Quantifying Uncontrolled Landfill Gas Emissions from Two Florida ...

Quantifying Uncontrolled Landfill Gas Emissions from Two Florida ...

Quantifying Uncontrolled Landfill Gas Emissions from Two Florida ...


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<strong>Quantifying</strong> <strong>Uncontrolled</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong><br />

<strong>Emissions</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong>s<br />

Final Report<br />

Prepared by:<br />

ARCADIS U.S., Inc.<br />

4915 Prospectus Drive, Suite F<br />

Durham, North Carolina 27713<br />

Tel 919 544 4535<br />

EPA Contract No.: EP-C-04-023<br />

Work Assignment Number: 4-26<br />

Project No.: RN990234.0026<br />

Prepared for:<br />

EPA Project Officer<br />

Susan Alice Thorneloe<br />

Air Pollution Prevention and Control Division<br />

National Risk Management and Research Laboratory<br />

Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711<br />

February 2009<br />

EPA/600/R-09/046<br />

May 2009

Notice<br />

The information in this document has been funded wholly or in part by the U.S. Environmental Protection<br />

Agency (EPA) in fulfillment of Contract No. EP-C-04-023 to ARCADIS U.S., Inc. It has been subject<br />

to the Agency’s peer and administrative review, and it has been approved for publication as an EPA<br />

document. Mention of trade names of commercial products does not constitute an endorsement or<br />

recommendation for use.<br />


Foreword<br />

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is charged by Congress with protecting the<br />

Nation's land, air, and water resources. Under a mandate of national environmental laws, the<br />

Agency strives to formulate and implement actions leading to a compatible balance between<br />

human activities and the ability of natural systems to support and nurture life. To meet this<br />

mandate, EPA's research program is providing data and technical support for solving<br />

environmental problems today and building a science knowledge base necessary to manage our<br />

ecological resources wisely, understand how pollutants affect our health, and prevent or reduce<br />

environmental risks in the future.<br />

The National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL) is the Agency's center for<br />

investigation of technological and management approaches for preventing and reducing risks<br />

<strong>from</strong> pollution that threaten human health and the environment. The focus of the Laboratory's<br />

research program is on methods and their cost-effectiveness for prevention and control of<br />

pollution to air, land, water, and subsurface resources; protection of water quality in public water<br />

systems; remediation of contaminated sites, sediments and ground water; prevention and control<br />

of indoor air pollution; and restoration of ecosystems. NRMRL collaborates with both public and<br />

private sector partners to foster technologies that reduce the cost of compliance and to anticipate<br />

emerging problems. NRMRL's research provides solutions to environmental problems by:<br />

developing and promoting technologies that protect and improve the environment;<br />

advancing scientific and engineering information to support regulatory and policy decisions; and<br />

providing the technical support and information transfer to ensure implementation of<br />

environmental regulations and strategies at the national, state, and community levels.<br />

This publication has been produced as part of the Laboratory's strategic long-term research plan.<br />

It is published and made available by EPA's Office of Research and Development to assist the<br />

user community and to link researchers with their clients.<br />

Sally Gutierrez, Director<br />

National Risk Management Research Laboratory

Table of Contents<br />

Executive Summary..................................................................................................................... xiii<br />

Chapter 1 Project Description...................................................................................................... 1-1<br />

1.1 Background.................................................................................................................. 1-1<br />

1.2 Optical Remote Sensing Instrumentation .................................................................... 1-3<br />

1.3 Vertical Radial Plume Mapping Method ..................................................................... 1-5<br />

1.4 Total NMOC Measurements........................................................................................ 1-7<br />

1.5 Total and Organo-Mercury Measurements.................................................................. 1-7<br />

1.6 Elemental Mercury Measurements .............................................................................. 1-8<br />

1.7 Calculation of NMOC Fluxes ...................................................................................... 1-9<br />

1.8 Field Schedule.............................................................................................................. 1-9<br />

Chapter 2 Test Procedures ........................................................................................................... 2-1<br />

2.1 Optical Remote Sensing Measurements at <strong>Landfill</strong> Site #1 ........................................ 2-1<br />

2.1.1 Control Cell..........................................................................................................2-1<br />

2.1.2 Bioreactor Cell.....................................................................................................2-2<br />

2.1.3 Background Measurements.................................................................................. 2-3<br />

2.2 Optical Remote Sensing Measurements at <strong>Landfill</strong> Site #2 ........................................ 2-3<br />

2.2.1 Control Cell..........................................................................................................2-3<br />

2.2.2 Bioreactor Cell.....................................................................................................2-5<br />

2.2.3 Background Measurements.................................................................................. 2-6<br />

2.3 Total and Speciated Mercury Sampling....................................................................... 2-6<br />

2.4 Lumex Elemental Mercury Field Sampling................................................................. 2-7<br />

2.5 Summa Canister Sampling........................................................................................... 2-7<br />

Chapter 3 Results and Discussion................................................................................................ 3-1<br />

3.1 <strong>Landfill</strong> Site #1 ............................................................................................................ 3-1<br />

3.1.1 Control Cell..........................................................................................................3-1<br />

3.1.2 Bioreactor Cell.....................................................................................................3-5<br /> February 22 ...................................................................................................... 3-5<br />


3.1.3 Total Site Methane <strong>Emissions</strong> ...........................................................................3-10<br />

3.1.4 Summa Canister Sampling.................................................................................3-13<br />

3.1.5 Total Mercury Measurements............................................................................ 3-16<br />

3.1.6 Dimethyl Mercury Measurements .....................................................................3-17<br />

3.1.7 Monomethyl Mercury Measurements................................................................3-17<br />

3.1.8 Elemental Mercury Measurements ....................................................................3-18<br />

3.1.9 Calculation of NMOC Fluxes ............................................................................3-18<br />

3.2 <strong>Landfill</strong> Site #2 .......................................................................................................... 3-20<br />

3.2.1 Control Cell........................................................................................................3-20<br /> February 24 .................................................................................................... 3-20<br /> February 25 .................................................................................................... 3-24<br />

3.2.2 Bioreactor Cell...................................................................................................3-28<br /> February 23 .................................................................................................... 3-28<br /> February 24 .................................................................................................... 3-31<br />

3.2.3 Total Site Methane <strong>Emissions</strong> ...........................................................................3-33<br />

3.2.4 Summa Canister Sampling.................................................................................3-34<br />

3.2.5 Total Mercury Measurements............................................................................ 3-36<br />

3.2.6 Dimethyl Mercury Measurements .....................................................................3-37<br />

3.2.7 Monomethyl Mercury Measurements................................................................3-37<br />

3.2.8 Elemental Mercury Measurements ....................................................................3-38<br />

3.2.9 Calculation of NMOC Fluxes ............................................................................3-38<br />

3.3 <strong>Gas</strong> and Mercury Sampling Results <strong>from</strong> the October 2007 Field Campaign .......... 3-40<br />

3.3.1 Total Mercury Concentrations ...........................................................................3-40<br />

3.3.2 <strong>Gas</strong> Sampling Results ........................................................................................3-41<br />

Chapter 4 Conclusion................................................................................................................... 4-1<br />

Chapter 5 Quality Assurance/Quality Control............................................................................. 5-1<br />

5.1 Equipment Calibration................................................................................................. 5-1<br />

5.2 Assessment of DQI Goals............................................................................................ 5-2<br />

5.2.1 DQI Check for Methane PIC Measurement with OP-TDLAS ............................5-2<br />

5.2.2 DQI Check for Analyte PIC Measurement with OP-FTIR..................................5-3<br />

5.2.3 Inter-comparison Study of OP-FTIR and OP-TDLAS Instruments .................... 5-4<br />

5.2.4 DQI Checks for Ambient Wind Speed and Wind Direction Measurements .......5-5<br />


5.2.5 DQI Check for Precision and Accuracy of Theodolite Measurements................5-6<br />

5.2.6 DQI Check for Lumex Mercury Analyzer........................................................... 5-6<br />

5.2.7 DQI Check of Total Mercury Samples ................................................................5-7<br />

5.2.8 DQI Check of Dimethyl Mercury Samples .........................................................5-7<br />

5.2.9 DQI Check of Monomethyl Mercury Samples.................................................... 5-8<br />

5.2.10 DQI Check of VOC Samples with SUMMA® Canisters.................................... 5-9<br />

5.3 QC Checks of OP-FTIR Instrument Performance....................................................... 5-9<br />

Chapter 6 References ................................................................................................................... 6-1<br />

APPENDIX A Vertical Radial Plume Mapping (VRPM) Algorithm .............................................1<br />

APPENDIX B Open Path Instrument Mirror Coordinates..............................................................1<br />

APPENDIX C Path-Averaged Methane Concentration Values Used for <strong>Emissions</strong><br />

Calculations......................................................................................................................................1<br />


List of Tables<br />

Table 1-1. Target Compound List .................................................................................................1-8<br />

Table 1-2. Schedule of Work Performed at the Sites..................................................................1-10<br />

Table 3-1. Calculated methane flux and prevailing wind speed and direction measured<br />

along the northern VRPM configuration in the control cell of Site #1.......................3-4<br />

Table 3-2. Calculated methane flux and prevailing wind speed and direction measured<br />

along the eastern VRPM configuration in the control cell of Site #1.........................3-4<br />

Table 3-3. Calculated methane flux and prevailing wind speed and direction measured<br />

along the western VRPM configuration in the control cell of Site #1........................3-4<br />

Table 3-4. Calculated methane flux and prevailing wind speed and direction measured on<br />

February 22 along the northern VRPM configuration in the bioreactor cell of<br />

Site #1 ...........................................................................................................................3-7<br />

Table 3-5. Calculated methane flux and prevailing wind speed and direction measured on<br />

February 22 along the eastern VRPM configuration in the bioreactor cell of Site<br />

#1...................................................................................................................................3-8<br />

Table 3-6. Calculated methane flux and prevailing wind speed and direction measured on<br />

February 22 along the southern VRPM configuration in the bioreactor cell of<br />

Site #1 ...........................................................................................................................3-9<br />

Table 3-7. Calculated methane flux and prevailing wind speed and direction measured on<br />

February 22 along the western VRPM configuration in the bioreactor cell of<br />

Site #1 .........................................................................................................................3-10<br />

Table 3-8. Summary of total site methane emissions calculations <strong>from</strong> Site #1 .......................3-12<br />

Table 3-9. Results of TO-15 analysis <strong>from</strong> Site #1.....................................................................3-14<br />

Table 3-10. Results of C1 to C6 and permanent gases by GC/FID/TCD <strong>from</strong> Site #1 ...............3-16<br />

Table 3-11. Results of Method 25-C analysis <strong>from</strong> Site #1..........................................................3-16<br />

Table 3-12. Total Mercury Sample Concentrations <strong>from</strong> Site #1 ................................................3-17<br />

Table 3-13. Dimethyl Mercury Sample Concentrations <strong>from</strong> Site #1..........................................3-17<br />

Table 3-14. Monomethyl Mercury Concentrations (ng/m 3 ) <strong>from</strong> Site #1....................................3-18<br />

Table 3-15. Estimated NMOC Flux Values <strong>from</strong> the Control and Bioreactor Cells of Site #1 ..3-19<br />


Table 3-16. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction Measured<br />

on February 24 along the Northern VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of<br />

Site #2 .........................................................................................................................3-21<br />

Table 3-17. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction Measured<br />

on February 24 along the Eastern VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of<br />

Site #2 .........................................................................................................................3-22<br />

Table 3-18. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction Measured<br />

on February 24 along the Southern VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of<br />

Site #2 .........................................................................................................................3-23<br />

Table 3-19. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction Measured<br />

on February 24 along the Western VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of<br />

Site #2 .........................................................................................................................3-24<br />

Table 3-20. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction Measured<br />

on February 25 along the Northern VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of<br />

Site #2 .........................................................................................................................3-26<br />

Table 3-21. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction Measured<br />

on February 25 along the Eastern VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of<br />

Site #2 .........................................................................................................................3-26<br />

Table 3-22. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction Measured<br />

on February 25 along the Southern VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of<br />

Site #2 .........................................................................................................................3-27<br />

Table 3-23. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction Measured<br />

on February 25 along the Western VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of<br />

Site #2 .........................................................................................................................3-27<br />

Table 3-24. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction Measured<br />

on February 23 along the Northern VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor Cell<br />

of Site #2.....................................................................................................................3-29<br />

Table 3-25. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction Measured<br />

on February 23 along the Eastern VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor Cell<br />

of Site #2.....................................................................................................................3-29<br />

Table 3-26. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction Measured<br />

on February 23 along the Southern VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor Cell<br />

of Site #2.....................................................................................................................3-30<br />

Table 3-27. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction Measured<br />

on February 23 along the Western VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor Cell<br />

of Site #2.....................................................................................................................3-30<br />


Table 3-28. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction Measured<br />

on February 24 along the Northern VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor Cell<br />

of Site #2.....................................................................................................................3-32<br />

Table 3-29. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction Measured<br />

on February 24 along the Eastern VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor Cell<br />

of Site #2.....................................................................................................................3-32<br />

Table 3-30. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction Measured<br />

on February 24 along the Southern VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor Cell<br />

of Site #2.....................................................................................................................3-32<br />

Table 3-31. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction Measured<br />

on February 24 along the Western VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor Cell<br />

of Site #2.....................................................................................................................3-33<br />

Table 3-32. Summary of Total Site Methane <strong>Emissions</strong> Calculations <strong>from</strong> Site #2 ...................3-33<br />

Table 3-33. Results for TO-15 Analysis <strong>from</strong> Site #2 ..................................................................3-34<br />

Table 3-34. Results for C1 to C6 and Permanent <strong>Gas</strong>es by GC/FID/TCD <strong>from</strong> Site #2.............3-36<br />

Table 3-35. Results for Method 25-C Analysis <strong>from</strong> Site #2 .......................................................3-36<br />

Table 3-36. Total Mercury Sample Concentrations <strong>from</strong> Site #2 ................................................3-37<br />

Table 3-37. Dimethyl Mercury Sample Concentrations <strong>from</strong> Site #2..........................................3-37<br />

Table 3-38. Monomethyl Mercury Concentrations (ng/m 3 ) <strong>from</strong> Site #2....................................3-38<br />

Table 3-39. Estimated NMOC Flux Values <strong>from</strong> the Control and Bioreactor Cells of Site #2 ..3-39<br />

Table 3-40. Total Mercury Concentrations Measured at Site #1 during the October 2007<br />

Field Campaign ..........................................................................................................3-40<br />

Table 3-41. Total Mercury Concentrations Measured at Site #2 during the October 2007<br />

Field Campaign ..........................................................................................................3-41<br />

Table 3-42. <strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> Composition Data Collected at Sites #1 and #2 during the October<br />

2007 Field Campaign .................................................................................................3-41<br />

Table 4-1. Average Calculated Methane Flux (g/s) Value From Each <strong>Landfill</strong> Cell ..................4-1<br />

Table 4-2. Average Concentrations of Total, Dimethyl, Monomethyl, and Elemental<br />

Mercury Measured at Each Site...................................................................................4-2<br />

Table 5-1. Instrumentation Calibration Frequency and Description ............................................5-1<br />

Table 5-2. DQI Goals for Instrumentation ....................................................................................5-2<br />

Table 5-3. Accuracy of Concentration Measurements for Different R 2 Value ............................5-3<br />


Table 5-4. Precision Ranges for Total Mercury Measurements at Sites #1 and #2 (February<br />

2007) .............................................................................................................................5-7<br />

Table 5-5. Precision Ranges for Total Mercury Measurements at Sites #1 and #2 (October<br />

2008) .............................................................................................................................5-7<br />

Table 5-6. Precision ranges for Dimethyl Mercury Measurements for Sites #1 and #2..............5-8<br />

Table 5-7. Precision Ranges for Monomethyl Mercury Measurements for Sites #1 and #2.......5-8<br />

Table 5-8. Precision ranges for Method 25-C Measurements at Sites #1 and #2 ........................5-9<br />

Table 5-9. Precision ranges for GC/FID/TCD Measurements at Sites #1 and #2 .......................5-9<br />

Table B-1. Distance, and Horizontal and Vertical Coordinates of Mirrors Used by the<br />

Boreal OP-TDLAS in the Control Cell VRPM Survey at Site #1.............................B-1<br />

Table B-2. Distance, and Horizontal and Vertical Coordinates of Mirrors Used by the<br />

IMACC OP-FTIR in the Control Cell VRPM Survey at Site #1. .............................B-1<br />

Table B-4 Distance, and Horizontal and Vertical Coordinates of Mirrors Used by the<br />

IMACC OP-FTIR in the Bioreactor cell VRPM Survey at Site #1...........................B-2<br />

Table B-5. Distance, and Horizontal and Vertical Coordinates of Mirrors Used by the<br />

Boreal OP-TDLAS in the Bioreactor cell VRPM Survey at Site #2.........................B-3<br />

Table B-6 Distance, and Horizontal and Vertical Coordinates of Mirrors Used by the<br />

IMACC OP-FTIR in the Bioreactor cell VRPM Survey at Site #2..........................B-3<br />

Table B-7. Distance, and Horizontal and Vertical Coordinates of Mirrors Used by the<br />

Boreal OP-TDLAS in the Control Cell VRPM Survey at Site #2............................B-4<br />

Table B-8. Distance, and Horizontal and Vertical Coordinates of Mirrors Used by the<br />

IMACC OP-FTIR in the Control Cell VRPM Survey at Site #2. ............................B-4<br />

Table C-1. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found Along the Northern VRPM<br />

Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #1 .............................................................C-1<br />

Table C-2. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found Along the Eastern VRPM<br />

Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #1 .............................................................C-2<br />

Table C-3. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found Along the Western VRPM<br />

Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #1 .............................................................C-3<br />

Table C-4. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found Along the Southern Beam Path in the<br />

Control Cell of Site #1 ...............................................................................................C-4<br />

Table C-5. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 22 along the Northern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #1.............................................C-5<br />


Table C-6. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 22 along the Eastern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #1..............................................C-6<br />

Table C-7. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 22 along the Southern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #1..............................................C-7<br />

Table C-8. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 22 along the Western<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #1..............................................C-8<br />

Table C-9. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 24 along the Northern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #2..................................................C-9<br />

Table C-10. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 24 along the Eastern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #2.................................................C-10<br />

Table C-11. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 24 along the Southern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #2.................................................C-11<br />

Table C-12. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 24 along the Western<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #2.................................................C-12<br />

Table C-13. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 25 along the Northern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #2.................................................C-13<br />

Table C-14. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 25 along the Eastern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #2.................................................C-14<br />

Table C-15. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 25 along the Southern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #2.................................................C-15<br />

Table C-16. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 25 along the Western<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #2.................................................C-16<br />

Table C-17. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 23 along the Northern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #2............................................C-17<br />

Table C-18. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 23 along the Eastern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #2.............................................C-18<br />

Table C-19. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 23 along the Southern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #2.............................................C-19<br />

Table C-20. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 23 along the Western<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #2.............................................C-19<br />

Table C-21. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 24 along the Northern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #2.............................................C-20<br />

Table C-22. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 24 along the Eastern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #2.............................................C-20<br />


Table C-23. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 24 along the Southern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #2.............................................C-21<br />

Table C-24. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 24 along the Western<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #2.............................................C-21<br />


List of Figures<br />

Figure 1-1. Map of Site #1 detailing the location of the survey cells ............................................1-2<br />

Figure 1-2. Map of Site #2 detailing the location of the survey cells ............................................1-3<br />

Figure 1-3. Scanning Boreal <strong>Gas</strong>Finder 2.0 instrument.................................................................1-4<br />

Figure 1-4. Scanning IMACC OP-FTIR instrument......................................................................1-5<br />

Figure 1-5. Schematic of the VRPM configuration used during this study...................................1-6<br />

Figure 2-1. Schematic of measurement configuration at the control cell of Site #1 .....................2-1<br />

Figure 2-2. Detail of measurement configuration at the control cell of Site #1 ............................2-2<br />

Figure 2-4. Schematic of measurement configuration at the control cell of Site #2 .....................2-4<br />

Figure 2-5. Detail of the measurement configuration at the control cell of Site #2 ......................2-4<br />

Figure 2-6. Schematic of measurement configuration at the control cell of Site #2 .....................2-5<br />

Figure 2-7. Detail of the measurement configuration at the control cell of Site #2 ......................2-5<br />

Figure 3-1. Summary of ORS measurements <strong>from</strong> the 4:00 pm survey of the control cell of<br />

Site #1 ...........................................................................................................................3-2<br />

Figure 3-2. Summary of ORS measurements <strong>from</strong> the 5:00 pm survey of the control cell of<br />

Site #1 ...........................................................................................................................3-3<br />

Figure 3-3. Summary of ORS measurements conducted on February 22 in the bioreactor<br />

cell of Site #1................................................................................................................3-6<br />

Figure 3-4. Summary of ORS measurements conducted on Feb. 24 in the control cell of<br />

Site #2 .........................................................................................................................3-20<br />

Figure 3-5. Summary of ORS measurements conducted on Feb. 25 in the control cell of<br />

Site #2. ........................................................................................................................3-25<br />

Figure 3-6. Summary of ORS measurements conducted on Feb. 23 in bioreactor cell of Site<br />

#2.................................................................................................................................3-28<br />

Figure 3-7 Summary of ORS measurements conducted on Feb. 24 in the bioreactor cell of<br />

Site #2 .........................................................................................................................3-31<br />

Figure 5-1. Results of the Methane <strong>Gas</strong>finder Calibration Experiment ........................................5-5<br />

Figure A-1. Example of a VRPM Configuration Setup................................................................A-2<br />


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Executive Summary<br />

Waste decomposition in a municipal landfill is a biological process which occurs over multiple<br />

decades <strong>from</strong> initial waste placement. Use of leachate recirculation is getting more widespread<br />

use in the U.S. because it results in accelerating waste decomposition and extending landfill air<br />

space (allowing more waste to be deposited in the landfill). Differences in how leachate and<br />

other liquids are added and how the site is designed and managed will lead to differences in the<br />

quantity of landfill gas that is not collected and controlled. Some landfills are designed and<br />

operated to minimize fugitive loss such as the landfill site in Yolo County, California where<br />

liquid is not added until synthetic liners are in place surrounding the waste mass including the<br />

top of the cell (http://www.yolocounty.org/). Other sites are operated to add liquid as soon as<br />

waste is placed in the landfill at the working face (U.S. EPA, 2005a). With this type of<br />

operation, there is no ability to collect and control fugitive loss.<br />

There are limited data on which to base the performance of wet landfills to traditional landfill<br />

operation (i.e., not leachate recirculation). The most extensive work to date was released in 2005<br />

and evaluated gas extraction data <strong>from</strong> twenty-nine wet landfill sites (U.S. EPA, 2005b; Faour et<br />

al., 2007). The data were used to develop inputs for gas generation using a first-order<br />

decomposition rate equation. For a few sites there were longer term data to evaluate trends over<br />

time. However, most of the data were <strong>from</strong> a single sampling event (only one point in time).<br />

None of the sites provided data on potential fugitive loss such as delays in gas collection <strong>from</strong><br />

waste placement or leaks in the surface cover or landfill gas header pipes and extraction wells.<br />

The purpose of this study is to evaluate fugitive loss <strong>from</strong> two different municipal landfills which<br />

were reported to be operating as a wet or bioreactor landfill and have an area regarded as a<br />

“control” cell (where no additional liquid was added). Fugitive methane emissions were<br />

measured at both sites for the “wet” and “control” cells using optical remote sensing (ORS)<br />

technology. <strong>Two</strong> different instruments were used - an open-path tunable diode laser (OP­<br />

TDLAS) instrument by Boreal, Inc (the <strong>Gas</strong>-Finder 2.0) and an open-path Fourier transform<br />

infrared (OP-FTIR) instrument by IMACC, Inc. The measurements were conducted using<br />

vertical radial plume mapping (VRPM) to calculate net methane-flux emission values <strong>from</strong> the<br />

top and side slopes of each landfill cell. In addition to the ORS measurements, SUMMA canister<br />

samples were collected <strong>from</strong> the gas header pipes at the sites to obtain data on trace constituents<br />

in landfills gas including non-methane organic compounds (NMOC), hydrogen sulfide, mercury,<br />

and other hazardous air pollutants (HAPs).<br />

Problems were encountered during the field test. An intercomparison study was planned to<br />

ensure no bias in measurements when using two different ORS instruments (i.e., OP-FTIR and<br />

TDL). A regression analysis indicated that the TDL-AS instrument indicating a potential 40%<br />

bias. However, the very limited number of measurements (n = 7) and the poor regression<br />

coefficient (r 2 = 0.20), raise questions as to the validity of the intercomparison results. Previous<br />


experience with OP-FTIR and TDL instruments and in other projects has demonstrated that the<br />

two instrument exhibit good comparability. Therefore, methane flux results <strong>from</strong> the two<br />

instruments are assumed to be comparable.<br />

Ideally longer term data are desired than what was conducted for this study. Additionally, given<br />

the range in landfill design and operation, data <strong>from</strong> a wider variety sites are preferred to better<br />

account for differences in fugitive loss. For example, one of the sites added fresh layer of soil to<br />

the bioreactor cell immediately before the testing. How would emission results compare if field<br />

testing could have been conducted before the soil layer was added or six months later? As wider<br />

application of wet landfill operation is used, improvements will occur in design and operation.<br />

How will this affect fugitive loss? How do uncontrolled emissions compare for sites where<br />

liquid is added directly to the work face (where there is no ability to collect and control) versus<br />

landfills where leachate recirculation or other liquid addition is delayed until liners are in place<br />

surrounding the waste mass (including the top of the waste mass)?<br />

Using the OP-ORS data, methane emission flux rates were calculated for each cell. The methane<br />

flux results for landfill #1 indicate that fugitive methane emissions <strong>from</strong> the bioreactor cell were<br />

about twice that of the control cell (1,500 vs 3,800 kg/day). At landfill #2, methane emissions<br />

<strong>from</strong> the control cell were found to be about 5 times higher than the bioreactor cell (~6,000 vs<br />

1,200 kg/day). This is attributed to the fact that no liquid additions had been added to the<br />

bioreactor for several months because of heavy rainfall <strong>from</strong> a recent series of hurricanes. In<br />

addition, a fresh layer of soil had just been added to the surface of the bioreactor cell just prior to<br />

when the field measurements were conducted. An estimate of the total site emissions were<br />

calculated for Site #1 (5,300 kg/day) and site #2 (7,300 kg/day).<br />

This report provides the results <strong>from</strong> field tests for two landfills. Work is underway through<br />

EPA to develop additional guidance for the use of OTM-10 for landfill applications. It is hoped<br />

that, as additional tests are conducted, data will be available to better understand the amount of<br />

uncontrolled landfill gas and potential differences in fugitive loss between wet versus traditional<br />

landfill design and operation. For further information on EPA emission factors for landfill gas,<br />

please refer to EPA’s Section 2-4 in AP42 (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ap42/ch02/index.html,<br />

U.S. EPA, 2008).<br />


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1.1 Background<br />

Chapter 1<br />

Project Description<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> gas emissions, if left uncontrolled, contribute to air toxics, climate change, tropospheric<br />

ozone, and urban smog. Measuring emissions <strong>from</strong> landfills presents unique challenges due to<br />

the large and variable source area, spatial and temporal variability of emissions, and the wide<br />

variety of target pollutants. Recent advancements have been made for improved quantification of<br />

uncontrolled emissions <strong>from</strong> area sources. This technology is referred to as radial plume<br />

mapping (RPM) using optical remote sensing (ORS) instrumentation to quantify uncontrolled<br />

emissions. The method has been applied to perform multiple emissions measurement campaigns<br />

at former landfill sites (U.S. EPA, 2004; U.S. EPA, 2005c; U.S. EPA, 2005d). A summary of<br />

ORS measurements at landfills as well as an overview of this technology was published in an<br />

EPA report in 2007 [Evaluation of Fugitive <strong>Emissions</strong> Using Ground-Based Optical Remote<br />

