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Thursday, July 9, 2009 • !OL. 13' NO. 25<br />


AGAIN<br />

Badlands prairie dogs infected.<br />

See story on Page 27<br />

GOOD<br />

JOB<br />

Belle Fourche honors<br />

employees.<br />

See story on Page 3<br />


Banner unfurled on Mount Rushmore<br />

No permit obtained for<br />

deteriorating Whitewood building<br />

■ City trying to obtain funds to<br />

save historic structure<br />

B" $#&+ %#*,-.<br />

!"#$%&'("")&*(+,--.<br />

WHIT)WOOD 1 The deadline for the<br />

owner of a Whitewood building on the 3erge of<br />

collapse to secure a building or demolition permit<br />

has passed.<br />

This opens the door for the city to demolish<br />

the building if necessary. aut that is the last<br />

thing city officials want to do. They are now<br />

see@ing historic preser3ation funds from a 3ariety<br />

of entities so they are able to pay to fiO the<br />

Hole in the Wall building.<br />

auilding Inspector Marty OHDea sent an<br />

emergency letter to building owner Mim Mun@er<br />

gi3ing him until Tuesday to obtain a permit.<br />

Mun@er hired an engineer and both were in<br />

town inspecting the building that was built in<br />

1[08.<br />

WHe didnHt thin@ he could do anything with<br />

it,X Mayor Mi@e Weyrich said of the engineer.<br />

WWeHre still trying to sa3e it and we are trying to<br />

see if funds are a3ailable.X<br />

Weyrich said the city and the Mun@ers are both<br />

loo@ing for funds.<br />

WWeHre Vust doing legal stuff right now, but we<br />

hope someone comes in and tries to sa3e it,X he<br />

added.<br />

See NO PERMIT — Page 32<br />

50 cents www.bhpioneer.com<br />


-*P/ 1 )n3ironmentalists using par@ ser3ice roc@<br />

anchors scaled Mount &ushmore on Wednesday and<br />

unfurled a banner along President *braham LincolnHs<br />

face challenging *mericaHs leaders to stop global warming.<br />

)le3en people were charged with trespassing and the<br />

misdemeanor crime of climbing on Mount &ushmore<br />

National Monument, #.S. *ttorney Marty Mac@ley said.<br />

They pleaded not guilty to all charges.<br />

The en3ironmental group Nreenpeace said in a statement<br />

that three of its members hung the banner on<br />

Mount &ushmore while other acti3ists bloc@ed access to<br />

the site. Nreenpeace said the climbers, using eOisting<br />

roc@ anchors that the par@ ser3ice uses for occasional<br />

cleanings, went up the bac@ of the monument, then rappelled<br />

down its face to unfurl a P5-by-35-foot banner<br />

reading, S*merica honors leaders not politiciansT Stop<br />

Greenpeace climbers rappel down the face of<br />

Mount Rushmore National Memorial<br />

Wednesday to unfurl a banner that challenges<br />

President Obama to show leadership on global<br />

warming. Obama is at the GM meeting in Italy<br />

to discuss the global warming crisis with other<br />

world leaders. AP photo<br />

New trolley to hit streets<br />

B" #$" %&'(H*<br />

!"#$%&'("")&*(+,--.<br />

D)*DWOOD 1 * new trolley<br />

has recently Voined the cityHs fleet<br />

and is set to hit the streets in about<br />

three wee@s.<br />

WI still ha3e to do a few things to<br />

it,X Trolley Manager &obert Nelson<br />

said. WI need to get the decals on and<br />

there are little things to do here<br />

before itHs ready to go.X<br />

The Y00[ Supreme Trolley will<br />

replace a Y00Y city trolley, which has<br />

reached the maOimum mileage of<br />

140,000 miles that Nelson feels comfortable<br />

with. Nelson said the trolleys<br />

a3erage about Y5,000 miles a<br />

year<br />

WThe trolley is still 3iable,X Nelson<br />

said. WWe could run it longer but<br />

after a certain mileage little things<br />

happen and it becomes a lot of maintenance<br />

wor@.X<br />

Nelson said &apid CityHs public<br />

transit system, &apid Transit, has<br />

eOpressed interest in purchasing the<br />

older trolley. Since Deadwood added<br />

the trolley system in 1[8[ after gambling<br />

was re-established, the concept<br />

of a trolley has grown in popularity<br />

See RUSHMORE — Page 9<br />

across the state.<br />

W`ort Pierre bought one of our<br />

older trolleys a couple of years ago,X<br />

Nelson said. WThey completely<br />

refurbished and repainted it. They<br />

also added air conditioning.<br />

Spearfish came to us as did `ort<br />

Pierre and they both used my model<br />

and specHs to establish their trolley<br />

systems.X<br />

Nelson has reported to the<br />

Deadwood City Commission that<br />

numbers ha3e remained down compared<br />

to last year because of the slow<br />

economy. He said the drop is not of<br />

great concern yet, but he will continue<br />

to @eep an eye on the numbers.<br />

WI thin@ it is because tourism is<br />

down and we had a cool, rainy summer.<br />

Tourist donHt fa3or cold weather,X<br />

Nelson said. W)3en though our<br />

numbers are down the trolley is still<br />

3ery popular. WeH3e gi3en close to<br />

80,000 rides so far this year.X<br />

Nelson said during a typical summer<br />

the trolley sees between [00 to<br />

1,000 paying riders Monday through<br />

Thursday, and close to Y,000 riders<br />

See TROLLEY — Page 7



!lack 'ills *ioneer<br />

!"#!$%%! ' ()s+ a -e/ 0on+3s o- con5<br />

s+r)c+ion /ork an9 :;

!"ursday, Ju+y 9, 2009 BH PIONEER LOCAL SCENE Page 3<br />


BENNE))<br />

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,a.in1 23e ci2. 3as an<br />

o8li1a2ion 2o reco1ni;e<br />

23ose ake<br />

23in1s r@nA Belle %o@rc3e<br />

Ba.or CaDe ,c3neiEer<br />

3onoreE seDeral ci2.<br />

e>=lo.ees a2 BonEa.Fs<br />

ci2. co@ncil >ee2in1G<br />

Bran2 H1er anE )l.Ee<br />

,>i23 en2A<br />

Co@1las Boser anE L@s2in<br />

,3ell3a>>er Ior one .ear<br />

en2G<br />

Mikki B@r1E@II anE<br />

(e8el Nan #o3 en2<br />


John Michael Murphy, 61<br />

J29n (+,9ae> (ur59y, Q1, ]9+te@22d, d+ed Sunday, June 2K, 2009, at 9+.<br />

re.+den,e +n ]9+te@22dE<br />

_ra0e.+de .er0+,e. @+>> 3e 9e>d at 2 5EAE 2n Saturday, Ju>y 19, 2009, at t9e<br />

]9+te@22d TeAeteryE<br />

Ve>>2@.9+5 and re're.9Aent. @+>> '2>>2@ t9e .er0+,e at `a>e `a>> +n<br />

]9+te@22dE<br />

Tard. Aay 3e .ent t2 t9e 'aA+>y ata $a,9e> Pa5en'u.., PY ?24 3Z[,<br />

]9+te@22d, S: Z[[93E<br />

Marvin Lehmen, 59<br />

(ar0+n Le9Aen, age Z9, d+ed Due.day, Ju>y [, 2009 at 9+. 92Ae +n<br />

:ead@22dE<br />

`e +. .ur0+0ed 3y 9+. 3r2t9er. and .+.ter., :2nna WJ2eX `2>terAan, b2rAa<br />

StrueA59, Verdy WS9ar2nX Le9Aen, (ar+>yn Le9Aen WPeter c>au3erX, and<br />

Le2n W:2r+.X Le9Aend 12 n+e,e. and ne59e@. and 22 greatCn+e,e. and<br />

ne59e@.E<br />

Vunera> .er0+,e. are 5end+ng @+t9 t9e e>d+nger Vunera> `2Ae f TreAat+2n<br />

Ser0+,e 2' S5ear'+.9E<br />

The Nettie Smothers family would like to<br />

thank everyone who gave gifts, cards,<br />

floral arrangements, called, furnished<br />

food and consoled us during the loss of<br />

our Mother and Grandmother,<br />

Nettie Smothers.<br />

Lead Area Chamber of<br />

Commerce Ribbon Cutting<br />



Stamped • Decorative • Exposed<br />

Business Owner: Kyle Swindler<br />

707 W. Summit Street, Lead, SD 57754 • 605-920-9951<br />

Brought to<br />

you by:<br />

Did It Again! ©<br />

Call Sue Cramer at 645-2391<br />

Call Beth Mathis at 605-645-6284<br />

!" !#! $%&'%&<br />

!"a$% '(""s P(+neer<br />

P"#$$# & "' (ed+,a+d .er0+,e.<br />

are e0er t2 3e e45anded +n S2ut9<br />

:a;2ta, .tate Se,retary 2' S2,+a><br />

Ser0+,e. :e3 ?2@Aan t2>d >eg+.>aC<br />

t2r. Due.day, 9er '+r.t 5r+2r+ty @2u>d<br />

3e t2 9e>5 A2re '+nan,+a>>y .tra55ed<br />

A2t9er.Ct2C3e dur+ng t9e+r 5regnanC<br />

,+e.E<br />

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5regnant @2Aen @2u>d 3e +A5r20C<br />

+ng t9e ,9an,e. t9at ,9+>dren @+>> 3e<br />

32rn 9ea>t9y and redu,+ng t9e r+.;.<br />

2' 5reAature 3+rt9. t9at 2'ten<br />

reFu+re +nten.+0e ,are and 2t9er<br />

e45en.+0e Aed+,a> .er0+,e. +n+t+a>>y<br />

and add+t+2na> ,are '2r year. dur+ng<br />

,9+>d922dE<br />

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e,2n2Ay @2u>d need t2 +A5r20e<br />

.u3.tant+a>>y, 2r .2Ae2ne @2u>d<br />

need t2 5r20+de a AaH2r g+'t, '2r t9e<br />

.tate trea.ury t2 a''2rd +t. .9are 2'<br />

t9e add+t+2na> ,2.t, ,urrent>y e.t+C<br />

Aated at I3 A+>>+2n annua>>y a. .tate<br />

g20ernAentG. .9are 2' t9e IK A+>C<br />

>+2nC5>u. t2ta>E<br />

S5ea;+ng t2 t9e Leg+.>atureG. .5eC<br />

,+a> ,2AA+ttee .tudy+ng (ed+,a+d<br />

re+A3ur.eAent, ?2@Aan .a+d<br />

(ed+,a+d n2@ ,20er. 5regnant<br />

@2Aen @92.e +n,2Ae +. n2 A2re<br />

t9an I14,404 '2r a .+ng>eC5er.2n<br />

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S9e @2u>d >+;e t2 e45and t9e e>+C<br />

g+3+>+ty t2 200 5er,ent 2' 520erty,<br />

!"u$sday, Ju+y 9, 2009<br />

Adams Museum releases W.B.<br />

Perkins Black Hills Postcards<br />

■ 2010 collectible<br />

wall calendar<br />

:#e:]YY: & D9e edaA. (u.euA f<br />

`2u.e +. 5>ea.ed t2 ann2un,e t9e re>ea.e 2'<br />

t9e 2010 ,a>endar ]+.9 U2u ]ere `ereE D9e<br />

,a>endar 'eature. turn 2' t9e ,entury 52.tC<br />

,ard. 'r2A t9e ]E?E Per;+n. T2>>e,t+2n at t9e<br />

`2Ae.ta;e edaA. $e.ear,9 and Tu>tura><br />

TenterE D9e ,a>endar @a. ,reated 3y Tar2>yn<br />

]e3er, a..+.tant d+re,t2r, and enne $2ger.,<br />

Au.euA edu,at2rE<br />

]+>>+aA ?rad'2rd Per;+n. ,aAe t2 t9e<br />

?>a,; `+>>. +n 1K[9E `e e.ta3>+.9ed a drug,<br />

.tat+2nary and 322;.t2re 2n LeadG. (a+n<br />

Street +n 1KK4E Later 9e de0e>25ed an +nterC<br />

e.t +n 592t2gra59y and 3egan ta;+ng 5+,ture.<br />

2' >2,a> +ntere.tE<br />

Per;+n.G 592t2gra59. ,a5ture t9e e..en,e<br />

2' >+'e +n t9e ?>a,; `+>>., 'r2A tra+n. tra0e>C<br />

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@2r;+ng. 2' t9e `2Ae.ta;e _2>d (+ne +n<br />

LeadE ]E?E Per;+n. 3e,aAe a >2,a> +A52rter<br />

and H233er '2r 52.t,ard.E `e 5u3>+.9ed Aany<br />

2' 9+. 2@n 592t2. a. >+t92gra59+, 52.t,ard.<br />

t9at @ere 5r+nted +n 32t9 _erAany and t9e<br />

gn+ted State.E Per;+n. reAa+ned +n 3u.+ne..<br />

unt+> 1912E<br />

D9+. yearG. ,a>endar +. .52n.2red 3y t9e<br />

:ead@22d `+.t2r+, Pre.er0at+2n<br />

T2AA+..+2n, edaA.C (a.tr20+,9 VaA+>y<br />

V2undat+2n, ?>a,; `+>>. P+2neer, S+>0erad2<br />

Vran;>+n `+.t2r+, `2te> f _aA+ng T2A5>e4,<br />

V+r.t ]e.tern ?an;, V+r.t ]e.tern "n.uran,e<br />

T2A5any and :ead@22d _u>,9 _aA+ng<br />

$e.2rtE<br />

Ta>endar. are a0a+>a3>e '2r 5ur,9a.e at t9e<br />

edaA. ?r2.E ?22;.t2re, edaA. Drea.ure.<br />

_+'t S925 and ata<br />

@@@EedaA.(u.euAend`2u.eE2rgE e ,2AC<br />

5>+Aentary ,a>endar +. +n,>uded a. a 3ene'+t<br />

2' Au.euA AeA3er.9+5E<br />

Cabinet secretary favors<br />

expanding Medicaid for more<br />

pregnant women<br />

@9+,9 @2u>d 3e I21,QQ0 '2r t9at<br />

.aAe .+ng>eC@2Aan 92u.e92>dE D9e<br />

+n,2Ae aA2unt. +n,rea.e '2r ea,9<br />

add+t+2na> 'aA+>y AeA3erE<br />

?2@Aan de.,r+3ed t9e @2Aen<br />

,urrent>y .er0ed a. R522r, 0ery<br />

522rES<br />

Se0era> ,2AA+ttee AeA3er.<br />

,>ear>y @ere re,e5t+0eE $e5E Pau><br />

:ennert, :CT2>uA3+a, .ugge.ted t9e<br />

:e5artAent 2' S2,+a> Ser0+,e. ,2nC<br />

du,t a '+nan,+a> ana>y.+. t9at @2u>d<br />

e.t+Aate t9e 52tent+a> 3ene'+t.E<br />

RU2uGd >+;e t2 >22; at t9e >2ngC<br />

terA return,S :ennert .a+dE<br />

$e5E :arre>> S2>3erg, :CS+2u4<br />

Va>>., >ed ?2@Aan t9r2ug9 a .er+e.<br />

2' Fue.t+2n. t9at +>>u.trated t9e ,2nC<br />

ne,t+2n 3et@een 5ay+ng A2re '2r<br />

.er0+,e. dur+ng 5regnan,y and needC<br />

+ng t2 5ay ,2n.+dera3>y >e.. >ater '2r<br />

,9+>drenG. 9ea>t9 ,areE<br />

R" Hu.t ;n2@ @e .5end a great dea><br />

2' A2ney 2n ne2Cnata> WAed+,a><br />

,areX,S .9e .a+dE<br />

"n 200K, S2ut9 :a;2ta a0eraged<br />

102,310 5e25>e A2nt9>y @92 @ere<br />

e>+g+3>e '2r (ed+,a+dE Y' t92.e,<br />

5regnant @2Aen @ere 2,QK2E D9e<br />

>arge.t nuA3er @ere ,9+>dren 2'<br />

>2@C+n,2Ae 'aA+>+e. at ZZ,04ZE<br />

State g20ernAent .5ent I[20E2<br />

A+>>+2n 2n Aed+,a> .er0+,e. '2r<br />

(ed+,a+d re,+5+ent. dur+ng t9e 200K<br />

3udget yearE State ta4 re0enue. ,20C<br />

ered I2QQ A+>>+2n, @9+>e t9e reAa+nC<br />

der @a. 5a+d 3y t9e 'edera> g20ernC<br />


Thursday, July 9, 2009 BH PIONEER STATE NEWS Page 5<br />

Transient, juvenile loopholes closed in South<br />

Dakota sex-offender registry<br />


B"a$% 'i"") Pioneer<br />

!"ERRE & ' new state law<br />

expands the circumstances when sex<br />

offenders must list themselves on<br />

South Dakota>s sex?offender registry.<br />

Cow they must sign up if they<br />

obtain a driver license, license a<br />

motor vehicle, get a postal address or<br />

register to vote in South Dakota.<br />

!reviously they had<br />

to put themselves on<br />

the registry only if<br />

they actually live,<br />

work or go to school in<br />

the state.<br />

Fhe goal is that<br />

South Dakota no<br />

longer can be used as<br />

an island by sex<br />

offenders trying to<br />

avoid having their<br />

names, photos, crimes<br />

and other identifying<br />

information on an offi?<br />

cial registry.<br />

Fhe Legislature passed the new law<br />

last winter at the reHuest of 'ttorney<br />

General Larry Long.<br />

Long and two attorneys from his<br />

staff, Scott Swier and John Strohman,<br />

briefed a special committee of the<br />

Legislature on sex?offender registry<br />

issues Wednesday.<br />

“"t prevents them from wandering<br />

the country unregistered and<br />

unchecked,” Swier told the lawmak?<br />

ers.<br />

He said South Dakota>s registry had<br />

Sidewalk<br />

SUNDAY<br />

SCHOOL<br />

FREE for children<br />

Age 3 through 6th grade<br />

Monday, July 13<br />

through Friday, July 17<br />

9:00-11:00 a.m.<br />

Located at Lion’s Park<br />

(3rd & Lincoln, Spearfish)<br />


Saturday, July 11th •10am-1pm<br />


36 Water Street, Deadwood<br />

3BR, 2 BA, 2 Car Garage<br />

MLS-27633 • $168,400<br />

Call Ben Mahoney<br />

605-641-4080<br />

“It prevents them<br />

from wandering<br />

the country<br />

unregistered and<br />

unchecked.”<br />

Scott Swier, South Dakota Attorney<br />

General’s Office<br />

All children of the community<br />

are invited to attend and bring friends!<br />

To register, call<br />

Brenda at 642-3457 or stop at<br />

United Methodist Church,<br />

845 5th St., Spearfish<br />

4.P million visits from "nternet users<br />

during the past 14 months for an aver?<br />

age of 1R,5TT daily, with a single?day<br />

high of about 8T,TTT.<br />

Fhe new law also addressed an<br />

eHual?protection problem. Fhe state<br />

Supreme Court issued a Covember<br />

RTT8 decision reHuiring that sex<br />

offenses committed by Wuveniles ages<br />

15?17 be taken off the registry.<br />

Fhe reason was cir?<br />

cuit Wudges could use<br />

what>s known as a sus?<br />

pended imposition of<br />

sentence for adult sex<br />

offenders but not for<br />

Wuvenile sex offenders.<br />

' suspended imposi?<br />

tion allows the offend?<br />

er to avoid listing on<br />

the registry if the<br />

offender meets special<br />

reHuirements set by the<br />

Wudge. 'n offender can<br />

get one suspended<br />

imposition.<br />

Fhe new law provides authority to<br />

Wudges for using suspended imposi?<br />

tion with Wuvenile sex offenders.<br />

Fhere were Y5 Wuvenile offenders<br />

listed on the South Dakota registry<br />

prior to the Supreme Court decision.<br />

Zorty seven were removed. Fhe others<br />

remain because their offenses were<br />

committed in other states or were vio?<br />

lations of federal laws. Fhe 47 won>t<br />

be re?listed however because those<br />

offenses occurred under the old law.<br />

Fhe study committee>s legal coun?<br />

sel, Reuben Be\palet\, analy\ed the<br />

1,8TY names currently on South<br />

Dakota>s registry. He said 4RT of the<br />

people committed their offenses out?<br />

side South Dakota.<br />

Be\palet\ noted that many of them<br />

move to very small communities here,<br />

such as a !ennsylvania man who lives<br />

in Ludlow and a California man now<br />

in Zedora.<br />

“" really wonder what the motiva?<br />

tions of these folks are,” he said.<br />

He speculated that one reason<br />

might be that they find it easier to<br />

comply with safety?\one reHuire?<br />

ments, such as not coming within 5TT<br />

feet of places where children congre?<br />

gate such as schools and playgrounds.<br />

]r, he said, they might think they>re<br />

dropping out of sight in a very small<br />

town. He said that>s probably an erro?<br />

neous assumption because other resi?<br />

dents of the communities will keep<br />

being watchful.<br />

“Fhey ^residents_ may be tolerant<br />

of pot smoking but they>re not toler?<br />

ant of sex offenders,” he said.<br />

]ther trends which Be\palet\ found<br />

were people from small communities<br />

in eastern South Dakota have tended<br />

to move into the larger regional hubs<br />

such as 'berdeen and Mitchell and<br />

Huron, while sex offenders from<br />

those larger cities often relocated to<br />

Sioux Zalls.<br />

Likewise, in western South Dakota,<br />

he found that many offenders moved<br />

from smaller communities on tribal<br />

reservations to Rapid City.<br />

Presents<br />

Latin Fire -<br />

Orlando Chamber Soloists<br />

presents music from<br />

Spain & South America<br />

Celebrating the Tango.<br />

Belle Fourche news<br />

sponsored by the following<br />

community<br />

minded<br />

businesses...<br />

Belle Auto Sales<br />

Black Hills Vision Care<br />

Century 21 Judy Johnson<br />

ET Tire<br />

Farm Bureau Insurance<br />

Grandview Lockers<br />

New York Life<br />

Real Estate Center of BF<br />

South Side Conoco<br />

Sunday, July 12th • 2pm<br />

General Admission Seating $15.00<br />

Advance tickets through Black Hills Central<br />

Reservations (800)344-5122<br />

or blackhillsvacations.com<br />

313 Main Street, Lead<br />

Doors open at 1:00pm<br />

605-584-2067 • leadoperahouse.org

Page ' 5"ur8day, Ju=y 9, 2009<br />

Cessna pilots love<br />

this area<br />

The %ity of +,earfish and the<br />

2orthern 34a%5 6i44s rea44y<br />

im,ressed ,i4ots from a%ross<br />

the nation and Canada9<br />

The :;isit +,earfish:<br />

e44 had<br />

,eo,4e on hand arri?a4 day to<br />

>e4%ome e?eryone to<br />

+,earfish and ,ro?ided a 4un%h<br />

>hi%h >as rea44y a,,re%iated<br />

Ay a44 >ho arri?ed9 Baura and<br />

Cay Ji4e5 of Eag4e G?iation<br />

,ro?ided a +aturday 4un%h and<br />

a4so ,ro?ided the Aest ser?i%e<br />

that anyone %ou4d eH,e%t9 The<br />

,i4ots nominated them for :airI<br />

,ort of the >ee5: on G?JeA<br />

and Gir 2a?9 Baura is the greatI<br />

est, Lum,ing in to ta5e o?er for<br />

me >hen M >as hau4ing ,eo,4e<br />

around9<br />

G44 together M >as aA4e to<br />

%ount NN air,4anes at one time<br />

Aut others arri?ed 4ater9 There<br />

>ere 90 ,eo,4e ser?ed Ay the<br />

6o4iday Mnn on Qriday e?ening9<br />

G44 these ,eo,4e inLe%ted<br />

money into the +,earfish and<br />

2orthern 6i44s e%onomy9 G44<br />

4eft >ith a good fee4ing aAout<br />

+,earfish and the 2orthern<br />



O U R V O I C E S M A T T E R<br />



315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish, SD 57783<br />

7 South Main, Lead, SD 57754<br />

P"#ne '0)*'+2*27'1 / Fa2 '0)*'+2*90'0<br />

Email: news@bhpioneer.com<br />


6i44s region and most >i44<br />

return9 Rf the most ?a4ue to<br />

the Ausinesses of +,earfish are<br />

the good >ords that they >i44<br />

s,read9<br />

Gs an outsider M >ou4d 4i5e<br />

to %omment on the ,romotion<br />

arm Aeing in the hands of the<br />

%ity9 M had rea4 diffi%u4ty<br />

,utting this e?ent together<br />

Ae%ause on4y one ,erson >as<br />

>or5ing the ,romotion and M<br />

had to 4ea?e messages9 This<br />

irritated me to the eHtent M<br />

started 4oo5ing for another<br />

,4a%e to ho4d the e?ent9 Qina44y<br />

a tri, to +,earfish and fa%e to<br />

fa%e meeting >ith strong<br />

>ords, then things started to<br />

ha,,en9 M donSt 5no> the ,o4iI<br />

ti%s in?o4?ed and donSt %are, M<br />

Lust >anted someone to Ae<br />

a%ti?e in ,romoting the %ity<br />

and area9 ood is rea44y<br />

good at this9 Promotion of a<br />

%ity needs to Ae in the hands of<br />

trained ,ersons >ho %are9<br />

Usua44y this %omes from AusiI<br />

ness ,eo,4e >ho ,rofit from<br />

?isitors9 Vou donSt need a<br />

fan%y Aui4ding to get my AusiI<br />

ness, as M did not >ant to ha?e<br />

to tra?e4 any more than ne%esI<br />

sary9 M got he4, for sma44 things<br />

from the ChamAer offi%e<br />


Ae%ause there >ere ,eo,4e ,reI<br />

sent >ho %ared aAout the stress<br />

M >as under9 The %ity offi%es<br />

%ou4d %are 4ess , and M 4ost my<br />

%oo4 and there are a %ou,4e of<br />

ga4s there >ho ne?er >ant to<br />

see me again9 =y organiWation<br />

of this e?ent >as free gratis9<br />

P4ease 4oo5 4ong and hard<br />

aAout >hat you ha?e done to<br />

the ,romotion of your %ity9<br />

6o>e?er no one >ho ?isited<br />

here is a>are of my ,roA4ems<br />

setting u, the e?ent so, no<br />

harm done this time9 Jhat<br />

aAout neHt timeX<br />

!ar$ &'(r)(*ann<br />

,*adr(n, /e12<br />

Time to settle<br />

Rur home and e?erything >e<br />

o>ned Aurned in the YriWW4y<br />

Yu4%h Qorest fire June Z0,<br />

20029 Bess than three months<br />

4ater my >ife >as diagnosed<br />

>ith termina4 %an%er9 Je did<br />

not e?en ha?e a home 4eft to<br />

ta5e her to9 Mmagine the %haos<br />

and ho> she suffered through<br />

a44 of this9 34a%5 6i44s Po>er<br />

>as sued >ith taH,ayers<br />

money, Ay the state and federa4<br />

go?ernment9 They re%ei?ed a<br />

\99 mi44ion do44ar sett4ement9<br />

EDITOR and PUBLISHER, Stewart Huntington<br />

ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER, Letitia Lister<br />

MANAGING EDITOR, Mark Watson<br />

CITY EDITOR, Wendy Pitlick<br />

AD MANAGER, Dru Thomas<br />

PRODUCTION MANAGER, Scott Lister<br />

CIRCULATION DIRECTOR, Charity Runnells<br />

ACCOUNTING, Ardith Richards<br />

Je ,ri?ate 4ando>ners ha?e<br />

re%ei?ed nothing in se?en<br />

years9<br />

Je are tired of Aeing Au44ied<br />

and to4d >e %anSt afford to ta5e<br />

this to tria49 Mf you Ae4ie?e in<br />

Lusti%e for the :Bitt4e Yuy:<br />

,4ease >rite to Barry Bong,<br />

Gttorney Yenera4 for +outh<br />

ith<br />

3a4id &andidge<br />

3ead7((d<br />

Thanks for the<br />

help<br />

M >ish to eH,ress my sin%ere<br />

than5s and a,,re%iation to the<br />

2eighAorhood 6ousing<br />

+er?i%es of the 34a%5 6i44s and<br />

the Yrou, Jor5 Cam,s<br />

Qoundation for their time and<br />

effort to organiWe the ?arious<br />

>or5 LoAs9<br />

The adu4ts and youth cfrom<br />

four different states_ are dediI<br />

%ated sons and daughters of our<br />

hea?en4y father9 Their >i44ingI<br />

ness to ?o4unteer their time and<br />

efforts to he4, others sho><br />

their Christ 4i5e traits9<br />

Mt >as a Loy to Ae in%4uded in<br />

their dai4y Mns,irationa4<br />

as<br />

Aui4t for my %on?enien%e9 2o><br />

M fee4 safer to 4ea?e my home9<br />

Yod A4ess the >or5ers and<br />

the organiWations that Aring<br />

?arious ty,es of >or5 to Ae<br />

a%%om,4ished9<br />

Than5s from a ha,,y and<br />

gratefu4 re%i,ient9<br />

Bo?e and Prayers<br />

8ar)(rie 9i:*ard;<br />

ant to gi?e than5s to the<br />

%ity of +,earfish Par5s<br />

e44 done9<br />

Rur ,ar5s are Aeautifu4 and<br />

>e44 maintained, and the AathI<br />

rooms are a4>ays ni%e and<br />

%4ean9 dee, u, the great >or59<br />

,indy 8:,(r>i:?<br />

&@earAi;*<br />

>?@@?AB FC@@>DAE FG FAHIE 5CJK@EG<br />

• SPEARFISH, BELLE FOURCHE, WHITEWOOD NEWS: 315 Seaton Circle, PO Box 7, Spearfish, SD 57783<br />

Toll Free 1-800-676-2761 or 605-642-2761 • Fax 605-642-9060<br />

Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday • Closed Saturday, Sunday & national holidays<br />

• LEAD-DEADWOOD NEWS: 7 S. Main, PO Box 876, Lead, SD 57754<br />

Phone 605-584-2303 • Fax 605-584-2333<br />

Office Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday • Closed Saturday, Sunday & national holidays<br />

• SUBSCRIPTIONS: Call For Rates In Your Area • Mail Rates - Quarterly - $36.00<br />


The Black Hills Pioneer is the official newspaper of Central City, City of Deadwood, City of Lead, Lead-Deadwood School District,<br />

City of Spearfish, Lawrence County, Spearfish School District, St. Onge, Whitewood, and the legal newspaper for publication of notices.<br />

COPYRIGHT, 2009, Black Hills Pioneer. All rights reserved. Nothing may be reprinted, photocopied, or in any way reproduced from<br />

this publication, in whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher.

