrave Manor 1278-1313, Beds. Historical Record Society, vol. 28,

3”<br />

195& pp. xxxi-xxxii) , A similar, earlier deed of partition of the manor<br />

of’ Orby, between Robert de Wilughby and Edmund Somervyle, made<br />

in 1317, has survived in this deposit (l/31). It is a document of some<br />

importance because not only does it set forth the entire demesne land in<br />

great detail, but the rooms and outbuildings, gardens and ditches of the<br />

manor house are enumerated so fully as almost to make it possible to<br />

draw a plan of the structure.<br />

Valuable topographical detail occurs in most of the earlier charters<br />

of the deposit and references occur to the sites of monastic cells or<br />

granges which seem to be otherwise lost. In the Partney deeds there are<br />

for example, two references a century apart to a road leading to the<br />

court of the monks there (l/28/2 and 8)) that is, to the cell of Bardney<br />

which is known to have existed at Partney (G. G. Walker, A History<br />

of Partney, Spilsby, 1898, p. 52). A selion called Spitelponstret, in the<br />

east field of Great Steeping, is mentioned several times in the 14th<br />

century, (l/20/10, 13, 51) and two water mills in Halton Holgate, each<br />

with its “Saa” appear as bounds in the same period (l/23/5 and 12).<br />

Even more detailed topographical information of the year 1280 appears<br />

in the document by which William de Well and his villeins of Bonthorp<br />

agree with William de Wilughby that their traditional church way to<br />

Willoughby shall no longer pass directly through William’s court but<br />

shall be diverted to the north (l/14/5). The Spilsby deeds have a<br />

number of references to the market place and in 1330 les Clathbothes<br />

on its north side are mentioned (l/24/ 19). Some of these Spilsby deeds<br />

appear to relate to the property of the college founded in its parish<br />

church by John de Wilughby in 1347; it is clear from one of them that<br />

on some occasions one or other of the chantry priests kept a school for<br />

in 1479 John Fenne, chaplain of the chantry of Spilsby is described as<br />

“master of the schools” in Spilsby. (l/24/47). Moreover there is a<br />

letter of proxy and instructions for a proctor in a case heard at the papal<br />

Curia concerning the endowments of the chantry.<br />

The deposit contains a small group of Norfolk charters (l/42)<br />

which are concerned with the estates brought into Willoughby hands<br />

by the marriage of John de Wilughby (second lord Willoughby) and<br />

Joan Rosceline. Related deeds were printed by Professor Douglas from<br />

among the Harleian Charters (Social Structure of Medimal East<br />

Anglia, Oxford Studies in Social and Legal History IX, 1927, pp. 222-<br />

228), another occurred among the title deeds of Fulstow, which was<br />

alienated in the early seventeenth century and another has just been<br />

discovered among a group of miscellaneous deeds purchased from a<br />

dealer by Captain Cragg. Perhaps the most notable of these Norfolk<br />

documents is a lease of demesne land at Walcott in 1402 which carries<br />

the obligation to enclose the plot with a dyke called Worpdyke, presumably<br />

for drainage or reclamation purposes, within five years.<br />

(I/42/3) -<br />

It seemed until this deposit was made that very few monastic documents<br />

could have remained at Grimsthorpe from among the large numbers<br />

which were known to have been taken there in consequence of the<br />

grants of monastic properties received by Charles Brandon, Duke of<br />

Suffolk, at the Dissolution. Though large numbers of the Greenfield<br />

Priory deeds passed into the Harleian Library (Danelaw Charters, numbers<br />

116-155) a few were overlooked. They include the endowment of<br />

an anniversary mass by John and Agnes Steyndrop in 1476 (l/18 / 4)<br />

and a provision made by her family for a nun of good family about to

39<br />

enter the convent in 1397 (l/18/7), Hagnaby Abbey, of the records<br />

of which Tanner has almost nothing to say (Notitia Mona&a, London,<br />

1744, p. 273)) is represented by a deed of endowment of an anniversary<br />

mass by Agnes de Percy (l/41 / 1) of c. 1270 and letters patent of general<br />

pardon granted to the prior and convent in 1457 (l/41/15). At least<br />

one other Hagnaby document (also relating to the Percy obit) is among<br />

the Harleian Charters (44 E 14). A single magnificent Revesby charter,<br />

even more important than that deposited this year by Mr. Passmore and<br />

the <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> Architectural and Archaeological Society, survives<br />

among these documents. ,(l / 19). It is a detailed confirmation by<br />

William of Roumara III of the grants made by his uncle at the foundation<br />

of the abbey; it is dated 31 March 1172 and has a fine equestrian<br />

seal on a leather tag. The contemporary endorsement, with the number<br />

10, shows it to be a duplicate and Dugdale prints, from a charter then<br />

at Grimsthorpe, a similar but slightly shorter version, dated one day<br />

later (Monasticon, v. 455). J. B. Stanhope gives an abstract, (Abstracts<br />

of the Deeds and Charters now at Revesby Abbey, Horncastle, 1889, p.<br />

4) from a copy in British Mus. Add. Ms. 6118, p. 331), which seems to<br />

be based on the present document.<br />

Little has been known before this of the records of Vaudey Abbey;<br />

only two Vaudey deeds can be traced to Grimsthorpe among the<br />

Harleian Charters (43.A.19 and 45.A.25) and the writer of the Victoria<br />

County History account (ii, 143-4) knew scarcely any others. A single<br />

charter of Robert de Gaunt (1147-1182) was printed in the Historical<br />

Manztscripts Cowmission’s <strong>Report</strong> (pp. 450-451). The present deposit<br />

contains forty-five documents which can be regarded as part of the<br />

muniments of Vaudey. None of them is among the “foundation charters”<br />

of the first years of the abbey and two only, those of David the<br />

priest and Robert Joie (l/l / 1 and 2) are earlier than the confirmation<br />

charter of Richard I (Monasticon, V, 490). The donors in the remaining<br />

charters of grant are members of that branch of the Amundeville<br />

family which held the fee of Gaunt in Edenham and Scottlethorp<br />

(L.A.A.S.R., vol. 3 part 2, C. T. Clay, The <strong>Family</strong> of Amundeville, pp.<br />

109-136), a few neighbouring landlords such as Hugh son of Alan of<br />

Rippingale (l/1/15), Osbert son of Nigel of Ingoldsby (l/1/12) and<br />

Stephen of Jarum (11 l/24) and smaller inhabitants of Edenham and<br />

Morton whose gifts consist of two or three selions of arable or single<br />

plots of meadow.<br />

The charters of grant bear endorsements and press marks, in hands ’<br />

of the late 13th century, which make possible a partial reconstruction<br />

of the scheme on which the endowments were divided among different<br />

funds and it has been possible to arrange and catalogue them according<br />

to these funds. The funds which appear in the endorsements are: the<br />

abbacy (l-9)) the convent (10-12)) the fabric of the church (13-15))<br />

the gate ( 16-30)) the wool-house (31) and the mill or tannery (32).<br />

The assignment of endowments to separate funds seems to have begun<br />

relatively early, thou’gh not so soon as the first of these charters. None<br />

of the charters endorsed “abbacy” is granted specifically to the abbot<br />

but gifts to the “work of the Monks’ church” survive from the early<br />

13th century, considerably before the date of the endorsements and<br />

suggest that as in secular cathedrals (K. Edwards, English Secular<br />

Cathedrals, Manchester, 1949, pp. 233-8) the formation of a separate<br />

fabric fund account began early. Similarly there is a grant for the work<br />

of the gatehouse (l/20) which can be dated earlier than 1233, though<br />

some undoubtedly later grants, endorsed as belonging to the gatehouse

fund, are made to the abbot and convent and in no way earmarked.<br />

The wool-house and tannery grants are made specifically for these objects<br />

and can be dated in the mid 13th century. A slightly different type of<br />

grant (1 / 1/ 10) was made very early in the 13th century by Thomas<br />

the chaplain of Thurlby, to provide pittances for the monks on certain<br />

specified feasts and this is placed, by the endorsements, in the convent<br />

fund. Endorsements for the abbacy and the convent have also been<br />

identified in the strips of the first deposit (Ant. 3 129 13).<br />

If Vaudey were not a Cistercian house it might seem that some of<br />

the funds thus created represent the endo+ments which would subsequently<br />

support independent obedientiaries especially as the land<br />

granted for the upkeep of the gate is soon afterwards described as “the<br />

porter’s land” (l/l /26) and the existence of a “brother woolman” is<br />

known from other sources (Rot&i Hwtdredorzcm, Record Commission,<br />

1812-18, p. I, 259). There is however no evidence from the court rolls<br />

of Vaudey manors, a number ,of which have survived from the early<br />

14th century onwards, (2 120 and first Ancaster deposit 3/ 13, 25) that<br />

any such independence existed.<br />

The numbers in the endorsements make it clear that this group of<br />

charters is only a small portion of the whole. Each fund seems to have<br />

been divided, into at least four table, (the use of this word suggests the<br />

preparation of a list or cartulary) and in each tabula there were a number<br />

of charters of which the highest surviving number is forty-five. The<br />

date of the endorsements is probably later than a charter of William de<br />

Wellebi of 5 February 1278 (1 /l/29) but only the 12th and 13th<br />

charters of grant and their associated documents are endorsed in this<br />

way. A grant of free warren in 1298 (l/2/ 1) and a gift made by<br />

Geoffrey Lutterel in 1318 (l/2/2) have no endorsement. It seems<br />

therefore that the endorsements relate to the creation of special funds<br />

which may afterwards have been recorded iti a cartulary, but are not<br />

neces&ily indications of the way in which the whole of the abbey’s<br />

muniments were kept. It seems likely also that no attempt was made<br />

to preserve the earlier muniments at least, by place. Some but by no<br />

means all, bear a later (14th century) endorsement of place name, but<br />

no number or press mark is appended and the scheme of arrangement<br />

cannot now be recovered unless more deeds can be found.<br />

No conclusions can be drawn about either the hands or the diplomatic<br />

of these charters. With the exception of the two earliest charters,<br />

those of David the priest and Robert Joie, no two charters resemble<br />

each other in hand or phraseology and the many charters of Agnes<br />

daughter of Geoffrey le Butiller are particularly notable for their variety<br />

of style.<br />

A point of some interest is a long strip of parchment containing<br />

the first line of a papal mandate of about 1300, addressed to the abbot<br />

and convent of Vaudey, which has been threaded through the seal-tag<br />

slit of a grant of about 1250 (l/15) but shows no sign of having borne<br />

a seal.<br />

A certain amount of light is thrown by these documents on the<br />

economic life of the abbey and incidentally on the topography of Edenham<br />

and Scottlethorp. The earliest grant refers to the abbey’s quarry<br />

( 1 J l/2) and masons occur as witnesses or neighbours in almost every<br />

charter. The abbey’s conduit (near to Prestebrige) is mentioned in a<br />

mid 13th century grant (1 / 1 / 8) . Most light is thrown on the economic

affairs of the abbey by a document of the early 15th century containing<br />

copies of pleadings in a cause between Vaudey and Bridlington Priory<br />

(the owner of the rectory of Edenham). The prior and convent of<br />

Bridlington claimed common in a pasture which had at one time been<br />

held by Vaudey in severalty. This pasture called Le Skort had not<br />

been commoned before the great pestilence when all the convent’s shepherds<br />

died and it had been necessary to lease the pasture and the sheepfold<br />

on it to a layman, by whom commoning had been allowed<br />

(l/2/13).<br />

The remaining title deeds found loose elsewhere in the deposit<br />

record the sale or exchange of various small properties near to lands<br />

already held by the family in Lindsey and Kesteven. A number of<br />

them are counterparts of sales of properties in Willoughby, Sloothby<br />

and Hogsthorpe which in the early 18th century are balanced by purchases<br />

in Edenham, Swinstead and Creeton.<br />

The 389 court-rolls contained in the second tray of the chest came<br />

from no new manors though a few of the rolls were earlier than any in<br />

the previous collection and it should be possible to reconstruct from<br />

them and the first deposit a fairly complete picture of the working of<br />

manorial courts in the lands of John Bek at about 1390. There is also<br />

in the two deposits a considerable body of material for the study of the<br />

courts of the abbot of Vaudey, which is not unfortunately, paralleled<br />

by any account rolls. Many of the rolls contain references to seadefences<br />

and land drainage, those of Fishtoft, where a reeve of the sea<br />

and marsh-dykes was noted as early as 1311 (2/5 / 22) being particularly<br />

good. A notable inventory of clothes and books cast up on the sand<br />

hills at Marshchapel in 1598 is entered under the heading w1yecca maris<br />

on the court-roll of that year (2/ 6 /37). One of the small number of<br />

rolls for Greenfield priory contains a reference to the master of the<br />

schools at Market Rasen who in 1422 was presented for brewing beer<br />

contrary to the assize (Z/7 / 2) and in 1568 the Alford court rolls have<br />

an early reference to fireworks when William Marshall was presented<br />

for bringing “a squybb” into the town to the manifest danger of all<br />

(2/l/27).<br />

With the court rolls was found a group of paper books of the mid<br />

sixteenth century, similar to one noted in the first deposit. These contain<br />

copies of title deeds and extracts from court rolls, their purpose<br />

being apparently to record on the one hand the title of the lord to<br />

certain properties and on the other the terms on which copy-hold tenures<br />

had been created. Some rentals and surveys of individual holdings<br />

were also recorded there. Taken together with surveys of the same<br />

period for Edenham, Grimsthorpe and Swinstead (4 / 1, 3) with the later<br />

title deeds and with the grouped court rolls which appear in the second<br />

half of the century (Z/23) they provide a useful source of information<br />

for the organisation of a great estate augmented by monastic properties<br />

and for the general policy of land-owners in the second half of the<br />

sixteenth century.<br />

The present deposit contained a large and valuable series of estate<br />

accounts and vouchers of the eighteenth century, the few gaps in which<br />

are supplied by stray items in the Lindsey deposit noted above. It is<br />

clear from the deposit that in the 18th century four separate accounts<br />

were kept, for the Edenham, Castle Bytham, Lindsey Coast and Welsh<br />

estates though one accountant dealt with the first two, as might have

eeti sxpected. The same accountant, for what might be called the<br />

“Home” estates dealt with all household expenditure, both in Grimsthorpe<br />

and in London and with the personal expenditure of successive<br />

Dukes. There are in addition a few household accounts, including a<br />

wages bill for Grimsthorpe in 1637 and a London account in some detail<br />

for the years 1647-9. A single year’s account which appears to be for<br />

the year 1678 has details of election and Lieutenancy expenses which<br />

are of some interest.<br />

The maps and surveys in the present deposit are relatively few in<br />

number though there are severa interesting pre-enclosure surveys including<br />

one for the Navenby estate, with a plan of buildings attached,<br />

which was evidently made when it was purchased for a hunting lodge in<br />

the early 18th century. Most of the maps date from about 1818 when<br />

a complete set of estate maps seem to have been made. Portions of a<br />

somewhat decayed map of Coningsby, apparently made just before the<br />

enclosure of the lordship, have also survived. The deposit included a<br />

copy of Armstrong’s <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> map of 1778 with a separate reprint<br />

