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here, in that there can be non-disclosure or misrepresentation by the assured under the prudent<br />

assured test only when he knew or ought to have known that the fact withheld or misstated was<br />

relevant to the insurers. Some degree of fraud is to that extent incorporated into the very<br />

definition of the assured’s duties. However, a finding of fraud is not inevitable in every case.<br />

There can only be fraud if the assured: (a) knew of the fact, or at the very least shut his eyes to its<br />

existence; and (b) knew it to be relevant to the insurers; and (c) deliberately chose to withhold or<br />

to misstate it. 152 Knowing a fact but choosing not to disclose it is not fraud if the assured did not<br />

know of its relevance. 153<br />

4.46 In non-disclosure cases requirements (a) and (b) are almost by definition required to<br />

establish non-disclosure in the first place, so that the question of fraud may focus on (c). What is<br />

the position where the assured has disclosed the relevant facts to his broker, but the broker, in the<br />

knowledge that the facts are relevant, has fraudulently withheld them from the insurers. The<br />

point was considered in Permanent Trustee Australia Ltd v FAI General Insurance Company<br />

Ltd, 154 and it was assumed – without the point being decided – that the assured was to be treated<br />

as himself being fraudulent in that scenario. In such a case it seems harsh to describe the assured<br />

himself as having acted fraudulently, but even if that is wrong it may be that the court would<br />

provide relief under s 31.<br />

4.47 In misrepresentation cases only element (b) is part of the definition of misrepresentation.<br />

The assured may make a false statement even though he is unaware that it is false, while at the<br />

same time appreciating that his answer was relevant to the insurers. It follows that there is a<br />

lesser connection between misrepresentation and fraud than there is between non-disclosure and<br />

fraud. The same broker problem arises here as arises with non-disclosure, in the case where the<br />

broker with knowledge of the relevance of a fact transmits a false answer to the insurers.<br />

4.48 The right of avoidance and its limits. Although the right of avoidance for fraud is on the<br />

face of s 28 unlimited, it is subject to what seems to be a controversial limitation in s 31. The<br />

ALRC accepted that avoidance should normally be allowed, but was concerned that in some<br />

cases avoidance would be a disproportionate remedy. The ALRC accordingly recommended 155<br />

that the court should have an ultimate power of adjustment. Section 31 thus provides that a court<br />

may disregard an avoidance and order the insurers to pay some or all of a claim 156 consistently<br />

with what is just and equitable in the circumstances. The section is curiously drafted, and<br />

contains cautions at every step. Payment can be ordered if avoidance would be “harsh and<br />

unfair”; the amount payable has to be “just and equitable in the circumstances”; the insurers must<br />

not have been prejudiced at all or at most only to a minimal or insignificant degree by the<br />

misrepresentation or non-disclosure; the court must have regard to the need to deter fraudulent<br />

conduct in relation to insurance; and the culpability of the assured must be weighed against the<br />

magnitude of the loss that he would suffer if avoidance was permitted. The power has been<br />

151<br />

Derry v Peek (1889) 14 App Cas 337.<br />

152 See, for an example, Muggleston v National Mutual Life Association of Australasia Ltd [2004] NSWSC 913.<br />

153<br />

Australian Casualty and Life Ltd v Hall (1999) 151 FLR 360.<br />

154<br />

(2001) 187 ALR 380 (NSWCA).<br />

155<br />

ALRC 20, para 196.<br />

156<br />

Apart from payment, the avoidance holds good: s 31(4).<br />


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