Thursday, July -, .00- BH PIONEER Page 7<br />

TROLLEY Continued from Page 1<br />

on $riday t+roug+ Sunday/ 0e23on 3aid due to t+e dro4 in touri3t<br />

num6er3 t+e tro22ey 7ut 6a78 t+e num6er of route3 t+i3 year/<br />

:Peo42e do ride it to get from t+eir +ote2 to do

Is There An Event You Would Like Covered? Call 642-2761 or e-mail your request to news@bhpioneer.com<br />


Page 8 news@bhpioneer.com July 9, 2009<br />

Did It Again! ©<br />

Call Sue Cramer at 645-2391<br />

Call Polly Young at 605-645-2331<br />

1830 N Main St., Spearfish, S.D 57783<br />

Transformers:<br />

Revenge of the Fallen (PG13)<br />

)orr, .o Passes Mon – Fri 6:30 & 9:30<br />

Sat and Sun 12:30, 3:30, 6:30 & 9:30<br />

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (PG)<br />

Mon – Fri 6:45 & 8:30<br />

Sat and Sun 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 6:45 & 8:30<br />

The Hangover (R)<br />

Mon – Fri 7:00 & 9:00<br />

Sat and Sun 1:00, 3:30, 7:00 & 9:00<br />

The Proposal (PG13)<br />

Mon – Fri 6:30 & 8:45<br />

Sat and Sun 1:15, 3:45, 6:30 & 8:45<br />

Year One (PG13)<br />

Mon – Fri 7:00 & 9:00<br />

Sat and Sun 1:30, 4:00, 7:00 & 9:00<br />

Public Enemies (R)<br />

Mon – Fri 6:45 & 9:15<br />

Sat and Sun 1:30, 4:15, 6:45 & 9:15<br />

Starts Wednesday, July 15<br />

Harry Potter and the Half Blood<br />

Prince (PG)<br />

34567 86!978)<br />

3"97 :;7"8<br />

:6BBaN>ra@H>n SH@h<br />

The &hHBdrenVs Thea@re &>MLany >? +>u@h :aJ>@a SHBB h>s@ a<br />

SeeJ.B>ng IhHBdrenVs S>rJsh>L ?r>M JuBy 20.2XP The ?ree S>rJ.<br />

sh>L SHBB Ne >Len @> X0 IhHBdren, age gr>uLs JHndergar@en @><br />

eHgh@h gradeP<br />

The Lr>duI@H>n, bTreasure (un@c SrH@@en Ny +@eGen<br />

!ar@h>B>MeS and :an 9>rJManc Hs desHgned SH@h suH@aNBe Lar@s<br />

?>r eGery age, sJHBB, and edLerHenIe BeGeBP *egHs@ra@H>ns ?>r @he<br />

S>rJsh>L SHBB Ne heBd a@ 9 aPMP >n JuBy 20 a@ ,a@heSs "Lera<br />

(>use Thea@erP %n addH@H>n @> @he >n s@age r>Bes, @here are aBs><br />

IhHBdren needed @> assHs@ @he dHreI@>rs Hn >Lera@Hng s>und and<br />

eeuHLMen@P -> edLerHenIe >r adGanIe regHs@ra@H>n Hs neededP<br />

The LB>@ >? bTreasure (un@c edLB>res @he eues@H>nf b9ha@ Hs<br />

M>s@ GaBuaNBe Hn aBB @he S>rBdg \>Bdg +HBGerg :HaM>ndsg<br />

Pr>?ess>r $>r@hrHgh@ and @he !raHn TraHn &BuN a@@eML@ @> ?Hnd<br />

Kool Deadwood Nites 2009 to feature Davy<br />

Jones of the Monkees, Ron Dante of the Archies<br />

■ Aug. 20-23 events to<br />

feature collectible cars, free<br />

concerts, parade and much more<br />

:'3:9"": ; "ne >? @he Barges@<br />

eGen@s Hn @he !BaIJ (HBBs >? +>u@h<br />

:aJ>@a Lr>MHses @> Ne eGen NHgger Hn<br />

2009P Q>>B :eadS>>d -H@es Hn hHs.<br />

@>rHI :eadS>>d, has aBSays ?ea@ured<br />

@he M>s@ I>BBeI@HNBe Iars and @ruIJs,<br />

and @hHs yearVs ?ree I>nIer@s SHBB s@rHJe<br />

a Ih>rd SH@h eGen@.g>ersP :aGy J>nes<br />

>? @he ,>nJees SHBB LBay a ?ree sh>S<br />

>n :eadS>>dVs ,aHn +@ree@ >n $rHday,<br />

3ugP 21P 3 ?ree I>nIer@ SHBB aBs> Ne<br />

heBd +a@urday, 3ugP 21, SH@h *>n<br />

:an@e >? The 3rIhHes headBHnHngP<br />

,usHI NegHns eaIh eGenHng a@ X LPMP,<br />

SH@h The QHd Y -HI +h>S and :: and<br />

@he $ayr>hs >LenHng @he s@ageP<br />

Q>>B :eadS>>d -H@es NegHns<br />

Thursday, 3ugP 20, SH@h regHs@ra@H>n<br />

@aJHng LBaIe ?r>M Z LPMP @> [ LPMP a@<br />

@he :eadS>>d \uBIh &>nGen@H>n<br />

&en@erP Pe>LBeVs &h>HIe G>@Hng ?>r<br />

earBy Iar regHs@ran@s SHBB Ne ?r>M /.9<br />

LPMP a@ :eadS>>dVs (Hs@>ry and<br />

%n?>rMa@H>n &en@er ParJHng ^>@, SH@h<br />

resuB@s >? @he G>@Hng a@ 9 LPMP The<br />

+eI>nd 3nnuaB +>IJ (>L SHBB Ne ?r>M<br />

/.10 LPMP, aBs> Hn @he (Hs@>ry and<br />

%n?>rMa@H>n &en@er ParJHng ^>@P<br />

The :eadS>>d P>Ser T>ur . an<br />

esI>r@ed @>ur @hr>ugh +Lear?Hsh<br />

&any>n . SHBB s@ar@ >?? $rHday, 3ugP 21<br />

aI@HGH@Hes ?r>M 10 aPMP @> 2 LPMP &ar<br />

regHs@ra@H>n ?>r Q>>B :eadS>>d -H@es<br />

SHBB Ne ?r>M n>>n @> _ LPMP, and an<br />

>SnerVs >nBy NarNeIue SHBB Ne heBd Hn<br />

I>n`unI@H>n SH@h @he regHs@ra@H>n a@<br />

@he :eadS>>d \uBIh &>nGen@H>n<br />

&en@erP $ree I>nIer@s >n ,aHn +@ree@<br />

NegHn a@ X LPMP<br />

*egHs@ra@H>n I>n@Hnues ?r>M _ aPMP<br />

@> 11070 aPMP >n +a@urday, 3ugP 22P 3<br />

IBassHI Iar I>MLe@H@H>n SHBB @aJe<br />

LBaIe, SH@h `udgHng ?r>M [ aPMP @><br />

n>>n a@ @he :ays >? V_/ *>de><br />

rHIhes desIrHNed Hn a hHdden MessageP These ?earBess hiand<br />

s>Me@HMes ?ear?uBjk s@uden@s Gen@ure Hn@> ?>res@s SH@h danIHng<br />

?Hre?BHes, SaddBe SH@h @he LenguHns @> dHsI>Ger dHaM>ndsi>r<br />

dHaM>nds >? HIe, and >u@SH@ sI>rLH>ns @> dHsI>Ger @he M>s@ GaBu.<br />

aNBe @reasures >? aBBP<br />

$HGe days >? rehearsaBs SHBB Ne heBd Hn ShHIh @he BHnes, s@agHng,<br />

s>ngs, and eGen danIes SHBB Ne Bearned, IuBMHna@Hng Hn a Ler?>r.<br />

ManIe a@ _ LPMP >n JuBy 2X Hn @he "Lera (>useP<br />

The resHdenIy Hn +Lear?Hsh Hs Made L>ssHNBe Ny @he +Lear?Hsh<br />

3r@s &en@er SH@h suLL>r@ ?r>M @he +>u@h :aJ>@a 3r@s &>unIHB,<br />

@he +Lear?Hsh "L@HMHs@ &BuN, l>n@a, and JuBHe and :ennHs<br />

9aBJHnsP The +>u@h :aJ>@a 3r@s &>unIHB suLL>r@ Hs Lr>GHded<br />

SH@h ?unds ?r>M @he +@a@e >? +>u@h :aJ>@a, @hr>ugh @he<br />

:eLar@Men@ >? T>urHsM and +@a@e :eGeB>LMen@, and @he<br />

'nd>SMen@ ?>r @he 3r@sP<br />

\r>unds, aIr>ss ?r>M @he $Hrs@ \>Bd<br />

(>@eBP P>Jer runs NegHn a@ 10 aPMP and<br />

I>n@Hnue un@HB Z LPMP a@ B>Ia@H>ns<br />

@hr>ugh>u@ :eadS>>d and @he !BaIJ<br />

(HBBsP &>nIer@s JHIJ.>?? agaHn a@ X<br />

LPMP >n +a@urdayP<br />

"n +unday, 3ugP 27, a Ir>Sd.<br />

?aG>rH@e IBassHI Iar Larade SHBB Ne<br />

heBdP ^Hne.uL >? Iars ?>r @he Larade<br />

NegHns a@ _ aPMP a@ @he :ays >? V_/<br />

*>de> \r>unds and SHBB NegHn >nIe<br />

aBB Iars are BHned uLP 3?@er @he Larade,<br />

aBB Iars SHBB Ne >n dHsLBay >n ,aHn<br />

+@ree@ ?>r a sh>S.and.shHneP The<br />

SeeJendVs aSard IereM>ny SHBB Ne<br />

heBd a@ @he (Hs@>ry and %n?>rMa@H>n<br />

&en@er ParJHng B>@ NegHnnHng a@ 11<br />

aPMP<br />

Thr>ugh>u@ @he SeeJend, NegHnnHng<br />

a@ n>>n $rHday, a &BassHI &ar &>rraB<br />

SHBB Ne heBd a@ $ergus>n $HeBd SH@h<br />

Many IBassHI Iars ?>r saBeP The I>s@ Hs<br />

a10 and aBB GehHIBes Mus@ Ne 19_7 >r<br />

y>ungerP<br />

Did It Again! ©<br />

Call Sue Cramer at 645-2391<br />

Call Sue Cramer 605-645-2391

T"#$%&'() *#+(,-) .//- BH PIONEER P'12,-<br />

BY C$ET B'(K*W<br />

!ssocia'e) Press -ri'er<br />

PIE$$E &AP( — Democratic<br />

$ep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin<br />

said Wednesday that she might<br />

someday run for the A.S. Senate or<br />

the governor's office, but not next<br />

year.<br />

South Dakota's lone member of<br />

the A.S. House announced<br />

Tuesday that she plans to seek reelection<br />

in 2010, ending speculation<br />

that she might run for the open<br />

governor's seat or even challenge<br />

$epublican Sen. John Thune.<br />

With son Nachary turning O<br />

months old next week, a bid for a<br />

new House term would be best for<br />

her family and would give her the<br />

best chance to influence policies on<br />

agriculture, energy and other issues<br />

important to South Dakota, said<br />

Herseth Sandlin, 3R.<br />

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• Crystals<br />

• Mobiles<br />

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• Puppet<br />

Videos<br />

starting at $5<br />

OPEN 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.<br />

642-4805<br />

1920 Christensen Drive, Spearfish<br />

NEW6<br />

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!all %ar' or<br />

)endy at<br />

/02223/1<br />

Congresswoman might run for other office in future<br />

RUSHMORE C:;$:?,P'12,@<br />

Global Warming.S<br />

Jackley said he could not confirm<br />

Greenpeace's account.<br />

Mount $ushmore $anger bav Singh<br />

said security warnings and tourists alerted<br />

officials when the banner was unrolled.<br />

The banner was removed about an hour<br />

after it was unfurled.<br />

Sdou can't create any security system<br />

that's 100 percent fail-safe. There's just not<br />

enough resources for that,S Singh said.<br />

SDetermined individuals that are properly<br />

e^uipped and willing to do damage to government<br />

property can do this sort of thing.S<br />

Twelve people were taken away in<br />

handcuffs and foot chains. The 12th person<br />

taken into custody was released without<br />

being charged, Jackley said. He would<br />

not say why.<br />

The bational Park Service said in a<br />

statement that its staff and security detect-<br />

SI don't want to give up on that<br />

work on those priorities, even<br />

though I may have an interest in<br />

serving the state in another office in<br />

the future,S Herseth Sandlin said<br />

Wednesday.<br />

Herseth Sandlin has said she and<br />

her husband, former A.S. $ep.<br />

Max Sandlin, have found a balance<br />

between their professional lives<br />

and the time they spend with their<br />

son. She has been in Congress<br />

since 200V.<br />

Her decision to seek re-election<br />

to the House clears the way for<br />

other Democrats to make their<br />

plans for next year's elections. State<br />

Senate Minority Leader Scott<br />

Heidepriem of Sioux Falls is<br />

expected to seek the Democratic<br />

nomination for governor.<br />

Four $epublicans are already<br />

running for governorY Lt. Gov.<br />

ed the activists early and responded Swithin<br />

minutes.S Visitors were not in danger,<br />

authorities said.<br />

Park service staff remained at the mountain<br />

Wednesday to assess damage to the<br />

sculpture and security systems. When<br />

asked about possible damage, Jackley said<br />

the activists had not been charged with<br />

property damage, but he noted that the<br />

investigation was ongoing.<br />

The a0-foot-high faces of four A.S.<br />

presidents — Lincoln, George<br />

Washington, Thomas Jefferson and<br />

Theodore $oosevelt — are carved into the<br />

granite on the southeast face of Mount<br />

$ushmore in the Black Hills of South<br />

Dakota. Together, the faces extend 1R5<br />

feet.<br />

A number of demonstrations have taken<br />

place at Mount $ushmore over the years.<br />

In the early 10O0s, American Indian<br />

Dennis Daugaard, Senate Majority<br />

Leader Dave \nudson of Sioux<br />

Falls, former Brookings Mayor<br />

Scott Munsterman and rancher<br />

\en \nuppe of Buffalo Gap.<br />

Some Democrats have ^uestioned<br />

whether Herseth Sandlin's<br />

delay in announcing her intentions<br />

hurt Heidepriem and other<br />

Democrats who waited for her<br />

before entering the Senate and<br />

gubernatorial races.<br />

Herseth Sandlin noted that she<br />

made it clear months ago that she<br />

would take some time to decide on<br />

next year's election because her son<br />

had just been born and Congress<br />

was dealing with new proposals<br />

from a new president. She said the<br />

timing of her announcement will<br />

not hinder other Democrats in other<br />

races because voters are not ready<br />

to focus on the 2010 election.<br />

SI think South Dakotans are tired<br />

of perpetual campaigns,S Herseth<br />

Sandlin said.<br />

Herseth Sandlin said many people<br />

encouraged her to run for governor,<br />

but she was not pressured to<br />

run for either the Senate or governor's<br />

office, which was held by her<br />

grandfather, $alph Herseth, in<br />

1959-19a1.<br />

Another option for Herseth<br />

Sandlin would be a run for South<br />

Dakota's other A.S. Senate seat.<br />

Democratic Sen. Tim Johnson won<br />

a third term last year after suffering<br />

a near-fatal brain hemorrhage two<br />

years earlier. His seat is up for election<br />

again in 201V.<br />

Asked if she might consider running<br />

for the Senate or governor's<br />

office in the future, Herseth<br />

Sandlin saidY SI wouldn't rule that<br />

out.S<br />

Movement members tried several times to<br />

occupy and deface the monument. In<br />

August 19O0, AIM members hung a banner<br />

with the words SSioux Indian PowerS<br />

on the monument.<br />

In October 19RO, Greenpeace activists<br />

tried unsuccessfully to unfurl a banner<br />

shaped like a gas mask over George<br />

Washington's face. That banner said, SWe<br />

the People Say bo to Acid $ain.S<br />

Security measures were beefed up after<br />

the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.<br />

The 11 activists charged Wednesday<br />

were released on their own recognifance<br />

after the court hearing. The activists were<br />

from eight states — California,<br />

Connecticut, Illinois, Minnesota,<br />

Montana, bew Mexico, borth Carolina<br />

and bew dork. A trespassing conviction<br />

carries up to six months in prison and a<br />

g5,000 fine, prosecutors said.<br />

• Providing Complete Funeral Services<br />

• Cremation Arrangements • Monuments<br />

• Pre-Need Funeral Trusts<br />

838 State Street, Belle Fourche, SD • 605-892-3964<br />

www.klinefuneralchapel.com.<br />

In the meantime, she will focus<br />

on congressional business and her<br />

re-election campaign. $epublican<br />

Secretary of State Chris belson is<br />

considering seeking the House<br />

GOP nomination.<br />

Herseth Sandlin said another<br />

House term would give her a<br />

chance to continue working on<br />

agricultural policy, veterans' issues,<br />

biofuels, wind energy, bative<br />

American issues, water projects<br />

and the underground science lab<br />

being developed at the former<br />

Homestake gold mine.<br />

She also is among the leaders of<br />

the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of<br />

moderate House Democrats.<br />

SI think I'll continue to be in a<br />

really great position to work on<br />

South Dakota's priorities,S Herseth<br />

Sandlin said. SThat's why I chose to<br />

seek re-election.S<br />


Saturday, July 11 th • 1:00-3:00 p.m.<br />

640 7th Street • MLS - 28942<br />

NEW PRICE $189,900<br />

Carmen Thompson<br />

Broker Associate<br />

200 Main St. • Spearfish<br />

Phone: (605) 642-1997<br />

Cell: (605) 641-0199<br />

clthompson@rushmore.com<br />

www.blackhillshomes.us<br />

Brian D. Kline<br />

Funeral Director/Owner

Page 10 BH PIONEER<br />

Thursday, July 9, 2009

!hur%day, July 9, 2009 BH PIONEER Page 23

Thursday, July 9, 2009 BH PIONEER Page 11<br />


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3:30<br />


Inside<br />

Jeo-<br />

ABC<br />

News<br />

Fortune<br />

Jeo-<br />

Saman-<br />

Mother<br />

Grey’s<br />

Anat.<br />

Private<br />

Practice<br />

News<br />

Night-<br />

Jimmy<br />

Kimmel<br />

My Wife<br />

Young<br />

Young<br />

ABC<br />

World<br />

News<br />

Now ’’<br />

’’<br />

AgDay<br />

Morning<br />

News<br />

Good<br />

Morning<br />

America<br />

’’<br />

Regis ’’<br />

The<br />

View<br />

Dr. Phil<br />

’’<br />

All My ’’<br />

News<br />

Insider<br />

General<br />

Hospital<br />

One Life<br />

to Live<br />

Oprah<br />

Winfrey<br />


Inside<br />

Jeo-<br />

ABC<br />

News<br />

Fortune<br />

Jeo-<br />

Surviv-<br />

Goode<br />

Jim<br />

Jim<br />

20/20 ’’<br />

News<br />

Night-<br />

Jimmy<br />

Kimmel<br />

My Wife<br />

Young<br />

Young<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Cruel<br />

Intentions’’CrocodileHunter:Collision<br />

Traveler<br />

Good<br />

Morning<br />

Empe-<br />

Replace<br />

Raven<br />

Raven<br />

Mon-<br />

Suite<br />

Rangers<br />

Rangers<br />

Aqua<br />

Animal<br />

Animal<br />

Wild<br />

Storm<br />

Make<br />

Stargate<br />

Atlantis<br />

Laughs<br />

Laughs<br />

Wish-<br />

Busi-<br />

News-<br />

Lehrer<br />

On Call<br />

’’<br />

High<br />

School<br />

Rodeo ’’<br />

Time-<br />

BBC<br />

Charlie<br />

Rose<br />

World-<br />

Saddle<br />

Bill Nye<br />

Bill Nye<br />

Bill Nye<br />

Bill Nye<br />

Bill Nye<br />

Bill Nye<br />

Bill Nye<br />

Bill Nye<br />

GED<br />

Work-<br />

Dragon<br />

Noddy<br />

Curious<br />

Sid<br />

Super<br />

Clifford<br />

Martha<br />

Zoboo<br />

Caillou<br />

Word<br />

Barney<br />

Sesame<br />

Street<br />

Rogers<br />

Berens-<br />

Lions<br />

Dakota<br />

Reading<br />

Arthur<br />

WordG-<br />

Electric<br />

Cyber-<br />

Wish-<br />

Busi-<br />

News-<br />

Lehrer<br />

Wash<br />

NOW<br />

Bill<br />

Moyers<br />

Market<br />

Dakota<br />

Sum-<br />

BBC<br />

Charlie<br />

Rose<br />

World-<br />

America<br />

Frontline<br />

Wolves-<br />

Paradis<br />

Nova ’’<br />

TV 411<br />

TV 411<br />

Knitting<br />

Dakota<br />

Zula<br />

Shrinks<br />

Lions<br />

Cyber-<br />

Po-<br />

Martha<br />

Maya<br />

Electric<br />

Sews<br />

Quilting<br />

Quilt<br />

Sewing<br />

Quilting<br />

Work-<br />

Woods<br />

House<br />

Hr<br />

Mo-<br />

Garden<br />

Test<br />

Painting<br />

Scrap-<br />

Becker<br />

Becker<br />

Home<br />

Videos<br />

WWE<br />

Stars<br />

Action<br />

Sports<br />

WGN<br />

News<br />

WWE<br />

Stars<br />

Scrubs<br />

Scrubs<br />

Star<br />

Trek<br />

Steve<br />

Wilkos<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Bob &<br />

Tom<br />

RENO<br />

Paid<br />

Swag-<br />

Meyer<br />

Creflo<br />

Believ-<br />

Home<br />

Videos<br />

7th<br />

Heaven<br />

Matlock<br />

’’<br />

Heat of<br />

Night<br />

Nash<br />

Bridges<br />

Midday<br />

News<br />

MLB<br />

Baseball:Cardinals<br />

at<br />

Cubs<br />

Inning<br />

Scrubs<br />

Becker<br />

Becker<br />

Home<br />

Videos<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Parenthood’’<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