of the wapentake of Beltislowe.<br />

The position of the earls of Lindsey and their successors as Lords<br />

Lieutenant of the Crown and Custodes Rotulorum within the county of<br />

Lincoln explains the presence in this deposit of a considerable body of<br />

material relating to the lieutenancy and to a series of commissions for<br />

the lieutenancy and the keepership ranging from late in the reign of<br />

Charles II, to the first year of William IV, with certain other “public”<br />

documents, including an inspeximus under the seal of the Duchy of<br />

Lancaster of a judgment in the Duchy Court about the upkeep of<br />

Wainfleet Haven (1560). This group of documents has not yet been<br />

catalogued in detail but a catalogue of papers resulting from the office<br />

of lieutenancy has been made by Miss Jean Monteith. These records<br />

are in two groups, the first of which, for the year 17151716, has lists<br />

of names and information about the basis on which the regiment was<br />

raised in the county in these years. There is a much larger group of<br />

papers for the perilous years 1756-62, including returns of numbers,<br />

with officers’ names and a number of letters relating to supplies, applications<br />

and recommendations for commissions. One group of papers<br />

relates to the proposed muster of the regiment at Lincoln in December<br />

1759 when an outbreak of small-pox caused the transfer of the muster<br />

to Stamford from where the regiment eventually marched to Manchester.<br />

Other letters are concerned with a dispute for precedence between the<br />

northern (Lindsey) and southern (Kesteven and Holland) battalions.<br />

The public position of the Dukes of Ancaster within the county<br />

seems to explain their participation in a variety of enterprises traces of<br />

which are seen here in a collection of miscellaneous public acts, letters<br />

and memoranda about the setting up of the County Assembly Rooms<br />

(17457) and a list of subscriptions to a fund for the relief of Spilsby<br />

after the fire of 1707.<br />

Title deeds.<br />

Summary of collection<br />

Aby 1573, 1819-76, 3 items; Addlethorpe, 1856, 1 item: Ailby, early<br />

13 c. 1333, 2 items; Alford, 1405, 1565, 1649-98, 6 items: Anderby,<br />

c. 1300, 1 item: Authorpe, 1321, 2 items; Rratoft, 1335, 1 item;<br />

Rurgh le Marsh, 1565-1650, 5 items; Great Carlton, 1609, 1 item;<br />

Coningsby, 1792-1880, 24 items: Creeton, mid 13th century-1641,

43<br />

7 items; Deeping Fen, 1637-9, 10 items; Edenham, mid 13th century-1676,<br />

34 items; Wood Enderby, late 13th century, 2 items;<br />

Fishtoft, late 13 century to 1542, 3 items; Friskney, 1307-1336, 5<br />

items: Gayton le Marsh, early 14th century-1459, 6 items; Grebby,<br />

late 12th century, 4 items; Little Grimsby, 1585, 1 item; Hagworthingham,<br />

c. 1240-1339, 18 items; Halton Holgate, 1316-1857,<br />

61 items; Hareby, c. 1246-1610, 5 items; Hundleby, 1317-1659, 16<br />

items; Huttoft, 1349, 1 item; Ingoldmells, early 14th century-1612,<br />

13 items; Killingholme, c. 1311-1350, 7 items: East Kirkby, 1347-<br />

1620, 2 items; Leake and Leverton, late 13th century-1609, 5<br />

items; Louth, 1596-1672, 26 items; Mablethorp, early 13th century<br />

to 1649, 8 items; Martin by Timberland,,l405-38, 11 items; Moorby,<br />

early 13th century to 1609, 9 items; Wold Newton, 1608, 1 item;<br />

Orby, 1317, 1 item; Partney, late 12th century-1876, 25 items;<br />

Pinchbeck, early 13th century-1562, 5 items; Raithby by Spilsby,<br />

c. 1197-1380, 22 items; Riby, c. 1230, 1 item; Scremby, c. 1250-<br />

1492, 34 items; Sibsey, 1301-1325, 10 items: Skendleby, 1867-9, 10<br />

items; Skidbrook and Saltfleetby, late 12th century-1650, 69<br />

items; Spilsby, 1271-1666, 55 items; Great Steeping, c. 1240-1430,<br />

13 items; Stixwould, c. 1300, 1 item; Sutton le Marsh, c. 1180-<br />

1409, 25 items; Sutton in Holland, late 13th century, 1 item:<br />

Swaby, 1435, 1 item; Swinstead, 1395-1675, 13 items: Toynton,<br />

All Saints, and St. Peter, 1560-1681, 30 items: Ulceby, 1611, 1<br />

item; Waddingham, late 13th century, 1 item; Welton le Marsh,<br />

1326-1879, 12 items; Wilksby, c. 1231-c. 1300, 7 items; South<br />

Willing-ham, 1620, 1 item; Willoughby le Marsh and Sloothby,<br />

late 13th century-1738, 33 items; Wispington, c. 1160-1325, 6<br />

items.<br />

Greenfield Priory, c. 1240-1533, 13 items: Hagnaby Abbey, c. 1270-<br />

1458, 2 items; Revesby Abbey, 1172, 1 item: Vaudey Abbey, c.<br />

1180-1610, 45 items.<br />

London, the Barbican, 1348-1611, 7 items; Norfolk, Aldby, Thurton<br />

and Walcott, late 12th century to 1506, 5 items; Northumberland,<br />

Rothley, late 13th century (Anthony Bek) 1 item; Rutland, Glaston<br />

and Bisbrooke, 1636-1754, 28 items.<br />

Court Rolls:<br />

Alford, Acclom 1568-71, 9 items, Hamby, 1508-58, 20 items, Rither<br />

1510-12, 1 item, cum membris, 14251578, 8 items; Blyborough,<br />

1551-2, 1 item; Burton Goggles, 1577-8, 1 item; Burwell, 1548-51,<br />

2 items; Edenham, 1527-1628, 38 items; Elsham, 1572, 1 item;<br />

Fishtoft, 1303-1600, 70 items; Fulstow, 1509-78, 38 items; W. Keal,<br />

1501-2, 1 item; Kirton Holland, 1549, 1 item; Partney, 1394-1605,<br />

35 items; Pinchbeck, 1405-1554, 2 items; Raithby 1567-8, 1 item;<br />

Saltfleet and Skidbrook, 1337-1582, 8 items: Saucethorp, 1550, 1<br />

item; Spilsby, 1296-1553, 22 items; Steeping, 1509-66, 2 items:<br />

Stickney, 1551, 1 item; Toynton, 1417-1522, 11 items; Welton le<br />

Marsh, 1430-1601, 13 items; Willoughby le Marsh, 1334-1540, 17<br />

items; Wilsford, 1559-60, 1 item.<br />

Bullington Priory, 1565-9, 3 items; Greenfield Priory, 1400-22, 2 items;<br />

Kirkstead Abbey, 1496-1551, 10 items; Newsham Priory, 1559-73,<br />

1 item; Vaudey Abbey, Creeton, 1317-1542, 5 items: Easton, 1340-<br />

1530, 25 items; Edenham, 1510-35, 7 items; Swinstead, 1464-1554,<br />

6 items.

44<br />

Devon, Flute Damerell, 1548-9, Holbeton, 1541-2, Holsworthy, 1549-<br />

59, 3 items Somerset, Bulstone, 1549-51, 3 items; Warwick, Monk’s<br />

Kirkby, 1410-11, (a compotus) and 1549, 2 items.<br />

Grouped rolls, all <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> manors, 1548-1628, 18 items.<br />

Copies and abstracts, for Aby, Donington in Holland, Edenham,<br />

Hundleby, Ingoldmells, Pinchbeck, Raithby, Skidbrook and Saltfieethaven,<br />

Spilsby, Steeping, Stickford, Toynton, Welton le Marsh,<br />

Willoughby le Marsh, Wispington, c. 1540-50, 25 items.<br />

<strong>Family</strong> Settlements : Bek and Willoughby, c. 1285-1527, 55 items.<br />

Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk, 1384-1550, 53 items.<br />

Richard and Katherine Bertie, 1552-1581, 24 items.<br />

Lindsey and Ancaster, 1659-1747, 46 items.<br />

Surveys and Rentals : Edenham and Grimsthorpe, 1547-1656, 3 items;<br />

Navenby, early 18th century; Swaby, 1725; Swinstead, 1564-1776,<br />

3 items; Willoughby and Sloothby, 1681; all estates, 1642.<br />

Maps: Aby, 1837; Ashby by Partney, early 19th century; Belleau,<br />

1891; Bratoft, c. 1800-1839, 4 items; Burgh le Marsh, 1846-1906, 3<br />

items; Cockerington, c. 1820, 2 items; Coningsby, late 18th century<br />

to 1857, 9 items; Edenham, mid 19th century;. Gosberton, 1818;<br />

Grimsthorpe, 1890; Halton Holgate, 1847; Hundleby mid 19th century;<br />

Leake, 1906; Partney, 1851; Skirbeck and Boston, late 18th<br />

century-1869, 3 items; Sloothby, mid 19th century, 3 items;<br />

Spilsby, 1818-1859, 7 items; Stickford, c. 1820-1906, 3 items;<br />

Steeping, 1839; Thorpe by Waintieet, 1823; Toynton, 1821-late 19th<br />

century, 9 items; Wainfleet St. Mary, mid 19th; Willoughby le<br />

Marsh, mid 19th century, 5 items.<br />

Stretton co. Rutland, mid 19th century.<br />

<strong>Lincolnshire</strong>, 1778, 2 items.<br />

Accounts and vouchers:<br />

Grimsthorpe estates, expenditure only, 1732-76, 16 items; rentals only<br />

1666-1744, 18 items; rentals, expenditure and vouchers 1780-1804,<br />

28 items; each tied with 12 bundles of vouchers; Lobthorpe and<br />

Castle Bytham, rentals and expenditure, 1758-1803, 22 items;<br />

Lindsey coast estates, expenditure only 1619-1826, 11 items; rentals<br />

and expenditure, 1671-1703, 1736-45, 12 items.<br />

Welsh estates, rentals and expenditure, 1711-12, 1751-75, 27 items.<br />

Whole estate, rentals, 1748-68, 19 items.<br />

Household expenditure, London and Grimsthorpe, 1637-1836, 24 items.<br />

Miscellaneous accounts, including racing stable, 1638-1775, 5 items.<br />

Personal expenditure, vouchers, 1780-1837, c. 100 bundles.<br />

Miscellaneous estate papers, 18th and 19th centuries, 70 bundles.<br />

Commissions and other documents relating to public life, l&60-1830,<br />

30 items.<br />

Lieutenancy : Lists of troops, 1715-16, 10 items: printed bills and<br />

notices, 1756-60, 6 items; returns of numbers, 1756-74, 19 items;<br />

letters and memoranda relating to the administration of the regiment,<br />

1756-60, 40 items.<br />

Miscellaneous material, public life in <strong>Lincolnshire</strong>: printed material,<br />

drainage, 1670-1811, 17 items; turnpikes, 1765-1860., 8 items; ,<br />

enclosures, 1768-96, 13 items: account book, Spilsby fire 1707,<br />

letters and account books, assembly rooms, 1745-7, 12 items.

Heathcote family: vouchers and accounts, 1705-1807, 150 bundles.<br />

Bertie of Uffington, subsequently Ancaster, rentals, estate accounts,<br />

vouchers, 1719-9 1, 22 bundles..<br />


The receiving of this deposit was noted briefly in the Archivists’<br />

<strong>Report</strong> 1952-3, p. 32. Many of these records were in a state of much<br />

dirt and confusion in an upper room in Silver Street and a considerable<br />

amount of sorting was necessary before a list could be made. This firm<br />

had had at least one removal before the present deposit took place .and<br />

it is thought that losses of documents may have taken place. There has<br />

remained however much material, though not of great antiquity, in the<br />

shape of title deeds, records of clerkships to schools and charities, and<br />

records of stewardships to manors.<br />

Title deeds<br />

Bardney 1695-1835, 24 items; Bassingham 1813-49, 13 items; Billinghay<br />

1593-1731, 13 Items; Boston 1697-1926, 36 items; Bracebridge 1847-<br />

93, 18 items; Brampton 1730-1818, 9 items; Branston 1826-93, 12<br />

items: Dorrington 1787-1876, 10 items; Fiskerton 1852-72, 2<br />

items; Fledborough co. Nottingham 1706-1866; a map dated 1822,<br />

41 items; Harmston 1681-1804, 16 items; Ingoldmells 1838-1911, 30<br />

items; Kirkby Green 1557-1720, 5 items; North Kyme 1815-49,<br />

copy of enclosure act, 18 items; North Kyme 181852, 8 items;<br />

Laneham co. Nottingham 1858-61, 2 items; Lincoln, various messuages<br />

and cottages, Fish Hill or Michael Gate 1808-54, 15 items;<br />

Red Lion in St. Martin 1808-76, 24 items; Hungate 1799-1840, 12<br />

items; Swanpool Court in St. Mary le Wigford 1857;67, 7 items;<br />

maltkiln and slaughter house St. Swithin 1813-89, 19 items; Silver<br />

Street 1857-67, 2 items; Drury Lane or Saw Pit Hill 1812-71, 12<br />

items; St. Paul in the Bail 1797-1812, 5 items; Burton Road 1858-<br />

82, 5 items; Lindum Villas 1811-67, 7 items; St. Peter at Gowts,<br />

leasehold, 1790-1867; St. Peter at Gowts, High Street, 1825-79, 9<br />

items; Canwick Road 1846-1912, 14 items: Hungate and West<br />

Parade 1868-86, 6 items; Rasen Lane 1852-55, 3 items; Silver<br />

Street 1820-1913, 12 items: St. Benedict 1865, St. Mark 1875;<br />

Bishop Norton 1772-1844, 6 items; Metheringham 1735-1855, 14<br />

items; Metheringham, Mason’s Farm, 1700-99, 13 items; Metheringham<br />

1568-1728, 10 items; Melbourn and Meldreth co. Cambridge<br />

1772-1896, 33 items; Navenby 1773-1871, 29 items: Saxilby<br />

1787-1859, 30 items; Saxilby 1840-48, 2 items: Saxilby 1751-1891,<br />

22 items; Scothern 1710-1871, 30 items: Scothern 1719-1877, 4<br />

items; Scatter 1814-49, 19 items; Thornton le Moor 1872, 2 items:<br />

Timberland Fen 1755-1868, 11 items: Waddington 1811, 3 items:<br />

Waddington blacksmith shop 1731-1876, 30 items: Cherry Willingham<br />

1851-97, 17 items; Cherry Willingham 1849-76, 10 items;<br />

Washingborough 1779-1884, 42 items; a miscellaneous bundle of<br />

unrelated deeds 1749-1910, 29 items.<br />

Personal documents<br />

Probates and administrations, 1808-1916, 66 items: settlements 1792-<br />

1922, 15 items; partnerships and assignments for creditors 1826-50,<br />

6 items.

