Autom atic Toas te r 31.. Downloaded from www.vandenborre.be

Autom atic Toas te r 31.. Downloaded from www.vandenborre.be

Autom atic Toas te r 31.. Downloaded from www.vandenborre.be


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10<br />

De fros t Button<br />

(Figure 2)<br />

Als o pre s s th e de fros t button w h e n<br />

toas ting froz e n bre ad. Th is le ngth e ns th e<br />

toas ting tim e .<br />

W arm Up Button<br />

(Figure 2)<br />

To w arm up toas <strong>te</strong> d bre ad als o pre s s th e<br />

w arm up button to k e e p th e toas t w arm<br />

and cris p.<br />

Ro l Rack<br />

(Figure 5a, 5b, 5c)<br />

Your appliance is e q uippe d w ith a built- in<br />

ro l rack .<br />

Due to th e nature of th e function of th e<br />

appliance , th e ro l rack w i l <strong>be</strong> com e h ot<br />

during toas ting, th e re fore ne ve r touch th e<br />

m e tal parts .<br />

Th e ro l rack can <strong>be</strong> activa<strong>te</strong> d by turning<br />

th e ro l rack button clock w is e (Figure 5a).<br />

Place ro ls or oth e r bre ad for cris ping on<br />

th e rack , and s lide th e brow ning control to<br />

th e re q uire d brow ning s e tting (Figure 5b).<br />

Sw itch on th e toas <strong>te</strong> r us ing th e s tart le ve r<br />

(Figure 5c).<br />

W h e n th e toas <strong>te</strong> r h as s w itch e d off, turn<br />

th e bre ad. Re pe at th e proce s s .<br />

Ne ve r place ro ls or bre ad dire ctly on th e<br />

toas ting s lot.<br />

Turn th e ro l rack button coun<strong>te</strong> r -<br />

Clock w is e s o th at th e rack goe s<br />

dow nw ards .<br />

Cle aning and Care<br />

(Figure 6)<br />

Be fore cle aning, alw ays unplug and le ave<br />

th e toas <strong>te</strong> r to cool dow n.<br />

Crum bs dropping <strong>from</strong> th e bre ad during<br />

toas ting co le ct in th e crum b draw e r.<br />

Pu l out to th e s ide and re m ove th e crum bs .<br />

Do not us e caus tic or abras ive cle ane rs to<br />

cle an th e appliance . O nly cle an th e<br />

h ous ing w ith a dry or s ligh tly m ois t cloth .<br />

Liq uid m us t not <strong>be</strong> applie d to th e toas <strong>te</strong> r,<br />

th e toas <strong>te</strong> r m us t als o ne ve r <strong>be</strong> im m e rs e d<br />

in liq uid.<br />

Storage of Bre ad for <strong>Toas</strong> ting<br />

(Figure 7)<br />

In orde r to alw ays obtain e ve nly brow ne d<br />

toas t, ope ne d pack e ts of bre ad s h ould <strong>be</strong><br />

re s e ale d and s tore d w ith th e e nd th at h as<br />

<strong>be</strong> e n s tar<strong>te</strong> d dow nw ards .<br />

A = righ t<br />

B = w rong<br />

Te ch nical Data<br />

M ains voltage : 220 – 240 V<br />

Pow e r cons um ption: 730 – 870 W<br />

Th is appliance conform s w ith th e fo low ing<br />

EC Dire ctive s :<br />

• Low Voltage Dire ctive 20 0 6/9 5/EC<br />

• EM C Dire ctive 89 /336/EEC w ith<br />

am e ndm e nts 9 2/31/EEC and 9 3/68/EEC<br />

<strong>Downloaded</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>www</strong>.<strong>vandenborre</strong>.<strong>be</strong>

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