News-<br />

Scrubs<br />

Scrubs<br />

Bob &<br />

Tom<br />

Star<br />

Trek<br />

Chap-<br />

Chap-<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

RENO<br />

RENO<br />

RENO<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Food<br />

Ade-<br />

ABS<br />

Vacuum<br />

Rosetta<br />

Gym<br />

Paid<br />

Slim in<br />

Redi Set<br />

Lifes-<br />

Holly-<br />

Cultivat-<br />

Series<br />

of Golf<br />

Action<br />

Sports<br />

Action<br />

Sports<br />

Legend<br />

of<br />

Legend<br />

of<br />

The<br />

Doctors<br />

Judy<br />

Million-<br />

The Six<br />

Two<br />

Bones ’’<br />

Dance ’’<br />

News ’’<br />

Two<br />

Scrubs<br />

Malcolm<br />

Jim<br />

King<br />

Fam<br />

TMZ<br />

Extra<br />

Sign-Off<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Busi-<br />

Made-<br />

Paid<br />

Mike &<br />

Juliet<br />

Judge<br />

Mathis<br />

Judy<br />

Judge<br />

People<br />

Ct<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Bonnie<br />

Hunt<br />

Tyra<br />

Banks<br />

Ellen<br />

Show<br />

The<br />

Doctors<br />

Judy<br />

Million-<br />

The Six<br />

Two<br />

Smarter<br />

’’<br />

Mental<br />

’’<br />

News<br />

’’<br />

Two<br />

Scrubs<br />

Malcolm<br />

Jim<br />

King<br />

Fam<br />

TMZ<br />

Extra<br />

Sign-Off<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Made-<br />

Pets.TV<br />

Adven-<br />

Kids<br />

Saved-<br />

Paid<br />

Week-<br />

Week-<br />

Week-<br />

Week-<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Base-<br />

MLB<br />

Baseball<br />

’’<br />

Rachael<br />

Ray<br />

NBC<br />

News<br />

Ray<br />

Seinfeld<br />

30 Rock<br />

Office<br />

Office<br />

30 Rock<br />

The Listener<br />

News<br />

Tonight<br />

Show<br />

Late<br />

Night<br />

Last<br />

Poker<br />

After<br />

Late<br />

Night<br />

Overnight<br />

Radar ’’<br />

Early<br />

Early<br />

News ’’<br />

Today ’’<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

Paid<br />

Frasier<br />

Friends<br />

Ray<br />

Days of<br />

Lives<br />

Paid<br />

Frasier<br />

Friends<br />

Seinfeld<br />

Rachael<br />

Ray<br />

NBC<br />

News<br />

Ray<br />

Seinfeld<br />

Chop.<br />

Block<br />

Dateline<br />

NBC<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

News<br />

Tonight<br />

Show<br />

Late<br />

Night<br />

Last<br />

Poker<br />

After<br />

Late<br />

Night<br />

Wine<br />

Overnight<br />

Radar<br />

’’<br />

Wall St<br />

Today ’’<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

Veggie<br />

Pen-<br />

Turbo<br />

Babar<br />

Zula<br />

Friend<br />

Swimming:<br />

U.S. Nationals<br />

Golf:<br />

U.S.<br />

Women’s<br />

Open ’’<br />

News<br />

CBS<br />

News<br />

Enter-<br />

Brother<br />

’’<br />

CSI<br />

’’<br />

Mentalist<br />

News<br />

Late<br />

Show<br />

Late<br />

Late<br />

News<br />

Cross-<br />

Holly-<br />

CBS Up<br />

to the<br />

Minute<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

News<br />

News ’’<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

The<br />

Early<br />

Show ’’<br />

Animal<br />

Cross-<br />

Price Is<br />

Right<br />

Y & R ’’<br />

News<br />

Bold<br />

World<br />

Trn<br />

Guiding<br />

Light<br />

Martha<br />

Stewart<br />

Law Order:<br />

CI<br />

News<br />

CBS<br />

News<br />

Enter-<br />

Ghost<br />

Whisp.<br />

Flashpoint<br />

NUMB3-<br />

RS<br />

News<br />

Late<br />

Show ’’<br />

Late<br />

Late<br />

News<br />

Cross-<br />

Holly-<br />

Sign-Off<br />

News ’’<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

The<br />

Early<br />

Show ’’<br />

Wel-<br />

Cake<br />

Horse-<br />

Dino<br />

Sushi<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

WalkFit<br />

PGA<br />

Tour<br />

Golf:<br />

John<br />

Deere<br />

Classic<br />

Cash<br />

Cash<br />

SurvivormanSurvivorman<br />

Impact<br />

’’<br />

DeadliestSurvivorman<br />

Impact<br />

’’<br />

Deadliest<br />

Alaska<br />

Exper.<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Robison<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Ice Age<br />

Columbus<br />

’’<br />

Dino<br />

Mummy<br />

DisastersDisastersDisastersDisastersDeadliest<br />

Cash<br />

Cash<br />

Cash<br />

Cash<br />

TreasureTreasureTreasureTreasureTreasureTreasureTreasure<br />

Alaska<br />

Exper.<br />

Slim in<br />

Meals<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Millions<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Trainer<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Baby<br />

Dirty<br />

Jobs<br />

Dirty<br />

Jobs<br />

Myth-<br />

Busters<br />

Myth-<br />

Busters<br />

Myth-<br />

Busters<br />

Myth-<br />

Busters<br />

Myth-<br />

Busters<br />

Myth-<br />

Busters<br />

Myth-<br />

Busters<br />

Suite<br />

Suite<br />

Suite<br />

Suite<br />

Suite<br />

Suite<br />

Phineas<br />

Suite<br />

Wizards<br />

Mon-<br />

Lizzie<br />

McGuire<br />

’’<br />

Phineas<br />

Wizards<br />

Mon-<br />

Suite<br />

Raven<br />

Life De-<br />

Cory<br />

Replace<br />

Kim<br />

Empe-<br />

Dragon<br />

Proud<br />

Whis-<br />

Recess<br />

Mer-<br />

Lilo<br />

Lilo<br />

Phineas<br />

Tigger<br />

Handy<br />

Mickey<br />

Agent<br />

Mickey<br />

Handy<br />

Movers<br />

Phineas<br />

Suite<br />

Mon-<br />

Wizards<br />

Lizzie<br />

McGuire<br />

’’<br />

Phineas<br />

Suite<br />

Suite<br />

Mon-<br />

Mon-<br />

Mon-<br />

Mon-<br />

Montana<br />

Sonny<br />

Sonny<br />

Sonny<br />

Sonny<br />

Wizards<br />

Suite<br />

Phineas<br />

Phineas<br />

Wizards<br />

Mon-<br />

Suite<br />

Raven<br />

Suite<br />

Cory<br />

Replace<br />

Kim<br />

Empe-<br />

Dragon<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Genius’’<br />

Mer-<br />

Lilo<br />

Lilo<br />

Ein-<br />

Charlie<br />

Tigger<br />

Tigger<br />

Agent<br />

Handy<br />

Mickey<br />

Mickey<br />

Movers<br />

Handy<br />

Phineas<br />

Phineas<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘The<br />

Cheetah<br />

Girls 2’’<br />

Suite<br />

Suite<br />

My Wife<br />

My Wife<br />

70s<br />

70s<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Snow<br />

Dogs’’<br />

’’<br />

Home<br />

Videos<br />

The 700<br />

Club<br />

Whose?<br />

Whose?<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

The 700<br />

Club<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Prince<br />

Life To-<br />

Meyer<br />

Paid<br />

Sister<br />

Sister<br />

Sabrina<br />

Sabrina<br />

Step<br />

700<br />

The 700<br />

Club<br />

Gilmore<br />

Girls<br />

FullHse<br />

FullHse<br />

Sister<br />

Sister<br />

Sabrina<br />

Sabrina<br />

FullHse<br />

FullHse<br />

What I<br />

What I<br />

Gilmore<br />

Girls<br />

Make-<br />

Break<br />

70s<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Harry<br />

Potter<br />

and the<br />

Sorcerer’s<br />

Stone’’<br />

The 700<br />

Club<br />

70s<br />

70s<br />

Paid<br />

P90X<br />

Paid<br />

Thinner<br />

The 700<br />

Club<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Step<br />

Step<br />

Sabrina<br />

Sabrina<br />

FullHse<br />

FullHse<br />

10<br />

Ground-<br />

Ground-<br />

70s<br />

70s<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Harry<br />

Potter<br />

and the<br />

Sorcerer’s<br />

Stone’’<br />

Harry<br />

Potter-<br />

Chamber<br />

Pen-<br />

Drake<br />

OddPar-<br />

Jackson<br />

Malcolm<br />

Malcolm<br />

Lopez<br />

Lopez<br />

Fresh<br />

Fresh<br />

Nanny<br />

Nanny<br />

Malcolm<br />

Malcolm<br />

Lopez<br />

Lopez<br />

Nanny<br />

Nanny<br />

Family<br />

Family<br />

Fresh<br />

Fresh<br />

Home<br />

Home<br />

Family<br />

Olivia<br />

Ni Hao<br />

Back-<br />

Max<br />

Go<br />

Dora<br />

Dora<br />

Dora ’’<br />

Sponge<br />

Sponge<br />

Sponge<br />

Sponge<br />

Sponge<br />

Sponge<br />

Sponge<br />

OddPar-<br />

Sponge<br />

Sponge<br />

Sponge<br />

Sponge<br />

Pen-<br />

Sponge<br />

Sponge<br />

Sponge<br />

OddPar-<br />

OddPar-<br />

OddPar-<br />

Pen-<br />

Pen-<br />

Pen-<br />

Lopez<br />

Lopez<br />

Fresh<br />

Fresh<br />

Malcolm<br />

Malcolm<br />

Lopez<br />

Lopez<br />

Nanny<br />

Nanny<br />

Family<br />

Family<br />

Malcolm<br />

Malcolm<br />

Home<br />

Home<br />

Grown<br />

Phan-<br />

Neutron<br />

Neutron<br />

OddPar-<br />

OddPar-<br />

Sponge<br />

Sponge<br />

Pen-<br />

Barn-<br />

Mighty<br />

Sponge<br />

Sponge<br />

Sponge<br />

iCarly<br />

iCarly<br />

Sponge<br />

Mighty<br />

Mighty<br />

Barn-<br />

Barn-<br />

Barn-<br />

Sponge<br />

Sponge<br />

Total<br />

Total<br />

Other-<br />

Survive<br />

Chow-<br />

Flapjack<br />

Total<br />

6TEEN<br />

King<br />

King<br />

Fam<br />

Fam<br />

Chicken<br />

Aqua<br />

Awe-<br />

Ob-<br />

King<br />

King<br />

Fam<br />

Fam<br />

Chicken<br />

Aqua<br />

Awe-<br />

Home<br />

Trans-<br />

Baku-<br />

Ben 10<br />

Johnny<br />

Poke-<br />

Brain-<br />

Yu Gi<br />

Chaotic<br />

Star<br />

Star<br />

Billy &<br />

Mandy’s<br />

Big<br />

Boogey<br />

Ed, Edd<br />

Ed, Edd<br />

Johnny<br />

Johnny<br />

Chow-<br />

Flapjack<br />

Total<br />

6TEEN<br />

Brain-<br />

Destroy<br />

Chow-<br />

Chow-<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Monster<br />

House’’<br />

Other-<br />

Star<br />

King<br />

King<br />

Amer<br />

Fam<br />

Clerks<br />

Aqua<br />

Awe-<br />

Ob-<br />

King<br />

King<br />

Amer<br />

Fam<br />

Clerks<br />

Aqua<br />

Awe-<br />

Home<br />

Mr. Men<br />

Tom &<br />

Jerry<br />

George<br />

Chaotic<br />

Satur-<br />

Poke-<br />

Star<br />

Ben 10<br />

Batman<br />

Baku-<br />

Yu Gi<br />

Slam-<br />

Ball<br />

Survive<br />

Survive<br />

Brain-<br />

Destroy<br />

Poke-<br />

Poke-<br />

Yu Gi<br />

Yu Gi<br />

Chaotic<br />

Chaotic<br />

Less<br />

Less<br />

Reba<br />

Reba<br />

Reba<br />

Reba<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Ghost<br />

World’’<br />

’’<br />

Will<br />

Will<br />

Frasier<br />

Frasier<br />

Will<br />

Will<br />

Cybill<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Thinner<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Ab Se-<br />

Paid<br />

Balanc-<br />

Married<br />

Army<br />

Wives<br />

Less<br />

Less<br />

Frasier<br />

Frasier<br />

Will<br />

Will<br />

HousewivesHousewives<br />

Wife<br />

Swap<br />

Wife<br />

Swap<br />

Reba<br />

Reba<br />

Still<br />

Still<br />

Reba<br />

Reba<br />

Reba<br />

Reba<br />

Reba<br />

Reba<br />

Wife<br />

Swap<br />

Wife<br />

Swap<br />

Will<br />

Will<br />

Frasier<br />

Frasier<br />

Will<br />

Will<br />

Cybill<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Thinner<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Found-<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

‘‘A Kidnapping<br />

in the<br />

Family’’<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘A Life<br />

Interrupted’’<br />

Amber’s<br />

Story<br />

Cooking<br />

Minute<br />

Challenge<br />

Iron<br />

Chef<br />

Next<br />

Star<br />

Cakes<br />

Cakes<br />

Good<br />

Unwrap<br />

Next<br />

Star<br />

Cakes<br />

Cakes<br />

Good<br />

Unwrap<br />

Iron<br />

Chef<br />

Party<br />

Good<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Insanity<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Thinner<br />

Jamie<br />

Emeril<br />

Emeril<br />

Enter-<br />

Quick<br />

Cooking<br />

Italian<br />

Minute<br />

Con-<br />

Lee<br />

Flay<br />

Big Bite<br />

Ultimate<br />

Cooking<br />

Italian<br />

Con-<br />

Home<br />

Cooking<br />

Minute<br />

Challenge<br />

Unwrap<br />

Unwrap<br />

Diners<br />

Diners<br />

Ice<br />

Cream<br />

Good<br />

Rachael<br />

Diners<br />

Diners<br />

Ice<br />

Cream<br />

Good<br />

Rachael<br />

Unwrap<br />

Unwrap<br />

Giada<br />

Bash<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Garry<br />

Paid<br />

Italian<br />

Nigella<br />

Fix<br />

Krieger<br />

Ultimate<br />

Viva<br />

Minute<br />

Chef<br />

Home<br />

Paula<br />

Cooking<br />

Lee<br />

Giada<br />

Con-<br />

Next<br />

Star<br />

ChoppedChallenge<br />

Iron<br />

Chef<br />

CSI:<br />

Miami<br />

CSI:<br />

Miami<br />

The<br />

First 48<br />

Crime<br />

360<br />

Crime<br />

360<br />

Gang<br />

Gang<br />

The<br />

First 48<br />

Crime<br />

360<br />

Crime<br />

360<br />

Gang<br />

Gang<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Ab Se-<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

The CleanerCrossing<br />

The Sopranos<br />

Amer.<br />

Justice<br />

Cold<br />

Case<br />

CSI:<br />

Miami<br />

CSI:<br />

Miami<br />

Crossing<br />

The Sopranos<br />

Amer.<br />

Justice<br />

Cold<br />

Case<br />

CSI:<br />

Miami<br />

CSI:<br />

Miami<br />

CSI:<br />

Miami<br />

CSI:<br />

Miami<br />

The Cleaner<br />

Criminal<br />

Minds<br />

CSI:<br />

Miami<br />

CSI:<br />

Miami<br />

The Cleaner<br />

Criminal<br />

Minds<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Detox<br />

Paid<br />

Flip<br />

House<br />

Flip<br />

House<br />

Flip<br />

House<br />

Flip<br />

House<br />

Flip<br />

House<br />

Key-<br />

Key-<br />

Flip<br />

House<br />

Crime<br />

360<br />

Crime<br />

360<br />

CSI:<br />

Miami<br />

CSI:<br />

Miami<br />

Battles<br />

BC<br />

Modern<br />

Marvels<br />

Modern<br />

Marvels<br />

GanglandGangland<br />

Exped.<br />

Africa<br />

Modern<br />

Marvels<br />

GanglandGangland<br />

Exped.<br />

Africa<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Save-<br />

History<br />

Secrets-<br />

Founding<br />

Fathers<br />

Freemasons<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

Presidents<br />

Modern<br />

Marvels<br />

Secrets-<br />

Founding<br />

Fathers<br />

Freemasons<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

Presidents<br />

Modern<br />

Marvels<br />

Rumrunners,MoonshinersInvestigating<br />

Battle<br />

360<br />

Rumrunners,MoonshinersInvestigating<br />

Battle<br />

360<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Heavy<br />

Metal<br />

Wild<br />

West<br />

True<br />

Story of<br />

Killing<br />

Pablo<br />

Ku Klux<br />

Klan: A<br />

Secret<br />

History<br />

Monster<br />

’’<br />

Monster<br />

’’<br />

Monster<br />

’’<br />

Monster<br />

’’<br />

‘‘Unforgiven’’<br />

Bones ’’<br />

CSI: NY<br />

’’<br />

CSI: NY<br />

’’<br />

CSI: NY<br />

’’<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Contact’’<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Contact’’<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

Law &<br />

Order<br />

Law &<br />

Order<br />

Angel ’’<br />

Angel ’’<br />

CharmedCharmedCharmed<br />

ER ’’<br />

Las Vegas<br />

Las Vegas<br />

Cold<br />

Case<br />

Law &<br />

Order<br />

Law &<br />

Order<br />

Bones ’’<br />

Bones ’’<br />

CSI: NY<br />

’’<br />

CSI: NY<br />

’’<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘The<br />

Rock’’<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

‘‘The<br />

Last<br />

Boy<br />

Scout’’<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Deep<br />

Impact’’<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Turbulence’’<br />

’’<br />

Wedding<br />

Angel ’’<br />

Angel ’’<br />

Wedding<br />

Law &<br />

Order<br />

The<br />

Closer<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Turbulence’’<br />

’’<br />

‘‘The<br />

Last<br />

Boy<br />

Scout’’<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘The<br />

Rock’’<br />

’’<br />

CSI<br />

CSI<br />

CSI<br />

CSI<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

UFC Ult.<br />

100<br />

TNA iM-<br />

PACT!<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

Videos<br />

’’<br />

MAN-<br />

Game<br />

MAN-<br />

MAN-<br />

Ways<br />

Ways<br />

The<br />

Shield<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Married<br />

Married<br />

Married<br />

Married<br />

Videos<br />

’’<br />

CSI: NY<br />

’’<br />

CSI: NY<br />

’’<br />

CSI<br />

’’<br />

CSI<br />

’’<br />

CSI: NY<br />

’’<br />

CSI: NY<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

UFC Unleashed<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Lethal<br />

Weapon’’<br />

’’<br />

Ways<br />

UFC 100<br />

’’<br />

Ways<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Lethal<br />

Weapon’’<br />

’’<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

P90X<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Trainer<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

TNA iM-<br />

PACT!<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

Hrsep-<br />

Muscle<br />

Trucks!<br />

Xtreme<br />

Stunts<br />

Go Bad<br />

Stunts<br />

Go Bad<br />

Stunts<br />

Go Bad<br />

UFC 100<br />

’’<br />

UFC Ult.<br />

100<br />

NCIS ’’<br />

NCIS ’’<br />

House ’’<br />

Burn<br />

Notice<br />

Royal<br />

Pains<br />

In Plain<br />

Sight<br />

Burn<br />

Notice<br />

Royal<br />

Pains<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Daylight’’<br />

’’<br />

Law Order:<br />

CI<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Law Order:<br />

CI<br />

Law Order:<br />

CI<br />

Law Order:<br />

CI<br />

Law Order:<br />

CI<br />

Law Order:<br />

CI<br />

Law Order:<br />

CI<br />

Law Order:<br />

CI<br />

Law &<br />

Order<br />

Law Order:<br />

CI<br />

Law &<br />

Order<br />

Law Order:<br />

CI<br />

NCIS ’’<br />


NCIS ’’<br />

NCIS ’’<br />

NCIS ’’<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘The<br />

Break-<br />

Up’’<br />

House ’’<br />

Warehouse<br />

13<br />

’’<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Shopgirl’’<br />

’’<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Money<br />

Baby<br />

Law/Ord<br />

SVU<br />

Paid<br />

Money<br />

Paid<br />

Baby<br />

‘‘Little<br />

Miss<br />

Sunshine’’<br />

Royal<br />

Pains<br />

Burn<br />

Notice<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘16<br />

Blocks’’<br />

’’<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Hostage’’<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