Working Papers<br />

Draft conveyances, particulars of sale and correspondence relating to<br />

them and other legal business 1863-1925, 28 main items and subsidiary<br />

papers. Abstract of title 1832-1905, 27 items.<br />

Working Bobks<br />

Letter books 1892-3, 1903-30, 1936-8, 33 books; account books 1880,<br />

1886; a book of duplicate returns of land values made for clients in<br />

various parts of the county 1910.<br />

Under Sheriff and Political<br />

Duplicate returns of members of parliament, city of Lincoln, 1807, 1808,<br />

1812, 1814, 1818, 1820, 1822, 1826, 1831, 1835, 1839, 1841, 1847,<br />

1848, 1852, 1856, 1857, 1859, 1861, 1862: county of Lincoln 1832,<br />

1841, 1847, 1852, 1857.<br />

Appointment of undersheriff 1852.<br />

Assignments of the gaol, the sheriff to his successor 1813, 1819. These<br />

give names of prisoners then in Lincoln Castle.<br />

Extract of fines, quarter sessions of Boston and Spalding 1857-8.<br />

Letter book of Henry T. Williams undersheriff (seems actually to have<br />

been a general letter book) 1829-31.<br />

Two note books re Lincoln city elections 1906, 1910, J. G. Williams<br />

election agent.<br />

Clerkship to Governors<br />

Richard Smith doctor of medicine established in 1612 a charity to<br />

educate 12 boys, in Christ’s Hospital, Lincoln. Colonel J. G. Williams<br />

was clerk to the governors of this charity and the following records<br />

were found in this deposit :-<br />

Schemes: papers mainly relating to the change of scheme for the charity,<br />

whereby the funds were diverted to the Lincoln Grammar School<br />

and Girls’ High School 1876-82. This contains interesting material<br />

for the attitude of the Charity Commissioners to the school in 1876,<br />

before the new scheme, as “not conducive to education” and to<br />

the expenditure on maintenance and clothing as disproportionate.<br />

The governors appear to have been well satisfied with the school<br />

and wished it to be carried on unchanged. Lists of names were<br />

prepared showing examples of the value of the education received<br />

by scholars 1855-70 and a list of boys leaving 1870-80 showing that<br />

60% left to be “mechanics”, 25% clerks and 15% to learn trades:<br />

85 items.<br />

Minute books: With accounts at audit, 1883-91, 1891-1902; draft minute<br />

books: 1883-94, for the governors, Christ’s Hospital.<br />

Lincoln Grammar School 1878-1906, 5 books; Lincoln Girls’ High School<br />

1893-1906.<br />

Documents relating to property: draft conveyances and agreements to<br />

purchase lands at Potter Hanworth, Frampton and Kirton 1919-20,<br />

90 items; plans of Kirton and Frampton 1837, plans of Grammar<br />

School buildings 1905.

Particular charities: rental and accounts, land in Low Layton, Essex,<br />

1690-93, Smith’s charity; payments to poor widows and poor aged<br />

men Dr. Peter Richier 1759-1836, with marks and signatures of<br />

recipients; correspondence relating to Dame Margaret Thorold’s<br />

charity being taken over for administration by the trustees of the<br />

municipal charities 1889; copies of deeds, minutes and payments<br />

relating to Shuttleworth’s charity for former employees of Stamp<br />

End works and their widows 1891-1923; applications and payments<br />

for the same 1891-1926. ._<br />

i I m$ i<br />

,-A.“. I<br />

Stewardship of manors, Manor of Eagle<br />

Henry Williams and his successor Colonel John George Williams<br />

were stewards to the manor of Eagle and Williams and Glanfield continued<br />

to administer the affairs of this manor. Henry Williams was also<br />

steward of the manors of Stow and Amcotts, transferred in 1854 to the<br />

stewardship of Mr. Samuel Sketchley and subsequently to Toynbee and<br />

Larken (see Archivists’ <strong>Report</strong>s 1948-50 pp. 48-50 for a list of the<br />

records of these manors) and of the manor of Mere Hospital in Waddington<br />

apparently transferred to Mr. Richard Mason partner in the<br />

same firm in 1935 (see Archivists’ <strong>Report</strong> 1950-l p. 45 for a court book<br />

of this manor). There are some strays from these other manors and<br />

traces of their proceedings in the draft court books, but they are very<br />

few compared with the Eagle records.<br />

Manor of Eagle<br />

Court books: 1744-97, 1818-1931, 5 books (the enclosure of Eagle High<br />

Moor with plan is enrolled in 1841).<br />

Indexes to court rolls: 17321847, 4 books.<br />

Draft court books: manors of Stow, Eagle and Mere Hospital 1848-95,<br />

manors of Eagle and Mere Hospital 18951925, 2 books.<br />

Court Minutes: series 1738-1818, 1818-1928, occasional minutes 1889-<br />

1900, 107 items in all.<br />

Admissions and surrenders: overlapping series, 1744-1836, 1671-1825,<br />

1841-1922, 231 items in all.<br />

Mortgage surrenders: 1743-1841, 60 items.<br />

Warrants of satisfaction: 1771-1920, 52 items.<br />

Warrants on sale: 1817-1837, 11 items.<br />

Suit rolls: lists of copyholders and freeholders 1701-1865; copyholders<br />

call roll 1773-1811, 28 items in all, some covering several years.<br />

Presentments and verdicts: 1742-1837, 69 items.<br />

Rent books: 1868, 1889-1934, 13 books.<br />

Enfranchisement: 1898-1922, 6 draft deeds: composition agreements<br />

1925-35, 14 items.<br />

Correspondence: 1831-1940 (found loose and arranged chronologically),<br />

in bundles 1897-9, 1911-28, 277 items in all.<br />

Miscellaneous: Sundry papers 1684-1813, includes some surrenders,<br />

bonds and admissions, also agreement for enclosure of Low Moor<br />

Eagle 1684 and draft agreement for enclosure Church field and<br />

Whisby tield ? late 17 c., 25 items.

fund, are made to the abbot and convent and in no way earmarked.<br />

The wool-house and tannery grants are made specifically for these objects<br />

and can be dated in the mid 13th century. A slightly different type of<br />

grant (1 / 1/ 10) was made very early in the 13th century by Thomas<br />

the chaplain of Thurlby, to provide pittances for the monks on certain<br />

specified feasts and this is placed, by the endorsements, in the convent<br />

fund. Endorsements for the abbacy and the convent have also been<br />

identified in the strips of the first deposit (Ant. 3 129 13).<br />

If Vaudey were not a Cistercian house it might seem that some of<br />

the funds thus created represent the endo+ments which would subsequently<br />

support independent obedientiaries especially as the land<br />

granted for the upkeep of the gate is soon afterwards described as “the<br />

porter’s land” (l/l /26) and the existence of a “brother woolman” is<br />

known from other sources (Rot&i Hwtdredorzcm, Record Commission,<br />

1812-18, p. I, 259). There is however no evidence from the court rolls<br />

of Vaudey manors, a number ,of which have survived from the early<br />

14th century onwards, (2 120 and first Ancaster deposit 3/ 13, 25) that<br />

any such independence existed.<br />

The numbers in the endorsements make it clear that this group of<br />

charters is only a small portion of the whole. Each fund seems to have<br />

been divided, into at least four table, (the use of this word suggests the<br />

preparation of a list or cartulary) and in each tabula there were a number<br />

of charters of which the highest surviving number is forty-five. The<br />

date of the endorsements is probably later than a charter of William de<br />

Wellebi of 5 February 1278 (1 /l/29) but only the 12th and 13th<br />

charters of grant and their associated documents are endorsed in this<br />

way. A grant of free warren in 1298 (l/2/ 1) and a gift made by<br />

Geoffrey Lutterel in 1318 (l/2/2) have no endorsement. It seems<br />

therefore that the endorsements relate to the creation of special funds<br />

which may afterwards have been recorded iti a cartulary, but are not<br />

neces&ily indications of the way in which the whole of the abbey’s<br />

muniments were kept. It seems likely also that no attempt was made<br />

to preserve the earlier muniments at least, by place. Some but by no<br />

means all, bear a later (14th century) endorsement of place name, but<br />

no number or press mark is appended and the scheme of arrangement<br />

cannot now be recovered unless more deeds can be found.<br />

No conclusions can be drawn about either the hands or the diplomatic<br />

of these charters. With the exception of the two earliest charters,<br />

those of David the priest and Robert Joie, no two charters resemble<br />

each other in hand or phraseology and the many charters of Agnes<br />

daughter of Geoffrey le Butiller are particularly notable for their variety<br />

of style.<br />

A point of some interest is a long strip of parchment containing<br />

the first line of a papal mandate of about 1300, addressed to the abbot<br />

and convent of Vaudey, which has been threaded through the seal-tag<br />

slit of a grant of about 1250 (l/15) but shows no sign of having borne<br />

a seal.<br />

A certain amount of light is thrown by these documents on the<br />

economic life of the abbey and incidentally on the topography of Edenham<br />

and Scottlethorp. The earliest grant refers to the abbey’s quarry<br />

( I/ l/2) and masons occur as witnesses or neighbours in almost every<br />

charter. The abbey’s conduit (near to Prestebrige) is mentioned in a<br />

mid 13th century grant (1 / 1 / 8) . Most light is thrown on the economic

Bundle relating to enclosure: copy agreement following a decree in<br />

Chancery concerning the customs of the manors of Eagle and North<br />

Scarle 1585 (has reference to descent to the youngest child, election<br />

of greaves etc. and a rental of North Scarle 1587) ; copy<br />

decree regarding enclosure 1684, particulars of admeasurement of<br />

lands under the decree in Low Moor, the Holmes, Birklands, the<br />

Ings, 1684, report on the suggested improvement of cultivation of<br />

Barnsdale 1817, agreement for enclosure of High Moor 1820, 5<br />

items.<br />

Miscellaneous bundle contains: copy of agreement re customs of 1585;<br />

rental of chief rents 1634, a juror’s charge 1783, 9 items.<br />

A bundle, copies of wills, 9 items.<br />

Stewards’ fee books: 1849-1925, 4 books.<br />

This manor, like that of Crowle reported on last year, had a large<br />

proportion of copyhold land and had an active life until recent times.<br />

Appointments of manorial officers such as greaves and pinders continued<br />

to be made till about the middle of the last century and presentments of<br />

such matters as defective drains and noisome pigstyes continued till at<br />

least 1832.<br />

Association for the Prosecution of Felons<br />

Colonel J. G. Williams was secretary and treasurer of the Lincoln<br />

and <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> Association for the Prosecution of Felons, and bundles<br />

