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Fig u re 6"28<br />

Morlcy: .'Nuncie."<br />

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Figure 6"?9<br />

PLrrcell: "Chaconne" fronr Kin,q Arthttr.<br />

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The dc'r,elopntcnt of phrasc ancl periocl construction aclr,anccd<br />

1600 to 1675. and by,the latter hall'ol'the baroqr.re lteriocl. phrase<br />

rapiclly clurins the years<br />

structllre rvas clnite rcgltlur'.<br />

Fi cure 6. l9 i I I Lr:trates eontlllsI i rr u pr.r'iocl con\l l'uet i( )n.<br />

The classical pcriocl. represented by the wolks of Haydn. Mozart. and Beethoven. is per-<br />

haps the cultninatictn of fitrmal phrase constructicln. Many of the exantples in this chapter'<br />

were clrawn front contposers of this period.<br />

Although thc highly ltrrnral style of the classical periocl begrn to faclc in the vears ll'onr<br />

1800 ttt abttut I tt30. the rotnantic period nraintainecl the basic clenrents of phruse and period<br />

constrLrction.<br />

As l'Lrncticlnal harntonl,'and strict key-orientecl tonalitv graclLralll,clintinishecl in intporti.ltlce.<br />

so did the carlier ideas concernirrg phrasc relationships. Nevertheless.<br />

phrasc artd periocl constrllction cun still be cletectccl in the. rvorks of conrposers of this<br />

period.<br />

In the wicle range of new rnusicalstyles<br />

in this century. the rnLrsicul phrase. althoLrgh styl-<br />

istically much chan-ued ll'orn thatof<br />

its ltrouenitors of thc- baroclue period. is still a clonrinurt<br />

influencc in rnuric.<br />

f,l e l r-.,J<br />

i I O rq a rr i zat i o n<br />


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