Sensing Technology (EPA/600/R-07/032), Feb 2007; available at<br />

http://www.epa.gov/nrmrl/pubs/ 600r07032/600r07032.pdf]. This technology can be used at<br />

landfills to quantify uncontrolled emissions for: (1) input to obtaining Title V permits for landfill<br />

expansion; (2) establishing emission estimates for greenhouse gas inventories; (3) evaluating the<br />

suitability of a site for recreational use or development; and (4) evaluating the performance of<br />

technology changes such as use of alternative landfill cover materials or operation of<br />

wet/bioreactor landfills.<br />

For older sites, site-specific data on waste acceptance rates, waste composition, and other data<br />

needed for modeling landfill gas emissions are often not available. In EPA’s guidance for<br />

evaluating landfill gas emissions <strong>from</strong> older landfills being considered for Brownfield<br />

development or recreational use, radial plume mapping is suggested as a preferred approach to<br />

reliance on modeling landfill gas emissions. [Guidance for Evaluating <strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Emissions</strong><br />

<strong>from</strong> Closed or Abandoned Facilities (EPA-600/R-05/123a). Available at:<br />

http://www.epa.gov/ORD/NRMRL/pubs/600r05123/600r05123.pdf.].<br />

At sites where new technology is being used in the design and operation of landfills, radial<br />

plume mapping can help to establish a comparison of emissions <strong>from</strong> different landfill practices.<br />

For this report, data were collected at two municipal sites in <strong>Florida</strong> that were operating landfills<br />

as a bioreactor to accelerate waste decomposition. This report provides results <strong>from</strong><br />

measurements collected in the areas being operated as a bioreactor and at other areas that were<br />

considered by the site operator to be a control cell.<br />

ARCADIS and EPA conducted a measurement campaign at each site using one scanning<br />

<strong>Gas</strong>Finder 2.0 methane OP-TDLAS instrument (Boreal, Inc) and one scanning OP-FTIR<br />


instrument (IMACC, Inc.). Figures 1-1 and 1-2 present the overall layout of Site #1 and Site #2,<br />

respectively, detailing the geographic location of each measurement cell.<br />

In addition to the ORS measurements, SUMMA® canister samples were collected <strong>from</strong> the gas<br />

header pipes at the sites to obtain data on volatile organic compound (VOC) constituents in the<br />

landfill gas. The primary goals of the study were to evaluate and compare emissions of methane<br />

and hazardous air pollutants (HAP) <strong>from</strong> bioreactor and control cells at the sites and generate an<br />

estimate of total site methane emissions. The data collected at the sites were used to calculate an<br />

emission flux rate <strong>from</strong> the cells for each compound investigated.<br />

A second focus of this study was to quantify the level of mercury concentrations in landfill gas.<br />

Data on total, elemental and organo-mercury (including methyl and dimethyl mercury) were<br />

collected in the vicinity of the gas header pipes at the site.<br />

Figure 1-1. Map of Site #1 detailing the location of the survey cells<br />


Figure 1-2. Map of Site #2 detailing the location of the survey cells<br />

1.2 Optical Remote Sensing Instrumentation<br />

The current study used two optical remote sensing instruments to collect path-integrated<br />

concentration data at the sites. Each instrument was mounted on a scanner, and collected pathintegrated<br />

methane concentration data along multiple path lengths.<br />

The Boreal <strong>Gas</strong>Finder 2.0 OP-TDLAS instrument is designed for area and fugitive source<br />

emission characterization. The infrared laser emits radiation at a particular wavelength in the<br />

infrared region when an electrical current is passed through it. The light wavelength depends on<br />

the current and therefore allows scanning over an absorption feature and analyzing for the target<br />

gas concentration, using Beer’s law. The laser signal is transmitted <strong>from</strong> a single telescope to a<br />

retro-reflecting mirror target, which is usually set up at a range of 100 to 1500 m. The returned<br />

light signal is received by the single telescope and directed to a detector. The instrument provides<br />

instantaneous, path-integrated methane concentration data. The single channel methane<br />

<strong>Gas</strong>Finder 2.0 was used for the current campaign. Figure 1-3 presents a picture of the <strong>Gas</strong>Finder<br />

2.0 instrument that was used for this study.<br />


Figure 1-3. Scanning Boreal <strong>Gas</strong>Finder 2.0 instrument<br />

The IMACC OP-FTIR Spectrometer is designed for both fence-line monitoring applications, and<br />

real-time, on-site, remediation monitoring and source characterization. An infrared light beam,<br />

modulated by a Michelson interferometer, is transmitted <strong>from</strong> a single telescope to a mirror<br />

target, which is usually set up at a range of 100 to 500 meters. The returned light signal is<br />

received by the single telescope and directed to a detector. The light is absorbed by the<br />

molecules in the beam path as the light propagates to the mirror and again as the light is reflected<br />

back to the analyzer. Thus, the round-trip path of the light doubles the chemical absorption<br />

signal. One advantage of OP-FTIR monitoring is that the concentrations of a multitude of<br />

infrared absorbing gaseous chemicals can be detected and measured simultaneously, with high<br />

temporal resolution. Figure 1-4 presents a picture of the IMACC OP-FTIR used for the current<br />

study.<br />


Figure 1-4. Scanning IMACC OP-FTIR instrument<br />

1.3 Vertical Radial Plume Mapping Method<br />

The vertical radial plume mapping (VRPM) method maps pollutant concentrations in the vertical<br />

plane by scanning the ORS instrument in a vertical plane downwind <strong>from</strong> an area source. One<br />

can obtain the plane-integrated concentration <strong>from</strong> the reconstructed concentration maps. The<br />

downwind emissions flux is calculated by multiplying the plane-integrated concentration by the<br />

wind speed component perpendicular to the vertical plane. Thus, the VRPM method leads to a<br />

direct measurement-based determination of the upwind source emission rate (Hashmonay et al.,<br />

1998; Hashmonay and Yost, 1999; Hashmonay et al., 2001; Hashmonay et al., 2008). Under the<br />

auspices of the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DoD) Environmental Security Technology<br />

Certification Program (ESTCP) and the U.S. EPA a radial plume mapping (RPM) methodology<br />

to directly characterize gaseous emissions <strong>from</strong> area sources has been demonstrated and<br />

validated, and a protocol has been developed and peer reviewed. This EPA “Other Test Method”<br />

was made available for use on the U.S. EPA website in July 2006, and can be found at<br />

www.epa.gov/ttn/emc/tmethods.html.<br />

The VRPM configuration consists of a scanning ORS instrument, a scissors jack or similar<br />

vertical structure (between 5 and 15 meters high) deployed between 50 and 300 meters <strong>from</strong> the<br />

instrument, and multiple mirrors. Typically, three mirrors are deployed along the ground<br />

between the ORS instrument and the vertical structure, one mirror is mounted midway up the<br />

vertical structure, and one mirror is mounted on top of the vertical structure. Wind speed and<br />


wind direction data are collected near the base of the vertical structure, and at the top of the<br />

vertical structure.<br />

During previous measurement projects, there have been questions about whether or not<br />

emissions <strong>from</strong> major hot spots in the landfill cells were being completely captured by the<br />

VRPM configuration. In the past, surface measurement surveys were done to locate the position<br />

of the emission hot spots in the landfill cells, and the VRPM configuration was deployed directly<br />

downwind of the hot spots. The exact location of the VRPM configuration was based on<br />

prevailing or forecasted wind directions.<br />

In order to address concerns related to emissions capture, an improved VRPM configuration was<br />

used for the current study. The improved configuration allowed the project team to collect data<br />

regardless of the prevailing wind direction and ensured that emissions <strong>from</strong> major surface hot<br />

spots in the cells were captured by the measurement configuration. The improved configuration<br />

also enabled the project team to characterize any emissions originating <strong>from</strong> the slopes of the<br />

landfill cells.<br />

The improved configuration consisted of deploying four separate VRPM configurations using<br />

two vertical structures and two scanning ORS systems. Figure 1-5 presents an overhead<br />

schematic of the improved VRPM configuration.<br />

Figure 1-5. Schematic of the VRPM configuration used during this study<br />


The two scanning ORS instruments were deployed on top of each measurement area, in opposite<br />

corners of the landfill cells. Each instrument was used to scan to two five-mirror VRPM<br />

configurations. Path-integrated concentration data were collected along each beam path in the<br />

configuration. These data were input into the VRPM algorithm with wind data (collected<br />

concurrently) to produce an emissions plume map and downwind emissions flux value. More<br />

information on the VRPM algorithm can be found in Appendix A of this document.<br />

1.4 Total NMOC Measurements<br />

Concentrations of NMOC were determined <strong>from</strong> samples of landfill gas collected <strong>from</strong> the gas<br />

header pipe at each site. The samples were collected using an adapted version of EPA Method<br />

0040 – Sampling of Principal Organic Hazardous Constituents <strong>from</strong> Combustion Sources Using<br />

Tedlar Bags. This modified Method 0040 used the same analytical technique detailed in the<br />

method, but used the samples collected in a Summa canister. Analysis of VOC concentrations<br />

was done by Research Triangle Park Laboratories, Inc. using EPA Method TO-15,<br />

Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Air Collected in Specially-Prepared<br />

Canisters and Analyzed by <strong>Gas</strong> Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) as seen in the<br />

Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient Air,<br />

Second Edition (EPA 625/R-96/010b), and EPA Method 25-C, Determination of Nonmethane<br />

Organic Compounds in <strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong>. <strong>Landfill</strong> gases were also measured using a landfill gas<br />

monitor for the measurement of methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen<br />

sulfide. Table 1-1 presents a list of target compounds for the GC/MS analysis. The list includes<br />

compounds identified as landfill gas constituents in Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission<br />

Factors, AP-42 (U.S. EPA, 1997).<br />

1.5 Total and Organo-Mercury Measurements<br />

Total and organo- mercury samples were collected at a location in the vicinity of a gas header<br />

pipe at each site. The total mercury samples were collected using an iodated charcoal trap as a<br />

sorbent. A backup tube was also present to assess any breakthrough. Additional samples were<br />

collected to analyze concentrations of organo-mercury (monomethyl and dimethyl). The<br />

methods, developed by Frontier Geosciences, involve drawing a measured volume of sample gas<br />

through different adsorbers, at a draw rate of approximately 400 L/min. The method used to<br />

collect samples for monomethylmercury (MMM) used a condenser train consisting of several<br />

water impingers in an ice bath. Dimethylmercury (DMM) is collected on a carbotrap cartridge.<br />

Samples were recovered, digested, and analyzed for mercury by cold-vapor atomic fluorescence<br />

spectroscopy (CVAFS).<br />

Total mercury sorbent tubes were also collected <strong>from</strong> the landfills and analyzed by a modified<br />

SW-846 Method 7473, “Mercury in Solids and Solutions by Thermal Decomposition, Mercury<br />

Amalgamation, and Atomic Adsorption Spectroscopy” and CFR Part 60 Method 30B,<br />

“Determination of Total Vapor Phase Mercury <strong>Emissions</strong> <strong>from</strong> Coal-Fired Combustion Sources<br />

Using Carbon Sorbent Tubes.” Samples were analyzed using the Lumex RA-915+ Zeeman<br />

spectrometer with a RP-M324 decomposition furnace attachment cell. No mercury<br />

amalgamation was necessary due to the sensitivity of the instrument. The iodated carbon samples<br />

were loaded into a quartz combustion boat and inserted into a decomposition furnace at 775 deg<br />

C. The mercury species are converted to elemental mercury and detected by the Zeeman atomic<br />


adsorption spectrometer. The analyzed is calibrated using NIST certified HgCl2 standards <strong>from</strong><br />

SCP Sciences. Elemental mercury spiking of the carbon tubes were performed using an impinger<br />

containing a stannous chloride solution. The mercury standard is dispensed into the impinger and<br />

the elemental mercury is pulled through the glassware system onto the iodated carbon. The<br />

elemental mercury spike is used to assess the recovery the mercury <strong>from</strong> the carbon tubes.<br />

1.6 Elemental Mercury Measurements<br />

Elemental mercury measurements were collected in the vicinity of a gas header pipe at both sites<br />

using a Lumex RA-915+ instrument. The Lumex instrument is considered to be ideally suited to<br />

quantify and screen landfill gas samples for elemental mercury. This instrument has been used<br />

by U.S. EPA, industry, and academic groups to quantify elemental mercury in indoor air and to<br />

estimate elemental mercury emissions in industrial process flue gases.<br />

The Lumex RA-915+ mercury analyzer produces real-time mercury concentration measurements<br />

by performing atomic absorption spectrometry (at 253.7 nm wavelength) on elemental mercury<br />

atoms in a continuously extracted gas stream. It achieves the low detection limit of 2 ng/m 3 by<br />

using a multi-path absorption cell, which has an effective optical path of approximately 10<br />

meters. Using the Zeeman Effect, selectivity is achieved using high frequency modulation of<br />

light polarization (ZAAS-HFM). For landfill gases, where mercury concentrations are expected<br />

to be high, it may be beneficial to use the shorter-path-length cell (6.25 cm) and at the lower<br />

sample flow rate (5.0 lpm), to take advantage of the detection limit of approximately 320 ng/m 3<br />

and higher linear calibration range.<br />

Table 1-1. Target Compound List<br />

Compound AP-42 Value a (ppmv) Compound AP-42 Value (ppmv)<br />

Benzene 1.91 Ethylene dichloride 0.41<br />

Butane 5.03 Hexane 6.57<br />

Carbonyl sulfide 0.49 Methane N/A<br />

Chloromethane 1.21 Methyl isobutyl ketone 1.87<br />

Dichlorodifluoromethane 15.7 Methylene chloride 14.3<br />

Ethane 889 Propylene dichloride 0.18<br />

Ethyl chloride 1.25 Tetrachloroethene 3.73<br />

Fluorotrichloromethane 0.76 Trichlorethylene 2.82<br />

Pentane 3.29 Vinyl chloride 7.34<br />

Propane 11.1 Vinylidene chloride 0.20<br />

Acetone 7.01 Ethanol 27.2<br />

Acrylonitrile 6.33 Methyl ethyl ketone 7.09<br />

Carbon disulfide 0.58 2-Propanol 50.1<br />

Carbon tetrachloride 0.004 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.21<br />

Chlorobenzene 0.25 Ethyl benzene 4.61<br />

Chloroform 0.03 Xylenes 12.1<br />

Dimethyl sulfide 7.82 Hydrogen sulfide 35.5<br />

Ethylene dibromide<br />

N/A = not available<br />

0.001 Methyl mercaptan 2.49<br />

a<br />

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, AP-42, Volume 1:<br />

Stationary Point and Area Sources, 5 th ed., Chapter 2.4, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, US EPA,<br />

Research Triangle Park, NC, 1997. Available at: http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ap42/ch02/final/c02s04.pdf<br />


1.7 Calculation of NMOC Fluxes<br />

As described previously, concentrations of NMOC were determined <strong>from</strong> samples of landfill gas<br />

collected at the gas header pipe at each site. The samples were analyzed for the target<br />

compounds listed in Table 1-1. Upon completion of the sample analysis, the concentration of the<br />

detected target compounds (obtained <strong>from</strong> the EPA Method TO-15 data) was ratioed to the<br />

concentration of the methane in the landfill gas samples (obtained <strong>from</strong> the EPA Method 25-C<br />

data). This ratio was used with the methane emissions data collected with the ORS<br />

instrumentation to calculate an estimated emissions flux value, <strong>from</strong> the top of the landfill cell<br />

for each of the target VOC compounds, using the following formula:<br />

Where<br />

Ft = [(Ct * Fo)/Co] [Mt/Mo] (1)<br />

Ft is the flux of the target compound (VOC)<br />

Ct is the measured concentration of the target compound<br />

Fo is the calculated methane flux<br />

Co is the measured methane concentration<br />

Mt is the molecular weight of the target compound<br />

Mo is the molecular weight of methane<br />

1.8 Field Schedule<br />

<strong>Two</strong> field campaigns were completed for this study at two separate sites during February and<br />

October 2007. During the February 2007 field campaign, methane concentration data were<br />

collected using the ORS instrumentation, and gas and mercury samples were collected near the<br />

landfill header pipes. Due to questionable gas and mercury data <strong>from</strong> the February 2007<br />

campaign, additional gas and mercury samples were collected during a second campaign<br />

conducted in October 2007. Table 1-2 presents the schedule of work that was performed.<br />


Table 1-2. Schedule of Work Performed at the Sites<br />

Day Site Detail of Work Performed<br />

Sunday, February 18 Site #1 Travel to Site #1<br />

Monday, February 19 Site #1 AM-Site Orientation<br />

PM-Deployment of ORS Equipment at Control Cell; gas and<br />

mercury sampling<br />

Tuesday, February 20 Site #1 ORS Data Collected at Control Cell; gas and mercury sampling<br />

Wednesday, February 21 Site #1 AM- Deployment of ORS Equipment at Bioreactor Cell<br />

PM- ORS Data Collected at Bioreactor Cell; gas and mercury<br />

sampling<br />

Thursday, February 22 Site #1 AM- ORS Data Collected at Bioreactor Cell<br />

PM- Travel to Site #2<br />

Friday, February 23 Site #2 AM- Site Orientation and Deployment of ORS Equipment at<br />

Bioreactor Cell<br />

PM- ORS Data Collected at Bioreactor Cell; gas and mercury<br />

sampling<br />

Saturday, February 24 Site #2 AM- ORS Data Collected at Bioreactor Cell<br />

PM- Deployment of ORS Equipment and ORS Data Collected at<br />

Control Cell; gas and mercury sampling<br />

Sunday, February 25 Site #2 ORS Data Collected at Control Cell; gas and mercury sampling<br />

Sunday, October 21 Site #1 Travel to Site #1<br />

Monday, October 22 Site #1 Perform gas sampling / Travel to site #2<br />

Tuesday, October 23 Site #2 Perform gas and mercury sampling /. Travel to site #1<br />

Wednesday, October 24 Site #1 Perform gas and mercury sampling / Travel back to RTP<br />


Chapter 2<br />

Test Procedures<br />

The following subsections describe the test procedures used during the optical remote sensing<br />

measurements at each of the survey cells at the two sites. Refer to Figures 1-1 and 1-2 for the<br />

geographical orientation of each survey cell. For the ORS measurements, 10 mirrors were used<br />

with each ORS instrument for a total of 20 mirrors for each survey within each landfill cell. The<br />

coordinates of the mirrors used in each configuration are presented in Appendix B of this report.<br />

Additionally, the test procedures used to collect the mercury samples, Summa canister samples,<br />

and gas flow measurements, are described below.<br />

2.1 Optical Remote Sensing Measurements at <strong>Landfill</strong> Site #1<br />

2.1.1 Control Cell<br />

The control cell was located on the western side of landfill Site #1 (see Figure 1-1). ORS<br />

measurements were collected in this cell on February 20. The Control Cell was a closed cell, and<br />

a synthetic liner was installed over the surface of the cell in November 2001. The VRPM<br />

configuration consisted of a scanning OP-FTIR instrument, a scanning OP-TDLAS instrument,<br />

and two vertical structures. The OP-FTIR was deployed in the northwestern corner of the cell,<br />

the OP-TDLAS was deployed in the southeastern corner of the cell, and the two vertical<br />

structures were deployed in the northeastern and southwestern corners of the cell, respectively.<br />

Figure 2-1 presents a schematic of the measurement configuration used in the control cell,<br />

showing the distances of the VRPM planes. The dashed black lines depict the location of the four<br />

VRPM measurement planes. Figure 2-2 shows a photo of the measurement configuration.<br />

Figure 2-1. Schematic of measurement configuration at the control cell of Site #1<br />


Figure 2-2. Detail of measurement configuration at the control cell of Site #1<br />

2.1.2 Bioreactor Cell<br />

The bioreactor cell was located on the eastern side of landfill Site #1 (see Figure 1-1). ORS<br />

measurements were collected in this cell on February 22. The bioreactor cell was accepting<br />

waste during the time of the measurements, so it was not possible to deploy the instrumentation<br />

over the entire footprint of the cell due to heavy machinery traffic associated with landfill<br />

operations. The VRPM configuration consisted of a scanning OP-FTIR instrument, a scanning<br />

OP-TDLAS instrument, and two vertical structures. The OP-FTIR was deployed in the<br />

northwestern corner of the cell, the OP-TDLAS was deployed in the southeastern corner of the<br />

cell, and the two vertical structures were deployed in the northeastern and southwestern corners<br />

of the cell, respectively. The work face was located in the eastern portion of the landfill cell.<br />

Figure 2-3 presents a schematic of the measurement configuration used in the Bioreactor Cell,<br />

showing the distances of the VRPM planes. The dashed black lines depict the location of the four<br />

VRPM measurement planes. The dashed yellow line indicates the configuration used to collect<br />

background measurements at the site.<br />


Figure 2-3. Schematic of measurement configuration at the control cell of Site #1<br />

2.1.3 Background Measurements<br />

Background methane concentration measurements were collected at Site #1 on February 21<br />

using the OP-TDLAS instrument. The measurements were collected at a location south of the<br />

bioreactor cell, upwind of the landfill cells at the site. The data collected were used to establish<br />

an average background methane concentration at the site.<br />

2.2 Optical Remote Sensing Measurements at <strong>Landfill</strong> Site #2<br />

2.2.1 Control Cell<br />

The control cell was located on the southern side of landfill Site #2 (see Figure 1-2). This cell<br />

was referred to as the “control cell” because it was not being operated as a bioreactor cell.<br />

However, the cell was still accepting waste during the time of the measurements. ORS<br />

measurements were collected in this cell on February 24 and 25. Since the control cell was<br />

accepting waste during the time of the measurements, it was not possible to deploy the<br />

instrumentation over the entire footprint of the cell due to heavy machinery traffic associated<br />

with landfill operations. The VRPM configuration consisted of a scanning OP-FTIR instrument,<br />

a scanning OP-TDLAS instrument, and two vertical structures. The OP-FTIR was deployed in<br />

the northwestern corner of the cell, the OP-TDLAS was deployed in the southeastern corner of<br />

the cell, and the two vertical structures were deployed in the northeastern and southwestern<br />


corners of the cell, respectively. Figure 2-4 presents a schematic of the measurement<br />

configuration used in the control cell, showing the distances of the VRPM planes. The dashed<br />

yellow lines depict the location of the four VRPM measurement planes. Figure 2-5 shows a<br />

photo of the measurement configuration.<br />

Figure 2-4. Schematic of measurement configuration at the control cell of Site #2<br />

Figure 2-5. Detail of the measurement configuration at the control cell of Site #2<br />


2.2.2 Bioreactor Cell<br />

The bioreactor cell was located on the northern side of landfill Site #2 (see Figure 1-2). ORS<br />

measurements were collected in this cell on February 23 and 24. The bioreactor cell was an<br />

active cell, and a soil cover had been recently placed over the surface. Although this cell was<br />

classified as a bioreactor cell, according to the site operators, leachate had not been injected into<br />

the cell in several months due to excessive rainfall in the area. The VRPM configuration<br />

consisted of a scanning OP-FTIR instrument, a scanning OP-TDLAS instrument, and two<br />

vertical structures. The OP-FTIR was deployed in the northeastern corner of the cell, the OP­<br />

TDLAS was deployed in the southwestern corner of the cell, and the two vertical structures were<br />

deployed in the northwestern and southeastern corners of the cell, respectively. Figure 2-6<br />

presents a schematic of the measurement configuration used in the bioreactor cell, showing the<br />

distances of the VRPM planes. The dashed yellow lines depict the location of the four VRPM<br />

measurement planes. The dashed red line indicates the location of the configuration used to<br />

collect background measurements at the site. Figure 2-7 shows a photo of the measurement<br />

configuration.<br />

Figure 2-6. Schematic of measurement configuration at the control cell of Site #2<br />

Figure 2-7. Detail of the measurement configuration at the control cell of Site #2<br />


2.2.3 Background Measurements<br />

Background methane concentration measurements were collected at Site #2 on February 25<br />

using the OP-TDLAS instrument. The measurements were collected at a location south of the<br />

control cell, upwind of the landfill cells at the site. The data collected were used to establish an<br />

average background methane concentration at the site.<br />

2.3 Total and Speciated Mercury Sampling<br />

During the February 2007 field campaign, the total mercury samples (THg) were collected using<br />

an iodated charcoal trap as a sorbent. A backup tube was also present to assess any breakthrough.<br />

The sorbent tube was heated to above the dew point of the gas stream to prevent condensation on<br />

the sorbent. Water vapor <strong>from</strong> the stream was collected and quantified using a silica gel<br />

impinger. A diaphragm air pump was used to pull sample through the train and collect the<br />

sample. The volume of gas sampled was monitored and quantified using a volatile organic<br />

sampling train (VOST) box. The sample flow rate was nominally 0.8 liters/minute for 37.5<br />

minutes, which equates to a total volume of approximately 30 liters.<br />

The traps were returned to the lab where the iodated carbon is leached of collected Hg using hotrefluxing<br />

HNO3/H2SO4 and then further oxidized by a 0.01 N BrCl solution. The digested and<br />

oxidized leachate sample was analyzed using the FGS-069 CVAFS total Hg analysis method<br />

(which served as the basis for U.S. EPA Method 1631, developed, authored, and validated by<br />

Frontier Geosciences).<br />

During the October 2007 field campaign, carbon tube samples taken <strong>from</strong> the landfills were<br />

analyzed by a modified SW-846 Method 7473, “Mercury in Solids and Solutions by Thermal<br />

Decomposition, Mercury Amalgamation, and Atomic Adsorption Spectroscopy” and CFR Part<br />

60 Method 30B, “Determination of Total Vapor Phase Mercury <strong>Emissions</strong> <strong>from</strong> Coal-Fired<br />

Combustion Sources Using Carbon Sorbent Tubes.” Samples were analyzed using a Lumex RA­<br />

915+ Zeeman spectrometer with a RP-M324 decomposition furnace attachment cell. No mercury<br />

amalgamation was necessary due to the sensitivity of the instrument. The iodated carbon samples<br />

were loaded into a quartz combustion boat and inserted into a decomposition furnace at 775 °C.<br />

The mercury species were converted to elemental mercury and detected by the Zeeman atomic<br />

adsorption spectrometer. The analyzer was calibrated using NIST certified HgCl2 standards <strong>from</strong><br />

SCP Sciences. Elemental mercury spiking of the carbon tubes was performed using an impinger<br />

containing a stannous chloride solution. The mercury standard was dispensed into the impinger<br />

and the elemental mercury is pulled through the glassware system onto the iodated carbon. The<br />

elemental mercury spike was used to assess the recovery the mercury <strong>from</strong> the carbon tubes.<br />

Dimethyl mercury (DMM) was sampled using a slightly different technique. A Carbotrap was<br />

used as a sorbent, with a backup tube to assess any breakthrough. A third iodated carbon trap<br />

was also present to collect any elemental mercury present. The sorbent tube was heated to a<br />

temperature above the dew point of the gas stream to prevent condensation on the sorbent. Water<br />

vapor <strong>from</strong> the stream was collected and quantified using a silica gel impinger. A diaphragm air<br />

pump was used to pull the sample through the train and collect the sample. The volume of gas<br />

sampled was monitored and quantified using a volatile organic sampling train (VOST) box. The<br />

sample flow rate was nominally 0.35 liters/minute for a total volume of approximately 0.5 liters.<br />


An acidic neutralization tube was placed in front of the DMM sorbent to reduce the possibility of<br />

analyte degradation.<br />

The DMM content of the Carbotraps was determined by thermal-desorption, gas<br />

chromatography, and cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry (TD-GC-CVAFS). The<br />

analytical system was calibrated by purging precise quantities of DMM in methanol (1 to 500<br />

pg) <strong>from</strong> deionized water onto Carbotraps and then thermally desorbing (45 seconds at a 25 to<br />

450 °C ramp) them directly into the isothermal GC (1 m 4 mm ID column of 15% OV-3 on<br />

Chromasorb WAW-DMCS 80/100 mesh) held at 80 °C. The output of the GC was passed<br />

through a pyrolytic cracking column held at 700 °C, converting the organomercury compounds<br />

to elemental form. DMM was identified by retention time and quantified by peak height.<br />

To collect the monomethyl mercury sample, a set of three impingers filled with 0.001 M HCl<br />

was used. An empty fourth impinger was used to remove any impinger solution carryover to the<br />

pump and meter system. A diaphragm air pump was used to pull sample through the train and<br />

collect the sample. The volume of gas sampled was monitored and quantified using a volatile<br />

organic sampling train (VOST) box. The sample flow rate was nominally 0.8 liters/minute for<br />

37.5 minutes, which equates to a total volume of approximately 30 liters.<br />

The analysis method uses distillation, ethylation, Carbotrap preconcentration, thermal<br />

desorption, gas-chromatography separation, thermal conversion, and CVAFS detection.<br />

