PACKAGE : I Bid Document VOLUME : II - Public Health Engineering

PACKAGE : I Bid Document VOLUME : II - Public Health Engineering

PACKAGE : I Bid Document VOLUME : II - Public Health Engineering


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10.5 Plastering.<br />

Plastering Generally:<br />

The type and mix of mortar for plastering, the number of coats to be applied, the<br />

surface finish of the plaster and the background to which the plaster is to be applied<br />

shall be as indicated.<br />

The mortar for dubbing out and rendering coat shall be of the same type and mix.<br />

Dubbing out may be executed as a separate coat or along with the rendering coat.<br />

Protection:<br />

All existing work and fittings that are likely to be damaged in the application of<br />

plastering shall be protected. Care shall be taken to avoid, as far as possible, the<br />

splashing of mortar on to the finished surfaces such as joinery, paint work and<br />

glazing; all such splashes shall be cleaned off immediately.<br />

Screeds 15 x 15cm shall be laid vertically and horizontally not more than 2m apart<br />

to serve as guides in bringing the work to an even surface.<br />

Plastering shall be done from top to bottom and care shall be taken to avoid joints in<br />

continuous surface.<br />

Maintenance of proper time intervals:<br />

To avoid break down of adhesion between successive coats, drying shrinkage of<br />

first coat shall be allowed to be materially completed before a subsequent coat is<br />

applied.<br />

All corners, arises, angles, junctions shall be truly vertical or horizontal as the case<br />

may be and shall be carefully finished. Rounding or chamfering of corners, arises<br />

and junctions shall be carried out with proper templates to the required size.<br />

Plastering of cornices, decorative features, etc. shall normally be completed before<br />

the finishing coat is applied.<br />

GTS : General Technical Specification. Page 82

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