Breach<br />

Little<br />

House<br />

Cosby<br />

Cosby<br />

Ro-<br />

Ro-<br />

Got the<br />

Look<br />

Got the<br />

Look<br />

Ro-<br />

Ro-<br />

Roseanne<br />

Ro-<br />

Ro-<br />

Ro-<br />

Ro-<br />

Ro-<br />

Ro-<br />

3’s Co.<br />

3’s Co.<br />

MASH<br />

MASH<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

AllFam-<br />

Sanford<br />

Jeffer-<br />

Jeffer-<br />

Good-<br />

Good-<br />

How’d<br />

They Do<br />

Hillbil-<br />

Hillbil-<br />

GunsmokeGunsmokeBonanzaBonanza<br />

Little<br />

House<br />

Cosby<br />

Cosby<br />

Cosby<br />

Cosby<br />

National-European<br />

Ro-<br />

Ro-<br />

Roseanne<br />

Ro-<br />

Ro-<br />

Ro-<br />

Ro-<br />

Ro-<br />

Ro-<br />

3’s Co.<br />

3’s Co.<br />

MASH<br />

MASH<br />

Ro-<br />

Ro-<br />

Ro-<br />

Ro-<br />

National-European<br />

Sponge<br />

Sponge<br />

Sponge<br />

Sponge<br />

Hogan<br />

Hogan<br />

Hogan<br />

Hogan<br />

Hogan<br />

Hogan<br />

Hogan<br />

Hogan<br />

Hogan<br />

Hogan<br />

Griffith<br />

Griffith<br />

Ray<br />

Friends<br />

Seinfeld<br />

Seinfeld<br />

Friends<br />

Friends<br />

Friends<br />

Friends<br />

‘‘The<br />

Wedding<br />

Date’’<br />

Sex &<br />

Sex &<br />

Wedding<br />

Date<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Practical<br />

Magic’’<br />

Bloop-<br />

Harvey<br />

Married<br />

Married<br />

Married<br />

Saved-<br />

Saved-<br />

Saved-<br />

Saved-<br />

Fresh<br />

Fresh<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Practical<br />

Magic’’<br />

Home<br />

Home<br />

Home<br />

Home<br />

Just<br />

Just<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

King<br />

King<br />

Ray<br />

Ray<br />

Ray<br />

Friends<br />

Seinfeld<br />

Seinfeld<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Music<br />

and Lyrics’’<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Music<br />

and Lyrics’’<br />

Sex &<br />

Sex &<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Must<br />

Love<br />

Dogs’’<br />

Harvey<br />

Harvey<br />

Harvey<br />

Married<br />

Married<br />

Married<br />

Married<br />

Married<br />

Harvey<br />

Harvey<br />

Harvey<br />

Win a<br />

Date ’’<br />

’’<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Clueless’’<br />

’’<br />

Movie:<br />

‘‘Must<br />

Love<br />

Dogs’’<br />

’’<br />

Friends<br />

Sex &<br />

Sex &<br />

Ray<br />

Engvall<br />

Ray<br />

World<br />

Poker<br />

World<br />

Poker<br />

Pre-<br />

MLB<br />

Baseball:<br />

Braves<br />

at Rockies<br />

Post-<br />

Rockies<br />

MLB<br />

Baseball:<br />

Braves<br />

at Rockies<br />

Rockies<br />

Final<br />

Final<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Rockies<br />

Final<br />

Final<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Car<br />

Mike<br />

MLB<br />

Baseball:<br />

Braves<br />

at Rockies<br />

Rockies<br />

Rockies<br />

Elite XC<br />

Tough-<br />

Base-<br />

Rockies<br />

Rockies<br />

Pre-<br />

MLB<br />

Baseball:<br />

Braves<br />

at Rockies<br />

Post-<br />

MLB<br />

Baseball:<br />

Braves<br />

at Rockies<br />

Rockies<br />

Final<br />

Final<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Rockies<br />

Rockies<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Rockies<br />

Rockies<br />

In GOLF<br />

Update<br />

Outlaws<br />

Re-<br />

Pac-10<br />

Football:ArchivesRunning<br />

SportsCenterHomecoming<br />

NFL<br />

Poker<br />

Series<br />

of Poker<br />

BaseballSportsCenter<br />

Base-<br />

NFL<br />

SportsCenterSportsCenter<br />

Base-<br />

NFL<br />

SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter<br />

Golf:<br />

U.S.<br />

Women’s<br />

Open<br />

Championship<br />

SportsCenter<br />

’’<br />

Countd-<br />

NAS-<br />

CAR<br />

Racing:<br />

Nationwide<br />

Series<br />

SportsCenter<br />

Base-<br />

NFL<br />

SportsCenterSportsCenter<br />

Base-<br />

NFL<br />

SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

Bowling<br />

Bowling<br />

Bowling<br />

Bowling<br />

Bowling<br />

Bowling<br />

Billiards<br />

’’<br />

Billiards<br />

’’<br />

Billiards<br />

’’<br />

Horn<br />

NAS-<br />

NAS-<br />

CAR<br />

Race<br />

Football<br />

WNBA<br />

Basketball<br />

’’<br />

Phelps<br />

’’<br />

Series<br />

of Poker<br />

Series<br />

of Poker<br />

Series<br />

of Poker<br />

Series<br />

of Poker<br />

Series<br />

of Poker<br />

Base-<br />

Base-<br />

Mike<br />

and<br />

Mike in<br />

the<br />

Morning<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

ESPN<br />

First<br />

Take ’’<br />

ESPN<br />

First<br />

Take ’’<br />

Best of<br />

1st and<br />

NAS-<br />

CAR<br />

Race ’’<br />

NAS-<br />

Wres-<br />

Wrestling<br />

NFL<br />

Boxing<br />

’’<br />

Boxing<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

Boxing:<br />

Friday<br />

Night<br />

Fights<br />

Boxing<br />

’’<br />

Boxing<br />

’’<br />

’’<br />

NAS-<br />

CAR<br />

Race<br />

’’<br />

Base-<br />

Fishing<br />

’’<br />

Journal<br />

Out-<br />

Driven<br />

Expedi-<br />

Beat<br />

Redfish<br />

Bassmasters<br />

NAS-<br />

CAR<br />

Base-<br />

Base-<br />

1999<br />

Home<br />

Run<br />

Derby<br />

MLB<br />

Baseball<br />

’’<br />

Strong-<br />

Strong-<br />

Strong-<br />

Strong-<br />

NAS-<br />

NAS-<br />

Pimp<br />

Pass<br />

Pinks<br />

NAS-<br />

CAR<br />

Race<br />

’’<br />

Wrecke-<br />

Pimp<br />

Pass<br />

Pinks --<br />

All Out<br />

NAS-<br />

CAR<br />

Race ’’<br />

Gearz<br />

Hot Rod<br />

Mo-<br />

Auto-<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Monster<br />

Jam<br />

Formula<br />

One<br />

Racing<br />

Ferrari<br />

Auto-<br />

Mo-<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Formula<br />

One<br />

Racing<br />

Inside<br />

NAS-<br />

CAR<br />

Truck U<br />

Truck U<br />

Chop<br />

Edge<br />

NAS-<br />

CAR<br />

NAS-<br />

CAR<br />

Race<br />

Pass<br />

Auto<br />

Racing<br />

’’<br />

The<br />

Project<br />

LMP1<br />

Trackside<br />

F1 Debrief<br />

Inside<br />

The<br />

Formula<br />

One<br />

Racing<br />

SPEED<br />

Chall.<br />

Test<br />

Paid<br />

Paid<br />

Trikke<br />

Paid<br />

Mo-<br />

Thunder<br />

Formula<br />

One<br />

Racing<br />

Hot Rod<br />

Low<br />

Garage<br />

Trackside<br />

Formula<br />

One<br />

Racing<br />

The<br />

Project<br />

LMP1<br />

Perform<br />

NAS-<br />

NAS-<br />

NAS-<br />

CAR ’’<br />

Church<br />

Boun-<br />

Daily<br />

Mass<br />

Life on<br />

Rock<br />

Euchar-<br />

Rosary<br />

Catholic<br />

Desire<br />

Catholic<br />

Theol-<br />

Daily<br />

Mass<br />

Life on<br />

Rock<br />

Euchar-<br />

Theol-<br />

Cathol-<br />

Catholic<br />

Franciscan<br />

First<br />

Catholic<br />

Celi-<br />

Choices<br />

Chaplet<br />

Rosary<br />

Daily<br />

Mass<br />

Angelica<br />

Live<br />

Abundant<br />

Reli-<br />

Holy<br />

Daily<br />

Mass<br />

Life on<br />

Rock<br />

Stations<br />

Path<br />

Mercy<br />

Rosary<br />

Hermie<br />

Family<br />

God<br />

Life<br />

One<br />

Cathol-<br />

Daily<br />

Mass<br />

World<br />

Over<br />

Cross-<br />

Rosary<br />

Defend-<br />

Image<br />

Rome<br />

Quest<br />

Daily<br />

Mass<br />

World<br />

Over<br />

Catholic<br />

Defend-<br />

Motets-<br />

Bach<br />

My God<br />

Vatican<br />

Mother<br />

’’<br />

Saints<br />

Rea-<br />

Chaplet<br />

Rosary<br />

Daily<br />

Mass<br />

Friar<br />

Family<br />

Ani-<br />

Truth<br />

Knights<br />

Holy<br />

Daily<br />

Mass<br />

Reli-<br />

Martyrs<br />

EpiscopalOrdination<br />

’’<br />

Church<br />


P'1e 1. BH PIONEER<br />

Garfield !y J%& 'a)%s<br />

Baby Blues !y Je33y :4,66 7 %3=&an<br />

For Better or For Worse !y Tynn J,.ns6,n<br />

The Born Loser !y 536 7 8.%9 :ans,&<br />

Frank and Ernest !y +,! -.a)es<br />

Ernie !y +ud 23a4e<br />

T"u$%&'() Ju+( 9) .009<br />

C5u6+e7% "e'$8% 9e$e :5n&e$<br />

9"en &en6,F and G .a)e !een<br />

6,ge6.e3 aI&,s6 6.3ee yea3sJ G6<br />

s6a36ed ,u6 as a I,ngKd%s6an4e<br />

3eIa6%,ns.%9, !u6 &y 4.%Id3en<br />

and G .a)e 3e4en6Iy &,)ed 6,<br />

.%s 6,LnJ<br />

W.en Le Le3e I,ngKd%sK<br />

6an4e, LeNd 6aI= se)e3aI 6%&es<br />

a day and say .,L &u4. Le<br />

I,)ed ea4. ,6.e3J O,L Le<br />

d,nN6 6aI= 6.a6 ,C6en eP4e96<br />

L.en Le C%g.6 ,)e3 s6u9%d<br />

6.%ngs, and 6.e EG I,)e y,uNsF<br />

a3e aI&,s6 n,neP%s6en6J G say<br />

%6 6, >en6 aII 6.e 6%&eJ 'u3%ng a<br />

4,u9Ie ,C ,u3 C%g.6s .e a46uaIK<br />

Iy 6,Id &e .e d,esnN6 I,)e &e,<br />

and .%s a46%,ns s,&e6%&es<br />

s.,L &e .e &eans %6J W.en G<br />

63y 6, d%s4uss %6, .e says .e<br />

Las Qus6 &ad and 6.a6 .e 3eaIK<br />

Iy d,es I,)e &eJ<br />

5!!y, L.a6 !,6.e3s &e %s<br />

L.en Le .a)e EaI,ne 6%&eF R<br />

6.e =%ds a3e asIee9 ,3 aLay<br />

R >en6 L,uId 3a6.e3 La64.<br />

s9,36s, 9Iay ,n 6.e 4,&9u6e3,<br />

g, ,u6 6, 6.e &,)%es L%6. .%s<br />

!es6 C3%end ,3 sIee9J W.en %6<br />

4,&es 6, 3,&an4e R %6 d,esK<br />

nN6 .a99en &,3e 6.an 6L%4e a<br />

&,n6. ,3 unIess .eNs d3un=J<br />

W.en Le C%3s6 g,6 6,ge6.e3,<br />

>en6 Lan6ed 6, d, e)e3y6.%ng<br />

L%6. &eJ O,L G .a)e 6, C%g.6<br />

C,3 us 6, s9end any 6%&e a6 aII<br />

6,ge6.e3J W.a6 4an G d,S R<br />

O?2T?8-?' GO P?OO:@TK<br />

V5OG5<br />

'?5< O?2T?8-?'A G6Ns<br />

6%&e 6, 6a=e a g%an6 s6e9 !a4=<br />

and 3eassess 6.%s 3,&an4e, ,3<br />

L.a6Ns IeC6 ,C %6J GC >en6 as=ed<br />

y,u 6, 9%4= u9 y,u3 4.%Id3en<br />

and &,)e 6, .%s 6,Ln, 6.en %6<br />

a99ea3s .e .as e%6.e3 .ad a<br />

4.ange ,C .ea36 ,3 .eNs a<br />

.eeIJ GC .e d%dnN6, 6.en y,u3<br />

g,%ng 6.e3e Las a &%s4aI4uIaK<br />

6%,n ,n y,u3 9a36J<br />

G6 %s 43u4%aI 6.a6 y,u unde3K<br />

s6and .,L %&9,36an6 %6 %s 6.a6<br />

a 9e3s,nNs L,3ds and a46%,ns<br />

&a64.J >en6 &ay 6eII y,u .e<br />

I,)es y,u ,44as%,naIIy and<br />

unde3 93essu3e, !u6 .%s<br />

58-GWO: 93,)e ,6.e3L%seJ<br />

W.a6 y,u .a)e des43%!ed %s a<br />

3,&an4e 6.a6Ns g,%ng n,L.e3e<br />

9,s%6%)e, and %C y,u s6%II .a)e<br />

6.e ,96%,n, y,u s.,uId 9a4=<br />

y,u3 !ags and g, !a4= L.e3e<br />

y,u 4a&e C3,&J<br />

'?5< 5++@A G .a)e !een<br />

&a33%ed 6.3ee yea3sJ By L%Ce<br />

4,&es C3,& a Ia3ge Ca&%Iy,<br />

&,s6 ,C L.,& a3e .e3e ,n 6.e<br />

?as6 8,as6J :.e %s 4I,se 6, aII<br />

.e3 s%s6e3sJ Wne ,C 6.e&,<br />

E>a6e,F %s gay and &,)ed ,u6<br />

Les6 6, !e L%6. .e3 g%3IC3%end,<br />

ETesI%eJF<br />

>a6e and TesI%e !3ea= u9<br />

e)e3y yea3J -.en >a6e CI%es<br />

!a4= 6, )%s%6 6.e Ca&%IyJ<br />

?)e3y,ne 6eIIs .e3 n,6 6, 3e4K<br />

,n4%Ie L%6. TesI%e and 6, s6a36<br />

a I%Ce L%6.,u6 .e3J 5C6e3 a CeL<br />

Lee=s, >a6e g,es !a4=, ge6s<br />

!a4= 6,ge6.e3 L%6. TesI%e, and<br />

6.e 4y4Ie s6a36s aII ,)e3 aga%nJ<br />

G6Ns aILays 6.e sa&e s6,3yA<br />

TesI%e %n%6%a6es 6.e !3ea=u9J<br />

>a6e ge6s I,neIy and 4aIIs us<br />

C,3 4,&C,36 a6 aII .,u3s ,C 6.e<br />

n%g.6 !e4ause s.e d,esnN6<br />

L,3= a En,3&aIF Q,!, and %6Ns<br />

s6%II ea3Iy C,3 .e3J By L%Ce and<br />

G !,6. L,3= and Le .a)e 6,<br />

ge6 u9 )e3y ea3IyJ<br />

G .a)e 6,Id &y L%Ce 6.a6<br />

>a6e needs 6, !3ea= 6.%s<br />

3e9ea6%ng 4y4IeJ G Lan6 6,<br />

s9ea= u9 !u6 d,nN6 6.%n= %6Ns<br />

&y 9Ia4e as a n,nK!I,,d 3eIaK<br />

6%)eJ Gs 6.e3e any6.%ng any,ne<br />

4an d, 6, ge6 6.3,ug. 6, .e3<br />

6.a6 L.a6 s.eNs d,%ng %s n,6<br />

,nIy .u36%ng .e3, !u6 ,6.e3<br />

Ca&%Iy &e&!e3sS R :T??PK<br />


Thursday, July 9, 2009 BH PIONEER Page 13<br />

Arlo and Janis !y Ji&&y J%.n0%n<br />

Alley Oop<br />

!y Ka9e ?raue<br />

_ Ja2, 'ender<br />

Funky Winkerbean !y $%& 'a)iu,<br />

Astrograph<br />

Friday, July 10, 2009<br />

'e2au0e %33%r)uni)ie0 and<br />

!rea,0 &ig.) 2%&e in !un2.e0 in<br />

).e year a.ead, y%u &ay need )%<br />

3i2, and 2.%%0e 8.i2. %ne0 )% )a,e ad9an)age %:; ?enera==y, y%u 0.%u=d<br />

!e @ui)e =u2,y, 8i). %ne eA2e3)i%n > .and=ing ).e 3%0B<br />

0e00i%n0 %: %).er0; CnD%y 3e%3=eE0 2%&3any, !u) =e) ).e&<br />

)a,e 2are %: ).eir !e=%nging0;<br />

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) > 'e ad9i0ed ).a) y%u are :ar<br />

&%re :%r)una)e di02%9ering ).ing0 %n y%ur %8n, regardB<br />

=e00 %: 8.a) de9e=%30 %r un:%=d0; Fn0)ead %: )urning )%<br />

%).er0 :%r ad9i2e %r 0ugge0)i%n0, ).in, :%r y%ur0e=:;<br />

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) > Fn ).e 3a0), y%u &ay<br />

.a9e !een &%re 0e2ure a!%u) y%ur ).in,ing, !u) y%u are<br />

=i,e=y )% !e &%re :%r)una)e 8i). y%ur 2.%i2e0 a) ).i0 )i&e;<br />

C9en i: y%u 8re0)=e 8i). y%ur ).%ug.)0, d%nE) =e) ).e&<br />

).r%8 y%u;<br />

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) > G%u &ay !e :ee=ing ri2.,<br />

!u) &a,e 0ure ).a) ).i0 i0 n%) &ere=y an i==u0i%n %r y%u<br />

2%u=d !e )%% @ui2, )% 03end :ri9%=%u0=y; $% !e %n ).e 0a:e<br />

0ide, re0)ri2) y%ur 3ur2.a0e0 )% ).e !are e00en)ia=0;<br />

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) > 'e %3)i&i0)i2, and<br />

y%uE== !e :=eAi!=e 8.en %33%r)uni)ie0 ,n%2,; Har!%ring<br />

0e=:Bd%u!)0 i0 a .andi2a3, re0)ri2)ing y%ur 2.an2e0 )%<br />

a2.ie9e any).ing %: rea= 0u!0)an2e;<br />

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) > 'e :%r).rig.)<br />

a!%u) y%ur 3re0en) need0, and y%u 8i== :ind %).er0 %::erB<br />

ing 8ay0 and &ean0 )% 0a)i0:y y%ur re@uire&en)0; 'e<br />

Herman !y Ji& ^nger<br />

0i=en) a!%u) ).ing0, and y%uE== !e 2%&3=e)e=y a=%ne;<br />

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) > G%u are ).e<br />

eA)re&e=y =u2,y %ne, 0% d%nE) 3u) y%ur0e=: in ).e 3%0i)i%n<br />

8.ere %).er0 are 2%n)r%==ing y%ur re0%ur2e0 > 8.e).er<br />

y%ur 9a=ua!=e0 are ).ing0 %: a )angi!=e na)ure %r n%);<br />

APUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) > K%nE) !e in)i&ida)ed<br />

!y ).e 0iJe %: a 8%nder:u= %33%r)uni)y 3re0en)ed )% y%u;<br />

Fai= )% )a,e ad9an)age %: i), and y%uE== a==%8 a :%r)ui)%u0<br />

0i)ua)i%n )% 0=i3 a8ay;<br />

ARIES (March 21-April 19) > G%u 2%u=d !e @ui)e :%rB<br />

)una)e 8.en 3ar)nered 8i). 0%&e%ne 8.% .a0 ).e 0a&e<br />

.ig. 0)andard0 a0 y%u; M%n9er0e=y, i: y%u 2.%%0e an indiB<br />

9idua= %: 3%%r 2.ara2)er, ).e %33%0i)e 8%u=d !e )rue;<br />

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) > 'e 2are:u= )% 9ie8<br />

).ing0 a0 ).ey rea==y are and n%) &ere=y .%8 y%u 8%u=d<br />

=i,e ).e& )% !e; Nea=i)y 3r%9ide0 g%%d rea0%ning 3%8er0,<br />

8.i=e a 3air %: r%0eB2%=%red g=a00e0 de:u0e0 =i:e;<br />

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) > $.i0 0.%u=d !e a 3=ea0B<br />

an) day, !u) %ne ).ing 2%u=d 3u) a da&3er %n y%ur )i&eO<br />

indi::eren2e; K%nE) !e indi::eren) )% 8.a) i0 .a33ening<br />

ar%und y%u; 'e in9%=9ed, and y%uE== )ru=y enD%y =i:e;<br />

Pn%8 8.ere )% =%%, :%r r%&an2e and y%uE== :ind i); $.e<br />

I0)r%B?ra3. Qa)2.&a,er in0)an)=y re9ea=0 8.i2. 0ign0<br />

are r%&an)i2a==y 3er:e2) :%r y%u; Qai= RS )% I0)r%B?ra3.,<br />

P;U; '%A 16X, Yi2,=i::e, UH ZZ092B016X;<br />

Keep your mind<br />

on your contrac)<br />

M.u2, Pa=a.niu,, a )ran0gre0B<br />

0i%na= n%9e=i0) `8.a)e9er ).a)<br />

&ean0ab and :ree=an2e D%urna=i0),<br />

8r%)e, cd% :ear; d% di0)ra2)i%n0;<br />

$.e a!i=i)y )% =e) ).a) 8.i2. d%e0<br />

n%) &a))er )ru=y 0=ide;e<br />

$.a) a33=ie0 )% !ridge 3=ayer0;<br />

Y.en ).e du&&y 2%&e0 d%8n<br />

and y%u 0ee ).a) y%u are n%) in ).e<br />

).e%re)i2a==y !e0) 03%), d% n%) !e<br />

di0)ra2)ed !y 8.a) &ig.) .a9e<br />

!een; fe) ).a) 0=ide 8.i=e y%u 2%nB<br />

BRIDGE<br />

2en)ra)e %n y%ur a2)ua= 2%n)ra2);<br />

G%u are in 0iA n%B)ru&3; H%8<br />

8%u=d y%u 3=an ).e 3=ay a:)er Ye0)<br />

=ead0 ).e 2=u! @ueeng<br />

G%u n%)i2e ).a) 0e9en 03ade0<br />

and 0e9en n%B)ru&3 are g%%d 2%nB<br />

)ra2)0, needing 03ade0 SB2, %r ZB1<br />

8i). a 0ing=e)%n Da2,, 8.i2. i0 a<br />

3ri%ri XS;h 3er2en); 'u) y%u are n%)<br />

).ere; M%n2en)ra)e %n 8inning 12<br />

)ri2,0;<br />

G%u .a9e 10 )%3 )ri2,0O ).ree<br />

03ade0, )8% .ear)0, ).ree diaB<br />

&%nd0 and )8% 2=u!0; G%u need<br />

%n=y :i9e 03ade )ri2,0, n%) 0iA;<br />

Y.a) i0 ).e dangerg<br />

$.e %n=y ri0, i0 03ade0 !rea,B<br />

ing hB0; Fear n%), ).%ug. > y%u<br />

.a9e a 0a:e)yB3=ay a9ai=a!=eO $a,e<br />

).e :ir0) )ri2, %n ).e !%ard 8i). ).e<br />

2=u! ,ing and 2a== :%r a =%8 03ade;<br />

F: Ye0) .ad a== :i9e 03ade0, .e<br />

8%u=d )a,e y%ur 10 8i). .i0 Da2,<br />

and, 3re0u&a!=y, =ead an%).er<br />

2=u!; G%u 8%u=d 8in 8i). y%ur a2e<br />

and 3=ay a 03ade )% du&&yE0<br />

eig.); Here, ).%ug., Ca0) i0 %n ).e<br />

.%rn0 %: a di=e&&a; F: .e 3=ay0 a<br />

=%8 03ade, y%u 8in 8i). y%ur 10<br />

and 2%n2ede a 03ade; Ind i: Ca0)<br />

)a,e0 .i0 Da2,, y%u 2an 2=ai&;<br />

I:)er ).e 0e00i%n, agree 8i).<br />

y%ur 3ar)ner i) 8a0 =u2,y ).a)<br />

0e9en 8a0 un&a,a!=e;<br />

NEA Crossword Puzzle

To Place Your Classified: Call 642-2761 for info. or e-mail your ad with credit card info to classifieds@bhpioneer.com<br />


Page 14 classifieds@bhpioneer.com July 9, 2009<br />


KNOW ...<br />

555and Ze inDLrXed LD<br />

COe DunKCiLn LD yLur<br />

gLFernXenC are<br />

eXZLdied in VuZ?iK<br />

nLCiKeG in COaC Ge?D<br />

gLFernXenC KOargeG<br />

a?? KiCicenG CL Ze<br />

inDLrXed5 "OiG neNG8<br />

VaVer urgeG eFery<br />

KiCicen CL read and<br />

GCudy COeGe nLCiKeG5<br />

0e GCrLng?y adFiGe<br />

COLGe KiCicenG GeeQ8<br />

ing DurCOer inDLrXa8<br />

CiLn, CL eberKiGe COeir<br />

rigOC LD aKKeGG CL<br />

VuZ?iK reKLrdG and<br />

VuZ?iK XeeCingG5<br />


LEGAL<br />


(V CL CNL ?ega?8<br />

Giced CyVeNriCCen<br />

VageG, COe dead?ine<br />

iG 2 V5X5 F&(1<br />

dayG in adFanKe LD<br />

VuZ?iKaCiLn daCe5<br />

=Lre COan CNL<br />

?ega?8Giced CyVeNriC8<br />

Cen VageG Ni??<br />

reeuire uV CL !2j<br />

dayG DLr VuZ?iKaCiLn5<br />


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;24$- in aKKLrdanKe NiCO<br />

!LuCO *aQLCa ,LdiDied<br />

/aNG 218T982U, and Vur8<br />

GuanC CL a JudgXenC daCed<br />

COe 11CO day LD June, 2009,<br />

COaC a Ga?e LD KerCain XLrC8<br />

gaged VreXiGeG deGKriZed<br />

aG DL??LNG[<br />

/LC : H?LKQ 17, a<br />

!uZdiFiGiLn LD "raKC # LD<br />

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19, ":-, 1^$, H5)5=5, CL<br />

COe ,iCy LD !VearDiGO,<br />

/aNrenKe ,LunCy, !LuCO<br />

*aQLCa, aKKLrding CL V?aC<br />

*LKuXenC -L5 200^8^:^2,<br />

!Oa?? Ze Xade Zy VuZ?iK<br />

Ga?e CL COe OigOeGC Zidder<br />

Ln COe 10CO day LD Ju?y,<br />

2009, aC 10[00 a5X5, aC COe<br />

DrLnC dLLr LD COe /aNrenKe<br />

,LunCy ,LurCOLuGe,<br />

*eadNLLd, !LuCO *aQLCa5<br />

"Oe naXeG LD COe XLrC8<br />

gagLrG are #arLn Jiran and<br />

1eZeKKa Jiran and COe<br />

XLrCgage NaG giFen CL<br />

0e??G FargL HanQ, -# and<br />

aGGigned CL COe !LuCO<br />

*aQLCa )LuGing<br />

*eFe?LVXenC auCOLriCy LD<br />

Pierre, !LuCO *aQLCa5 "Oe<br />

aXLunC due, VurGuanC CL<br />

COe JudgXenC iG<br />

_1:0,T2^5995 "Oe daCe LD<br />

COe XLrCgage iG COe 29CO<br />

day LD June, 200U, and COe<br />

XLrCgage NaG reKLrded in<br />

COe &DDiKe LD COe /aNrenKe<br />

,LunCy 1egiGCer LD *eedG<br />

Ln COe 29CO day LD June,<br />

200U, aC 9[U9 a5X5, aG<br />

*LK5`[ 200U80T0T95 "Oe<br />

Ga?e iG GuZaeKC CL GeKLnd<br />

Oa?D LD 2009 rea? VrLVerCy<br />

CabeG, and any GVeKia?<br />

aGGeGGXenCG due and<br />

LNing5<br />

*aCed aC *eadNLLd,<br />

!LuCO *aQLCa, COiG 2^rd<br />

day LD June, 20095<br />

12,)#1* =&0$//<br />

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8G8 1LZerC $5 )ayeG<br />

1LZerC $5 )ayeG<br />

#CCLrney DLr P?ainCiDD<br />

*aFenVLrC, $FanG,<br />

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K]L !LuCO *aQLCa )LuGing<br />

*eFe?LVXenC #uCOLriCy<br />

221 !5 ,enCra?,<br />

P5&5 HLb 12^7<br />

Pierre, !LuCO *aQLCa<br />

U7U01812^7<br />

PuZ?iGOed CNiKe aC COe<br />

CLCa? aVVrLbiXaCe KLGC LD<br />

TU5U95<br />

!350<br />

July 2, 9<br />






-&"2,$ 2! )$1$H.<br />

;24$- COaC COe !VearDiGO<br />

P?anning ,LXXiGGiLn Ni??<br />

OL?d a VuZ?iK Oearing Ln<br />

Ju?y 21, 2009 aC ^[00 V5X5,<br />

Lr aG GLLn COereaDCer aG iC<br />

Kan Ze Oeard, in COe KLunKi?<br />

KOaXZerG LD COe !VearDiGO<br />

=uniKiVa? ,enCre, :2U<br />

FiDCO !CreeC, CL KLnGider[<br />

aVVrLFa? LD reeueGC DLr (Ge<br />

PerXiCCed Ln 1eFieN DLr<br />

inGCa??aCiLn LD Gib f:g Nire8<br />

?eGG KLXXuniKaCiLn anCen8<br />

naG and grLund eeuiVXenC<br />

aC =aCOeNG &Vera )LuGe5<br />

#VV?iKanC[ !0! //,5<br />

/LKaCiLn[ :1T =ain !CreeC5<br />

hueGCiLnG Lr KLXXenCG<br />

KLnKerning COiG aKCiLn Xay<br />

Ze GuZXiCCed CL COe ,iCy<br />

P?anneriG LDDiKe aC :2U<br />

FiDCO !CreeC, Lr Zy Ka??ing<br />

:T281^^U5<br />

Jayna 0aCGLn<br />

,iCy P?anner<br />

,2". &F !P$#1F2!)<br />

PuZ?iGOed LnKe aC COe<br />

CLCa? aVVrLbiXaCe KLGC LD<br />

_95U05<br />

!360<br />

July 9<br />

E@uaC<br />

HDusFng<br />

OIIDrKunFKy<br />

*22 rea2 e3tate adVert;3;ng ;n<br />

tMe Qa;r 89u3;ng *At [aZe3<br />

;t ;22ega2 t9 adVert;3e lany<br />

KreLerenAe, 2;[;tat;9n 9r d;37<br />

Ar;[;nat;9n ]a3ed 9n raAe,<br />

A929r, re2;g;9n, 3e/, Mand;7<br />

AaK, La[;2;a2 3tatu3, 9r<br />

nat;9na2 9r;g;n, 9r an ;nten7<br />

t;9n, t9 [aZe any 3uAM KreL7<br />

erenAe, 2;[;tat;9n 9r d;3Ar;[7<br />

;nat;9nPm Qa[;2;a2 3tatu3<br />

;nA2ude3 AM;2dren under tMe<br />

age 9L 1N 2;V;ng @;tM Karent3<br />

9r 2ega2 Au3t9d;an3j Kreg7<br />

nant @9[en and Ke9K2e<br />

3eAur;ng Au3t9dy 9L AM;2dren<br />

under 1NP<br />

&M;3 ne@3KaKer @;22 n9t<br />

Zn9@;ng2y aAAeKt any<br />

adVert;3;ng L9r rea2 e3tate<br />

@M;AM ;3 ;n V;92at;9n 9L tMe<br />

2a@P "ur reader3 are Mere]y<br />

;nL9r[ed tMat a22 d@e22;ng3<br />

adVert;3ed ;n tM;3 ne@3Ka7<br />

Ker are aVa;2a]2e 9n an<br />

ebua2 9KK9rtun;ty ]a3;3P &9<br />

A9[K2a;n 9L d;3Ar;[;nat;9n,<br />

Aa22 8,! t9227Lree at 1 gN00h<br />

66979HHHP &Me t9227Lree te2e7<br />

KM9ne nu[]er L9r tMe Mear7<br />

;ng ;[Ka;red ;3 1 gN00h 92H7<br />

92HGP<br />



POLICY<br />

The BCaOP HFCCs PFDneer<br />

QaPes eRery eSSDrK KD<br />

aRDFd errDrsU HDVeRer, Fn<br />

handCFng hundreds DS<br />

ads, DOOasFDnaCCy errDrs<br />

dD DOOurU We asP KhaK yDu<br />

read yDur ad OareSuCCy Dn<br />

Khe SFrsK day DS IuXCFOa-<br />

KFDn and IhDne us FQQedFaKeCy<br />

FS Khere Fs an errDrU<br />

We Oan DnCy Xe resIDnsF-<br />

XCe SDr a sFngCe dayZs<br />

FnODrreOK adU We reserRe<br />

Khe rFghK KD reRFse, edFK,<br />

reOCassFSy Dr re[eOK any<br />

OCassFSFed ad SDr IuXCFOa-<br />

KFDnU<br />

102 PERSONALS<br />

!"#$S&'( *+,S$ -<br />

Se/ua2 *33au2t 26789ur<br />


Thursda(, *ul( -, .//- BH PIONEER Page 34<br />

5/5 SP789F;S<<br />

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Q>HS70) B;/H) S2;+IFH0<br />

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89R-EEEM) ;-) FQ*>2L<br />

>?C;cHI*.F=*22F/7S;Q7<br />


J > 8 C X < ; > > S<br />

Over 125 Years of Coverage ^A>. 3.- BA. _ U 4/`<br />


G7DB7SD8V, *?B7 3a, .//@<br />


@/3 P89TCT;D7<br />


UT) E.@FA;;.) V>H+*) >H<br />

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GF-H;?*B2F7 %*@F)#OE7<br />

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!T0) !%0) M*@>S7 U-F<br />

T4437 LM)M4E-RTT-39TR<br />



J > 8 C X < ; > > S<br />


T?7SD8V, *?B7 34, .//@<br />

Storm-water dam could wipe out Wal-Mart store<br />

$ 8.00 per month<br />

will be automaticall(<br />

withdrawn from<br />

(our checking<br />

account.<br />

H)?;+)*.Ff,*+F)C;-)+IF)G2*??F.)%*2-M*-+)H,GF-)SF?+F-)H+;-F7 A)S;QG*?/)-FG-FHF?+*+>=F)H*/H<br />

S>+/);CC>S>*2H)A>22)?FF.)+;)C,?.)C2;;.-G-;+FS+>;?)QF*H,-FH)>+)+IF/)A*?+)+IF)H+;-F)*?.)>+H)T44)e;BH7 Pioneer photo by Max Wetz<br />

