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Britain's - BVCA admin

Britain's - BVCA admin


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Britain’s<br />

HOT Talent<br />

2009<br />




2<br />

Editors<br />

Carmen Murray<br />

Charlotte Eynon<br />

Contributing Editor<br />

Nathan Williams<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Contents<br />

Foreword 5<br />

Chapter 1 Alternative Energy & Technologies 7<br />

Chapter 2 Business Support Services 23<br />

Chapter 3 Computer Services, Software & Telecoms 47<br />

Chapter 4 Medical Equipment & Services 79<br />

Chapter 5 Metals, Plastics & Mining 97<br />

Chapter 6 Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 105<br />

Chapter 7 Recreation & Leisure 123<br />

Chapter 8 Speciality Online Businesses 133<br />

Index 149<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />

COnTEnTS<br />


4<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Foreword<br />

Welcome to the inaugural edition of Britain’s Hot Talent, a roll-call of some of<br />

Britain’s most exciting young companies and a celebration of the best and the<br />

brightest plying their trade in the pursuit of invention and innovation.<br />

This book demonstrates the central role that venture capital firms play in funding<br />

cutting-edge technologies and growth businesses and is a testament to the depth<br />

of research and spirit of entrepreneurship which is very much alive and well in<br />

Britain today.<br />

From artificial intelligence, to ticket exchanges, contact lenses to treatments for<br />

cancer, this handbook details over 100 of the most innovative companies which<br />

currently are, or recently were, backed by venture capital firms.<br />

Venture capital is habitually referred to as a ‘Good Thing’ but too often viewed<br />

in the abstract, with little understanding of how this type of financing relates to<br />

the real world and to real businesses. The lack of appreciation for the part it plays<br />

in funding new ideas and technologies or taking hugely promising companies to<br />

the next stage of their development is something this book aims to put right, by<br />

connecting the principle of venture capital with its practical outcomes.<br />

Venture capital support to young companies is more than a mere monetary<br />

investment. It is a commitment in manpower via technical and organisational<br />

support, sometimes for up to ten years at a time. This commitment by venture<br />

capital firms is good for the overall economic health and competitiveness of<br />

economies and is also good for investors, with recent research showing that<br />

venture capital returns are on a healthy upward trajectory.<br />

I hope you will find this book informative and useful in a practical sense. I also hope<br />

that the next time you find tickets to that sold-out gig or sporting event, or connect<br />

your laptop to the Internet in the most remote part of the country, this book<br />

prompts you to consider the role venture capital played, and is playing, in making it<br />

possible.<br />

Simon Walker<br />

Chief Executive<br />

<strong>BVCA</strong><br />

Richard Anton<br />

Chairman, Venture Capital Committee<br />

<strong>BVCA</strong><br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />



AlTERnATIvE<br />

EnERgy &<br />

TEchnOlOgIES<br />

AlTERnATIvE EnERgy<br />

& TEchnOlOgIES<br />

BuSInESS SuppORT<br />

SERvIcES<br />

cOmpuTER<br />

SERvIcES, SOfTwARE<br />

& TElEcOmS<br />

mEDIcAl EquIpmEnT<br />

& SERvIcES<br />

mETAlS, plASTIcS<br />

& mInIng<br />

phARmAcEuTIcAlS<br />

& BIOTEchnOlOgy<br />

REcREATIOn<br />

& lEISuRE<br />

SpEcIAlITy OnlInE<br />


ACAL Energy Limited<br />

Nominated by EV<br />

ACAL Energy Ltd is a developer of fuel cell systems, modules and consumable<br />

chemicals for a range of uses including stationary, residential and automotive<br />

applications requiring larger than 1 kW of power.<br />

ACAL Energy was founded in August 2004 to research and optimise Dr Andrew<br />

Creeth’s invention for addressing the inherent technical limitations of the<br />

cathode side of membrane based fuel cells. Fuel cells are electrochemical<br />

systems that convert chemical energy to electrical power directly.<br />

The company’s innovative designs will help deliver substantial cost savings<br />

in fuel cell systems and performance improvements in Proton Exchange<br />

Membrane that will accelerate the adoption of PEM Fuel Cell technologies in<br />

key markets.<br />

Enterprise Ventures’ RisingStars Growth Fund initially invested in September<br />

2004 and has since increased its investment in the company, against a set of<br />

investment milestones. The company recently raised Series A funding and in<br />

recent trials has achieved industry-acknowledged peak power performance<br />

levels, and overall system demonstrations that evidence the credibility of the<br />

low cost fuel cells system potential. Dr Creeth has been working in related<br />

fields for more than 20 years and has a strong inventive record with over 20<br />

patents to his name.<br />

Key Management Dr S B Cha Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch Amanda Lyne alyne@acalenergy.co.uk<br />

Website www.acalenergy.co.uk<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




10<br />

Agri.capital<br />

Nominated by Ludgate Environmental<br />

Fund<br />

Founded in 2004, Agri.capital is a specialist developer, owner and operator of<br />

biogas plants in Germany.<br />

Agri.capital uses manure and various crop silages as feedstock to produce<br />

biogas as they decompose. This methane-rich gas mixture is either burned<br />

onsite to create electricity or cleaned to biomethane and fed into the existing<br />

German natural gas network. The fermentation residue is used as a high-quality<br />

fertilizer, returning nutrients to the soil.<br />

Agri.capital uses proven technology, has high and predictable cash flows and<br />

can rapidly roll-out fixed-price plants. The company has secured locked-in<br />

feedstock contracts and plants have stable revenue streams. By combining<br />

construction, facility and resource management, financing, logistics and<br />

contracting operations in-house, Agri.capital is able to provide reliable,<br />

renewable baseload power and heat to the German market.<br />

The company’s portfolio includes more than 100 biogas plants in different<br />

project stages, working in partnership with over 200 farmers and representing<br />

34 MW under management. Agri.capital recently completed a further<br />

fundraising of €60 million in order to triple capacity by 2010 through<br />

100 further plants. This will bring generation to a total of 115MW under<br />

management.<br />

Key Management Rurik B. Halaby Chairman and Founder<br />

William D. Goodbar Jr Managing Director<br />

Get in Touch halaby@agricapital.com<br />

Website www.agricapital.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Cascade Technologies Ltd<br />

Nominated by Braveheart Ventures<br />

Cascade Technologies has created novel technology which uses quantum<br />

cascade lasers to provide breakthrough products that create instant DnA-type<br />

“fingerprints” of gases, enabling their presence and quantity to be detected.<br />

The technology can be applied to multiple applications such as emissions<br />

monitoring in the marine and power generation industries and the detection of<br />

explosives and chemical agents.<br />

Cascade’s technology is low maintenance and requires little or no calibration<br />

making Cascade Technologies products a truly cost effective way of measuring<br />

emissions in real time.<br />

Cascade Technologies is a spin-out from the university of Strathclyde.<br />

Key Management Iain Howieson Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch i.howieson@cascade-technologies.com<br />

Website www.cascade-technologies.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




12<br />

Chemrec<br />

Nominated by Environmental<br />

Technologies Fund<br />

Chemrec enables pulp and paper mills to become bio-refineries through<br />

application of its black liquor gasification technology.<br />

Chemrec’s technology helps mills dramatically increase their cash flow and<br />

profitability; and opens up new markets for mills, producing sustainable, lowcarbon<br />

chemicals and fuels.<br />

The company is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, with operations globally<br />

and plants in Pitea, Sweden and at Weyerhaeuser new Bern, north Carolina,<br />

uSA. Chemrec plants have 20 years of experience in the field of black liquor<br />

gasification technology.<br />

Key Management Richard LeBlanc Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch rick.leblanc@chemrec.se<br />

Website www.chemrec.se<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Controlled Power Technologies<br />

Nominated by LA Investments<br />

Cascade Technologies has created novel technology which uses quantum<br />

cascade lasers to provide breakthrough products that create instant DnA-type<br />

“fingerprints” of gases, enabling their presence and quantity to be detected.<br />

The technology can be applied to multiple applications such as emissions<br />

monitoring in the marine and power generation industries and the detection of<br />

explosives and chemical agents.<br />

Cascade’s technology is low maintenance and requires little or no calibration<br />

making Cascade Technologies products a truly cost effective way of measuring<br />

emissions in real time.<br />

Cascade Technologies is a spin-out from the university of Strathclyde.<br />

Key Management Nick Pascoe Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch nick.pascoe@cpowert.com<br />

Website www.cpowert.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




14<br />

E-Stack<br />

Nominated by MMC Ventures<br />

E-Stack designs and manufactures ultra low-energy ventilation systems. The<br />

company’s patent-pending, controlled natural ventilation system reduces<br />

overall energy consumption of buildings by 50% compared with buildings using<br />

conventional ventilation systems. Almost half of all CO2 emissions globally are<br />

produced by the built environment; in the Eu, heating and cooling accounts for<br />

40% of these emissions.<br />

natural and low-energy ventilation is a growing niche within the £1.4bn uK<br />

HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) market, driven by energy<br />

consumption legislation, building regulations and cost pressures.<br />

E-Stack was spun out of the university of Cambridge following a BP-funded<br />

research programme at the university’s BP Institute. Sales have grown quickly<br />

and E-Stack has received funding from MMC Ventures and BP Alternative<br />

Energy Investments to expand the sales and R&D teams and fund working<br />

capital.<br />

The value and potential of the innovation has been recognised by two awards<br />

for innovation from the East of England Energy Group (EEEGR). The recently<br />

launched e-stack® ventilation system has had significant market pull, the<br />

success of which has been recognised by the awards including the 2008 Most<br />

Enterprising new Market Entrant of the year at the 2008 Euromoney and Ernst<br />

& young Global Renewable Energy Awards.<br />

Key Management Shaun Fitzgerald Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch Joanne Cracknell joanne.cracknell@e-stack.co.uk<br />

Website www.e-stack.co.uk<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Exosect<br />

Nominated by WHEB Ventures<br />

Exosect focuses on the development and sales of pest management solutions<br />

Exosect has developed a cost effective way of controlling insects in agriculture<br />

and food storage using pheromone-based technology. The company’s<br />

innovative and cost-effective products help growers, food producers and<br />

processors actively reduce their use of insecticides. Their goal is to assist<br />

growers achieve zero residues in their crops and produce high quality food<br />

for the consumer. Their products are used globally in a wide range of sectors<br />

including crop protection, (agriculture, horticulture and stored products),<br />

apiculture, amenity and public health.<br />

Based in Winchester, Exosect is commercially active in Europe, uSA, India and<br />

Australasia. The company has established partnerships in over 20 countries for<br />

co-development and distribution.<br />

Key Management Martin Brown Managing Director<br />

Get in Touch martin.brown@exosect.com<br />

Website www.exosect.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />



AlternAtive energy & technologies<br />

16<br />

Helveta<br />

Nominated by oxford capital Partners<br />

helveta develops software for the verification and control of timber supply<br />

chains.<br />

helveta was incorporated in 2004 and works with governments, ngos and<br />

large corporations. the company’s systems have been installed in numerous<br />

developing countries and are playing a growing role in the fight against climate<br />

change and the trade in illegally felled timber. helveta is a cleantech-focused<br />

company with the advantages of a software business model. revenues are<br />

growing at over 250% per annum.<br />

Key Management Patrick Newton Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch info@helveta.com<br />

Website www.helveta.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

New Earth Solutions<br />

Nominated by Impax Asset Management<br />

new Earth Solutions is a private uK group that has developed a range of<br />

technologies and processes designed to treat and recover value from waste<br />

and mitigate its impact on the environment.<br />

The company’s processes include enclosed composting and biological<br />

treatment of waste and transforming waste to renewable energy. In treating<br />

the waste, new Earth Solutions helps local authorities to meet their obligations<br />

to divert waste from landfill under the Eu directive and contributes to<br />

composting and recycling rates.<br />

new Earth Solutions currently holds contracts for over two million tonnes of<br />

waste with six authorities across England. Following two injections of capital<br />

from Impax Asset Management, coupled with the launch of a dedicated fund<br />

which invests directly in the group’s operating assets, new Earth Solutions is<br />

poised for accelerated growth over the next five years as it rolls out a network<br />

of waste treatment facilities throughout the uK.<br />

Having operated its own facility since 2002, new Earth Solutions has been<br />

able to fully understand and encompass the disciplines required to manage<br />

a facility to the exacting requirements of the Animal By-Product Regulations.<br />

The design of the new Earth Solutions process incorporates many aspects of<br />

proven Austrian technology with a process specifically designed to meet the<br />

requirements of the uK regulatory framework.<br />

Key Management Chris Cox Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch info@newearthsolutions.co.uk<br />

Website www.newearthsolutions.co.uk<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




18<br />

Plant Impact<br />

Nominated by EV<br />

Plant Impact (Pi) is an innovative green science company specialising in<br />

precision crop nutrition, which provides effective solutions for major food<br />

issues. Its unique cutting-edge technologies reduce plant stress, increase<br />

marketable yield, improve product quality, prolong shelf life and enhance<br />

overall profitability. These technologies are designed to further the principles of<br />

sustainable agriculture and are better for the environment, the grower and the<br />

consumer.<br />

Plant Impact’s new clean technologies minimise inputs whilst maximising quality<br />

output without depleting the earth’s resources or damaging the environment;<br />

addressing the adverse effects of climate change on agriculture and are tailored<br />

to meet specific market needs.<br />

The company’s sales network incorporates Pi agronomists, overseas distributors<br />

and specific licence agreements.<br />

Enterprise Ventures’ RisingStars Growth Fund first invested in the company at<br />

the Proof of Concept stage in March 2004.<br />

Key Management Peter Blezard Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch maureen@plantimpact.com<br />

Website www.plantimpact.net<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Sterecycle<br />

Nominated by Impax Asset Management<br />

Sterecycle is a waste management business that has developed patented<br />

technologies that are capable of recycling and recovering up to 80% of the<br />

typical household waste stream.<br />

Sterecycle has built a full-scale plant in yorkshire that can process 100,000<br />

tonnes per annum of waste, equivalent to the waste produced by a town<br />

of 200,000 people. This is the first full-scale commercial autoclave plant in<br />

the world to treat household waste. Whilst autoclaving has been used for a<br />

number of years for sterilising medical waste, Sterecycle has pioneered its<br />

use at industrial scale and for recycling municipal solid waste. In addition, the<br />

facility uses Sterecycle’s own unique autoclaving system which is highly energy<br />

efficient and is self-sustaining when integrated with a green energy plant.<br />

Key Management Duncan Grierson Chief Executive and Founder<br />

Get in Touch grierson@sterecycle.com<br />

Website www.sterecycle.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




20<br />

Vertical Wind Energy<br />

Nominated by northStar Equity Investors<br />

Vertical Wind Energy Ltd is an innovative wind power solutions company that<br />

has developed a vertical axis wind turbine built out of scaleable components<br />

which can deliver power at a number of output ratings ranging from 3 to 25KW.<br />

using this technology, Vertical Wind Energy offers the most cost effective<br />

micro-wind generation system currently on the market.<br />

VWE’s first product, a 3KW turbine is aimed at the domestic and small<br />

commercial market. A 6KW turbine is due for launch in late 2009.<br />

Based in the north East of England, the company has identified the region as<br />

a key area for its technology and is leveraging off the considerable renewables<br />

expertise in the region.<br />

VWE has a number of turbines already in place across the uK and Ireland<br />

including Southampton, Leicester, Belfast and East Kilbride with a further turbine<br />

due for installation on the Environment Agency offices in newcastle.<br />

Key Management Tony Gordon Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch Michelle Oliver michelle.oliver@golleyslater.co.uk<br />