of vouchers, dinner menus and other papers for the year 1900-21 have<br />

been found. There was also a book with minutes and notices relating<br />

to thefts 1868-76, and printed rules 1889. Some notes in an envelope<br />

on the history of the association were found which give the date of<br />

foundation as 1802, but nothing earlier than 1868 has survived in the<br />

present deposit.<br />

Plans and Maps<br />

An undated tracing, post railway, Stow; a lithographed plan of building<br />

sites St. Botolph, Lincoln, undated; three sheets of tracing of part of<br />

Ingham, relating to sewers, undated; Plough Inn Swinderby plan<br />

and tracing showing alterations 1904; Anwick Lane End road junction<br />

1921; ordnance survey sheets Louth and Leicester, with instructions<br />

for manoeuvres to the 1st and 2nd battalions <strong>Lincolnshire</strong><br />

regiment, 1896, 1897; schedule of apportionment of rent charge,<br />

without a plan, Coleby, 1855.<br />


These were the papers accumulated by J. S. Padley the Lincoln<br />

surveyor and preserved by his successors J. M. Thropp and G. R. C.<br />

Harding. They have been given to the Committee by Mr. G. R. C.<br />

Harding and are welcomed as a most valuable source of topographical<br />


50<br />

Acts of Parliament<br />

Enclosures for Great and Castle Carlton 1770, Thimbleby and Edlington<br />

1778, Spridlington 1774, Hemingby 1773, Fulletby 1775, Wintringham<br />

1795, Asterby and Goulceby 1776, Moorby cum Wilksby<br />

1772, Harmston 1759, Covenham St. Mary and St. Bartholomew<br />

1793, Tattershall Thorpe and Kirkby on Bain 1796; draining and<br />

enclosure for Gainsborough Blyton and Pilham 1796; draining<br />

enclosure and navigation Fen between Boston Harbour and Bourne<br />

1770, Fens on both sides the river Witham 1762; enclosing and<br />

draining for Timberland 1785, Great Carlton 1792; enclosure for<br />

Caistor, N. and S. Kelsey, Clixby, Grasby and Searby cum Owmby<br />

1811; for repairing roads Nettleham, Wragby and Baumber 1806,<br />

the same and for Eastgate Lincoln to Horncastle, and from Hainton<br />

to Barkwith 1780; act for vesting some estates in trustees for<br />

Beverley Collegiate church lands in Dalby, Dexthorpe, Langton,<br />

Over and Nether Toynton,, Ulceby, Raithby, Hallington, Fordington<br />

and Partney 1763; canal from Grantham to the Trent 1793; also<br />

with these, observations on the Trent Navigation Bill for sir<br />

William Anderson bart. and Henry Dalton esq. no date.<br />

Original Sketches<br />

These are plans or tracings for parts of estates, buildings, etc.; many<br />

are undated. Algarkirk 1826, Bardney Dairies 1821, Bardney,<br />

Snakeholme in, 1842, Barkwith, Barlings 1774, 1869, Besthorpe co.<br />

Nott. Boston road by Great Sluice 1824, Boultham (Z), Branston<br />

new road 1845, Bullington woods 1812, Little Cawkhorpe old enclosures<br />

1805, Croft by Wainfleet 1857, Dalby, Dunholme 1835, Edenham<br />

1835, Fiskerton, Fledborough co. Nott. 1831, Gautby and<br />

Minting 1800, Gedney, Gosberton 1835, Goxhill, Langley Hill 1825,<br />

Hackthorn, East Halton, Hannah cum Hagnaby 1815, Cold Hanworth,<br />

Kingerby, Kirkby on Bain 1824, Langworth Bridge road,<br />

Laneham co. Nott., Lincoln: Christ’s Hospital, County Hospital<br />

1846, Cross O’Cliff Hill 1831, High Street St. Botolph 1833, House<br />

of Industry 1821, prison 1846, St. Mark, St. Mary Wigford 1831,<br />

St. Mary’s Street 1846, Sibthorpe property, station, Waves Farm;<br />

Mumby, Meering co. Nott., Newbold undated and 1825, Revesby<br />

1824, Rowston 1823, 1827, Saxby 1813, Saxilby tow path, Foss<br />

dyke, Scopwick 1831, Snarford, Stainfield 1831, Stainton with Newbold<br />

1839, Temple Bruer Warren, Thorpe on the Hill 1774, 1845,<br />

Toft by Newton, Toft Hill 1823, Ulceby, Waddingworth, Welton,<br />

Wigsley co. Nott. 1829.<br />

Particulars and Conditions of Sale<br />

These have interesting details of properties and many of them have<br />

plans: Aby, Saltfleetby, Trusthorpe, Winthorpe 1839; Addlethorpe,<br />

Burgh, Croft 1852; Addlethorpe, IngoldmeIls, Winthorpe, Fishtoft,<br />

Boston, Freiston, Skirbeck 1856; Althorpe 1826; Alvingham, Conisholme,<br />

North and South Cockerington, Saltfleetby 1837; Amcotts,<br />

Belton, Garthorpe, Keadby 1868; Ashby Puerorum 1845; West<br />

Ashby 1859; the same and Hemingby 1864; the same and Walesby<br />

1827; the same and Woodhall, Wildmore Fen 1857; Aswardby<br />

1844;<br />

BarIings 1849, 1853; the same Boultham and Kirkstead 1828; Bardney<br />

1855, 1858, 1868; Bassingham 1838, 1874; Beesby and Mablethorpe<br />

1876; Belchford, Billinghay, Bolingbroke, Dunholme, Leake, Leverton,<br />

Mareham, Sibsey, Stickney and West Keal 1835; Bennington,

9<br />

Bay Hail maker 1856; Besthorpe, S. Scarle, Girton, Wigsley,<br />

Newark, N. Scarle co. Nott. 1829; Binbrooke 1826, 1859; Blyborough<br />

1855; Bolingbroke, New, 1825; the same, Miningsby,<br />

Revesby, Asgarby, Woodhall, Kirkby on Bain, Roughton, Moorby,<br />

Hundleby, Skirbeck 1827; Bolingbroke Old and New, Miningsby,<br />

Asgarby, Revesby, Hundleby, Wildmore Fen, Kirkby on Bain,<br />

Roughton 1831; Old Bolingbroke, Mavis Enderby, Hareby, West<br />

Keal, Stickford, Stickney 1827; Bolton by Bowland co. York 1840;<br />

Boothby Graffoe 1871; Bracebridge 1848, 1856, 1864, 1869, 1870;<br />

the same and Lincoln 1843; the same and Mere Hall 1834; Braintree,<br />

Essex, 1859; Brampton 1878; the same and Torksey 1874;<br />

Branston 1825, 1860, 1863, 1866, 1867, 1870; Branston and Hanworth<br />

Booths 1860; Branston woods 1855, 1856; Bratoft, Huttoft,<br />

Sutton and Yarborough 1844; Brigg 1849; Broadholme wood 1853,<br />

1858; Broughton 1845, 1852, 1863; Broxholme and Saxilby 1838;<br />

Bucknall 1842; Bullington 1875; Bulwell co. Nott. 1864; Burgh le<br />

Marsh 1860; the same, Orby, Croft and Bratoft 1827; Burgh le<br />

Marsh, Croft, Bratoft, Hogsthorpe, Orby 1855; Burringham and<br />

Althorpe 1854; Burton Pedwardine 1864, 1869; Burwell 1849;<br />

Caenby, Glentham, Bishop Norton, Normanby 1871; Caistor 1832,<br />

1867; the same Hundon and Fonaby 1840; Candlesby 1836; the<br />

same, Thorpe, Burgh le Marsh, Great Steeping and Winthorpe no<br />

date; Candlesby Welton and Burgh le Marsh 1867; Canwick and<br />

Washingborough 1868; Cape1 House on the Great North road no<br />

date; Carlton, N., Broxholme, Saxilby 1838; Carlton on Trent no<br />

date; Carlton cum Thurlby 1835; Cleethorpes 1854; Clixby 1852;<br />

Coates, valuation, 1846-7; Collingham N. and S., co. Nott. 1851;<br />

Coningsby, High and Low Toynton, Kirkby on Bain, Sutterton,<br />

Kirton 1844; Corby 1852; Croft, Bratoft, Burgh, Winthorpe, Orby,<br />

Ingoldmells, Addlethorpe, Willoughby, Mumby, Hogsthorpe,<br />

Anderby, Hagnaby, Markby, Bilsby, Trusthorpe, Sutton, Maltby,<br />

Strubby, Theddlethorpe, Ulceby and Carlton 1832;<br />

Dalby 1855; Dogdyke 1853; Donnington on Bain 1848; Drayton, East,<br />

Dunham and Laneham co. Nott. 1839; Dunham and Ragnall co.<br />

Nott. 1824;. Dunholme 1797, 1853; the same and Ryland 1849;<br />

Dunton co. Bed. 1868; Dunston 1860;<br />

Eagle 1897; Eakring co. Nott. 1863; East Fen and Eastville 1858;<br />

Edlington, Woodhall, Horsington 1868; Egton co. York 1854;<br />

Epworth, Owston, Althorpe, Haxey 1855; Epworth, Owston,<br />

Haxey, Belton 1856; Everton co. Nott. 1829;<br />

Farlesthorpe 1849; Firbeck co. York 1852; Fishtoft, Skirbeck and Kirton<br />

1838; Fiskerton 1856, 1857; Fotherby Alvingham Conisholme<br />

N. and S. Cockerington Saltfleetby 1838; Fressingfield co. Suffolk<br />

and Toppesfield, Essex 1836; Frith Bank and Earls Croft 1843;<br />

Frithville 1851; Fulstow and Marshchapel 1848;<br />

Gainsborough 1849; Girsby 1832; Grainthorpe, Conisholme and N.<br />

Somercotes 1827; Grainthorpe, Skidbrooke, N. and S. Somercotes<br />

1831; Grange de Lings 1867; Grasby 1849; Greetham 1783, 1853;<br />

Greetham, Ashby Puerorum, Holbeach, Scamblesby 1828; Greetwell<br />

undated, 1840, 1843, 1845; Greetwell and Nettleham 1837;<br />

Grimsby 1872;

Haldenby co. York, 1858; Haltham, Wood Enderby, Roughton and<br />

Thornton undated; Halton Holgate 1856, 1859; Hammeringham<br />

1862; Hardwick 1859; Harmston 1860; Haxey Craizelound 1859;<br />

Heapham 1855; Heckington 1863; Heighington 1864; the same<br />

Washingborough and Harby 1867; Helpringham, Scredington,<br />

Heckington, Kirkby 1864; Hemingby and West Ashby 1831; Hemswell<br />

1856; the same and Reepham 1827; Henley on Thames 1833;<br />

Higham on the Hill and Wiken co. Leic. 1841; Hogsthorpe and<br />

Mumby chapel 1854; Holbeach 1857; the same Fleet, Whaplode,<br />

Moulton 1865; Holbeach Marsh 1833; Holton Beckering 1854;<br />

Horncastle, High and Low Toynton, Thimbleby, Haltham 1869;<br />

Horncastle, Thimbleby, Mareham and Mavis Enderby 1867; Huttoft<br />

1850, 1853, 1855; Great Humby 1869; Hykeham 1838; N.<br />

Hykeham 1861; the same and Skellingthorpe 1848;<br />

Ingham 1874; Ingleby 1844, 1846; Ingoldmells 1864; Ingoldmells,<br />

Addlethorpe and Orby 1856; Ingoldsby 1852;<br />

Keal, East and West and Wrangle 1863; Ketsby, Worlaby, Ruckland,<br />

Farforth, Cawkwell, Willoughby, S. Somercotes 1842; Kexby 1860,<br />

1867; Kirkby, East 1850, 1868; the same Horncastle, West Ashby,<br />

High and Low Toynton 1869; Kirkby cum Osgodby 1827, 1871;<br />

Kirkstead undated; Knaith 1826; Kyme, North and Billinghay<br />

1846; Kyme, North, Dogdyke and Swineshead 1843;<br />

Langton by Partney next presentation 1844; Langworth 1837; Leake,<br />

Leverton, Bennington 1848; Lincoln 1831, 1835, 1841, 1847, 1853,<br />

1854, 1856; Lincoln brewery 1871, Cantilupe Chantry 1855, Corn<br />

Exchange undated, 1846, County Hospital 1879, flour mill 1839,<br />

Lock tavern 1848, House of industry 1837, Grecian place 1855,<br />

Monk’s Lane 1856, Monson Arms 1854, Newport 1855, Potter Gate<br />

Bail and Close 1854, St. Catherine’s 1856; St. Mary Magdalen 1852,<br />

St. Peter at Gowts 1853, 1855, the Strait 1843-4, Waves Farm 1859;<br />

Lincoln and Bracebridge Heath 1856, Lincoln Hainton, East Torrington<br />

and Bardney Dairies 1839; Lincoln Washingborough,<br />

Heighington, N. Hykeham and Saxilby 1838; Lissington, Holton<br />

Beckering, W. Torrington, Barlings, Newbold and Kmgthorpe<br />

1859; London and Brighton 1874; Louth 1827, 1852, 1869-71;<br />

Louth, Grainthorpe and Saltfleetby, Binbrooke 1831; Louth and<br />

Lincoln railway prospectus 1871; Louth Park Estate Hunter River,<br />

New South Wales 1853 (Maugham and Fowler surveyors and lithographers<br />

Louth), Lusby 1847, 1857;<br />

Mablethorpe 1838, 1854; the same, Willoughby, Orby, Partney, Old<br />

Bolingbroke 1855; Manby 1841; Marshchapel 1847; Martin and<br />

Branston 1844; Martin by Horncastle 1838, 1871; Marton 1838,<br />

1861, 1862; Melton Mowbray co. Leic. 1841; Metheringham 1844,<br />

1855; Midville 1850; Minting Park 1831, 1835; Morbone co. Hunt.<br />

1853; Morton and Walkerith 1834;<br />

Newball in Stainton 1856; Newark co. Nott. 1836, 1873; Northorpe<br />

1873; Orby, Addlethorpe, Willoughby, Mumby Chapel 1858; Orby<br />

and Hogsthorpe 1848; Orby, Sloothby, Willoughby and Trusthorpe<br />

1855;<br />

Piercefield co. Mon. and co. Glouc. 1854; Poolham, Edlington, Coningsby,<br />

Mareham on the Hill, Stixwould 1859;<br />


JJ<br />

RagnaIl, Dunham, Da&on and E. Markham 1867; Raithby 1848, 1866;<br />

the same, Mavis Enderby and Hagworthingham 1848; Market Rasen<br />

1850, 1852; Market and Middle Rasen 1861, 1864; Market and<br />

Middle Rasen, Osgodby, Dunholme 1872; Middle Rasen 1857;<br />

Middle Rasen, Bleasby, Fulnetby, Rand 1874; West Rasen 1852;<br />

Reepham 1828, 1860, 1870; Reepham and Fiskerton 1827, 1855;<br />

Riseholme undated; Rowston and Harmston 1858;<br />

Salmonby 1862; the same and Tetford 1862; Saltfleet undated; Saltfleetby<br />

1856; Saltfleetby, Theddlethorpe and N. Somercotes 1856;<br />

Sausthorpe and Hagworthingham 1834; Saxilby 1838, 1857, 1877;<br />

Saxilby cum Ingleby and Torksey ‘1873; Saxilby and N. Carlton<br />

1876; Scamblesby and Yarborough valuation, undated; Scampton<br />

undated: Scothern 1870; the same and Cherry Willingham 1870;<br />

Skegness 1864; Skellingthorpe, Bardney and Lincoln 1868; Skellingthorpe<br />

and Nettleham 1872; Skegness 1864; Skendleby 1849, 1867;<br />

Sloothby 1827, 1876; Somercotes N. 1868; Somercotes N. and S.,<br />

Conisholme, Grainthorpe, Saltfleet 1854; Southray 1862; Snitterby<br />

and Waddingham 1860; Spilsby 1838, 1871; Stainton 1848; Market<br />

Stainton, W. Torrington and Collow 1858; Stallingborough 1863;<br />

Stamford 1840, 1844; Stenigot 1848; Stewton 1833, 1860; Sturton<br />

by Stow 1862; Sturton and Bransby 1877; Sudbrooke N. and S.,<br />

Rauceby 1872; Sutton in the Marsh, Trusthorpe, Mablethorpe and<br />

Huttoft 1827; Swaby, Sutterby, Driby, Ulceby, Skegness 1869;<br />

Swinderby undated, 1846, 1855, 1856, 1858, 1864; the same, Half<br />

Way House 1864, 1872; Swinderby, W. Clifton, Newton on Trent<br />

1855; Swinethorpe Grange 1860; Swallowbeck, Bardney Dairies,<br />

Heighington Lincoln 1867;<br />

Tetney and Great Grimsby 1860; Thimbleby 1870; Thonock Morton<br />

and Humble Carr 1841; Thorpe on the Hill 1861; the same and<br />

Eagle 1871; Thorpe on the Hill and S. Hykeham 1850; Thorpe by<br />

Wainfleet, Irby and Burgh le Marsh 1859; S. Thoresby, Swaby and<br />

Sutton in the Marsh 1832; Thoresthorpe in Saleby 1832; Toft<br />

Grange and Toft Hill in Tumby 1860; Toft and Newton 1849;<br />

Toton and Eaton co. Nott. 1867; Trusthorpe 1852, 1855; the same<br />

and Sutton le Marsh 1853, 1854; the same Hannah cum Hagnaby<br />

and Manby 1839;<br />

Waddingham 1851; Waddingham, Hibaldstow, Broughton and Wrawby<br />

1854; Waddington 1856; Wainfleet All Saints, Northolme, St. Mary,<br />

Thorpe and Mavis Enderby 1857; Wainfleet St. Mary, Thorpe and<br />

All Saints 1856, 1876; Wainfleet Thorpe, Winthorpe, Saltfleetby<br />

St. Peter, Strubby, Mablethorpe and Alford 1857; Walesby 1829;<br />

Walkeringham and Misterton co. Nott. 1857; Waltham 1852,<br />

1854; Washingborough and Heighington 1840, 1854, 1863, 1867;<br />

Washingborough and Heighington and Bracebridge 1872; Washingborough<br />

and Lincoln 1856; Welbourn 1871, 1872; Well 1836;<br />

Welton by Lincoln 1838; the same and Dunholme 1843, 1846;<br />

Welton and Ryland 1873; the same and Dunholme 1872; Welton<br />

le Marsh, Grainthorpe, Partney 1861; Willingham, Cherry, 1848;<br />

the same and Fiskerton 1855, 1859; Willoughby, Sloothby and Bonthorpe<br />

1853; Withern, Mablethorpe and Strubby bv Alford 1817;<br />

Woodhall and Thimbleby 1848; the same and Langton 1872;<br />

Worksop co. Nott. 1840; Wrangle 1856; the same, Butterwick and<br />

Frieston 1856; Wrangle, Leake and Friskney 1852.