2.4 Lumex Elemental Mercury Field Sampling<br />

The Lumex mercury analyzer was used to sample elemental mercury concentration of the landfill<br />

gas. The Lumex mercury analyzer was connected to a standard 500 ml 45/50 impinger using<br />

28/15 connections to knock out excessive moisture. The impinger was cooled using a standard<br />

Apex Instruments cold box with water and ice. <strong>Gas</strong> was forced through positive pressure through<br />

the impinger to the Lumex analyzer using an atmospheric vent to eliminate over pressurization of<br />

the Lumex sample cell.<br />

2.5 Summa Canister Sampling<br />

Summa canister samples were collected using an EPA Method 0040 VOST sample conditioning<br />

train connected to a 6 liter Summa canister sample container. A sample pump was used to pull<br />

the purge flow <strong>from</strong> the landfill gas header pipe through the VOC sampling system. Summa<br />

canister samples were analyzed using EPA Method TO-15 and EPA Method 25-C.<br />


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Chapter 3<br />

Results and Discussion<br />

The results <strong>from</strong> the measurement campaign are presented in the following subsections,<br />

including the calculated methane flux values <strong>from</strong> each landfill cell, total site methane emission<br />

rates, data on VOC constituents in the landfill gas <strong>from</strong> each site, and data on total, elemental<br />

and organo-mercury (including methyl- and dimethyl- mercury) collected in the vicinity of the<br />

gas header pipes at the sites. The methane concentrations used to calculate methane flux values<br />

<strong>from</strong> each cell are presented in Appendix C of this document.<br />

As mentioned previously, background methane concentration measurements were collected at<br />

each site to establish a background methane concentration value. Although measurements were<br />

collected at Site #1 in an area upwind of the measurement cells, the measurement location was<br />

still within the boundaries of the landfill facility. The average methane concentration found <strong>from</strong><br />

the background survey at Site #1 was 3.1 ± 1.68 ppm. The fact that the standard deviation of the<br />

measurement is high (almost equal to the expected atmospheric background value of 1.7 ppm)<br />

indicates that there were methane sources captured by the background measurement<br />

configuration. Therefore, the background data collected at Site #1 does not represent a true site<br />

background measurement. Due to this, we used an accepted global methane background value of<br />

1.7 ppm. The average methane concentration <strong>from</strong> the background survey performed at Site #2<br />

was 1.7 ± 0.376 ppm. The background values <strong>from</strong> each site were subtracted <strong>from</strong> all raw<br />

methane concentrations prior to calculating methane flux values <strong>from</strong> the sites.<br />

During the Site #1 measurement campaign, an inter-comparison study was performed between<br />

the OP-FTIR and OP-TDLAS instruments. The objective of the study was to assess the<br />

comparability of the two instruments by deploying them along the same optical path and<br />

comparing the measured path-averaged methane concentrations. Due to project time constraints,<br />

the inter-comparison study was not performed over an adequate period of time to obtain reliable<br />

data. Ideally this should have been done during the study at each site. However, for the<br />

reporting of this data and based on previous studies where both instruments were compared over<br />

adequate time periods, it is assumed that the two instruments provide identical results for<br />

methane concentration measurements. Further information is presented in Section 5.<br />

3.1 <strong>Landfill</strong> Site #1<br />

3.1.1 Control Cell<br />

ORS measurements were collected in the control cell on February 20. A schematic of the ORS<br />

measurement configuration <strong>from</strong> this cell can be found in Figure 2-1. Although measurements<br />

were collected in this cell for several hours, problems were encountered with the alignment of<br />

the OP-TDLAS beams on the retro-reflecting mirror targets, as the synthetic liner on the surface<br />

of the cell did not provide a firm surface to deploy the OP-TDLAS scanner. After the instrument<br />


was aligned on the mirror targets in the configuration, the scanner positions drifted after a short<br />

period of time due to slight movement of the scanner base, and eventually the instrument was<br />

completely misaligned on all mirrors. Consequently, it was necessary to stop data acquisition,<br />

and re-align the instrument on all mirrors in the configuration. This problem was especially<br />

evident along the long VRPM configuration, located along the southern boundary of the cell.<br />

Due to this problem, there are limited ORS data <strong>from</strong> this survey, especially data <strong>from</strong> the long<br />

OP-TDLAS configuration located along the southern boundary of the cell. In fact, data was<br />

collected along only the longest surface beam path of this configuration (mirror target located at<br />

the base of the vertical structure) in order to obtain enough information to estimate the methane<br />

flux value along this VRPM plane. <strong>Emissions</strong> data presented in this section are <strong>from</strong> two<br />

surveys. The flux values presented in the tables in this section represent a moving average of<br />

three measurement cycles, where a cycle is defined as data collected along each measurement<br />

path in the configuration. The time of the flux measurements presented in the tables represents<br />

the midpoint time of the averaging period, where the averaging period is approximately 15<br />

minutes. Figure 3-1 presents a summary of the actual measurement configurations used in the<br />

cell, as well as the measurement results <strong>from</strong> the first survey conducted at 4:00 p.m. Figure 3-2<br />

presents the measurement results <strong>from</strong> the second survey conducted at 5:00 p.m. The figures<br />

depict the average calculated methane flux values along each VRPM measurement plane during<br />

each survey. The blue arrow depicts the prevailing wind values during the time of the<br />

measurements.<br />

Figure 3-1. Summary of ORS measurements <strong>from</strong> the 4:00 pm survey of the control cell of<br />

Site #1<br />


Figure 3-2 Summary of ORS measurements <strong>from</strong> the 5:00 pm survey of the control cell of<br />

Site #1<br />

The figures show that the prevailing winds were <strong>from</strong> the southwest during the time of the<br />

measurements. Based on the prevailing wind direction, the southern and western VRPM planes<br />

are located upwind of the actual landfill cell, so flux values measured along these VRPM planes<br />

represent methane emissions <strong>from</strong> the southern and western slopes of the cell. The VRPM planes<br />

located along the northern and eastern boundaries of the cell are downwind of the landfill cell.<br />

The methane flux values measured during the 4:00 p.m. survey along the northern, eastern,<br />

southern, and western VRPM measurement planes were 3.8, 4.8, 0, and 3.3 grams per second,<br />

respectively (the value of 0 grams per second is used because the methane concentration<br />

measurements <strong>from</strong> the southern VRPM plane were below the atmospheric background value of<br />

1.7 ppm). The difference between the sum of the fluxes measured along the northern and eastern<br />

planes (8.6 g/s) and the southern and western planes (3.3 g/s), 5.3 grams per second, represents<br />

the calculated methane flux value <strong>from</strong> the top of the landfill cell (defined as the flat surface area<br />

where instrumentation was deployed). The sum of the flux values measured along the southern<br />

and western planes, 3.3 grams per second, represents the calculated methane flux value <strong>from</strong> the<br />

southern and western slopes of the landfill cell.<br />

The methane flux values measured during the 5:00 p.m. survey along the northern, eastern,<br />

southern, and western VRPM measurement planes were 2.0, 12, 5.2, and 0.77 grams per second,<br />

respectively. The difference between the sum of the fluxes measured along the northern and<br />

eastern planes (14 g/s) and the southern and western planes (6.0 g/s), 8.0 grams per second,<br />

represents the calculated methane flux value <strong>from</strong> the top of the landfill cell (defined as the flat<br />

surface area where instrumentation was deployed). The sum of the flux values measured along<br />

the southern and western planes, 6.0 grams per second, represents the calculated methane flux<br />

value <strong>from</strong> the southern and western slopes of the landfill cell.<br />

As mentioned previously, due to problems with alignment of the OP-TDLAS instrument, data<br />

was collected along only one beam path of the southern VRPM plane. By comparing the<br />


methane concentrations measured along this beam path with the methane concentrations<br />

measured along the corresponding beam path of the eastern VRPM configuration, it was possible<br />

to estimate the methane flux value along the southern VRPM configuration, assuming similar<br />

source size and distance of the source (hotspot) <strong>from</strong> both VRPM planes. The following formula<br />

was used to estimate the methane flux value along the southern boundary of the cell.<br />

Where:<br />

F1 = [ M1/M2] [F2] (2)<br />

F1 =<br />

M1 =<br />

M2 =<br />

F2 =<br />

methane flux value along the southern VRPM configuration<br />

path-integrated methane concentration measured along longest surface beam path of<br />

the southern VRPM configuration<br />

path-integrated methane concentration measured along longest surface beam path of<br />

the eastern VRPM configuration<br />

calculated methane flux value along the eastern VRPM configuration<br />

Tables 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3 present the calculated methane flux, measurement time, prevailing wind<br />

speed, and prevailing wind direction during the time of the VRPM measurements (4:00 p.m. and<br />

5:00 p.m. surveys) along the northern, eastern, and western VRPM configurations, respectively.<br />

Table 3-1. Calculated methane flux and prevailing wind speed and direction measured<br />

along the northern VRPM configuration in the control cell of Site #1<br />

Survey Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

4 p.m. 16:11:52 3.8 228 4.1<br />

5 p.m. 17:15:51 1.9 255 2.7<br />

Table 3-2. Calculated methane flux and prevailing wind speed and direction measured<br />

along the eastern VRPM configuration in the control cell of Site #1<br />

Survey Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

4 p.m. 15:59:30 7.1 220 5.3<br />

4 p.m. 16:04:48 2.6 228 4.7<br />

5 p.m. 17:17:04 12 258 2.7<br />

Table 3-3. Calculated methane flux and prevailing wind speed and direction measured<br />

along the western VRPM configuration in the control cell of Site #1<br />

Survey Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

4 p.m. 16:08:37 3.3 227 4.4<br />

5 p.m. 17:12:38 0.77 253 3<br />


3.1.2 Bioreactor Cell<br /> February 22<br />

ORS measurements were collected in the bioreactor cell during the morning and early afternoon<br />

of February 22. A schematic of the ORS measurement configuration <strong>from</strong> this cell can be found<br />

in Figure 2-3. Figure 3-3 presents a summary of the actual measurement configurations used in<br />

the cell, as well as the measurement results. The figure depicts the average calculated methane<br />

flux values along each VRPM measurement plane. The blue arrow depicts the prevailing wind<br />

values during the time of the measurements.<br />

The figure shows that the prevailing winds were <strong>from</strong> the northwest during the time of the<br />

measurements. Based on the prevailing wind direction, the northern and western VRPM planes<br />

are located upwind of the actual landfill cell, and the VRPM planes located along the southern<br />

and eastern boundaries of the cell are downwind of the landfill cell. By convention of the<br />

measurement method, the sum of the flux values <strong>from</strong> measurement planes located upwind of the<br />

landfill cell is subtracted <strong>from</strong> the sum of the flux values <strong>from</strong> the downwind measurement<br />

planes to yield emissions <strong>from</strong> the cell of interest. Flux values measured along the northern and<br />

western upwind VRPM planes represent methane emissions <strong>from</strong> the northern and western<br />

slopes of the cell, respectively.<br />

The methane flux values measured along the northern, eastern, southern, and western VRPM<br />

measurement planes were 15, 13, 9.1, and 0.76 grams per second, respectively. The difference<br />

between the sum of the fluxes measured along the southern and eastern planes (22 g/s) and the<br />

northern and western planes (16 g/s), 6.0 grams per second, represents the calculated methane<br />

flux value <strong>from</strong> the top of the landfill cell (defined as the flat surface area where instrumentation<br />

was deployed). The sum of the flux values measured along the northern and western planes, 16<br />

grams per second, represents the calculated methane flux value <strong>from</strong> the northern and western<br />

slopes of the landfill cell.<br />


Figure 3-3 Summary of ORS measurements conducted on February 22 in the bioreactor<br />

cell of Site #1.<br />

Tables 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, and 3-7 present the calculated methane flux, measurement time, prevailing<br />

wind speed, and prevailing wind direction during the time of the VRPM measurements along the<br />

northern, eastern, southern, and western VRPM configurations, respectively.<br />


Table 3-4. Calculated methane flux and prevailing wind speed and direction measured<br />

on February 22 along the northern VRPM configuration in the bioreactor<br />

cell of Site #1<br />

Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

11:16:52 18 315 3.6<br />

11:23:52 24 313 3.5<br />

11:30:51 19 311 3.2<br />

11:37:52 15 315 2.9<br />

11:44:52 16 322 2.8<br />

12:23:52 12 318 3.3<br />

12:30:51 15 332 3.5<br />

12:37:52 14 338 3.4<br />

13:13:52 5.1 313 3.2<br />

13:20:52 6.1 306 3.3<br />

13:59:52 17 306 2.8<br />

14:06:51 13 301 3.3<br />

Average = 15<br />

Standard Dev.= 5.24<br />


Table 3-5. Calculated methane flux and prevailing wind speed and direction measured<br />

on February 22 along the eastern VRPM configuration in the bioreactor cell<br />

of Site #1<br />

Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

11:17:30 11 318 3.4<br />

11:23:09 9.9 315 3.7<br />

11:28:30 12 311 3.5<br />

11:33:50 19 309 3.1<br />

11:52:37 11 310 2.7<br />

11:58:59 11 310 2.7<br />

12:04:19 12 311 3.2<br />

12:09:39 12 308 3.4<br />

12:15:00 14 306 3.5<br />

12:20:19 12 309 3.4<br />

12:44:53 8.8 328 3.1<br />

12:50:14 14 317 2.7<br />

12:55:35 15 313 2.7<br />

13:03:43 13 318 2.7<br />

13:09:03 8.9 319 2.9<br />

13:14:24 12 311 3.3<br />

13:19:44 12 306 3.4<br />

13:25:04 14 307 3.6<br />

13:30:24 16 309 3.5<br />

13:35:44 16 312 3.4<br />

13:41:03 15 312 2.9<br />

13:46:23 16 307 3.7<br />

13:51:43 11 310 3.1<br />

13:57:03 13 309 3.1<br />

14:02:24 18 301 2.8<br />

14:07:44 23 300 3.1<br />

Average= 13<br />

Standard Dev.=3.23<br />


Table 3-6. Calculated methane flux and prevailing wind speed and direction measured<br />

on February 22 along the southern VRPM configuration in the bioreactor<br />

cell of Site #1<br />

Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

11:20:29 15 319 3.5<br />

11:25:50 20 314 3.4<br />

11:31:10 18 308 3.3<br />

11:56:20 10 312 2.7<br />

12:01:39 9.7 309 2.9<br />

12:07:01 8.1 312 3.3<br />

12:12:20 7.2 307 3.5<br />

12:17:39 8.6 306 3.4<br />

12:23:00 14 317 3.5<br />

12:28:32 14 330 3.4<br />

12:33:52 9.9 340 3.8<br />

12:38:04 8.6 338 3.4<br />

13:01:04 6.1 316 2.6<br />

13:06:24 8.8 320 2.9<br />

13:11:44 6.8 313 2.9<br />

13:17:04 7.5 310 3.4<br />

13:22:23 6.1 306 3.5<br />

13:27:43 6.5 307 3.6<br />

13:33:03 7.4 311 3.2<br />

13:38:24 7.6 312 3.3<br />

13:43:44 5.6 308 3.1<br />

13:49:04 8.6 309 3.4<br />

13:54:24 7.8 308 3.4<br />

13:59:44 6.7 308 2.7<br />

14:05:04 4.3 299 3.1<br />

14:10:23 5.5 301 3.4<br />

14:16:01 8.6 316 3.4<br />

Average= 9.1<br />

Standard Dev.=3.79<br />


Table 3-7. Calculated methane flux and prevailing wind speed and direction measured<br />

on February 22 along the western VRPM configuration in the bioreactor cell<br />

of Site #1<br />

Time Methane Flux (g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

11:20:43 0.23 317 3.5<br />

11:27:38 1.4 312 3.5<br />

11:34:36 1.4 311 3.1<br />

11:41:53 0.45 319 2.9<br />

11:48:38 0.56 317 2.8<br />

12:20:43 1.1 314 3.5<br />

12:27:38 0.38 326 3.4<br />

12:34:36 2.8 339 3.5<br />

12:41:53 1.9 337 3.4<br />

12:48:38 0.28 320 2.8<br />

12:56:07 1.1 312 2.6<br />

13:03:26 0.48 318 2.8<br />

13:10:36 1.1 316 3<br />

13:17:42 2.4 310 3.3<br />

13:24:38 2.2 307 3.6<br />

13:57:01 1.5 307 3.3<br />

14:03:38 2.0 301 2.9<br />

14:10:36 3.7 306 3.3<br />

Average= 0.76<br />

Standard Dev.=1.51<br />

3.1.3 Total Site Methane <strong>Emissions</strong><br />

Total site methane emissions were estimated using the methane flux results <strong>from</strong> the VRPM<br />

measurements. The first step in estimating the total methane emissions is to estimate the total<br />

surface area of the control and bioreactor cells, including the surface areas of the corresponding<br />

slopes. This was done using distance measurements taken during the measurement surveys. The<br />

surface area of the slopes was estimated by multiplying the length of the corresponding VRPM<br />

measurement plane by 100 meters, which is the estimated distance <strong>from</strong> the top of the cell to the<br />

bottom of the landfill mound.<br />

The next step is to calculate methane emission factors for the top area of each cell, and the<br />

corresponding cell slopes. The methane emission factor for the top area of the cell is calculated<br />

by dividing the net methane flux <strong>from</strong> the top of the cell by the surface area of the cell, and then<br />

converting the value to units of grams per day per meter squared. The following calculation<br />

details how to calculate the methane emission factor for the top of the control area:<br />


[6.5 g/s CH4 / 8800 m 2 surface area] *3600 sec/hr *24 hr/day = 64 g/day/m 2 CH4<br />

The methane emission factor <strong>from</strong> the slopes is estimated by calculating the methane emission<br />

factor for each of the two source slope areas contributing to the methane emissions measured<br />

during the time of the VRPM surveys. For the control area, this is the southern and western<br />

slopes, based on the prevailing wind direction during the time of the measurements (see Section<br />

3.1.1). The total surface area of each slope was calculated. Because the prevailing wind<br />

direction was not perpendicular to the configuration plane of the survey area while the<br />

measurements were conducted, it is likely the measurements only capture a portion of the<br />

methane emissions. So the results will be biased low.<br />

Previous validation studies using trace gas released have been used to evaluate plume capture. If<br />

the trace gas is released up to 100 meters upwind of the configuration for a plane length of 200<br />

meters. This is under ideal wind conditions that are close to perpendicular to the configuration<br />

place (U.S. EPA, 2007). In order to more accurately estimate the methane emission factors <strong>from</strong><br />

the slope areas, a slope area is defined as an area bounded by the distance of the VRPM<br />

configuration and a distance one-half the distance of the VRPM configuration. In the case of the<br />

control area, the distance of the southern VRPM configuration plane was 180 meters and the<br />

distance of the western VRPM plane was 51 meters. The following steps detail the calculation of<br />

the contributing emission surface areas <strong>from</strong> the southern and western slopes of the control cell:<br />

1) 180 meters * 90 meters = 16,200 m 2 , which is the contributing emission surface area <strong>from</strong> the<br />

southern slope of the cell<br />

2) 51 meters * 25.5 meters = 1,300 m 2 , which is the contributing emission surface area <strong>from</strong> the<br />

western slope<br />

These values were input into Equation 2 with the values of the methane flux values measured<br />

along each VRPM configuration to calculate the emission factors <strong>from</strong> the southern and western<br />

slopes. The calculated emission factors <strong>from</strong> the southern and western slopes were 14 g/day/m 2<br />

and 130 g/day/m 2 , respectively.<br />

The next step is to calculate the average measured methane emission factor <strong>from</strong> the two slopes.<br />

This was done using a weighted average calculation. According to the calculations above, the<br />

contributing emissions surface area <strong>from</strong> the western slope is approximately 7 percent of the total<br />

contributing emission surface area. The surface area <strong>from</strong> the southern slope is approximately<br />

93 percent of the total contributing emission surface area. The following details the calculation<br />

of the weighted average measured methane emission factor <strong>from</strong> the two slopes of the control<br />

cell:<br />

0.07 *130 g/day/m 2 methane western slope + 0.93 * 14 g/day/m 2 methane southern slope =<br />

22 g/day/m 2 <strong>from</strong> the slopes of control cell<br />

As mentioned previously, the total surface area of the top of the cell was 8800 m 2 . The total<br />

surface area of the slopes of the cell was estimated by multiplying the length of the VRPM<br />

configuration plane by 100 meters, which was the estimated distance <strong>from</strong> the top of the landfill<br />

3-11<br />


cell to the base. The following equation shows the calculation of the total surface area of the<br />

slopes:<br />

(180m *100m) + (160m *100m) + (52m * 100m) + (51m * 100m) = 44,300 m 2<br />

In order to calculate the total methane emission factor <strong>from</strong> the control cell, a weighted average<br />

calculation was used. According to the calculations above, the surface area of the slopes is<br />

approximately 84 percent of the total surface area of the cell. The surface area of the top is<br />

approximately 16 percent of the total surface area of the cell. The following details the<br />

calculation of the weighted average measured methane emission factor <strong>from</strong> the control cell:<br />

0.16 * 64 g/day/m 2 methane top of cell + 0.84 * 22 g/day/m 2 methane slopes =<br />

29 g/day/m 2 methane control cell<br />

This value is converted to kilograms of methane per day by multiplying by the total surface area<br />

of the cell, and dividing by 1000 to yield a cell emissions value of 1,500 kg/day.<br />

The total site methane emissions are found by adding the values of the total methane emissions<br />

<strong>from</strong> the control and bioreactor cells.<br />

Table 3-8 presents the results of these calculations for Site #1.<br />

Table 3-8. Summary of total site methane emissions calculations <strong>from</strong> Site #1<br />

Calculation Control Cell Bioreactor Cell<br />

Total Surface Area of Top of Cell<br />

2<br />

8,800 m<br />

2<br />

13,500 m<br />

Total Surface Area of Slopes<br />

2<br />

44,300 m<br />

2<br />

47,700 m<br />

Methane Emission Factor of Top of Cell 64 g/day/m 2<br />

40 g/day/m 2<br />

Methane Emission Factor of Slopes 22 g/day/m 2 68 g/day/m 2<br />

Total Methane Emission Factor of Cell<br />

2<br />

29 g/day/m<br />

2<br />

62 g/day/m<br />

Total Cell Methane <strong>Emissions</strong> 1,500 kg/day 3,800 kg/day<br />

Total Site Methane <strong>Emissions</strong>= 5,300 kg/day<br />

Based on the calculations presented in Table 3-8, the total methane emissions <strong>from</strong> Site #1 are<br />

estimated to be 5,300 kilograms per day. It should be noted that this estimated value is<br />

extrapolated <strong>from</strong> a limited amount of flux data, and does not take into account diurnal or<br />

seasonal trends in methane emissions.<br />


3.1.4 Summa Canister Sampling<br />

Summa canister samples were collected <strong>from</strong> the gas collection header pipe in triplicate at Site<br />

#1. These samples represent a composite of LFG <strong>from</strong> the entire site. Samples were collected<br />

upstream of the vacuum pump to minimize loses and contamination. Blanks were also collected<br />

using a nitrogen gas stream to purge the VOST train condensers and glassware. Samples were<br />

analyzed using Methods TO-15, 25-C, a C1 through C6 alkane hydrocarbons analysis by<br />

GC/FID, and a permanent gases (O2, N2, CO2) analysis by GC/TCD. Results are presented in<br />

Tables 3-9 through 3-11. TO-15 results are qualified using results <strong>from</strong> the nitrogen blank. Any<br />

compounds reported in samples that are less than 5 times the concentration found in the blank are<br />

considered to be non-detects and qualified “UB”. As specified in the National Functional<br />

Guidelines for Organic Data Review (October 1999) compounds reported in samples that were<br />

less than 5 times the concentration found in the method blank were considered to be non-detects<br />

and qualified “UB”. In computing averages, when all measurements are ND, the average is<br />

reported as ND. When one or more measurement is above detection, the ND measurement is<br />

treated as 50% of the stated MDL. Though not applicable here, the method further specifies that<br />

If MDL is not reported, a ND measurement is treated as zero.<br />

The average gas concentration values shown in Table 3-9 were corrected for air infiltration that<br />

can occur <strong>from</strong> landfill gas sample dilution and air intrusion into the landfill. The corrections<br />

were performed on the following formula provided in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency<br />

document, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, AP-42,Volume 1: Stationary Point<br />

and Area Sources, 5 th ed., Chapter 2.4 (U.S. EPA, 1997).<br />

where:<br />

C x (1x10 6 )<br />

C P (corrected for air infiltration) = P<br />

C CO + C CH<br />

2 4<br />

CP = Concentration of pollutant P in LFG (i.e., NMOC as hexane), ppmv;<br />

C CO2<br />

Q CH4<br />

= CO2 concentration in LFG, ppmv;<br />

= CH4 Concentration in LFG, ppmv; and<br />

1 x 10 6 = Constant used to correct concentration of P to units of ppmv.<br />


Table 3-9. Results of TO-15 analysis <strong>from</strong> Site #1<br />

Sample Type: <strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> Nitrogen<br />

Blank<br />

Can ID: Can F-2 Can F-3 Can F-4 Can F-5<br />

Average <strong>Landfill</strong><br />

<strong>Gas</strong><br />

Concentration<br />

Corrected<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong><br />

Concentration<br />

CAS NO. COMPOUND ppbv Ppbv ppbv ppbv ppbv ppbv<br />

75-71-8<br />

76-14-2<br />

Dichlorodifluoromethane<br />

(Freon 12)<br />

1,2-Chloro-1,1,2,2­<br />

Tetrafluoroethane<br />

74-87-3 Chloromethane 149.0 UB<br />

48.7 221.0 150.2 ND 139.9<br />

5.1 26.2 19.9 ND 17.1<br />

142.7 UB<br />

367.3 UB<br />

143.8<br />

17.6<br />

99.6 ND ND<br />

75-01-4 Vinyl chloride ND 119.7 ND ND 40.1 41.2<br />

106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

74-83-9 Bromomethane 1.7 3.4 ND ND 1.8 1.8<br />

75-00-3 Chloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

75-69-4 Trichloromonofluoromethane 2.0 11.8 ND ND 4.7 4.8<br />

75-35-4 1,1-dichloroethene ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

76-13-1<br />

1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2trifluoroethane<br />

64-17-5 Ethanol ND ND 121.2 UB<br />


36.0 ND ND<br />

75-15-0 Carbon disulfide ND 99.8 ND ND 33.4 34.4<br />

67-63-0 Isopropyl alcohol 133.1 1773 489.7 19.4 798.6 820.8<br />

75-09-2 Methylene chloride ND 408.4 ND ND 136.3 140.1<br />

67-64-1 Acetone 395.2 2913 1926 19.4 1745 1793<br />

156-60-5 t-1,2-dichloroethene ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

11-05-3 Hexane 33.1 UB<br />

177.5 136.9 7.0 104.9 107.8<br />

1634-04-4 Methyl-t-butyl ether (MTBE) ND 3.2 ND ND 1.2 1.3<br />

75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

108-05-4 Vinyl acetate 4.5 127.6 6.7 ND 46.2 47.5<br />

156-59-2 cis-1,2-dichloroethene 17.3 85.2 ND ND 34.3 35.2<br />

110-82-7 Cyclohexane 39.9 UB<br />

67-66-3 Chloroform 9.6 UB<br />

222.0 86.6 10.7 103.0 105.8<br />

32.6 UB<br />

62.9 8.6 31.6 32.4<br />

141-78-6 Ethyl Acetate 159.4 857.5 554.5 9.6 523.8 538.3<br />

109-99-9 Tetrahydrofuran 107.6 514.6 374.0 5.6 332.1 341.3<br />

71-55-6 1,1,1-trichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

78-93-3 2-Butanone 424.8 2353 1603 ND 1460 1501<br />

142-82-5 Heptane 19.7 UB<br />

ND ND 13.8 ND ND<br />

71-43-2 Benzene 90.8 447.3 319.6 12.5 285.9 293.8<br />


Sample Type: <strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> Nitrogen<br />

Blank<br />

Can ID: Can F-2 Can F-3 Can F-4 Can F-5<br />

Average <strong>Landfill</strong><br />

<strong>Gas</strong><br />

Concentration<br />

Corrected<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong><br />

Concentration<br />

CAS NO. COMPOUND ppbv Ppbv ppbv ppbv ppbv ppbv<br />

107-06-2 1,2-dichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 9.5 50.1 47.4 ND 35.7 36.7<br />

78-87-5 1,2-dichloropropane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

123-91-1 1,4-dioxane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

10061-01-5 cis-1,3-dichloropropene ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