Website www.vweltd.co.uk<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />



BuSInESS<br />

SuppORT<br />

SERvIcES<br />

AlTERnATIvE EnERgy<br />

& TEchnOlOgIES<br />

BuSInESS SuppORT<br />

SERvIcES<br />

cOmpuTER<br />

SERvIcES, SOfTwARE<br />

& TElEcOmS<br />

mEDIcAl EquIpmEnT<br />

& SERvIcES<br />

mETAlS, plASTIcS<br />

& mInIng<br />

phARmAcEuTIcAlS<br />

& BIOTEchnOlOgy<br />

REcREATIOn<br />

& lEISuRE<br />

SpEcIAlITy OnlInE<br />


Active Health Partners<br />

Nominated by Dawn Capital<br />

Active Health Partners has been a pioneer in the use of web-based software<br />

solutions and the delivery of remote occupational health. The company aims<br />

to help business to reduce employee absence by using a combination of<br />

qualified nurses in uK call-centres and a sophisticated web application.<br />

The company was founded in 2004 by Ingolv urnes, a former Goldman Sachs<br />

investment banker and initially funded by a network of private investors.<br />

Active Health Partners received its first round of venture capital funding in 2008<br />

from Dawn Capital and has grown from a handful of employees to nearly 100<br />

of staff with offices in London and Leeds. Covering over 60,000 employees<br />

and with clients in both private and public sector, Active Health Partners is well<br />

placed to benefit from the trend towards remote delivery of healthcare and<br />

better integration of corporate health solutions.<br />

Key Management Bruce Robinson Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch bruce.robinson@ahp.co.uk<br />

Website www.ahp.co.uk<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




26<br />

Aria Networks<br />

Nominated by Seraphim Capital<br />

Aria networks is a developer of next-generation artificial-intelligence software.<br />

Aria’s proprietary technology more closely mimics the analytical power of the<br />

human brain than any other artificial intelligence technique currently available.<br />

Aria achieves this by building a network made up of interconnecting artificial<br />

neurons which imitate the properties of the biological neurons in the human<br />

brain, allowing Aria’s artificial intelligence to be self-learning and to continually<br />

evolve. Aria is currently exploiting its advanced software within the trillion<br />

dollar global telecoms industry with a view to fundamentally changing the way<br />

complex telecoms networks are designed, planned and operated.<br />

Aria networks uses its advanced artificial intelligence knowledge to create the<br />

intelligent OSS and BSS software and competence to help users forecast, plan<br />

and optimise their business, services, network resources, and customers.<br />

The company’s solutions enable the reduction of operational expenditure,<br />

reduce capital expenditure and improve customer satisfaction.<br />

Key Management Tony Fallows Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch tony.fallows@aria-networks.com<br />

Website www.aria-networks.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Buy.at<br />

Nominated by DFJ Esprit<br />

Buy.at is a specialist marketing company which produces campaigns that<br />

work in tandem with clients’ current marketing strategy to drive maximum<br />

online results. The buy.at affiliate network was launched in 2002 and has since<br />

established a market leading position in the uK<br />

The company has successfully boosted online sales for the uK’s biggest<br />

brands including Play.com, 3 mobile, AA, Butlins, Carphone Warehouse, Capital<br />

One, Egg, John Lewis, Lloyds TSB, HMV, Lombard Direct, Littlewoods, M&S,<br />

Thorntons, Powergen, Scottish Power, Sky, T-mobile and Virgin Media.<br />

Revenues have grown over 200% a year for the last 3 years and the company<br />

reported a turnover of approximately £19m in 2006. Significant investments<br />

have been made in both technology and staff, with over 50 employees now<br />

working in Buy.at’ s newcastle and London offices.<br />

Key Management John Fraser Chief Technical Officer<br />

Get in Touch enquiries@buy.at<br />

Website www.buy.at<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




28<br />

Clash Media<br />

Nominated by MMC Ventures<br />

Clash Media launched in 2006.<br />

Clash Media offers online lead generation,the online equivalent of direct<br />

marketing and already operates in the uK, uS, Germany, France and<br />

Scandinavia. It employs over 100 people and is continuing to hire. Turnover in<br />

its third year of trading was £14m and new products that have recently been<br />

developed will ensure that the company continues to grow rapidly.<br />

Clash Media’s lead generation solutions take advantage of their own advanced<br />

results-driven technology, focusing on comprehensive campaign management.<br />

Clash generates high return on investment enabling the company to quickly<br />

expand its client base.<br />

Key Management Simon Wajcenberg Chief Executive Officer<br />

Stephen Hunt Finance Director<br />

Get in Touch simon@clash-media.com<br />

Website www.clash-media.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Durham Mag-Lev Ltd<br />

Nominated by northStar Equity Investors<br />

Durham Mag-Lev Ltd develops technology to improve aerodynamic testing of<br />

F1 cars. Mag-Lev uses a magnetic levitation system based on high temperature<br />

superconductors in wind tunnel tests rather than physical struts to produce<br />

data which is considerably more accurate due to there being no artificial<br />

supports to disrupt the air flow around the vehicle.<br />

The technology, as well as being used in F1, will also have a use in the road car<br />

sector as aerodynamics become increasingly important due to high oil prices<br />

and concerns over environmental impact. There are no other commercially<br />

available products on the market which utilise the same system as Durham<br />

Mag-Lev. The company has received venture capital backing from northStar<br />

Equity Investors and OnE north East.<br />

Key Management Dr Robert Muscroft Founder and Managing Director<br />

Get in Touch durhammaglevltd@uknetpark.net<br />

Website none<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




30<br />

Edenbrook Ltd<br />

Nominated by Elderstreet Capital Partners<br />

Edenbrook is an independent information technology consultancy that helps<br />

organisations to evaluate, select, and put in place advanced programmes<br />

designed to have a measurable effect on business efficiency.<br />

Edenbrook was venture capital backed at its inception in 2001 with £500k,<br />

with a further £1m made available to the company in 2005 to fund a small<br />

acquisition. The business was sold in April 2009 to Hitachi Consulting in an<br />

all cash transaction. Elderstreet Capital Partners share of the proceeds was<br />

£6.5m. This represents a multiple of 4 times cost and an IRR (internal rate of<br />

return) of 26% over the 8 years that ECP held the investment. The transaction<br />

placed a value on Edenbrook of greater than 10x EBITDA which compares very<br />

favourably against market comparables.<br />

Key Management David Kilpatrick Managing Director<br />

Get in Touch jasmith@hitachiconsulting.com<br />

Website www.edenbrook.co.uk<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Elateral<br />

Nominated by SPARK Ventures<br />

Elateral is a rapidly growing developer of a web-based marketing automation<br />

service that streamlines the delivery of complex global marketing campaigns<br />

across media, borders and channels. Elateral MSP, an award winning, easy to<br />

use, scalable, web-based solution is redefining how brands go to market. The<br />

product allows clients to take the time and cost out of marketing processes<br />

and to produce successful, targeted demand generation campaigns.<br />

Internationally known brands including Coca-Cola, DaimlerChrysler, Cisco<br />

and SAP depend on Elateral to simplify their marketing processes, save time<br />

and money, better serve and empower marketers and preserve their brands’<br />

valuable DnA within the broadest of user communities.<br />

Key Management Paul Goater Chief Executive Officer<br />

Angus de Watteville Chief Financial Officer<br />

Peter Blackburn Chief Technical Officer<br />

Get in Touch info@elateral.com<br />

Website www.elateral.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




32<br />

Fizzback Group<br />

Nominated by Advent Venture Partners<br />

The Fizzback Group are innovators in customer engagement. Founded in 2004,<br />

the award winning Fizzback solution helps companies to listen, respond and act<br />

in real-time to their customers’ comments.<br />

Feedback captured at the point of experience is analysed automatically using<br />

a unique artificial intelligence engine, driving relevant responses, prompting<br />

company action and providing powerful insight into the voice of a previously<br />

silent majority. Fizzback enables businesses to derive true economic benefits by<br />

increasing customer lifetime value and positive word-of-mouth.<br />

High calibre clients have so far included T Mobile, Phones 4 u, The Carphone<br />

Warehouse, national Express and Marks & Spencer.<br />

Key Management Rob Keve Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch info@fizzback.com<br />

Website www2.fizzback.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Gambling Compliance<br />

Nominated by SPARK Ventures<br />

Gambling Compliance is a subscription based information service delivered<br />

daily to clients’ desktop via email alerts and a highly sophisticated website.<br />

The Gambling Compliance team is made up of legal, regulatory and finance<br />

professionals who specialise in the gaming industry and provide an exclusive,<br />

high level and independent analysis of the global gaming market to their<br />

worldwide client base of more than 800 top gaming executives and regulatory<br />

bodies.<br />

The company’s web site provides immediate access to more than 200 indepth<br />

country, state, and province regulatory profiles from around the world<br />

and extensive analysis across all gaming sectors.<br />

The Gambling Compliance team is based in the uSA and Europe.<br />

Key Management Thea Dunnett Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch thea@gamblingcompliance.com<br />

Website www.gamblingcompliance.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




34<br />

iiPAY<br />

Nominated by MMC Ventures<br />

iiPAy, also known as Integrated International Payroll Limited, is an integrated<br />

payroll solutions provider to multi-national and mid-sized corporations globally.<br />

The company’s cutting-edge technologies offer advanced solutions for<br />

simplifying, standardising and consolidating organisations’ payrolls worldwide.<br />

For customers like P&O with complex international payroll requirements, iiPay is<br />

currently servicing payrolls throughout Europe as well as processing the client’s<br />

multi-jurisdictional seafarers payroll.<br />

iiPAy now provides service in more than 80 countries worldwide and in<br />

over 40 currencies. Since MMC’s initial investment in 2005, the business has<br />

experienced a compound annual growth rate of 106% between 2006 and 2009<br />

and is now recognised as a marker leader.<br />

The iiPAy system is ideally suited to companies with large and/or complex<br />

international payroll requirements that cannot readily be met by standard<br />

payroll systems, which by their nature, can usually only cope with their own<br />

jurisdiction. Being platform independent and specifically designed to process<br />

payroll data only, it can be implemented quickly and easily and sits alongside<br />

traditional ERP systems. Its strength is that it can be easily configured and<br />

implemented as a single common solution to disparate or complex payroll<br />

requirements. iiPAy has established payroll bureaux in the uK and uS that<br />

provide fully managed international payroll services and consultancy utilising the<br />

iiPAy platform.<br />

Key Management John Cassie Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch john.cassie@iipay.com<br />

Website www.iipay.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Lagan<br />

Nominated by DFJ Espirit<br />

Lagan is a software company which has developed a suite of scalable, costeffective<br />

enterprise software solutions used by more than 170 government<br />

agencies worldwide. As a result, over 37 million citizens around the world are<br />

supported by Lagan solutions.<br />

Lagan’s product, Enterprise Case Management (ECM) has been designed to<br />

streamline the service delivery functions of government, enabling improved<br />

efficiency and more citizen-centric, joined-up public services. Lagan ECM<br />

manages the interactions between citizens and government and provides full<br />

support for a wide variety of government service delivery processes. The ECM<br />

approach addresses all tiers of government including local, regional, central<br />

government and the wider public sector.<br />

Lagan ECM can be easily integrated into existing technology environments<br />

and is highly configurable – by partners, customers or Lagan – meaning that<br />

there is no need for any coding or specialist technical skills. This enables rapid<br />

implementation and quick system changes, keeping costs low.<br />

Key Management Des Speed Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch Laura Nelson Laura_nelson@lagan.com<br />

Website www.lagan.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




36<br />

Maxymiser<br />

Nominated by Pentech Ventures<br />

Maxymiser is Europe’s leading provider of onsite marketing solutions. The<br />

company’s solutions and services are dedicated conversion management<br />

— the techniques and processes of creating better web content that in turn<br />

improve the performance of web site metrics.<br />

Maxymiser was founded in response to a clear requirement from marketers<br />

to have action focused technology and services to drive onsite metrics. The<br />

company linked the generation of content in real-time to the responses of<br />

visitors to sites, applied mathematical principles that make the generation<br />

process smarter and statistical principles that predict current and future<br />

behaviour. Maxymiser focuses on achieving uplift in any click metric or<br />

combination of click metrics that its clients need to drive. The targeting<br />

technologies employed by the business make user experience more relevant,<br />

further boosting Conversion and Retention.<br />

Key Management Tim Brown Chief Executive Officer<br />

Mark Simpson Managing Director<br />

Get in Touch mark@maxymiser.com<br />

Website www.maxymiser.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Mergermarket Limited<br />

Nominated by Beringea<br />

Mergermarket is an online provider of information to financial services<br />

companies via the world’s largest group of M&A journalists and analysts who<br />

have direct access to the most senior decision-makers and largest companies.<br />

Beringea originally invested in Mergermarket in 2001, followed by further<br />

investment in 2002. The company’s revenues grew from £1 million in 2001 to<br />

£35 million in 2006 with employee numbers increasing from 30 to more than<br />

300 over the same period. The company was sold to the Financial Times in<br />

2006 for £140m, generating a 14 times return on the original investment.<br />

Incorporated in December 1999 by founders Caspar Hobbs, Charlie Welsh<br />

and Gawn Rowan Hamilton, Mergermarket has since become the fastest<br />

growing business in its sector. As well as expanding its coverage across Europe,<br />

the united States, Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region, the company<br />

continues to launch ground-breaking products and services.<br />

Key Management Caspar Hobbs Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch ch@mergermarket.com<br />

Website www.mergermarket.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




38<br />

MirriAd<br />

Nominated by Seraphim Capital<br />

MirriAd has developed unique technology that digitally inserts branded images<br />

into video content, making them look like they were always there.<br />

The company’s disruptive technology is pioneering embedded advertising and<br />

is set to revolutionise the $5billion global product placement industry. For the<br />

first time branded products and logos can now be seamlessly placed into video<br />

content post-production, across cinema, TV, DVD, mobile and online platforms.<br />

MirriAd enables advertisers to regionalise more effectively - targeting specific<br />

audiences by changing where brands and products are placed in a video clip,<br />

according to who and where in the world it is being watched.<br />

Key Management Mark Popkiewicz Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch contact@mirriad.com<br />

Website www.mirriad.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Nomad Payments Limited<br />

Nominated by SPARK Ventures<br />

The company, originally called nomad Software Limited, started as a developer<br />

and supplier of banking payment systems based on traditional magnetic cards<br />

and newer technology such as smart cards. Its product CORTEX commanded<br />

a significant customer base, primarily in Central and Eastern Europe and the<br />

Middle East, and enjoyed a market leadership position in Poland and the Baltic<br />

States.<br />

Later, the company repositioned its business, with the benefit of strategic input<br />

from the then quester investment manager responsible (now Spark Ventures),<br />

to build on a technical advantage that it had developed in the processing of<br />

transactions for uK debit card and prepaid credit card issuers.<br />

It was nomad’s development of a leading position in this area that attracted<br />

the interest of a number of potential acquirers. A trade sale to the u.S. banking<br />

and payments technology company Metavante Technologies, Inc. was<br />

successfully completed in January 2008. The company now trades under the<br />

name Metavante Technologies Limited.<br />

The company was originally backed by the quester funds in 2000 and<br />

supported in a series of follow-on rounds in 2001, 2004, 2006 and 2007.<br />

Key Management John Yeomans President<br />

Get in Touch john.yeomans@metavante.eu<br />

Website www.metavante.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




40<br />

SalesPush<br />

Nominated by Aspiration Capital<br />

Management<br />

SalesPush is a company which helps users develop a more cost-effective<br />

customer relationship management system. using SalesPush technology, users<br />

can see where their best leads originate from and which campaigns, media and<br />

other strategies are most effective.<br />

Real-time and comprehensive visibility into market data puts SalesPush<br />

customers in control of the entire sales process, from cold leads to conversion,<br />

which can help radically improve sales performance. SalesPush also helps users<br />

to identify where the faults lie and attention is needed. Being able to spot where<br />

intervention is needed and to identify wider weaknesses immediately improves<br />

the quality of sales management.<br />

Key Management Mark Donkin Managing Director<br />

Get in Touch Contact via the website<br />

Website www.salespush.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Small World Financial Services<br />