54<br />

Railways<br />

Detailed plan and section, <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> railway 1845; Lincoln, Wainfleet<br />

Haven and Boston railway, parliamentary contract, with lists of<br />

subscribers, occupations, abodes, amounts subscribed 1845; subscribers<br />

agreement for the foregoing 1845.<br />


The deposit by Mr. T. A. Jackson on behalf of the St. John<br />

Ambulance Brigade, Lincoln Corps, of the title deeds for the corps’<br />

recently restored headquarters the Cardinal’s Hat, Lincoln, makes it<br />

possible to complete the story of this house. It had previously been<br />

ascertained from the records of the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, with<br />

the collaboration of Mr. C. L. ,Exley, that an earlier house on the site<br />

had been Jewish property confiscated after the reputed murder of little<br />

St. Hugh in the mid 13th century and bought by the treasurer Henry<br />

of Welbourne to form part of the endowment of a chantry he intended<br />

to found. It was as Welbourne chantry property that the present house,<br />

already known as the Cardinal’s Hat, first appears in the Chapter<br />

records in a rental of 1522. The property was diverted after the Reformation<br />

to the Fabric Fund and continued to be described as “belonging<br />

to the works of the cathedral” until it passed to the Church Commissioners<br />

in the mid 19th century. The house was in use as an inn during<br />

the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and from the probate inventory<br />

of one of its tenants who died in 1616 a very good idea of its arrangement<br />

and furnishing can be obtained. This inventory has been printed,<br />

with the permission of the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, in a booklet The<br />

Cardinal’s Hat published by the St. John Ambulance Brigade.<br />

The present deposit consists of the leases and assignments of leases<br />

of the building after 1748, when the lessee was the antiquary Thomas<br />

Sympson who held it for the lives of himself and his two sons. The<br />

principal tenants during the 18th century were a maltster Noah Straw<br />

who had a maltkiln adjoining, followed in 1808 by a baker Hadnah<br />

Yates. The house was still in the tenancy of a baker when the first<br />

Church Commissioners’ lease was made in 1870 and seems to have been<br />

divided since 1808 into two separate dwellings, as is shown in a plan<br />

attached to one of the leases. With the Cardinal’s Hat leases are a few<br />

leases of two other cathedral properties, a house just north of it and a<br />

close further up the hill which was the site of a house destroyed during<br />

the Civil War. Both these properties seem to have been held at various<br />

times by the tenant of the Cardinal’s Hat. 1748-1904, 32 items.<br />


These documents were deposited by the Registrar of the National<br />

Register of Archives on behalf of the owners Mr. and Mrs. Ralph of<br />

30 High Street Huntingdon. A list made by Mr. Bezodis of the National<br />

Register was kindly sent with them. The documents fall into two divisions,<br />

namely, Ietters or copies of letters mainly to and from Charles<br />

Lowe junior of Stamford, endorsed and put into packets by him 180%<br />

23, and letters to and papers of Mrs. J. R. Lowe of Stamford ‘1892-1910.

?he &tit group aYe of Considerable interest, & number being to and<br />

‘%om Ensign William Lowe including a letter written shortly before the<br />

battle of Waterloo (in which he was killed) giving the impression of<br />

excitement and confidence among the troops combined with various<br />

rumours as to where Bonaparte and his forces might be. His brother<br />

Charles, the endorser of the letters, and his father and another brother<br />

John pursued business careers. They seem to have been interested in<br />

the merchanting of corn and seeds, in malting, wine and spirits and rope<br />

making from premises in the Beast market later Broad Street. Charles<br />

the father was an alderman and mayor of Stamford in 1807 and the son<br />

Charles was also an alderman. The letters give interesting evidence for<br />

the economic situation especially in the later part of the Napoleonic<br />

wars and at times give charming pictures of family life. With them are<br />

some pamphlets and posters relating to elections at Stamford. 183 items.<br />

The second group of letters are from descendants of one of the<br />

above-mentioned brothers, namely the Reverend F. E. Lowe late rector<br />

of St. John, Stamford, when chaplain at Malta in 1892 and from his<br />

brother P. R. Lowe when on a sea trip to the West Indies 1902-03, 28<br />

items. The information relating to the Lowe family given above is<br />

derived from the letters themselves, from Records and Obituaries for<br />

the counties of Lincoln, Rutland and Northampton, Justin Simpson,<br />

Stamford 1862 and from White’s <strong>Directory</strong> 1826, 1842, 1872 and Kelly’s<br />

<strong>Directory</strong> 1900.<br />

OTHER DEPosITs<br />

From the County Archivist, Shropshire: from the Bridgewater papers,<br />

letters of administration 1711 and copy of the will (1686) of sir<br />

William Wray bar-t. of Louth.<br />

From Messrs. Tweed of Horncastle : deeds relating to Tetford and<br />

Grainthorpe 1566-1866, 62 items; deeds relating to Thimbleby 1728-<br />

1803, 10 items; deeds relating to Theddlethorpe 1803-39, 12 items.<br />

From Mrs. E. C. Tennyson D’Eyncourt of Tealby through the good<br />

offices of Mr. G. S. Dixon: a rental of Sixhills Priory covering<br />

property in N. Willingham, Tealby, Walesby, Normanby, Kirmond,<br />

Hainton, Holton Beckering, East Barkwith, Ludford, West<br />

Wykeham, Market Rasen, Usselby, Cadeby, Rothwell, Saleby,<br />

Grimsby, Lissington, Newton by Toft, Toft, West Rasen, Sixhills,<br />

Beelsby, Thoresway, Lincoln (Eastgate), Bullington, Authorpe,<br />

Binbrooke, Timberland, Helpringham, Strubby, Well, Aby,<br />

Legsby, Reston, Saxilby; Bleasby, Claxby, Nettleton, Wragholme<br />

(salt rents), Middle Rasen, Maltby, the churches of East Wykeham,<br />

Saleby, Market Rasen, Maltby, Tealby, first half of 16th c. before<br />

1537; Letters of protection, king Charles I to Henry Newton bart.<br />

John Archer and James Newton 1636; rent rolls, Monks’ Hall<br />

Gosberton 1734-7; deeds and papers re Saltfleetby, Skidbrook,<br />

Saltfleethaven 1785-1818, 3 items: Caistor 1814; lease of manor<br />

Scatter, copies of letters re 1773-1826, 10 items: valuation, estate<br />

at Usselby 1829; copy of minutes, letters, bill, Ancholme dramage<br />

1816-19; the same 1824-5; copy minutes House of Commons Committee<br />

on Grantham election 7 July 1820; Market Rasen Reform<br />

Festival, printed reports of speeches 1832:

3”<br />

From Mr. Michael Spencer-Cook: deeds relating to Stamford 1686,<br />

royal licence to enclose a way in North Stoneham co. Southampton<br />

1823.<br />

From Mr. Laurence Gibbons, School House, Grainthorpe: counterpart<br />

lease to Methodist Trustees for a chapel, Middle Rasen 1795.<br />

From the executors of the late Canon G. F. Wilgress: papers of Bishop<br />

King, letters of collation etc. to Cuddesdon 1863; letters regarding<br />

Bishop Sailer: restitution of the temporalities 1885; papers in the<br />

case Read v. the Lord Bishop of Lincoln 1889-90, college dissertations,<br />

sermons, some printed, obituary notices etc.; papers of Canon<br />

Wilgress, letters of orders, licences and letters of institution and<br />

appointment to St. James Grimsby (curacy), Kettlethorpe, Elm co.<br />

Somerset, St. Anne’s Bede Houses, Lincoln, Browne’s Hospital,<br />

Stamford, prebend of All Saints, Hungate, 1891-1933.<br />

From Mr. H. V. Thompson of Stoke on Trent: school bills regarding<br />

the Levick family at Bainbridge’s academy Lincoln 1838-44, deed<br />

re Barnoldby le Beck 1751.<br />

From the County Archivist, Hertford Record Office: deed re Snitterby<br />

1704.<br />

From Mr. K. G. Westmoreland of Bloxholm Hall: manorial account for<br />

Uffington, fragment, date lost, but c. 1352-84, gives expenditure<br />

on stock, harvest, works, fees and expenses, with interesting detail;<br />

court roll of Roos Hall manor in Freiston 1560-l.<br />

From Mr. A. A. F. Stubbs of Brigg: deeds relating to Kirton Lindsey<br />

including the workhouse, 1604-1736, 11 items.<br />

From Messrs. Marshall and Eldridge, Oxford, via the Bodleian Library:<br />

deed re Barrow 1702.<br />

From the Right Reverend the Dean of Lincoln on behalf of Mrs. J. H.<br />

Srawley: papers of the late Canon J. H. Srawley including notes<br />

on and correspondence about Bishop Grosseteste, on the history of<br />

the Chapter, on liturgical matters, 1947-53; and a licence for the<br />

chapel at the Chancery, Lincoln, 1900 transferred to Dr. Srawley<br />

1925.<br />

From Miss A. M. Scorer, Sudbrooke manor: notebooks mainly kept by<br />

William Scorer as follows: Wages and General account books, farm9<br />

at Manby, Nettleham, Saltfleetby, Sudbrooke and Swinhope 1835-<br />

1927, 67 items, not a complete series; day books, journals and<br />

accounts, the same farms, 1858-1928, 21 items, not a complete<br />

series; rate and account books overseers of the poor and .of highways,<br />

parishes of Swinhope and Sudbrooke, not a complete series,<br />

1845-1921, 28 items; a book of mensuration c. 1830.<br />

From the Diocesan Registrar: A set of printed monitions, citations and<br />

articles for the primary visitation of the lord Bishop of Lincoln<br />

1953 and returns of churchwardens for the same visitation.<br />

From the Principal of the Diocesan Training College: Printed Scheme<br />

for the Training College under the Charitable Trusts Acts 1853-<br />

1925, dated 16 March 1953.

From the <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> Architectural and Archaeological Society, to<br />

whom it was given by Mr. A. L. Passmore of Wanborough: Charter<br />

of Ralf son of Gilbert to Revesby Abbey c. 1172, transcript and<br />

photograph, with an account of the donor by Miss D. M. Williamson<br />

in <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> Architectural and Archeological Society Refiorts and<br />

Papers vol. 5 part 1 p. 19-27, 1953.<br />


From the British Records’ Association Records Preservation Section:<br />

Part of a miscellaneous collection made by the late Mr. A. W:<br />

Turner. Many of the documents are marked in a hand which also<br />

endorsed deeds bought from dealers in the Cragg collection. It<br />

consists chiefly of title deeds, miscellaneous and unrelated, for<br />

South Holland and the Isle of Axholme, including some copyhold<br />

admissions in the soke of Kirton Holland which show that gavelkind<br />

was customary there as late as the mid 17th century. Among<br />

the miscellaneous documents are two of naval interest, a pass under<br />

the seal of Admiralty 1766 for the ship Mary and Ann Snow of<br />

Dartmouth trading to Newfoundland and a certificate of the taking<br />

of a prize in 1800.<br />

Title deeds: Axholme 16081827, 24 items; Great Carlton 1732, 2<br />

items: Cowbit 1730-1824, 5 items; Crowland 1707-1813, 8 items;<br />

Dalby 16651726, 6 items: Donington in Holland 17151826, 5 items;<br />

Dorrington 1741-1858, 4 items; Dunston 1773-1851, 2 items; Ewerby<br />

1721-1813, 3 items; Fishtoft 1631-1844, 2 items; Fleet 1686-1817,<br />

12 items: Foston 1723-1748, 3 items; Fotherby 1767-73, 2 items;<br />

Freiston 17081802, 5 items; Friskney 1719-28, 4 items; Gainsborough<br />

1750-1813, 3 items; Gedney 1662-1791, 12 items; Great<br />

Gonerby 1656-1835, 7 items; Gosberton 1648-1781, 30 items;<br />

Grainsby 1659-1839, 4 items; East Halton 1641-1830, 7 items;<br />

Holbeach 1794-1807, 2 items; East Keal 175562, 4 items; Moulton<br />

1809-51, 3 items; Pinchbeck 1731-1821, 6 items; Spalding 1712-1844,<br />

12 items; Great Steeping 1697, 2 items; Weston 1710-80, 3 items;<br />

Whaplode 1701-1804, 6 items.<br />

Survey. Estates in Axholme 1791.<br />

Probates 1720-1859, 9 items; bonds 1692-1819, 15 items; executorships<br />

1792, 10 items; misc. documents 1690-1876, 7 items.<br />

From the same: A group of documents from a Norwich solicitor’s office,<br />

given by the Norfolk Record Society. It forms the title to .the<br />

estate of the Gardners of Bishop Norton at Stainton by Waddmgham<br />

1599-1615, 12 items.<br />

From Mr. Frank Nurse: Lease of the third part of the manors of Haydor<br />

and Culverthorpe, for the period of the minority of Rawley<br />

Bussy 1598 and receipts for rent from the feodary 1599-1607. These<br />

are stray Newton family papers.<br />

From Mrs. C. M. Clutton-Brock: inventory of furniture in a house in<br />

Queensway, Lincoln, 1940.

