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Copyright Malvin Porter, Jr. 2010 - acumen - The University of ... Copyright Malvin Porter, Jr. 2010 - acumen - The University of ...
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Bandura, A. (1999). Moral disengagement in the perpetration on inhumanities. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 3, 193-209. Bandura, A., Capra, V., Barbaranelli, C., Pastorelli, C., & Regalia, C. (2001). Sociocognitive self-regulatory mechanisms governing transgressive behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80, 125-135. Banks, R. (1997). Bullying in schools (Bullying No. ERIC Report No. EDO-PS-97-170). Champaign, IL: University of Illinois. Bare, L. A. (2006). Examining friendship and empathy in early adolescents' responding to teasing. Unpublished Dissertation, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. Bebeau, M. J., & Thoma, S. J. (1999). Intermediate concepts and the connection to moral education. Educational Psychology Review, 11(4), 343-360. Becker, G. (1974). Crime and punishment: An economic approach. In G. Becker & W. Landes (Eds.), Essays in the economics of crime and punishment (pp. 1-54). New York, NY: Macmillan. Berkowitz, L. (1993a). Aggression: Its causes, consequences, and control. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Bjorkqvist, K., Lagerspetz, J. M. J., & Kaukiainen, A. (1992). Do girls manipulate and boys fight? Developmental trends in regard to direct and indirect aggression. Aggressive Behavior, 18, 117-127. Bjorkqvist, K., Osterman, K., & Kaukiainen, A. (1992). The development of direct and indirect aggressive strategies in males and females. In K. Bjorkqvist & P. Niemelia (Eds.), Of mice and women: Aspects of female aggression (pp. 51-64). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. Block, J. H. (1983). Differential premises arising from differential socialization of the sexes: Some conjectures. Child Development, 54, 1335-1354. Boulton, M., & Underwood, K. (1992). Bully/victim problems among middle school children. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 62, 73-87. Bowlby, J. (1980). Attachment and loss: Loss, sadness and depression (Vol. III). New York, NY: Basic Books. Boxer, P., & Tisak, M. S. (2005). A social cognitive information-processing model for schoolbased aggression reduction and prevention programs: Issues for research and practice. Applied and Preventive Psychology, 10, 177-192. 162

Brewster, A. B., & Bowen, G. L. (2004). Teacher support and the school engagement of Latino middle and high school students at risk of school failure. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 21(1), 47–67. Buhs, E. S., Ladd, G. W., & Herald, S. L. (2006). Peer exclusion and victimization: Processes that mediate the relation between peer group rejection and children's classroom engagement and achievement? Journal of Educational Psychology, 98(1), 1-13. Burgess, K. B., Wojslawowicz, J. C., Rubin, K. H., Rose-Krasnor, L., & Booth-Laforce, C. (2006). Social information processing and coping strategies of shy-withdrawn and aggressive children: Does friendship matter? Child Development, 16, 371-383. Cabell, S. Q., Justice, L. M., Zucker, T. A., & Kilday, C. R. (2009). Validity of teacher report for assessing the emergent literacy skills of at-risk preschoolers. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 40, 161-173. Cairns, R. B., Cairns, B. D., Neckerman, H. J., Ferguson, L. L., & Gariepy, J. L. (1989). Growth and aggression 1: Childhood to early adolescence. Developmental Psychology, 25(2), 320-330. Camodeca, M., Goossens, F. A., Schuengel, C., & Meerum Terwogt, M. (2003). Links between social information processing in middle childhood and involvement in bullying. Aggressive Behavior, 29, 116–127. Caprara, G. V., Barbaranelli, C., & Pastorelli, C. (2001). Prosocial behavior and aggression in childhood and pre-adolescence. In A. C. Bohart & D. J. Stipek (Eds.), Constructive and destructive behavior. Implications for family, school, and society (pp. 187–203). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Carlsmith, K. M. (2008). On justifying punishment: The discrepancy between words and actions. Social Justice Research, 21, 119–137. Chandler, M. J. (1973). Egocentrism and antisocial behavior: The assessment and training of social perspective-taking skills. Developmental Psychology, 9, 326-332. Chen, J. J. (2005). Relation of academic support from parents, teachers and peers to Hong Kong adolescents’ academic achievement: The mediating role of academic engagement. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 131(2), 77–127. City, T. E. R. C. o. K. (1983). Jido-seito-no-ningen-kankei-niokeru-ishiki-to-koudou-no-chosa: Ijime-no-mondai-wo-chusin-ni. (The research of thought and conduct of students' interpersonal relations: The consideration of bullying problems): The Educational Research Center of Kyoto City, Kyoto. Clark, J. N. (2008). The three Rs: retributive justice, restorative justice, and reconciliation. Contemporary Justice Review, 11(4), 331–350. 163