Nominated by MMC Ventures<br />

Small World is a pan-European family of ethnically-focused financial services<br />

businesses. Targeting Europe’s 36 million-strong community of foreignborn<br />

migrant workers, Small World and its subsidiaries provide their growing<br />

customer base with cost effective, quick and dependable services for<br />

international money transfer, cheque cashing, bureau de change and prepaid<br />

debit cards. Headquartered in London, the Group trades across 8 European<br />

countries.<br />

Consolidating the highly fragmented European consumer money transfer<br />

sector, Small World has created a mid-market financial services group on<br />

an integrated platform and is servicing a customer base uniquely difficult to<br />

access. The group has deployed the industry’s most flexible and functionally<br />

rich transactional system, fully integrated with hundreds of international<br />

partner organizations. It is now poised to capitalize on its success by rolling out<br />

additional products and services, as well as replicating its buy and build model<br />

into further European territories.<br />

In addition to their long-held expertise in the traditional ‘bricks and mortar’<br />

money transfer business of servicing cash-based customers, Small World is<br />

developing ‘Small World Online’ and creating a ‘Mobile Money Superhighway’<br />

in partnership with mobile gateway specialist Mi-Pay – to provide mobile<br />

operators around the world with a ‘fast-track’ solution for immediate global<br />

mobile money transfer and international prepay phone top-up to over 30<br />

strategic country corridors.<br />

Key Management Nick Day Managing Director<br />

Get in Touch Teresa Dinis teresa.dinis@smallworldfs.com<br />

Website www.smallworldfs.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




42<br />

STX Services<br />

Nominated by Ludgate Environmental<br />

Fund<br />

STX Services is an Amsterdam-based company specialising in the broking and<br />

trading of environmental financial products, with a particular focus on the<br />

carbon markets.<br />

STX Services is active predominantly broking and trading Eu Emission<br />

Allowances but has also diversified into transactions in Certified Emission<br />

Reduction, Voluntary Emissions Reduction, Biofuel Tickets, Green Certificates<br />

and Electricity Load-Profile Arbitrage.<br />

The company applies its expertise on the energy market to a client’s specific<br />

circumstances. STX Services is a full service organization providing solutions to<br />

European institutions exposed to the turbulent energy market.<br />

The team of professionals at STX Services have comprehensive experience in<br />

both the financial and energy markets.<br />

Key Management Tim van der Noordt Managing Director<br />

Get in Touch info@stxservices.com<br />

Website www.stxservices.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Thomsons Online Benefits<br />

Nominated by Pi Capital<br />

Thomsons Online Benefits helps businesses maximise the value of their<br />

reward package for employees by combining consulting, communication and<br />

technology.<br />

The company’s target customers are those companies which are reviewing<br />

their reward strategy, implementing flexible benefits, changing their pension<br />

scheme, or looking for technology to reduce their benefit <strong>admin</strong>istration.<br />

In 2008 Thomsons Online Benefits generated revenue of £12 million with a<br />

compound growth rate over the last 5 years of over 40%. Profits have also seen<br />

similar growth over the same period of time.<br />

Pi Capital invested £2.75m in December 2004, and in the four years leading up<br />

to 2008, both revenues and EBIT increased by a factor of more than 6 times<br />

and employee numbers grew substantially. The business is an example of a<br />

relatively young uK head-quartered company that is thriving globally.<br />

Key Management Chris Bruce Managing Director<br />

Get in Touch press@thomsons.com<br />

Website www.Thomsons.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




44<br />

vc-net<br />

Nominated by MMC Ventures<br />

vc-net is a video conferencing network provider which, in addition to selling<br />

hardware and complete, scalable conferencing solutions, provides full<br />

support services. vc-net offers high-quality, low-cost networks and routes<br />

communications over its own virtual network to blue chip customers.<br />

Today, vc-net is a video conferencing supply company with the ability<br />

to provide all network requirements to their clients, from point to point<br />

connections to fully managed IPVPns; Video and Audio Visual hardware and<br />

room builds; and a suite of complementary collaboration tools such as audio<br />

and web conferencing.<br />

MMC Ventures has backed the business from early concept stage in 2001.<br />

Key Management Terry Cave Executive Chairman<br />

Get in Touch tcave@vc-net.net<br />

Website www.vc-net.net<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

VirtenSys<br />

Nominated by SEP<br />

VirtenSys is an IT data centre systems company that designs and sells PCI Express<br />

Virtualisation Switches. The company’s advanced switch technology enables<br />

Data Centres to build racks of servers which require 50% fewer cables, use 30%<br />

less electricity and are as much as 50% cheaper to build. The market for these<br />

infrastructure switches is expected to reach over $4bn per annum.<br />

Virtensys is based in Manchester uK, and Portland, Oregon, uSA. The company<br />

was spun-out of nasdaq quoted Xyratex Inc in 2005 and is now recognised as<br />

being a leader in its market. Over £30m has been invested in its advanced PCI<br />

Switch which is protected by over 30 patents.<br />

VirtenSys solutions have revolutionized how Input/Output (I/O) infrastructure is<br />

deployed and used in data centres. The company’s I/O Virtualization products<br />

can be utilized without disruption to existing servers and networks, protecting<br />

previous IT infrastructure investments. The company is working with the majority<br />

of the large Server vendors to launch OEM branded product in the uS, Europe<br />

and Asia over the next 12 months.<br />

Key Management Ahmet Houssein President & Chief Executive Officer (US)<br />

Marek Piekarski Chief Technical Officer (UK)<br />

Get in Touch info@virtensys.com<br />

Website www.virtensys.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />



cOmpuTER<br />

SERvIcES,<br />

SOfTwARE<br />

& TElEcOmS<br />

AlTERnATIvE EnERgy<br />

& TEchnOlOgIES<br />

BuSInESS SuppORT<br />

SERvIcES<br />

cOmpuTER<br />

SERvIcES, SOfTwARE<br />

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mEDIcAl EquIpmEnT<br />

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phARmAcEuTIcAlS<br />

& BIOTEchnOlOgy<br />

REcREATIOn<br />

& lEISuRE<br />

SpEcIAlITy OnlInE<br />


AdaptiveMobile<br />

Nominated by Doughty Hanson<br />

AdaptiveMobile is the leading provider of unified security for mobile and fixed<br />

operators, protecting their networks and subscribers across enterprise and<br />

consumer markets. With over 400 million subscribers protected today across<br />

the globe, the company delivers comprehensive protection from the increasing<br />

threats of mobile spam, viruses, malware, inappropriate content, unsolicited<br />

communications and fraud.<br />

AdaptiveMobile’s Policy Control software works across all mobile and wireless<br />

bearers, including SMS, Web, email and voice; it effectively reduces the cost of<br />

network operation and generates new revenues.<br />

AdaptiveMobile was founded in 2003 and boasts some of the world’s largest<br />

mobile operators as customers. It also counts leading security & telecom<br />

equipment vendors as partners including nSn, Huawei and Symantec.<br />

The company is headquartered in Dublin with offices in the north America,<br />

Europe, South Africa, Middle East and Asia Pacific.<br />

Key Management Lorcan Burke Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch Contact via website<br />

Website www.adaptivemobile.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




50<br />

Antix Labs Ltd.<br />

Nominated by northStar Equity<br />

Investors<br />

Antix Labs is a software engineering company whose software platform, the<br />

Antix Game Player, allows consumers to play and share premium quality games<br />

and other content across a multitude of different mobile phone handsets as<br />

well as PCs, netbooks and other multimedia devices.<br />

Development of the Antix Game Player began in the summer of 2007; its<br />

developer kit was launched in 2008 and the first handsets incorporating the<br />

Player will be available later in 2009. With $10M already invested in product<br />

development, Antix now has multiple commercial licenses with global handset<br />

manufacturers and is currently working with numerous games developers and<br />

publishers.<br />

The Antix team has accumulated many years’ experience in the design and<br />

bringing to market of rich media software platforms working for operators,<br />

handset manufacturers, games publishers, compiler companies and silicon<br />

design houses.<br />

Key Management Francis Charig Cave Chief Executive Officer<br />

& Co-Founder<br />

Get in Touch francis.charig@antixlabs.com<br />

Website www.antixlabs.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Arieso<br />

Nominated by Oxford Capital Partners<br />

Arieso is a mobile network software business offering solutions to mobile<br />

operators to increase the efficiency of their networks and reduce capital<br />

expenditure.<br />

Arieso is a leading provider of subscriber experience geo-location, capital<br />

budget management and automatic network optimization solutions for<br />

wireless networks. Headquartered in the uK and with offices worldwide, the<br />

company delivers solutions that enable network operators to geo-locate,<br />

evaluate and optimize the subscriber experience. Arieso solutions have<br />

enhanced the network performance and maximized the return on investment<br />

for leading mobile operators around the world.<br />

Arieso’s solutions are offered through a range of delivery models; from the<br />

supply of software products with associated deployment and support to fully<br />

outsourced services. The company is growing rapidly with sales across the<br />

globe.<br />

Key Management Shirin Dehghan Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch Contact via website<br />

Website www.arieso.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




52<br />

Audium Semi<br />

Nominated by Advent Venture Partners<br />

Based in Bristol, Audium Semi is a fabless semiconductor company that designs,<br />

develops and markets audio power amplifier integrated circuits that are 20<br />

times more power efficient than competing technologies at normal listening<br />

levels.<br />

using Audium devices in consumer audio applications, users reduce power<br />

consumption, extend battery life, enable smaller form factors, cut costof-ownership,<br />

reduce waste and ultimately contribute towards a more<br />

sustainable environment. All this can be achieved with Audium Semi, without<br />

compromising system performance.<br />

From home theatre systems to companion speakers for PCs, the company’s<br />

technology is revolutionising the design of consumer audio systems. Through<br />

partnerships with other leading semiconductor companies, completely wireless<br />

speakers, enabled due to their ultra-low power consumption, are just around the<br />

corner.<br />

Key Management Clyde Witchard Chief Executive Officer & Founder<br />

Get in Touch info@audiumsemi.com<br />

Website www.audiumsemi.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />

Huw Davies PhD Chief Commercial Officer & Founder

Blackbay Ltd<br />

Nominated by Albion Ventures<br />

Blackbay Ltd is a software company which provides solutions for mobile<br />

workforces. The technology allows the transfer of data between mobile<br />

devices and back office systems in real time, thus improving customer service,<br />

employee productivity and reducing billing times. Blackbay clients include<br />

Royal Mail, Australia Post, DHL, Dyson and Konica Minolta.<br />

Blackbay’s core mobile worker applications offer organisations significant<br />

return on investment based upon reduced costs, increased sales and improved<br />

productivity and service levels.<br />

Key Management Avi Azulai Chairman<br />

Larry Klimczyk Managing Director<br />

Get in Touch Kate Kinraid kate.kinraid@blackbay.com<br />

Website www.blackbay.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




54<br />

Bloxx Ltd<br />

Nominated by Braveheart Ventures<br />

Founded in 1999, Bloxx has expanded to a multimillion pound operation with<br />

products sold in Europe and north America..<br />

Bloxx is an award-winning web filtering company that has developed novel<br />

approaches to prevent inappropriate use of the web by employees.<br />

Bloxx’s Tru-View technology uses patented technology to analyse and<br />

categorise web pages quicker and more accurately than other web filters. By<br />

using advanced intelligent identification and analysis techniques, Tru-View<br />

provides instant classification of web content as soon as it is accessed, which<br />

helps organisations proactively manage users’ access to web content which<br />

otherwise might lower productivity, expose the organisation to risk and liability<br />

or pose a network security threat. Over 1.5 million users from an impressive<br />

customer list already benefit from enhanced security and performance.<br />

Key Management Eamonn Doyle Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch edoyle@bloxx.com<br />

Website www.bloxx.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

CamSemi<br />

Nominated by SEP<br />

CamSemi is a fabless semiconductor business providing silicon chips used in<br />

power supplies for consumer devices such as mobile phone chargers, portable<br />

devices and low voltage lighting applications. The company was listed by EE<br />

Times in its list of ’10 Startups to Watch in 2009’ and was a spin out from the<br />

university of Cambridge.<br />

CamSemi was founded to bring to market a new generation of power<br />

management chips helping manufacturers more easily meet the world’s<br />

increasing demand to save energy at an affordable price. CamSemi’s products<br />

have class leading power efficiency, significant size and cost savings in the final<br />

power supply and are one of only a very few companies in the world which can<br />

meet the new European efficiency rules for mobile phone chargers.<br />

SEP has a lead investor in CamSemi and has played a key role in its strategic<br />

development. The company’s initial product offerings are targeting the switch<br />

mode power supply and lighting sectors. CamSemi has recently shipped its 10<br />

millionth chip and volumes continue to grow.<br />

Key Management David Baillie Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch Contact via website<br />

Website www.camsemi.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




56<br />

Cambridge Broadband<br />

Networks<br />

Nominated by Amadeus Capital Partners<br />

Cambridge Broadband networks is a manufacturer of wireless backhaul<br />

solutions for mobile networks that enable companies to signifi cantly reduce<br />

costs.<br />

The company operates a forward-looking strategy that is dedicated to<br />

providing network operators with a low-risk, scalable platform designed to<br />

signifi cantly reduce backhaul OPEX and CAPEX.<br />

Since its inception in 2000, Cambridge Broadband networks has become a<br />

market leader for Point-to-Multipoint backhaul solutions. From offi ces in the uK,<br />

Africa and Malaysia, the company operates in 33 countries and is continuing to<br />

grow quickly in response to a fast-developing industry.<br />

The company’s award-winning products have been commended for their<br />

outstanding innovation and technical advance.<br />

Key Management Graham Peel Chief Executive Offi cer<br />

Get in Touch info@cbnl.com<br />

Website www.cbnl.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Clearpace<br />

Nominated by Doughty Hanson<br />

Clearpace is an infrastructure software company that provides the leading<br />

repository for historical structured data. The company enables its partners to<br />

deliver online data retention solutions that reduce the cost and complexity of<br />

preserving information in the enterprise and the cloud.<br />

All companies are keeping larger volumes of data for longer periods to satisfy<br />

business and regulatory demands. The inactive structured data held within<br />

application databases, data warehouses or log files is growing uncontrollably.<br />

In the current economic and regulatory climate, CIO’s are focusing on reducing<br />

the burden of preserving this historical information.<br />

Clearpace provides a specialized data repository that allows companies<br />

to simply, securely and cost effectively preserve structured data in their<br />

data centre, or in the cloud. The Clearpace software delivers extreme data<br />

compression, typically 40:1, while keeping archived data easily accessible<br />

using industry standard reporting or BI tools. In addition, the data repository<br />

is autonomic requiring no design, tuning or maintenance. The software has<br />

been designed to leverage commodity servers and storage, delivering low-cost<br />

scalability and performance.<br />

Key Management John Bantleman Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch Julian Cook Julian.cook@clearpace.com<br />