108-88-3 Toluene 954.5 4259 3110 144.8 2775 2852<br />

108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone<br />

(MIBK)<br />

61.1 295.7 193.1 6.8 183.3 188.4<br />

1006-02-6 t-1,3-dichloropropene ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 9.1 43.3 ND ND 17.5 18.0<br />

79-00-5 1,1,2-trichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

106-93-4 1,2-dibromoethane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 762.1 3281 2337 ND 2127 2186<br />

108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

1330-20-7 m/p-Xylene 1397 6005 4416 155.9 3939 4049<br />

95-47-6 o-Xylene 373.1 1679 1222 47.6 1091 1122<br />

100-42-5 Styrene 40.8 UB<br />

201.7 131.1 11.8 111.0 114.1<br />

75-25-2 Tribromomethane ND 26.1 ND ND 8.9 9.1<br />

79-34-5 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

622-96-8 1-ethyl-4-methylbenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

108-67-8 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene 210.5 922.4 659.2 11.8 597.4 614.0<br />

95-63-6 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene 221.1 930.6 694.1 14.2 615.2 632.3<br />

541-73-1 1,3-dichlorobenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

106-46-7 1,4-dichlorobenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

100-44-7 Benzyl chloride ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

95-50-1 1,2-dichlorobenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

87-68-3<br />

1,1,2,3,4,4-hexachloro-1,3butadiene<br />


120-82-1 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

UB = Sample concentration less than 5 times the blank concentration<br />

ND = Not detected<br />


Table 3-10. Results of C1 to C6 and permanent gases by GC/FID/TCD <strong>from</strong> Site #1<br />

Analyte: Methane Ethane Propane Butane Pentane Hexane O2 N2 CO2<br />

Sample Type Sample ID (%) (ppmv) (ppmv) (ppmv) (ppmv) (ppmv) (%) (%) (%)<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> F-2 6.1 8.6 3.5 3.4 ND ND 20.1 79 ND<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> F-3 33.2 9.5 11.7 5.5 7.5 12.6 10.6 39.1 25.7<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> F-4 15.5 5.9 6.1 4.4 7 ND 17.7 66.8 19.6<br />

Nitrogen Blank F-5 0.0032 ND ND ND ND ND 4 101 ND<br />

Table 3-11. Results of Method 25-C analysis <strong>from</strong> Site #1<br />

Analyte: Methane CO2 NMOC Mass Conc.<br />

Sample Type Sample ID (%) (%) (ppmv) (mg/m 3 )<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> F-2 64.4 46.1 2576 1286<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> F-3 59.4 43.2 2782 1389<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> F-4 58.2 42.2 2677 1337<br />

Nitrogen Blank F-5 ND ND ND ND<br />

The results in Table 3-10 show a possible leak during the analysis, and should be considered as<br />

suspect data. Concentrations of O2, methane, and CO2, are not typical of a mature gas producing<br />

landfill, as O2 concentrations should be less than 2 percent, methane greater than 50 percent, and<br />

CO2 greater than 35 percent. The sum of the concentrations for methane, O2, N2, and CO2 also<br />

exceed 100% in all cases due to problems in the analysis. In response to these questionable<br />

results, additional landfill gas measurements were taken during the October 2007 field campaign.<br />

These results are presented in Section 3.3 of this document.<br />

The results shown in Table 3-11 appear to be the most valid results for methane and CO2 because<br />

this method was specifically designed for measuring landfill gas concentrations. With the<br />

exception sample F-2, the sum of the concentrations for methane and CO2 more closely balance<br />

to 100% than the results presented in Table 3-10.<br />

3.1.5 Total Mercury Measurements<br />

Total mercury concentrations in the landfill gas <strong>from</strong> Site #1 ranged <strong>from</strong> 4958 to 5148 ng/m 3<br />

with an average of 5022 ng/m 3 for all of the samples. Matrix spike recovery for the total mercury<br />

sample was 98.2 percent. Table 3-12 presents the total mercury concentration data <strong>from</strong> Site #1.<br />


Table 3-12. Total Mercury Sample Concentrations <strong>from</strong> Site #1<br />

Sample / Well Location<br />

Total Mercury <strong>Gas</strong><br />

Concentration (ng/m 3 )<br />

Spike Recovery<br />

(%)<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Sample 1 5148 NA<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Sample 2 4961 98.2<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Sample 3 4958 NA<br />

Lab Spike NA 89.9<br />

Lab Spike Duplicate NA 97.6<br />

3.1.6 Dimethyl Mercury Measurements<br />

Dimethyl mercury concentrations in the landfill gas at Site #1 ranged <strong>from</strong> 1.22 to 2.65 ng/m 3<br />

with an average of 1.91 ng/m 3 . Spike recoveries for the dimethyl mercury traps were 13.9<br />

percent. Un-sampled spike traps had recoveries <strong>from</strong> 87.4 to 89.9 percent with an average of<br />

88.7 percent. Recoveries for the spiked/sampled traps were significantly lower than the<br />

acceptance criteria of 50 to 150 percent. This is possibly due to the presence of an unknown<br />

interfering compound either destroying or masking the detection of the dimethyl mercury. For<br />

this reason, all of the dimethyl mercury results <strong>from</strong> this campaign must be labeled as suspect.<br />

Sampling was performed at approximately 10 times the estimated volume necessary to collect a<br />

valid sample. Table 3-13 presents the results of the dimethyl mercury concentration data <strong>from</strong><br />

Site #1.<br />

Table 3-13. Dimethyl Mercury Sample Concentrations <strong>from</strong> Site #1<br />

Sample / Well Location<br />

Dimethyl Mercury <strong>Gas</strong><br />

Concentration (ng/m 3 )<br />

Spike Recovery<br />

(%)<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Sample 1 2.65 103.3<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Sample 2 1.22 NA<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Sample 3 1.86 81.1<br />

Spike Sample (front/back) NA 13.9<br />

2nd Source Standards (1490 ng/L) NA 87.4<br />

2nd Source Standards (1000 ng/L) NA 89.9<br />

3.1.7 Monomethyl Mercury Measurements<br />

Monomethyl mercury concentrations in the landfill gas at Site #1 ranged <strong>from</strong> 11.2 to 12.4 ng/m 3<br />

with an average of 11.8 ng/m 3 . Matrix spike recoveries for the monomethyl samples were 25.7<br />

percent. Spike recoveries for un-sampled impinger solution ranged <strong>from</strong> 88 to 90 percent with an<br />

average of 89 percent. The lower recoveries may have been due to a preservation issue with the<br />

shipping or possible matrix interference as seen in the matrix spike and cause these data points to<br />

be possibly under-reporting the true monomethyl mercury concentrations.. Table 3-14 presents<br />

the monomethyl mercury concentration data <strong>from</strong> Site #1.<br />


Table 3-14. Monomethyl Mercury Concentrations (ng/m 3 ) <strong>from</strong> Site #1<br />

Sample / Well Location<br />

Monomethyl Mercury <strong>Gas</strong><br />

Concentration (ng/m 3 )<br />

Spike Recovery<br />

(%)<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Sample 1 11.16 NA<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Sample 2 12.44 NA<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Sample 3 11.86 NA<br />

Spike Sample NA 25.7<br />

Analytical Spike NA 88.0<br />

Analytical Spike Duplicate NA 90.4<br />

3.1.8 Elemental Mercury Measurements<br />

Lumex elemental mercury continuous measurements at Site #1 ranged <strong>from</strong> 3094 to 3445 ng/m 3<br />

with an average of 3266±130 ng/m 3 for all of the samples. These samples were collected during<br />

a 1.25 hour period on 2/21/2007. Sampling with the Lumex was also performed in conjunction<br />

with the total mercury samples at this site. The Lumex concentrations during total mercury <strong>Gas</strong><br />

Sample 1 was 3277 ng/m 3 , <strong>Gas</strong> Sample 2 was 3495 ng/m 3 , and <strong>Gas</strong> Sample 3 was 3400 ng/m 3.<br />

3.1.9 Calculation of NMOC Fluxes<br />

The emissions flux value of each compound presented in Table 3-9 was estimated using the<br />

method described in Section 1.7 of this document. The net measured methane flux values <strong>from</strong><br />

each landfill cell were used to estimate the emissions flux value of each compound. In order to<br />

perform this calculation, the estimated methane emission values presented in Table 3-8 were<br />

used (1,500 kg/day for the control cell and 3,800 kg/day for the bioreactor cell).<br />

Table 3-15 presents the estimated flux of each compound (in units of grams per day) <strong>from</strong> the<br />

control and bioreactor cells of Site #1.<br />


Table 3-15. Estimated NMOC Flux Values <strong>from</strong> the Control and Bioreactor Cells of Site<br />

#1<br />

Compound<br />

Corrected <strong>Landfill</strong><br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Concentration<br />

(ppbv)<br />

Estimated Flux<br />

Value <strong>from</strong> Control<br />

Cell<br />

(grams per day)<br />

Estimated Flux<br />

Value <strong>from</strong><br />

Bioreactor Cell<br />

(grams per day)<br />

Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) 143.8 3.4 8.7<br />

1,2-Chloro-1,1,2,2-Tetrafluoroethane 17.6 0.60 1.5<br />

Vinyl chloride 41.2 0.51 1.3<br />

Bromomethane 1.8 0.030 0.090<br />

Trichloromonofluoromethane 4.8 0.13 0.33<br />

Carbon disulfide 34.4 0.52 1.3<br />

Isopropyl alcohol 820.8 9.7 25<br />

Methylene chloride 140.1 2.4 6.0<br />

Acetone 1793 21 52<br />

Hexane 107.8 1.8 4.7<br />

Methyl-t-butyl ether (MTBE) 1.3 0.020 0.060<br />

Vinyl acetate 47.5 0.81 2.1<br />

cis-1,2-dichloroethene 35.2 0.68 1.7<br />

Cyclohexane 105.8 1.8 4.5<br />

Chloroform 32.4 0.76 1.9<br />

Ethyl Acetate 538.3 9.4 24<br />

Tetrahydrofuran 341.3 4.9 12<br />

2-Butanone 1501 21 54<br />

Benzene 293.8 4.5 11<br />

Trichloroethylene 36.7 0.95 2.4<br />

Toluene 2852 52 130<br />

4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 183.3 3.6 9.2<br />

Tetrachloroethylene 18.0 0.59 1.5<br />

Ethylbenzene 2186 46 120<br />

m/p-Xylene 4049 85 220<br />

o-Xylene 1122 24 60<br />

Styrene 114.1 2.4 6.0<br />

Tribromomethane 9.1 0.46 1.2<br />

1,3,5-trimethylbenzene 614.0 15 37<br />

1,2,4-trimethylbenzene 632.3 15 38<br />


3.2 <strong>Landfill</strong> Site #2<br />

3.2.1 Control Cell<br /> February 24<br />

ORS measurements were collected in the control cell during the afternoon of February 24. A<br />

schematic of the ORS measurement configuration <strong>from</strong> this cell can be found in Figure 2-4.<br />

Figure 3-4 presents a summary of the actual measurement configurations used in the cell, as well<br />

as the measurement results. The figure depicts the average calculated methane flux values along<br />

each VRPM measurement plane. The blue arrow depicts the prevailing wind values during the<br />

time of the measurements.<br />

Figure 3-4 Summary of ORS measurements conducted on Feb. 24 in the control cell of Site<br />

#2<br />

The figure shows that the prevailing winds were <strong>from</strong> the southeast during the time of the<br />

measurements. Based on the prevailing wind direction, the southern and eastern VRPM planes<br />

are located upwind of the actual landfill cell, so flux values measured along these VRPM planes<br />

represent methane emissions <strong>from</strong> the southern and eastern slopes of the cell (by convention of<br />

the measurement method, flux values <strong>from</strong> measurement planes located upwind of the landfill<br />

cell are shown as negative values). The VRPM planes located along the northern and western<br />

boundaries of the cell are downwind of the landfill cell (by convention, flux values <strong>from</strong><br />

measurement planes located downwind of the landfill cell are shown as positive values).<br />

The methane flux values measured along the northern, eastern, southern, and western VRPM<br />

measurement planes were 14, 7.8, 20, and 2.8 grams per second, respectively. The difference<br />

between the sum of the fluxes measured along the northern and western planes (17 g/s) and the<br />


southern and eastern planes (28 g/s), is a negative value. This is most likely due to the fact that<br />

the methane flux values measured along the northern and western VRPM planes (14 and 2.8<br />

grams per second, respectively) represent slight underestimations of the actual fluxes. The<br />

prevailing winds during the time of the measurements were <strong>from</strong> the southeast, directly towards<br />

the location of the OP-FTIR instrument, or convergence of the optical beams used in the OP­<br />

FTIR measurements (see Figure 2-4). Flux values calculated with the VRPM method during<br />

these conditions often result in an underestimation of the flux values. Based on this information,<br />

the methane flux value <strong>from</strong> the top of the landfill cell is estimated to be negligible. This<br />

conclusion is supported by the results of the ORS measurements collected in the control cell on<br />

February 25, which are presented in section<br />

The sum of the flux values measured along the southern and eastern planes, 28 grams per second,<br />

represents the calculated methane flux value <strong>from</strong> the southern and eastern slopes of the landfill<br />

cell.<br />

Tables 3-16, 3-17, 3-18, and 3-19 present the calculated methane flux, measurement time,<br />

prevailing wind speed, and prevailing wind direction during the time of the VRPM<br />

measurements along the northern, eastern, southern, and western VRPM configurations,<br />

respectively. The measurement time shown represents the midpoint of the averaging period,<br />

which lasts approximately 15 minutes.<br />

Table 3-16. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction<br />

Measured on February 24 along the Northern VRPM Configuration in the<br />

Control Cell of Site #2<br />

Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

15:11:22 8.2 127 5.1<br />

15:18:21 11 136 6.2<br />

15:24:51 19 147 7.6<br />

15:31:52 21 153 7.6<br />

15:38:52 17 151 7.1<br />

15:45:51 18 153 7.1<br />

15:52:52 15 147 6.2<br />

15:59:52 15 144 6.6<br />

16:06:51 14 148 6.2<br />

16:13:22 12 144 5.7<br />

16:20:22 14 143 6.3<br />

16:26:52 14 139 6.7<br />

16:33:51 17 142 7.2<br />

16:40:52 14 135 5.3<br />

16:47:52 12 132 5.8<br />

16:54:51 11 130 5.7<br />

17:01:52 9.8<br />

Average= 14<br />

Standard Dev.=3.43<br />

131 6.1<br />


Table 3-17. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction<br />

Measured on February 24 along the Eastern VRPM Configuration in the<br />

Control Cell of Site #2<br />

Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

15:17:40 7.4 134 6.1<br />

15:22:59 6.3 147 7.2<br />

15:29:08 5.6 151 7.8<br />

15:35:31 5.7 151 7.6<br />

15:40:51 5.1 154 6.9<br />

15:46:09 5.8 154 7.2<br />

15:52:33 6.4 147 6.7<br />

15:57:52 7.1 144 6.4<br />

16:03:11 7.4 146 6.3<br />

16:08:30 7.5 147 6.2<br />

16:13:50 7.5 145 5.8<br />

16:19:08 8.3 141 5.8<br />

16:24:28 9.6 143 7.5<br />

16:29:47 9.1 141 6.9<br />

16:35:06 9.9 141 6.8<br />

16:40:24 9.6 137 5.8<br />

16:45:43 9.3 134 5.6<br />

16:51:02 9.4 127 5.4<br />

16:56:21 10 131 6.3<br />

17:01:41 9.3 131 5.9<br />

Average= 7.8<br />

Standard Dev.=1.64<br />


Table 3-18. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction<br />

Measured on February 24 along the Southern VRPM Configuration in the<br />

Control Cell of Site #2<br />

Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

15:15:18 24 125 5.9<br />

15:20:19 28 139 6.2<br />

15:26:29 35 152 8.2<br />

15:31:48 26 148 7.1<br />

15:38:12 27 151 7.2<br />

15:43:31 26 156 7.2<br />

15:49:54 16 148 6.7<br />

15:55:13 22 142 6.2<br />

16:00:32 22 147 6.7<br />

16:05:51 18 146 6.2<br />

16:11:11 14 148 6.2<br />

16:16:30 19 144 5.9<br />

16:21:48 19 143 6.6<br />

16:27:07 23 142 7.2<br />

16:32:26 18 142 7.2<br />

16:37:45 14 137 5.8<br />

16:43:05 15 138 5.7<br />

16:48:23 13 129 5.5<br />

16:53:43 14 129 5.8<br />

16:59:01 18 130 5.9<br />

17:04:21 18 132 6.3<br />

Average= 20<br />

Standard Dev.= 5.68<br />


Table 3-19. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction<br />

Measured on February 24 along the Western VRPM Configuration in the<br />

Control Cell of Site #2<br />

Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

15:08:07 2.7 136 5.1<br />

15:15:07 3.5 127 5.9<br />

15:21:38 2.7 143 6.6<br />

15:28:36 2.7 149 7.3<br />

15:35:51 2.5 153 7.9<br />

15:42:38 2.2 154 7<br />

15:49:36 2.4 150 6.9<br />

15:57:01 2.7 144 6.6<br />

16:03:38 2.3 147 6.3<br />

16:10:06 2.1 148 6.3<br />

16:17:11 2.5 143 5.8<br />

16:23:44 3.2 143 7.2<br />

16:30:38 3.4 141 6.9<br />

16:37:36 3.2 138 6.2<br />

16:44:55 3.2 135 5.9<br />

16:51:38 3.3 130 5.5<br />

16:58:36 3.4 131 6.3<br /> February 25<br />

Average= 2.8<br />

Standard Dev.=0.46<br />

ORS measurements were collected in the control cell during the morning and early afternoon of<br />

February 25. The ORS measurement configuration used on February 25 was identical to the<br />

configuration used on February 24 (see Figure 2-4). Figure 3-5 presents a summary of the actual<br />

measurement configurations used in the cell, as well as the measurement results. The figure<br />

depicts the average calculated methane flux values along each VRPM measurement plane. The<br />

blue arrow depicts the prevailing wind values during the time of the measurements.<br />

The figure shows that the prevailing winds were <strong>from</strong> the southwest during the time of the<br />

measurements. Based on the prevailing wind direction, the southern and western VRPM planes<br />

are located upwind of the actual landfill cell, so flux values measured along these VRPM planes<br />

represent methane emissions <strong>from</strong> the southern and western slopes of the cell (by convention of<br />

the measurement method, flux values <strong>from</strong> measurement planes located upwind of the landfill<br />

cell are shown as negative values). The VRPM planes located along the northern and eastern<br />

boundaries of the cell are downwind of the landfill cell (by convention, flux values <strong>from</strong><br />

measurement planes located downwind of the landfill cell are shown as positive values).<br />


Figure 3-5 Summary of ORS measurements conducted on Feb. 25 in the control cell of<br />

Site #2.<br />

The methane flux values measured along the northern, eastern, southern, and western VRPM<br />

measurement planes were 13, 2.3, 13, and 3.3 grams per second, respectively. The difference<br />

between the sum of the fluxes measured along the northern and eastern planes (15 g/s) and the<br />

southern and western planes (16 g/s), is a negative value close to 0, and is within the uncertainty<br />

range of the measurement method. Based on this, the estimated methane flux value <strong>from</strong> the top<br />

of the landfill cell is negligible.<br />

The sum of the flux values measured along the southern and western planes, 16 grams per<br />

second, represents the calculated methane flux value <strong>from</strong> the southern and western slopes of the<br />

landfill cell.<br />

Tables 3-20, 3-21, 3-22, and 3-23 present the calculated methane flux, measurement time,<br />

prevailing wind speed, and prevailing wind direction during the time of the VRPM<br />

measurements along the northern, eastern, southern, and western VRPM configurations,<br />

respectively.<br />


Table 3-20. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction<br />

Measured on February 25 along the Northern VRPM Configuration in the<br />

Control Cell of Site #2<br />

Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

11:57:21 15 199 4.2<br />

12:04:22 12 202 3.4<br />

12:11:52 5.3 179 1.4<br />

12:46:22 16 188 4.9<br />

13:18:51 14 215 5.6<br />

13:25:52 15 212 5.6<br />

13:32:52 15 216 5.4<br />

13:39:51 15 216 5.6<br />

13:46:52 13<br />

Average= 13<br />

Standard Dev.=3.30<br />

222 5.3<br />

Table 3-21. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction<br />

Measured on February 25 along the Eastern VRPM Configuration in the<br />

Control Cell of Site #2<br />

Time Methane Flux (g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

11:59:07 3.1 204 4.4<br />

12:10:31 0.19 173 1.2<br />

12:15:50 0.07 179 2.9<br />

12:21:54 0.40 189 3.5<br />

12:27:12 0.39 190 3.1<br />

12:32:32 0.51 188 3.8<br />

12:39:05 0.17 182 4.5<br />

12:44:25 0.58 186 5<br />

12:49:44 0.51 189 5<br />

13:12:28 3.5 217 5.4<br />

13:18:10 3.0 215 5.6<br />

13:23:29 2.0 210 5.5<br />

13:28:48 3.1 216 5.7<br />

13:34:06 4.5 214 5.5<br />

13:39:26 4.9 215 5.5<br />

13:44:44 6.0 218 5.4<br />

13:50:35 6.8<br />

Average= 2.3<br />

Standard Dev.=2.25<br />

226 5.3<br />


Table 3-22. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction<br />

Measured on February 25 along the Southern VRPM Configuration in the<br />

Control Cell of Site #2<br />

Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

12:01:46 11 208 3.7<br />

12:07:51 3.8 162 1.1<br />

12:13:10 6.1 179 1.7<br />

12:18:29 14 178 4.1<br />

12:24:33 11 182 3.6<br />

12:29:53 11 187 3.4<br />

12:35:12 23 187 3.9<br />

12:47:04 19 187 5<br />

12:55:21 13 202 5<br />

13:01:55 12 208 5<br />

13:07:14 8.8 217 5.3<br />

13:15:30 12 214 5.5<br />

13:20:49 9.9 211 5.3<br />

13:26:08 19 213 5.5<br />

13:31:27 8.3 214 5.5<br />

13:36:46 14 216 5.6<br />

13:42:05 12 216 5.4<br />

13:47:24 12<br />

Average= 13<br />

Standard Dev.= 4.71<br />

219 5.3<br />

Table 3-23. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction<br />

Measured on February 25 along the Western VRPM Configuration in the<br />

Control Cell of Site #2<br />

Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

11:54:29 2.8 199 4.5<br />

12:01:07 1.7 203 3.7<br />

12:08:37 0.21 173 1.2<br />

12:43:06 0.58 186 5<br />

13:15:38 6.2 213 5.5<br />

13:22:36 4.9 212 5.3<br />

13:29:48 5.1 214 5.6<br />

13:36:38 4.5 215 5.5<br />

13:43:36 4.3<br />

Average= 3.3<br />

Standard Dev.=4.71<br />

217 5.4<br />


3.2.2 Bioreactor Cell<br /> February 23<br />

ORS measurements were collected in the bioreactor cell on February 23. A schematic of the<br />

ORS measurement configuration <strong>from</strong> this cell can be found in Figure 2-6. Figure 3-6 presents a<br />

summary of the actual measurement configurations used in the cell, as well as the measurement<br />

results. The figure depicts the average calculated methane flux values along each VRPM<br />

measurement plane. The blue arrow depicts the prevailing wind values during the time of the<br />

measurements.<br />

Figure 3-6 Summary of ORS measurements conducted on Feb. 23 in bioreactor cell of Site<br />

#2.<br />

The figure shows that the prevailing winds were <strong>from</strong> the northeast during the time of the<br />

measurements. Based on the prevailing wind direction, the northern and eastern VRPM planes<br />

are located upwind of the actual landfill cell, so flux values measured along these VRPM planes<br />

represent methane emissions <strong>from</strong> the northern and eastern slopes of the cell (by convention of<br />

the measurement method, flux values <strong>from</strong> measurement planes located upwind of the landfill<br />

cell are shown as negative values). The VRPM planes located along the southern and western<br />

boundaries of the cell are downwind of the landfill cell (by convention, flux values <strong>from</strong><br />

measurement planes located downwind of the landfill cell are shown as positive values).<br />

The methane flux values measured along the northern, eastern, southern, and western VRPM<br />

measurement planes were 3.7, 0.69, 5.0, and 5.1 grams per second, respectively. The difference<br />

between the sum of the fluxes measured along the southern and western planes (10 g/s) and the<br />

northern and eastern planes (4.4 g/s), 5.6 grams per second, represents the calculated methane<br />

flux value <strong>from</strong> the top of the landfill cell (defined as the flat surface area where instrumentation<br />

was deployed). The sum of the flux values measured along the northern and eastern planes, 4.4<br />

grams per second, represents the calculated methane flux value <strong>from</strong> the northern and eastern<br />

slopes of the landfill cell.<br />

Tables 3-24, 3-25, 3-26, and 3-27 present the calculated methane flux, measurement time,<br />

prevailing wind speed, and prevailing wind direction during the time of the VRPM<br />


measurements along the northern, eastern, southern, and western VRPM configurations,<br />

respectively.<br />

Table 3-24. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction<br />

Measured on February 23 along the Northern VRPM Configuration in the<br />

Bioreactor Cell of Site #2<br />

Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

16:08:52 2.8 51 4.2<br />

16:15:51 2.6 52 4.1<br />

16:22:52 2.6 55 4.4<br />

16:57:21 4.4 59 4<br />

17:04:22 4.8 57 4.2<br />

17:11:52 4.4 61 4.2<br />

17:18:51 4.2 65 4.5<br />

Average= 3.7<br />

Standard Dev.=0.98<br />

Table 3-25. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction<br />

Measured on February 23 along the Eastern VRPM Configuration in the<br />

Bioreactor Cell of Site #2<br />

Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

16:06:06 0.75 47 4.3<br />

16:12:38 0.77 51 4.1<br />

16:19:36 0.67 52 4.3<br />

16:26:46 0.57 52 4.4<br />

16:33:38 0.64 61 4.8<br />

16:40:06 0.81 65 5.1<br />

16:47:26 0.66 65 4.5<br />

16:54:29 0.71 60 4.1<br />

17:01:07 0.64 56 4.1<br />

17:08:37 0.67 58 4.2<br />

17:15:38 0.68 65 4.4<br />

Average= 0.69<br />

Standard Dev.=0.068<br />


Table 3-26. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction<br />

Measured on February 23 along the Southern VRPM Configuration in the<br />

Bioreactor Cell of Site #2<br />

Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

16:12:40 4.8 52 4.0<br />

16:18:30 5.4 53 4.3<br />

16:24:20 5.2 53 4.4<br />

16:30:15 5.2 56 4.6<br />

16:36:05 4.7 65 5.0<br />

16:41:26 4.8 66 5.2<br />

16:46:47 4.3 67 4.6<br />

16:52:10 4.6 62 4.2<br />

16:57:33 4.9 58 4.0<br />

17:02:54 5.6 55 4.1<br />

17:08:16 5.8 56 4.3<br />

17:13:38 5.2 63 4.3<br />

17:19:01 4.6 67 4.4<br />

Average= 5.0<br />

Standard Dev.=0.43<br />

Table 3-27. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction<br />

Measured on February 23 along the Western VRPM Configuration in the<br />

Bioreactor Cell of Site #2<br />

Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

16:10:29 16 49 3.8<br />

16:15:50 9.1 53 4.1<br />

16:38:45 2.6 66 5.2<br />

16:44:07 2.6 68 4.8<br />

16:49:30 2.8 63 4.4<br />

16:54:51 3.7 63 4.1<br />

17:00:12 3.1 54 4.1<br />

17:05:35 3.1 54 4.2<br />

17:10:58 3.8 60 4.3<br />

17:16:19 4.5 66 4.5<br />

17:21:42 4.9 66 4.3<br />

Average= 5.1<br />

Standard Dev.=4.01<br />

3-30 February 24<br />

ORS measurements were collected in the bioreactor cell during the morning hours of February<br />

24 using the same configuration used on February 23. Figure 3-7 presents a summary of the<br />

actual measurement configurations used in the cell, as well as the measurement results. The<br />

figure depicts the average calculated methane flux values along each VRPM measurement plane.<br />

The blue arrow depicts the prevailing wind values during the time of the measurements.<br />

Figure 3-7 Summary of ORS measurements conducted on Feb. 24 in the bioreactor cell of<br />

