Second National Reconcilation Study EITI Peru - unofficial…

Second National Reconcilation Study EITI Peru - unofficial… Second National Reconcilation Study EITI Peru - unofficial…


Consultoría para la Elaboración del Segundo Estudio Nacional de Conciliación de la Iniciativa de Transparencia para las Industrias Extractivas (ITIE) en el Perú (2008 – 2010) (continuación) Annexe X.2 Glossary of Terms Accrual The payment obligation assumed in a Budgetary Document as a result of the respective commitment. Includes settlement, identification of the creditor, and determination of the amount, through the respective official document Barrel The capacity measurement unit for Liquid Hydrocarbons, consisting of forty-two (42) gallons of the United States of America, corrected to a temperature of 15,55˚C (60˚F), at sea-level pressure, without water, mud or other sediments. Canon Canon is the actual and adequate share to which regional and local governments are entitled in the income and revenues received by the government for the extraction of natural resources for economic purposes (Canon Law). Cartography The science dealing with the study and preparation of maps Central government The group of entities consisting of Ministries, Offices and other entities within the scope of the Executive Branch. The Central Government includes the agencies thereof that operate regionally or locally. Charge The payment generated by actual provision by the government of a public service individualized in the taxpayer. Concentrate An intermediate fine and dust-like product of the ore crushing process formed by separation of a valuable metal from waste. Current Year (Validity Right) The year in course, for which the validity right or the penalty, as applicable, are payable, in accordance with the extension appearing in the List of Registered Mines. Determination Decision The Determination Decision is the act whereby the Tax Administration gives the Tax Debtor notice of the result of its work intended to control performance of tax obligations, and establishes the existence of a tax credit or debt (Article 76 and 77, Tax Code). Distribution Ratio A ratio determined by applying statistical data such as poverty rates, population number and money amounts, for purposes of determining the pro rata portion that that a specific geographic area will receive as a benefit. Economic Administrative Unit (or Production Unit) Consultoría para la Comisión Multisectorial Permanente de la ITIE Perú 198

Consultoría para la Elaboración del Segundo Estudio Nacional de Conciliación de la Iniciativa de Transparencia para las Industrias Extractivas (ITIE) en el Perú (2008 – 2010) (continuación) The set of mining concessions independent from each other that is set up to meet minimum production and investment requirements. These units are to be located within a radius ranging from 5, 10 to 20 km, according to the type of substance extracted. Exchange Rate Value of a currency in terms of another currency Fines Financial resources obtained by the government from the enforcement of penalties or any other provisions determining monetary penalties for failure to perform obligations or for breaches of law. Monetary penalty (payable in cash)imposed for breach of law or of regulations.. Fiscal Year The period in which Budget Implementation of income and expenses occurs. Corresponds to the calendar year. Gallon (GL) Volume measurement unit for liquids, equal to 3,78533 litres. Known as Gallon of the United States of America Gas Royalty The fee paid by extractive companies of the gas sector to the Peruvian government for the extraction of gas resources in national territory under Law 27506 (year 2001). This law is applicable to companies conducting production activities in Departments where no previous law on hydrocarbon production activities existed. Companies that have produced gas before enactment of the aforementioned Law shall continue under the oil canon methodology. General Directorate for Economic and Social Affairs – Ministry of Economy and Finance Entity in charge of calculating the ratios based on which the distribution of the Income Tax, and of Mining and Gas royalties is determined in accordance with statistical data. General Directorate of Hydrocarbons The entity in charge of proposing and/or enacting, as applicable, the laws and regulations of the Hydrocarbon Subsector applicable to hydrocarbon facilities and prospecting, extraction, and underground operations, and storage, processing, transportation by pipelines, marketing, as well as Safety and Environment, and promoting development thereof and monitoring the implementation of policies and regulations of the Subsector. General Directorate of Mining The entity in charge of proposing and/or enacting, as applicable, the laws and regulations of the Mining Subsector for prospecting, exploration, development, mining, concentration, smelting and refining activities, promoting the development thereof and monitoring the implementation of policies and regulations of the Subsector. Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Institute (Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico – INGEMMET) The entity in charge of granting Mining Concession Titles, managing the National Mining Cadastre, the validity right and penalties, with transparency and legal certainty. Through research, INGEMMET is also in charge of Consultoría para la Comisión Multisectorial Permanente de la ITIE Perú 199

Consultoría para la Elaboración del Segundo Estudio Nacional de<br />

Conciliación de la Iniciativa de Transparencia para las Industrias<br />

Extractivas (ITIE) en el Perú (2008 – 2010) (continuación)<br />

Annexe X.2 Glossary of Terms<br />

Accrual<br />

The payment obligation assumed in a Budgetary Document as a result of the respective commitment. Includes<br />

settlement, identification of the creditor, and determination of the amount, through the respective official document<br />

Barrel<br />

The capacity measurement unit for Liquid Hydrocarbons, consisting of forty-two (42) gallons of the United States<br />

of America, corrected to a temperature of 15,55˚C (60˚F), at sea-level pressure, without water, mud or other<br />

sediments.<br />

Canon<br />

Canon is the actual and adequate share to which regional and local governments are entitled in the income and<br />

revenues received by the government for the extraction of natural resources for economic purposes (Canon Law).<br />

Cartography<br />

The science dealing with the study and preparation of maps<br />

Central government<br />

The group of entities consisting of Ministries, Offices and other entities within the scope of the Executive Branch.<br />

The Central Government includes the agencies thereof that operate regionally or locally.<br />

Charge<br />

The payment generated by actual provision by the government of a public service individualized in the taxpayer.<br />

Concentrate<br />

An intermediate fine and dust-like product of the ore crushing process formed by separation of a valuable metal<br />

from waste.<br />

Current Year (Validity Right)<br />

The year in course, for which the validity right or the penalty, as applicable, are payable, in accordance with the<br />

extension appearing in the List of Registered Mines.<br />

Determination Decision<br />

The Determination Decision is the act whereby the Tax Administration gives the Tax Debtor notice of the result of<br />

its work intended to control performance of tax obligations, and establishes the existence of a tax credit or debt<br />

(Article 76 and 77, Tax Code).<br />

Distribution Ratio<br />

A ratio determined by applying statistical data such as poverty rates, population number and money amounts, for<br />

purposes of determining the pro rata portion that that a specific geographic area will receive as a benefit.<br />

Economic Administrative Unit (or Production Unit)<br />

Consultoría para la Comisión Multisectorial Permanente de la ITIE Perú<br />


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