Over 125 Years of Coverage ^A>. 3.- BA. S U 4/`<br />

JV D8b G7TE<br />

B2*S\)a>22H)U>;?FF-<br />

SP#$%&'S( * $ +al-/art representati7e<br />

says i9 Spear9ish doesn=t pay<br />

>200,000 9or a drainage systeC, the DoCpany<br />

will not Fuild the new super Denter<br />

at 'nterstate 90 #Iit 12K<br />

L+ater and drainage is a Fig deal with<br />

the +al-/art people KKK They are soCewhat<br />

sensiti7e to things liNe this, ha7ing<br />

Feen Furned a 9ew tiCes,L proOeDt engineer<br />

%ay &ranNenFerg said Tuesday<br />

nightK<br />

+al-/art has a store on North $7enueK<br />

't plans a Lsuper DenterL near the<br />

Spear9ish 'ndustrial ParN o99 1st $7enueK<br />

The site is now a dry patDh o9 pastureK<br />

See WAL-MART on Page 34<br />

Food powder blending company expanding to Spearfish<br />



JV DABB8 SD;T<<br />

the Fest CatDh 9or the underground<br />

B2*S\)a>22H)U>;?FF-<br />

sDienDe they wish to aDDoCplish,<br />

_#$D * $9ter a day o9 Ceetings they will onDe again o99er CaOor<br />

and a tour o9 the sur9aDe areas o9 the researDh uni7ersity support to<br />

(oCestaNe Cine, sDientists 7isiting (oCestaNeK DrK +iDN (aIton o9 the<br />

9orC the _awrenDe QerNeley laF in \ni7ersity o9 +ashington pulled out<br />

Cali9ornia eIpressed their appreDia- as prinDipal in7estigator 9or<br />

tion and optiCisC aFout the 9uture o9 (oCestaNe se7eral Conths ago, and<br />

underground sDienti9iD inWuiryK now DrK /ar7in /arshaN o9 the<br />

DrK Ye7in _esNo said the 7isit ga7e \ni7ersity o9 /innesota has also<br />

his teaC a DhanDe to see the CatDhes turned his attention 9roC the<br />

and possiFilities 9or the types o9 sDi- (oCestaNe proOeDt to 9urther de7elenDe<br />

they would liNe to see and what opCent o9 the laF at Soudan in<br />

the (oCestaNe site has to o99erK /innesotaK #arning QerNeley sDien-<br />

L+eVll Ceet up again when we get tists= support 9or (oCestaNe would<br />

FaDN to QerNeley toCorrow, Fut ' Fe 7ery desiraFle as (oCestaNe=s Fid<br />

thinN ' Dan tell you we were 9a7or- to FeDoCe the National \nderground<br />

aFly iCpressedKKK weVre here to CatDh SDienDe _aFK<br />

our sNills and interests to what you _esNo Centioned that at the<br />

ha7e to o99er,L _esNo said late in the QerNeley laF alone there are `,000<br />

dayK<br />

eCpoloyeesK L+e are aDDustoCed to<br />

/any o9 the sDientists ha7e Feen to large sDale proOeDts,L he addedK<br />

(oCestaNe Cany tiCes Fe9ore o7er Uo7K /iNe %ounds Cet with the<br />

the past 9i7e years as the possiFility group during their Corning session<br />

o9 a laF FeDaCe a realityK The South in %apid City in the o99iDes o9 the<br />

DaNota SDienDe and TeDhnology South DaNota SDienDe and<br />

$uthority paid 9or the sDientists= TeDhnology $uthorityK During a<br />

D9. X7^;B >7SXA, 2FC+0) ;C) +IF) L*A-F?SF) BF-\F2F/) N*+>;?*2) L*B;-*+;-/) >?) C*2>C;-?>*) *..-FHHFH 7isitK<br />

press Don9erenDe, %ounds said<br />

@,FH+H)M;?.*/)F=F?>?@)@*+IF-F.)*+)*)-FSFG+>;?)>?)LF*.)*+)+IF)Z;2.F?)a>22H)I??7 T-,./)!F=F-H;?0)SF?- '9 the sDientists 9roC the _awrenDe QarriDN Uold CorpK, reCains ready to<br />

+F-0);C)+IF)A,+I;->+/);CC>SF)*?.)a;QFH+*\F)FQG2;/FF0)Z*-/)L>22FI*,@0)2>H+F?7 TIF)-FSFG+>;?)S*GGF.);CC QerNeley National _aForatory at the trans9er ownership o9 the Cine to the<br />

*) .*/) ;C) QFF+>?@H) *?.) *) H,-C*SF) +;,-) ;C) a;QFH+*\F) I;H+F.) B/) +IF) H+*+F) !S>F?SF) *?.)TFSI?;2;@/ \ni7ersity o9 Cali9ornia at QerNeley state within `0 days o9 9unding<br />

A,+I;->+/7 Pioneer photo by Donna Smith line up Fehind the (oCestaNe site as<br />

See LAB on Page 3<br />

Exit 32 faces<br />

construction issues<br />

PAGE 3<br />

JV X9;S G89>;CXCJ78TV<br />

B2*S\)a>22H)U>;?FF-<br />

SP#$%&'S( * +ant to Fuy a FriDN Fuilding in Spear9ish=s<br />

downtown DoCCerDial area? The Spear9ish Qoard o9 #duDation<br />

is Dounting that soCeout wants the 9orCer Central #leCentary<br />

SDhoolK<br />

The Foard /onday unaniCously deDlared the Fuilding surplus<br />

propertyK The Fuilding and land is worth an estiCated >1K1 CillionK<br />

The sDhool distriDt Dlosed the sDhool, last used 9or Nindergarten<br />

Dlasses, in 2002 to sa7e nearly >T0,000 a year in CaintenanDe,<br />

utilities and Dustodial DostsK SinDe then, the distriDt has<br />

Caintained a lease with QlaDN (ills State \ni7ersity Fut the deal<br />

is not a ConeyCaNerK<br />

L+e ha7enVt gotten a Dash 9low 9roC it,L Foard CeCFer Don<br />

$aNer saidK L'tVs property that we hope is 7aluaFle to soCeone<br />

elseKL<br />

See SCHOOL on Page 2<br />

C7BT98> 7>7D7BT89V SC A*H).FFQF.)H,-G2,H)G-;GF-+/)M;?.*/)?>@I+)B/)+IF)!GF*-C>HI<br />

!SI;;2)B;*-.7 TIF)FH+>Q*+F.)D373)Q>22>;?)G-;GF-+/)A>22)BF)H;2.)B/)+IF).>H+->S+7 Pioneer photo by<br />

Kris Garlick-Beaty<br />

Proposed hotel<br />

Unveiled<br />

SP#$%&'S( * $n 'daho DoC- +ednesday that he welDoCes the Qryan +alNer, eIeDuti7e direDtor CarlFoC said Spear9ish holds a lot in a 9riendly Fusiness DliCate o9<br />

pany that produDes dry Flending o9 new FuisnessK L$nytiCe we get new o9 Spear9ish #DonoCiD o9 potential and is ready to get to South DaNotaK ' aC personally Coti-<br />

9ood powders 9or DustoCers in the industry in Spear9ish, it is a positi7e De7elopCent CorpK, said his organi- worNK LPQ' is eIDited aFout the 7ated to CaNe this 7enture worN<br />

Dheese industry and Canu9aDturers thing,L he saidK L+e wel-<br />

opportunity to start sinDe ' aC originally 9roC South<br />

o9 nutritional drinNs and high energy DoCe theC to our indus-<br />

another operation in DaNota and hope to Fe aFle to grow<br />

Fars is eIpanding to the Spear9ish trial parN neighForhood<br />

Spear9ishK ' greatly with the DoCCunity in a Dooperati7e<br />

Qusiness and 'ndustry ParNK and are hope9ul that<br />

appreDiate the support atCosphere that will Fe Cutually<br />

South DaNota nati7e Dan CayFe this Fusiness will<br />

gi7en Fy Qryan Fene9iDial,L CarlFoC saidK<br />

CarlFoC, president o9 PreDision draw others liNe it hereKL<br />

+alNer and Julie CarlFoC, originally 9roC 'nterior,<br />

Qlending 'nDK, is Fringing his Fusi- YraCFeDN said the<br />

Uregg in getting this is a graduate o9 South DaNota State<br />

ness to Spear9ish 9roC /urtaugh, di7ersity o9 Fusinesses in<br />

proOeDt Co7ing \ni7ersityK Uo7K %ounds is eIDited<br />

'dahoK The Co7e should Dreate 1T the Qusiness and 'ndustry<br />

ahead,L said CarlFoCK that CarlFoC is DoCing FaDN hoCeK<br />

new OoFs o7er the neIt three years ParN is grati9yingK L+e=re<br />

LThe support and L$ Fig part o9 the stateVs 2010<br />

hereK<br />

getting a wide array o9 Fusinesses,L [ation is eIDited aFout this new eIDiteCent gi7en Fy the eDonoCiD 'nitiati7e is to 9ind opportunities 9or<br />

Uo7K /iNe %ounds touted the new he saidK L't=s niDe to see soCething opportunity 9or the DoCCunityK de7elopCent Dorporation o9 our young adults to li7e and worN in<br />

OoFs in a press releaseK LThe eIpan- liNe that happenK 't is always a posi- LThis deal really DaCe together as Spear9ish and the state o9 South South DaNota,L he saidK LDanVs deDision<br />

o9 PQ' is Ney in Spear9ishVs ti7e thing to ha7e that di7ersityKL result o9 the Dooperation Fetween DaNota were truly instruCental in us sion to Co7e FaDN to South DaNota<br />

e99ort to di7ersi9y its eDonoCy,L he The Spear9ish #DonoCiD the Dity, state, S#DC and DoCpany deDiding to loDate in Spear9ishKL is a wonder9ul testiCony that there<br />

saidK LQy attraDting DoCpanies that De7elopCent CorpK, the Dity o9 o99iDials,L he saidK L+hat we 9ind CarlFoC said the DoCpany Dhose are opportunities in our stateKL<br />

9ill a uniWue niDhe, this DoCCunity Spear9ish and the Uo7ernor=s Z99iDe Cost eIDiting aFout PQ'Vs eIpansion Spear9ish o7er other loDations 9or a PQ'Vs eIpansion inDludes Don-<br />

is really positioning itsel9 9or 9uture o9 #DonoCiD De7elopCent ha7e is that it pro7ides additional oppor- nuCFer o9 reasonsK L+e are DountstruDting a 14,000 sWuare 9oot Fuild-<br />

suDDessKL<br />

Feen worNing to Fring the DoCpany tunities whiDh allow young 9aCilies ing on Fuilding a great teaC in ing in the Spear9ish 'ndustrial ParN,<br />

/ayor Jerry YraCFeDN said hereK<br />

to stay in the areaKL<br />

Spear9ish that will allow us to grow whiDh is already underwayK<br />

Supreme Court makes<br />

ruling on Pledge of<br />

Allegiance<br />

PAGE 36<br />

Weekend mountain<br />

lion sightings not<br />

unusual<br />

PAGE 7<br />

@IA*/)OE-39A<br />

Q*/)2;;\)2>\F)+I>H7 #F=F2;GF-H)*2H;<br />

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H+;-/);?)G*@F)8<br />

PAGE 11<br />

SD women<br />

shatter<br />

records<br />

#er &'<br />

()<br />

@/3 P89TCT;D7<br />


aELU) NFF.F.) P;-<br />

V*S*+>;?)a;QFH)I?)LF*.<br />

A-F*7 a;,-H) 34L44*Q-<br />

TL84GQ7 C*22) B->@>++F) A+<br />

M4E-RTT-T5TO) LF*=F<br />

MFHH*@F<br />

@/. F?>>CT;D7<br />


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B2F) GF;G2F) AI;) F?e;/<br />

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G*/) >?S-F*HF7 AGG2>S*?+<br />

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Y;,)S*?)G*/)C;-)/;,-)H,BHS->G+>;?)+;)+IF<br />

Black Hills Pioneer A>+I)+IF<br />

S;?=F?>F?SF);C E-Z PAY<br />

*,+;Q*+>S)A>+I.-*A*2)C-;Q<br />

/;,-)SIFS\>?@)*SS;,?+7<br />

o N;)Q;-F)SIFS\H)+;)A->+F<br />

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H+*QGH);-)S-F.>+)S*-.H<br />

o)N;)Q;-F<br />

>?+F--,G+F.<br />

.F2>=F-/<br />

Sign Up For<br />

E-Z Pay Today!<br />

The top spot in town is now<br />

hiring for the following positions:<br />

Full-Time<br />

Black Jack Dealer<br />

Part-Time<br />

Players Center Host<br />

Full-Time<br />

Restaurant Buffet Cook<br />

We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits, paid<br />

vacations, 401K and opportunities for advancement<br />

Stop in at 709 Main Street and fill out an application today!<br />

C*-->F-)#F2>=F-/)O?2/<br />

E-Z PAY Pay<br />

@/. F?>>CT;D7<br />

NE%) RE!TAbRANT<br />

OUENINZ) !OON) -) TIF<br />

U,B) N) Z-,B) OGF?>?@H<br />

P;-)A22)U;H>+>;?H7 AGG2/)*+<br />

+IF) !+FF2)%IFF20) M) M>2FH<br />

!;,+I) OC) #F*.A;;.) O?<br />

8OE7 AH\)P;-)C*-;2/?7<br />

TaE) BbPPALO) BO#E-<br />

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P>?*?S>*2)I?H+>+,+>;?L C>+/W!+*+FW]>GL<br />

ASS;,?+)N,QBF-L<br />

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Transfer T-*?HCF-)U,-G;HFL PurposeP !,BHS->G+>;?)%>+I.-*A*2)!SIF.,2F)-)Donthl( !,BHS->G+>;?)%>+I.-*A*2)!SIF.,2F)))-)))M;?+I2/)-)DR7E4))))YF*-2/)-)D54<br />

Monthly RS.4/ U Vearl( R-/ gC*-->F-)#F2>=F-/h<br />

$ 8.25 • Yearly $ 99<br />

(Bottom of check before account #)<br />

gC>-S2F)O?Fh))))))))))))))))))M;+;-)R;,+FH)_)M*>2)R*+FH)A=*>2*B2F)<br />

(Circle One)<br />

TI>H)*,+I;->Y*+>;?)>H)+;)-FQ*>?)>?)C,22)C;-SF)*?.)*CCFS+),?+>2)+IF)B2*S\)a>22H)U>;?FF-)I*H)-FSF>=F.)?;+>C>S*+>;?)C-;Q)QF<br />

;C)>+H)+F-Q>?*+>;?)>?)H,SI)+>QF)*?.)>?)H,SI)Q*??F-)*H)+;)*CC;-.)+IF)B2*S\)a>22H)U>;?FF-)*?.)Q/)C>?*?S>*2)>?H+>+,+>;?)*<br />

-F*H;?*B2F);GG;-+,?>+/)+;)*S+);?)>+7<br />

J>8CX >S P;AB779 7CE P8V<br />

N*QFL !>@?F.L #*+FL BaU)ASS+7 nL<br />

Marketing Assistant*<br />

Seeking a detail-oriented teamplayer<br />

to assist in the Marketing<br />

Department. Candidates must be<br />

skilled with Microsoft Office programs;<br />

proficiency in Excel is plus.<br />

Knowlede of Oasis Player Tracking<br />

System is helpful.<br />

FT/PT Casino<br />

Host/Players Club*<br />

PT Graveyard<br />

Gaming Cashier*<br />

PT Graveyard<br />

Night Auditor*<br />

Wages DOE.<br />

Competitive benefits package.<br />

*SDCG License required.<br />

Complete application or<br />

send resume to:<br />

Deadwood Gulch Gaming Resort<br />

304 Cliff St., Deadwood, SD 57732<br />

605-578-1294<br />



Become a Regional Health Team Member!<br />

Performs cleaning duties and operates<br />

commercial cleaning equipment in health<br />

care clinic. Scheduled 32 hours per week,<br />

evening shift, Monday through Friday<br />

with occasional weekend shift. Extra pay<br />

when working evening, weekend and holiday!<br />

No experience required. Competitive<br />

pay and benefits.<br />

View benefits, job description and apply<br />

online at www.regionalhealth.com.<br />

Human Resources<br />

1440 North Main • Spearfish, SD 57783<br />

(605) 644-4086, Fax (605) 644-4089<br />

Equal Opportunity Employer<br />

(Printed) (Office Use)

29 39<br />

Page 16<br />

49 59<br />


Thursday, July 9, 2009<br />

69 79<br />

89 $ 99<br />

00<br />

Shurfresh<br />

Shurfresh<br />

Ice Cream<br />

Split Top Bread<br />

All Varieties / 56 o3.<br />

White or Wheat / 24 o3.<br />

Every Friday<br />

in our<br />

Belle Fourche<br />

location!<br />

Call JoAnn at<br />

892-6375<br />


!"#$T&T' )&*+T, )-,-).-/ 011/ ,T#2P, 4-5612- DEBIT<br />

Prices Effective July 7-13, 2009<br />

CARD<br />



SPEARFISH 620 7TH STREET 642-8181<br />

BELLE FOURCHE 40 5TH AVE. 892-6375<br />

MON.-SAT. 7:30AM-9PM; SUN. 7:30AM-8PM 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