Website www.clearpace.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




58<br />

Cognitive Match<br />

Nominated by Dawn Capital<br />

Cognitive Match uses the latest advances in artificial intelligence, learning<br />

mathematics, psychology and semantic technologies to match people with<br />

online content such as products, offers, editorial or creative executions.<br />

This matching stimulates higher rates of response and/or purchase and<br />

ultimately, profit. Cognitive Match is also applying its matching engine to a<br />

range of clients in several industry areas.<br />

Cognitive Match’s team combines the best brains in learning mathematics,<br />

artificial intelligence and cognitive science to build software solutions that will<br />

effectively create the ultimate search engine.<br />

Key Management Alex Kelleher Founder and Managing Director<br />

Glen Conybeare Co-founder and Commercial Director<br />

Get in Touch alex@cognitivematch.com<br />

Website www.cognitivematch.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Consilium Technologies Ltd.<br />

Nominated by MMC Ventures<br />

Consilium Technologies has become one of the leading suppliers of IT<br />

solutions, assisted by a 20 year track record of providing innovative software to<br />

local government and social housing bodies among others in a well established<br />

customer base.<br />

With offices in Atlanta, Boston, Belfast, London and Manila, Consilium<br />

Technologies is a leader in the delivery of mobile software applications. The<br />

company is currently experiencing growth opportunities in the uSA where the<br />

delivery of public services is still predominantly paper-based<br />

Key Management Colin Reid Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch colin.reid@ctechs.co.uk<br />

Website www.ctechs.co.uk<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




60<br />

Forth Dimension Displays<br />

Nominated by Amadeus Capital Partners<br />

and Doughty Hanson<br />

Forth Dimension Displays is a high–resolution near-to-eye (nTE) micro-display<br />

supplier.<br />

The company provides a wide range of microdisplay solutions optimised for the<br />

best performance in demanding nTE applications. Its fast, all digital, software<br />

configured, technology delivers high quality, full colour, images on a single high<br />

resolution micro-display.<br />

Forth Dimension Displays’ products and technical services are backed by an<br />

approved microdisplay design and manufacturing site which includes a microdisplay<br />

fab and supporting assembly and test facilities. The company is privately<br />

owned and focused on organic growth.<br />

Based in Dalgety Bay, Fife, Scotland, Forth Dimension Displays also has offices<br />

in the uS, Europe and Asia. The company was formed as CRLO Displays Ltd. in<br />

September 2004.<br />

Key Management Greg Truman Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch acraig@forthdd.com<br />

Website www.forthdd.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Freerunner<br />

Nominated by northStar Equity Investors<br />

Freerunner enables consumers to get free broadband access in underserved<br />

and digitally remote areas of the uK by installing free-to-use access points in<br />

both public and commercial venues of any size.<br />

The company’s objective is to readdress the balance between big brand venues<br />

and those areas that are currently significantly underserved.<br />

Freerunner will provide the service completely free of charge to communityoriented<br />

venues. In commercial venues, such as coffee shops and pubs, the<br />

free access will be largely funded by the venue and its partners. The advantage<br />

for commercial venues is that they pay for the service at just a third of the<br />

current rate set by other operators. All venues will be able to take advantage of<br />

Freerunner’s advanced software allowing them to filter internet content to suit<br />

customer needs.<br />

Based on Open Source technology, the Freerunner network represents an<br />

evolution in Wifi. It has a distributed network architecture, no data centres<br />

and therefore no single point of failure ensuring maximum reliability, a faster<br />

connection and a low operating cost.<br />

Key Management Owen Geddes Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch owen.geddes@freerunnernet.com<br />

Website www.freerunr.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




62<br />

Garlik<br />

Nominated by Doughty Hanson<br />

Garlik has developed Web 3.0 search engine technology that finds all references<br />

to you and your personal data on the Web, in private databases and other<br />

data locations. Having assembled the data, Garlik can provide a comprehensive<br />

report that highlights the extent the user is vulnerable to identity theft through<br />

the proliferation of his/her personal data.<br />

Garlik was founded by Mike Harris, founding CEO of Egg plc, Tom Ilube, former<br />

Egg CIO and the former British Computer Society president Professor nigel<br />

Shadbolt. As the first company to develop a web-scale commercial application<br />

of semantic technology, Garlik enables consumers to understand what<br />

information about them is in the public domain and manage their identities<br />

online.<br />

Garlik has appointed a panel of world-class ID protection and technology<br />

experts to advise the business including Professor Wendy Hall CBE from the<br />

university of Southampton; Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World<br />

Wide Web; Simon Davies, director of Privacy International; and Daniel Cooper,<br />

renowned privacy lawyer with Covington & Burling.<br />

Key Management Mike Harris Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch Victoria Melville<br />

victoria@melvillecommunications.co.uk<br />

Website www.garlik.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Gigle Semiconductor<br />

Nominated by SEP<br />

Gigle is a fabless semiconductor company based in the uK, Spain and uSA<br />

which has developed a very low cost, single chip solution. This solution enables<br />

consumers to connect electronic devices such as routers, set-tops boxes and<br />

televisions around the home using existing mains (“Power-line”), coax or<br />

phone lines rather than having to install new cables.<br />

The company’s “HD Anywire” technology makes multi-media networking<br />

reliable, cost-effective and self-installing, enabling the easy delivery and<br />

distribution of high-definition content and services around the home. The<br />

market for this technology is currently over $200m per annum and is forecast<br />

to grow beyond $1bn per annum in due course.<br />

Gigle launched its first chip in the summer of 2009 and has already achieved<br />

a major commercial milestone with the launch of the world’s first Gigabit<br />

product by networking specialist Belkin. Belkin selected Gigle’s innovative<br />

networking chip to power its Gigabit Powerline networking Adapters which<br />

have been launched in the united States and Europe. Gigle’s technology results<br />

in a product which has five times the throughput of rivals at a lower cost,<br />

resulting in the best-performing and highest quality HD pictures.<br />

Gigle is well-placed for growth as the demand for high-speed, multi-media<br />

networking solutions increases on the back of the rising popularity of online<br />

gaming, picture storage and internet music and videos from the likes of Apple<br />

iTunes and BBC iPlayer.<br />

Key Management Juan Carlos Riveiro<br />

President & Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch Contact via website<br />

Website www.gigle.biz<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




64<br />

Icera<br />

Nominated by Amadeus Capital Partners<br />

Icera has developed the world’s fi rst market proven, high performance soft<br />

modem technology for mobile broadband phone and data devices. These<br />

include mobile broadband datacards and uSB sticks, cellular modules for<br />

laptops and mobile internet devices. Icera’s soft modem also provides the ideal<br />

slim modem for high performance smartphones.<br />

Icera’s platform solutions give manufacturers maximum fl exibility to deliver<br />

differentiated, high performance mobile broadband devices in the shortest time<br />

possible.<br />

Founded in 2002 by a highly experienced group of semiconductor executives,<br />

the company is staffed by a team with world-leading expertise in custom<br />

processor design, wireless algorithm development, circuit design and wireless<br />

handset platform integration. Icera, which has raised venture funding totalling<br />

over $100M to date, is headquartered in Bristol uK, with design locations in the<br />

uK, France, Canada and uS, and with sales and support in Japan, Taiwan, Korea,<br />

the uS and Europe.<br />

Key Management Stan Boland Chief Executive Offi cer<br />

Get in Touch Sally Doherty press@icerasemi.com<br />

Website www.icerasemi.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

i-nexus<br />

Nominated by Antrak Capital<br />

i-nexus is a Coventry based software company which sells a software solution<br />

for program and performance management.<br />

The software integrates the sub-disciplines required in programme<br />

management to company-wide scorecards and KPIs management and the<br />

company continues to successfully win major new business in Europe and the<br />

uS.<br />

The original i-nexus prototype was developed by Marconi Corporation<br />

(acquired by Ericsson in 2006), a telecommunications company based in the<br />

uK, to manage its own performance improvement initiative. It was recognised<br />

that the solution presented extended well beyond one enterprise. This initiative<br />

was launched and managed by Paul Docherty, who became a co-founder and<br />

the CEO of i-nexus.<br />

Key Management Paul Docherty Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer<br />

Rex Harrison Co-founder & Chief Financial Officer<br />

Get in Touch info@i-nexus.com<br />

Website www.i-nexus.co.uk<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




66<br />

ip.access<br />

Nominated by Amadeus Capital Partners<br />

SEP<br />

ip.access designs and sells miniature mobile phone base stations that are<br />

deployed inside offi ces (picocells) and homes (femtocells) to solve the issue of<br />

poor indoor cellular coverage.<br />

The current market for small base stations is forecast to grow very rapidly over<br />

the next few years to over 30m units per annum. This growth is due to the<br />

increasing demand for 3G bandwidth as a result of the explosion in use of<br />

laptop 3G dongles and devices such as the Apple iphone; combined with the<br />

fact that high speed 3G signals penetrate buildings less well than 2G. networks<br />

operators see low cost base stations, the size of consumer internet routers, as<br />

a solution to this coverage issue; evidenced by the recent launch by market<br />

leader, Vodafone in the uK of their “Signal Booster” device which plugs into a<br />

consumer’s home router.<br />

SEP is a lead investor in ip.access which has won numerous industry awards<br />

including the Best Radio Access Product at the 2007 Global Mobile Awards. It<br />

is one of the leading vendors in the world and has equipment being deployed<br />

by a signifi cant number of operators including Smart in the Philippines, KPn in<br />

the netherlands, Telefónica O2 in the Czech Republic and T-Mobile and AT&T<br />

in the uSA.<br />

Key Management Stephen Mallinson Chief Executive Offi cer<br />

Get in Touch Contact via website<br />

Website www.ipaccess.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Metaforic<br />

Nominated by Pentech VC<br />

Metaforic is a digital security firm that has developed anti-hacking products<br />

to protect software applications, digital rights management systems, client<br />

applications and license management systems.<br />

Headquartered in Glasgow, Scotland, with offices in San Jose, California,<br />

Metaforic was founded in 2006 by industry veterans Andrew McLennan, Linda<br />

MacKellar and neil Stewart.<br />

Metaforic’s main product, MetaFortress, armours applications from the inside<br />

out, preventing and protecting against all forms of tampering, piracy and the<br />

most sophisticated hacking attacks. Metaforic’s software is easy to use and<br />

offers extreme protection with a near to zero performance impact.<br />

Key Management Andrew McLennan Chief Executive Officer<br />

Linda MacKellar Chief Operating Officer<br />

Neil Stewart Chief Technical Officer<br />

Get in Touch Contact via website<br />

Website www.metaforic.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




68<br />

Nomad<br />

Nominated by Amadeus Capital Partners<br />

nomad is a leading provider of data communications in the transportation<br />

sector.<br />

With low-cost, high speed data network capabilities, nomad offers a variety of<br />

enhanced services to improve communication and monitoring of fl eets. The<br />

company’s specialist knowledge and experienced technical personnel means<br />

that they can offer a wider range of solutions enabled for on board services and<br />

applications, including passenger Wifi , entertainment and content, as well as real<br />

time CCTV and ticketing.<br />

Key Management Graeme Lowdon Chief Executive Offi cer<br />

Get in Touch Contact via website<br />

Website www.uknomad.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Nujira<br />

Nominated by Amadeus Capital Partners<br />

nujira is a producer of super high effi ciency power amplifi ers for mobile base<br />

stations and handsets.<br />

nujira’s High Accuracy Tracking Power Modulators enable equipment vendors<br />

to design fl exible, power-effi cient, small, cheap base stations and transmitters<br />

that meet the increasingly demanding needs of operators and broadcasters<br />

worldwide.<br />

For cellular handsets, nujira is working in partnership with established radio<br />

frequency subsystem vendors to enable the design of cost-effective multimode,<br />

multi-band handsets with extended battery life.<br />

Key Management Tim Haynes Chief Executive Offi cer<br />

Get in Touch Contact via website<br />

Website www.nujira.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




70<br />

picoChip<br />

Nominated by SEP<br />

picoChip designs and sells digital signal processing silicon chips, a key<br />

component for wireless communications. The company is a leading vendor<br />

in the multi-core Digital Signal Processing (DSP) market. The company’s initial<br />

focus is chips for small and medium-sized mobile phone base stations.<br />

The company’s product is the lowest cost and most power efficient on the<br />

market; consequently picoChip has over 100 customers including seven of<br />

the top ten telecoms equipment makers. Equipment incorporating picoChip<br />

products is now in use by over one hundred network operators. An exciting<br />

new market for picoChip is the femtocell or home base station market in which<br />

picoChip has designs wins in over 80% of the equipment vendors. Overall the<br />

market opportunity per annum to picoChip is in excess of $1bn.<br />

The Bath-based company has built a global presence that includes offices in the<br />

uSA and China, development sites in Europe and China, and sales and support<br />

operations across the globe.<br />

Regarded by the industry as a leader in its field, picoChip has won numerous<br />

awards and the company’s revenue is growing revenue.<br />

Key Management Nigel Toon President & Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch Contact via website<br />

Website www.picochip.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

PlasticLogic<br />

Nominated by Amadeus Capital Partners<br />

PlasticLogic is a technology company which has created a range of products<br />

enabling immediate information access, organisation and consumption. The<br />

company aims to lead a revolution in the way people acquire, organise and<br />

consume information.<br />

Plastic Logic has raised over $200M in fi nancing from top-tier venture funding<br />

sources in Asia, Europe and the u.S. The company is using the funds to<br />

complete product development in uK and the uSA, to build a specialised,<br />

scalable production facility in Germany and to establish go-to-market teams.<br />

Key Management Richard Archuleta Chief Executive Offi cer<br />

Get in Touch Bev Pharr bev.pharr@plasticlogic.com<br />

Website www.plasticlogic.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




72<br />

Secerno<br />

Nominated by Amadeus Capital Partners<br />

Secerno is a technology company active in database control. Secerno’s<br />

solutions are the new approach to controlling how data in databases is<br />

accessed. Secerno’s product, DataWall, includes database activity monitoring,<br />

database policy enforcement and database compliance auditing solutions.<br />

These are available as a range of either hardware or virtual appliances.<br />

Secerno DataWall enforces a 100% positive security policy of only approved<br />

behaviour, with the option to log, alert, block or substitute database requests.<br />

Policy channels enable strategists and <strong>admin</strong>istrators to add new and complex<br />

layers of rules that map policy to a company’s specifi c business needs.<br />

The company provides database protection and database compliance solutions<br />

to customers across most industries, including fi nancial services, healthcare &<br />

pharmaceuticals, retail, government agencies and departments.<br />

Secerno’s headquarters are in Oxford, uK and Bedminster, new Jersey.<br />

Key Management Steve Hurn Chief Executive Offi cer<br />

Eddie Minshull Chairman<br />

Get in Touch Amanda Chesters amanda.chesters@secerno.com<br />

Website www.secerno.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

TestPlant<br />

Nominated by Seraphim Capital<br />

TestPlant has developed software that automates the process for testing other<br />

software products. TestPlant’s software mimics the actions of an end user,<br />

enabling it to test software through the end user interface (as compared to<br />

testing via the code). This means that, highly manual elements of the software<br />

testing process - which account for up to 80% of all testing - can now be<br />

automated which in turn reduces the time taken to test new software products<br />

by up to 80%.<br />

TestPlant is an international software business with an established customer<br />

base of leading IT corporations and defence organizations. The company<br />

works with many of the world’s leading software developers including 16<br />

Fortune 500 companies.<br />

TestPlant is headquartered in London, with an office in Washington DC and<br />

a development centre in Boulder, Colorado. In a move into the fast growing<br />

automated software testing tools market, TestPlant acquired Redstone<br />

Software, the original creators of eggPlant, an automated test software tool. .<br />