From the county archivist, Lancashire Record Office: marriage settlement<br />

of Thomas Marshall of London merchant and of Theddlethorpe<br />

1709.<br />

Mr. Mr. P. C. Marris of Totteridge: 74 postcards and other views of<br />

Immingham docks and their construction, with some other views<br />

of Immingham and Grimsby, c. 1906-11.<br />

From Mr. C. L. Exley: a poll book for the Southern Division of the<br />

county of Lincoln 1857.<br />

I<br />

From Mr. A. H. Packe of Burnham, Bucks.: Release of right to property<br />

in Bourne, Robert Wake to Thomas Sempyngham 1389.<br />

From Mr.’ W. R. Swinburn: tenants’ agreements for farms Scrivelsby<br />

and Thornton 1887; valuation of farms Salmonby and Tetford<br />

1866, and, of fixtures only, Scrivelsby 1887; petty sessions court<br />

book soke of Horncastle and hundred of Gartree 1827-36.<br />

From the librarian, Hanley, Stoke on Trent: deed relating to Hougham<br />

1617.<br />

From the librarian Westminster City Library: Livery of land of Charles<br />

lord Willoughby of Parham, with a survey attached, manors and<br />

lands in Bardney, Bucknall, Crowland, Minting Park, manor of<br />

Stow with appurtenances, manors of Upton, Kexby, Orby, Belchford,<br />

Fulletby, site of Tupholme abbey and lands late of Tupholme<br />

in Tupholme, Knaith, Ranby, Great Sturton, Louth etc. site of<br />

Bardney and Heynings, Stow Park etc. 1571.<br />

From the archivist Bucks. Archaeological Society: deeds re Uffington<br />

and Deeping 1635; Wainfleet, Lever-ton, Fishtoft, Skirbeck and<br />

Boston 1737; Messingham 1751.<br />

From Mr. T. Stephenson, clerk of the County Council East Riding of<br />

Yorkshire: agreement re common pasture in Swarby 1789.<br />

From the Ministry of Town and Country Planning: copies of provisional<br />

lists of buildings of historic interest, city of Lincoln, county borough<br />

of Grimsby, municipal boroughs of Boston and Grantham, and<br />

other districts of <strong>Lincolnshire</strong>; 1946-7.<br />



Canon Foster remarked, in a paper on the Lincoln episcopal records,<br />

that though the Bishop and the Dean and Chapter had a common<br />

registry for the first sixty years after the foundation of the minster a<br />

separate episcopal registry was in existence by the mid. 12th century<br />

(A.A.S.R. XL1 part 2, 1935) p. 157. In 1283 an inspection was made<br />

of charters relating to the bishopric of Lincoln, then kept in the treasury<br />

of the cathedral church at Lincoln, in a great press, in various<br />


59<br />

labelled baskets and in a long chest. The report and a list made at the<br />

same time were copied by a 16th century scribe into a book later used<br />

for the court rolls of Stow (then an episcopal manor), which was<br />

deposited with this committee in 1949 (<strong>Report</strong>s, 194850, p. 48 and<br />

<strong>Report</strong>s and Papers, Lines. Arch. and Arch. Sot. 4 part 1 (1951) 68-<br />

79). The lists of title deeds given there correspond to those documents<br />

relating to episcopal property which have survived among the<br />

capitular records and other documents were doubtless placed with them<br />

for safe custody during the next two centuries.<br />

There are some documents of the early 14th century, chiefly of an<br />

administrative character which cannot be explained in this way. There<br />

are for example, four documents concerned with a disputed presentation<br />

to the church of Wold Newton (Dij 84/Z/27-31) and a file of letters<br />

addressed to the bishop which consists chiefly of informal requests by<br />

Edward I, his wife and his son, for preferment for royal clerks, and<br />

which has a contemporary label “Evesque de Nicholes”. It seems<br />

probable that the close association between the bishop’s familia and the<br />

chapter which Canon Foster, in tracing the activities among the chapter<br />

muniments of Bishop Dalderby’s registrar John of Schalby (Reg. Ant.<br />

I, xxviii-xxxvii) has already remarked on, may account for this. Another<br />

explanation may be the facts that in the years 1316-18 the Subdean<br />

Henry of Benniworth was co-adjutor in the bishop’s illness,<br />

(Dij/63/ 1, 17-18, 223) and that Richard Stretton whose activities have<br />

already been remarked, was frequently employed by the bishop as his<br />

commissary within the county of Lincoln (Episcopal Reg. 3 passim).<br />

The confirmation by the Dean and Chapter of episcopal acts may also<br />

account for the presence of certain documents such as the sentence of<br />

the court of Arches in 1344 enforcing the claims of the bishop to the<br />

tithes of Elstow (Dij / 62 / 1 / 15) .<br />

The survival of these documents is a happy chance by which the<br />

great series of administrative registers of the bishops of Lincoln, is<br />

illuminated and amplified. As Miss Major’s Han&t of Lincoln Diocesan<br />

Records Oxford, 1953, has shown, the registers, though complete<br />

in themselves, are supported by very few administrative documents<br />

before the fifteenth century and the court and visitation records do not<br />

begin until the 15th century. Moreover no mediaeval records of the<br />

episcopal property have remained outside the scattered references in the<br />

memoranda registers though it may be noted that a very valuable collection<br />

of 13th century surveys of episcopal manors survives, presumably<br />

because of its connection with Bishop Thomas Barlow, among the manuscripts<br />

of the Queen’s College Oxford (No. 366).<br />

Titles to property<br />

(4 Land, title deeds:<br />

Asfordby c. 1200; Banbury c. 1198-1315, 9 items; Balderton c.<br />

1210-1343, 3 items; Biggleswade c. 1250-70, 12 items: Leicester c.<br />

1230, 11 items: Lincoln, St. Faith c. 1220; Lincoln, St. Stephen in<br />

Newland c. 1230, 9 items; Louth 123570, 9 items; Marton by Gainsborough<br />

c. 1250-80, 15 items; Meering c. 1130-1256, 6 items; Bishop<br />

Norton late 12c.-1287, 13 items: Nettleham mid 12c.-1332, 26<br />

items; Offord Cluny 1306, 2 items; Ropsley 1325, 7 items; Tinghurst<br />

c. 1163-1263, 2 items;<br />

(b)<br />

Advowsons :<br />

Bedford St. Peter early 14c.-1335, 3 items: Little Coates 1313;<br />

Holbeach 1332-65, 15 items; Quarrington 1267; Sudbrook 1334.

W<br />

Documents relating to the management of property<br />

Grant and exchange of land in Stow 1153, 1253, 2 items; leases of land<br />

in Sleaford lr83-1267, 9 items; miscellaneous documents regarding<br />

Haddenham and Kingsey co. Oxford, 1190-1224, 12 items; documents<br />

in tithe causes, Bishop’s Wooburn co. Buck. 123057, 3<br />

items; documents in tithe causes, Beckley and Horton co. Oxford,<br />

1260-79, 4 items: miscellaneous documents, Dorchester, including<br />

a copy of an inquest regarding the upkeep of a bridge, 1243-1310,<br />

8 items; sentence of Court of Arches as to the bishop’s right to the<br />

tithes of Elstow co. Bedford, 1344, 1 item; list of pensions payable<br />

to the Bishop, c. 1350, 1 item; court roll of the Hundred of Dorchester,<br />

1366, 1 item: bailiff’s accounts, episcopal manors, 1422-4,<br />

2 items.<br />

Administration of the Diocese<br />

(4 Institutions and vicarages:<br />

Letters of institution to church of Horncastle, 1197; presentation<br />

deeds, Dinton and Burton Overey co, Leicester, 1218-19, 2 items;<br />

ordination of vicarage at Glen co. Leicester, 1266; request to bishop<br />

for institution to a prebend, 1305; presentation deed and ordination<br />

of vicarage, Great Tew, co. Oxford, 1309, 2 items; presentation<br />

deed and inquisition etc. Goxhill, 1309-10, 3 items; ordination of a<br />

vicarage, Ingham, 1311; return of a commission regarding vacancy<br />

of Thurlaston (Leicester), 1312; documents regarding a disputed<br />

presentation at Wold Newton, 1318, 5 items; letters of institution,<br />

1483, 2 items.<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(4<br />

Ordinations:<br />

Titles for orders, 1346, 1529, 5 items.<br />

General administration:<br />

Presentation to bishop for confirmation of a prior of Elsham, temp.<br />

John; oath of canonical obedience by prioress of Stixwould, c. 1220;<br />

confirmation of establishment of a chantry at Hockliffe co. Bedford,<br />

1230; confirmation of endowments of Clattercotes priory co. Oxford,<br />

c. 1246-62, 2 items; engagement by founder of Wroxton Priory co.<br />

Oxford; miscellaneous documents for St. Leonard’s Priory Newark,<br />

early 13c., 44 items; exemplification of letters patent regarding a<br />

collection for a crusade, 1318; pile of letters to Bishop Dalderby<br />

regarding benefices, 1301-8, 63 items; exemplification of bull in<br />

favour of Merton Priory co. Surrey, 1345; fragments of returns of<br />

church furniture c. 1566, 1 box. Printed in <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> Notes and<br />

Qzseries XIV (1916-17).<br />

Officials:<br />

Draft patents of commissary Leicester and Bedford, 1631-74, 3<br />

items; case papers regarding registrarship, 1733-41; miscellaneous<br />

memoranda 1600-10; miscellaneous memoranda, 1717-38; accounts<br />

of official: sequestrator’s account, 1313; J. Pregion’s accounts as<br />

registrar, 1618-19.<br />

Visitation<br />

Lists of sequestrations and criminous priests, 1297, 2 items; list of church<br />

furniture and a glebe terrier, c. 1500, 2 items; visitation articles for<br />

archdeaconry of Lincoln, 1530; appeal against metropolitan visitation<br />

1534; clergy lists, Leicester Archdeaconry, 1611; visitation book<br />

of Bishop Neile, 1614. Printed in A.A.S.R. XVI (1881-2).

courts<br />

Depositions in a case of non-residence, 1316; depositions in a case in-~<br />

volving abbot of Bardney, 1317; citations, depositions and other<br />

miscellaneous court papers, c. ‘1420, 72 items; royal mandate to<br />

allow archdeacon of Lincoln to continue probate during royal visitations,<br />

1535; papers regarding a legal separation, mid 18c., 1<br />

packet; miscellaneous court papers, 1751-1805; mandate from Dean<br />

of Arches to chancellor about production of a marriage bond, 1797.<br />

Personal and public office, relations with Crown<br />

Summons to bishop to peace talks at Monstreuil, c. 1300; enrolled royal<br />

writs, 1308-9, 3 items; appointment of Henry of Benniworth as<br />

coadjutor to the bishop, 1316-17, 4 items.<br />


This interesting and valuable group of records concerned with the<br />

office and instance jurisdiction of the archdeacons of Stow c. 1270-1304<br />

seems to have survived as a result of the activity of Benedict of Ferriby,<br />

rector of Broughton by Brigg and later prebendary of Crakepole, who<br />

was the archdeacon’s official. He resided continually in the years 1321-6<br />

(K. Edwards, English Secular Cathedrals in the Middle Ages, Manchester,<br />

1949, pp. 342-4) and was closely connected, like Richard of<br />

Stretton, with Dalderby’s administration (Ep. Reg. 3 pass&). The<br />

documents in this group include a useful series of visitation records<br />

and the scattered papers of a tithe case relating to Frodingham which<br />

are of some interest. The non-survival of other archidiaconal records<br />

from this period naturally adds great value to this group of documents.<br />

General administration<br />

Draft certificate of the taking of the veil by a nun at Fosse, 1296, 4<br />

items; episcopal mandates to summon candidates for ordination,<br />

addressed t o the archdeacon or his official, 1296-1303, 9 items;<br />

episcopal mandate to send list of exempt monasteries, 1305.<br />

Visitation<br />

Comperta in a parochial visitation Althorpe, Crowle and Luddington,<br />

c. 1287; portion of a court book of office, Aslackhoe and Corringham<br />

deaneries, c. 1288-9, 1 item; accounts of payments made during<br />

a visitation held at Normanby, late 13c., 2 items; comperta in<br />

a parochial visitation Pilham, Heapham, Springthorpe, Upton,<br />

Willingham and Cotes, 1299; mandates to cite executors of wills,<br />

to answer regarding dilapidations, presentment during visitations<br />

made by the official of the. archdeacon, 1300-1304; partly mounted<br />

by Canon Wickenden in a portfolio, partly loose, 230 items.<br />

courts<br />

Depositions in a matrimonial case heard by the official at Burton by<br />

Lincoln, 1276; presentment, citation and depositions in a incontinency<br />

case heard by the official at Scotton 1289, 3 items; depositions<br />

in a dilapidations case, 1299; citations, depositions, sentences<br />

in a cause regarding the tithes of Frodingham, 1299-1300, 38 items;<br />

sentence in a case of violence, c. 1300; returned citation for a case<br />

to be heard at Glentworth by the official 1302; citations, depositions<br />

and executors’ accounts in a probate case, William Waterton of<br />

Luddington, 1302-3, 11 items.



In the Archivists‘ <strong>Report</strong>s 1948-50 p. 41 was given an account of<br />

records of historic interest brought to Exchequer Gate from the Alnwick<br />

Tower, which was preceded by a summary of the main classes of documents<br />

still remaining in the upper room there. Most of these are also<br />

of undoubted historic interest and it is hoped when more accommodation<br />

becomes available to remove them to a cleaner and more suitable<br />

repository. The lower room had not been examined throughout until<br />

last September when, with the permission of the Diocesan Registrar, a<br />

brief list of its contents was made. The contents of the upper room had<br />

showed a certain measure of order, the main series of curate’s nominations,<br />

presentation deeds, ordination bundles, residence and nonresidence<br />

licences, deeds relating to the augmentation or exchange of<br />

glebe, unions and disunions of parishes, consecrations, confirmation<br />

returns, being in numbered bundles and in sequences, only the more<br />

miscellaneous documents being placed somewhat at will. This arrange-<br />

?nent may be presumed to be the work of William Moss and W. W.<br />

Smith, registrars in succession. The documents may be presumed to<br />

have been placed in the Alnwick Tower after its ceasing to be used for<br />

Theological students, about 1878. The lower room was also used by<br />

Moss and Smith and was used until comparatively recent times for the<br />

execution of certain types of document and current business. It contains<br />

a large number of printed works of reference, Crockfords and other<br />

clergy lists, Public and General Acts-printed reports of various kinds,<br />

law books, all likely to be of use for current business and also likely to<br />

be of use with the documents now they are mostly no longer current.<br />

The arrangement of documents in this lower room because of its late<br />

use as a working room is more informal and unsystematic than that of<br />

the upper room, documents and bundles being scattered about the room<br />

on open shelves and in pigeon holes with often very little pretence at<br />

ordered series. This being the case, dates, when given below, are suspect<br />

and subject to revision, as it is impossible to be certain of covering<br />

dates until the documents have had a much more thorough examination<br />

and have been listed and classified. There seems to have been some<br />

division of function in the joint registrarship to which Richard Smith<br />

and Robert Swan were appointed in 1829. Messrs. Moss and Smith,<br />

following in succession the registrar Richard Smith who operated largely<br />

from Buckden until c. 1853, as we have seen, were in charge of the<br />

records at the Alnwick Tower, while the successive Swans operated in<br />

Lincoln and at Exchequer Gate. Since the reunification of the registrarship<br />

