Autom atic Toas te r 31.. Downloaded from www.vandenborre.be

Autom atic Toas te r 31.. Downloaded from www.vandenborre.be

Autom atic Toas te r 31.. Downloaded from www.vandenborre.be


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• If th e appliance is us e d for purpos e s oth e r<br />

th an th os e in<strong>te</strong> nde d or us e d incorre ctly, no<br />

liability can <strong>be</strong> acce p<strong>te</strong> d for any dam age<br />

th at m ay <strong>be</strong> caus e d.<br />

• Th is appliance is not in<strong>te</strong> nde d for us e by<br />

pe rs ons (including ch ildre n) w ith re duce d<br />

ph ys ical, s e ns ory or m e ntal capabilitie s , or<br />

lack of e xpe rie nce and k now le dge , unle s s<br />

th e y h ave <strong>be</strong> e n give n s upe rvis ion or<br />

ins truction conce rning us e of th e appliance<br />

by a pe rs on re s pons ible for th e ir s afe ty.<br />

Ch ild Safe ty<br />

• Do not le ave th e toas <strong>te</strong> r s w itch e d on<br />

uns upe rvis e d.<br />

• Ch ildre n s h ould <strong>be</strong> s upe rvis e d to e ns ure<br />

th at th e y do not play w ith th e appliance .<br />

• K e e p ch ildre n aw ay <strong>from</strong> e le ctrical<br />

appliance s .<br />

You s h ould tak e no<strong>te</strong> of th e fo low ing<br />

w h e n us ing your toas <strong>te</strong> r<br />

• Do not place th e appliance on h ot s urface s .<br />

• Do not us e ne ar nak e d flam e s .<br />

• Do not ope ra<strong>te</strong> th e appliance on s urface s<br />

w h e re h e at m ay caus e a proble m . Us e an<br />

ins ula<strong>te</strong> d h e at pad if ne ce s s ary.<br />

• Bre ad can burn. Do not us e th e toas <strong>te</strong> r<br />

unde rne ath or ne ar inflam m able obje cts<br />

(e .g. curtains ). Th e toas <strong>te</strong> r m us t not <strong>be</strong> le ft<br />

unat<strong>te</strong> nde d.<br />

• Do not ope ra<strong>te</strong> th e toas <strong>te</strong> r w ith th e dus t lid<br />

(M ) on.<br />

• Do not us e th e appliance w ith out crum b<br />

draw e r in place . Th e crum b draw e r s h ould<br />

<strong>be</strong> cle ane d re gulary. Do not a low crum bs<br />

to build up in th e crum b draw e r.<br />

• Do not im m e rs e th e appliance in w a<strong>te</strong> r!<br />

• Do not k ink th e m ains le ad or bring it into<br />

contact w ith h ot parts of th e appliance .<br />

• To m ove th e appliance w h e n w arm af<strong>te</strong> r<br />

us e , only pick it up by th e th e rm a ly<br />

ins ula<strong>te</strong> d ou<strong>te</strong> r h ous ing.<br />

• Unplug <strong>from</strong> th e plug s ock e t af<strong>te</strong> r us e . Do<br />

not s tore or cove r th e appliance until it h as<br />

fu ly coole d dow n.<br />

• Do not w rap cord around cord s torage<br />

until th e appliance h as fu ly coole d dow n.<br />

Ope rating Ins tructions<br />

Prior to Us ing for th e Firs t Tim e<br />

To avoid th e build up of unple as ant<br />

odours , th e appliance s h ould <strong>be</strong> place d<br />

ne ar an ope n w indow and ope ra<strong>te</strong> d a fe w<br />

tim e s at th e m axim um brow ning s e tting<br />

w ith out any bre ad.<br />

Sw itch ing On<br />

(Figure 3)<br />

Plug th e m ains plug into th e m ains s ock e t.<br />

Ins e rt bre ad for toas ting.<br />

Se le ct th e brow ning s e tting and pre s s<br />

dow n th e s tart le ve r.<br />

W h e n th e re q uire d de gre e of brow ning h as<br />

<strong>be</strong> e n re ach e d, th e toas <strong>te</strong> r s w itch e s off<br />

autom <strong>atic</strong>a ly; th e s lice s of toas t are lif<strong>te</strong> d<br />

up re ady for re m oval. By lifting th e s tart<br />

le ve r (bre ad lift function) th e toas <strong>te</strong> d bre ad<br />

can <strong>be</strong> lif<strong>te</strong> d s ufficie ntly s uch th at it is e as y<br />

to re m ove (Figure 5).<br />

Adjus ting th e Brow ning Se tting<br />

(Figure 2)<br />

Us ing th e s lide s w itch you can<br />

continuous ly adjus t th e brow ning s e tting<br />

<strong>from</strong> 1- 7 as re q uire d. Se tting 1 for ligh <strong>te</strong> s t<br />

brow ning. Se tting 7 for dark e s t brow ning.<br />

Us e a s e tting <strong>be</strong> tw e e n 1 and 3 w h e n you<br />

firs t s tart toas ting. If th e toas t is not<br />

brow ne d to your lik ing, s e t th e adjus <strong>te</strong> r<br />

low e r or h igh e r, h igh e r for e xam ple w h e n<br />

toas ting rye or dark bre ad. W h e n toas ting<br />

only 1 s lice and als o w h e n toas ting bre ad<br />

th at is no longe r fre s h , us e a s ligh tly low e r<br />

brow ning s e tting.<br />

W e w ould re com m e nd to adjus t a s e tting<br />

th at th e toas t is brow ne d to a „golde n<br />

ye low “ or „ligh t- brow n“ colour. Th e<br />

e le ctronic toas ting tim e re gulator e ns ure s<br />

th at once a brow ning s e tting h as <strong>be</strong> e n<br />

ch os e n, th e re s ults are alw ays th e s am e<br />

for th e s am e type of bre ad.<br />

Stop Button<br />

(Figure 2)<br />

<strong>Downloaded</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>www</strong>.<strong>vandenborre</strong>.<strong>be</strong><br />

If you w ant to in<strong>te</strong> rrupt toas ting, pre s s th e<br />

s top button. Th e appliance s w itch e s off.<br />

O nce ch os e n, th e brow ning s e tting<br />

re m ains unch ange d.<br />


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