Key Management Jon Richards Chairman<br />

George Mackintosh Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch george.mackintosh@testplant.com<br />

Website www.testplant.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




74<br />

Tinglobal<br />

Nominated by Shackleton Ventures<br />

Tinglobal buys, refurbishes and sells used mid-range computer and networking<br />

equipment.<br />

The company works with hardware manufacturers, maintainers, resellers,<br />

outsourcing companies and traders across the globe and has become an<br />

integral part of the overall supply chain.<br />

Remarketing of hardware allows Tinglobal clients to maximise their returnon-investment<br />

from IT investments. The company provides strong technical<br />

advice, coupled with a high standard of engineering and logistics.<br />

The company has an international customer base and has enjoyed solid<br />

revenue and profit growth in recent years. Tinglobal, previously a 3i company, is<br />

now actively supported by Shackleton Ventures.<br />

Key Management Rod Haddrell Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch rodh@tindirect.com<br />

Website www.tinglobal.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

XMOS<br />

Nominated by Amadeus Capital Partners<br />

XMOS is a fabless semiconductor company, which designs in software, rather<br />

than hard wired in silicon.<br />

The company‘s high performance, predictable processors makes it leader in<br />

event-driven processors for digital electronics. They allow complete systems to<br />

be implemented in software using interface, DSP and control code.<br />

XMOS is an enabling technology for the open source hardware community.<br />

Designs, including uSB, Ethernet, and SD-RAM controllers, are available in an<br />

ever-expanding library of open source code. Free to download, the XMOS<br />

development tools are supported by a vibrant community of digital designers<br />

and software engineers.<br />

XMOS is based in Bristol, uK, California, uSA, and Chennai, India with sales<br />

offi ces and representatives across the world.<br />

Key Management James Foster Chief Executive Offi cer<br />

Get in Touch Sally Doherty sally@xmos.com<br />

Website www.xmos.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




76<br />

Yuuguu Limited<br />

Nominated by EV<br />

yuuguu provides software to allow users to share their computer remotely.<br />

yuuguu (from the Japanese word for fusion) was founded by colleagues Anish<br />

Kapoor and Philip Hemsted who became frustrated by the challenge of working<br />

together remotely and not being able to see or share each other’s computer<br />

screens in real time.<br />

yuuguu was established as a solution to help people work together remotely,<br />

through any firewall, across different platforms, with as many colleagues as<br />

needed, just as if they were sitting right next to each other.<br />

The company’s vision stretches far beyond the world of work. yuuguu’s unique,<br />

easy to install features can give anybody the freedom to be together, whether<br />

at work or play, even when they’re not.<br />

Enterprise Ventures’ RisingStars Growth Fund first invested in the company in<br />

October 2006.<br />

Key Management Anish Kapoor Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder<br />

Alastair Walmsley Director of Finance<br />

Get in Touch anish.kapoor@yuuguu.com<br />

Website www.yuuguu.co.uk<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Zeus<br />

Nominated by DFJ Espirit<br />

SEP<br />

Zeus is a software company that develops and sells highly optimized web site<br />

infrastructure software allowing website owners to visualize, manipulate and<br />

balance the flow of traffic to their web-enabled applications. The product<br />

helps to ensure consistently robust website performance and customer<br />

experience, particularly for sites with a significant amount of traffic.<br />

The company provides the competitive advantage businesses need by making<br />

its online services faster, more reliable, more secure and easier to manage. Zeus<br />

software can be deployed on industry standard hardware, virtual machines and<br />

any Cloud platform. On these standard platforms Zeus’s application manager<br />

has the highest performance in the market.<br />

Zeus holds strategic partnerships with world-class companies such as IBM, Dell,<br />

HP, Oracle, and VMware. Zeus powers a large number of the highest profile<br />

sites across the world including the BBC, ITV, Play.com, BT, Skyscanner and<br />

Disney.com<br />

Since SEP’s investment Zeus has grown revenue quickly in what is a significant<br />

and growing market. The company is based in Cambridge, uK and Mountain<br />

View, California.<br />

Key Management Paul Brennan Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch Contact via website<br />

Website www.zeus.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />



mEDIcAl<br />

EquIpmEnT<br />

& SERvIcES<br />

AlTERnATIvE EnERgy<br />

& TEchnOlOgIES<br />

BuSInESS SuppORT<br />

SERvIcES<br />

cOmpuTER<br />

SERvIcES, SOfTwARE<br />

& TElEcOmS<br />

mEDIcAl EquIpmEnT<br />

& SERvIcES<br />

mETAlS, plASTIcS<br />

& mInIng<br />

phARmAcEuTIcAlS<br />

& BIOTEchnOlOgy<br />

REcREATIOn<br />

& lEISuRE<br />

SpEcIAlITy OnlInE<br />


CyDen<br />

Nominated by Longbow Capital LLP<br />

CyDen develops hair removal products based on its iPulse technology.<br />

iPulse utilises intense pulsed light technology to deliver a high level of clinical<br />

performance at low cost and is more efficient than other devices in the<br />

marketplace.<br />

This technology comes from the same team of scientists and innovators who<br />

originated the science of light-based hair removal more than 20 years ago and<br />

who have been at the forefront of the industry ever since.<br />

CyDen’s experts are the authors of over 40 patents in the light-based therapy<br />

field, while their products were the first light-based devices to win uS FDA<br />

approval for hair removal, non-ablative wrinkle reduction and the treatment<br />

of acne. The company’s home-use, Boots-branded ‘Smooth Skin’ device is<br />

available to buy in Boots stores nationwide.<br />

Key Management Scott Wotherspoon Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch Ron Petersen rpetersen@cyden.co.uk<br />

Website www.cyden.co.uk<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




82<br />

Daysoft ®<br />

Nominated by SEP<br />

Daysoft® is a uK based pioneer in contact lens design, manufacture and sale of<br />

high specification daily disposable contact lenses.<br />

As a result of the company’s vertical integration and direct to consumer internet<br />

sales model, the business is able to provide the lowest cost contact lenses in the<br />

world. The global contact lens market is currently estimated at over $3 billion<br />

per annum with daily disposables becoming the most common contact lens<br />

modality in the uK.<br />

Daysoft lenses are sold direct to wearers via its website and via opticians in as<br />

many as 27 countries. SEP has a close relationship with the company having<br />

successfully the backed Chairman’s (Ron Hamilton) previous company, Award<br />

which was sold to Bausch & Lomb in 1996 in a multi-million pound exit which<br />

earned the title ‘Venture of the year.’<br />

Daysoft is profitable and growing fast, increasing orders by 10% per month.<br />

The company has now produced and distributed more than 200 million lenses<br />

worldwide, winning customers with a combination of high quality product, 24<br />

hour online ordering, and cost savings of as much as 50% compared to rivals.<br />

Key Management Ron Hamilton Chairman<br />

Mark Hegarty Managing Director<br />

Get in Touch mark.hegarty@daysoftlenses.com<br />

Website www.daysoftcontactlenses.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Glysure<br />

Nominated by Amadeus Capital Partners<br />

Founded in 2006, Glysure is developing a continuous blood glucose sensor for<br />

patients in intensive care with the goal of reducing patient mortality.<br />

In 2001, work on “tight glycemic control” (“TGC”) established a new standard<br />

in post-surgical care by showing that managing blood glucose levels within<br />

tight normal ranges yielded clear improvements in patient outcomes (including<br />

a 46% reduction in incidence of sepsis, a 41 % reduction in renal failure and a<br />

34% reduction in in-patient mortality).<br />

Maintaining glucose levels within the target range is diffi cult using current<br />

technologies which require frequent measurements to guard against<br />

hypoglycemia and the risk of adverse outcomes, including death. Given<br />

the practical limitations of resource constraints, nursing workloads and<br />

current technologies, hospitals have struggled with the development and<br />

implementation of safe and effective TGC protocols.<br />

GlySure is developing a continuous in vivo glucose monitoring system using<br />

an intravascular, optical fl orescence based sensor to meet the worldwide<br />

demand for implementation of TGC/IIT. The company has demonstrated<br />

highly accurate sensors and prototype systems in vitro and in vivo and is now<br />

preparing for clinical approval trials.<br />

Key Management Chris Jones Chief Executive Offi cer<br />

Barry Crane Chief Technical Offi cer<br />

Get in Touch bcrane@glysure.com<br />

Website www.glysure.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




84<br />

Healthcare Learning<br />

Company Ltd<br />

Nominated by Westbridge Fund Managers<br />

The Healthcare Learning Company (HLC) provides e-learning and training<br />

materials into the dental and wider healthcare sector.<br />

HLC has succeeded in establishing itself as a provider of interactive teaching<br />

and online courses for healthcare professionals to meet their continuing<br />

professional development and post graduate requirements throughout their<br />

careers.<br />

HLC publishes weekly online newsletters and “Dental Tribune” - the uK’s first and<br />

only weekly printed newspaper for dentists. These publications are dedicated to<br />

the educational needs of healthcare practitioners and professionals.<br />

The company was incorporated in 2000 under the name of Smile-on Holdings<br />

Ltd, changing its name to Healthcare Learning Company Ltd in September<br />

2005. Westbridge Capital backed the Healthcare Learning Company in 2008.<br />

Key Management Noam Tamir Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch noam@smile-on.com<br />

Website www.healthcare-learning.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Medtrade Products Ltd<br />

Nominated by The Summit Group Ltd<br />

Medtrade Products Ltd is a specialist provider for advanced wound care<br />

products such as surgical and non-surgical dressings, scar treatments and<br />

haemostats.<br />

The company was founded in 1999 by Craig Hardy and his wife, who is the<br />

current operations director. Since then Medtrade has grown sales to over<br />

£5 million (2009), the vast majority of which are exports; has increased<br />

staff numbers five-fold; and is exploiting a revolutionary haemostat product<br />

marketed as Celox which is in use in the uS military and first responders/<br />

emergency services.<br />

The Summit Group Limited first invested £100,000 in 2000 with further<br />

investments of £130,000 in 2005 and £100,000 in 2008 (the latter two<br />

investments were part of rounds of £400,000 in each case).<br />

Key Management Craig Hardy Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch craig.hardy@medtrade.co.uk<br />

Website www.medtrade.co.uk<br />

The Summit Group<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




86<br />

Mirada Medical<br />

Nominated by Albion Ventures<br />

Mirada Medical is a technology provider in the area of multi-modality medical<br />

imaging.<br />

Mirada Medical, a spin out from Siemens in 2001, has developed software that<br />

allows images from multiple sources to be combined to provide greater clinical<br />

certainty in diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Images from a patient can be<br />

combined to show not only if a cancer is present, but also its precise location<br />

relative to bones and organs. This provides surgeons and radiologists with a<br />

more complete picture, thereby improving the quality of information available<br />

when managing the patient’s condition.<br />

Mirada is a globally recognized brand name in advanced medical imaging<br />

and diagnostics. As a specialist provider of molecular imaging and fusion<br />

applications, Mirada Medical has had been recognised for its role in introducing<br />

functional imaging into radiology.<br />

Key Management Hugh Bettesworth Chief Executive Officer<br />

Gail Buswell Chief Financial Officer &<br />

Chief Operating Officer<br />

Get in Touch hugh.bettesworth@mirada-medical.com<br />

Website www.mirada-medical.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Monica Healthcare<br />

Nominated by Catapult Venture Managers<br />

Monica Healthcare has developed a technology which can successfully<br />

monitor the heart rate of an unborn baby for long periods allowing an<br />

improved standard of obstetric care for both mother and baby. The<br />

technology, which is wireless, allows the mother to be able to move around<br />

as normal, something that is not possible with existing techniques such as<br />

ultrasound which require the mother to be immobile next to a large unit in a<br />

hospital.<br />

Monica Healthcare was formed in May 2005. After a £500k seed fundraising<br />

exercise, a £1million second round funding was raised in May 2007. Monica<br />

Healthcare is the culmination of 15 years of research at the School of Electrical<br />

and Electronic Engineering and the School of Human Development at the<br />

university of nottingham, uK.<br />

Key Management Dr Carl Barrett Chief Executive Officer<br />

Dr Jean François Pieri Chief Technical Officer<br />

Get in Touch carl.barrett@monicahealthcare.com<br />

Website www.monicahealthcare.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




88<br />

Nanosight<br />

Nominated by Shackleton Ventures<br />

nanosight makes instruments that analyse nano-particles which are sold to<br />

companies developing nano-materials and to universities, using direct sales in<br />

the uK and distributors elsewhere.<br />

Founding in 2002, nanosight is working with Oxford university on a project<br />

funded by the Wellcome Trust to identify heart diseases and cancer at a very<br />

early stage. nanosight’s technology is also capable of automatic detection of<br />

viruses. Sales are growing rapidly; they grew 70% in 2008 and are on track to<br />

more than double in 2009.<br />

The company was funded in its early days by seed capital from nESTA and<br />

Strathdon Investments; the company is now backed by Shackleton Ventures.<br />

nanosight has also raised funds from angel investors.<br />

Key Management John Knowles Chairman<br />

Get in Touch Johnknowles1@btinternet.com<br />

Website www.nanosightuk.co.uk<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Neoss<br />

Nominated by MMC Ventures<br />

neoss has developed a simple, yet comprehensive, dental implant system for<br />

replacing missing teeth. The patented system is built around a single platform<br />

which allows dental professionals to work with different implant diameters but<br />

only one set of instruments and fewer prosthetic components makings it easy<br />

to use in comparison to other systems. neoss continues to invest in research<br />

and development and recently launched a new implant that has a unique new<br />

surface treatment, allowing more rapid healing and bone formation.<br />

Co-founded in 2000 by a leading uK dental academic and a Swedish<br />

technologist, neoss now employs over 110 people with a turnover of £11.8m<br />

and was placed 20th in the ‘Sunday Times Tech Track 100’ fastest growing<br />

technology companies in 2008. It is headquartered in Harrogate with<br />

operations in Europe, north America, Australia and Japan and continues to look<br />

for opportunities to expand its global presence.<br />

In addition to MMC Ventures the business is also backed by Delta Partners<br />

and Medtronic Inc. as well as a number of high net worth individuals. The total<br />

investment to date is in excess of £20m<br />

Key Management Michael J Dormer Executive Chairman<br />

Professor Neil Meredith Chief Executive Officer<br />

Guy Leaver Chief Financial Officer<br />

Get in Touch mike.dormer@neoss.com<br />

Website www.neoss.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




90<br />

The Practice<br />

Nominated by MMC Ventures<br />

The Practice is one of the leading primary care companies in the uK, providing<br />

community-based healthcare for the nHS. The company delivers specialist<br />

clinical services, such as sexual health and dermatology, nationwide, for GPs,<br />

the Ministry of Defence and Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) as well as operating a<br />

growing network of GP surgeries and walk-in centres.<br />

Through its property division, The Practice owns GP surgeries and other medical<br />

facilities<br />

Key Management Peter Watts Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch peter.watts@thepracticeplc.com<br />

Website www.thepracticeplc.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Prosurgics<br />

Nominated by LA Investments<br />

Prosurgics is a uK developer of a new wave of surgical instruments such as<br />

Pathfinder, an image-guided intelligent robot for neurosurgery and Freehand,<br />

an endoscopic positioner & manipulator. The company has a strong patent<br />

portfolio and continues to pioneer new approaches in surgical technology.<br />

Through the use of the company’s surgical robots, doctors are able to perform<br />

less invasive interventions, faster surgery and more precise targeting. In<br />

addition, important financial benefits can be realised by hospitals and other<br />

healthcare providers.<br />

Prosurgics is an international company with sales across four continents and an<br />

