PACKAGE : I Bid Document VOLUME : II - Public Health Engineering

PACKAGE : I Bid Document VOLUME : II - Public Health Engineering

PACKAGE : I Bid Document VOLUME : II - Public Health Engineering


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<strong>Bid</strong>der for solo and parallel operation in different level conditions (L.W.L, Normal<br />

H.W.L. and Maximum H.W.L. and any other level within the range between<br />

L.W.L. & Maximum H.W.L.) of the reservoir, the performance figures may follow<br />

the tolerance limit as indicated in IS:1710.<br />

The wetted portion of the pump assy should have a proper finish. Bowl efficiency<br />

below 82% on duty point shall not be acceptable and the efficiency here means the<br />

guaranteed bowl efficiency at the duty point. Pumps offered with higher efficiency<br />

shall be appreciated. However no appreciation shall be given for the pumps with<br />

bowl efficiency greater than 83%. After pumps performance test at manufacturer’s<br />

works, the achieved bowl efficiency, if found to be less than that had been declared<br />

as guaranteed, the pump shall not be accepted.<br />

The pump rotating assembly should be accurately balanced statically and<br />

dynamically as per IS:11723. No hole or any piece welded/bolted on pump impeller<br />

for balancing shall be allowed. The shafts should be ground all over and perfectly<br />

aligned. Special care should be taken that the entire pump assy do not experience<br />

vibration beyond the permissible limit as per IS:11724, of such class rotodynamic<br />

unit while operating even in worse operating condition at any combination. The<br />

pump motor shall be considered as a single unit & the vibration limit should be<br />

within the limit specified. The noise level shall be within the permissible limit of<br />

IS:12065.<br />

19.6 Drawing, data, curves and manuals.<br />

The <strong>Bid</strong>der shall have to submit maximum Power absorbed by the pump on the<br />

entire range where the range means the range between shut off and the declared run<br />

out. This indicated power shall not be with any positive tolerance. At the maximum<br />

flow of the declared range, the NPSHR shall be indicated without any positive<br />

tolerance. The difference between the eye of the impeller and the entry point shall<br />

be indicated. There shall be a minimum margin of 0.5m between the NPSHR and<br />

NPSHA at the duty point flow condition, even working at the L.W.L. of the<br />

reservoir and supporting calculation are to be furnished with the offer. Similarly the<br />

pump shall have also adequate margin (at least 0.5m) on the NPSHR over NPSHA<br />

at the highest operating level of the reservoir with highest flow of the entire range<br />

of operation. The impellers for the pump shall not be at the lowest trim or the<br />

highest trim of the same pump family. The pumps shall be so selected that the<br />

declared run out flow is at least 125% of the guaranteed duty point flow. The other<br />

working points within the range for solo and 2 pumps parallel operation at L.W.L.,<br />

normal H.W.L. and maximum H.W.L. conditions shall be well within the declared<br />

run out flow point.<br />

DTS : Detailed Tender Specification. Page 191

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