Gugrajah_Yuvaan_ Ramesh_2003.pdf

Gugrajah_Yuvaan_ Ramesh_2003.pdf Gugrajah_Yuvaan_ Ramesh_2003.pdf

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Simulation ofa Load Balancing Routing Protocol c) Qi is the percentage of node i's transmit buffer that is empty. Chapter 3 Node i uses the three metrics to obtain an evaluation value, Ai to attach to the route request before rebroadcasting it. Ai identifies the current capabilities of node i in terms of being a suitable intermediate node of the route and is calculated as follows: (3-2) where WAI , WA2 and WA3 are weighting factors. The route request is then rebroadcast with the evaluation information and the process is repeated at each intermediate node. If there are N nodes in the network then there are R=N(N-I)/2 possible node pairs in the network, each indexed r. Each node pair will have a possible M r routes between the pairs terminal nodes, listed from best to worst, with the rnth route being indexed rm. The destination node receives multiple route requests representing different routes and sums the intermediate node evaluation values contained in each route request to obtain an evaluation value Arm for the entire route r m. The route selected is the route that maximizes the cost function wm2 hrm wmlArm +-- (3-3) where hrm is the number of intermediate nodes on route r m and Wml and W m 2 are weighting factors. DLAR scheme 4 combines the use of load information with the evaluation of the signal quality being experienced at each node and the length of the route. By monitoring the signal quality and using the routes that have lighter loads, delay is decreased and congestion is alleviated. The reason nodes which have had more collisions in the recent past are avoided is that the queues would generally be longer at those nodes due to the problem of having to retransmit packets. 3-7

Simulation ofa Load Balancing Routing Protocol 3.3. Medium Access Control Chapter 3 In order to model the contention of nodes for the wireless medium, the Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) of the IEEE 802.11 Medium Access Control (MAC) [IEEE99] was implemented. Both physical carrier sensing and virtual carrier sensing are used by the DCF. Physical carrier sensing uses Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Avoidance (CSMAlCA). Nodes wanting to transmit first check the channel to ensure that the channel is idle. Once the node has determined that the medium has been idle for a minimum time period, known as the DCF Inter-Frame Spacing (DIFS), it determines a random back-off period by setting an internal timer. When the timer reaches zero, the node may begin transmission. However, if the channel is seized by another node before the timer reaches zero, the timer setting is retained at the decremented value for subsequent transmission. Instead of using physical carrier sensing only, virtual carrier sensing was implemented in the simulator to reduce the probability of collisions due to hidden terminals. The hidden terminal problem is demonstrated in Figure 3-3. If node A is transmitting to node B, node C may not be in range of the transmission and therefore will not be aware of the transmission from node A. Node C will therefore assume that the medium is free and will begin transmitting to node B. This will result in a collision at node B. Virtual carrier sensing therefore allows nodes to reserve the medium for a specified period of time through the use of Request to Send (RTS) / Clear to Send (CTS) transmissions to avoid the hidden terminal problem. Referring again to Figure 3-3, when node A wants to transmit to node B, it first sends an RTS packet. The RTS packet includes the receiver address and duration required to be reserved. Physical carrier sensing is used before transmitting the RTS. Once the packet is received by node B, node B replies with a CTS that also includes the duration of the reservation by node A contained in the RTS. This allows node C to be informed of the ensuing transmission even though it is not within range of node A. All correctly received unicast packets are followed by the transmission of an ACK. Broadcast packets however are not preceded by an RTS/CTS combination and are 3-8

Simulation ofa Load Balancing Routing Protocol<br />

3.3. Medium Access Control<br />

Chapter 3<br />

In order to model the contention of nodes for the wireless medium, the Distributed<br />

Coordination Function (DCF) of the IEEE 802.11 Medium Access Control (MAC)<br />

[IEEE99] was implemented. Both physical carrier sensing and virtual carrier sensing<br />

are used by the DCF. Physical carrier sensing uses Carrier Sense Multiple Access /<br />

Collision Avoidance (CSMAlCA). Nodes wanting to transmit first check the channel<br />

to ensure that the channel is idle. Once the node has determined that the medium has<br />

been idle for a minimum time period, known as the DCF Inter-Frame Spacing<br />

(DIFS), it determines a random back-off period by setting an internal timer. When<br />

the timer reaches zero, the node may begin transmission. However, if the channel is<br />

seized by another node before the timer reaches zero, the timer setting is retained at<br />

the decremented value for subsequent transmission.<br />

Instead of using physical carrier sensing only, virtual carrier sensing was<br />

implemented in the simulator to reduce the probability of collisions due to hidden<br />

terminals. The hidden terminal problem is demonstrated in Figure 3-3. If node A is<br />

transmitting to node B, node C may not be in range of the transmission and therefore<br />

will not be aware of the transmission from node A. Node C will therefore assume<br />

that the medium is free and will begin transmitting to node B. This will result in a<br />

collision at node B. Virtual carrier sensing therefore allows nodes to reserve the<br />

medium for a specified period of time through the use of Request to Send (RTS) /<br />

Clear to Send (CTS) transmissions to avoid the hidden terminal problem. Referring<br />

again to Figure 3-3, when node A wants to transmit to node B, it first sends an RTS<br />

packet. The RTS packet includes the receiver address and duration required to be<br />

reserved. Physical carrier sensing is used before transmitting the RTS. Once the<br />

packet is received by node B, node B replies with a CTS that also includes the<br />

duration of the reservation by node A contained in the RTS. This allows node C to be<br />

informed of the ensuing transmission even though it is not within range of node A.<br />

All correctly received unicast packets are followed by the transmission of an ACK.<br />

Broadcast packets however are not preceded by an RTS/CTS combination and are<br />


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