it is probable that the arrangements of records have been changed<br />

and these distinctions of function obliterated. It is not known yet if<br />

there exists any definite agreement as to their respective spheres and<br />

more detailed examination of documents will no doubt throw light on<br />

this. It is clear however that Moss and W. W. Smith kept and signed<br />

the bishops’ registers and they appeared also to keep records for the<br />

performance of other administrative acts. The Swans, Robert and then<br />

John, appear to deal with matters arising more from judicial functions<br />

of the bishops, such as probate before it was secularised, the appointment<br />

of surrogates, the granting of faculties and other licences. They<br />

also appear to have been registrars to the .archdeacons of Lincoln and<br />


Records in the Lower Rooti<br />

.2ihese are some of the chief groups: papers relating to benefices: including<br />

augmentations, continuing the series in the upper room, dilapidations<br />

papers and registers from 1873, lists of mortgage payments<br />

and correspondence Q.A.B., from 1857, correspondence regarding<br />

glebe, chiefly 20th century, returns to the bishop under the Pluralities<br />

Act and Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Act, 13 bundles arranged<br />

alphabetically, documents under the parsonage measure 1938.<br />

Bishops’ estates: agreements with Ecclesiastical Commissioners 1883,<br />

papers regarding the old Palace, rating etc. 1896-1901, note books<br />

of business done perhaps bishops’ estates 1842-52, estate papers,<br />

bundles regarding the different properties, bill and appendix, for<br />

Episcopal Estates Act, 1851.<br />

Consecrations, following the series upstairs, and bundles of consecration<br />

papers from 1875; petitions to hold divine service in unconsecrated<br />

buildings 190519.<br />

Charities: petitions for places as almsmen and women Mere Hospital<br />

1886-1925; papers re Dr. Busby’s charity 1903-23.<br />

Confirmations, returns of, continuing the series upstairs.<br />

Convocations: monitions for, 1880-1919, returns 1919, letters re the<br />

house of laity.<br />

Documents relating to the clergy: licences to officiate 1880-1908, 1933-<br />

49; refusals of permission to officiate, lists, books, and letters c.<br />

1891-1924; licences of chaplains 1838-1949; nominations to curacies<br />

continuing the series upstairs 1939-46; ordinations continuing the<br />

series upstairs, 1883-1953, other separate misc. bundles re ordinations,<br />

regulations, testimonials etc.; presentations continuing the<br />

series upstairs, from 1939; residence and non-residence orders and<br />

licences 1886-1923; petitions 1920-25; register of non-residence<br />

licences 1864-1949; register of licences to reside 1868-1934; register<br />

of residence houses 1936-7; resignations, continuing the series upstairs,<br />

1930-44; copies of deeds of relinquishment under the clerical<br />

Disabilities Act 1870; subscription books 18951952, testimonials<br />

on appointment to benefices or suspension 1888-1904.<br />

Visitations: forms, monitions and citations 1876-1923; some misc.<br />

returns; letters to Kings College Cambridge.<br />

Bishop’s Hostel: various receipts and accounts 1880-1910; lists of weekly<br />

examinations 1893-9.<br />

Schools: Association of voluntary schools, 1897; lists of diocesan<br />

inspectors.<br />

Patronage: particulars of transfer 1898-1931.<br />

Lay readers, and diocesan surveyors: some misc. papers.

Registrars’ working papers: Bound volumes of enclosure acts, copies of<br />

terriers 1707-8, various packets of correspondence and a series in<br />

pigeon holes, W. W. Smith; bundles re institutions etc. not proceeded<br />

with 194351; deputations Richard Smith to William Moss<br />

and letters re this, 1853; lists of documents handed over; various<br />

bundles of returns: resignations with pension 1907, church building<br />

and restoration costing more than ~8500 1898, returns of the<br />

values of benefices 1914-20, commission on sale of ecclesiastical<br />

benefices 1873, commission on parish boundaries 1912, various<br />

forms, blank and obsolete; ecclesiastical fee books 1827-78, 1876-<br />

1925; London Gazette giving lists of fees and letters about them<br />

1870, office cash books 1850-82; bundles of vouchers 18851921;<br />

W. W. Smith in account with the bishop 1886-1918, also day books<br />

the same, 1882-1925, copies of returns of income as registrar 1883-<br />

1923 and some few personal letters and papers.<br />

An ordination register 1559-65 was discovered behind some printed<br />

book on one of the shelves. This and four 18th century compilations<br />

for precedents have been brought to Exchequer Gate.<br />


Bourne ’<br />

This parish was visited at the request of the Rev. D. S. Rowlands<br />

and a list of the records was made by the archivist and Miss Kathleen<br />

Major who also kindly provided transport to Bourne. The records<br />

examined were : parish registers from 1562, banns book 1935-45, register<br />

of confirmations from 1936, register of services 1906-50; vestry<br />

minutes 1818-94, civil parish 1894-1921, church council 1920-40, parish<br />

committees vestry and parochial church council 1913-33; documents<br />

relating to the poor law, apprenticeship indentures 18th century and<br />

early 19th century, 90 items; examinations for settlements 1750-1835,<br />

45 items, removal orders 18th century and 19th century, 201 items,<br />

bastardy papers late 18th century to mid 19th century, 30 items, settlement<br />

certificates 1764-1821, 4 only, relief for wives of militia 1801-5, 5<br />

items, overseers accounts and assessments with some vestry minutes<br />

1731-54, assessments 1793-1823, accounts 1814-36, miscellaneous papers<br />

and vouchers of overseers; a book with presentments regarding drains,<br />

dykes, state of roads, 1796-99, also has orders of drainage commissioners<br />

1798-1803, vestry minutes 1799-1813, accounts of overseers of the poor<br />

Dyke and Cawthorpe 1805-19, inventory of work house goods Bourne<br />

1803-28; log book of Bourne Eastgate mixed infants school 1863-1903;<br />

petition for raising the annual value of land to be occupied by those having<br />

common rights under the enclosure of Cow pasture, South Fen<br />

because of the increase in the cost of living 1809; copy returns made of<br />

live and dead stock, persons to serve as volunteers provided with arms,<br />

as pioneers or labourers or guides, to provide waggons, boats etc. 1803;<br />

Cawthorpe Town book disbursements for officers 1711-64.<br />

Broughton by Brigg<br />

This parish was visited by Mr. H. W. Brace who sent in notes on<br />

its earliest parish register 1538-1733.<br />


St. Michael on the Mount, Lincoln<br />

Practically all the records of this parish are now deposited and a<br />

list in some detail has been sent to the Reverend J. S. Maples the vicar.<br />

The chief classes are: registers from 1562, those in current use being still<br />

at the parish, banns books 1823-76, a large number of unbound churchwardens<br />

accounts and assessments and bundles of vouchers c. 1700-<br />

1922; documents relating to the rebuilding of the church 1856; forms of<br />

services for its consecration; some constables’ precepts and forms for<br />

raising money for prisoners, vagrants and the gaol 1742-1824; rate book<br />

overseers of the poor 1837-66, collecting and deposit books 1851-68;<br />

overseers accounts and misc. papers from mid 18th century; overseers<br />

of the Highway rate books 183857, surveyor’s accounts 1836-45, with<br />

some loose bills and receipts: some printed books and pamphlets and<br />

papers of the Reverend J. S. Gibney a former incumbent.<br />

St. Peter at Gowts, Lincoln<br />

Some earlier parish registers of this parish were brought in by the<br />

vicar, Canon G. Houlden, to join those already on deposit. They date<br />

from 1538 and later registers are here till 1911. There is a note to state<br />

that marriages all went to St. Botolph’s church in the period 1753-1826.<br />

Lissington<br />

The earliest parish register 1562-1708 and a book of briefs and<br />

accounts 1709-49 were deposited by the Reverend P. C. Hawker on<br />

behalf of the Reverend A. K. Paxon the rector.<br />

Marton<br />

Parish registers 1651-1863 were deposited by the Reverend D. B.<br />

MacGregor.<br />

Minting<br />

Some further records of this parish were deposited by the Reverend<br />

P. C. Hawker including documents relating to the benefice and an<br />

exchange of land 1845, a counterpart of a mortgage 1845, a file of papers<br />

on the rebuilding the church 1862 and a mortgage towards it, a settlement<br />

certificate 1743 and a few marriage licences.<br />

Rauceby<br />

The following records were deposited by Miss J. P. Slight churchwarden:<br />

parish registers 1688-1947, register of banns 1824-1944, paper<br />

re augmentation 1759, exchange of land 1842, letters and papers re<br />

alterations of parish boundary 1926, a plan of an estate in Gosberton<br />

1772, vestry minutes 1828-31, some memoranda on charities, Thorold<br />

and Carre 1786, disbursements for highways 1779-1831.<br />

Riby<br />

The earliest register of this parish is at present on temporary<br />

deposit, 1559-1782, with some gaps and badly faded portions.

Spalding<br />

Mr. H. E. Hallam has kindly sent a list of Spalding parish registers,<br />

which date from 1538.<br />

stow<br />

Mr. H. W. Brace has kindly sent notes on the parish records at<br />

Stow. The earlier parish registers 1561-1812, are on deposit at Exchequer<br />

Gate. At Stow are the later registers, vestry minutes 1818-1923,<br />

the enclosure award, churchwardens accounts 1707-1916, overseers of<br />

the poor accounts for Stow and Normanby 1753-1838, guardians’ books<br />

rates and accounts 1837-48, constables and thirdboroughs book 1757-<br />

1813, school log book 1866-77, highway surveyors’ accounts 1789-1855.<br />

There are also 45 removal orders, 155 settlement certificates, 55 bastardy<br />

bonds, 16 apprenticeship indentures and some other miscellaneous<br />

documents. Mr. Brace has made full lists of these last items and made<br />

interesting descriptive notes of all the documents.<br />

Stallingborough<br />

Five parish registers 1588-1812 and marriages till 1837 have been<br />

deposited by the vicar the Reverend H. Snartt. He has also deposited<br />

an altered tithe apportionment 1868, a copy of the London Gazette 1867<br />

with a note of a grant to Stallingborough an award of an exchange of<br />

glebe 1868, and a mixed volume of accounts., churchwardens, constables<br />

and overseers and some dyke reeves, with hsts of briefs and collections<br />

on them 1680-1771.<br />

Long Sutton<br />

Some documents relating to this place were brought in by the archdeacon<br />

of Lincoln on behalf of the Reverend Henry Gorse now of Little<br />

Eversden, Cambridge, former incumbent of Long Sutton, to whom they<br />

had been sent by two former pupils of his at Newark Grammar School<br />

who had bought them on a market stall. They consist of the award of<br />

an inquisition held to appease disputes between the tenants of the<br />

Queen at Sutton of the duchy of Lancaster and the tenants of the bishop<br />

of Ely in the Isle of Ely regarding the use of the fens, 1562 and-an<br />

exemplification of the same, documents relating to Thomas Allen’s<br />

charity c. 1552, 1603 (a copy of his will), 1689, documents relating to<br />

Thomas Leeman’s charity 1586. There are on deposit in this office<br />

from the Clerk of the Council of Long Sutton since 1939 certain other<br />

documents which link up with those already described, namely documents<br />

relating to Thomas Allen’s charity 1542, 1607, 1636, 1672, a<br />

fragment relating to the award concerning the use of the fens mentioned<br />

above with the seal of the bishop of Ely, apparently c. 1562 documents<br />

relating to Robert Phillips charity for the fabric of the church, first half<br />

of sixteenth century and 1557, and a list of tenants of the marsh with<br />

the acreage held and annual value 1687. Another small deposit of documents<br />

relating to Long Sutton had been made in 1938 which had been<br />

sent to the late Canon W, H. Kynaston at the Cathedral Library and<br />

had been handed on by him. They consist of a paper with list of feoffees<br />

of Thomas Allen’s charity, lease of land belonging to its feoffees 1719<br />

and the nomination of two persons to take action to protect the common<br />

rights in the marshes 1730. With this last deposit were copies of the<br />

documents and of some of those sent in by Mr. Gorse.

Mr. pfi. E. I-Iallam has reported that he has seen the following<br />

documents in the church of Long Sutton: appointment of commissioners<br />

for sewers under the seal of the duchy of Lancaster 1547, 1553; a law<br />

for Sutton St. Mary and Tydd 1406, a pardon to the people of Long<br />

Sutton in connection with the death of the king’s steward 1533 also<br />

churchwardens accounts 1543-73. There is a note on some of these<br />

documents in <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> Notes and Queries vol. I p. 130.<br />

Thomas Allen’s charity had as one of its objects “the maintenance<br />

of the lawdable solemnitie of church musicke and of the instrimient in<br />

that church to be performed accordinge as it shalbe allowed by the laws<br />

of the land and as it hathe beene usually heartofore by me the said<br />

Thomas Allen in my lyffe time performed I meane with Christian<br />

decency and religious zeale” and certain property was alloted to this<br />

purpose. One of the deeds relating to it is endorsed: “Towards the<br />

organe.” He left other property to bind poor children apprentice, to<br />

distribute a dole to the poor twice a year and to have a sermon preached<br />

at the same times.<br />

Sutton in the Marsh<br />

The tithe award and plan were damaged in the floods of 1953 and<br />

were repaired by the archivist’s department of the Leicester C:\ty<br />

Museum. They have now been deposited by the treasurer of Lindsey<br />

County Council on beh‘alf of the financial officer, Mablethorpe and<br />

Sutton Urban District Council.<br />

West Torrington<br />

A list of the records of this parish has been kindly supplied by<br />

Mrs. P. A. Jackson, wife of the rector. They consist of registers from<br />

1638, banns books from 1855, preachers’ book 1887-1901, register of<br />

services 1902-21, letter regarding an augmentation which took place in<br />

1775, dated 1863, letter concerning the churchyard 1860, mortgage for<br />

enlarging the vicarage, faculties for a window 1935 and electric lighting<br />

1953, settlement and removal orders 1700-1813, statement regarding<br />

the Bread charity 1837.<br />

Whaplode<br />

The following list of records at Whaplode was kindly sent by Mr.<br />

H. E. Hallam: vestry book with accounts of churchwardens, overseers<br />

of the poor, dyke reeves and constables 1678-1770, vestry books appointment<br />

of officers, no accounts, 1804-1854; select vestry 1821-82;<br />

churchwardens accounts 1764-90, overseers of the poor accounts 1772-<br />

1836, poor book 1812-29, poor law rate book 183S, 1850; dyke reeves<br />

accounts 1790-1848, highway and accounts 1792-1865; these were all in<br />

the parish chest when examined. In the vicar’s cupboard were some<br />

records of the church school, copies of documents connected with liability<br />

for chancel repairs made in 1907, some notes on the history of<br />

Whaplode by the Reverend Edward Moore, vicar of Weston, printed<br />

list of claims under enclosure, Holbeach and Whaplode 1812, South<br />

Holland Drainage act 1792, plan of reseating the church 1854, census<br />

returns 1801, 1811, genealogy of the Whaplode branch of the Walpoles<br />

of Houghton 1874. The parish registers of Whaplode from 1559, except<br />

for those in current use, a volume of settlement certificates 1704-92,<br />

two examinations as to settlement 1724-5, 8 removal orders 1705-27, an<br />

apprenticeship indenture 1668 and accounts for overseers of the poor<br />

1700-05 have been on deposit at Exchequer Gate since 1940.