Site #2<br />

The figure shows that the prevailing winds were <strong>from</strong> the southeast during the time of the<br />

measurements. Based on the prevailing wind direction, the southern and eastern VRPM planes<br />

are located upwind of the actual landfill cell, so flux values measured along these VRPM planes<br />

represent methane emissions <strong>from</strong> the southern and eastern slopes of the cell (by convention of<br />

the measurement method, flux values <strong>from</strong> measurement planes located upwind of the landfill<br />

cell are shown as negative values). The VRPM planes located along the northern and western<br />

boundaries of the cell are downwind of the landfill cell (by convention, flux values <strong>from</strong><br />

measurement planes located downwind of the landfill cell are shown as positive values).<br />

The methane flux values measured along the northern, eastern, southern, and western VRPM<br />

measurement planes were 0.35, 0.83, 3.1, and 5.9 grams per second, respectively. The difference<br />

between the sum of the fluxes measured along the northern and western planes (6.3 g/s) and the<br />

southern and eastern planes (3.9 g/s), 2.4 grams per second, represents the calculated methane<br />

flux value <strong>from</strong> the top of the landfill cell (defined as the flat surface area where instrumentation<br />

was deployed). The sum of the flux values measured along the southern and eastern planes, 3.9<br />

grams per second, represents the calculated methane flux value <strong>from</strong> the southern and eastern<br />

slopes of the landfill cell.<br />

Tables 3-28, 3-29, 3-30, and 3-31 present the calculated methane flux, measurement time,<br />

prevailing wind speed, and prevailing wind direction during the time of the VRPM<br />

measurements along the northern, eastern, southern, and western VRPM configurations,<br />

respectively.<br />


Table 3-28. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction<br />

Measured on February 24 along the Northern VRPM Configuration in the<br />

Bioreactor Cell of Site #2<br />

Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

9:56:52 0.39 106 7.3<br />

10:03:51 0.66 111 7<br />

10:33:51 0.01 98 6.7<br />

Average= 0.35<br />

Standard Dev.=0.327<br />

Table 3-29. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction<br />

Measured on February 24 along the Eastern VRPM Configuration in the<br />

Bioreactor Cell of Site #2<br />

Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

9:54:54 0.87 104 7.3<br />

10:00:38 0.97 107 7.0<br />

10:30:38 0.65 97 6.8<br />

Average=0.83<br />

Standard Dev.=0.164<br />

Table 3-30. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction<br />

Measured on February 24 along the Southern VRPM Configuration in the<br />

Bioreactor Cell of Site #2<br />

Time Methane Flux (g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

9:57:37 2.5 106 7.2<br />

10:03:44 4.7 111 7.0<br />

10:12:18 2.7 107 7.1<br />

10:21:27 2.5 100 7.1<br />

Average= 3.1<br />

Standard Dev.=1.04<br />


Table 3-31. Calculated Methane Flux and Prevailing Wind Speed and Direction<br />

Measured on February 24 along the Western VRPM Configuration in the<br />

Bioreactor Cell of Site #2<br />

Time<br />

Methane Flux<br />

(g/s)<br />

Prevailing Wind Direction<br />

(degrees <strong>from</strong> North)<br />

Prevailing Wind Speed<br />

(m/s)<br />

9:53:43 10 104 7.2<br />

10:01:03 6.1 107 6.9<br />

10:09:37 4.2 109 7.0<br />

10:16:18 3.2 104 6.9<br />

10:21:27 5.8 98 6.9<br />

Average= 5.9<br />

Standard Dev.=2.72<br />

3.2.3 Total Site Methane <strong>Emissions</strong><br />

The total site methane emissions for Site #2 were calculated using the methods described in<br />

Section 3.1.3 of this document. Table 3-32 presents the results of these calculations for Site #2:<br />

Table 3-32. Summary of Total Site Methane <strong>Emissions</strong> Calculations <strong>from</strong> Site #2<br />

Calculation Control Cell Bioreactor Cell<br />

Total Surface Area of Top of Cell<br />

Total Surface Area of Slopes<br />

Methane Emission Factor of Top of Cell<br />

Methane Emission Factor of Slopes<br />

Total Methane Emission Factor of Cell<br />

Total Cell Methane <strong>Emissions</strong><br />

2<br />

19,000 m<br />

2<br />

78,600 m<br />

0 g/day/m 2 2/24/07 survey<br />

0 g/day/m 2 2/25/07 survey<br />

92 g/day/m 2 2/24/07 survey<br />

60 g/day/m 2 2/25/07 survey<br />

74 g/day/m 2 2/24/07 survey<br />

48 g/day/m 2 2/25/07 survey<br />

7,200 kg/day 2/24/07 survey<br />

4,700 kg/day 2/25/07 survey<br />

Total Site Methane <strong>Emissions</strong>= 7300 kg/day<br />

2<br />

7,900 m<br />

2<br />

50,700 m<br />

62 g/day/m 2 2/23/07 survey<br />

25 g/day/m 2 2/24/07 survey<br />

15 g/day/m 2 2/23/07 survey<br />

14 g/day/m 2 2/24/07 survey<br />

22 g/day/m 2 2/23/07 survey<br />

15 g/day/m 2 2/24/07 survey<br />

1,300 kg/day 2/23/07 survey<br />

900 kg/day 2/24/07 survey<br />

The results show that the total cell methane emission factors calculated <strong>from</strong> the two surveys of<br />

the Control Cell (74 g/day/m 2 and 48 g/day/m 2 , respectively) were much higher than the total<br />

cell methane emission factors calculated <strong>from</strong> the surveys of the bioreactor cell (22 g/day/m 2<br />

and 15 g/day/m 2 , respectively). This may be due to a fresh soil cover being added to the surface<br />

of the cell prior to the measurement campaign. In addition, because of high levels of moisture in<br />

the cell due to heavy rainfall, there were no additions of leachate or other liquids for several<br />

months. The exact moisture content of either cell was not provided during the field sampling<br />

campaign.<br />


Based on the calculations presented in Table 3-33, the total methane emissions <strong>from</strong> Site #2 are<br />

estimated by calculating the sum of the average of the total methane emissions <strong>from</strong> the<br />

bioreactor and control cells, which is 7,300 kilograms per day. It should be noted that this<br />

estimated value is extrapolated <strong>from</strong> a limited amount of flux data, and does not take into<br />

account diurnal or seasonal trends in methane emissions.<br />

3.2.4 Summa Canister Sampling<br />

Summa canister samples were collected <strong>from</strong> the gas collection header pipe in triplicate at Site<br />

#2. These samples represent a composite of LFG <strong>from</strong> the entire site. Samples were collected<br />

upstream of the vacuum pump to minimize loses and contamination. Blanks were also collected<br />

using a nitrogen gas stream to purge the VOST train condensers and glassware. Samples were<br />

analyzed using Methods TO-15, 25-C, a C1 through C6 alkane hydrocarbons analysis by<br />

GC/FID, and a permanent gases (O2, N2, CO2) analysis by GC/TCD. Results are presented in<br />

Tables 3-33 through 3-35. TO-15 results are qualified using results <strong>from</strong> the nitrogen blank. Any<br />

compounds reported in samples that are

CAS NO.<br />

Sample Type: <strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong><br />

Can ID: Can G-1 Can G-2 Can G-3<br />

COMPOUND ppbv ppbv ppbv<br />

Nitrogen<br />

Blank<br />

Can G-4<br />

Ppbv<br />

Average <strong>Landfill</strong><br />

<strong>Gas</strong><br />

Concentration<br />

ppbv<br />

Corrected<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong><br />

Concentration<br />

156-59-2 cis-1,2-dichloroethene 107.4 79.1 73.6 ND 86.7 88.9<br />

110-82-7 Cyclohexane 447.1 314.0 218.2 10.1 326.4 334.8<br />

67-66-3 Chloroform 124.9 120.2 99.6 6.2 114.9 117.8<br />

141-78-6 Ethyl Acetate 204.3 114.2 159.1 5.8 159.2 163.3<br />

109-99-9 Tetrahydrofuran 195.1 119.4 144.2 3.5 152.9 156.8<br />

71-55-6 1,1,1-trichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

78-93-3 2-Butanone ND ND ND 51.7 ND ND<br />

142-82-5 Heptane 141.0 122.7 112.3 ND 125.3 128.5<br />

71-43-2 Benzene 306.1 238.1 216.6 3.0 253.6 260.1<br />

107-06-2 1,2-dichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 45.0 61.4 80.7 ND 62.4 64.0<br />

78-87-5 1,2-dichloropropane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

123-91-1 1,4-dioxane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

10061-01-5 cis-1,3-dichloropropene ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

108-88-3 Toluene 2082 1505 1648 59.6 1745 1790<br />

108-10-1<br />

4-Methyl-2-pentanone<br />

(MIBK)<br />

86.5 ND 65.1 UB 13.3 29.0 29.7<br />

1006-02-6 t-1,3-dichloropropene ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

79-00-5 1,1,2-trichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

106-93-4 1,2-dibromoethane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 1647 1677 ND 1108 1136<br />

108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

1330-20-7 m/p-Xylene 3593 2653 2782 71.9 3010 3086<br />

95-47-6 o-Xylene 129 1014 1037 19.5 1115 1143<br />

100-42-5 Styrene 269.0 240.9 211.5 4.0 240.4 246.6<br />

75-25-2 Tribromomethane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

79-34-5 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

622-96-8 1-ethyl-4-methylbenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

108-67-8 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene 707.7 567.8 578.5 8.0 618.0 633.7<br />

95-63-6 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene 906.8 754.1 760.8 7.8 807.2 827.8<br />

541-73-1 1,3-dichlorobenzene 411.2 345.0 ND ND 258.6 258.6<br />

106-46-7 1,4-dichlorobenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

100-44-7 Benzyl chloride ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

95-50-1 1,2-dichlorobenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

87-68-3<br />

1,1,2,3,4,4-hexachloro­<br />

1,3-butadiene<br />


120-82-1 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND<br />

UB = Sample concentration less than 5 times the blank concentration<br />

ND = Not detected<br />

3-35<br />


Table 3-34. Results for C1 to C6 and Permanent <strong>Gas</strong>es by GC/FID/TCD <strong>from</strong> Site #2<br />

Sample<br />

ID<br />

Methane<br />

(%)<br />

Ethane<br />

(ppmv)<br />

Propane<br />

(ppmv)<br />

Butane<br />

(ppmv)<br />

Pentane<br />

(ppmv)<br />

Hexane<br />

(ppmv)<br />

Oxygen<br />

(%)<br />

Nitrogen<br />

(%)<br />

Carbon Dioxide<br />

(%)<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> G-1 15.0 6.7 9.7 4.6 7.4 ND 13.3 57.7 19<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> G-2 15.2 5.9 10.6 4.4 7.0 11.8 13.8 60.0 18.9<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> G-3 15.6 6.0 9.8 4.5 7.2 ND 14.2 61.5 18.9<br />

Nitrogen Blank G-4 0.0238 ND 2.0 ND ND ND 2.5 97.1 ND<br />

Table 3-35. Results for Method 25-C Analysis <strong>from</strong> Site #2<br />

Sample<br />

ID<br />

Methane<br />

(%)<br />

CO2<br />

(%)<br />

NMOC<br />

ppmv<br />

Mass Conc<br />

mg/m 3<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> G-1 45.7 39.5 1922 960<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> G-2 42.4 36.5 1897 947<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> G-3 41.5 36.3 1891 944<br />

Nitrogen Blank G-4 ND ND 17.0 9.0<br />

The results presented in Table 3-34 show a possible leak during the analysis, and should be<br />

considered as suspect data. Concentrations of O2, methane, and CO2, are not typical of a mature<br />

gas producing landfill, as O2 concentrations should be less than 2 percent, methane greater than<br />

50 percent, and CO2 greater than 35 percent. In response to these questionable results, additional<br />

landfill gas measurements were taken during the October 2007 field campaign. These results are<br />

presented in Section 3.3 of this document.<br />

The results shown in Table 3-35 appear to be the most valid results for methane and CO2.<br />

3.2.5 Total Mercury Measurements<br />

Total mercury concentrations in the landfill gas at Site #2 ranged <strong>from</strong> 36 to 47 ng/m 3 , with an<br />

average of 43 ng/m 3 for all of the samples. Spike recoveries for the total mercury samples were<br />

89.9 and 97.6 percent. Table 3-36 presents the total mercury concentration data <strong>from</strong> Site #2.<br />


Table 3-36. Total Mercury Sample Concentrations <strong>from</strong> Site #2<br />

Sample /<br />

Well Location<br />

Total Mercury <strong>Gas</strong><br />

Concentration (ng/m 3 )<br />

Spike Recovery<br />

(%)<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Sample 1 36 NA<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Sample 2 47 NA<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Sample 3 47 NA<br />

Lab Spike NA 89.9<br />

Lab Spike Duplicate NA 97.6<br />

3.2.6 Dimethyl Mercury Measurements<br />

Dimethyl mercury concentrations in the landfill gas at Site #2 ranged <strong>from</strong> 0.69 to 9.19 ng/m 3<br />

with an average of 5.66 ng/m 3 . Spike recoveries for the dimethyl mercury traps were 1.9 percent.<br />

Un-sampled spike traps had recoveries <strong>from</strong> 87.4 to 89.9 percent with an average of 88.7<br />

percent. Recoveries for the spiked/sampled traps were significantly lower than the acceptance<br />

criteria of 50 to 150 percent. This is possibly due to the presence of an unknown interfering<br />

compound either destroying or masking the detection of the dimethyl mercury. For this reason,<br />

all of the dimethyl mercury results <strong>from</strong> this campaign must be labeled as suspect. Sampling was<br />

performed at approximately 10 times the necessary volume to collect a valid sample. Table 3-37<br />

presents the dimethyl mercury concentration data <strong>from</strong> Site #2.<br />

Table 3-37. Dimethyl Mercury Sample Concentrations <strong>from</strong> Site #2<br />

Sample / Well Location<br />

Dimethyl Mercury <strong>Gas</strong><br />

Concentration( ng/m 3 )<br />

Spike Recovery<br />

(%)<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Sample 1 7.09 NA<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Sample 2 0.69 NA<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Sample 3 9.19 NA<br />

Spike Sample(front/back) NA 1.9<br />

2nd Source Standards (1490 ng/L) NA 87.4<br />

2nd Source Standards (1000 ng/L) NA 89.9<br />

3.2.7 Monomethyl Mercury Measurements<br />

Monomethyl mercury concentrations in the landfill gas at Site #2 ranged <strong>from</strong> 0.06 to 0.31 ng/m 3<br />

with an average of 0.16 ng/m 3 . The matrix spike recovery for the monomethyl sample was 62.6<br />

percent. Spike recoveries for un-sampled impinger solution ranged <strong>from</strong> 91 to 102 percent with<br />

an average of 97 percent. The lower recoveries may have been due to a preservation issue with<br />

the shipping or possible matrix interference as seen in the matrix spike. Table 3-38 presents the<br />

monomethyl mercury concentration and QA/QC data <strong>from</strong> Site #2.<br />


Table 3-38. Monomethyl Mercury Concentrations (ng/m 3 ) <strong>from</strong> Site #2<br />

Sample / Well Location<br />

Monomethyl Mercury <strong>Gas</strong><br />

Concentration (ng/m 3 )<br />

Spike Recovery<br />

(%)<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Sample 1 0.12 NA<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Sample 2 0.06 NA<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Sample 3 0.31 NA<br />

Spike Sample NA 62.6<br />

Analytical Spike NA 90.9<br />

Analytical Spike Duplicate NA 102.4<br />

3.2.8 Elemental Mercury Measurements<br />

Lumex elemental mercury continuous sampling concentrations <strong>from</strong> Site #2 ranged <strong>from</strong> 22 to<br />

64 ng/m 3 with an average of 47±17 ng/m 3 . These samples were collected during a 4 hour period<br />

on 2/23/2007. The sampling with the Lumex was also performed in conjunction with the total<br />

mercury samples at this site.<br />

3.2.9 Calculation of NMOC Fluxes<br />

The emissions flux value of each compound presented in Table 3-34 was estimated using the<br />

method described in Section 1.7 of this document. The net measured methane flux values <strong>from</strong><br />

each landfill cell were used to estimate the emissions flux value of each compound. In order to<br />

perform this calculation, the estimated methane emission values presented in Table 3-33 were<br />

used (5,950 kg/day for the control cell and 1,100 kg/day for the bioreactor cell).<br />

Tables 3-39 presents the estimated flux of each compound (in units of grams per day) <strong>from</strong> the<br />

control and bioreactor cells of Site #2.<br />


Table 3-39. Estimated NMOC Flux Values <strong>from</strong> the Control and Bioreactor Cells of Site<br />

#2<br />

Compound<br />

Corrected <strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong><br />

Concentration (ppbv)<br />

Estimated Flux Value<br />

<strong>from</strong> Control Cell<br />

(grams per day)<br />

Estimated Flux Value<br />

<strong>from</strong> Bioreactor Cell<br />

(grams per day)<br />

Dichlorodifluoromethane 116.5 11 2.5<br />

1,2-Chloro-1,1,2,2-Tetrafluoroethane 13.2 1.8 0.41<br />

Chloromethane 150.4 5.9 1.4<br />

Bromomethane 10.5 0.78 0.18<br />

Ethanol 111.3 4.0 0.92<br />

Carbon disulfide 83.9 5.0 1.2<br />

Methylene chloride 1569 100 24<br />

Acetone 2612 120 27<br />

Hexane 214.9 14 3.3<br />

cis-1,2-dicloroethene 88.9 6.7 1.6<br />

Cyclohexane 334.8 22 5.1<br />

Chloroform 117.8 11 2.5<br />

Ethyl Acetate 163.3 11 2.6<br />

Tetrahydrofuran 156.8 8.8 2.0<br />

Heptane 128.8 10 2.3<br />

Benzene 260.1 16 3.7<br />

Trichloroethylene 64.0 6.5 1.5<br />

Toluene 1790 130 30<br />

4-Methyl-2-pentanone 29.7 2.3 0.53<br />

Ethylbenzene 1136 94 22<br />

m/p-Xylene 3086 250 29<br />

o-Xylene 1143 94 22<br />

Styrene 246.6 20 4.6<br />

1,3,5-trimethylbenzene 633.7 59 14<br />

1,2,4-trimethylbenzene 827.8 77 18<br />

1,3-dichlorobenzene 258.6 30 6.8<br />


3.3 <strong>Gas</strong> and Mercury Sampling Results <strong>from</strong> the October 2007 Field Campaign<br />

As mentioned in previous sections, the dimethyl mercury data, methane, and permanent gas<br />

analysis data <strong>from</strong> the February 2007 field campaign were labeled as suspect. In response to<br />

these results, an additional field campaign was conducted during October 2007 at both sites to<br />

collect additional gas and mercury samples. Due to limited project resources, carbon tube<br />

samples were collected and analyzed only for total mercury concentrations using a thermal<br />

decomposition furnace attached to a cold-vapor atomic adsorption mercury analyzer<br />

manufactured by Ohio Lumex.<br />

In addition to the mercury data, landfill gas composition data was collected with a Landtec GEM<br />

2000+ landfill gas monitor. The results of the October 2007 campaign are presented in the<br />

following sections.<br />

3.3.1 Total Mercury Concentrations<br />

The total mercury concentrations measured at Site #1 and Site #2 are presented in Tables 3-40<br />

and 3-41, respectively.<br />

Table 3-40. Total Mercury Concentrations Measured at Site #1 during the October 2007<br />

Field Campaign<br />

Tube # Spike Recovery (%) Conc (µg/m 3 ) Date<br />

1 25 10/24/2007<br />

2 22 10/24/2007<br />

3 102 26 10/24/2007<br />

4 25 10/24/2007<br />

CCV 104 Average=20<br />

Total mercury concentrations in the landfill gas at Site #1 ranged <strong>from</strong> 22 to 26 µg/m 3 , with an<br />

average of 25 µg/m 3 for all of the samples. Sampled matrix spike recovery for the total mercury<br />

samples were 102 percent, and continuous calibration verification (CCV) recoveries were 104<br />

percent.<br />


Table 3-41. Total Mercury Concentrations Measured at Site #2 during the October 2007<br />

Field Campaign<br />

Tube # Spike Recovery (%) Conc (µg/m3) Date<br />

1 0.53 10/23/2007<br />

2 0.42 10/23/2007<br />

3 0.11 10/23/2007<br />

CCV 106 Average=0.35<br />

Total mercury concentrations in the landfill gas at Site #2 ranged <strong>from</strong> 0.11 to 0.53 µg/m 3 , with<br />

an average of 0.35 µg/m 3 for all of the samples. Continuous calibration verification (CCV)<br />

recoveries were 106%.<br />

3.3.2 <strong>Gas</strong> Sampling Results<br />

Table 3-42 presents the results of the gas composition data collected at Sites #1 and #2 with the<br />

Landtec GEM 2000+ landfill gas monitor. <strong>Gas</strong> flowrates were measured using an Airfoil pitot<br />

probe with the Shortridge ADM-870 Airdata Multimeter to determine gas velocities.<br />

Table 3-42. <strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> Composition Data Collected at Sites #1 and #2 during the<br />

October 2007 Field Campaign<br />

Site #1 Site #2<br />

Duct Diameter (inches) 11 9<br />

Area (square feet) 0.66 0.44<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Velocity (feet/minute) 2880 1679<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Flow Rate (CFM) 1901 742<br />

Methane (%) 47.4 36.5<br />

Carbon Dioxide (%) 36.2 34.8<br />

Oxygen (%) 2.6 2.4<br />

N2 Balance (%) 13.7 26.2<br />

Hydrogen Sulfide (ppmv) 83 Invalid Data<br />

Carbon Monoxide (ppmv) 0 to 3 0<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> sampling results <strong>from</strong> the landfill gas monitor were consistent with readings taken <strong>from</strong><br />

other landfills of similar size and age. The Landtec landfill gas monitor was calibrated using a<br />

gas cylinder containing a mixture of 50-percent methane and 35-percent carbon dioxide in a<br />

balance of nitrogen. The landfill gas monitor has a manufacturer’s specified accuracy of ±3<br />

percent for methane and carbon dioxide, and an accuracy of ±1 percent for oxygen.<br />

A small amount of carbon monoxide was detected at Site #1 possibly due to a small fire present<br />

in the landfill. Carbon monoxide was not detected at Site #2. Hydrogen sulfide was detected at<br />


Site #1 with a level of 83 ppmv. The hydrogen sulfide levels at Site #2 were above the range of<br />

the instrument which had a range of 0 to 200 ppmv. The high levels of hydrogen sulfide at Site<br />

#2 may have been due to a large amount of construction and demolition debris disposed in the<br />

landfill and the conversion of sulfate to sulfide <strong>from</strong> gypsum in wallboard.<br />


Chapter 4<br />

Conclusion<br />

This report provides the results <strong>from</strong> two field campaigns conducted at two municipal landfill<br />

sites in <strong>Florida</strong>. The field project team collected methane fugitive emissions measurements using<br />

two optical remote sensing (ORS) instruments, one scanning <strong>Gas</strong>Finder 2.0 OP-TDLAS<br />

instrument (Boreal, Inc.) and one scanning OP-FTIR instrument (IMACC, Inc.). The data was<br />

then used with an improved vertical radial plume mapping configuration to calculate net methane<br />

flux emission values <strong>from</strong> the top of each landfill cell, and <strong>from</strong> the slopes of the cells.<br />

Measurements were collected in the bioreactor and control cells at each site (a control cell is<br />

defined as an area within the site operated as a conventional landfill, with no leachate or other<br />

liquid additions to accelerate waste decomposition). Table 4-1 presents the average calculated<br />

methane fluxes <strong>from</strong> the top and slopes of each landfill cell.<br />

Table 4-1. Average Calculated Methane Flux (g/s) Value From Each <strong>Landfill</strong> Cell<br />

Site Survey Area<br />

Methane Flux <strong>from</strong><br />

Top of <strong>Landfill</strong> Cell<br />

Methane Flux <strong>from</strong> Slopes 1<br />

Site #1 Control Cell (2/20/07, 4:00pm) 5.3 2 3.3 2<br />

(Southern and Western Slopes)<br />

Site #1 Control Cell (2/20/07, 5:00pm) 7.6 2 6.0 2<br />

(Southern and Western Slopes)<br />

Site #1 Bioreactor Cell (2/22/07) 6.3<br />

16<br />

(Northern and Western Slopes)<br />

Site #2 Control Cell (2/24/07) 0<br />

28<br />

(Southern and Eastern Slopes)<br />

Site #2 Control Cell (2/25/07) 0<br />

16<br />

(Southern and Eastern Slopes)<br />

Site #2 Bioreactor Cell (2/23/07) 5.7<br />

4.4<br />

(Northern and Eastern Slopes)<br />

Site #2 Bioreactor Cell (2/24/07) 2.3<br />

3.9<br />

(Northern and Eastern Slopes)<br />

1<br />

The slopes <strong>from</strong> which the total methane flux values are calculated is dependent upon the prevailing wind direction<br />

during the time of the measurements<br />

2<br />

Due to problems with alignment of the OP-TDLAS instrument that prevented collection of a complete dataset,<br />

an alternate method was used to calculate the methane flux values <strong>from</strong> the Site #1 control cell. Therefore, the<br />

methane flux values presented <strong>from</strong> the Site #1 control cell are considered estimated values. Additional<br />

information is provided in Section 3.<br />

The surveys found that methane emissions <strong>from</strong> the top of the control and bioreactor cells of Site<br />

#1 were comparable. However, methane emissions <strong>from</strong> the top of the control cell of Site #2<br />

were negligible, while emissions <strong>from</strong> the top of the bioreactor cell of Site #2 were significant.<br />


The surveys also found significant methane emissions <strong>from</strong> the slopes of each landfill cell,<br />

especially <strong>from</strong> the bioreactor cell of Site #1, and the control cell of Site #2. In fact, total<br />

methane emissions <strong>from</strong> the slopes of each cell surveyed during the campaign were more<br />

significant than emissions <strong>from</strong> the top of the landfill cells when considering the much larger<br />

surface areas of the slopes compared to the tops of the cells.<br />

Overall, total methane emissions <strong>from</strong> the bioreactor cell of Site #1 were much greater than<br />

emissions <strong>from</strong> the control cell of Site #1, as expected. However, total methane emissions <strong>from</strong><br />

the bioreactor cell of Site #2 were significantly lower than emissions <strong>from</strong> the control cell of Site<br />

#2. This may be due to the fact that leachate had not been injected into the bioreactor cell at the<br />

site in several months due to excessive rainfall. Another factor that may have contributed to the<br />

relatively lower emissions <strong>from</strong> the bioreactor cell of Site #2 was the presence of a fresh soil<br />

cover that had been added to the surface of the cell prior to the measurement campaign. Using<br />

the data presented in Table 4-1, the calculated total site methane emissions was 5,300 kg/day<br />

<strong>from</strong> Site #1 and 5,600 kg/day for Site #2.<br />

For each of the two sites, Summa® canister samples were collected at the gas header pipe<br />

upstream of any gas treatment. The header pipe samples were analyzed to provide data on gas<br />

composition (methane and carbon dioxide), NMOC, and trace organic constituents including<br />

HAPs, H2S, and volatile organic compounds (VOC). Data were also obtained on mercury in the<br />

header pipe gas. Data were collected using header pipe gas measurements for total, elemental<br />

and organo-mercury (including methyl- and dimethyl-mercury). Table 4-2 presents a summary<br />

of the mercury results for both sites <strong>from</strong> sampling occurring in February and October 2007.<br />

Table 4-2. Average Concentrations of Total, Dimethyl, Monomethyl, and Elemental<br />

Mercury Measured at Each Site 1<br />

Compound<br />

Total Mercury-<br />

February 2007<br />

Total Mercury-<br />

October 2007<br />

Average<br />

Concentration<br />

(ng/m 3 )<br />

Site #1 Site #2<br />

Range<br />

(ng/m 3 )<br />

Average<br />

Concentrati<br />

on (ng/m 3 )<br />

Range<br />

(ng/m 3 )<br />

5,022 4,958 to 5,148 43 36 to 47<br />

24,495 21,689 to 25,770 270 109 to 526<br />

2<br />

Dimethyl Mercury 1.91 1.22 to 2.65 5.66 0.69 to 9.19<br />

Monomethyl<br />

Mercury<br />

11.8 11.1 to 12.4 0.16 0.06 to 0.31<br />

Elemental Mercury 3,266 3,094 to 3,445 47 22 to 64<br />

1 Total mercury measurements were repeated in the field sampling occurring in October 2007. Organo-mercury and<br />

elemental mercury analysis was not repeated. Although there were no observed differences in sampling between<br />

field campaigns, there was a difference in analytical methods for total mercury analysis. This is explained in the text<br />

supporting this table.<br />

2 Spike recoveries for the dimethyl mercury samples were significantly lower than the QAPP acceptance criteria.<br />

During the February 2007 field campaign, total mercury concentrations in the landfill gas at Site<br />