Brewster, A. B., & Bowen, G. L. (2004). Teacher support and the school engagement <strong>of</strong> Latino<br />

middle and high school students at risk <strong>of</strong> school failure. Child and Adolescent Social<br />

Work Journal, 21(1), 47–67.<br />

Buhs, E. S., Ladd, G. W., & Herald, S. L. (2006). Peer exclusion and victimization: Processes<br />

that mediate the relation between peer group rejection and children's classroom<br />

engagement and achievement? Journal <strong>of</strong> Educational Psychology, 98(1), 1-13.<br />

Burgess, K. B., Wojslawowicz, J. C., Rubin, K. H., Rose-Krasnor, L., & Booth-Laforce, C.<br />

(2006). Social information processing and coping strategies <strong>of</strong> shy-withdrawn and<br />

aggressive children: Does friendship matter? Child Development, 16, 371-383.<br />

Cabell, S. Q., Justice, L. M., Zucker, T. A., & Kilday, C. R. (2009). Validity <strong>of</strong> teacher report for<br />

assessing the emergent literacy skills <strong>of</strong> at-risk preschoolers. Language, Speech, and<br />

Hearing Services in Schools, 40, 161-173.<br />

Cairns, R. B., Cairns, B. D., Neckerman, H. J., Ferguson, L. L., & Gariepy, J. L. (1989). Growth<br />

and aggression 1: Childhood to early adolescence. Developmental Psychology, 25(2),<br />

320-330.<br />

Camodeca, M., Goossens, F. A., Schuengel, C., & Meerum Terwogt, M. (2003). Links between<br />

social information processing in middle childhood and involvement in bullying.<br />

Aggressive Behavior, 29, 116–127.<br />

Caprara, G. V., Barbaranelli, C., & Pastorelli, C. (2001). Prosocial behavior and aggression in<br />

childhood and pre-adolescence. In A. C. Bohart & D. J. Stipek (Eds.), Constructive and<br />

destructive behavior. Implications for family, school, and society (pp. 187–203).<br />

Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.<br />

Carlsmith, K. M. (2008). On justifying punishment: <strong>The</strong> discrepancy between words and actions.<br />

Social Justice Research, 21, 119–137.<br />

Chandler, M. J. (1973). Egocentrism and antisocial behavior: <strong>The</strong> assessment and training <strong>of</strong><br />

social perspective-taking skills. Developmental Psychology, 9, 326-332.<br />

Chen, J. J. (2005). Relation <strong>of</strong> academic support from parents, teachers and peers to Hong Kong<br />

adolescents’ academic achievement: <strong>The</strong> mediating role <strong>of</strong> academic engagement.<br />

Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 131(2), 77–127.<br />

City, T. E. R. C. o. K. (1983). Jido-seito-no-ningen-kankei-niokeru-ishiki-to-koudou-no-chosa:<br />

Ijime-no-mondai-wo-chusin-ni. (<strong>The</strong> research <strong>of</strong> thought and conduct <strong>of</strong> students'<br />

interpersonal relations: <strong>The</strong> consideration <strong>of</strong> bullying problems): <strong>The</strong> Educational<br />

Research Center <strong>of</strong> Kyoto City, Kyoto.<br />

Clark, J. N. (2008). <strong>The</strong> three Rs: retributive justice, restorative justice, and reconciliation.<br />

Contemporary Justice Review, 11(4), 331–350.<br />


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