With the kind permission of Mr. R. Chatterton, solicitor, of Horncastle,<br />

the archivist visited his office at 7 Lindsey Court, Horncastle,<br />

and listed documents in his possession. The following records had<br />

accumulated during the period of practice of Mr. R. Chatterton and of<br />

his predecessors in the practice, members of the Clitherow family:<br />

Title Deeds<br />

Belchford 1829-42, 1936; Bolingbroke, Old Bolingbroke and East Keal<br />

several packets 18451914, with earlier abstracts of title; Hagworthingham<br />

mortgage 1873, Haltham 1871-2, abstract of title from 1776;<br />

Hemingby 1760-1820; Horncastle, 3 and 4 Market Place 1731-1886,<br />

West Street 1744-1903, Far Street 1808-84, West Ashby field 1846-<br />

97, East Street 1807-1914, abstract of title from 1784, Cagthorpe<br />

in Horncastle 1858 and malt kiln in, 1809-47, messuage and malt<br />

kiln 1796-1905, land in market place 1855, gardens in Croft Street<br />

abstract of title from 1855-99; Mareham le Fen 1710-1899, 1886-<br />

79; Marsh Chapel mortgage 1811, Tattershall and Tattershall Thorpe<br />

1787-1876, 1854-1909, 1741-1874; Tetford abstract of title 1716-<br />

1840.<br />

co. Derby: land in Derby, Boundary Road and the parish of St. Warburgh<br />

1851-68.<br />

Probates and Administrations<br />

A large box, for persons mostly of Horncastle and district, 1809-1909,<br />

the greater number being later than 1860.<br />

Copies, Enclosure Awards<br />

Unless stated these have no plan with them. They were copies<br />

taken by Mr. Clitherow’s clerks c. 1790.<br />

Asterby and Goulceby 1778, Atterby, Snitter%y and Waddingham 1770,<br />

Baumber, incomplete, a copy of the act 1757-8, Belchford with<br />

maps of the north and south parts of the lordship 1804, Edlington<br />

1779, Mavis Enderby 1801, Fulletby 1777, Grantham 1795, Haltham<br />

and Roughton 1775, Hemingby 1778, Hundleby 1804, Huttoft<br />

1780, Langton and Woodhall 1769, Ludford 1774, Moorsby and<br />

Wilksby 1773, Tetford 1767, Thimbleby 1751, High Toynton 1770,<br />

Waddingham, copy proceedings and decree in Chancery.<br />

Enclosure Acts and Minutes<br />

Asterby and Goulceby 1776; Hagworthingham 1795; East Kirkby 1806<br />

with minutes and later exchanges 1806-19; Wildmore Fen and East<br />

and West Fen 1801, 1803.<br />

Surveys<br />

Survey and valuation of old enclosures and allotments in Horncastle<br />

as made by commissioners at the time of the enclosure 1803-04,<br />

with a rate or assessment made on owners and occupiers of allotments<br />

in Hqrncastle by the commissioners of enclosure 1808; valuation<br />

of houses and buildings in Horncastle by the committee at a<br />

vestry meeting, also of lands made by commissioners at the time<br />

of enclosure, signed by the members of a committee to make an<br />

equal rate for the Land Tax 1813.

Parish Records<br />

Account book, surveyors of highways, Horncastle 1841-2, 1858-9, highway<br />

rate book Horncastle 1848, 1854-5.<br />

Horncastle Water Company<br />

Minute book 1882-1911, draft minutes 1882-1909; register of shareholders<br />

1886-1918, shareholders address book 1882-1907, share<br />

transfer certificates 1882-1952, counterfoils of shares and transfers,<br />

various dates, dividend warrants to 1903, dividend list 1910-43,<br />

debenture account book 1889-1908, debenture interest 1908-38,<br />

register of debentures 1889 revised to 1941; cash book 1882-1928,<br />

collecting and deposit account 1905-25, vouchers 1936-47, collectors’<br />

cash books 1887-1905; draft conveyance and deed of covenant<br />

re property in Cawkwell 1884, 1912; conveyance of land in Martin<br />

for extensions to Woodhall Spa, with grant of pipeway leave 1889,<br />

plans and sections Asterby 1882; case papers Horncastle Water<br />

Co. with Woodhall Spa Gas Co. 1911; copy report on scheme for<br />

augmentation of supply 1906, copy, some observations of the Joint<br />

Committee of the Catchment Board Scheme for the River Bain<br />

1937; ledger giving users’ names, residences, W.C.s, baths, memoranda<br />

on pipes, plumbers’ names 1883-1904; packet of newspapers<br />

with advertisements 1881-2; and some further miscellaneous papers<br />

and correspondence.<br />

Horncastle and Kirkstead Brewery Company<br />

inutes 1916-1934, when the company went in voluntary liquidation;<br />

/register of members from 1916; counterfoil book of share transfers<br />

1916-32; accounts under names of firms and persons 1916-30, classified<br />

accounts i.e. ale draught, fire and light, office expenses, carriage,<br />

rates, misc. trade, insurance, travelling etc. 1930-34, day book<br />

receipt and expenditure 1923-34, day book re goods supplied 1924-<br />

33, day book ? purchases 1931-34; account with Lloyds Bank<br />

Horncastle 1923-34, particulars of sale, property in Kirkstead Horncastle<br />

and Thimbleby including the brewery 1933, some packets of<br />

correspondence, the company’s stamping machine. ‘Mr. R.<br />

Chatterton was the company’s auditor.<br />

Drainage Board<br />

River Bain drainage board draft accounts, areas A, B and C 1928-34,<br />

a rate for area A, undated, letters 1926-31; Kirkstead drainage<br />

board draft accounts Kirkstead and Tattershall districts 1929-34,<br />

a rate 1932, vouchers 1923-29, letters 1926-31, letters Tattershall<br />

Thorpe area 1929-30; accounts for daily work on drainage and<br />

pipe laying Hareby 1893-94, application for post of engineer at<br />

Dogdyke pumping station 1932. Mr. Chatterton was clerk to the<br />

boar’ds.<br />

Petty Sessions<br />

Minute books Horncastle Petty Sessional Division 1905-47.<br />

Clients’ Boxes<br />

About a quarter of these was examined as a sample. They were. of<br />

relatively recent date, but being concerned with the admmlstratlon<br />

of property and cases at law they are of potential historic interest.

\<br />

70<br />


This year has seen the publication by Miss Kathleen Major of the<br />

authoritative Handlist of Records of the Bishop of Lincoln and of the<br />

Archdeacons of Lincoln and Stoze, (Oxford 1953) the culmination of her<br />

work as Diocesan archivist for nine years, and of the seventh volume of<br />

Registrum Antiquissimum (Lincoln Record Society vol. 46) which contains<br />

the cathedral charters for Kesteven parishes.<br />

Diocesan and deposited records have been used by a number of<br />

writers: Joan Thirsk, The Isle of Axholme before Vermuyden, in<br />

Agricultural History Review vol. 1 (1953), M. W. Barley and P. E.<br />

Rossell in Notes on the Agrarian History of Owersby and Burgh le<br />

Marsh in The <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> Historian No. 12 (1953), the Reverend F.<br />

Baker The Story of Cleethor@es,and the contribution of Methodism (Cleethorpes<br />

1953), A. E. Kirkby Humberstone the story of a village (Lincoln<br />

1953). Editions of documents in the committee’s custody were<br />

published by Bradford Smith in Captain John Smith (Philadelphia and<br />

New York, 1953) by Mr. C. L. Exley for the St. John Ambulance Brigade<br />

in The Cardinal’s Hat (Lincoln 1953), by F. W. East in The Heighington<br />

Terrier part 2 in Reeorts and Papers, <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> Architectural<br />

and Archeological Society vol. 5 part I 1953, by the assistant archivist<br />

in Ralf son of Gilbert (ibid.). The archivist in collaboration wtih Miss<br />

L. M. Midgley contributed a chapter to the handbook Local Records<br />

Their Nature and Care published in 1953 by the Society of Local Archivists<br />

and the assistant archivist wrote a paper on Sede Vacante Records<br />

of the Diocese of Lincoln for Bulletin No. 12 of the same society.<br />

Archivists’ <strong>Report</strong>s to this committee are still available from the<br />

Archivist, <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> Archives Office, Exchequer Gate, Lincoln,<br />

namely 1948-59, 1950-1, 1951-2, 1952-3, at 2s. 6d. each, 2s. 10d. to<br />

include postage.<br />


During the year the archivist has lectured on the work of the cornmittee<br />

to the North Hykeham Women’s Institute and to the Soroptimist<br />

Club of Lincoln and on documents as a source of agrarian history to the<br />

Training College Historical Society. The assistant archivist has lectured<br />

twice on Sir John Meres, to the Historical Association, Lincoln Branch,<br />

and to the Bridlington Augustinian Society.<br />

The work in connection with the Coronation Exhibition held at the<br />

Usher Art Gallery has already been described. In addition exhibitions<br />

were prepared and brief lectures given for the following partres at<br />

Exchequer Gate: Geographical Association Easter conference, Leicester<br />

University College History Department, Hull Training College History<br />

Department, Beeston co. Nottingham extra-mural class, Lincoln Training<br />

College Mathematics Department. A small exhibition of records<br />

relating to Bishop Grosseteste was prepared to be shewn with manuscripts<br />

of the cathedral library for the Grosseteste Festival on 27th June<br />


u!$B OF THE OPFfCE<br />

The use of the office to see special exhibitions has already been<br />

tiescribed; the total number of visitors coming to see the office and hear<br />

of its work was 14% There have been 897 visits of readers working on<br />

documents (signing the book once in each day) and the number of<br />

persons involved was 118, There was little change in the types, of<br />

readers from previous years. The decline in numbers of readers and<br />

reader-visits is to be attributed to the absence of a summer school and<br />

to the decrease in numbers of students from the Lincoln Training College<br />

working on documents for their essays during the past year. The<br />

number of personal, postal and telephone enquiries dealt with during<br />

the year is 355 and 40 short searches have been made on behalf of<br />

enquirers unable to visit Lincoln. In addition copies of 33 separate<br />

items from documents have been made on the Contoura photo-copier.<br />

Three extensive searches were made during the year, namely a return<br />

to the History of Parliament Trust on poll books, a collection of information<br />

on monastic and family cartularies in <strong>Lincolnshire</strong> for a survey<br />

which is being made for the Royal Historical Society and the notes on<br />

the history of the county treasurers already described. A reply to a<br />

questionnaire on the educational use of archives which was recently<br />

circulated by the secretary of the Society of Local Archives on behalf<br />

of the director of the French National Archives showed that since March<br />

1951 the records in the committee’s custody have been used by 19<br />

British University teachers, 3 American University teachers, 3 teachers<br />

in religious orders at University level, 5 University extra-mural lecturers,<br />

14 teachers in grammar and secondary modern schools and 1<br />

primary school teacher. In addition visits have been paid by 13 British,<br />

1 German and 1 American University teachers for general information<br />

concerning the office. Subjects studied have included ecclesiastical,<br />

legal, architectural, economic, social and political, parliamentary and<br />

educational history.<br />


The archivists acknowledge gratefully reports catalogues and information<br />

sent from the following archive repositories: the county record<br />

offices of Bedford, Berkshire, Devon, Glamorgan, Gloucester, Hertford,<br />

Northampton, Nottingham, Salop, Stafford and Worcester: the Leicester<br />

City Museum, the University Library, Nottingham, the museums of<br />

Peterborough and Guildford, the House of Lords, the Lambeth Palace<br />

Library, and the Royal College of Physicians. They continue to receive<br />

with gratitude the publications of the Lincoln Record Society and the<br />

<strong>Lincolnshire</strong> Architectural and Archaological Society. Other reports<br />

and publications have come from the National Register of Archives, the<br />

Pilgrim Trust, the Northamptonshire Record Society, the History of<br />

Parliament Trust and the Scunthorpe Local History Society. Gifts of<br />

printed books, copies of documents and information have come from<br />

Miss Kathleen Major, Miss F. A. R. Murray, Mrs. P. A. Jackson, Mrs.<br />

Joan Thirsk, the Reverend H. B. Dudding, Fr. Conrad Walmsley<br />

O.F.M., Sir Maurice Powicke, Sir Frank and Lady Stenton, the<br />

librarian Stamford Public Library, the Lincoln Corps St. John Ambulance<br />

Brigade and from Messrs. G. W. S. Barrow, H. W. Brace (including<br />

the ms. minutes of the Butter Market Committee at Gainsborough<br />

1851-66), V. G. D. Chapman, C. Cooke, C. B. Drover, G. S.

Dixon, C. L. Exley, H. E. Hallam, E. Hawthorn, W. H. Hosford,<br />

H. W. Jones, T. M. Layng, J. Martin, W. A. Musson, S. Race, Bradford<br />

Smith, A. R. Staniforth, F. B. Stitt, K. S. S. Train and F. West.<br />

The archivists acknowledge gratefully the continued help of Miss<br />

D. J. Fell in the sorting and listing of dyke-reeves’ accounts and of<br />

Mr. L. B. Barley in the calendaring and indexing of probate inventories.<br />

Miss Jean Monteith’s help in connection with the second<br />

Ancaster deposit has already been referred to. They are also happy to<br />

acknowledge the continued interest and help by way of information and<br />

advice of Miss Kathleen Major, Miss F. E. Thurlby, and of Messrs. H.<br />

W. Brace, G. S. Dixon and C. L. Exley. They are grateful to the<br />

Reverend P. C. Hawker for sparing time in his vlsrts to see church plate<br />

to ask about records. They are grateful to the librarian of the Lindsey<br />

and Holland County Library for continued co-operation in the matter<br />

of searches and the use of books. They are most grateful to all donors<br />

and depositors of documents and to those who use their good offices in<br />

furthering gifts and deposits.<br />


Archivist.<br />


Assistant Archivist.

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