#1 ranged <strong>from</strong> 5,000to 5,200 ng/m 3 with an average of 5,000 ng/m 3 for all of the samples. Spike<br />


ecoveries for the total mercury samples were 98.2 percent. Total mercury concentrations in the<br />

landfill gas at Site #2 ranged <strong>from</strong> 36 to 47 ng/m 3 with an average of 43 ng/m 3 for all of the<br />

samples. Spike recoveries for the total mercury samples were not performed at Site #2.<br />

During the October 2007 field campaign, total mercury concentrations in the landfill gas at Site<br />

#1 ranged <strong>from</strong> 21,700 to 25,800 ng/m 3 with an average of 24,500 ng/m 3 for all of the samples.<br />

Spike recoveries for the total mercury samples were 102 percent. Total mercury concentrations<br />

in the landfill gas at Site #2 ranged <strong>from</strong> 109 to 526 ng/m 3 with an average of 352 ng/m 3 for all of<br />

the samples.<br />

There is almost 5 times difference in the total mercury results for Site 1 between the February<br />

and October sampling dates (5,022 in February versus 25,400 ng/m 3 in October). For site 2, the<br />

difference in total mercury results between February and October is about 6 times higher (43<br />

versus 270 ng/m 3 ). The collection technique and equipment were the same during both sampling<br />

campaigns. Spike recoveries for total mercury during both sampling periods were acceptable and<br />

showed no degradation or loss of mercury.<br />

There was a difference in the analytical method that was used to evaluate the samples between<br />

February and the October 2007. The February matrix spike analysis was performed by adding a<br />

known amount of mercury to the sample after sampling and leaching (i.e., Method 1631). This<br />

post-leaching type of spiking does not assess any potential losses of mercury <strong>from</strong> sampling,<br />

matrix interferences, or the wet leaching procedure.<br />

To account for potential mercury losses <strong>from</strong> sampling or matrix interferences, EPA developed<br />

EPA Method 30B, “Determination of Mercury <strong>from</strong> Coal-Fired Combustion Sources using<br />

Carbon Sorbent Traps”. This method requires additional replicates and QA/QC that helps to<br />

account for any potential losses of mercury <strong>from</strong> sampling and matrix interferences. Method<br />

30B is being used for power plants and other mercury sources to demonstrate performance of<br />

mercury continuous emission monitors. Therefore, in the October 2007 field sampling<br />

campaign, the thermal decomposition mercury analysis technique. Sampling included a prespiked<br />

iodated carbon tube traps spiked with elemental mercury and were used to assess matrix<br />

recovery at Site #1. Results for the thermal decomposition mercury analysis matrix spike<br />

recovery were 102%. The results for total mercury analysis <strong>from</strong> the October sampling are<br />

thought to be more reliable because of the additional QA/QC requirements to account for<br />

mercury loss during sampling and analysis.<br />

Dimethyl mercury concentrations in the landfill gas at Site #1 ranged <strong>from</strong> 1.22 to 2.65 ng/m 3<br />

with an average of 1.91 ng/m 3 . Dimethyl mercury concentrations in the landfill gas at Site #2<br />

ranged <strong>from</strong> 0.69 to 9.19 ng/m 3 with an average of 5.66 ng/m 3 . Spike recoveries for the dimethyl<br />

mercury traps were 13.9 percent for Site #1 and 1.9 percent for Site #2. Un-sampled spike traps<br />

had recoveries <strong>from</strong> 87.4 to 89.9 percent with an average of 88.7 percent. Recoveries for the<br />

spiked/sampled traps were significantly lower than the acceptance criteria of 50 to 150 percent<br />

established in the project QAPP. This is possibly due to the presence of an unknown interfering<br />

compound either destroying or masking the detection of the dimethyl mercury. For this reason,<br />

all of the dimethyl mercury results <strong>from</strong> this campaign must be labeled as suspect. Oversampling<br />

was performed by the ARCADIS personnel performing the sampling. Sampling was<br />

performed at approximated 10 times the necessary volume to collect a valid sample.<br />


Monomethyl mercury concentrations in the Site #1 gas ranged <strong>from</strong> 11.2 to 12.4 ng/m 3 with an<br />

average of 11.8 ng/m 3 . Monomethyl mercury concentrations in the Site #2 gas ranged <strong>from</strong> 0.06<br />

to 0.31 ng/m 3 with an average of 0.16 ng/m 3 . Site #1 matrix spike recoveries for the monomethyl<br />

samples were 25.7 percent. Spike recoveries for un-sampled impinger solution ranged <strong>from</strong> 88 to<br />

90 percent with an average of 89 percent. The Site #2 matrix spike recovery for the monomethyl<br />

sample was 62.6 percent. Spike recoveries for un-sampled impinger solution ranged <strong>from</strong> 91 to<br />

102 percent with an average of 97 percent. The lower recoveries may have been due to a<br />

preservation issue with the shipping or possible matrix interference as seen in the matrix spike.<br />

Elemental mercury concentrations for Site #1 ranged <strong>from</strong> 3,090 to 3,440 ng/m 3 with an average<br />

of 3,270 ng/m 3 for all of the samples. Elemental mercury concentrations at Site #2 ranged <strong>from</strong><br />

22 to 64 ng/m 3 with an average of 47 ng/m 3 .<br />


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5.1 Equipment Calibration<br />

Chapter 5<br />

Quality Assurance/Quality Control<br />

All project instrumentation is calibrated annually or verified as part of standard operating<br />

procedures. Certificates of calibration are kept on file. Maintenance records are kept for any<br />

equipment adjustments or repairs in bound project notebooks that include the data and<br />

description of maintenance performed. Instrument calibration procedures and frequency are<br />

listed in Table 5-1 and further described in the text.<br />

Table 5-1. Instrumentation Calibration Frequency and Description<br />

Instrument Measurement Calibration Date Calibration Detail<br />

Boreal Methane <strong>Gas</strong>Finder 2.0 Methane PIC Pre-deployment and in-field Reference cell calibration<br />

OP-TDLAS checks<br />

R.M. Young Wind Speed in meters per 7 June 2006 APPCD Metrology Lab Cal. Records on file<br />

Meteorological Head second<br />

R.M. Young Wind direction in degrees 14 July 2006 APPCD Metrology Lab Cal. Records on file<br />

Meteorological Head <strong>from</strong> North<br />

Lumex 915+ Mercury Analyzer Elemental Mercury Pre-deployment and in-field Insertion of test cell<br />

Concentration checks<br />

Landtec GEM2000+ <strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> O2, CO2, CH4, CO, H2S, Pre-deployment and in-field Calibrated at rental location before testing<br />

Monitor and balance N2 checks and in-field checks using calibration gas<br />

cylinder<br />

Shortridge ADM-870 Airdata Header pipe gas velocity 8 July 2007 Yearly factory certified NIST traceable<br />

Multimeter calibration<br />

Environmental Supply VOST <strong>Gas</strong> sample volume for 3 October 2007 EPA Method 2A<br />

Meter Box sorbent tubes<br />

Topcon Model GTS-211D Distance Measurement 19 April 2006 Calibration of distance measurement.<br />

Theodolite Actual distance=19.6 m<br />

#1 Measured distance= 19.56 m<br />

#2 Measured distance= 19.55 m<br />

Topcon Model GTS-211D Angle Measurement 19 April 2006 Calibration of angle measurement.<br />

Theodolite Actual angle= 360º<br />

#1 Measured angle= 360º28’47”<br />

#2 Measured angle= 359º39’24”<br />


As part of the preparation for this project, a Category III Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)<br />

was prepared and approved for the field campaigns. In addition, standard operating procedures<br />

were in place during the field campaigns.<br />

5.2 Assessment of DQI Goals<br />

The critical measurements associated with this project and the established data quality indicator<br />

(DQI) goals in terms of accuracy, precision, and completeness are listed in Table 5-2.<br />

Table 5-2. DQI Goals for Instrumentation<br />

Measurement<br />

Parameter<br />

Analysis Method Accuracy Precision<br />

Acceptance Criterion<br />

(%Bias/Recovery)<br />

Completeness<br />

(%)<br />

Methane PIC OP-TDLAS ±20% ±20% Not applicable 90<br />

Analyte PIC OP-FTIR: Nitrous Oxide<br />

Concentrations<br />

Ambient Wind<br />

Speed<br />

Ambient Wind<br />

Direction<br />

Distance<br />

Measurement<br />

R.M. Young Met heads postdeployment<br />

calibration in EPA<br />

Metrology Lab<br />

R.M. Young Met heads postdeployment<br />

calibration in EPA<br />

Metrology Lab<br />

±25%, ±15%, 10%* ±10% Not applicable 90<br />

±1 m/s ±1 m/s Not applicable 90<br />

±10º ±10º Not applicable 90<br />

Theodolite- Topcon ±1m ±1m Not applicable 100<br />

Beam angle Theodolite- Topcon ±0.1º ±0.1º Not applicable 100<br />

Mercury<br />

concentrations<br />

Lumex Mercury Analyzer ±25% ±25% Not applicable 90<br />

Total Mercury Frontier Geosciences Not applicable ±20% 50-150 90<br />

Organo- Mercury Frontier Geosciences Not applicable ±20% 50-150 90<br />

VOCs EPA Method TO-15 Not applicable ±20% 50-150 90<br />

* The accuracy acceptance criterion of ±25% is for pathlengths of less than 50m, ±15% is for pathlengths between 50 and<br />

100m, and ±10% is for pathlengths greater than 100m.<br />

5.2.1 DQI Check for Methane PIC Measurement with OP-TDLAS<br />

The Boreal <strong>Gas</strong>Finder 2.0 OP-TDLAS provides an R 2 value for each concentration<br />

measurement. The R 2 value is calculated by the internal software of the instrument, and is an<br />

indication of the similarity between the waveform of the sample gas and the reference cell gas.<br />

When the instrument detector receives the returning laser signal after it has passed through the<br />

sample beam path, it converts the signal to the shape of a specific waveform (sample waveform).<br />

The instrument also receives a similar laser signal after the laser has passed through the reference<br />

cell in the instrument (reference waveform). The two waveforms are then digitized and compared<br />

as two numeric arrays. The instrument software then performs a Linear Least Squares Regression<br />

for each measurement, to evaluate the similarity (R 2 ) between the sample and reference<br />

waveforms.<br />


The R 2 value was used to assess the accuracy of each concentration measurement <strong>from</strong> this<br />

project. Table 5-3, taken <strong>from</strong> the Boreal Laser, Inc. <strong>Gas</strong>Finder 2.0 Operation Manual, presents<br />

a range of R 2 values, and the corresponding accuracy of the measurement.<br />

Table 5-3. Accuracy of Concentration Measurements for Different R 2 Value<br />

R 2<br />

Measurement<br />

Accuracy (%)<br />

> 0.95 ± 2<br />

0.9 ± 5<br />

0.7 ± 10<br />

0.5 ± 15<br />

0.4 ± 20<br />

0.3 ± 25<br />

0.15 ± 50<br />

0.1 ± 70<br />

< 0.05 ± 100<br />

The R 2 value of each data point (measured methane concentration) was analyzed to assess<br />

whether or not it met the DQI criterion for accuracy of ±20 percent, which corresponds to an R 2<br />

value of greater than 0.4. A total of 21,467 data points were analyzed, and 16,509 met the DQI<br />

criteria for accuracy, for a total completeness of 77 percent. This value did not meet the project<br />

DQI criteria of 80-percent completeness.<br />

The precision of the OP-TDLAS methane concentration measurements was assessed by<br />

comparing consecutive methane concentration values measured along the same beam path.<br />

Methane path-averaged concentration data values were collected with the OP-TDLAS instrument<br />

and input into the VRPM algorithm<br />

5.2.2 DQI Check for Analyte PIC Measurement with OP-FTIR<br />

The precision and accuracy of the analyte path-integrated concentration (PIC) measurements<br />

collected with the OP-FTIR instrument was assessed by analyzing the measured nitrous oxide<br />

concentrations in the atmosphere. A typical background atmospheric concentration for nitrous<br />

oxide is about 315 ppb. However, this value may fluctuate due to seasonal variations in nitrous<br />

oxide concentrations or elevation of the site.<br />

The precision of the analyte PIC measurements was evaluated by calculating the relative<br />

standard deviation of each data subset. A subset is defined as the data collected along one<br />

particular path length during one particular survey in one survey sub-area. The number of data<br />

points in a data subset depends on the number of cycles used in a particular survey.<br />

The accuracy of the analyte PIC measurements was evaluated by comparing the calculated<br />

nitrous oxide concentrations <strong>from</strong> each data subsets to the typical background concentration of<br />


315 ppb. The number of calculated nitrous oxide concentrations that failed to meet the DQI<br />

accuracy criterion in each data subset was recorded.<br />

Overall, 180 data subsets were analyzed <strong>from</strong> this field campaign. Based on the DQI criterion set<br />

forth for precision of ±10 percent, all of the data subsets were found to be acceptable for a<br />

completeness of 100 percent. The range of calculated relative standard deviations for the data<br />

subsets <strong>from</strong> this field campaign was 0.36 to 17.4 ppb, which represents 0.11- to 5.5-percent<br />

RSD.<br />

Each data point (calculated nitrous oxide concentration) in the data subsets was analyzed to<br />

assess whether or not it met the DQI criterion for accuracy of ±25 percent (315 ± 79 ppb) for<br />

path lengths less than 50 meters, ±15 percent (315 ± 47 ppb) for path lengths between 50 and<br />

100 meters, and ±10 percent (315 ± 32 ppb) for path lengths greater than 100 meters. A total of<br />

1569 data points were analyzed, and 1482 met the DQI criteria for accuracy, for a total<br />

completeness of 94 percent.<br />

5.2.3 Inter-comparison Study of OP-FTIR and OP-TDLAS Instruments<br />

Operational difficulties were encountered in the field that resulted in scaling back the study to<br />

the extent that the results are not considered reliable. Whenever two different types of<br />

instruments are used (i.e., OP-FTIR and OP-TDLAS), field interlaboratory comparison is<br />

recommended. This is to ensure that there is no potential bias between measurements. At each<br />

survey area, the instruments were to be located diagonally across the survey area and operated<br />

for ~30 minutes to collect methane concentration data across the same optical path.<br />

The study was performed for Site #1 using the same optical path with a distance of ~200 meters.<br />

Data were collected with the OP-FTIR for approximately 10 minutes and with the OP-TDLAS<br />

for about 20 minutes. Overlapping data for the comparison were available for only 7 minutes. If<br />

these data are fitted to a linear regression, the results indicated the OP-TDLAS is approximately<br />

40% greater than the concentrations measured with the OP-FTIR. The very limited number of<br />

measurements (n = 7) and the poor regression coefficient of determination (r 2 = 0.205) raise<br />

question as to the validity of the inter-comparison results.<br />

Although the instruments were deployed along an identical beam path, the difference in the<br />

concentrations measured with both instruments may be due to a difference in the height of the<br />

scanners, resulting in a difference in the height of the beam paths. The OP-FTIR scanner mount<br />

is higher than the OP-TDLAS scanner mount, resulting in the OP-FTIR optical beam path being<br />

higher than the OP-TDLAS beam path. The higher concentrations measured with the OP­<br />

TDLAS may be due to the fact that the OP-TDLAS beam path was located closer to the surface<br />

of the landfill cell. The field team personnel have extensive experience with use of both OP­<br />

FTIR and OP-TDLAS instruments and have observed and documented through other studies that<br />

the two instruments exhibit good comparability. (U.S. EPA, 2004; U. S. EPA, 2005a; U.S. EPA,<br />

2005c; U.S. EPA, 2005e, U.S. EPA, 2005f. U. S. EPA, 2007).<br />

Immediately prior to this field study, Boreal Laser, Inc. performed a bench top calibration<br />

experiment with the OP-TDLAS instrument in a laboratory environment. The experiment<br />

consisted of inserting a known concentration of methane into a calibration cell, and comparing<br />


the measured path-integrated methane concentration to the known path-integrated methane<br />

concentration in the calibration cell (9950 ppm-meter). Measurements were collected with the<br />

<strong>Gas</strong>Finder OP-TDL instrument for approximately 3 minutes, and the results are shown in Figure<br />

5-1. The average measured path-integrated concentration was 9,926 ppm meter, which yielded a<br />

percent error of -0.2%. The certificate of calibration is presented as an appendix to this report.<br />

Therefore, it was decided since the intercomparison results for these particular tests were not<br />

reliable, to report the results assuming that there was agreement based on previous experience.<br />

However, future tests should allow enough time to conduct intercomparison studies when two<br />

different types of optical instruments are in use.<br />

Figure 5-1. Results of the Methane <strong>Gas</strong>finder Calibration Experiment<br />

5.2.4 DQI Checks for Ambient Wind Speed and Wind Direction Measurements<br />

The meteorological head DQIs are checked annually as part of the routine calibration procedure.<br />

Before deployment to the field, the user is to verify the calibration date of the instrument by<br />

referencing the calibration sticker. If the date indicates the instrument is in need of calibration,<br />

the proper procedure is to return it to the APPCD Metrology Laboratory before deployment to<br />

the field. The precision and accuracy of the heads is assessed by conducting a post-deployment<br />

calibration in the EPA Metrology Lab using the exhaust <strong>from</strong> a bench top wind tunnel. This<br />


calibration procedure differs <strong>from</strong> the procedure used to perform the annual calibration of the<br />

instruments.<br />

Additionally, a couple of reasonableness checks are performed in the field on the measured wind<br />

direction data. While data collection is occurring, the Field Team Leader compares wind<br />

direction measured with the heads to the forecasted wind direction for that particular day.<br />

The project team experienced some difficulties with collection of wind data on February 21 at<br />

Site #1. Due to problems with the data collection software, wind data were not collected on this<br />

day. However, this problem was corrected, and wind data were collected for the duration of the<br />

project. There was no indication that the problem experienced in collecting the wind data was<br />

caused by a malfunction of the instrumentation.<br />

5.2.5 DQI Check for Precision and Accuracy of Theodolite Measurements<br />

Calibration checks are not performed before each field campaign; however, the calibration date<br />

of the instrument is verified by referencing the calibration sticker. If the date indicates the<br />

instrument is in need of calibration, it should be returned to the manufacturer before use in the<br />

field. Before field deployment, ensure the battery packs are charged for this equipment. The<br />

following additional checks were made on April 19, 2006. The calibration of distance<br />

measurement was done at the ARCADIS facility using a tape measure. The actual distance was<br />

19.6 meters. The distances measured with the theodolite were 19.56 and 19.55 meters. The<br />

results indicate accuracy and precision fall well within the DQI goals. The calibration of angle<br />

measurement was also performed. The actual angle was 360°. The angles measured with the<br />

theodolite were 360°28’47” and 359°39’24”. The results indicate accuracy and precision fall<br />

well within the DQI goals, and completeness was 100 percent.<br />

Additionally, there are several internal checks in the theodolite software that prevent data<br />

collection <strong>from</strong> occurring if the instrument is not properly aligned on the object being measured,<br />

or if the instrument has not been balanced correctly. When this occurs, it is necessary to reinitialize<br />

the instrument to collect data.<br />

5.2.6 DQI Check for Lumex Mercury Analyzer<br />

The Lumex Mercury Analyzer DQIs of accuracy and precision are checked with a test cell,<br />

containing gas <strong>from</strong> the calibration standard. The cell is built into the instrument, and is accessed<br />

by setting the instrument to the “test” mode, and collecting measurements. If the measured value<br />

of the mercury vapor concentration in the test cell is within ±25 percent <strong>from</strong> that of the<br />

tabulated value and the standard deviation of the measurements is within ±25 percent, the<br />

accuracy and precision of the instrument are deemed acceptable.<br />

The Lumex mercury analyzer was zeroed using the internal carbon filter sample conditioner.<br />

Yearly calibrations are performed on this analyzer by factory personnel at Ohio Lumex. The<br />

precision criteria of ±25 percent established in the QAPP was met for samples collected at Site<br />

#1 (4.0% RSD), but not for samples collected at Site #2 (35.6% RSD).<br />


5.2.7 DQI Check of Total Mercury Samples<br />

Laboratory control spike recovery for the total mercury sampling during February 2007 was<br />

performed using a NIST 1641D (1.590 mg/kg mercury in water) reference standard. <strong>Two</strong> spike<br />

recoveries were performed with 89.9- and 97.6-percent recovery for an average of 93.8 percent.<br />

Analytical spikes were performed on gas sample two with recoveries of 97.4 and 98.9 percent<br />

with an average recovery of 98.2 percent. Recovery goals established in the QAPP of 50 to 150<br />

percent were met.<br />

Analytical duplicates were performed on gas sample two with values of 150.4 and 160.0 for an<br />

average of 155.2 and a relative percent difference of 6.2 percent. Blank values were less than<br />

0.07 ng per trap with an average of 0.02 ng per trap and an MDL of 0.12 ng per trap.<br />

The precision assessment was performed using data <strong>from</strong> duplicate or replicate samples and<br />

spikes (when available). Precision was expressed as %RPD for samples that were done in<br />

duplicate and as %RSD for samples performed in triplicate. Table 5-4 represents precision values<br />

calculated for total mercury of samples at each site. Precision goals established in the QAPP of<br />

ecoveries were performed with the LCS standard with 87.3- and 87.5-percent recovery for an<br />

average of 87.4 percent. <strong>Two</strong> spike recoveries were performed with the second standard with<br />

94.8- and 85.0-percent recovery for an average of 89.9 percent. The recovery criteria established<br />

in the QAPP of 50 to 150 percent was met.<br />

Laboratory matrix analytical spikes (sample + 2.000 ng) were performed on a batch QC sample<br />

with recoveries of 90.9 and 102.4 percent with an average recovery of 96.6 percent, which meets<br />

laboratory acceptance criteria for recovery. Blank values were less than 0.0014 ng per trap with<br />

an average of 0.0007 ng per trap and an MDL of 0.0030 ng per trap.<br />

Field spike recovery values for Site #1 was 25.7 and 62.6 percent for Site #2. The low spike<br />

recoveries were possibly due to an over sampling of the landfill gas and degradation of the<br />

matrix spike in the collection solution. Dimethyl mercury results may be higher than reported<br />

due to the reactive properties of the landfill gas on the analytes in the acid collection solution.<br />

Table 5-6 represents precision values calculated for dimethyl mercury of samples during <strong>Landfill</strong><br />

F and G sampling campaign. Precision goals established in the QAPP of

Site #1 5.4<br />

Site #2 77.9<br />

Completeness goals for precision established in the QAPP were not met for monomethyl<br />

mercury sampling and analysis.<br />

5.2.10 DQI Check of VOC Samples with SUMMA® Canisters<br />

Summa® canister samples of the landfill gas were analyzed for the TO-15 list of volatile organic<br />

compounds. Triplicate gas samples and nitrogen sampling system blanks were collected at both<br />

sites. The reported method detection limits for the TO-15 target list was 0.5 ppbv. Data for the<br />

TO-15 gas samples required a flag to designate analytes reported at concentrations less than 5<br />

times the nitrogen blank values due to some background contamination present in the sampling<br />

system. The background contamination in the nitrogen blanks were probably due to carry over<br />

<strong>from</strong> previous landfill gas sampling using the same equipment.<br />

The Summa canister gas samples were also analyzed for methane, CO2, O2, C1 to C-6 alkanes,<br />

NMOC, and N2. The results <strong>from</strong> Methods 25-C appear to be the more consistent with the gas<br />

composition for municipal landfills (U.S. EPA, 2008. Tables 5-8 and 5-9 present the precision<br />

values of the Method 25-C and GC/FID/TCD datasets, respectively.<br />

Table 5-8. Precision ranges for Method 25-C Measurements at Sites #1 and #2<br />

RSD<br />

Methane<br />

(%)<br />

CO2<br />

(%)<br />

NMOC<br />

(%)<br />

Mass Conc.<br />

(%)<br />

Site #1 5.4 4.6 3.8 3.9<br />

Site #2 4.8 4.6 0.9 0.9<br />

Table 5-9. Precision ranges for GC/FID/TCD Measurements at Sites #1 and #2<br />

RSD<br />

Methane<br />

(%)<br />

Oxygen<br />

(%)<br />

Nitrogen<br />

(%)<br />

Carbon Dioxide<br />

(%)<br />

Site #1 75.3 30.6 33.2 19.0<br />

Site #2 2.0 3.3 3.2 0.3<br />

5.3 QC Checks of OP-FTIR Instrument Performance<br />

Several checks should be performed on the OP-FTIR instrumentation prior to deployment to the<br />

field, and during the duration of the field campaign. More information on these checks can be<br />

found in MOP 6802 and 6807 of the ECPD Optical Remote Sensing Facility Manual. Prior to<br />

deployment to the field, the baseline stability, NEA, random baseline noise, saturation, and<br />

single beam ratio tests were performed. The results of the tests indicated that the instrument was<br />

operating within the acceptable criteria range.<br />


On the first day of the field campaign (February 19), the single beam ratio, saturation, random<br />

baseline noise, stray light, and NEA tests were performed on the IMACC OP-FTIR. The results<br />

of the tests indicated that the instrument was operating within the acceptable criteria range.<br />

On each subsequent day of the field campaign, the single beam ratio test was performed on the<br />

IMACC OP-FTIR during the morning before data were collected. The results of these tests<br />

indicated that the instrument was operating within the acceptable criteria range.<br />

In addition to the QC checks performed on the OP-FTIR, the quality of the instrument signal<br />

(interferogram) was checked constantly during the field campaign. This was done by ensuring<br />

that the intensity of the signal is at least 5 times the intensity of the stray light signal (the stray<br />

light signal is collected as background data prior to actual data collection, and measures internal<br />

stray light <strong>from</strong> the instrument itself). In addition to checking the strength of the signal, checks<br />

were done constantly in the field to ensure that the data were being collected and stored to the<br />

data collection computer. During the campaign, a member of the field team constantly monitored<br />

the data collection computer to make sure these checks were completed.<br />


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Chapter 6<br />

References<br />

Faour, A., D. Reinhart, H. You, First-order kinetic gas generation model parameters for wet<br />

landfills, Waste Management 27 (2007) 946-953.<br />

Hashmonay, R.A., and M.G. Yost, Innovative approach for estimating fugitive gaseous fluxes<br />

using computed tomography and remote optical sensing techniques, J. Air Waste Manage.<br />

Assoc., 49, 966-972, 1999.<br />

Hashmonay, R.A., D.F. Natschke, K.Wagoner, D.B. Harris, E.L.Thompson, and M.G. Yost,<br />

Field evaluation of a method for estimating gaseous fluxes <strong>from</strong> area sources using open-path<br />

Fourier transform infrared, Environ. Sci. Technol., 35, 2309-2313, 2001.<br />

Hashmonay, R.A., M.G. Yost, D.B. Harris, and E.L. Thompson, Simulation study for gaseous<br />

fluxes <strong>from</strong> an area source using computed tomography and optical remote sensing, presented at<br />

SPIE Conference on Environmental Monitoring and Remediation Technologies, Boston, MA,<br />

Nov., 1998, in SPIE Vol. 3534, 405-410.<br />

Hashmonay, R.A., R.M. Varma, M.T. Modrak, R.H. Kagann, R.R. Segall, and P.D. Sullivan,<br />

Radial Plume Mapping: A US EPA Test Method for Area and Fugitive Source Emission<br />

Monitoring Using Optical Remote Sensing, Advanced Environmental Monitoring, 21-36, edited<br />

by Y.J. Kim and U. Platt, Springer, 2008.<br />

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, AP-42,<br />

Volume 1: Stationary Point and Area Sources, 5 th ed., Chapter 2.4, Office of Air Quality<br />

Planning and Standards, US EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC, 1997. Available at:<br />

http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ap42/ch02/final/c02s04.pdf<br />

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2004) Measurement of Fugitive <strong>Emissions</strong> at Region I<br />

<strong>Landfill</strong> (EPA-600/R-04-001,January 2004). Available at:<br />

http://www.epa.gov/appcdwww/apb/EPA-600-R-04-001.pdf<br />

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2005a) Measurement of Fugitive <strong>Emissions</strong> at a<br />