MON.-SAT. 7:30AM-8PM; SUN. 7:30AM-8PM<br />

lb.<br />

09 19<br />

1 2 3<br />

29 39 1 2<br />

49 59<br />

09<br />

1 2 3 4<br />

5<br />

FOR<br />

FOR<br />

09<br />

$<br />

1 69 2 793<br />

3 4 5 6 7<br />

$<br />

4<br />

5 5<br />

19<br />

6<br />

7<br />

29 39<br />

Shurfresh<br />

lb.<br />

89 99<br />

USDA Choice Boneless Angus Washington<br />

Shredded Cheese<br />

Bottom Round Steak Bing Cherries<br />

49 59<br />

5 6 7 8<br />

5 00 6 7 8<br />

9 9<br />

Regular or Fancy Shredded<br />

0<br />

All Varieties / 8 o3.<br />

69 79<br />

1 2<br />

FOR<br />

2<br />

FOR<br />

1 2 3 3 9 0<br />

4<br />

$<br />

4<br />

1 2<br />

FOR<br />

2<br />

FOR<br />

1 2 3 9 0<br />

4<br />

$<br />

3 4<br />

1 89 $<br />

2 99<br />

3 4<br />

COUPON<br />

IN OUR<br />


HellmannLs<br />

00WITH<br />

Real Mayonnaise<br />

5 6 5 7 6 8<br />

7 8<br />

5 6 7 8<br />

5 6 7 8<br />

Regular or Light / 30 o3.<br />

8<br />

9 0<br />

9 0<br />

9 0<br />

9<br />

0<br />

Buy Two Two -<br />

-<br />

1 2 Get One<br />

One<br />

FREE!<br />

9 2 03<br />

03<br />

4<br />

1<br />

FOR<br />

FOR<br />

1 2 3 $<br />

4<br />

1 2<br />

FOR<br />

2<br />

FOR<br />

9 3 0<br />

4<br />

$<br />

4<br />

1 1 2<br />



Shurfine<br />

Malt-O-Meal<br />

Shurfine Natural<br />

Canned Vegetables<br />

Bagged Cereals<br />

5<br />

All Varieties / 18-27 o3.<br />

Spring<br />

5 6 Water<br />

5 7 6 8<br />

12 pk.<br />

8 7 8<br />

5 6 5 7 6<br />

8<br />

Whole Sernel or Cream Corn, Cut or French<br />

8<br />

Style Green Beans / 14.5 o3.<br />


Every Wednesday<br />

in our<br />

Spearfish<br />

9 0<br />

9<br />

location!<br />

9 0<br />

9 0<br />

9<br />

Call Gail or Bert at<br />

642-8181<br />



Thursday, July 9, 2009 BH PIONEER Page 17<br />

Food & Beverage Director<br />

Seeking motivated, team-player<br />

to manage 3 bars, 400 person<br />

convention center, and 80+ seat<br />

restaurant. Must have experience<br />

with food cost, labor cost, inventory<br />

control, portioning, menu design<br />

and general bar knowledge.<br />

Benefits include: Professional wage<br />

DOE, paid health insurance, 401(k)<br />

and great working environment.<br />

Send resume to:<br />

Deadwood Gulch Gaming Resort<br />

304 Cliff St., Deadwood, SD 57732<br />

605-578-1294<br />

402 FULL-TIME<br />


SCHOOL District is<br />

accepting applications<br />

for Educational Support<br />

Personnel (Teacher<br />

Aides) beginning 2009 -<br />

2010 school year.<br />

Applications available at<br />

the Superintendent’s<br />

Office, 525 East Illinois<br />

or on-line at<br />

www.spearfish.k12.sd.u<br />

s. Closing Date: July<br />

15, 2009<br />



TOO AT www.bhpioneer.com.<br />

Black Hills Pioneer<br />

and<br />

Weekly Prospector<br />



General Contractor<br />

Brad Pollard<br />

HCR73, Box 247<br />

Deadwood, SD 57732<br />

605-578-2057<br />

500 ANTI0UES<br />

ANTIUUE buggy. Taking<br />

bids. 784 Main St,<br />

Deadwood. 605-717-2322.<br />


OPEN HOUSE. Center<br />

of the Nation Anti]ues^<br />

July 12, 9-5. Anti]ues,<br />

glassware, Ruby Red<br />

dishes, western gear, collectibles.<br />

Country Winds<br />

miniature tack horse<br />

tack^including saddles,<br />

bridles & halters. Kettles<br />

Kandles & Pots. Located<br />

south of Newell Conoco.<br />

Call Loree 605-456-<br />

1936, 605-569-0425.<br />

Regular hours: Mon. &<br />

Wed., 10-4; Sun., 1-6.<br />



ELECTRIC thinline guitar<br />

with hardshell Carvin<br />

carrying case. $950<br />

This style of guitar was<br />

first built by Carvin in<br />

1994. Allows you to jump<br />

from electric lead riffs to<br />

acoustic tone with ease.<br />

Two coil splitters phase<br />

switch, semi hollow,<br />

synth access. See<br />

www.betterguitar.com<br />

for reviews or Carvin<br />

guitars website eAE185<br />

call 605-578-1146<br />

Licensed/Insured<br />

• Roofing • Siding • Cement<br />

• Home Building<br />

Jeff Storhaug<br />

cell 605-641-3619 Spearfish<br />

503 LAWN 5<br />


8N FORD TRACTOR. 4<br />

speed, 6 volt. 3pt. Hitch<br />

$1500. 605-490-<br />

5237<br />

HUSUVARNA Riding<br />

Lawnmower For Sale:<br />

call 605-723-8871 leave<br />

message<br />

506 HOUSEHOLD<br />

ITEMS<br />


Recliner, Navy, Very<br />

Good Condition, $110<br />

OBO, 605-584-<br />

2744.<br />


FRAME, solid oak, 4<br />

poster. Leather work on<br />

headboard. Had 6<br />

months. $650 OBO. Call<br />

Amanda. 605-639-<br />

0341<br />


ANTIUUES, collectibles,<br />

household goods, furniture,<br />

ect. See 20j off<br />

items. Located behind<br />

Whitewood Family<br />

Restaurant. (Hwy 90)<br />

Exit 23, open until<br />

6:00pm. Seven days.<br />


508 PETS 5<br />



Gun Dog & Large Breed<br />

Companion Dog<br />

Training. Call (605)641-<br />

0310.<br />


TNEY PUPS, From<br />

Proven Parent,<br />

Guaranteed Health And<br />

Hunt, Ready In August.<br />

Call 605-347-0115.<br />


BREED PUPS: Yorkie,<br />

Maltese, Dachshund,<br />

Papillon, Shih Tmu<br />

Puppies AKC. Two Year<br />

Health Guarantee, payments,<br />

credit card okay.<br />

www.dicksonpups.com<br />

605-787-6821 Deb<br />

Dickson<br />



sale. Nannys and<br />

wethers, $25 each. Get<br />

your groves and weedy<br />

areas cleaned up and<br />

fertilimed at the same<br />

time! Call 605-347-6152<br />

MUST FIND HOME for<br />

sweet, adorable kittens.<br />

Assorted colors. and 2<br />

dogs. 605-641-5404<br />

• Lawn Maintenance<br />

• Low Voltage Lighting<br />

• Complete Landscape Design<br />


Todd Keyes, Owner • 605-645-8110 • www.stonecreeklandscaping.net<br />

Bob Lambert<br />

Construction<br />

Licensed • Insured<br />

• New Construction<br />

• Steel Buildings<br />

• Concrete<br />

• Additions<br />

• Remodeling<br />

605-641-7958 (cell)<br />

605-722-5466 (home)<br />

509 EXERCISE<br />

BOWFLEX SPORT. 310<br />

lb capacity, with lat tower,<br />

leg extension, manuals,<br />

two 35 lb dumbells.<br />

Excellent condition.<br />

$300. Spearifsh 605-<br />

642-4234.<br />

510 HUNTING<br />


Weatherby Vangaurd<br />

7MM with sling scope<br />

hardcase. $900. OBO<br />

call Brad, 605-641-2786<br />

511 BUILDING<br />



sale in Rapid City. Call<br />

605-348-7068 and ask<br />

for Don or Floyd.<br />


for a fireplace or stone<br />

workp Black Hills slate.<br />

Various simes. Call to<br />

see. 605-580-1562<br />

514 GOOD<br />



PORK FOR sale call to<br />

order. Integrity Meats -<br />

605-892-6215.<br />

Contact us<br />

for all of your<br />

landscaping needs!<br />

• Retaining Walls/Boulder Walls<br />

• Water Features & Ponds<br />

• Sprinkler Installation & Repair<br />


& REPAIR<br />







Dan 642-2197, 641-1954<br />

Tom 642-2477, 641-6923<br />

515 STOVES<br />

PELLET STOVE Pelpro<br />

model eFPP2BD. 40lb<br />

hopper. $850. 605-720-<br />

3774<br />

516 MISC.<br />


Lathe 48” bed, 6” radius<br />

swing, 6 three jaw chuck<br />

$850. Kerosun Omni 105<br />

heater $50. Large air<br />

compressor pump $100.<br />

Yard Machine riding lawn<br />

mower $300. 605-642-<br />

4619<br />


AGE SHED. Big Max<br />

7’x3’6”. You assemble.<br />

$265 or best offer. 605-<br />

722-0702 Leave message.<br />

601 HORSES<br />


ING. 13 1/2 hands. Trail<br />

and ranch ridden $1800.<br />

605-891-8777<br />

603 GRAIN,<br />

FEED, 5 SEED<br />

FOR SALE: Small<br />

s]uare bales,<br />

Alfalfa/grass mix. $2.50<br />

each. Spearfish Airport<br />

Road. 605-642-5219<br />

605<br />




retired farmer from tree<br />

plots to pasture reseeding.<br />

Call to talk, Craig<br />

307-283-1097, 605-645-<br />

7416<br />

700 ALL-<br />



2004 POLARIS<br />

SPORTSMAN 700.<br />

Always maintained. Gun<br />

rack and many extras.<br />

$4,900 OBO Cash, Call<br />

Brad 605-641-2786<br />

FOR SALE: 1995 Polaris<br />

ATV. Excellent<br />

Condition. Box-windshield-horn.<br />

605-722-<br />

2838<br />

701<br />


‘02 BMW K12 Cruise,<br />

Heated Grips Blue, Fast,<br />

Comfortable. BMW one<br />

hard, one soft side bag.<br />

Asking 7,500. 605-641-<br />

5443, 605-578-1060<br />

Call<br />

584-2303 or<br />

642-2761<br />



Jeff Rath, Owner • Spearfish ~ Lead ~ Deadwood ~ Belle Fourche ~ Sturgis<br />

Affordable Rates - Residential & Commercial<br />

Installation & Repair • Duct Cleaning • Sales & 24 Hr. Service<br />

Servicing ALL Brands of Air Conditioners & Furnaces<br />

Always accepting new customers!<br />

722-8101 or 578-7795<br />


After hours call 722-8101<br />

D/J Saddlery Boot & Shoe Repair<br />

DROP OFF<br />

at<br />

2535 E.<br />

Colorado Blvd.,<br />

Spearfish<br />

Johnston’s Hardware<br />





605-892-4459 • 605-210-1213<br />

And At

Page 18 BH PIONEER<br />

701<br />


07 CRF100, e*cellent<br />

condition2 Too many<br />

e*tras to list2 91500200<br />

Call 605-722-4304 or<br />

920-540-4537<br />

1969 HD SHOVEL-<br />

HEAD2 88 stoke, 12,000<br />

miles on motor2 Runs<br />

great2 New MetPler tires<br />

and more2 974002 OBO<br />

605-720-1214<br />

1982 KAWASAKI 440<br />

LTD With Saddle Bags,<br />

New Battery, New Carb<br />

Kit, 98002002 605-580-<br />

9937<br />

1983 WAMAHA ROWAL<br />

Star Venture, Xcruiser<br />

1200ccY2 Looks and runs<br />

great2 92200 321-693-<br />

5089<br />

1983 WAMAHA VEN-<br />

TURE ROWALE, runs<br />

great, looks great, nearly<br />

new tires2 91,8002<br />

605-717-9700<br />

1985 WAMAHA VIRAGO2<br />

Nice bike,runs great!<br />

Comes w]nylon saddle<br />

bags2 Must see! Asking<br />

91500 OBO Call 605-<br />

722-0831 lea^e message<br />

Black Hills Pioneer<br />

and<br />

Weekly Prospector<br />

701<br />


1986 TT 600, MOTOR-<br />

CWCLE2 Runs Great2<br />

605-639-9227<br />

1993 HARLEW DAVID-<br />

SON F_R Ready To<br />

Ride, Newer Dunlap<br />

Tires, Super Trapp<br />

E*haust2 Motor Work<br />

Done At RC HD, 30,000<br />

Miles2 980002 605-499-<br />

9737<br />

1996 HARLEW DAVID-<br />

SON]F_DS Dyna<br />

Con^ertible, Black in<br />

color, 24,000 Miles,<br />

Windshield, Leather<br />

Saddle Bags,<br />

Screaming Eagle<br />

E*haust - 98,500<br />

X605Y641-1926<br />

1999 Wa250 Well taken<br />

care of, comes w]larger<br />

e*tra gas tank2 Great<br />

woods bike2 91500 OBO<br />

605-722-0831 lea^e<br />

message<br />

2002 VICTORW TC<br />


1505CC, Fuel Incected,<br />

5,000 Miles, Full<br />

Windshield, Dri^ing<br />

Lights, Touring Pack,<br />

Hard Bags2 98,9002 307-<br />

746-4683<br />

Brodie<br />

Dental<br />

915 State Street, Belle Fourche, SD<br />

Specializing in:<br />

Dentures<br />

Call for a Consultation 605.892.3763<br />

LARRY’S<br />






*o -o. /oo S%all)<br />

0122 2S'I67'2S<br />

605-645-4105<br />

Removable Partials<br />

Crowns & Bridges<br />

Do^e Chocolate<br />

Disco^eries in home<br />

chocolate Parties2<br />

Theresa Bibler<br />

theresabiblergyahoo2com<br />

605-641-4404<br />

Book an in-home<br />

tasting party today!<br />

701<br />


2001 HARLEW DAVID-<br />

SON 883 Sportster<br />

Custom2 New paint, lots<br />

of *-tras2 Great condition2<br />

95000 or trade for<br />

bigger bike2 605-645-<br />

2271<br />

2001 KTM PRO-<br />

SENIOR 50cc2 2003<br />

RM60 SUaUKI2<br />

Motorcycles for sale2<br />

1,500 each2 OBO 605-<br />

584-3181<br />

2002 AMERICAN IRON<br />

HORSE, motorcycle<br />

XTecesY E*cellent shape2<br />

Maroon]black2 913,5002<br />

Totally awesome bike2<br />

605-892-2585 or 605-<br />

645-9404<br />

2002 WAMAHA Wa125 2<br />

stroke New rear tire,<br />

e*cellent condition, runs<br />

perfectly2 91,6502 To<br />

see call 605-722-5246<br />

or Lea^e message2<br />


a_-10R, 1000cc, green,<br />

passenger seat co^er<br />

also, only 2,000 miles2<br />

Now cust 96,9992<br />

www2RECSTATION2net<br />

httpf]]www2recstation2ne<br />

t]or 605-717-4-FUN<br />

!wner&<br />

'homas<br />

-inter<br />

701<br />


2003 HONDA CR852<br />

Clean, well taken care<br />

of2 Ne^er been raced2<br />

Must see2 Asking 91500<br />

OBO2 Call 605-722-0831<br />

lea^e message<br />

2005 KL_125<br />

KAWASAKI2 912002<br />

Kids outgrew2 run great2<br />

605-641-2891 shscoobygrushmore2com<br />

2005 STAR CLASSIC<br />

SILVERADO, Super<br />

Sharp, Loaded, Only<br />

5K Miles, 985002 1998<br />


Custom, Very Sharp,<br />

17K Miles, 995002<br />

1977 HARLEW SPORT-<br />

STER, Stretch Tank,<br />

Fwd Controls, Sturgis<br />

Wheel, 940002 All<br />

Priced No Trade And<br />

Firm2 605-722-1588,<br />

Cell 605-645-7003,<br />

Central City2<br />

2005 WAMAHA Fa1,<br />

blue2 1000cc, 200hmi2<br />

Fuel range, 2476 mi2<br />

Power, handling Mileage<br />

comfort2 Does-it-all2<br />

95500 OBO2 307-896-<br />

2505 e^enings, 605-<br />

722-0701hm2<br />

617 State Street, Belle Fourche, SD 57717<br />

Pawns<br />

Payday Loans<br />

605-568-0268<br />

M-F 10-6 Sat2 10-5<br />

Title Loans<br />

Consignments<br />



&<br />

Judy Nu'er<br />

Rapid City Advertising<br />

Consultant<br />

*605. /0120036<br />

1719 W7 Ma:n, S>e7 ?207<br />

RaB:d C:>y, SD<br />

Retail:<br />

Knives, Black Hills Gold,<br />

Electronics, Tools, Antiques<br />



FLOORS<br />

• installation<br />

• repair<br />

• refinishing<br />

• tile & more<br />

for a FREE Estimate<br />

call Justin<br />

605-578-1089<br />

701<br />


2005 HONDA<br />

CRF450R2 RG3 suspension2<br />

Woods ready2<br />

Comes with gear and<br />

e*tras2 Call for details2<br />

93,600 308-641-7733<br />

Lea^e Message<br />

FOR SALEf 2005 C50<br />

SUaUKI Lehman Trike<br />

Con^ersion2 Custom<br />

paint2 Full Fairing<br />

w]e*tras2 Price 911,5002<br />

Mileage 14,2002 605-<br />

645-3669 or 605-722-<br />

1669<br />

FOR SALEf 2006 Honda<br />

CRF 450_ Dirt Bike with<br />

headlight and electric<br />

start2 E*cellent<br />

Condition2 94,000 Call<br />

Luke g 605-771-98922i<br />

FOR SALEf New 2006<br />

Moped Scooter2 jSUNLi<br />

50cc2 Less than 10 miles2<br />

Call 605-722-5698<br />

702<br />


FOR SALEf 1996 Sumit<br />

670, 9800k 2005<br />

Supersport 550, 91,500k<br />

2005 RMK 550, 91,5002<br />

605-641-50892<br />

702<br />



MA_ 6002 New Wamaha<br />

Belt And Slides, 141*2<br />

Track, 1450 Miles2 No<br />

Cracks Or Damage2 92300<br />

OBO2 1998 POLARIS 700<br />

RMK2 Bad Cylinder, Fair<br />

Condition2 9800 OBO2<br />

Lead, 651-491-0936<br />

705 CAMPERS D<br />


1998 COMPANION 5TH<br />

WHEEL CAMPER, 28l,<br />

Fiberglass, Rubber Roof, 1<br />

Slide Out, Micro, 13i Color<br />

TV, Gas-Elec Fridge, AC<br />

Ducted, Furnace Ducted,<br />

And Many E*tras2<br />

99500200k Slider Hitch<br />

95002002 605-722-55532<br />



94002002 605-342-2586<br />

706 MOTOR<br />


1984 WINNEBAGO<br />

ELANDAN2 33ft2, 454,<br />

54,000 miles2 New tires,<br />

batteries2 95,500 OBO2<br />

605-642-5178<br />

Thursday, July 9, 2009<br />

706 MOTOR<br />


FOR SALEf 1991, 33ft<br />

Pinnacle RV, 48,000mi,<br />

454 Che^y engine,<br />

Generator, 2-AC,<br />

Awnings, TV, Cedar<br />

closets, Oak cabinets,<br />

Stored underco^er,<br />

E*cellent condition2<br />

917,000, Call 605-722-<br />

4235, or<br />

wrawlingsgspe2midco2n<br />

e t<br />

mailtofwrawlingsgspe2<br />

midco2net<br />

750 AUTOS FOR<br />

SALE<br />

91950 OBO m94 Che^y<br />

Lumina2 Clean, straight,<br />

well maintained2 Runs<br />

great2 Call Mark 605-<br />

641-0450<br />

949002 2004 FORD<br />

TAURUS, 4dr2 82,000<br />

miles2 5*16 Stock<br />

Trailer2 Reconditioned2<br />

915502 605-645-<br />

6667<br />

1965 BLUE BUG VOLK-<br />

SWAGON, Engine<br />

Good, Asking 92,0002<br />

Call And Lea^e<br />

Message 605-717-00122<br />




Total Lawn Care Maintenance<br />


• Power Raking • Aerating<br />

• Sod Laying • Seeding New Lawns<br />



(computerized imaging & Design)<br />

• And 4-Step Turf Plus Plan<br />

• Install o Design Sprinkler Systems<br />


OLD & NEW!<br />

!sti%ate<br />

(ee))<br />

Call<br />

584-2303 or<br />

642-2761<br />

• Income Tax Preparation<br />

• Financial Statements<br />

• Business Plans<br />

• QuickBooks ®<br />

• Bookkeeping<br />

E-Mail: tenbroek@westriv.com<br />


1-800-287-7805 • 605-892-2111<br />

South Hwy. 85 • 1835 Fifth Avenue, Belle Fourche, SD<br />


I-90 Exit 14 • 3135 E. Colorado Blvd.<br />

Spearfish, SD 57783<br />

nhauto@rushmore.com<br />

Ph. 605.722.0537<br />

Cell 605.645.1349<br />

Fax 605.722.0580

Thursday, July 9, 2009 BH PIONEER Page 19<br />

750 AUTOS FOR<br />

SALE<br />

1993 CHR(SLER<br />

LEBARON Convertible<br />

Nice running, good tires,<br />

clean. A3495. 605-578-<br />

2013<br />

1993 FORD CROWN<br />

VICTORIA. Runs, needs<br />

work. Make an oSSer.<br />

605-645-2658<br />

1997 FORD MUSTANG<br />

Automatic, A/C, cruise,<br />

116K (new engine Z76k),<br />

clean, one owner. A4995.<br />

(605)641-4073<br />

1997 FORD THUNDER-<br />

BIRD L\ A3,995.00. Very<br />

nice. SunrooS, Auto<br />

Transmission, 2 Studded<br />

Snow Tires. Week-days<br />

aSter 6^00 p.m. 605-721-<br />

3933.<br />

1999 RED MONTE<br />

CARLO `34. 3.8<br />

Engine. New Rims a<br />

Tires. Great mpg.<br />

110,000 miles. Ebcellent<br />

condition. A6,000.<br />

Evenings 605-848-2660<br />

1999 SUBARU<br />

FORESTER 5 spd, A/C,<br />

cruise, 30mpg 199,000<br />

commuter miles New<br />

tires, transmission A3,900<br />

OBO 307-290-0460<br />

Black Hills Pioneer<br />

and<br />

Weekly Prospector<br />

&<br />

750 AUTOS FOR<br />

SALE<br />

2000 MITSUBISHI<br />

ECLIPSEAutomatic 4cyl<br />

New Tires Power<br />

SunrooS Rear Spoiler<br />

Electric Windows 4,000<br />

Call 605-210-3160<br />

2000 VOLKSWAGEN<br />

BEETLE DIESEL. 5 sp.<br />

New turbo, new timing<br />

belt, new water pump.<br />

Ebcellent condition. 1<br />

owner. 1995 Honda<br />

Civic Hatchback. Many<br />

new parts, good condition.<br />

605-456-3155.<br />

2001 CHEV( CAVA-<br />

LIER Coupe 2 door -<br />

Five speed - Great car<br />

Sor a student. A3800 or<br />

best oSSer. Call 605-722-<br />

7654<br />

2001 SUBARU OUT-<br />

BACK WAGON. Dark<br />

blue, automatic, a/c,<br />

cruise, cd player.<br />

143,000 miles. A5500.<br />

Call 605-430-2425<br />

2002 NISSAN MA\IMA<br />

SE 110,000 Runs<br />

Great Dark Blue,<br />

SunrooS, Leather A7600<br />

Towermotors.biz 215<br />

National St. Belle<br />

Fourche 605-723-6188<br />

Health • Life<br />

Group Life<br />




Sona O'Connell<br />

Belle Fourche, Spearfish<br />

Ad Representative<br />

+605/ 641-1761<br />

315 Seaton Circle,<br />

Spearfish, SD<br />

136 Sherman Street, Suite A<br />

Deadwood, South Dakota 57732<br />

Phone/Fax 605-722-6466<br />



892-3376 • 641-6929<br />


Pha e<br />

Electric Inc.<br />



DEAN L. WEIS<br />

Manager - Owner<br />

PO Box 669<br />

Spearfish, SD 57783<br />

Ph. 642-9693<br />

Fax 642-5757<br />

750 AUTOS FOR<br />

SALE<br />

2002 SUBARU OUT-<br />

BACK, LL Bean<br />

Package, 68K miles,<br />

Ebcellent Condition.<br />

A11,500f 605-578-7562<br />

2002 TAURUS SES<br />

63,800 miles. AC,<br />

Cruise, tilt, CD, Like new<br />

tires. A7200 605-642-<br />

5252<br />

2003 TO(OTA CAMR(. 2<br />

Liter, 4 cyl. 125,000<br />

miles. Power windows,<br />

power locks, 34 mpg.<br />

A8,000. 605-641-9590<br />

2003 VOLKSWAGEN<br />

JETTA WolSsberg 82K<br />

Miles, Well Maintained.<br />

LOADED. 18h Konig<br />

Wheels, Full Audio<br />

System, Intake a<br />

BlowOSS Valve. 605-<br />

720-1931<br />

2004 CHEV( IMPALA<br />

great gas mileage, good<br />

condition, runs great,<br />

moving, must go! A9,000<br />

OBO. 605-722-7673<br />

2004 DODGE INTRE-<br />

PID 61,500 miles. Books<br />

at A11,900, only asking<br />

A10,000. In good condition.<br />

Call 605-645-9115<br />

Sor details.<br />

Startz & Startz<br />

Landscaping<br />

Residential & Commercial<br />

CALL FOR A<br />


578-3434 • 580-3434<br />

* Grading * Retaining Walls<br />

* Sod & Seeding * Sprinkler Systems<br />

This would<br />

be a good<br />

spot for<br />

your ad!<br />

Call<br />

642-2761 or<br />

584-2303<br />

No Job Is<br />

Too Small!<br />

750 AUTOS FOR<br />

SALE<br />

2004 DODGE INTRE-<br />

PID, electirc<br />

windows/seat, tinted<br />

windows, rear spoiler.<br />

28-30 mpg. 104K<br />

Sharp car. Asking below<br />

book Z A6000. 605-<br />

641-2604<br />

2004 DODGE STRA-<br />

TUS. 65,000 miles, 4<br />

brand new tires, Great<br />

MPG, A7,500. 2001<br />

DODGE Grand<br />

Caravan. 113,000<br />

miles. A6,000. (605)210-<br />

1629<br />

2005 CHEV( MALIBU<br />

CLASSIC. 4 DS. Low<br />

miles, good gas<br />

mileage, good condition.<br />

Must see. A8,500. 605-<br />

347-2287 Leave<br />

Message<br />

2005 COOL VANILLA<br />

PT Cruiser GT<br />

Convertible, Leather.<br />

Every option available.<br />

24K miles. Stored in winters.<br />