American subsidiary.<br />

Key Management Bill Perry President<br />

Chris Robertson Global Marketing & Business<br />

Development Director<br />

Get in Touch crobertson@prosurgics.com<br />

Website www.prosurgics.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




92<br />

Provexis<br />

Nominated by EV<br />

Provexis Limited develops and licenses scientifically-proven functional food,<br />

medical food and dietary supplement technologies. A further technology for<br />

the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease was added to the portfolio in<br />

2003 by way of a joint venture with the university of Liverpool.<br />

The company was founded in 1999 by Dr Bill Mullen of Angle plc. Enterprise<br />

Ventures’ RisingStars Growth Fund first invested in the company in late 2002<br />

to support the early research and development of its CardioFlow® technology<br />

with an initial early stage investment of £300,000. The backer has continued<br />

to invest in and support the development of the company and appointed<br />

Jonathan Diggines, CEO of Enterprise Ventures, to the Board.<br />

In 2005 Provexis merged with nutrinnovator plc resulting in the existing AIMlisted<br />

Provexis plc entity..<br />

Key Management Stephen Moon Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch stephen.moon@provexis.com<br />

Website www.provexis.org<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Sirigen<br />

Nominated by Seraphim Capital<br />

Sirigen’s technology is based on a novel form of conductive polymers that<br />

have unique light harvesting properties which facilitate the amplification of light<br />

sources passed through them. Sirigen is applying this technology to focus on<br />

diagnostic and other healthcare applications.<br />

Sirigen’s enabling technology represents amplifies the sensitivity of a wide<br />

range of existing instrumentation and detection platforms by up to 100 fold.<br />

The company’s technology is applicable to the drug discovery industry which<br />

can use Sirigen to test the efficacy of new drugs; the life sciences industry<br />

which can use Sirigen to develop new detection platforms; and the diagnostics<br />

industry, which can work with Sirigen to optimise existing diagnostic<br />

techniques and to develop the next generation of diagnostic tools.<br />

Key Management Nick Kerton Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch nick.kerton@sirigen.com<br />

Website www.sirigen.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




94<br />

Stanmore Implants<br />

Worldwide<br />

Nominated by Abingworth<br />

Stanmore Implants is an orthopaedic company focused on saving and restoring<br />

the function of limbs and joints.<br />

The company provides patient-specific and standardised orthopaedic implants<br />

for limb salvage, complex joint replacement, and prosthetic attachment.<br />

Stanmore has developed an approach to securing prosthesis to the skeleton<br />

for patients who have lost limbs through trauma or disease. The technology<br />

enables smooth integration with the skin and no infection or scar retraction,<br />

which are common problems with prosthetics. Patients are able to sense heat<br />

and vibration through the replacement limb.<br />

Based in Stanmore (north of London), and co-located with the Royal national<br />

Orthopaedic Hospital and Centre for Biomedical Engineering, the company<br />

provides advanced solutions for specialised orthopaedic procedures.<br />

Key Management Brian Steer Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch Julie Campbell julie.campbell@stanmoreimplants.com<br />

Website www.stanmoreimplants.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />



mETAlS,<br />

plASTIcS<br />

& mInIng<br />

AlTERnATIvE EnERgy<br />

& TEchnOlOgIES<br />

BuSInESS SuppORT<br />

SERvIcES<br />

cOmpuTER<br />

SERvIcES, SOfTwARE<br />

& TElEcOmS<br />

mEDIcAl EquIpmEnT<br />

& SERvIcES<br />

mETAlS, plASTIcS<br />

& mInIng<br />

phARmAcEuTIcAlS<br />

& BIOTEchnOlOgy<br />

REcREATIOn<br />

& lEISuRE<br />

SpEcIAlITy OnlInE<br />


ARKeX<br />

Nominated by SEP<br />

SEP is a lead investor in uK based ARKeX, a world leader in geophysical surveys<br />

and services for the oil, gas and mining industries which was originally spun out<br />

of Oxford Instruments.<br />

The business has developed highly-sensitive gravity gradiometry technology,<br />

which, combined with patented data processing and interpretation methods,<br />

results in effective airborne exploration of potential new oil, gas or mineral<br />

reserves based on sensing their gravitational signatures. Its Blueqube surveys<br />

provide a high resolution and accurate picture of sub-surface geology, reducing<br />

uncertainty and risk for clients and enabling them to make better-informed<br />

decisions on exploration work.<br />

ARKeX is operating in a multi-billion dollar global survey market and has won a<br />

significant number of new commercial contracts from multinational oil and gas<br />

clients despite the major fall in oil prices in the last 12 months. The company<br />

recently secured a major three year supply contract with Algerian state oil and<br />

gas company Sonatrach.<br />

Key Management Kitty Hall Chief Executive Officer<br />

John Siegfried Chief Operating Officer<br />

Get in Touch enquiries@arkex.com<br />

Website www.arkex.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




100<br />

MBA Polymers<br />

Nominated by Doughty Hanson & Co<br />

MBA Polymers develops technology for the recovery of high value engineering<br />

plastics from complex durable goods streams such as computers, electronics,<br />

appliances, and automobiles.<br />

The company was founded in 1994 by Dr. Michael Biddle and Mr. Trip Allen<br />

to expand the research capabilities in the area of plastics recycling and to<br />

develop a commercial process for recovering plastics from complex streams<br />

of materials. The company, located in Richmond, California, operates a 90,000<br />

foot state-of-the-art research and commercial recycling operation.<br />

The company has received considerable support from a wide variety of<br />

stakeholders, including The American Plastics Council, the computer and<br />

electronics industry and federal agencies such as DOE, DOC, and EPA.<br />

Key Management Dr Michael Biddle President<br />

Get in Touch info@mbapolymers.com<br />

Website www.mbapolymers.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Metalysis<br />

Nominated by Environmental<br />

Technologies Fund<br />

Metalysis is the uK’s leading technology business for the global manufacture of<br />

special metals and alloys. using the FFC Process, the company has developed<br />

an important new technology for producing titanium, tantalum and other<br />

metals from the oxide.<br />

When compared to conventional technologies, Metalysis’s disruptive<br />

technology opens up a cheaper, less capital intensive and more<br />

environmentally favourable route to produce titanium, tantalum, and related<br />

high value alloys. Metalysis owns the worldwide exclusive exploitation rights to<br />

the FFC Process.<br />

While focused mainly at present on scaling up its innovative technology, the<br />

Metalysis business is already supplying low volumes of metallurgical grade<br />

powders. From 2010 the company will embark upon the commercialisation<br />

of its technology to compete with, and gain market share from, established<br />

production processes.<br />

The company’s South yorkshire base is the focal point for R&D, technology<br />

scale-up, IPR management and commercialisation of the FFC process. From<br />

its base Metalysis will manage a worldwide network of joint venture businesses<br />

and direct licences each exploiting one metal, application or alloy group.<br />

Key Management Mark Bertolini Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch Harry Pepper harry.pepper@metalysis.com<br />

Website www.metalysis.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




102<br />

Midland Industrial<br />

Glass<br />

Nominated by Midven<br />

Midland Industrial Glass Limited is a manufacturing company, employing 50<br />

people, located in the Black Country. It offers a bespoke service to customers<br />

providing items in toughened float and mirror glass to market sectors including:<br />

white goods, shop fitting, lighting, transport and leisure.<br />

In early 2005 the company’s second tier management team approached<br />

Midven seeking a management buyout. The buyout was completed without<br />

insolvency proceedings and in the first full financial year following the buyout<br />

the Company achieved a pre tax profit of £180,000 on £2.8m turnover and the<br />

following year, £480,000 on £3.2m turnover.<br />

Key Management Alan Taylor Managing Director<br />

Get in Touch enquire@miglass.com<br />

Website www.miglass.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Novel Polymers<br />

Nominated by Environmental<br />

Technologies Fund<br />

novel Polymers (nPS) was founded in november 2003 in order to exploit<br />

polymer technology invented and developed by uK Government research<br />

laboratories. Having established an exclusive licence to the technology, nPS has<br />

been working to apply it to specific applications across many industries.<br />

Initially, the company targeted applications such as adhesion promotion<br />

coatings, electrochemical membranes and solid electrolytes. nPS has since<br />

developed its technology for many other applications. The company works in<br />

partnership with industrial and product companies to develop products and<br />

services for new and existing markets.<br />

Partnerships now exist between nPS and large industrial companies active in<br />

many areas, including paper additives, paint, flooring, automotive, building<br />

materials and carbon industries.<br />

In a very short period of time, the business has gone from being a small<br />

research & development company to a cutting-edge product company with a<br />

large number of applicable markets.<br />

Key Management James Rolfe Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch info@novelpolymers.com<br />

Website www.novelpolymers.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />



phARmAcEuTIcAlS<br />

& BIOTEchnOlOgy<br />

AlTERnATIvE EnERgy<br />

& TEchnOlOgIES<br />

BuSInESS SuppORT<br />

SERvIcES<br />

cOmpuTER<br />

SERvIcES, SOfTwARE<br />

& TElEcOmS<br />

mEDIcAl EquIpmEnT<br />

& SERvIcES<br />

mETAlS, plASTIcS<br />

& mInIng<br />

phARmAcEuTIcAlS<br />

& BIOTEchnOlOgy<br />

REcREATIOn<br />

& lEISuRE<br />

SpEcIAlITy OnlInE<br />


ApaTech<br />

Nominated by MTI Firms<br />

ApaTech was established in 2001 and is an orthobiologics company. The<br />

company has developed a silicate substituted calcium phosphate bone graft<br />

material, Actifuse, the first of a new class of synthetic bone graft materials that<br />

combine osteoconductive, osteostimulatory and bioactive qualities resulting in<br />

accelerated bone growth.<br />

The company is backed by MTI, 3i and Healthcor; since its formation the<br />

company has raised more than uS$60m from investors.<br />

ApaTech has received several corporate business and research awards. Most<br />

recently it was awarded the Frost & Sullivan ‘2009 north American Biologics<br />

Company of the year’. In 2007 and 2008 ApaTech was recognized as Britain’s<br />

fastest growing medical technology company in the Sunday Times Fast Track<br />

100 fastest growing private companies review.<br />

ApaTech has operations in London (England), Massachusetts (uSA) and Berlin<br />

(Germany).<br />

Key Management Simon Cartmell Chief Executive Officer<br />

Bruce Powell Chief Financial Officer<br />

Get in Touch simon.cartmell@apatech.com<br />

Website www.apatech.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




108<br />

Astex Therapeutics<br />

Nominated by Abingworth<br />

Astex Therapeutics is a fragment based drug discovery company which<br />

discovers and develops small molecule therapeutic drugs with a focus on<br />

oncology and anti-viral compounds.<br />

The company has three products in the clinic and two at the pre-clinical stage.<br />

All of these products were discovered and developed using Astex’s proprietary<br />

drug discovery technology.<br />

In addition to its research programmes, Astex’s productivity in drug discovery<br />

has been endorsed through numerous partnerships with major pharmaceutical<br />

companies, including AstraZeneca, Bayer-Schering, Boehringer Ingelheim,<br />

novartis and Janssen Pharmaceutica..<br />

Astex has raised over £70m in three funding rounds. VC investors are<br />

Abingworth, Oxford BioScience, Apax, GIMV, Alta Partners and Advent<br />

International. The Company also has significant Corporate Investors: Bayer-<br />

Schering, novartis and Johnson & Johnson Development Corporation.<br />

Key Management Harren Jhoti Chief Executive Officer<br />

John Aston Chief Financial Officer<br />

Martin Buckland Chief Business Officer<br />

Get in Touch Jeremy Carmichael<br />

j .carmichael@astex-therapeutics.com<br />

Website www.astex-therapeutics.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

BioVex<br />

Nominated by SEP<br />

BioVex is a biotechnology company focused on the development and<br />

commercialisation of treatments for cancer and the prevention of infectious<br />

diseases. Global sales of cancer therapies grew to $48.2 billion in 2008, an<br />

increase of 11% on 2007 figures. BioVex’s platform technology has the<br />

potential to address a $6 billion market opportunity across a range of cancers.<br />

OncoVEX, the lead product, now in phase III clinical trials, is designed to<br />

replicate in solid tumours, triggering cancer cell death, while helping the<br />

patient’s own immune system to fight the cancer. BioVex’s second product,<br />

ImmunoVEX, a preventative vaccine for genital herpes, applies the same<br />

underlying platform technology. The company has developed its own<br />

manufacturing facility with sufficient capacity for commercial launch.<br />

SEP first invested in BioVex in 2003 and is the only uK venture capital investor<br />

in the business. Biovex was named in ‘Fierce Biotech’ Magazine among its<br />

‘Fierce 15’ leading global biotech businesses.<br />

Key Management Philip Astley-Sparke President &<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch pastleysparke@biovex.com<br />

Website www.biovex.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




110<br />

Cellnovo Limited<br />

Nominated by Advent Venture Partners<br />

Cellnovo is a visionary biotechnology company committed to bringing new<br />

freedom and ease-of-use to drug delivery.<br />

Cellnovo’s proprietary technology combines precise control of drug therapies<br />

with simple, intuitive operation. Patients benefit from greater portability and<br />

personalization, as well as more efficient management of life-saving therapies.<br />

The company’s wireless patch pump will be introduced to the diabetes market<br />

in 2009.<br />

Key Management William F. McKeon Chief Executive Officer<br />

Kelly Chessum Financial Operations<br />

Michael Graves Manufacturing<br />

Dr. Joseph Cefai Research & Development<br />

Get in Touch info@cellnovo.com<br />

Website www.cellnovo.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Cellzome<br />

Nominated by Atlas Venture<br />

Cellzome identifies new treatments for inflammatory diseases such as asthma.<br />

The company’s pipeline of small-molecule therapeutics is driven by a<br />

technology called Kinobeads which screens and profiles kinases in cells and<br />

tissues..<br />

Cellzome has attracted and formed key strategic alliances with large<br />

pharmaceutical corporations such as GSK and Johnson & Johnson. Cellzome<br />

and GSK entered into a multi-million dollar global strategic alliance in<br />

September 2008.<br />

Key Management Timothy P. W. Edwards Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch info@cellzone.com<br />

Website www.cellzome.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




112<br />

Destiny Pharma<br />

Nominated by Longbow Capital LLP<br />

Destiny Pharma is a pharmaceutical company focused on the development of<br />

novel medicines that represent a different approach to infectious disease.<br />

Destiny Pharma has developed a portfolio of drug compounds that have been<br />

shown to work in such a way that bacteria are unable to develop resistance<br />

to repeated dosing. The compounds are being developed in order to prevent<br />

and treat superbugs such as MRSA. MRSA in the community suggests that<br />

infections due to multidrug-resistant bacteria are set to rise even further.<br />

Traditional research has failed to fully address these problems. Destiny Pharma<br />

is pursuing revolutionary approaches to the prevention and treatment of these<br />

types of public health issues.<br />

Key Management Dr Bill Love Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch busdev@destinypharma.com<br />

Website www.destinypharma.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

EpiStem Holdings Plc.<br />

Nominated by Calculus Capital<br />

EpiStem Holdings is a uK-based biotechnology company focused on<br />

developing therapies for diseases including cancer, gastrointestinal diseases<br />

and skin damage.<br />

The company’s expertise is centred on the regulation of adult stem cells<br />

located in epithelial tissue. As well as developing innovative therapeutic and<br />

diagnostic biomarkers, EpiStem has a successful contract research division<br />

which earns over 50% of its revenues from overseas customers. EpiStem has<br />

established working relationships with over 100 pharmaceutical companies.<br />

Calculus Capital (via its Early Intervening Services (EIS) funds) was the founder<br />

investor in the start-up company, the sole participant in a follow on funding in<br />

