Second National Reconcilation Study EITI Peru - unofficial…

Second National Reconcilation Study EITI Peru - unofficial… Second National Reconcilation Study EITI Peru - unofficial…


Consultoría para la Elaboración del Segundo Estudio Nacional de Conciliación de la Iniciativa de Transparencia para las Industrias Extractivas (ITIE) en el Perú (2008 – 2010) (continuación) FOUR.- TERM AND SCOPE OF THE CONFIDENTIAL DUTY 4.1. ERNST & YOUNG acknowledges and accepts the confidential and reserved nature of the Confidential Information and agrees to perform the confidentiality duty in connection therewith during the term of this Agreement and for two (2) years as from expiry or termination thereof. In connection with publication of the National Reconciliation Study , the final report on such Study will be disseminated, complying with the desire for confidentiality as companies participating in this initiative may have stated. Accordingly, the EITI Working Committee will obtain and share the Reconciler a copy of the written preference on this matter that each p[participating company may submit, whereby this Committee releases the Reconciler from any liability and consequences of disclosure of such final report. Therefore, unless authorized in writing by [________] or in such cases as may be allowed in this agreement, ERNST & YOUNG shall not disclose to any individual or legal entity the contents of the Confidential Agreement. 4.2. Notwithstanding the provisions in Sub-clause numeral 4.1 above, ERNST & YOUNG may deliver the Confidential Information to nits officers, representatives, advisors and employees who so require in performance of the Services Contract. In such case, , ERNST & YOUNG agrees to cause the aforementioned persons to acknowledge the obligation of keeping the Confidential Information under strict confidential reserve. FIVE.- NON-CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 5.1 The confidentiality obligation of ERNST & YOUNG under this agreement shall not be extensive to such information that: 5.1.1. Is public or becomes public after execution thereof, unless it becomes public as a result of any breach on the obligations of ERNST & YOUNG hereunder. 5.1.2. Is lawfully available to the general public or legally obtained by ERNST & YOUNG from third parties other than [______] or their representatives or personnel, with no obligation to keep confidential reserve. 5.1.3. Is directly or indirectly generated by ERNST & YOUNG, its subsidiaries or affiliates. 5.1.4. ERNST & YOUNG may evidence that it was in possession or had knowledge thereof prior to execution hereof. Consultoría para la Comisión Multisectorial Permanente de la ITIE Perú 190

Consultoría para la Elaboración del Segundo Estudio Nacional de Conciliación de la Iniciativa de Transparencia para las Industrias Extractivas (ITIE) en el Perú (2008 – 2010) (continuación) SIX.- RETURN OF INFORMATION 6.1. The parties expressly agrees that the Confidential Information written or contained in any mechanical, electronic, magnetic, digital or similar support that ______] delivers to ERNST & YOUNG shall continue to be propriety information of [______]. Therefore, ERNST & YOUNG shall use the Confidential Information only for the purposes for which such Confidential Information was delivered to it. 6.2. The parties agree that the Confidential Information written or contained in any mechanical, electronic, magnetic, digital or similar support will be returned by ERNST & YOUNG to [______] immediately upon completion of the Services Contract, unless ERNST & YOUNG is expressly authorised in writing to keep any such documentation, which authorisation shall detail the documentation which ERNST & YOUNG will be allowed to keep. In any case, ERNST & YOUNG may keep copies of the Confidential Information that allows performance of the Services Contract. SEVEN.- DELIVERY OF INFORMATION BY LEGAL ORDER 7.1. In the event that ERNST & YOUNG is required by a court or an administrative order or by an order of a different nature to disclose or deliver Confidential Information or any information pertaining to [______] or the Services Contract, ERNST & YOUNG shall give [______] written notice immediately, provided such notice is not forbidden by court, for [______] to take such protection measures as may be necessary. 7.2. In the event that ERNST & YOUNG is forbidden by court to give [______] notice of the requirement of the competent authority to disclose or deliver Confidential Information or any information pertaining to [______], ERNST & YOUNG shall take such protection measures as may be necessary so as to safeguard the confidentiality of required information. 7.3. Should the protection measures referred to in the foregoing Sub-clauses fail to be obtained by [______] , EIGHT.- TERM Ernst & Young may disclose only such information as may be strictly necessary, making its best efforts to ensure that such information is afforded confidential treatment This agreement shall be in force and effect during performance term of the Services Contract. NINE. - GOVERNING LAW, SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES AND JURISDICTION 9.1. The parties expressly agree that all provisions hereof shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Peru. 9.2. The parties agree that any doubt, dispute, disagreement or claim in connection with or arising from this agreement , including the validity, effect of termination thereof, even in connection with the arbitration award, shall be settled directly by the parties. For this purpose, the parties agree hereby to make their best efforts, based on the rules of good faith and the common intent to settle any such possible situation. Consultoría para la Comisión Multisectorial Permanente de la ITIE Perú 191

Consultoría para la Elaboración del Segundo Estudio Nacional de<br />

Conciliación de la Iniciativa de Transparencia para las Industrias<br />

Extractivas (ITIE) en el Perú (2008 – 2010) (continuación)<br />


6.1. The parties expressly agrees that the Confidential Information written or contained in any mechanical,<br />

electronic, magnetic, digital or similar support that ______] delivers to ERNST & YOUNG shall continue to<br />

be propriety information of [______]. Therefore, ERNST & YOUNG shall use the Confidential Information<br />

only for the purposes for which such Confidential Information was delivered to it.<br />

6.2. The parties agree that the Confidential Information written or contained in any mechanical, electronic,<br />

magnetic, digital or similar support will be returned by ERNST & YOUNG to [______] immediately upon<br />

completion of the Services Contract, unless ERNST & YOUNG is expressly authorised in writing to keep<br />

any such documentation, which authorisation shall detail the documentation which ERNST & YOUNG will<br />

be allowed to keep. In any case, ERNST & YOUNG may keep copies of the Confidential Information that<br />

allows performance of the Services Contract.<br />


7.1. In the event that ERNST & YOUNG is required by a court or an administrative order or by an order of a<br />

different nature to disclose or deliver Confidential Information or any information pertaining to [______] or<br />

the Services Contract, ERNST & YOUNG shall give [______] written notice immediately, provided such<br />

notice is not forbidden by court, for [______] to take such protection measures as may be necessary.<br />

7.2. In the event that ERNST & YOUNG is forbidden by court to give [______] notice of the requirement of the<br />

competent authority to disclose or deliver Confidential Information or any information pertaining to<br />

[______], ERNST & YOUNG shall take such protection measures as may be necessary so as to<br />

safeguard the confidentiality of required information.<br />

7.3. Should the protection measures referred to in the foregoing Sub-clauses fail to be obtained by [______] ,<br />

EIGHT.- TERM<br />

Ernst & Young may disclose only such information as may be strictly necessary, making its best efforts to<br />

ensure that such information is afforded confidential treatment<br />

This agreement shall be in force and effect during performance term of the Services Contract.<br />


9.1. The parties expressly agree that all provisions hereof shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of<br />

<strong>Peru</strong>.<br />

9.2. The parties agree that any doubt, dispute, disagreement or claim in connection with or arising from this<br />

agreement , including the validity, effect of termination thereof, even in connection with the arbitration<br />

award, shall be settled directly by the parties. For this purpose, the parties agree hereby to make their<br />

best efforts, based on the rules of good faith and the common intent to settle any such possible situation.<br />

Consultoría para la Comisión Multisectorial Permanente de la ITIE Perú<br />


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