Ageod WW1 Manual Cover.qxd

Ageod WW1 Manual Cover.qxd

Ageod WW1 Manual Cover.qxd


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Moreover, any HQ located on a landing beach (bridgehead) is a supply<br />

relay if the adjacent sea is not enemy controlled and allows a supply source<br />

port to be reached.<br />

Supply distance at sea is unlimited, as long as the sea or seas crossed for<br />

supply are not under enemy control.<br />

14.5.2 Sea Control<br />

Supply via sea is valid as long as ALL the seas crossed for supply are not<br />

under enemy control.<br />

Standard default sea control is: Baltic and Black Sea by the Central<br />

Powers, and all the other seas by the Entente, except the North Sea and<br />

the Adriatic Seas which are always considered contested (Central Powers<br />

controlled for the latter if Italy joins them).<br />

14.6 Naval Transport and Amphibious Landings<br />

Both sides have transports missions. They can use these missions to make<br />

amphibious landings.<br />

● Sea Transport: From a friendly port to another friendly port.<br />

● Sea Landing: On an enemy beach. The sea capability is halved<br />

(round up).<br />

Land units may not remain on-board transport vessels in sea zones<br />

indefinitely. Land units automatically disembark (i.e. leave the naval<br />

transports) when the transporting naval Force enters a harbor.They may also<br />

disembark in a region without a harbor (i.e. conduct an Amphibious Landing).<br />

As was the case historically, the Entente player will usually have an<br />

undisputed command of the seas surrounding Europe. This advantage can<br />

often be used to threaten large stretches of coastline with invasion.<br />

14.6.1 Sea Transport Capability<br />

Sea transport capability is determined for each nation. Each military unit<br />

(corps, support) counts as 1. This capacity varies from one year to the<br />

other, for the different powers. See the Chart below.<br />

Nation 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919<br />

Ger 6 6 6 6 6 6<br />

Aus 3 3 3 3 3 3<br />

Eng 9 9 9 9 9 9<br />

Fra 6 6 6 6 6 6<br />

Ita 4 4 4 4 4 4<br />

Rus 3 3 3 3 3 3<br />

USA 0 1 2 3 4 4<br />

Tur 2 2 2 2 2 2<br />

Minors 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

78 World War One: La Grande Guerre 1914-1918<br />

Executing a sea transport in a friendly Controlled sea without a fleet is<br />

allowed (unless an enemy fleet sorties into this area).<br />

14.6.2 Sea Transport Mission<br />

The selected military units are transported to a friendly port by drag and<br />

dropping them to destination, once you have selected the naval movement<br />

button in the interface. Once they have reached their destination, they may<br />

move afterwards, but are not allowed to attack (voluntary).<br />

Distance Penalty: Each transported unit uses 1 MP per additional sea<br />

crossed during the trip (starting with the 2nd sea). 2 MP are used for<br />

cavalry because of longer loading and unloading operations.<br />

Naval Battle and Transport<br />

If a naval battle occurs during a landing, the Enemy may force a “Shock”<br />

battle (at least). If the fleet is defeated and retreats, the transported corps<br />

may suffer losses, and the units are returned to their starting point.<br />

Fate of transported units: an attack is resolved as Salvo Fire, using the +0<br />

value, for each corps (morale check and RP spending allowed). Any “3 hits”<br />

result eliminates the unit. The support units and HQ are not affected.<br />

14.6.3 Sea Landing (and Amphibious Assaults)<br />

Most important, landings and amphibious assault are only allowed during<br />

“Good Weather” (i.e. sunny). When selecting units for such an operation,<br />

consider that they use up twice the normal amount of naval transport<br />

capability.<br />

The invading units must be landed on an enemy beach region where the<br />

land units are dragged and dropped.<br />

Important: no invasion is possible in a beach region with an un-neutralized<br />

fortress.<br />

Escort and Naval Support<br />

In order for naval units (especially the heavy ships) to provide escort and<br />

landing support to an amphibious operation, the concerned fleet or<br />

squadron must chose a naval transport mission and be dragged and<br />

dropped in the coastal sea zones adjacent to the target landing beach.<br />

Bridgeheads<br />

The beach region is now a bridgehead, i.e. it acts as a minor port for<br />

supply, as long as a friendly HQ stays on it (and is supplied by sea).<br />

To bring reinforcements by sea on a bridgehead, the naval capability is<br />

still halved for the invasion beach region. It is important to conquer a<br />

port.<br />

Landing Battle<br />

These battles have some specific rules, as follows:<br />

● The Attacker fights only with his landed units. No reinforcements may<br />

arrive during the battle.<br />

● The Attacker may use RP normally

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