2001 and has provided financial support for EpiStem in later funding rounds.<br />

Key Management Matthew Walls Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch s.leonard@epistem.co.uk<br />

Website www.epistem.co.uk<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




114<br />

Oxford BioTherapeutics<br />

Nominated by Catapult Venture Managers<br />

Oxford BioTherapeutics is focused on the development of targeted medicines<br />

in the field of cancer.<br />

Formed in 2004, the company has signed strategic partnerships with the leading<br />

antibody companies Medarex, Biosite and Amgen to build a broad pipeline of<br />

novel antibody therapeutics using its unique Oxford Genome Anatomy Project<br />

platform. Oxford BioTherapeutics intends to develop companion diagnostics<br />

for selected antibody programmes. The company expects to improve disease<br />

management and treatment outcomes by integrating diagnostics into product<br />

development and commercialisation activities.<br />

Oxford BioTherapeutics is based near Oxford, uK.<br />

Key Management Dr. Christian Rohlff Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch execpa@oxbt.co.uk<br />

Website www.oxbt.co.uk<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Oxitec Limited<br />

Nominated by Oxford Capital Partners<br />

Oxitec Limited was founded in 2002 to develop and commercialize leading<br />

edge science and technology invented at the university of Oxford, namely<br />

environmentally friendly pest control.<br />

Oxitec has developed and patented a technology platform for the sterile insect<br />

technique. This platform is called RIDL and is the basis for providing effective<br />

and environment friendly pest control to agriculture and public health. Oxitec<br />

has generated product candidates for four insect pest control markets, and<br />

has advanced its lead candidate to the final testing phase of the development<br />

pathway in the uSA.<br />

The company’s approach to insect control was recognised by the Bill and<br />

Melinda Gates Foundation Grand Challenges for Global Health Initiative with<br />

an award as part of a $20 million consortium developing genetic strategies<br />

to control disease-carrying mosquitoes. They have also been recognised as a<br />

Technology Pioneer at the World Economic Forum.<br />

Key Management Haydn Parry Chief Executive Officer<br />

Luke Alphey Research Director<br />

Get in Touch haydn.parry@oxitec.com<br />

Website www.oxitec.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




116<br />

R5pharmaceuticals Ltd<br />

Nominated by Catapult Venture Managers<br />

R5pharmaceuticals was established in 2006 at BioCity in nottingham to provide<br />

a scientifically based formulation development, analytical chemistry and GMP<br />

service to the global biotech and pharmaceutical industry.<br />

R5 develops and manufactures new medicines and clinical trial materials for<br />

Phase 1 and Phase 2 clinical trials. Projects include most dosage forms. R5’s<br />

facility includes a sterile unit, aimed to capitalise on the shortage of sterile<br />

manufacturing capacity in Europe. The company also specialises in analytical<br />

services, with customers including northern Foods.<br />

Key Management Paul Titley Chief Executive Officer<br />

Dr David Jordan Chief Scientific Officer<br />

Get in Touch Dr Glenn Crocker g.crocker@biocity.co.uk<br />

Website www.r5pharma.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Renovo<br />

Nominated by Atlas Venture<br />

Renovo was founded in 2000, floated on the London Stock exchange in 2006<br />

and now employs over 170 full time members of staff.<br />

The company is the world leader in scar prevention and reduction research,<br />

developing pharmaceutical products to prevent and reduce scarring in the skin,<br />

blood vessels, eyes, nerves, internal organs, tendons and ligaments. The lead<br />

drug, Juvista, has demonstrated significantly reduced scarring in the skin, which<br />

alone represents a multi-million dollar market of unmet medical need.<br />

Renovo’s exceptional team of highly experienced and innovative scientists<br />

and clinicians have started to build their commercial capability. Based in<br />

Manchester at the heart of a thriving centre for pharmaceutical research,<br />

Renovo has built a portfolio of drugs that have reached phase 2 and phase 3<br />

of clinical development, as well as a rich pipeline at all stages of pre-clinical R&D.<br />

Key Management Professor Mark Ferguson Co- founder &<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />

Simon Bielecki VP, Communications<br />

Get in Touch reception@renovo.co.uk<br />

Website www.renovo.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




118<br />

Steritrox<br />

Nominated by WHEB Ventures<br />

Stockport based Steritrox has developed a chemical free room disinfectant<br />

process that kills pathogens including Listeria, C.Difficle, E. coli and MRSA and<br />

are followed by a quenching process which allows quick re-entry into a room.<br />

Steritrox’s technology safely harnesses the science of advanced oxidation to<br />

release hydroxyl free radicals that simultaneously disinfect both surface and<br />

airborne pathogens, effectively killing a broad spectrum of bacteria, viruses,<br />

moulds and yeasts.<br />

The company’s process is rapid, does not use expensive or harmful consumable<br />

chemicals and can be operated by janitorial personnel with little extra training.<br />

It is currently targeting the food processing and healthcare sectors.<br />

The technology has a wide application potential and the company is currently<br />

targeting the food processing industry through its Radical brand and the<br />

healthcare sector through its Meditrox brand.<br />

Key Management Peter Townley Managing Director<br />

Get in Touch Hazel Hart hazel.hart@steritrox.com<br />

Website www.steritrox.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Syntaxin Ltd<br />

Nominated by Abingworth<br />

Established in 2005, Syntaxin is a biopharmaceutical company that engineers<br />

and develops bacterial-based protein therapeutics for the treatment for<br />

neurological, inflammatory and endocrine diseases.<br />

The biopharmaceutical company’s proprietary technology platform enables<br />

the engineering of bacterial proteins by domain substitution, to produce novel<br />

cell-specific biotherapeutics that inhibit cell secretion. These products can have<br />

therapeutic effects in a wide range of indications.<br />

The company closed a $12M Series A financing in november 2005, led by<br />

Abingworth Management. In October 2007, Syntaxin secured a further $32M<br />

Series B financing led by investors including Abingworth.<br />

Key Management Patrick Doyle Chief Executive Officer<br />

Dr Eduard Holdener Non Executive Director<br />

Get in Touch info@syntaxin.com<br />

Website www.syntaxin.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




120<br />

Vantia Therapeutics<br />

Nominated by SV Life Sciences Managers<br />

Vantia Therapeutics is an emerging pharmaceutical company developing<br />

novel, small molecule drugs targeting large, under-served medical markets. This<br />

leading research-based healthcare company is dedicated to improving clinical<br />

treatments through the development and commercialisation of medicines.<br />

Vantia was spun out from Ferring Research Ltd in 2008 and its product pipeline<br />

is driven by a management team with 21 years’ experience in this field. The<br />

company intends to develop its lead products over the next two years to the<br />

point where larger pharmaceutical companies will partner the programs from<br />

them.<br />

Based in Southampton Science Park, uK, Vantia’s team of 16 scientists have fully<br />

equipped facilities for medicinal chemistry, DMPK and lead discovery.<br />

Key Management Dr Jim Phillips Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch Carol Baker cmb@vantia.com<br />

Website www.vantiatherapeutics.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />



REcREATIOn<br />

& lEISuRE<br />

AlTERnATIvE EnERgy<br />

& TEchnOlOgIES<br />

BuSInESS SuppORT<br />

SERvIcES<br />

cOmpuTER<br />

SERvIcES, SOfTwARE<br />

& TElEcOmS<br />

mEDIcAl EquIpmEnT<br />

& SERvIcES<br />

mETAlS, plASTIcS<br />

& mInIng<br />

phARmAcEuTIcAlS<br />

& BIOTEchnOlOgy<br />

REcREATIOn<br />

& lEISuRE<br />

SpEcIAlITy OnlInE<br />


City Screen Cinemas<br />

Nominated by Albion Ventures<br />

City Screen is a leading art house cinema operator, operating twelve cinemas,<br />

mainly in university cities and programs for various other cinemas groups.<br />

City Screen was formed in 1989 to challenge the multiplex cinema model and<br />

provide cinemas that serve their communities in city centre locations. It is now<br />

the leading independent cinema operator and the fourth largest in the uK.<br />

The company’s main focus has been on independent art-house and foreignlanguage<br />

films. Each of the cinemas is programmed in response to its local<br />

audience, and most of venues also show mainstream blockbusters and quality<br />

crossover titles.<br />

City Screen opened its first custom-built cinema, Clapham Picturehouse and<br />

since then has grown steadily through a mixture of new builds and acquisitions,<br />

particularly in university cities such as Oxford, Cambridge, London, Brighton and<br />

york. Albion Venture’s has made six cinema investments in conjunction with<br />

City Screen.<br />

Key Management Lyn Goleby Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch lyn.g@picturehouses.co.uk<br />

Website www.picturehouses.co.uk<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




126<br />

Hubdub<br />

Nominated by Pentech Ventures<br />

Hubdub is a developer of software for prediction markets. The software<br />

allows users to make predictions about a wide range of events. In the past,<br />

Hubdubbers have correctly predicted the outcome of the uS presidential<br />

elections, including the complete distribution of the electoral college votes. But<br />

they have also correctly predicted more whimsical outcomes such as X-Factor<br />

results.<br />

Hubdub users stake virtual money (H$ - Hubdub dollars) on predictions about<br />

the outcomes of real news stories. If the user predicts correctly, he wins more;<br />

if he is wrong, he loses what he staked. The more Hubdub dollars you have the<br />

better Hubdubber you are (shown by your star level) and the higher on the<br />

leader boards you climb.<br />

Over recent months, Hubdub have developed partnerships with online media<br />

sites such as The Huffington Post, Thomson Reuters and The Independent who<br />

are providing Hubdub with even more topical and exciting questions on today’s<br />

news stories.<br />

Key Management Nigel Eccles Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch nigel@hubdub.com<br />

Website www.hubdub.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Leon Restaurants<br />

Nominated by Active Equity Partners<br />

Leon is a leading ‘fast-casual’ restaurant-chain providing high quality healthy<br />

food in a relaxed and stylish environment. The restaurants have received<br />

recognition from the RSPCA for the care the company takes sourcing their<br />

ingredients.<br />

The first Leon restaurant opened in September 2004 on Carnaby Street,<br />

London and the company has steadily grown into a chain of 9 restaurants – 8<br />

in London and 1 in Bluewater, Essex. Continued expansion plans are in place.<br />

In the last 3/4 years, the company has trebled in size and reached profitability.<br />

Current sales have reached £10 million and like-for-like growth is 10%<br />

Key Management Henry Dimbleby Founder & CEO<br />

John Vincent Founder<br />

Nick Evans Chairman<br />

Simon Drysdale Finance Director<br />

Get in Touch henry@leonrestaurants.co.uk<br />

Website www.leonrestaurants.co.uk<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




128<br />

Mind Candy<br />

Nominated by Spark Ventures<br />

Mind Candy was founded in 2004 and develops multi-player online games.<br />

Mind Candy’s current focus is Moshi Monsters, a virtual world for children<br />

(7-11 year olds) where they can adopt their own online pet monster. Players<br />

nurture their monster, design its house, play educational puzzle games, as well<br />

as communicate with friends within a safe social network. Moshi Monsters is<br />

profitable and one of the fastest growing children’s sites in the world. There<br />

are currently over 5m registered users with 1m+ new players signing up every<br />

month.<br />

Mind Candy is based in London and develops new types of Social Multi-Player<br />

Online Games. The company’s first product was the groundbreaking Perplex<br />

City, and they are now focused on their new game, Moshi Monsters.<br />

The company has raised $10m in venture capital from Index Ventures, Accel<br />

Partners and Spark Ventures.<br />

Key Management Michael Smith Chief Executive Officer<br />

Ed Relf Head of Global Marketing<br />

Get in Touch ed@mindcandy.com<br />

Website www.mindcandy.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Quick.tv<br />

Nominated by northStar Equity Investors<br />

quick.tv has developed a toolset that allows digital media content to be<br />

transformed from plain video into an interactive experience. The quick.tv<br />

platform has been developed as a response to the rise in popularity of online<br />

video – now a prerequisite of any professional website. For example, users may<br />

be viewing an online video clip of a fashion show and by clicking on the model,<br />

will find more detail on the clothing and be directed to the point of purchase.<br />

Founded by entrepreneurs nick Bell and Tod yeadon, quick.tv is aimed at<br />

design, production and digital agencies, publishing companies as well as SMEs<br />

and ‘e-tailers’ who want to increase impulse purchasing. The technology is free<br />

and clients are able to choose from a selection of tariffs to publish the video<br />

through quick.tv’s hosting facility.<br />

northStar Equity Investors has backed the company since 2006 helping<br />

the business get off the ground with £60,000 Proof of Concept funding<br />

in December 2006, followed by £500,000 from its Co-Investment Fund in<br />

november 2007. nSEI has now pledged a further £210,000 as part of the<br />

latest round with the remainder coming from existing investors and new<br />

business angels.<br />

Key Management Nick Bell Co-founder<br />

Tod Yeadon Co-founder<br />

Get in Touch info@quick.tv<br />

Website www.quick.tv<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




130<br />

The Weybridge Club Ltd<br />

Nominated by Albion Ventures<br />

The Weybridge Club Ltd (“TWCL”) owns and operates a premier health and<br />

fitness club in Weybridge, Surrey.<br />

The club is located on a 30 acre freehold site in the greenbelt and offers<br />

upmarket health club facilities in an attractive rural setting. It provides a state of<br />

the art gym, two exercise studios, pool, tennis courts, a five-a-side football pitch,<br />

beauty treatment rooms, lounge and crèche.<br />

The club is run by CEO Huw Watson, an experienced health and fitness club<br />

entrepreneur, who had previously developed a chain of 5 health and fitness<br />

clubs under the “Viva!” brand. Viva! was sold to Livingwell, itself acquired<br />

by Hilton Hotels Group. TWCL opened to members in May 2007 and its<br />

membership base continues to grow.<br />

Key Management Huw Watson Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch Contact via website<br />

Website www.theweybridgeclub.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />



SpEcIAlITy<br />

OnlInE<br />

BuSInESSES<br />

AlTERnATIvE EnERgy<br />

& TEchnOlOgIES<br />

BuSInESS SuppORT<br />

SERvIcES<br />

cOmpuTER<br />

SERvIcES, SOfTwARE<br />

& TElEcOmS<br />

mEDIcAl EquIpmEnT<br />

& SERvIcES<br />

mETAlS, plASTIcS<br />

& mInIng<br />

phARmAcEuTIcAlS<br />

& BIOTEchnOlOgy<br />

REcREATIOn<br />

& lEISuRE<br />

SpEcIAlITy OnlInE<br />


Active Hotels<br />

Nominated by Albion Ventures<br />

Active Hotels is one of Europe’s leading online reservation providers to the<br />

hotel industry, with over 52,000 hotels in thousands of destinations. Since<br />

1999, 5.9 million hotel bookings have been made using Active Hotels.<br />

Active Hotels’ instant, online booking service is fast, convenient and secure.<br />

Active Hotels shows up-to-the-minute availability so customers can book their<br />

hotel rooms online with complete confidence.<br />

Active Hotels was founded in 1999 in Cambridge, uK. In September 2004<br />

Close Venture Management Limited (now Albion Ventures LLP) exited its<br />

investment in Active Hotels Limited for an impressive return of over ten times<br />

its original stake, following the successful £90 million disposal to nasdaq listed<br />

PriceLine.com. The investment took less than three years to mature and<br />

represented £10.4 million exit proceeds on an original investment of £1m by<br />

Close.<br />

Key Management Dr Andrew Philipps Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch feedback@activehotels.com<br />