show room condition.<br />

A14,900 605-717-<br />

3144<br />

2005 PONTIAC G6, 4<br />

door, auto, new tires.<br />

60,000 miles. A8,250<br />

605-722-6480<br />

750 AUTOS FOR<br />

SALE<br />

2005 PONTIAC GRAND<br />

AM. Silver 62,000 miles,<br />

V-6, spoiler, new tires.<br />

A8,400 605-641-3819<br />

2005 SUBARU Forrester<br />

A15,000 Call 605-270-<br />

2001<br />

2005 VW PASSAT GLS<br />

TDI, Diesel 40jMPG,<br />

Black, Loaded, SunrooS,<br />

56,000 miles, Great<br />

Shape! A17,000 OBO<br />

605-580-3158.<br />

2006 CHR(SLER PACI-<br />

FICA Touring. 52K.<br />

Leather. Front /middle<br />

bucket seats, 3rd row<br />

split bench seat. A14,700<br />

OBO. Call 605-645-0321,<br />

605-723-2042.<br />

2008 CHEV( MALIBU<br />

LT`, loaded, 8900 miles,<br />

100k Warranty, Black, 6<br />

cyl. Remote start.<br />

Relocating-must sell.<br />

A23,000. 605-723-3408<br />

350hp/400FT. LBS C-4<br />

trans rebuilt with shiSter<br />

kit, 0 miles, needs<br />

some work. asking<br />

A5,500. OBO In<br />

SpearSish. 307-751-<br />

2325<br />

Specializing in<br />

Portraits<br />

with Personality<br />

To make<br />

an appointment,<br />

please call<br />

(605) 381-9296<br />

or (605) 641-0935<br />

watson.photography@yahoo.com<br />


!i#en&ed in !ead, Dead8..d & Spear

0age ./ BH PIONEER<br />

345 67NS :;<<br />

S7=><br />

200# %&'()*+'<br />

,-./ 0 %-1/,'( +23<br />

425 6i8e:3 +n

Thursday, July 9, 2009 BH PIONEER Page 21<br />

753 SPORT<br />


!""# H& H'MMER, ,-,,<br />

Lu-ury Pac5age. Heated<br />

Seats, Moon Roof, Low<br />

Miles, 'pgraded Dheels,<br />

Ferf Goards, Darranty.<br />

H!,,""". #"I-&,K-,,,",<br />

#"I-&,K-!L&L.<br />


KI#,""" miles, good<br />

shape, runs well, hard<br />

top wPbi5ini top, manual,<br />

As5ing HI,""" RGR.<br />

#"I-!K"-KL#K.<br />

754 HEAAB<br />

TR:CDS<br />


KX foot combination<br />

bo- with hoist. Nood<br />

Vondition. Loo5s Y<br />

runs great. HS""". &"S-<br />

,#S-IIX" or #"I-S!!-<br />

,!#&<br />

756 TRAILERS<br />

FOR SALE<br />


TRA[LERS. Geen sitting<br />

around awhile. RW]]<br />

Dor5ing condition<br />

un5nown. RW]] Stoc5,<br />

Horse, Tlatbed call Joe<br />

#"I-S!!-KX"S<br />

Black Hills Pioneer<br />

and<br />

Weekly Prospector<br />

757 A:TO<br />


LET 'S HELP ZR'<br />

D[TH ZR'R insurance<br />

needs. Vall for TREE<br />

Estimates. Gody Y<br />

Vollision e-perts _-<br />

Gunney`s Gody Y<br />

Vollision #"I-XL!-!X"!.<br />

75G A:TO<br />


D[LL HA'L ZR'R<br />

J'FW aEH[VLE. M'ST<br />

HAaE T[TLE AFD<br />

T[RES. VALL IX"--<br />

K"#&<br />

759 A:TO<br />


, 'SED T[RES<br />

P!#IPS"RKS HK"".<br />

cash. Vall Grad #"I-<br />

#,K-!SX#<br />


Dec5. [ncludes # Disc<br />

Vhanger, I KP,<br />

Spea5ers with Tweeters,<br />

! Alpine aK! Amps,<br />

Goston acoustic ,-S`s<br />

and Goston acoustic<br />

Sub. HK""" RGR. Vall<br />

#,I-KX,L and leave<br />

message.<br />

759 A:TO<br />


, - G R [ D N S T R F E<br />

T[RES, Trunza EL,""<br />

H GL !,IPI"RKX<br />

MYS. Price HKSI.""<br />

each. Phone &,!-<br />

!IX#<br />

761<br />


A:TOS<br />

KL&# VHEaZ VR'PE.<br />

&I" automatic, crate<br />

motor. Steel body. Fova<br />

sub frame. Restoration<br />

well underway. Vall #"I-<br />

#,!-IS"I or #"I-!#L-<br />

!K&!<br />


ST[FNRAZ &I", ,<br />

speed. KLS& Vorvette<br />

Zellow in color. T-Tops.<br />

H!!,I"". Vall #"I-#,!-<br />

!&,, days, #"I-#,!-<br />

SX&& evenings.<br />

RARE KL## T[AT KI""<br />

Vabriolet, Two Seater,<br />

Hard And Soft Tops.<br />

Straight Gody, Fo<br />

Engine, Nood Proeect<br />

Var. HK""" RGR. Vall<br />

Mar5 At #"I-S!!-<br />

KKIK.<br />


Now Accepting New Patients!<br />

[nitial aisit $75.00 l Tollow-'p aisits $30.00<br />

www.benningchiropractic.com 605-571-1011<br />

!eal &state )roup of /ead1Deadwood //C<br />

Kristi Villafuerte - Broker<br />

Heather Benning - Broker/Associate<br />

Let us help you find the property you’re looking for<br />

or sell the one you now have!<br />

161 7. 9ain ?-?71-1>11<br />

L&J Construction<br />


All Phases of Construction<br />

• New Construction • Additions • Remodeling<br />

• Interior • Exterior • Sheet Rock • Roofing<br />

• Steel Siding • Vinyl Siding<br />


Quality Work • Locally Owned & Operated<br />

31 Years in South Dakota • Licensed & Insured<br />

37 2 nd Street, Lead, SD • 605-890-1954<br />

Specializing in<br />

American Motorcycles<br />

Harley Rentals<br />

www.blacklashmotorcycles.com<br />

761<br />


A:TOS<br />

fKLS&g M'STAFN<br />

VR'PE. All refurbished.<br />

! owner car. Must see to<br />

appreciate. Vall #"I-<br />

IIL-"!,S leave message.<br />

Last of the<br />

fVlassicsg.<br />

KLS# JEEP VJS, Red,<br />

Hard Top. # cyl-Auto TT<br />

,-wheel with<br />

huadratrac. Tresh<br />

Motor. H#,I"" RGR.<br />

Vall #"I-#,!-!&,, days,<br />

# " I - # , ! - S X & &<br />

evenings.<br />

,S D[LLZ`S JEEP. Guic5<br />

a-#. Muncie , speed.<br />

Dana KX Transfer Vase.<br />

&K inch Zo5oahamas,<br />

Headers, custom<br />

e-haust. HI""" #"I-<br />

S,X-!!KI<br />


Last of DD[[ type,<br />

whitePgold, all accessories,<br />

automatic, all<br />

documents, LK,X"" original<br />

miles, HK"W, #"I-<br />

&,S-#"SK<br />



DRRWS TRR ZR']<br />

G00<br />


FOR RENT<br />

K Y ! GD aptsPmodern<br />

cabins, H,LI-HI!I,<br />

brand new interiors, offstreet<br />

par5ing, npPns]<br />

Hart Homes #"I-#,K-<br />

I#SI.<br />

K Y ! GEDRRRM<br />

Subsidized Apartments.<br />

Vall #"I-#,!-S#"& for<br />

avalibility. Eh'AL<br />

HR'S[FN RPPRRT'-<br />

F[TZ.<br />

K Y ! GEDRRRM,<br />

Turnished and<br />

'nfurnished. Lead.<br />

Vall #"I-L!"-K,IS<br />

Leave Fame Y Phone i.<br />


Nreat Location, huiet.<br />

Vharles Apartments.<br />

Please Leave Message<br />

#"I-#,K-I&K"<br />

K-!-& GEDRRRM APTS.<br />

aisit Rur Debsiteb Help-<br />

'-Rent.net Rr Vall #"I-<br />

S!!-REFT.<br />


in Spearfish. Two bedrooms,<br />

no pets. As5ing<br />

H#""Pmo. 'tilities included.<br />

#"I-#,K-!I""<br />

Fire, Smoke, Water Damage Clean-up<br />

Air Duct/Dryer Vent Cleaning<br />

Mold Inspection & Removal<br />

Carpet, Upholstery & Drapery Cleaning<br />

642-7939<br />

Spearfish, SD<br />



?<br />

!anie&&e (reen<br />

Advertising Representative<br />

*+0-. +/2127+1<br />

41- 5ea67n 8ir9&e<br />


0age 22 BH PIONEER<br />

800<br />

A0A5!M78!S<br />

:O5 578!<br />

CA#$O# ESTATES<br />

A*a,t.e0t1 i0<br />

S*ea,fi1h5 0o7 ha1 2<br />

be:,oo. a*a,t.e0t1<br />

available= #icel? la0:-<br />

1ca*e:5 *la? a,ea5 off<br />

1t,eet *a,Ai0B5 laC0:,?<br />

facilitie1= So.e C0it1<br />

0e7le? ,e.o:ele:= Call<br />

6EF-642-H4EE fo, .o,e<br />

i0fo,.atio0= EICal<br />

JoC1i0B O**o,tC0it?=<br />

CLEA# 1 M 2 BEO-<br />


locate: i0 S*ea,fi1h=<br />

Available #o7= Re0t<br />

Ba1e: O0 I0co.e= Fo,<br />

Mo,e I0fo,.atio0 call<br />

6EF-64F-UVWW EICal<br />

JoC1i0B O**o,tC0it?=<br />


i0 S*ea,fi1h fo, ,e0t 2EEV-<br />

2E1E BJSZ School $ea,=<br />

U=F Mo0th Lea1e o0l?=<br />

FC,0i1he: 7ith f,ee Ctilitie15<br />

ba1ic cable a0: 7i,ele11<br />

i0te,0et= [alAi0B :i1ta0ce<br />

to colleBe= Kitchette= #o<br />

*et15 0o 1.oAi0B= Mo1t<br />

have ICee0 be:5 1o.e<br />

7ith t7o fCll be:1= ]FEE<br />

.o0th 1i0Ble5 ]F2E fo, t7o<br />

*e,1o015 T7o *e,1o01 0ot<br />

,eco..e0:e: C0le11 *e,-<br />

1o0al ite.1 at .i0i.C.=<br />

]22E :e*o1it to hol:=<br />

Clea0= Rea:? Se*te.be,<br />

11t o, 1liBhtl? ea,lie,= Call<br />

O,cha,: C,eeA CottaBe1<br />

6EF-642-42W4= F14<br />

Ma1o05 S*ea,fi1h=o,cha,:c,eeAcottaBe1=co.<br />

OEAO[OOO - [ALK to<br />

7o,A M 1ave Ba1=<br />

BeaCtifCl 2 b, a*a,t.e0t<br />

five .i0 f,o. :o70to70=<br />

]6HF ^ 1 .o :e*o1it=<br />

Refe,e0ce1 a0: o0e<br />

?ea, lea1e ,eICi,e:=<br />

6EF-V2E-VEEW<br />

OEAO[OOO - [ALK to<br />

7o,A M 1ave Ba1=<br />

BeaCtifCl .o:e,0 1 b,<br />

a*a,t.e0t five .i0 f,o.<br />

:o70to70= Jeat i0clC:e:<br />

i0 ,e0t= ]6HF ^ 1 .o<br />

:e*o1it= Refe,e0ce1 a0:<br />

o0e ?ea, lea1e ,eICi,e:=<br />

6EF-V2E-VEEW<br />

OELZ_E 2YWBO Z0it15<br />

0ea, Z0ive,1it?5 0o<br />

*et1Y0o 1.oAi0B= 1 ?,=<br />

lea1e= Call 6EF-H22-<br />

W61W5 6EF- 642-H464<br />


StC:io A*a,t.e0t=<br />

]2HEY.o= Eve,?thi0B *ai:<br />

exce*t cable TV5 tele*ho0e<br />

M i0te,0et= 6EF-642-4W61<br />


ha1 o*e0i0B1 fo, 25 W<br />

a0: 4 be:,oo. lCxC,?<br />

a*a,t.e0t1= S7i..i0B<br />

*ool5 hot tCb a0: fit0e11<br />

,oo.= F,ee 1atellite tv=<br />

#o 1.oAi0B5 *et co01i:e,e:<br />

7ith ,efe,e0ce1=<br />

6EF-641-2E6U<br />


bZIET 2 Be:,oo.<br />

A*a,t.e0t= #e7l? Re-<br />

FC,bi1he:5 Level Off-<br />

1t,eet Ra,Ai0B5 #o Ret1=<br />

]4FEY.o0th5 ]4FE<br />

Oe*o1it RlC1 Ztilitie1=<br />

6EF-FUE-2U4F5 Leave<br />

Me11aBe=<br />

800<br />

A0A5!M78!S<br />

:O5 578!<br />

#EAR BJSZ 0ea,l? 0e7<br />

W be:,oo.5 2 bath<br />

]UFHY.o0th *lC1 elect,icit?=<br />

All a**lia0ce1<br />

i0clC:i0B 7a1he,Y:,?e,5<br />

:i1h7a1he,5 eve0 ?oC,<br />

o70 :ecA to e0co?= #o<br />

*et15 0o 1.oAe,1= H4F #=<br />

A.e15 S*ea,fi1h= 6EF-<br />

64F-HU6E=<br />


ARARTME#T at 1WE E=<br />

Illi0oi15 S*ea,fi1h=<br />

Sto,aBe a0: cable TV<br />

i0clC:e:= Available<br />

i..e:iatel?= #o 1.oAi0B5<br />

0o *et1= 1 ?ea,<br />

lea1e 7ith Boo: c,e:it=<br />

]4WE .o= Call 6EF-641-<br />

1E26=<br />

O#E BEOROOM5<br />

Ba,aBe= Oea:7oo:=<br />

#e7 ca,*etY*ai0t=<br />

]6UFY.o= ]6UF :e*o1it=<br />

Mo1t Ctilitie15 cable5 7Y:5<br />

Fi,e*lace= #o<br />

1.oAi0BY*et1= Available<br />

ACBC1t 6EF-6FV-WEUW<br />


i0 S*ea,fi1h= Ctilitie1<br />

*ai:= #o *et1Y0o 1.oAi0B=<br />

]2FE=-]WEE= *e,<br />

.o0th= 6EF-H1H-FFFF<br />


ME#T= 1 be:,oo.=<br />

R,ivate5 0ice vie7 a0:<br />

?a,:= Ztilitie1 i0clC:e:=<br />

#o 1.oAi0BY0o *et1=<br />

]FFEY.o= 6EF-64F-14UW<br />

o, 6EF-64F-UWHH<br />

801 5OOMS<br />

:O5 578!<br />

TO#$dS MOTEL=<br />

Co.*letel? FC,0i1he:5<br />

Rea:? to Move i05<br />

Kitche0ette1= Re0t b?<br />

Oa?5 [eeA O, Mo0th=<br />

Cable5 Colo, TV=<br />

Clea0e: [eeAl?=<br />

Rea1o0able Rate1=<br />

e 6 E F f 2 6 V - 2 F E 1<br />

[hite7oo: SO=<br />

802<br />

!OW8HO?S7S<br />

:O5 578!<br />

I# SREARFISJ W be:-<br />

,oo. W bath5 7ith :oCble<br />

ca, Ba,aBe= Ce0t,al ai,5<br />

All a**lia0ce1 exce*t<br />

7Y:= #o 1.oAi0BY0o<br />

*et1= Refe,e0ce1<br />

,eICi,e:= ]1EEEY.o= *lC1<br />

:e*o1it= 6EF-21E-E2UF<br />


JOZSE Fo, Lea1eg<br />

[i0:.ill O,ive5 24EE<br />

SICa,e feet5 T7o Ma1te,<br />

SCite15 Th,ee Be:,oo.15<br />

Exe,ci1e Roo.5 Th,ee<br />

Bath,oo.15 Jeate: T7o<br />

Ca, Ga,aBe5 Fi,e*lace5<br />

SA?liBht15 T7o OecA15<br />

Stai0le11 Steel<br />

A**lia0ce15 Ja,:7oo:<br />

Floo,15 Ce,a.ic Tile=<br />

]1WEE=EE a Mo0th RlC1<br />

Oe*o1it a0: O0e $ea,<br />

Lea1e= #o Ret15 #o<br />

S.oAi0B i0 the JoC1e5<br />

Available ACBC1t 11t=<br />

Call Bob Fo,cCcci 6EF-<br />

FUE-EE64<br />

802<br />

!OW8HO?S7S<br />

:O5 578!<br />

SA#OSTO#E TO[#-<br />

JOME= 2 be:,oo.5 1<br />

bath C0it= Available<br />

HY1YEV= I0clC:e1 all<br />

a**lia0ce15 ?a,: ca,e5<br />

ce0t,al ai,5 attache:<br />

Ba,aBe5 a0: .Cch .o,e=<br />

#o 1.oAi0B5 0o *et1=<br />

]UVF= Call Roll? at 6EF-<br />

64F-2WW1 o, To:: at<br />

6EF-H1H-1111=<br />

803 D?0L7C7S<br />

:O5 578!<br />

C O M R L E T E L $<br />


Be:,oo. OC*lex I0<br />

Lea:= Rle0t? Of Off-<br />

1t,eet Ra,Ai0B= Flat<br />

St,eet Locatio0= [a1he,5<br />

O,?e, I0clC:e:= All<br />

Ztilitie1 I0clC:e:=<br />

A**,ove: Ret1 Allo7e:=<br />

6EF-641-2H62 o, 6EF-<br />

H22-1HH6=<br />

804 MOBFL7<br />

HOM7S :O5<br />

578!<br />


Ba,baBe M 7ate, i0clC:e:5<br />

]4EEY.o5 beClah5 7?<br />

call eve0i0B1 WEH-64W-<br />

H1HF<br />

805 HOM7S :O5<br />

578!<br />

2 BEOROOM ol:e,<br />

ho.e i0 coC0t,? 1etti0B=<br />

]VFEY.o= i0clC:e1<br />

7ate,= 1 ?ea,<br />

lea1eY]1EEE :e*o1it= #o<br />

1.oAi0B= 6EF-64F-14UW5<br />

6EF-64F-UWHH<br />

2 BEOROOM JOZSE i0<br />

#e7ell= 1 M 2 be:,oo.<br />

a*a,t.e0t1 a0: 25 W5 M<br />

4 be:,oo. hoC1e1 i0<br />

Belle= 6EF-21E-W41V<br />


]6HF RlC1 Ztilitie1 RlC1<br />

Oe*o1it5 #o S.oAi0B5<br />

#o Ret15 6EF-V2E-WV62<br />

W^ BEOROOM5 LEAO5 1<br />

1Y2 Bath5 JCBe<br />

Ma0icC,e: $a,:5 Lovel?<br />

OecA5 ]HEE= CZTE 2<br />

BEOROOM O0<br />

SC00?hill5 Lea:5<br />

Cove,e: Ro,ch5 La,Be<br />

BacA $a,:5 ]42F= #o<br />

Ret1= MILE JIGJ<br />


Lea:5 1Ex1E5 ]HW<br />

Mo0th= Call Oe0a<br />

Sheet1 R,o*e,t?<br />

Ma0aBe.e0t5 6EF-4VV-<br />

VE6U= EOJ<br />

OEAO[OOO - T[O<br />

BEOROOM JoC1e O0<br />

MicAel1o0 T,ail5 Level<br />

Off-1t,eet Ra,Ai0B5 #o<br />

Ret1= ]62FY.o0th5 ]62F<br />

Oe*o1it RlC1 Ztilitie1=<br />

6EF-FUE-2U4F5 Leave<br />

Me11aBe=<br />

FOR RE#Th W be:,oo.<br />

JoC1e I0 S*ea,fi1h=<br />

Refe,e0ce1 M :e*o1it<br />

,eICi,e:= #o *et1Y0o<br />

1.oAi0B= 6EF-V2E-<br />

1WWW<br />

805 HOM7S :O5<br />

578!<br />


be:,oo. hoC1e ]2HF=<br />

Al1o W be:,oo. 1 1Y2<br />

Bath A*a,t.e0t ]WFE=<br />

Oe*o1it5 Refe,e0ce1= #o<br />

*et1= 6EF-6W1-EEE2 afte,<br />

FhEE*.=<br />

I# STZRGIS 2 JOZS-<br />

ES fo, ,e0t= O0e be:-<br />

,oo. ]4EE5 7ate, *ai:=<br />

T7o Be:,oo. ]FVE5<br />

7ate, *ai:= Both i0 1ha:e:<br />

?a,: a0: clo1e to<br />

:o70to70= Available<br />

0o7= 6EF-641-VUF4 o,<br />

.1B 6EF-H22-W26W<br />

I# STZRGIS5 2<br />

Be:,oo.5 1 Bath5 Si0Ble<br />

Ca, Ga,aBe5 ]6FE<br />

Mo0th5 Ret1 [elco.e=<br />

Co0tact Oave Fo,<br />

Oetail1 At 6EF-641-1WUW<br />

SMALL 2 BEO5 2 bath<br />

coC0t,? hoC1e o0 WF ac,e1=<br />

Jo,1e1 M oCt:oo, *et1 OK=<br />

[ill 0ee: 10o7 *lo7=<br />

]UFEY.o= 6EF-644-1E1E=<br />

806<br />

5OOMMA!7S<br />

WA8!7D<br />


Re1i:e0ce locate:<br />

SoCth of [al-.a,t5 ]WEE<br />

a .o0th *lC1 1!2<br />

Ztilitie1= Call 6EF-H1U-<br />

FU6F eve0i0B1=<br />


EO= F,ee 7i,ele11 i0te,-<br />

0et= ]2HFY.o= JoC1e i0<br />

the coC0t,?5 2 .ile1 f,o.<br />

BJSZ= 6EF-6WV-VV2W<br />

808 LO!S I<br />

AC57AK7 :O5<br />

578!<br />


ESTATES i0 S*ea,fi1h<br />

Ja1 La,Be Mobile Jo.e<br />

Lot1 Available fo, Re0t=<br />

#o OoB1 Allo7e:=<br />

e6EFf642-4H64=<br />

809<br />

COMM75CFAL<br />

578!ALS<br />


RJ$SICAL The,a*?<br />

Re0tal 1*ace available<br />

i0 Belle FoC,che call<br />

6EF-H2W-H6F4=<br />

O O [ # T O [ #<br />

S R E A R F I S J h<br />

A**,oxi.atel? 6EE<br />

1ICa,e feet of co..e,cialY,etail<br />

1*ace available<br />

o0 G,a0t St,eet5 1Y2 blocA<br />

7e1t of Mai0 St,eet= La,Be<br />

7i0:o715 *,ivate bath=<br />

]4EE=EE *e, .o0th= Call<br />

ia1o0 at Ce0tC,? 21<br />

S*ea,fi1h Realt?5 I0c= 6EF-<br />

642-46EH=<br />


I0:C1t,ial Ra,Ah WE_4E<br />

C0it ]FEEY.o0th5 WE_HE<br />

C0it ]UEEY.o0th=<br />

Jeate:5 *,ivate bath-<br />

,oo.15 ove,hea: :oo,15<br />

ea1? acce11= Call ia1o0<br />

at Ce0tC,? 21 S*ea,fi1h<br />

Realt?5 I0c= 6EF-642-<br />

46EH=<br />

809<br />

COMM75CFAL<br />

578!ALS<br />


fo, ,e0t= FE2 RoC0: C*5<br />

Belle FoC,che5 G,eat<br />

locatio0= ]4FEY.o= 6EF-<br />

641-1V4U<br />


SRACES fo, Lea1e i0<br />

#e7e, Belle FoC,che<br />

Rlaja Call 6EF-H2W-<br />

H6F4=<br />


SRACE available<br />

i..e:iatel?= 21E [e1t<br />

G,a0t= 25EW2 Total SI=<br />

Feet e2WU 1I= ft= Office<br />

a0: 15HV4 1I= ft=<br />

Sho*=f Locate: i0 a<br />

ve,? 0ice co..e,cial<br />

co0:o ce0te,= Call<br />

iC1ti0 at 6EF-64F-<br />

2F24 fo, .o,e i0fo=<br />

R E T A I L Y O F F I C E<br />

SRACE5 i0 balco0? ove,<br />

Co..o0 G,oC0:1=<br />

11EE1f= ]FHFY.o= 6EF-<br />

641-1EEE Re:1to0e<br />

*,o*e,tie1=<br />



STO#E BLOG= JiBh<br />

t,affic a0: JiBh *e:e1t,ia0<br />

t,affic 2EEE-WFEE<br />

S=F= G,eat 1iB0aBe<br />

locatio015 o,iBi0al ti0<br />

ceili0B15 7o0:e,fCl co,-<br />

0e, 7i0:o7 ex*o1C,e=<br />

Re:1to0e R,o*e,tie1<br />

Ma,A $oC0B 6EF-641-<br />

1EEE<br />

810 KA5AK7S I<br />

S!O5AK7<br />

kkSTORAGE Z#ITSkk=<br />

Co.*etitive Rate15<br />

22xWE5 11xWE5 11x2E5<br />

11x1F5 11x1E5 Fx11= Call<br />

#o,thvie7 Sto,aBe at<br />

e6EFf642-U126=<br />

1Ex265 1Ex245 1Ex12<br />


Co0c,ete Floo,= Valle?<br />

Sto,aBe= e6EFf642-<br />

WHU25 6EF-64F-<br />

2UUE=<br />

FxH5 Ux1E5 1Ex1E5<br />

1Ex245 12xWE= Co0c,ete<br />

floo,15 BlacA to**e:<br />

:,ive 7a?1= Locate:<br />

behi0: Safe7a?- Sto7<br />

A7a? Sto,aBe- 6EF-642-<br />

2U6V o, 6EF-64F-<br />

21F2=<br />


Z#ITSh H 1Y2 x 1E5 1E x<br />

1F5 12 x WE Co0c,ete<br />

Floo,15 All A1*halt<br />

O,ive15 Goo: S0o7<br />

Re.oval5 S*ea,fi1h=<br />

6EF-641-6WFE=<br />


the cit? of Oea:7oo:=<br />

Sije1 1Ex1U a0: 1Ex24=<br />

Call 6EF-FHU-W6E1 leave<br />

.e11aBe fo, A1*e0<br />

Sto,aBe<br />


AGE #E[ Z#ITS=<br />

Va,ioC1 1ije1= Lo7<br />

*,ice1= OCt1i:e *a,Ai0B<br />

available= 6EF-26V-<br />

212W<br />

813 LACA!FO8<br />

578!ALS<br />


TIO# CABI#S===Choice<br />

locatio01 i0 the #o,the,0<br />

Jill1= All ?ea, availabilit?=<br />

See *,o*e,tie1 at<br />

777=blacAhill1vacatio0cabi01=co.Call<br />

6EF-<br />

V2E-126V o, 6EF-FHU-<br />

11U4 fo, ,e1e,vatio01=<br />

e.ail co:?l<br />

.oll.a0m?ahoo=co.<br />

900<br />

!OW8HO?S7S<br />

:O5 SAL7<br />


O[#ERh 2 be:,oo. 2<br />

bath15 2 ca, Ba,aBe=<br />

Call 6EF-FFV-E24H= BCilt<br />

0e7 i0 EU R,ice<br />

Re:Cce:!<br />

903 HOM7S :O5<br />

SAL7<br />


W be:,oo.5 1 bath5<br />

1*,i0Ale, 1?1te.5 a**lia0ce1<br />

i0clC:e:= 11EE<br />

feet fi0i1he: .ai05 ba1e-<br />

.e0t f,a.e: M ,ea:? to<br />

fi0i1h= Re1e,ve o0<br />

JiBBi01 i0 S*ea,fi1h=<br />

A1Ai0B ]1FV5EEEh 6EF-<br />

641-2F66<br />


I0 Oea:7oo:5 Lot1 Of<br />

Off-St,eet Ra,Ai0B5<br />

SeclC:e: I0 To705<br />

]1HF5EEE= Call 6EF-FHU-<br />

WEHW=<br />


LOCATIO# S*ea,fi1h=<br />

O0e o70e, ho.e= W be:=<br />

2 bath= [oo: floo,1<br />

]1UV5EEE= Call Ch,i1<br />

Ra0BbC,0 at io,Be01e0<br />

Realit? 6EF-64F-VVUF<br />

777=fo,1aleb?o70e,=co<br />

. 142F JILLSIOE OR=5<br />

S*ea,fi1h= 4 be:5 loft5 W<br />

bath5 e0e,B? efficie0t5<br />

V^ ac,e15 ho,1e1<br />

allo7e:= ]4FE5EEE 6EF-<br />

641-6UUV<br />

904 LO!S I<br />

AC57AK7 :O5<br />

SAL7<br />

LA#O FOR SALEh 22<br />

*lC1 ac,e1 W.ile1 0o,th-<br />

7e1t of S*ea,fi1h=<br />

BeaCtifCl Vie71=<br />

]14H5EEE= Call 6EF-641-<br />

1WF4 o, 6EF-642-HEUE<br />

o, e.ail bC,01ta,m,C1h-<br />

.o,e=co.<br />


Re1i:e0tial5 OC*lex5<br />

M C l t i - f a . i l ? 5<br />

Co..e,cial5 a0: Jo,1e<br />

R,o*e,t?= McGCiBa0<br />

Ra0ch A::itio0<br />

S*ea,fi1h R,ice1 Sta,t<br />

]WE5EEE= Je,itaBe<br />

A::itio0 S*ea,fi1h<br />

R,ice1 Sta,t ]V45EEE=<br />

Jat Ra0ch A::itio0<br />

Belle FoC,che *,ice1<br />

Sta,t ]4F5EEE= Call Ch,i1<br />

Ra0BbC,0 6EF-64F-VVUF<br />

o, ioe io,Be01e0 6EF-<br />

64F-EE4U= io,Be01e0<br />

Realt? S*ea,fi1h= B,oAe,<br />

O70e:<br />

!hursday, July 9, 2009<br />

904 LO!S I<br />

AC57AK7 :O5<br />

SAL7<br />

LA#O FOR SALE5 4E<br />

ac,e15 cove0a0t15 2<br />

.ile1 #[ of BeClah5 7?5<br />

call eve0i0B1 WEH-64W-<br />

H1HF<br />

S!A!7WFD7S<br />


LEASEh Cit? of Sale.5<br />

SO 1eeAi0B i0:ivi:Cale1f<br />

i0te,e1te: i0 lea1i0B a0:<br />

o*e,ati0B Sale.<br />

MC0ici*al LiICo, Sto,e=<br />

Co0tact Cit? Fi0a0ce<br />

Office, fo, a**licatio0=<br />

Oea:li0eh iCl? 165 2EEV=<br />

Cit? of Sale.5 4EE #=<br />

Mai0 St=5 RO Box 24V5<br />

Sale.5 SO FHEFU5 6EF-<br />

42F-2WE1= Lo,i<br />

JeC.ille,5 Fi0a0ce<br />

Office,5 Cit? of Sale.5<br />

SO=<br />


TIVES #EEOEO! #eve,<br />

be lai: off o, fi,e:! Ea,0<br />

C* to FEo *lC1 bo0C1d=<br />

Me:ical i01C,a0ce<br />

Y,eti,e.e0t *la01 available=<br />

#o *a,tie15 ICota1<br />

o, i0ve0to,? ,eICi,e:=<br />

UHH-4F4-V6FU=<br />


MEOICAL Cli0ic i1<br />

acce*ti0B a**licatio01 fo,<br />

a fCll ti.e LR# o, Me:ical<br />

A11i1ta0t= Sala,? ba1e:<br />

o0 ex*e,ie0ceg i0clC:e1<br />

be0efit1= Co0tact ioe?<br />

Ca,l1o0 at 6EF-6HW-222V<br />

ext= 11E fo, .o,e i0fo,.atio0=<br />

To a**l?5 loB o0to<br />

777=,c,h=o,B= EEOCYAA=<br />

E#EM$ S[IM OA$<br />

School5 [aCba? SO<br />

1eeAi0B a .athY,ea:i0B<br />

coach fo, 2EEV-2E1E<br />

1chool ?ea,= Vi1it<br />

777=e1:1=bia=e:C fo,<br />

:etail1 o, e.ail She,,?<br />

m<br />

1coh01o0me1:1=bia=e:C<br />

=<br />


SCJOOL Oi1t,ict i1 hi,i0B<br />

the follo7i0B *o1itio01h<br />

6th B,a:e teache,<br />

7ith hea: VB5 hea: FB5<br />

a11t= FB5 co0ce11io01<br />

a:vi1o,5 ,oCte a0: 1Cb-<br />

1titCte bC1 :,ive,1= Se0:<br />

lette, of a**licatio0 to<br />

E1telli0e School Oi1t,ict5<br />

RO Box WE65 E1telli0e5<br />

SO FH2W45 o, call 6EF-<br />

UHW-22E1=<br />

E_RA#OI#G COMRA-<br />

#$ LOOKI#G fo,<br />

ex*e,ie0ce: OTR :,ive,1=<br />

Co.*etitive *a?<br />

7Ybe0efit1 1Cch a1<br />

bo0C1e15 health i01C,a0ce5<br />

a0: a11iB0e:<br />

0e7e, t,CcA1= Call 6EF-<br />

WW4-WWFU o, e.ail<br />

11cC1to.1m.i:co0et-<br />

7o,A=co.=<br />

OVER 1Up BET[EE#<br />

JiBh School a0: colleBep<br />

T,avel a0: have<br />

fC0 7Y?oC0B 1Ccce11fCl<br />

bC1i0e11 B,oC*= #o<br />

ex*e,ie0ce 0ece11a,?= 2<br />

7eeA1 *ai: t,ai0i0B=<br />

Lo:Bi0B= T,a01*o,tatio0<br />

*,ovi:e:= 1-UHH-646-<br />


E-mail your non-profit, community calendar event at least three days in advance to: happenings@bhpioneer.com<br />


