Contents, cont'd. - Intermec

Contents, cont'd. - Intermec

Contents, cont'd. - Intermec


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Chapter 2 Program Instructions<br />

Field of Application Statement for receiving and storing protocol frames of image data in the<br />

printer's memory.<br />

Syntax STORE ↔ INPUT[,]<br />

is the timeout in ticks (0.01 sec.) before next character is<br />

received.<br />

is, optionally, the number assigned to a device when it was<br />

OPENed for INPUT (default: Std IN channel).<br />

Remarks The STORE INPUT statement receives and stores a protocol frame of image<br />

data as specified by preceding INPUT and STORE IMAGE statements. It<br />

also performs an end frame check. STORE INPUT is usually more convenient<br />

than the STORE statement.<br />

STORE INPUT works differently for various types of protocol:<br />

INTELHEX Receives and stores frames until timeout<br />

or end frame is received.<br />

UBI00–03 Receives and stores frames until timeout<br />

or required number of bytes are received.<br />

UBI10 Receives and stores frames until timeout<br />

or end frame is received.<br />

Examples This example shows how an Intelhex file is stored using the STORE IMAGE<br />

statement. Compare with the example for STORE statement. The number of<br />

input parameters may vary depending on type of protocol, see STORE<br />

INPUT statement.<br />

10 STORE OFF<br />

20 INPUT "Name:", N$<br />

30 INPUT "Width:", W%<br />

40 INPUT "Height:", H%<br />

50 INPUT "Protocol:", P$<br />

60 STORE IMAGE N$, W%, H%, P$<br />

70 STORE INPUT 100<br />

80 STORE OFF<br />

To receive the input from another channel than std IN channel, the device<br />

must be OPENed for INPUT and a reference be included in the STORE<br />

INPUT statement.<br />

10 STORE OFF<br />

20 OPEN "uart2:" FOR INPUT AS #9<br />

30 INPUT "Name:", N$<br />

40 INPUT "Width:", W%<br />

50 INPUT "Height:", H%<br />

60 INPUT "Protocol:", P$<br />

70 STORE IMAGE N$, W%, H%, P$<br />

80 STORE INPUT 100,9<br />

90 CLOSE #3<br />

100 STORE OFF<br />

<strong>Intermec</strong> Fingerprint 7.2 – Reference Manual Ed. 3 217

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