Website www.activehotels.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




136<br />

BrightSale<br />

Nominated by Aspiration Capital<br />

Management<br />

BrightSale is an online estate agency that combines the low fee (0.5%) of a ‘sell<br />

it yourself’ agency with a full service offering backed by dedicated negotiators<br />

who handle each sale personally. BrightSale.com now boasts over 900<br />

property listings from the uK and overseas. The company is run by a team of<br />

experienced estate agents in Manchester and was first backed by Aspiration<br />

Capital Management in 2006.<br />

BrightSale uses technology to smooth the process wherever possible; for<br />

instance, customers can talk directly to a buyer or seller through a secure<br />

messaging system when necessary.<br />

Key Management Andy Etches Managing Director<br />

Get in Touch info@brightsale.co.uk<br />

Website www.brightsale.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Espresso Group Limited<br />

Nominated by Beringea<br />

Established in 1997, Espresso is one of the uK’s leading educational digital<br />

content companies and is used for teaching and learning in primary and<br />

secondary schools across the country.¬¬¬ The company has developed a range<br />

of multimedia teaching resources that are curriculum-aligned.<br />

Espresso was founded by Lewis Bronze, a former Editor of Blue Peter and<br />

received its first round of venture capital investment in 2001. After several<br />

further investments, revenues have grown from less than £1 million in 2001<br />

to almost £20 million. Employee numbers have also grown from a handful to<br />

approximately 150.<br />

Key Management Lewis Bronze Chief Executive Officer<br />

Richard McGrath Managing Director<br />

Get in Touch Heidi Delaloye hdelaloye@espresso.co.uk<br />

Website www.espresso.co.uk<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




138<br />

Ethicalsuperstore.com<br />

Nominated by northStar Equity Investors<br />

Founded in 2004, www.ethicalsuperstore.com sells over 5,000 eco-friendly<br />

and fair trade products from around the world. All products carry an ethical or<br />

values-based credential such as ‘fair trade’, ‘organic’ or ‘recycled’.<br />

Operating in the uK’s £32 billion market for ethical and fair trade goods, the<br />

company has its sights set on becoming the web’s ‘ethical Amazon’ providing a<br />

place for eco-friendly, organic and fair trade products.<br />

northStar Equity Investors has invested £250k from its Co-Investment Fund<br />

(CoIF) as part of a merger deal in which it combined two of the uK’s biggest<br />

online ethical retailers; www.ethicalsuperstore.com and www.naturalcollection.<br />

com. nSEI has since supported the growth of www.ethicalsuperstore.com<br />

by investing a further £500k, in April 2007, and £550k in August last year, both<br />

through its CoIF Fund.<br />

Key Management Andy Refern Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch tim@pointov.com<br />

Website www.ethicalsuperstore.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Flirtomatic<br />

Nominated by Doughty House,<br />

Seraphim Capital<br />

Flirtomatic has pioneered the creation of social networks for people who<br />

do not know each other and allows users to message each other directly,<br />

immediately and in absolute privacy.<br />

Flirtomatic has created a free mobile service supported by a virtual economy<br />

where users spend money to get access to special features and options such as<br />

sending virtual gifts, personal promotion and location-based services.<br />

In the uK Flirtomatic has more than 1.5 million users who send over 1 million<br />

messages a day and generate over 140 million page impressions every<br />

month. The service has delivered over 1 billion advertisements and 2 billion<br />

advertisement impressions and is the second highest generator of data traffic<br />

on the Vodafone network.<br />

Key Management Avi Azulai Founder<br />

Mark Curtis Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch mark@flirtomatic.com<br />

Website www.flirtomatic.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




140<br />

Livebookings<br />

Nominated by Balderton Capital<br />

Management<br />

Livebookings is Europe’s largest online marketing and reservations service for<br />

the restaurant industry.<br />

Livebookings enables people to make online reservations on restaurant websites<br />

and helps restaurants to access customers who would otherwise be difficult<br />

to reach through a global network of partners including Time Out, qype,<br />

lastminute.com, Salir.com, Ticketmaster and Eniro.se.<br />

The Ivy, The Ritz, Gordon Ramsay Holdings, Tantris, East, Grill and La Vaca<br />

Argentina are among Livebookings’ 20,000 restaurant clients.<br />

Headquartered in London, with offices in Hamburg, Stockholm and Madrid and<br />

customers based throughout 19 countries. In 2008 Livebookings took over 2.4<br />

million bookings to restaurants worldwide and the company is ranked as one of<br />

the top 30 fastest growing digital media companies in Europe.<br />

Key Management Christopher Persson Managing Director<br />

Get in Touch Renette Youssef renette.youssef@livebookings.net<br />

Website www.livebookings.net<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

LOVEFiLM<br />

Nominated by DFJ Esprit<br />

Balderton Capital Management<br />

LOVEFiLM is Europe’s leading online DVD rental subscription service with one<br />

million members and operates in the uK, Germany, Sweden, norway and<br />

Denmark. In just over five years, LOVEFiLM has grown to become the uK’s third<br />

largest home entertainment subscription service.<br />

Growth within the company has been fast, helped by innovation, as well as<br />

acquisitions. Since launching, LOVEFiLM has been through 11 mergers and<br />

acquisitions across Europe, demonstrating each time skill in picking the right<br />

market and the right opportunity. As an entrepreneurial business, the company<br />

is pro-active and quick to act.<br />

Key Management Simon Calver Chief Executive Officer<br />

Simon Morris Chief Financial Officer<br />

Get in Touch Press Office pr@lovefilm.com<br />

Website www.lovefilm.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




142<br />

Notonthehighstreet.com<br />

Nominated by SPARK Ventures<br />

notonthehighstreet.com is an online marketplace that helps small businesses,<br />

whose products are not usually stocked by big retailers, reach a far wider<br />

audience than they would usually encounter.<br />

notonthehighstreet.com was established in 2006 by two former small business<br />

owners to fill a gap in the internet shopping market. The founders wanted to<br />

create an umbrella website for small businesses to sell their quality, creative<br />

products to consumers who are searching to buy something more creative,<br />

original or personalised than usual high-street wares.<br />

The website allows customers to browse products from around 900 small<br />

businesses, add those they wish to buy to one shopping basket and pay for<br />

these purchases in one simple transaction. Each seller then gets in touch<br />

with customers to confirm dispatch and delivery. The process is simple for<br />

customers and ensures global exposure for small businesses traditionally<br />

restricted by geography.<br />

Key Management Sophie Cornish Managing Director<br />

Holly Tucker Managing Director<br />

Get in Touch Emma Wood press@notonthehighstreet.com<br />

Website www.notonthehighstreet.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Seatwave<br />

Nominated by Fidelity Ventures<br />

Seatwave allows customers to buy or sell tickets over an online exchange.<br />

Tickets can be sold at any price selected by the seller, including below and<br />

above the face value printed on the ticket. Seatwave charges buyers a 15%<br />

service charge and sellers a 10% success fee (although it doesn’t charge listing<br />

fee) which, enables them to provide a dedicated customer service team and<br />

consumer protection guarantees.<br />

The company offers two consumer protection guarantees. TicketIntegrity<br />

guarantees that all tickets come from legitimate sources only. Seatwave’s<br />

TicketCover insurance, a joint venture with Mondial Insurance, refunds the<br />

full cost of tickets purchased on the site (including postage and packing) if an<br />

event is cancelled or if the ticket holder is unable to make it to the venue for a<br />

variety of reasons including motor breakdown, injury or jury service.<br />

In the past year the company has grown significantly and solidified a leading<br />

position in the online secondary ticketing market in the uK and across Europe.<br />

Key Management Joe Cohen Chief Executive Officer<br />

Richard Hurd-Wood Chief Operating Officer &<br />

UK Manager<br />

Get in Touch Taryn Walker taryn.walker@seatwave.com<br />

Website www.seatwave.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




144<br />

Skyscanner<br />

Nominated by SEP<br />

Formed in 2001 by three software engineers who liked to travel, Skyscanner is a<br />

flight search engine company based in Edinburgh, with a second development<br />

centre in Poland. The management’s ambition is to have every airline, route, and<br />

seat price available on their web site to make planning and booking travel easier.<br />

Skyscanner’s flight search engine allows users to browse for flights via price and<br />

location. The product’s additional tools, including fare graphs, allow users to<br />

compare flight prices of any given route over a month period, or the price of<br />

weekend flights from any given city.<br />

Since raising venture capital the company has expanded significantly with<br />

approximately 7m customers using the website and referring over £20m of<br />

ticket sales each month. The company is now in the top 10 of all travel related<br />

websites in the uK and is the largest travel search site used in all countries across<br />

Europe.<br />

The company has won numerous web awards. It is growing strongly and<br />

profitably and is rapidly becoming a significant European internet business.<br />

Key Management Gareth William Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer<br />

Barry Smith Co-founder &<br />

Director of Business Development<br />

Get in Touch Lara Bayley lara@skyscanner.net<br />

Website www.skyscanner.net<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Slurp<br />

Nominated by Aspiration Capital<br />

Management<br />

Slurp is an online wine retailer, initially backed by Aspiration Capital in 2006.<br />

The company has a product database of 2,000 wines and a rapidly growing<br />

following of customers.<br />

Slurp has one of the most comprehensive ranges of wines available online,<br />

from all over the world. Slurp is not a ‘virtual’ wine merchant like the rest of the<br />

market; the wine is warehoused in a facility in Oxfordshire. The company also<br />

works with wholesalers to bring their customers wines that are often not easy<br />

to find online.<br />

Key Management Paul Mitchell Co-founder<br />

Nico Sunnocks Co-founder<br />

Get in Touch nico@slurp.co.uk<br />

Website www.slurp.co.uk<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />




146<br />

Wonga<br />

Nominated by Balderton Capital Management<br />

Dawn Capital<br />

Wonga is an online lender and one of the uK’s most innovative credit<br />

businesses. The company is different from other online lenders because its<br />

risk and decision engine means the application and approval process takes just<br />

minutes to complete.<br />

Wonga is a flexible short-term lender, allowing applicants to choose exactly how<br />

much cash they want to borrow and for how many days they need it. Wonga<br />

customers needn’t borrow a fixed sum they might not require or pay interest<br />

for any longer than necessary. Wonga offers short term loans of between five<br />

days and a month and makes a profit when customers repay, not by continually<br />

extending a growing line of credit.<br />

The company, based in London, launched its first website in October 2007.<br />

Key Management Errol Damelin Chief Executive Officer<br />

Get in Touch errol.damelin@wonga.com<br />

Website www.wonga.com<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />



cOmpAny<br />

InDEx<br />

AlTERnATIvE EnERgy<br />

& TEchnOlOgIES<br />

BuSInESS SuppORT<br />

SERvIcES<br />

cOmpuTER<br />

SERvIcES, SOfTwARE<br />

& TElEcOmS<br />

mEDIcAl EquIpmEnT<br />

& SERvIcES<br />

mETAlS, plASTIcS<br />

& mInIng<br />

phARmAcEuTIcAlS<br />

& BIOTEchnOlOgy<br />

REcREATIOn<br />

& lEISuRE<br />

SpEcIAlITy OnlInE<br />


Company Index<br />

A<br />

ACAL Energy Limited 9<br />

Active Health Partners 25<br />

Active Hotels 135<br />

AdaptiveMobile 49<br />

Agri.capital 10<br />

Antix Labs Ltd. 50<br />

ApaTech 107<br />

Aria Networks 26<br />

Arieso 51<br />

ARKeX 99<br />

Astex Therapeutics 108<br />

Audium Semi 52<br />

B<br />

BioVex 108<br />

Blackbay Ltd 53<br />

Bloxx Ltd 54<br />

BrightSale 136<br />

Buy.at 27<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />

COMPAny InDEX<br />


COMPAny InDEX<br />

152<br />

C<br />

Cambridge Broadband Networks 56<br />

CamSemi 55<br />

Cascade Technologies Ltd 11<br />

Cellnovo Limited 110<br />

Cellzome 111<br />

Chemrec 12<br />

City Screen Cinemas 125<br />

Clash Media 28<br />

Clearpace 57<br />

Cognitive Match 58<br />

Consilium Technologies Ltd. 59<br />

Controlled Power Technologies 13<br />

CyDen 81<br />

D<br />

Daysoft ® 82<br />

Destiny Pharma 112<br />

Durham Mag-Lev Ltd 29<br />

E<br />

Edenbrook Ltd 30<br />

Elateral 31<br />

EpiStem Holdings Plc. 113<br />

Espresso Group Limited 137<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

E-Stack 14<br />

Ethicalsuperstore.com 138<br />

Exosect 15<br />

F<br />

Fizzback Group 32<br />

Flirtomatic 139<br />

Forth Dimension Displays 60<br />

Freerunner 61<br />

G<br />

Gambling Compliance 33<br />

Garlik 62<br />

Gigle Semiconductor 63<br />

Glysure 83<br />

H<br />

Hubdub 126<br />

Healthcare Learning Company Ltd 84<br />

Helveta 16<br />

I<br />

iiPAY 34<br />

Icera 64<br />

i-nexus 65<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />

COMPAny InDEX<br />


COMPAny InDEX<br />

154<br />

ip.access 66<br />

L<br />

Lagan 35<br />

Leon Restaurants 127<br />

Livebookings 140<br />

LOVEFiLM 142<br />

M<br />

Maxymiser 36<br />

MBA Polymers 100<br />

Medtrade Products Ltd 85<br />

Mergermarket Limited 37<br />

Metaforic 67<br />

Metalysis 101<br />

Midland Industrial Glass 102<br />

Mind Candy 128<br />

Mirada Medical 86<br />

MirriAd 38<br />

Monica Healthcare 87<br />

N<br />

Nanosight 88<br />

Neoss 89<br />

New Earth Solutions 17<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

Nomad 68<br />

Nomad Payments Limited 39<br />

Notonthehighstreet.com 142<br />

Novel Polymers 103<br />

Nujira 69<br />

O - P<br />

Oxford BioTherapeutics 114<br />

Oxitec Limited 115<br />

picoChip 70<br />

Plant Impact 18<br />

PlasticLogic 71<br />

The Practice 90<br />

Prosurgics 91<br />

Provexis 92<br />

Q - R<br />

Quick.tv 129<br />

Renovo 117<br />

R5pharmaceuticals Ltd 116<br />

S<br />

SalesPush 40<br />

Seatwave 143<br />

Secerno 72<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />

COMPAny InDEX<br />


COMPAny InDEX<br />

156<br />

Sirigen 93<br />

Skyscanner 144<br />

Slurp 145<br />

Small World Financial Services 41<br />

Stanmore Implants Worldwide 94<br />

Sterecycle 19<br />

Steritrox 118<br />

STX Services 42<br />

Syntaxin Ltd 119<br />

T - V<br />

TestPlant 73<br />

Thomsons Online Benefits 43<br />

Tinglobal 74<br />

Vantia Therapeutics 120<br />

vc-net 44<br />

Vertical Wind Energy 20<br />

VirtenSys 45<br />

W - Z<br />

The Weybridge Club Ltd 130<br />

Wonga 146<br />

XMOS 75<br />

Yuuguu Limited 76<br />

Zeus 77<br />

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk

t: 020 7420 1800 e: bvca@bvca.co.uk w: bvca.co.uk<br />

cOmpAny InDEx<br />


<strong>BVCA</strong><br />

1st floor north, Brettenham house,<br />

lancaster place, london, wc2E 7En<br />

T: 020 7420 1800<br />

f: 020 7420 1801<br />

E: bvca@bvca.co.uk<br />


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