Bioreactor <strong>Landfill</strong> (EPA 600/R-05-Aug 2005);<br />

http://www.epa.gov/ORD/NRMRL/pubs/600r05096/600r05096.pdf.<br />

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2005b), First-Order Kinetic <strong>Gas</strong> Generation Model<br />

Parameters for Wet <strong>Landfill</strong>s (EPA-600/R 05/072);<br />

http://www.epa.gov/ORD/NRMRL/pubs/600r05072/600r05072.htm<br />


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2005c) Guidance for Evaluating <strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Emissions</strong><br />

<strong>from</strong> Closed or Abandoned Facilities (EPA-600/R-05/123b). Available at:<br />

http://www.epa.gov/ORD/NRMRL/pubs/600r05123/600r05123.pdf<br />

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2005d) Guidance for Evaluating <strong>Landfill</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Emissions</strong><br />

<strong>from</strong> Closed or Abandoned Facilities: Appendix C - Quality Assurance Project Plan (EPA­<br />

600/R-05/123b), available at:<br />

http://www.epa.gov/ORD/NRMRL/pubs/600r05123/600r05123b.pdf<br />

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2005e) Evaluation of Former <strong>Landfill</strong> Site in Fort<br />

Collins, Colorado Using Ground-Based Optical Remote Sensing Technology (EPA-600/R-05/­<br />

42, April 2005). Available at:<br />

http://www.epa.gov/ORD/NRMRL/pubs/600r05042/600r05042.pdf<br />

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2005f) Evaluation of Former <strong>Landfill</strong> Site in Colorado<br />

Springs, Colorado Using Ground-Based Optical Remote Sensing Technology (EPA-600/R-05/­<br />

41, April 2005). Available at:<br />

http://www.epa.gov/ORD/NRMRL/pubs/600r05041/600r05041.pdf<br />

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2007) Evaluation of Fugitive <strong>Emissions</strong> Using Ground-<br />

Based Optical Remote Sensing Technology (EPA/600/R-07/032), Feb 2007; available at:<br />

http://www.epa.gov/nrmrl/pubs/600r07032/600r07032.pdf.<br />

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Background Information Document for Updating AP42<br />

Section 2.4 for Estimating <strong>Emissions</strong> <strong>from</strong> Municipal Solid Waste <strong>Landfill</strong>s (EPA/600/R-08-116,<br />

September 2008); Available at: http://www.epa.gov/nrmrl/pubs/600r08116/600r08116.htm .<br />



Vertical Radial Plume Mapping (VRPM) Algorithm<br />

The VRPM methodology is used to estimate the rate of fugitive gaseous emissions <strong>from</strong> an area<br />

source. A vertical scanning plane, downwind of the source, is used to directly measure the<br />

gaseous flux. <strong>Two</strong> different beam configurations of the VRPM methodology are recommended:<br />

the five-beam (or more) and the three-beam VRPM configuration. Figure A-1 illustrates the<br />

setup for these two VRPM beam configurations. In the five-beam (or more) configuration, the<br />

ORS instrument sequentially scans over five optical paths. Three paths are along the groundlevel<br />

crosswind direction (beams a, b, and c in Figure A-1), and the other two are elevated on a<br />

vertical structure (beams e and f in Figure A-1). The additional beam (d) in Figure A-1 is for 6beam<br />

configuration, which provides better spatial definition of the plume in the crosswind<br />

direction. In the three-beam configuration, the ORS instrument sequentially scans over three<br />

PDCs. Only one beam is along the ground level (beam c or d in Figure A-1) and the other two<br />

are elevated on a vertical structure (beams e and f in Figure A-1).<br />

A two-phase smooth basis function minimization (SBFM) approach is applied where there are<br />

three or more beams along the ground level (5-beam, or more, configuration). In the two-phase<br />

SBFM approach, a one-dimensional SBFM reconstruction procedure is first applied in order to<br />

reconstruct the smoothed ground level and crosswind concentration profile. The reconstructed<br />

parameters are then substituted into the bivariate Gaussian function when applying a twodimensional<br />

SBFM procedure.<br />

A one-dimensional SBFM reconstruction is applied to the ground level segmented beam paths<br />

(Figure A-1) of the same beam geometry to find the cross wind concentration profile. A<br />

univariate Gaussian function is fitted to measured PIC ground-level values.<br />

The error function for the minimization procedure is the Sum of Squared Errors (SSE) function<br />

and is defined in the one-dimensional SBFM approach as follows:<br />

Where:<br />

2<br />

⎛<br />

r ⎞<br />

i ⎡ ⎤<br />

⎜<br />

B ⎛ m − r ⎞<br />

j 1 y ⎜ j ⎟ ⎟<br />

SSE(B ⎢<br />

⎥<br />

j , m y , σ ) = ∑ ⎜ PICi −∑ ∫ exp −<br />

dr<br />

j y j ⎟<br />

⎜<br />

⎢ ⎜ σ ⎟ ⎥<br />

i j 2πσ 2<br />

y j 0<br />

y<br />

⎢⎣ ⎝ j ⎠ ⎥⎦<br />

⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

B = equal to the area under the one-dimensional Gaussian distribution (integrated<br />

concentration);<br />

ri = the pathlength of the i th beam;<br />

my = the mean (peak location);<br />

σy = the standard deviation of the j th Gaussian function; and<br />

PICi = the measured PIC value of the i th path<br />

A-1<br />

2<br />


d<br />

f<br />

e<br />

c<br />

b<br />

PDCs<br />

Y<br />

X<br />

a<br />

2<br />

12( y)( z) ( r⋅ sinθ − mz) ⎤⎫ ⎪<br />

2ρ r⋅ cosθ − m r⋅ sinθ − m<br />

Gr (, ) = exp⎨−<br />

2 ⎢<br />

A<br />

⎧<br />

⎪ 1 ⎡ ( r⋅ cosθ−<br />

my)<br />

− + ⎥<br />

2 2 ⎬<br />

2<br />

θ<br />

2<br />

2πσ σ 1−ρ 21− ( ρ ⎢ σ σσ σ 12 ) y y z z ⎥<br />

y z 12 ⎪⎩ ⎣ ⎦⎪⎭ Z<br />

Mean Wind Direction<br />

Figure A-1. Example of a VRPM Configuration Setup<br />

Fugitive Source/<br />

Area of Interest<br />

PI-ORS<br />

Instrument<br />

The SSE function is minimized using the Simplex minimization procedure to solve for the<br />

unknown parameters (Press et al., 1992). When there are more than three beams at the ground<br />

level, two Gaussian functions are fitted to retrieve skewed and sometimes bi-modal<br />

concentration profiles. This is the reason for the index j in Equation 1.<br />

Once the one-dimensional phase is completed, the two-dimensional phase of the two-phase<br />

process is applied. To derive the bivariate Gaussian function used in the second phase, it is<br />

convenient to express the generic bivariate function G in polar coordinates r and θ:<br />

A-2<br />


The bivariate Gaussian has six unknown independent parameters:<br />

A = normalizing coefficient which adjusts for the peak value of the bivariate surface;<br />

ρ12 = correlation coefficient which defines the direction of the distributionindependent<br />

variations in relation to the Cartesian directions y and z (ρ12=0<br />

means that the distribution variations overlap the Cartesian coordinates);<br />

my and mz = peak locations in Cartesian coordinates; and<br />

σy and σz = standard deviations in Cartesian coordinates.<br />

Six independent beam paths are sufficient to determine one bivariate Gaussian that has six<br />

independent unknown parameters. Some reasonable assumptions are made when applying the<br />

VRPM methodology to this problem, to reduce the number of unknown parameters. The first is<br />

setting the correlation parameter ρ12 equal to zero. This assumes that the reconstructed bivariate<br />

Gaussian is limited only to changes in the vertical and crosswind directions. Secondly, when<br />

ground level emissions are known to exist, the ground level PIC is expected to be the largest of<br />

the vertical beams. Therefore, the peak location in the vertical direction can be fixed to the<br />

ground level. In the above ground-level scenario, Equation 2 reduces into Equation 3:<br />

A ⎧⎪ 1 ⎡(r ⋅ cosθ − m y ) 2<br />

(r ⋅ sin θ ) 2 ⎤⎫⎪ G(r,θ ) = exp⎨− ⎢ + 2 2 ⎥⎬<br />

2πσ yσ z ⎩<br />

2 σ σ<br />

⎪ ⎢⎣ y z ⎥⎦⎭ ⎪<br />

The standard deviation and peak location retrieved in the one-dimensional SBFM procedure are<br />

substituted in Equation 3 to yield:<br />

Where:<br />

A ⎧⎪ 1 ⎡(r ⋅cosθ − my−1D ) 2<br />

(r ⋅sinθ ) 2 ⎤⎫⎪ G(A,σ z ) = exp⎨− ⎢ + 2 2 ⎥⎬<br />

2πσ y−1Dσ<br />

z ⎩⎪ 2 ⎢⎣ σ y−1D σ z ⎦⎥ ⎭⎪ σy-1D = standard deviation along the crosswind direction (found in the one-dimensional<br />

SBFM procedure);<br />

my-1D = peak location along the crosswind direction (found in the one-dimensional<br />

SBFM procedure);<br />

A and σz are the unknown parameters to be retrieved in the second phase of the fitting procedure.<br />

An error function (SSE) for minimization is defined for this phase in a similar manner. The SSE<br />

function for the second phase is defined as:<br />

r i ⎛ ⎞ 2<br />

SSE(A,σ z ) = ∑⎜ PIC<br />

⎜ i − ∫G(r i ,θ i , A,σ z )dr ⎟ i ⎝ 0 ⎠<br />

Where PIC is the measured PIC value for the i th beam. The SSE function is minimized using the<br />

Simplex method to solve for the two unknown parameters.<br />

A-3<br />

(3)<br />

(4)<br />


When the VRPM configuration consists only of three beam paths—one at the ground level and<br />

the other two elevated—the one-dimensional phase can be skipped, assuming that the plume is<br />

very wide. In this scenario, peak location can be arbitrarily assigned to be in the middle of the<br />

configuration. Therefore, the three-beam VRPM configuration is most suitable for area sources<br />

or for sources with a series of point and fugitive sources that are known to be distributed across<br />

the upwind area. In this case, the bivariate Gaussian has the same two unknown parameters as in<br />

the second phase (Equation 4), but information about the plume width or location is not known.<br />

The standard deviation in the crosswind direction is typically assumed to be about 10 times that<br />

of the ground level beam path (length of vertical plane). If r1 represents the length of the vertical<br />

plane, the bivariate Gaussian would be as follows:<br />

A ⎧⎪ 1 ⎡(r ⋅ cosθ − 1 r ) 2 (r ⋅sinθ ) 2 ⎤⎫<br />

2 1 ⎪<br />

+ 2 ⎥⎬<br />

2π (10r1)σ z ⎪ 2 ⎣ (10r1 ) σ z ⎦⎪<br />

G(A,σ z ) = exp⎨− ⎢ 2<br />

⎩ ⎭<br />

This process is for determining the vertical gradient in concentration. It allows an accurate<br />

integration of concentrations across the vertical plane as the long-beam ground-level PIC<br />

provides a direct integration of concentration at the lowest level.<br />

Once the parameters of the function are found for a specific run, the VRPM procedure calculates<br />

the concentration values for every square elementary unit in a vertical plane. Then, the VRPM<br />

procedure integrates the values, incorporating wind speed data at each height level to compute<br />

the flux. The concentration values are converted <strong>from</strong> parts per million by volume (ppmv) to<br />

grams per cubic meter (g/m 3 ), taking into consideration the molecular weight of the target gas.<br />

This enables the direct calculation of the flux in grams per second (g/s), using wind speed data in<br />

meters per second (m/s).<br />

As described in earlier studies (Hashmonay et al., 2001), the Concordance Correlation Factor<br />

(CCF) was used to represent the level of fit for the reconstruction in the path-integrated domain<br />

(predicted versus measured PIC). CCF is defined as the product of two components:<br />

CCF = rA (7)<br />

Where:<br />

r = the Pearson correlation coefficient;<br />

A = a correction factor for the shift in population and location.<br />

This shift is a function of the relationship between the averages and standard deviations of the<br />

measured and predicted PIC vectors:<br />

⎡ ⎛ ⎞⎤ −1<br />

⎛ ⎞ 2<br />

⎢1 ⎜ σ σ PICP PICM ⎜ PICP − PICM ⎟ ⎟⎥<br />

A = ⎜ + +<br />

⎢2 σ σ ⎜ σ σ ⎟ ⎟<br />

⎜ ⎥<br />


P M ⎢⎣ ⎝ ⎝<br />

⎠ ⎠⎥⎦<br />

A-4<br />

(6)<br />


Where:<br />

σ PICP = standard deviation of the predicted PIC vector;<br />

σ PICM = standard deviation of the measured PIC vector;<br />

PIC P = the mean of the predicted PIC vector; and<br />

PIC M = the mean of the measured PIC vector.<br />

The Pearson correlation coefficient is a good indicator of the quality of fit to the Gaussian<br />

mathematical function. In this procedure, typically an r close to 1 will be followed by an A very<br />

close to 1. This means that the averages and standard deviations in the two concentration vectors<br />

are very similar and the mass is conserved (good flux value). However, when a poor CCF is<br />

reported (CCF0.90). However, when both r and A are low one<br />

can assume that the flux calculation is inaccurate.<br />


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Open Path Instrument Mirror Coordinates<br />

Table B-1. Distance, and Horizontal and Vertical Coordinates of Mirrors Used by the<br />

Boreal OP-TDLAS in the Control Cell VRPM Survey at Site #1.<br />

Mirror<br />

Number<br />

Distance<br />

(meters)<br />

Horizontal Angle <strong>from</strong><br />

North (deg)<br />

Vertical Angle*<br />

(deg)<br />

1 61.2 270° 41’ 0° 00’<br />

2 118.9 269° 14’ 0° 00’<br />

3 180.4 273° 19’ 0° 00’<br />

4 180.4 273° 05’ 1° 17’<br />

5 179.7 272° 53’ 2° 33’<br />

6 17.4 346° 56’ 0° 00’<br />

7 35.5 347° 15’ 0° 00’<br />

8 51.0 354° 22’ 0° 00’<br />

9 52.6 353° 24’ 7° 26’<br />

10 52.5 354° 26’ 12° 41’<br />

*Vertical angle shown is the angle <strong>from</strong> horizontal (positive values indicate elevation <strong>from</strong> the horizontal,<br />

negative values indicate descent <strong>from</strong> the horizontal).<br />

Table B-2. Distance, and Horizontal and Vertical Coordinates of Mirrors Used by the<br />

IMACC OP-FTIR in the Control Cell VRPM Survey at Site #1.<br />

Mirror<br />

Number<br />

Distance<br />

(meters)<br />

Horizontal Angle <strong>from</strong><br />

North (deg)<br />

Vertical Angle*<br />

(deg)<br />

1 19.6 209° 28’ 0° 00’<br />

2 35.9 203° 35’ 0° 00’<br />

3 51.3 196° 35’ 0° 00’<br />

4 52.2 196° 35’ 3° 53’<br />

5 51.3 196° 29’ 6° 48’<br />

6 53.1 94° 27’ 0° 00’<br />

7 106.0 98° 19’ 0° 00’<br />

8 159.4 99° 15’ 0° 00’<br />

9 159.8 99° 18’ 2° 02’<br />

10 159.5 99° 08’ 3° 25’<br />

*Vertical angle shown is the angle <strong>from</strong> horizontal (positive values indicate elevation <strong>from</strong> the horizontal,<br />

negative values indicate descent <strong>from</strong> the horizontal).<br />


Table B-3. Distance, and Horizontal and Vertical Coordinates of Mirrors Used by the Boreal<br />

OP-TDLAS in the bioreactor cell VRPM Survey at Site #1.<br />

Mirror<br />

Number<br />

Distance<br />

(meters)<br />

Horizontal Angle <strong>from</strong><br />

North (deg)<br />

Vertical Angle*<br />

(deg)<br />

1 30.7 3° 07’ 0° 00’<br />

2 58.9 4° 55’ 0° 00’<br />

3 82.4 6° 13’ 0° 00’<br />

4 84.0 5° 06’ 4° 14’<br />

5 83.7 5° 51’ 7° 28’<br />

6 40.1 278° 23’ 0° 00’<br />

7 79.6 281° 00’ 0° 00’<br />

8 119.4 282° 09’ 0° 00’<br />

9 119.7 281° 34’ 2° 26’<br />

10 118.8 281° 29’ 4° 43’<br />

*Vertical angle shown is the angle <strong>from</strong> horizontal (positive values indicate elevation <strong>from</strong> the horizontal,<br />

negative values indicate descent <strong>from</strong> the horizontal).<br />

Table B-4 Distance, and Horizontal and Vertical Coordinates of Mirrors Used by the<br />

IMACC OP-FTIR in the Bioreactor cell VRPM Survey at Site #1.<br />

Mirror<br />

Number<br />

Distance<br />

(meters)<br />

Horizontal Angle <strong>from</strong><br />

North (deg)<br />

Vertical Angle*<br />

(deg)<br />

1 34.3 151° 14’ 0° 00’<br />

2 69.0 144° 19’ 0° 00’<br />

3 103.0 143° 19’ 0° 00’<br />

4 102.8 143° 21’ 2° 01’<br />

5 102.5 143° 47’ 4° 02’<br />

6 47.6 76° 43’ 0° 00’<br />

7 96.8 80° 37’ 0° 00’<br />

8 172.4 87° 50’ 0° 00’<br />

9 172.3 87° 55’ 1° 33’<br />

10 172.1 87° 40’ 2° 45’<br />

*Vertical angle shown is the angle <strong>from</strong> horizontal (positive values indicate elevation <strong>from</strong> the horizontal,<br />

negative values indicate descent <strong>from</strong> the horizontal).<br />


Table B-5. Distance, and Horizontal and Vertical Coordinates of Mirrors Used by the<br />

Boreal OP-TDLAS in the Bioreactor cell VRPM Survey at Site #2.<br />

Mirror<br />

Number<br />

Distance<br />

(meters)<br />

Horizontal Angle <strong>from</strong><br />

North (deg)<br />

Vertical Angle*<br />

(deg)<br />

1 9.8 354° 52’ 0° 00’<br />

2 19.7 359° 49’ 0° 00’<br />

3 29.0 4° 37’ 0° 00’<br />

4 29.9 4° 48’ 11° 14’<br />

5 30.4 6° 49’ 20° 21’<br />

6 73.5 88° 46’ 0° 00’<br />

7 146.2 89° 31’ 0° 00’<br />

8 217.1 93° 27’ 0° 00’<br />

9 217.2 93° 17’ 0° 49’<br />

10 216.5 93° 37’ 2° 02’<br />

*Vertical angle shown is the angle <strong>from</strong> horizontal (positive values indicate elevation <strong>from</strong> the horizontal,<br />

negative values indicate descent <strong>from</strong> the horizontal).<br />

Table B-6 Distance, and Horizontal and Vertical Coordinates of Mirrors Used by the<br />

IMACC OP-FTIR in the Bioreactor cell VRPM Survey at Site #2.<br />

Mirror<br />

Number<br />

Distance<br />

(meters)<br />

Horizontal Angle <strong>from</strong><br />

North (deg)<br />

Vertical Angle*<br />

(deg)<br />

1 16.7 199° 59’ 0° 00’<br />

2 29.5 200° 06’ 0° 00’<br />

3 43.0 196° 22’ 0° 00’<br />

4 43.1 194° 27’ 5° 59’<br />

5 43.5 194° 01’ 10° 57’<br />

6 76.2 278° 38’ 0° 00’<br />

7 148.9 280° 12’ 0° 00’<br />

8 218.1 280° 20’ 0° 00’<br />

9 218.7 280° 36’ 1° 56’<br />

10 218.6 280° 47’ 2° 53’<br />

*Vertical angle shown is the angle <strong>from</strong> horizontal (positive values indicate elevation <strong>from</strong> the horizontal,<br />

negative values indicate descent <strong>from</strong> the horizontal).<br />


Table B-7. Distance, and Horizontal and Vertical Coordinates of Mirrors Used by the<br />

Boreal OP-TDLAS in the Control Cell VRPM Survey at Site #2.<br />

Mirror<br />

Number<br />

Distance<br />

(meters)<br />

Horizontal Angle <strong>from</strong><br />

North (deg)<br />

Vertical Angle*<br />

(deg)<br />

1 66.8 271° 03’ 0° 00’<br />

2 135.2 269° 52’ 0° 00’<br />

3 203.4 270° 54’ 0° 00’<br />

4 203.2 271° 12’ 1° 06’<br />

5 202.9 271° 27’ 2° 29’<br />

6 35.4 358° 07’ 0° 00’<br />

7 70.1 357° 19’ 0° 00’<br />

8 105.4 0° 52’ 0° 00’<br />

9 105.6 0° 34’ 2° 52’<br />

10 104.9 359° 52’ 5° 29’<br />

*Vertical angle shown is the angle <strong>from</strong> horizontal (positive values indicate elevation <strong>from</strong> the horizontal,<br />

negative values indicate descent <strong>from</strong> the horizontal).<br />

Table B-8. Distance, and Horizontal and Vertical Coordinates of Mirrors Used by the<br />

IMACC OP-FTIR in the Control Cell VRPM Survey at Site #2.<br />

Mirror<br />

Number<br />

Distance<br />

(meters)<br />

Horizontal Angle <strong>from</strong><br />

North (deg)<br />

Vertical Angle*<br />

(deg)<br />

1 26.2 176° 52’ 0° 00’<br />

2 52.8 178° 27’ 0° 00’<br />

3 78.9 175° 44’ 0° 00’<br />

4 79.1 177° 02’ 3° 52’<br />

5 79.2 177° 27’ 6° 33’<br />

6 69.6 75° 45’ 0° 00’<br />

7 139.9 80° 06’ 0° 00’<br />

8 208.7 82° 19’ 0° 00’<br />

9 208.7 82° 21’ 1° 57’<br />

10 208.6 82° 37’ 2° 55’<br />

*Vertical angle shown is the angle <strong>from</strong> horizontal (positive values indicate elevation <strong>from</strong> the horizontal,<br />

negative values indicate descent <strong>from</strong> the horizontal).<br />


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Path-Averaged Methane Concentration Values Used for <strong>Emissions</strong><br />

Calculations<br />

Table C-1. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found Along the Northern VRPM<br />

Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #1<br />

Cycle Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 16.41 16.60 14.71 4.47 5.24<br />

2 4.80 5.32 18.17 3.73 3.43<br />

3 12.26 9.35 8.81 5.45 5.29<br />

4 18.65 11.48 5.90 8.57 3.85<br />

5 4.43 3.21 29.75 12.09 3.08<br />

6 6.02 4.06 28.50 5.59 3.56<br />

7 9.18 9.85 4.97 3.23 3.43<br />

8 9.63 9.26 10.79 8.48 3.85<br />

9 5.18 2.90 2.91 4.00 5.60<br />

10 10.05 29.61 29.82 7.54 6.18<br />

11 4.52 3.49 4.14 3.06 2.61<br />

12 5.03 6.26 4.48 3.81 2.24<br />

13 23.49 17.30 24.07 6.43 4.77<br />

14 4.86 7.61 33.59 11.60 5.21<br />

15 10.44 25.69 25.17 3.27 7.08<br />

16 6.04 4.78 8.21 2.62 2.93<br />

17 4.66 4.50 3.56 1.98 2.00<br />

18 5.75 3.99 4.26 3.25 2.65<br />

19 4.96 4.21 3.64 2.45 2.34<br />

20 19.96 4.49 15.14 2.23 2.47<br />

21 7.91 3.83 10.63 2.22 2.60<br />


Table C-2. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found Along the Eastern VRPM<br />

Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #1<br />

Cycle Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 23.23 0.00 7.24 3.84 2.58<br />

2 5.69 11.43 6.11 3.26 2.16<br />

3 15.43 4.22 4.97 1.97 0.00<br />

4 20.14 7.02 5.59 2.73 0.00<br />

5 21.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.83<br />

6 24.13 4.54 7.80 3.99 3.43<br />

7 35.02 8.35 7.37 3.16 2.14<br />

8 22.53 69.07 11.39 4.44 4.68<br />

9 20.86 4.18 7.35 4.38 3.52<br />

10 24.45 9.04 8.86 4.19 3.14<br />

11 34.57 40.21 17.16 12.02 6.83<br />

12 15.19 5.05 7.23 3.62 2.93<br />

13 21.29 6.18 6.61 2.67 2.97<br />

14 23.14 6.41 5.16 2.24 2.65<br />

15 23.70 13.83 12.82 5.17 4.05<br />

16 22.68 9.89 8.54 3.76 3.87<br />

17 18.47 7.27 6.32 2.72 3.61<br />

18 32.10 10.00 9.29 3.27 2.67<br />

19 35.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00<br />

20 4.08 2.25 12.20 86.32 2.29<br />

21 3.38 2.00 4.33 50.39 0.00<br />

22 5.96 5.17 8.06 57.72 0.02<br />

23 7.21 5.63 6.02 38.35 0.78<br />

24 3.35 2.70 1.64 23.45 0.01<br />

25 3.96 4.10 0.88 27.44 2.86<br />

26 2.84 4.22 0.67 35.46 5.94<br />

27 4.85 3.76 0.96 27.14 5.39<br />

28 4.77 5.69 1.62 15.48 7.52<br />

29 3.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00<br />


Table C-3. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found Along the Western VRPM<br />

Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #1<br />

Cycle Mirror1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 14.50 10.16 7.48 4.69 5.93<br />

2 12.15 6.32 4.50 4.00 5.27<br />

3 17.23 7.45 6.48 5.72 5.52<br />

4 14.73 10.46 6.69 4.49 3.44<br />

5 10.73 7.78 5.65 5.00 4.72<br />

6 7.84 6.72 6.35 5.10 5.41<br />

7 4.36 3.27 3.76 5.40 4.66<br />

8 7.18 2.30 4.60 3.49 2.55<br />

9 10.54 10.64 6.48 3.33 5.36<br />

10 10.80 7.00 5.47 3.47 4.15<br />

11 4.62 3.65 4.46 3.28 4.15<br />

12 9.53 6.96 2.56 4.51 4.20<br />

13 8.85 5.49 4.74 3.49 3.98<br />

14 -- -- -- -- --<br />

15 8.26 5.44 4.15 2.96 2.67<br />

16 5.89 2.78 2.37 1.92 2.03<br />

17 2.68 3.15 2.62 2.84 2.73<br />

18 3.01 4.19 3.65 2.47 3.20<br />

19 9.20 4.10 4.63 3.85 4.41<br />

20 9.69 4.73 4.62 3.45 4.01<br />

21 4.45 5.71 3.63 2.95 3.61<br />


Table C-4. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found Along the Southern Beam Path in<br />

the Control Cell of Site #1<br />

Cycle Mirror1<br />

1 10.76<br />

2 11.69<br />

3 11.06<br />

4 8.45<br />

5 8.29<br />

6 10.14<br />

7 5.98<br />

8 6.27<br />

9 7.95<br />


Table C-5. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 22 along the<br />

Northern VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #1<br />

Cycle Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 7.31 7.89 4.24 3.36 5.05<br />

2 5.63 9.56 5.22 3.17 3.19<br />

3 4.49 8.63 5.18 4.07 2.45<br />

4 6.07 7.96 3.67 2.94 6.01<br />

5 15.26 9.97 10.69 6.19 9.69<br />

6 5.05 4.68 6.96 6.03 3.01<br />

7 16.13 10.01 9.51 5.28 5.88<br />

8 5.57 6.44 6.07 2.94 2.51<br />

9 5.94 7.65 4.83 5.10 3.25<br />

10 7.15 6.04 9.01 3.24 3.82<br />

11 6.04 10.98 8.13 5.03 3.19<br />

12 9.46 6.96 9.28 5.48 8.19<br />

13 12.08 8.14 9.35 8.34 8.13<br />

14 5.78 8.82 8.77 4.12 2.95<br />

15 4.73 7.19 6.16 5.62 4.55<br />

16 7.72 5.46 12.16 8.64 6.85<br />

17 5.61 6.86 5.31 4.75 6.43<br />

18 8.55 14.71 10.44 5.46 4.21<br />

19 8.43 7.26 10.39 10.17 6.94<br />

20 7.18 8.66 7.54 5.43 6.74<br />

21 7.56 10.63 6.68 5.01 4.58<br />

22 12.63 10.41 8.69 5.48 8.64<br />

23 19.15 12.61 9.13 4.65 5.64<br />

24 10.02 10.16 10.81 8.59 5.44<br />

25 16.03 17.9 8.46 7.81 5.68<br />

26 6.27 8.53 9.35 4.37 3.19<br />

27 8.55 14.41 8.51 7.92 2.56<br />

28 6.05 6.94 6.52 7.63 11.73<br />

29 6.07 11.58 11.34 6.63 4.75<br />

30 7.53 11.25 9.63 5.53 4.83<br />

31 7.21 10.36 9.31 3.35 4.19<br />

32 6.99 10.77 9.72 4.85 4.57<br />

33 6.21 8.89 9.49 4.98 3.98<br />

34 16.09 16.97 9.17 4.84 5.47<br />

35 15.06 11.16 11.61 4.65 2.86<br />

36 8.57 12.41 10.13 6.08 7.02<br />

37 6.03 16.59 12.71 11.06 15.88<br />

38 8.71 12.97 12.93 7.72 3.84<br />

39 5.86 7.45 11.46 8.59 14.79<br />

40 10.86 7.11 5.22 3.67 5.41<br />

41 9.85 16.57 10.68 3.95 2.44<br />

42 5.33 8.74 9.33 5.65 4.61<br />


Table C-6. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 22 along the Eastern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #1<br />