Page 24 happenings@bhpioneer.com July 9, 2009<br />

Paint out<br />

July 1'-1)<br />

!"#$E& (")* + ),e .irst !il4er (ity 6aint9:ut< a<br />

=lein air e4ent and ?et sale< is sc,eduled .or Buly CD9CE<<br />

t,e saFe ?eekend as t,e to?nHs =o=ular annual 6ie I "ce<br />

(reaF !ocial 9 !il4er (ityHs =reFier .undraiser .or its 4ol9<br />

unteer .ire de=artFentJ Krtists ?ill be =aintinM scenes in<br />

t,e area t,rouM,out t,e ?eekend< culFinatinM in a ?et sale<br />

on !unday a.ternoonJ<br />

),e !il4er (ity &oad is one File nort, o. t,e NJ!J OPQ<br />

and RiM,?ay SS T?estU intersection in t,e central Vlack<br />

Rills near 6actola #ake + t,e turn9o.. landFark is t,e<br />

W,is=erinM 6ines (aF=MroundJ ),e road is =a4ed all t,e<br />

?ay to !il4er (ityJ<br />

Spearfish Arts Center celebrates<br />

fifth birthday<br />

July 1'<br />

!6EK&X"!R + ),e !=ear.is, Krts (enter Yallery is cele9<br />

bratinM its .i.t, birt,day ?it, a rece=tion .roF Q =JFJ to Z =JFJ<br />

on Xriday Buly CD to ,onor all ),e Yallery artistsJ<br />

Barely Beyond Pink breakfast<br />

July 1'<br />

!6EK&X"!R + ),e Varely Veyond 6ink &ed Rats ?ill<br />

,a4e a =otluck break.ast at P[OD aJFJ on Buly CD at CEEO<br />

Xoot,ills \rJ T]ountain !,ado?s EstatesUJ VrinM a break.ast<br />

iteF .or =otluck< your o?n co..ee cu= and la?n c,airJ Xor<br />

Fore in.orFation call (asey Rar4ard at ZEE9ZQQD a.ter S =JFJ<br />

Class of ‘79 reunion — Lead<br />

July 1'<br />

#EK\ + ),e #ead RiM, !c,ool (lass o. ^Z_ ?ould like to<br />

in4ite teac,ers and classFates to a Fi`er at a =JFJ on Xriday<<br />

Buly CD at #e?iebs in #eadJ<br />

Bird club field trip<br />

July 11<br />

!)N&Y"! + ),e cort,ern Rills Vird (lub ?ill conduct a<br />

.ield tri= out o. !turMis on !aturday Buly CCJ 6artici=ants ?ill<br />

Feet at Z[OD aJFJ at t,e !turMis ]c\onalds .or co..ee and t,e<br />

tri= ?ill de=art at P aJFJ<br />

),e tri= ?ill bird $anocker (anyon< Yalena &oad< and<br />

Vro?ns4ille areasJ ),e tri= is =lanned .or ,al. day ?it, lunc,<br />

at Vro?ns4illeJ K.ter lunc, t,ose interested Fay bird brie.ly<br />

at EnMle?oodJ Virders o. all le4els are ?elcoFe as ?ell as<br />

4isitinM birdersJ ),ere is no c,arMe .or t,e .ield tri=J<br />

Xor .urt,er in.orFation contact $ic Xondy at TaDQU Ea_9<br />

EQQOJ<br />

Rochford Day Celebration<br />

July 11<br />

&:(RX:&\ + &oc,.ord \ay is back and .un .or t,e<br />

?,ole .aFily on !aturday< Buly CCJ ),e day ?ill start o.. ?it,<br />

a =ancake break.ast .roF Z9CD aJFJ ?it, Fany acti4ities<br />

t,rouM,out t,e day includinM duck race< ,orses,oes< auction<<br />

barrel =us,< ,ay rides< c,ildrenHs MaFes< binMo< rides on t,e<br />

.ire truck and Fusic by 6aintinM WendyJ (oFe ,a4e soFe .un<br />

and ?in soFe =ridesJ<br />

Breakfast ride to Rochford<br />

July 11<br />

]"(eE#!:c )&K"# + )iFe to frise and rideJg Boin us .or<br />

a ForninM bike ride on t,e ]ickelson )rail .roF t,e ]ystic<br />

)rail,ead to t,e &oc,.ord )rail,ead Ta==ro`iFately P FilesUJ<br />

),e ride ?ill beMin at Z aJFJ on !aturday< Buly CC at t,e ]ystic<br />

)rail,ead and takes you to t,e ne? &oc,.ord Xire Rall ?,ere<br />

you can enhoy a =ancake break.ast be.ore CD aJFJ<br />

W,ile at t,e .ire ,all< enhoy t,e .esti4ities at t,e &oc,.ord \ay<br />

celebrationJ<br />

),e cost includes a ]ickelson )rail =ass TiO daily or iCQ<br />

annualU and =rice o. break.ast TiS adult< iE CE years o. aMe and<br />

underUJ 6lease =re9reMister by callinM QPS9OP_aJ<br />

Benefit rummage sale<br />

July 11<br />

#EK\ + KruFFaMe sale ?ill be ,eld .roF P aJF to E =JFJ on<br />

!aturday< Bune CC at t,e (,ristian ]inistry (enter< Z !J ]ain !tJ<<br />

#eadJ ),is sale is to ,el= (arol Yreco ?it, ,er Fedical bills t,at<br />

s,e ,as been incurrinMJ !to= by< you Fay .ind t,e treasure youH4e<br />

been lookinM .orJ<br />

Ahl memorial service<br />

July 11<br />

#EK\ + ),e .aFily o. )ed and &ut, K,l< .orFer lonMtiFe<br />

\ead?ood residents< ?ill ,a4e a FeForial ser4ice .or t,eF at<br />

O =JFJ !aturday< Buly CC at !,e=ard o. t,e Rills #ut,eran<br />

(,urc,< PEQ West ]ain !tJ in #eadJ ),e creFated reFains o.<br />

)ed< ?,o =assed in :ctober< EDDQ and &ut,< ?,o =assed in<br />

Xebruary EDD_ ?ill be buried at a =ri4ate Mra4eside cereFony<br />

at :akridMe (eFeteryJ<br />

Spay/neuter clinic<br />

July 1) deadline<br />

!6EK&X"!R + K lo?9cost s=ayjneuter clinic .or cats in<br />

!=ear.is, ?ill be ,eld )uesday< Buly CSJ Xor in.orFation or to siMn<br />

u=< call !ara, at QZP9O_CPJ ]ust siMn u= no later t,an !unday< Buly<br />

CEJ<br />

Ice cream social and volks march<br />

July 1)<br />

!"#$E& (")* + ),e !il4er (ity $olunteer Xire<br />

\e=artFentHs annual ice creaF social in conhunction ?it, t,e<br />

$olks ]arc, ?ill be .roF P aJFJ to S =JFJ !unday< Buly CE at t,e<br />

!il4er (ity (oFFunity RallJ Xood< drinks< and desserts are<br />

ser4ed all day< and t,e =roceeds Mo to su==ortinM t,e $olunteer<br />

Xire \e=artFentJ E4eryone is ?elcoFek<br />

),e !il4er (ity &oad is one File nort, o. t,e NJ!J OPQ and<br />

R?yJ SS T?estU intersection in t,e central Vlack Rills near<br />

6actola #ake 9 t,e turn9o.. landFark is t,e W,is=erinM 6ines<br />

(aF=MroundJ ),e road is =a4ed all t,e ?ay to !il4er (ityJ<br />

Germans from Russia meeting<br />

July 1)<br />

VE##E X:N&(RE + ),e (enter o. t,e cation (,a=ter o.<br />

YerFans .roF &ussia ?ill ,old t,eir suFFer FeetinM at E =JFJ<br />

!unday< Buly CE at t,e !aint BaFes #ut,eran (,urc, in Velle<br />

Xourc,eJ \a4id &at,bun ?ill =resent a =roMraF on t,e YerFan<br />

6risoners o. War ?,o ?ere stationed at :rFan \aF and ?orked<br />

.or area .arFers in t,e C_SDsJ K taste o. YerFan .ood ?ill be<br />

,osted by t,e Velle Xourc,e club FeFbersJ Xor additional in.or9<br />

Fation contact \a4id &u.. ZEE9ZCSZ or #ydia !tuF=. ZEO9SEDOJ<br />

Prayer gathering<br />

July 14<br />

&K6"\ (")* + WinMs Ks EaMles ]inistries ?ill s=onsor a<br />

6rayer Yat,erinM at Z =JFJ )uesday< Buly CS at t,e band s,ell in<br />

]eForial 6arkJ 6astors Yary and #ori ]cK.ee ?ill lead t,e<br />

e4eninM as =artici=ants enhoy li4e Fusic and =ray .or res=ect< rela9<br />

tions,i=< reconciliation and restoration .or t,e cations .irst .aFi9<br />

liesJ<br />

Blood drive<br />

July 10<br />

#EK\ + ),e cort,ern Rills XaFily *](K is ,ostinM a<br />

blood dri4e .roF CD aJFJ to O =JFJ !aturday< Buly CP at t,e Yolden<br />

Rills "nnJ 6lease call to Fake your a==ointFent ?it, \iana<br />

Veluette at QPS9CCCOJ<br />

Perkins County picnic<br />

July 10<br />

!6EK&X"!R + ),ere ?ill be a 6erkins (ounty =icnic at noon<br />

on !aturday< Buly CP in BorMenson 6ark in !=ear.is,J VrinM a dis,<br />

to s,are and your o?n table ser4iceJ #eFonade and co..ee ?ill be<br />

.urnis,edJ (oFe early and stay lateJ Xor Fore in.orFation call<br />

aSE9OZCO or ZEE9_PDSJ E4eryone is ?elcoFeJ<br />

Good Shepherd Clinic open<br />

1onday e3enings<br />

!6EK&X"!R + \o you li4e in t,e cort,ern Rills< need<br />

Fedical attention but ,a4e no ,ealt, insurance and donHt lual9<br />

i.y .or ot,er Fedical assistance =roMraFsm ),en coFe to t,e<br />

Yood !,e=,erd (linic located at :ur !a4iors #ut,eran<br />

(,urc,< CDED !tate !tJ< in !=ear.is,J ),e Fission o. t,is<br />

Walk "n (linic is fto =ro4ide luality Fedical care .or =eo=le<br />

?it,out ,ealt, insurance and to take t,e liM,t o. (,rist into<br />

t,e coFFunityJg<br />

(linic ,ours are ]onday e4eninMs Tclosed on ]onday ,ol9<br />

idaysU .roF a to _ =JFJ co a==ointFents are acce=ted and<br />

you Fust Feet incoFe eliMibility MuidelinesJ<br />

Cribbage club<br />

Tuesdays and 7ridays<br />

#EK\ + ),e #ead cribbaMe club< ?,ic, ,as been in e`is9<br />

tence .or Fore t,an PD years< Feets e4ery )uesday and Xriday<<br />

CE[OD =JFJ s,ar=< at t,e Yolden Rills Rotel in t,e bar areaJ ),is<br />

ne? location ?ill be e..ecti4e Xriday< Buly OJ )ournaFents are<br />

also =layed on t,e .irst and t,ird !aturday o. eac, Font,J<br />

6layers are al?ays ?elcoFeJ Xor .urt,er in.orFation< call<br />

Yary Yoodric, QPD9aDZEJ<br />

Have an event to list in<br />

the happenings?<br />

6lease e9Fail your non9=ro.it< coFFunity<br />

calendar e4ents at least t,ree business days in<br />

ad4anceJ Weekly or Font,ly recurrinM e4ents<br />

?ill need to be resubFitted .or eac, occuranceJ<br />

E4ents ?ill run as s=ace allo?sJ<br />

9-mail to<<br />


Thursday, July 9, 2009 BH PIONEER COMMUNITY Page 23<br />


PA!K L Aerial spraying of herbicide<br />

for management of<br />

Canada thistle began Qonday,<br />

July 6. Spraying should be completed<br />

by July =9 depending on<br />

weather. Spraying will take<br />

place in wilderness areas of<br />

Badlands Fational Park where<br />

other mechanical methods of<br />

weed management and herbicide<br />

application are restricted.<br />

ApproTimately :,999 to 6,999<br />

acres of scattered Canada thistle<br />

patches will be sprayed within<br />

the 64,999 acres of wilderness.<br />

Badlands Fational Park has<br />

contracted with ScottUs<br />

Helicopter SerVices Inc. from<br />

Le Sueur, Qinn. to make the<br />

aerial application. The contractor<br />

will be flying a Bell 47 Soloy<br />

helicopter and will apply herbicide<br />

from a height of 19 to 1:<br />

feet aboVe patches of Canada<br />

thistle. Qilestone herbicide will<br />

be applied.<br />

Qilestone is a relatiVely new<br />

herbicide produced by Dow<br />

Chemical Co. It proVides effectiVe<br />

control of Canada thistle<br />

without damage to natiVe grasses<br />

and with little damage to<br />

natiVe forbs, trees and shrubs.<br />

‘Calling all Artists’ Fall<br />

Gala Art Auction<br />

approaching<br />

SPWA!`ISH L The Spearfish Arts Center wants to<br />

remind eVeryone that it is time to get ready for the<br />

annual `all Gala Art Auction. Wach year the Spearfish<br />

Art Center celebrates the arts with its fine art auction<br />

and fundraiser, the `all Gala. This annual eVent promotes<br />

the Visual arts, and artists. Proceeds from this<br />

eVent support programs and general operations of the<br />

Spearfish Art Center and also the participating artists.<br />

This yearUs eVent will take place at 6 p.m. on<br />

Saturday, Sept. 1A in the Qatthews Jpera House<br />

Theater. Please consider supporting the Spearfish Art<br />

Center through an art donation for the liVe and silent<br />

auctions. Proceeds receiVed from the auctioned arts<br />

may be split :9c:9 with the artist or donated 199 percent<br />

to the arts center. All donations are taT deductable<br />

and donors will receiVe two complementary tickets to<br />

the Gala.<br />

The artwork will be _uried in by the Gala committee<br />

for inclusion in the liVe auction and only originals are<br />

accepted for the liVe auction. Prints are acceptable for<br />

the silent auction. All artwork will haVe a minimum<br />

bid proVided by the artists.<br />

Qore than @=9,999 was raised at the =99d `all Gala.<br />

The Spearfish Center for the Arts and Humanities dcbca<br />

Spearfish Arts Center is a non-profit organi[ation that<br />

proVides the community with arts and cultural opportunities.<br />

If you would like to make a donation please contact<br />

Debbie Smoot at The Gallery, by phone, 64=-7A7a or<br />

email, infoespearfishartscenter.org, prior to Sept. 1.<br />

Artwork must be deliVered to The Gallery by `riday,<br />

Sept. 11.<br />

Qore information about the Spearfish Arts Center<br />

can be found at www.spearfishartscenter.org or by calling<br />

X69:Y 64=-7A7a.<br />

Aerial spraying of Badlands National Park<br />

Low leVel boom spraying from a<br />

helicopter following label limitations<br />

will allow for maTimum<br />

coVerage of infested acres with<br />

minimum impact to non-target<br />

species.<br />

The WnVironmental Protection<br />

Agency XWPAY considers<br />

Qilestone to pose Zno real<br />

health ha[ardZ and does not<br />

classify it as a restricted use pesticide.<br />

It is registered under the<br />

WPAUs !educed !isk Pesticide<br />

InitiatiVe. This designation is<br />

made for chemicals that demonstrate<br />

lower risks to humans and<br />

the enVironment than marketplace<br />

standards. Qilestone is<br />

applied at a low rate, : ounces<br />

per acre, which means less<br />

chemical added to the enVironment.<br />

It is considered practically<br />

non-toTic to a\uatic organisms,<br />

fish, and birds, breaks<br />

down to natural soil components<br />

and is non-Volatile.<br />

]isitors should not be oVerly<br />

concerned about eTposure to<br />

Qilestone. They should aVoid<br />

Canada thistle patches. Direct<br />

eTposure may cause moderate<br />

eye irritation. If they feel they<br />

haVe come into contact with<br />

Qilestone, they should wash<br />

0e+ 2nit !-e%ia5$<br />



67ome of t,e<br />

9a:er;$ <br />

11063 7+y. 3D<br />

9e55e Four%,e, !<<br />

Move In Now<br />

& Your<br />

First Month’s<br />

Rent Starts<br />

August 1, 2009<br />


10; G 2D; IJ0Kmo.<br />

12; G 2D; IJLKmo.<br />

10; G DM; I120Kmo.<br />

12; G DM; I130Kmo.<br />

If down sizing or<br />

need extra closet<br />

or garage space<br />

Call<br />

605-431-8461<br />

605-490-9090<br />

605-892-2989<br />

4P56<br />

27 H49:;<br />

!erial spraying of herbicide for management of 5anada thistle at the 6adlands 7ational<br />

Park started July 6 and should be completed by July =>. Pioneer file photo<br />

hands and face before eating and<br />

wash clothes at the first opportunity.<br />

^e recogni[e that a helicopter<br />

will be an intrusion into VisitorsU<br />

wilderness eTperience, but we<br />

feel the need to control Canada<br />

thistle and reduce its impacts on<br />

the parkUs natiVe prairie warrant<br />

the intrusion.<br />

This pro_ect is funded by the<br />

PresidentUs Centennial InitiatiVe<br />

for the Fational Park SerVice.<br />

`or more information, please<br />

contact Brian Kenner, Director<br />

of !esourceQanagement at<br />

X69:Y 4aa-:=69.<br />

!ead the<br />

Black Hills<br />

Pioneer anytime,<br />

anywhere online.<br />

!u#$%ri#e<br />

no+<br />

at<br />

#,-ioneer.%om<br />

or call<br />

69:-64=-=761<br />

@A per month<br />

@A6 per year


Drown Out The Noise<br />

Catch the latest wave of news in the Hills at:<br />

www.bhpioneer.com<br />



Thursday, July 9, 2009<br />

Military News<br />

Civilian of the Year announced<br />

!e#ar&'en& o+ &,e -r'. ci1ilian 3a4rel 56<br />

3an7s&on ,as 9een na'e: &,e -+rican ;o''an:>? ;i1ilian o+ &,e @ear6<br />

Aelec&ion Bas 9ase: on &,e in:i1i:4al

Inside sports: Armstrong still second at Tour de France. See story Page 29<br />

SPORTS<br />

Page 27 sports@bhpioneer.com July 9, 2009<br />

Sylvatic<br />

plague<br />

detected in<br />

Badlands<br />


BADLA%DS %A()*%AL PAR- . Park officials<br />

say that sylvatic plague was confirmed in a prairie dog<br />

colony in the Sage Creek Eilderness Area of Badlands<br />

%ational Park on July 1.<br />

Sylvatic plague, a flea-borne bacterial disease, was<br />

first identified in South Dakota in L00N and documented<br />

just south of Badlands %ational Park in Conata<br />

Basin in L00P. (he discovery, was not unexpected by<br />

park officials, is the first detection of the disease within<br />

Badlands %ational Park.<br />

(he response plan initiated last year will continue.<br />

Rollowing last yearSs detection in Conata Basin, government<br />

agencies, nongovernmental organiTations and<br />

individuals developed strategies to respond to the outbreak<br />

with two considerationsU Rirst and foremost is<br />

protection of human health and safety. Second is protecting<br />

the endangered black-footed ferret, their habitat,<br />

and their prey base -prairie dogs.<br />

(he basis of the initial human safety response<br />

involved public education. Ehile the disease is rarely<br />

transmitted to humans, the public was provided with<br />

several precautions to reduce the risk of human exposure<br />

to plague, includingU Vse of insect repellent with<br />

DWW( when working or recreating in plague areas to<br />

reduce the possibility of flea bites, avoiding the handling<br />

of sick or dead animals, keeping pets from roaming<br />

the affected prairie dog colonies in order to avoid<br />

flea accumulation on pets, and if exposure is suspected,<br />

immediately see a physician and identify plague as a<br />

concern.<br />

A multi-agency effort was initiated to protect onethird<br />

of the highest Xuality black-footed ferret habitat in<br />

an effort to protect two-thirds of the black-footed population<br />

in the Conata BasinYBadlands %ational Park<br />

ecosystem. (his resulted in selecting 11,000 acres of<br />

prairie dog colonies that would be treated with insecticide<br />

to reduce the flea population. Black-footed ferrets<br />

were also trapped and given a plague vaccination to further<br />

protect them. Rerret population monitoring conducted<br />

in early fall L00P revealed that approximately PZ<br />

percent of the ferret population was protected from the<br />

combination of insecticide treatment and vaccination.<br />

(ularemia was also detected in a prairie dog colony<br />

in Badlands %ational Park in early July. (ularemia,<br />

also known as [rabbit fever,\ is a natural component of<br />

the ecosystem, and has been documented at Badlands<br />

%ational Park in the past. )t is a tick-borne disease that<br />

is extremely rare in humans. ]isitors are reminded to<br />

avoid handling sick or dead animals and to apply insect<br />

repellent to clothing and skin to prevent bites from mos-<br />

Xuitoes, fleas, and ticks.<br />






Injury removes RC woman, cousin from AT<br />

Starting with a Buck Shot bow<br />

My son, Alex, recently had his<br />

ninth birthday and has been shooting<br />

archery since he was 6 years old.<br />

HeSs grown in skill and stature<br />

since he got his first bow, a Rred<br />

Bear LitSl Brave recurve.<br />

Last summer he graduated to the<br />

excellent Genesis bouth Bow, and by<br />

this spring it was evident that Alex<br />

was ready for the next step up in<br />

eXuipment. But ) donSt have unlimited<br />

funds to be buying new archery<br />

gear every spring.<br />

A young man will do a lot of growing<br />

between the ages of 9 and 1N. )<br />

was looking for a bow that Alex<br />

could [grow with\ and found out<br />

about the [Grow up with Parker\ program<br />

offered by Parker, a leading<br />

manufacturer of archery eXuipment<br />

and accessories.<br />

Ehen young or beginning archers<br />

purchase one of three compound<br />

bows offered by Parker and eventually<br />

[outgrow\ the bow, the original<br />

owner can send the bow to Parker to<br />

be refitted with new and more powerful<br />

limbs for just dZ0. *ne such bow<br />

Guns<br />

Game<br />

& More<br />

Dan Carlson<br />

is the Parker Buck Shot, and ) got one<br />

in a combo package for AlexSs birthday.<br />

(he Buck Shot offers a full 10<br />

inches of draw-length adjustment<br />

from 1P to LP inches.<br />

Right now, Alex has a draw length<br />

of L0 inches and heSs not likely to<br />

exceed the LP inches maximum<br />

adjustment until his later teen years<br />

(if at all). By that time weSll likely<br />

have sent the bow in for the new<br />

limbs.<br />

(he bow is 3L inches axle-to-axle<br />

with a brace height of 6\ and weighs<br />

just under pounds Let-off is 7Z per-<br />

■ Grueling 100 Mile Wilderness claims<br />

another knee, women vow<br />

to return to trail<br />


!la$% Hills Pioneer<br />

RAP)D C)(b . %o one<br />

ever said that hiking L,176<br />

miles was going to be easy.<br />

Sharon %elson of Rapid<br />

City and her cousin Rose<br />

]olden knew just that going<br />

into the start of their<br />

Appalachian (rail hike, but<br />

they didnSt expect their hike<br />

to be over within days of the<br />

beginning.<br />

[Ehy, oh why, was a<br />

road our destinationj Eell,<br />

it wasnSt supposed to be,\<br />

]olden wrote in her journal.<br />

(he two began their journey<br />

on June 1Z climbing<br />

Mount -atahdin, the northern<br />

terminus of the<br />

Appalachian (rail, or A( as<br />

it is known among hikers.<br />

(he A( wanders through<br />

1N states ending in northern<br />

Georgia and takes most hikers<br />

five months to complete.<br />

(hat night they camped<br />

at the campground at the<br />

mountainSs base and then<br />

headed out the next morning.<br />

[Ee did 13.Z miles the<br />

first day,\ %elson said. [)<br />

didnSt expect it to be so<br />

rugged. Ee were going to<br />

go farther, but we ran into<br />

Bob McCaw who wrote the<br />

(hru Hikers Handbook, and<br />

he told us we had a really<br />

grueling climb ahead of us.\<br />

(hey were slated to hike<br />

19 miles that day but<br />

stopped short.<br />

See AT — Page 28<br />

cent. Alex is drawing L0 pounds right<br />

now, which means heSs only holding<br />

five pounds at full draw. (he handle<br />

is a soft, rubber-like composite material<br />

to soak up vibration and reduce<br />

hand fatigue. (hese features combine<br />

to make the bow very shooter-friendly.<br />

ParkerSs Buck Shot Package comes<br />

with an impressive array of accessories<br />

installed.<br />

A Cobra fiber-optic sight with three<br />

pins, a prong-style arrow rest, a onepiece,<br />

five-arrow attached Xuiver,<br />

angled peep sight and string silencers<br />

are included.<br />

(he package retails for about dLP0,<br />

but when you factor in that it may be<br />

the bow your child can use for a lifetime<br />

(or at least for many years) the<br />

initial price is offset by what youSd<br />

pay for another two or three bows as<br />

a kid grows up.<br />

Alex and ) took his new bow to a<br />

local pro shop where it was fitted to<br />

him and outfitted with Bemani )CS<br />

See CARLSON — Page 29


AT Continued from Page 27<br />

!"e %ollo(in+ ,ornin+ ."e/ (ere on ."e<br />

.rail earl/1<br />

2!oo3 .oo %ar .o4a/5556 7ol4en (ro.e1<br />

!"e .(o (ere on ."e .rail 8/ 9 a1,1 an4<br />

8e+an a :;

!"#$%&'() *#+( -) .//- BH PIONEER SPORTS 0'12 .-<br />

!"#$%L P%()%*$IN<br />

!P #$orts Writer<br />

PSTP9MUAU6 Vr)#(e WAPX Y<br />

9# 5ess t2)# Z[ 2o"rs6 \)#(e<br />

Ar3stro#0 +i55 2))# is se(C<br />

o#7 o 7r)+C<br />

i#0 o#54 GB po"#7s6 t2ere +)s ) proC<br />

Armstrong still 2nd at Tour, but mountains loom<br />

:e)r )3o#0 2is ri


DRAINAGE 4o6ti6#ed 9ro: Pa1e .<br />

!"#rsda() *#+( -) .//-<br />

was to run pipe to the old abandoned irrigation ditch and leave it. 5he third option<br />

was to run the water across Gordon's land and past it.<br />

But 9hoemaker was not convinced.<br />

uire him to cross private property. In the meantime,<br />

my land is soaked and I can't harvest my crops on the field. Ce's still draining<br />

water out there, so I don't know when I'll be able to get out there,D he said.<br />

But at Monday's city council meeting, Mayor Dave 9chneider read a letter that<br />

outlined Curran as being a private nuisance.<br />

!hursday) *uly -) .//- BH PIONEER Page 34<br />

HOMESTAKE 5ontinued :rom Page .<br />

!ore t'an *+,--- of t'ese t'in section slides, revealin5 'air-t'in slices of roc7 fro8<br />

around t'e area, are 'oused at t'e :o8esta7e ;da8s

Pa1e 3. BH PIONEER<br />

NO PERMIT 4on7in#e& 9ro: Pa1e ;<br />

Cory Hec)en+aib+e, the city2s<br />

4inance o44icer, said Wednesday<br />

a4ternoon that Jun)er and his<br />

engineer had +e4t town.<br />

The bui+ding su44ered a partia+<br />

co++apse o4 one wa++ on the<br />

e>ening o4 June 30. Roc)s 4rom<br />

the wa++ spi++ed into a >acant and<br />

adCacent +ot.<br />

When it was disco>ered the<br />

emergency proceedings began.<br />

DI sent an emergency +etter to<br />

the Jun)ers stating they had<br />

se>en days to get a bui+ding permit<br />

or that we wou+d start the<br />

demo+ition process,G O2Dea said.<br />

DHe may decide that it is too<br />

4ar gone to be sa>ed. Worst case<br />

scenario the city wou+d hire a<br />

contractor to do the demo+ition,G<br />

O2Dea added.<br />

City o44icia+s ha>e repeated+y<br />

said that they want to sa>e the<br />

bui+ding.<br />

DI thin) we need to gi>e them<br />

e>ery chance to sa>e that bui+ding,G<br />

Counci+man A+bert Derby<br />

said. DI wou+d hate to see it come<br />

down. I don2t )now how in the<br />

wor+d someone wou+d sa>e it at<br />

this point. But maybe they can<br />

sa>e it.G<br />

Po+ice Chie4 Jerry Da>idson<br />

said he showed the damaged<br />

bui+ding to a 4riend o4 his who<br />

wor)s 4or the Federa+ Emergency<br />

Management Agency<br />

DHe said he wou+dn2t wa+) in<br />

that +ot. He said that bui+ding is<br />

on borrowed time and thought it<br />

cou+d be down by PMonday, Ju+y<br />

6R gi>en the right weather conditions,G<br />

Da>idson said.<br />

Da>idson said the structure<br />

!"#rs&a() *#l( -) .//-<br />

was 4a++ing away 4rom the adCacent<br />

bui+ding and >isib+e and<br />

eSpanding separation cou+d be<br />

seen.<br />

DIt went 4rom a +itt+e bit to a +ot<br />

more. Day by day it is getting a<br />

+ot worse. We2re on borrowed<br />

time,G he said. DPDa>idson2s<br />

4riendR said you are going to hear<br />

a +oud crac) and then it is going<br />

to be o>er.G

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