Cycle Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 9.35 17.56 2.32 11.65 11.60<br />

2 1.58 20.75 0.19 7.26 4.37<br />

3 7.07 15.48 4.62 6.13 5.31<br />

4 2.22 16.79 1.90 11.30 15.27<br />

5 0.37 26.90 9.27 17.02 10.36<br />

6 0.27 18.83 0.00 0.00 0.00<br />

7 6.65 17.39 8.71 9.69 6.72<br />

8 18.68 24.03 23.82 8.58 6.76<br />

9 8.34 18.79 15.96 13.36 8.10<br />

10 5.24 15.24 19.77 13.97 6.13<br />

11 12.83 24.17 11.39 9.70 5.52<br />

12 11.97 19.40 8.20 7.94 8.36<br />

13 14.93 24.24 14.01 18.95 5.81<br />

14 6.64 23.86 7.63 6.69 5.10<br />

15 5.43 22.18 0.00 0.00 0.00<br />

16 4.61 18.60 13.65 10.02 5.79<br />

17 7.55 41.28 28.06 12.68 6.94<br />

18 3.13 22.83 14.21 10.52 8.43<br />

19 4.17 21.99 12.26 23.65 17.07<br />

20 6.36 19.13 17.12 13.59 4.98<br />

21 5.99 22.77 24.40 11.67 8.43<br />

22 19.51 20.39 17.68 6.70 9.19<br />

23 11.43 20.24 13.25 12.53 7.82<br />

24 9.96 16.30 6.58 8.08 10.16<br />

25 13.77 19.01 8.14 11.87 7.70<br />

26 13.43 20.07 10.69 14.28 12.12<br />

27 12.11 26.32 18.61 12.76 8.93<br />

28 16.33 30.16 16.27 16.22 8.48<br />

29 7.72 20.95 3.58 10.68 3.72<br />

30 15.93 21.83 16.56 10.95 8.33<br />

31 17.13 17.34 4.39 25.35 10.13<br />

32 8.37 31.60 15.74 20.41 12.35<br />

33 8.50 21.64 5.62 13.93 8.87<br />

34 15.22 20.86 17.42 9.78 5.54<br />

35 9.86 15.85 5.90 12.55 9.35<br />

36 17.16 31.96 10.04 16.61 12.23<br />

37 5.41 19.51 2.97 10.59 3.78<br />

38 13.44 27.61 4.21 13.13 5.65<br />

39 7.56 19.53 14.70 6.21 5.70<br />

40 11.68 22.98 15.56 10.85 8.14<br />

41 12.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00<br />


Table C-7. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 22 along the Southern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #1<br />

Cycle Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 22.97 22.84 18.78 8.66 9.96<br />

2 14.06 23.03 20.72 10.13 9.12<br />

3 5.57 17.37 53.90 31.85 9.46<br />

4 13.95 23.35 22.24 11.04 6.35<br />

5 5.55 16.83 14.40 13.00 4.86<br />

6 1.32 14.73 21.59 7.47 4.18<br />

7 30.95 18.71 39.85 16.44 9.30<br />

8 10.51 12.78 22.66 9.76 7.68<br />

9 3.01 13.22 23.18 6.94 3.76<br />

10 1.95 11.33 25.30 5.18 4.08<br />

11 6.98 10.42 25.60 8.01 6.25<br />

12 0.33 4.19 22.26 8.05 18.87<br />

13 6.71 7.39 24.93 9.50 9.32<br />

14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.02<br />

15 146.53 12.44 0.00 6.33 3.56<br />

16 91.91 11.05 0.00 7.59 0.00<br />

17 3.01 12.45 17.52 8.57 3.90<br />

18 31.30 41.16 28.48 8.92 7.15<br />

19 5.17 13.04 18.92 5.46 2.45<br />

20 7.78 7.73 24.25 10.64 8.12<br />

21 5.08 3.59 20.20 8.03 5.39<br />

22 7.85 5.48 17.75 6.19 4.44<br />

23 9.24 5.57 22.91 9.04 4.50<br />

24 5.99 0.46 19.51 6.57 3.89<br />

25 17.38 8.23 27.18 6.60 3.60<br />

26 3.55 0.49 18.55 7.02 6.86<br />

27 5.65 0.00 16.30 5.46 2.36<br />

28 13.97 1.07 19.81 15.28 9.85<br />

29 44.29 39.55 24.65 8.45 3.19<br />

30 23.26 0.00 17.11 5.05 8.79<br />

31 11.59 0.42 21.96 8.11 4.12<br />

32 2.86 0.00 16.44 9.74 0.00<br />

33 6.03 0.92 13.85 6.44 4.44<br />

34 5.39 5.66 16.34 6.64 8.57<br />

35 64.13 7.09 9.41 5.97 4.28<br />

36 11.51 4.90 12.26 6.42 5.54<br />

37 4.82 0.02 10.98 5.26 5.60<br />

38 3.79 0.41 12.95 8.17 8.23<br />

39 3.85 2.56 16.36 8.48 6.98<br />


Table C-8. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 22 along the Western<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #1<br />

Cycle Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 16.71 16.62 8.28 7.56 5.97<br />

2 9.43 10.71 9.18 7.54 5.75<br />

3 17.88 12.3e 8.57 5.7 6.15<br />

4 20.28 12.67 8.67 6.57 6.07<br />

5 14.82 11.11 7.61 5.85 5.68<br />

6 17.18 14.12 13.92 7.98 8.38<br />

7 15.35 8.17 9.26 7.26 4.18<br />

8 13.35 13.95 11.19 6.45 7.56<br />

9 8.75 8.73 8.08 5.88 4.19<br />

10 16.33 11.81 9.61 5.41 6.86<br />

11 13.31 17.72 10.72 7.16 8.34<br />

12 12.46 10.87 9.65 6.59 8.54<br />

13 14.16 14.15 9.35 9.23 6.95<br />

14 11.98 6.88 9.87 7.84 8.08<br />

15 15.88 16.11 10.63 8.35 7.71<br />

16 20.88 9.85 8.97 6.14 5.96<br />

17 15.63 12.43 11.81 10.7 7.05<br />

18 10.84 17.33 12.43 8.59 6.44<br />

19 -- -- -- -- --<br />

20 17.23 15.38 8.89 6.98 8.37<br />

21 8.42 10.51 9.85 7.62 6.57<br />

22 23.28 16.43 12.88 6.54 5.78<br />

23 24.51 14.43 9.05 6.73 7.69<br />

24 14.98 13.83 10.3 8.26 7.13<br />

25 11.44 5.21 4.46 4.83 6.31<br />

26 -- -- -- -- --<br />

27 25.63 12.36 7.77 6.55 7.51<br />

28 23.56 11.61 6.92 4.95 6.38<br />

29 17.89 12.68 13.25 7.32 4.54<br />

30 21.57 16.84 9.79 8.08 4.73<br />

31 13.83 14.97 12.04 8.94 8.95<br />

32 -- -- -- -- --<br />

33 16.27 18.22 13.75 8.89 12.25<br />

34 8.49 15.24 9.25 10.09 6.71<br />

35 9.44 6.54 10.86 8.20 7.69<br />

36 16.57 15.51 12.44 3.49 8.16<br />

37 29.33 20.34 13.23 7.56 7.58<br />

38 14.28 13.67 9.88 6.44 6.71<br />

39 -- -- -- -- --<br />

40 15.47 11.28 8.53 5.95 5.72<br />

41 8.39 8.84 4.75 3.99 3.25<br />

42 17.53 13.95 8.99 7.83 4.69<br />


Table C-9. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 24 along the<br />

Northern VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #2<br />

Cycle Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 27.99 14.63 10.74 6.67 4.25<br />

2 26.89 14.87 10.56 5.24 5.93<br />

3 21.69 11.64 12.81 6.88 5.30<br />

4 20.93 12.03 9.37 6.39 5.27<br />

5 26.80 13.91 10.49 7.80 5.97<br />

6 28.82 14.71 9.84 7.22 6.18<br />

7 26.86 14.54 10.22 6.06 5.97<br />

8 30.25 14.64 11.63 7.41 5.67<br />

9 24.11 13.23 11.05 7.60 6.23<br />

10 27.46 12.22 8.75 6.78 5.49<br />

11 22.48 11.82 10.25 6.92 5.00<br />

12 19.48 13.77 10.08 5.78 5.08<br />

13 18.85 13.65 10.46 7.04 5.29<br />


Table C-10. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 24 along the Eastern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #2<br />

Cycle Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 14.06 5.45 5.22 6.43 7.03<br />

2 14.77 10.80 5.75 1.88 11.50<br />

3 20.94 9.97 6.53 12.97 14.69<br />

4 10.93 5.70 4.39 12.19 10.49<br />

5 15.13 10.84 13.51 6.75 2.82<br />

6 6.41 7.66 17.30 7.43 3.44<br />

7 3.31 11.85 17.46 6.74 5.60<br />

8 13.68 14.13 13.91 4.36 4.05<br />

9 4.95 12.53 13.95 5.07 2.79<br />

10 15.22 15.34 16.17 5.91 4.43<br />

11 13.25 11.05 12.54 4.56 2.94<br />

12 16.16 12.56 17.60 5.11 2.59<br />

13 11.86 13.51 14.78 5.53 2.21<br />

14 7.85 12.00 12.28 3.86 4.01<br />

15 20.42 13.02 12.94 3.80 4.34<br />

16 22.73 11.59 13.37 5.60 4.07<br />

17 18.21 14.74 12.58 4.35 4.22<br />

18 15.17 12.87 15.03 4.63 4.59<br />

19 18.38 12.90 12.84 4.77 5.03<br />

20 20.09 16.07 15.81 5.45 4.57<br />

21 27.06 14.07 16.20 5.20 4.25<br />

22 27.63 16.49 16.48 5.52 5.42<br />

23 24.82 16.19 16.88 6.37 7.35<br />

24 24.85 12.80 16.89 8.36 5.46<br />

25 22.08 14.41 14.51 5.37 3.83<br />

26 22.40 13.56 16.01 4.98 5.01<br />

27 21.50 12.47 16.14 5.04 4.05<br />

28 26.08 10.47 13.07 6.04 4.45<br />

29 26.58 16.54 14.28 4.89 4.41<br />


Table C-11. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 24 along the Southern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #2<br />

Cycle Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 4.37 6.87 5.02 4.88 3.82<br />

2 0.00 4.67 4.28 3.94 2.88<br />

3 7.24 16.31 0.00 4.32 3.18<br />

4 4.36 14.17 0.00 5.30 2.71<br />

5 6.56 16.84 0.00 4.56 2.56<br />

6 6.12 11.39 0.00 4.69 2.45<br />

7 6.89 12.11 0.00 4.74 3.36<br />

8 6.65 11.48 10.91 5.48 3.45<br />

9 6.79 13.96 10.68 4.23 3.67<br />

10 7.28 15.04 7.99 4.46 3.73<br />

11 6.37 12.88 6.22 5.06 3.14<br />

12 7.32 16.93 13.51 5.25 2.47<br />

13 8.10 15.88 15.93 5.26 3.54<br />

14 6.78 18.23 10.96 5.37 2.81<br />

15 6.94 18.91 11.63 5.16 3.83<br />

16 8.29 16.74 10.64 5.47 3.37<br />

17 7.64 14.39 5.17 5.35 2.93<br />

18 7.30 12.63 16.70 5.06 4.25<br />

19 8.33 16.08 20.23 5.71 2.87<br />

20 7.95 16.42 4.65 6.05 3.51<br />

21 9.10 18.56 3.49 6.21 3.45<br />

22 8.57 17.26 3.24 5.09 2.15<br />

23 9.40 17.54 4.24 5.72 2.88<br />

24 8.08 18.27 7.19 5.91 3.13<br />

25 8.85 17.45 7.62 5.12 2.93<br />

26 8.66 18.07 13.18 6.35 2.87<br />


Table C-12. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 24 along the Western<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #2<br />

Cycle Mirror 6 Mirror 7 Mirror 8 Mirror 9 Mirror 10<br />

1 14.04 10.61 7.90 5.14 4.68<br />

2 15.41 10.04 7.61 5.36 4.67<br />

3 14.67 10.65 8.15 5.74 5.13<br />

4 16.85 10.88 7.83 5.24 4.96<br />

5 15.18 10.50 7.93 5.58 5.04<br />

6 13.36 11.15 7.68 5.22 4.17<br />

7 13.89 10.99 8.63 5.74 4.49<br />

8 13.91 11.94 8.59 4.91 5.35<br />

9 15.45 10.14 7.74 5.48 4.36<br />

10 17.02 10.16 8.05 5.96 5.42<br />

11 17.24 10.71 7.75 5.92 4.63<br />

12 17.52 10.04 8.51 5.79 4.51<br />

13 16.84 10.05 8.12 5.59 5.64<br />


Table C-13. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 25 along the<br />

Northern VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #2<br />

Cycle Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 23.42 13.24 9.85 6.32 5.56<br />

2 20.66 10.32 6.39 4.49 3.48<br />

3 23.68 9.23 7.08 3.64 3.97<br />

4 26.67 12.16 8.33 4.93 3.74<br />

5 18.44 10.96 11.88 7.34 7.82<br />

6 20.79 10.33 8.22 9.51 4.81<br />

7 16.27 12.12 8.32 5.95 3.87<br />

8 31.3 11.41 8.02 4.43 3.60<br />

9 22.66 12.54 6.75 5.96 5.12<br />

10 24.49 8.29 8.36 6.31 3.47<br />

11 17.8 13.15 10.46 5.69 3.56<br />

12 25.47 12.15 8.61 6.22 6.55<br />

13 21.45 13.04 11.48 5.21 4.65<br />

14 25.56 11.79 8.05 6.05 4.86<br />

15 24.31 16.79 13.33 10.15 4.48<br />

16 29.34 9.88 13.22 8.14 3.91<br />

17 20.91 15.33 10.52 8.16 4.16<br />

18 24.23 15.28 11.57 6.92 4.15<br />

19 24.06 16.34 9.54 7.73 3.85<br />

20 30.65 13.26 11.35 6.03 4.36<br />

21 30.24 12.93 10.86 5.38 3.97<br />

22 24.95 8.94 7.42 4.27 3.46<br />

23 27.35 11.95 8.48 4.37 3.27<br />


Table C-14. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 25 along the Eastern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #2<br />

Cycle Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 7.88 11.79 5.71 4.39 2.11<br />

2 6.07 8.82 5.93 5.14 2.73<br />

3 6.10 6.00 2.84 6.48 3.79<br />

4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31<br />

5 5.21 5.75 6.74 2.72 2.19<br />

6 8.35 6.52 6.46 2.72 0.98<br />

7 4.41 5.04 4.19 3.72 2.92<br />

8 4.38 4.52 3.55 3.19 1.10<br />

9 2.74 1.47 1.52 5.65 4.26<br />

10 6.56 3.87 6.37 3.00 1.62<br />

11 5.66 0.00 3.83 2.67 1.92<br />

12 3.15 0.00 3.21 1.93 4.35<br />

13 4.88 4.04 4.57 3.80 2.03<br />

14 5.47 7.62 9.66 5.39 0.00<br />

15 8.61 5.95 8.47 2.26 2.04<br />

16 4.32 5.09 2.84 2.44 3.04<br />

17 8.89 5.25 3.72 5.20 3.81<br />

18 4.17 4.10 5.69 6.32 6.25<br />

19 4.00 6.17 2.30 3.67 5.85<br />

20 7.22 4.27 7.47 3.56 3.64<br />

21 3.26 5.30 5.11 3.40 5.95<br />

22 6.58 6.71 11.05 4.04 5.29<br />

23 4.50 6.19 8.47 3.76 4.15<br />

24 3.16 4.36 6.81 3.88 5.13<br />

25 3.04 4.31 5.51 2.25 3.11<br />

26 5.15 4.50 7.66 5.62 5.01<br />

27 4.50 8.16 10.64 3.01 3.07<br />

28 4.94 7.76 12.52 6.41 6.03<br />

29 14.65 13.00 9.67 3.83 4.13<br />

30 9.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00<br />


Table C-15. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 25 along the Southern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #2<br />

Cycle Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 17.72 9.67 12.76 5.82 2.91<br />

2 0.16 12.88 12.01 5.04 2.93<br />

3 1.79 14.36 13.70 4.62 4.22<br />

4 0.76 9.31 13.24 5.97 5.40<br />

5 0.00 9.88 11.18 4.17 4.83<br />

6 0.00 9.14 12.37 3.75 3.15<br />

7 0.00 7.40 12.87 4.96 4.09<br />

8 0.00 10.28 14.69 4.98 3.76<br />

9 0.60 13.05 12.48 5.48 2.39<br />

10 5.28 8.10 9.07 3.83 4.02<br />

11 7.43 7.30 9.88 3.43 4.00<br />

12 7.18 8.92 10.18 4.77 4.67<br />

13 5.98 7.45 9.96 3.44 3.54<br />

14 20.30 11.50 12.07 4.04 4.70<br />

15 5.48 6.27 10.07 4.28 3.27<br />

16 10.25 11.16 12.17 4.56 4.60<br />

17 8.46 11.41 14.17 5.01 4.22<br />

18 7.34 7.64 9.58 4.10 3.56<br />

19 9.70 7.49 8.92 4.17 3.43<br />

20 7.33 9.60 8.66 3.34 2.68<br />

21 13.51 11.19 11.91 5.02 3.97<br />

22 19.51 13.12 12.23 3.60 2.96<br />

23 13.96 12.24 11.21 4.09 4.06<br />

24 10.33 10.86 13.99 6.33 4.03<br />

25 11.34 9.42 13.38 5.86 5.39<br />

26 10.85 14.51 14.71 6.85 4.26<br />

27 12.37 11.12 13.11 5.12 2.58<br />

28 20.55 9.28 21.09 7.41 5.16<br />

29 14.13 12.82 13.82 5.31 4.78<br />


Table C-16. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 25 along the Western<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Control Cell of Site #2<br />

Cycle Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 11.33 8.97 8.62 5.24 4.57<br />

2 11.43 10.12 9.25 4.48 5.21<br />

3 12.56 9.69 9.33 5.45 5.57<br />

4 11.48 10.17 8.66 5.33 4.24<br />

5 12.79 10.66 7.93 5.12 4.34<br />

6 14.22 10.81 9.87 6.67 4.85<br />

7 11.31 9.68 9.88 6.46 6.49<br />

8 13.16 9.97 8.82 5.31 4.53<br />

9 12.36 10.59 8.85 5.42 5.78<br />

10 14.86 11.57 8.56 4.77 4.52<br />

11 12.52 10.74 9.99 7.05 4.69<br />

12 14.49 12.73 9.48 5.35 4.56<br />

13 12.82 11.68 8.71 5.22 4.71<br />

14 14.52 10.13 9.48 5.93 5.31<br />

15 13.29 10.13 9.41 5.49 4.61<br />

16 15.16 10.35 8.48 5.84 4.35<br />

17 12.96 10.34 8.96 6.22 5.76<br />

18 15.42 10.80 9.58 6.28 4.84<br />

19 12.15 10.28 9.72 6.63 6.26<br />

20 14.23 10.68 9.85 5.86 4.98<br />

21 13.97 9.77 8.96 6.27 4.97<br />

22 13.07 9.54 9.23 5.77 5.34<br />

23 13.31 9.05 9.21 6.09 5.50<br />


Table C-17. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 23 along the<br />

Northern VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #2<br />

Cycle Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 4.44 4.25 4.34 2.25 3.18<br />

2 3.75 3.23 5.97 2.61 2.54<br />

3 4.73 6.37 3.96 2.81 2.48<br />

4 3.44 4.54 3.57 2.62 2.36<br />

5 4.36 3.55 4.19 2.57 3.12<br />

6 4.67 5.47 2.68 2.17 2.15<br />

7 3.52 3.61 3.99 2.16 2.15<br />

8 4.49 5.95 3.08 2.42 2.44<br />

9 3.02 7.27 4.65 2.72 2.63<br />

10 4.52 9.98 5.13 2.33 1.93<br />

11 3.27 5.01 4.66 2.72 2.08<br />

12 3.56 3.77 4.05 2.58 1.94<br />

13 3.55 7.03 3.77 2.17 2.54<br />

14 3.55 4.91 2.68 1.91 1.64<br />

15 2.66 6.42 3.15 1.97 1.67<br />

16 2.99 5.71 3.13 2.17 1.92<br />

17 3.15 6.07 3.78 2.74 2.47<br />

18 2.69 5.71 3.72 2.14 1.81<br />

19 3.16 5.72 2.78 2.17 1.56<br />

20 2.89 5.67 2.62 1.95 0.26<br />

21 3.73 4.92 2.72 2.02 0.23<br />

22 3.39 4.87 2.65 1.95 0.23<br />


Table C-18. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 23 along the Eastern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #2<br />

Cycle Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 3.13 3.85 3.92 2.32 2.39<br />

2 3.54 3.58 3.58 2.27 2.18<br />

3 3.52 3.54 3.78 2.13 2.15<br />

4 3.19 3.48 3.87 1.93 2.13<br />

5 3.62 3.44 3.81 2.17 2.08<br />

6 3.73 3.35 3.52 1.95 1.99<br />

7 3.19 3.52 3.63 2.16 2.05<br />

8 3.45 3.88 4.33 2.14 2.11<br />

9 3.22 3.63 4.22 2.14 1.98<br />

10 3.86 4.26 4.91 2.37 2.07<br />

11 3.18 3.67 3.94 2.04 1.99<br />

12 3.33 3.74 4.14 2.09 2.07<br />

13 2.95 3.34 3.79 2.12 1.98<br />

14 -- -- -- -- --<br />

15 3.44 3.46 3.75 2.04 3.74<br />

16 3.78 3.68 3.95 2.12 4.23<br />

17 3.48 3.53 3.81 2.07 3.79<br />

18 3.66 4.05 3.77 1.97 3.76<br />

19 3.73 3.63 4.06 2.13 3.96<br />

20 3.04 3.55 3.69 2.09 4.14<br />

21 2.97 3.03 3.54 1.91 3.64<br />

22 3.06 3.48 3.63 1.94 3.74<br />


Table C-19. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 23 along the Southern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #2<br />

Cycle Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 10.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00<br />

2 15.74 9.49 14.15 15.31 19.04<br />

3 13.36 5.83 16.30 15.48 22.35<br />

4 15.25 7.51 6.33 20.07 10.35<br />

5 9.82 6.24 5.13 425.52 10.49<br />

6 11.93 6.41 3.52 8.24 0.14<br />

7 14.95 8.85 6.26 7.46 0.49<br />

8 10.59 10.92 4.46 8.52 0.01<br />

9 3.13 9.04 7.58 7.72 3.52<br />

10 13.33 9.24 10.18 7.94 5.37<br />

11 9.82 14.95 12.66 5.31 11.66<br />

12 3.72 9.05 9.81 6.36 4.22<br />

13 5.45 8.14 9.98 9.60 2.46<br />

14 12.14 11.60 13.74 11.97 7.96<br />

15 7.03 12.85 14.37 10.42 2.93<br />

16 17.39 8.61 14.10 10.47 5.74<br />

17 21.89 6.72 14.25 5.05 2.74<br />

18 21.53 7.77 0.00 0.00 0.00<br />

Table C-20. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 23 along the Western<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #2<br />

Cycle Mirror 6 Mirror 7 Mirror 8 Mirror 9 Mirror 10<br />

1 0.00 8.08 5.23 2.71 2.04<br />

2 11.95 8.58 7.39 4.42 2.71<br />

3 13.79 6.64 6.10 4.53 2.59<br />

4 12.58 7.49 6.19 4.52 2.75<br />

5 10.78 7.39 5.65 4.48 2.69<br />

6 10.76 6.14 4.98 4.59 2.78<br />

7 8.89 6.07 5.28 4.72 3.60<br />

8 11.82 7.53 5.39 5.11 2.79<br />

9 13.91 7.08 5.81 5.42 2.80<br />

10 10.77 6.86 5.96 4.53 3.28<br />

11 12.73 8.03 5.04 4.70 2.93<br />

12 11.55 8.16 7.24 5.01 3.85<br />

13 10.24 6.84 5.37 4.63 3.64<br />

14 10.29 7.51 3.44 4.82 3.65<br />

15 8.26 6.59 5.83 4.43 3.78<br />

16 12.61 7.10 5.71 4.55 3.15<br />

17 12.33 6.37 4.75 3.93 3.02<br />


Table C-21. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 24 along the<br />

Northern VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #2<br />

Cycle Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 26.08 15.92 12.46 6.61 5.15<br />

2 25.17 13.78 8.15 7.27 5.50<br />

3 28.15 16.19 11.04 6.73 6.77<br />

4 24.46 13.13 13.16 7.76 6.65<br />

5 20.43 9.65 10.17 7.49 4.45<br />

6 24.30 15.14 11.17 7.90 6.20<br />

7 24.93 11.40 9.26 4.57 6.04<br />

8 26.33 12.58 8.76 6.80 6.91<br />

9 27.97 13.52 10.51 5.47 5.30<br />

10 23.21 11.89 10.46 7.55 5.03<br />

Table C-22. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 24 along the Eastern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #2<br />

Cycle Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 12.26 10.69 7.57 5.12 5.63<br />

2 15.01 10.15 7.88 6.61 5.88<br />

3 13.72 11.70 9.06 5.85 5.19<br />

4 20.14 11.80 7.38 4.00 6.28<br />

5 17.17 8.38 8.25 5.70 5.28<br />

6 13.15 11.24 8.39 5.99 5.09<br />

7 13.10 9.81 7.34 4.97 4.17<br />

8 12.96 10.16 8.52 5.80 5.21<br />

9 15.50 11.31 8.23 5.34 4.67<br />

10 13.12 10.07 7.14 5.75 4.19<br />


Table C-23. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 24 along the Southern<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #2<br />

Cycle Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Mirror 4 Mirror 5<br />

1 25.61 13.41 5.14 11.35 9.18<br />

2 32.16 11.26 6.58 11.37 9.75<br />

3 23.27 10.21 8.50 0.78 8.29<br />

4 19.48 10.01 8.22 1.19 8.09<br />

5 24.91 9.81 7.18 1.71 3.35<br />

6 11.70 7.06 4.46 0.00 2.49<br />

7 13.68 6.65 5.58 7.97 7.86<br />

8 16.27 7.55 3.84 7.62 0.35<br />

9 20.54 10.27 6.41 8.09 0.08<br />

10 13.03 8.11 5.00 9.79 0.44<br />

Table C-24. Methane Concentrations (in PPM) Found on February 24 along the Western<br />

VRPM Configuration in the Bioreactor cell of Site #2<br />

Cycle Mirror 6 Mirror 7 Mirror 8 Mirror 9 Mirror 10<br />

1 4.61 7.59 2.92 2.98 3.03<br />

2 0.00 6.23 2.56 2.44 2.85<br />

3 18.32 5.91 3.02 4.38 3.43<br />

4 8.21 5.79 3.52 2.59 2.30<br />

5 1.54 5.54 4.01 4.03 3.33<br />

6 4.18 5.01 2.08 2.24 3.25<br />

7 0.08 5.45 2.46 3.21 3.70<br />

8 7.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00<br />

9 0.00 5.20 4.14 3.74 3.61<br />

10 0.19 5.05 4.11 4.16 3.75<br />


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