Ageod WW1 Manual Cover.qxd

Ageod WW1 Manual Cover.qxd Ageod WW1 Manual Cover.qxd

from walter.katharina23 More from this publisher

This test is immediate, as soon as one of these events takes place. If the result is 9+, Clemenceau loses power. +2 Paris is German +1 Allies Grand Offensive defeat (Att or Def), French Front (or +3 for a Major defeat) -3 Allies Grand Offensive victory (Att or Def), French Front -1 per 6 American corps present in France Clemenceau automatically loses power if a French Revolution occurs. If Clemenceau loses power, the Parliament moves 2 boxes towards Defeatism (to the left) if it is in Union Sacree, or only 1 box otherwise. United States at War When the United States is at war, France has 2 advantages: ● NW +1 per 2 new US corps landed in Europe: immediate effect. ● France has a -1 bonus for the War Weariness Test. Italian Front If an Entente GHQ is in Lyon, this GHQ may be used on the French Front and on the Italian Front at the same time (for example: for the sending of reinforcements). 26.5 Great Britain “British Expeditionary Forces” (BEF) Britain has 2 elite corps at its disposal in 1914: 8 3 -9-4, identified as “BEF”. The British BEF enters the game at the end of the August Entente turn at Arras. The British 3-4-3 Marine also appears at the end of the August Entente turn via event (either Antwerp, Egypt or in Belgian Army). Britain – RP in August Britain only has its stock of 6 RP at its disposal in August 1914. It may not reduce its corps to obtain more RP (in August 14). Sea Control The North Sea and the Adriatic are the two seas that are “Contested” between the two sides (with a variable if Italy is with Central Powers). If Germany takes control of a sea (Channel or North Sea), this does not affect British commerce (but it interrupts the blockade). The Royal Navy Britain has the most powerful Fleet in the world. It dominates all the seas. The Royal Navy has, however, a formidable rival. The German Fleet, although inferior in number, is of very good quality. The Grand Fleet and the Scouting Fleet are based at Scapa Flow. The Royal Navy has a penalty during combat due to poor shell quality (they often ricochet on the enemy armor-plating). Before each firing, a D6 is rolled: if the result is odd, the firing is carried out with a -1 penalty to the D12. This effect is cancelled by allied technology #26 (Navy Shells).Obtainable beginning in 1916. The German high seas Fleet rarely may sortie in full force because of Kaiser Wilhelm II (he does not like to risk his armored ships). Nonetheless, the German scouting Fleet (with its excellent battle cruisers) is authorized to go out to sea, each turn, notably to carry out raids on the British coast. This inflicts a loss of NW -2 on Britain each time a raid is successful. Elsewhere, the Royal Navy must guard against the 4 German Raiders, as well as the Far East flotilla, and protect its trade. All the British ports are considered to be adjacent to the British Channel and the North Sea (except Scotland/Scapa Flow). ● The Harwich fleet is worth 1 recon unit at sea (even when in port). ● The Furious CV is worth 1 recon unit (like a naval plane), once built. Modern BB These modern armored ships, running on petroleum and not on coal, sailed at 24 knots in battle. The BB Queen Elizabeth, when it enters into play, may be placed in the “Scouting Fleet” (British Scouting Fleet), even if its speed is not marked 4+ on its counter. On the other hand, this naval counter enters into battle only beginning from the 2nd round (keep the unit off the map for the 1st round). The naval counter is placed directly with those of the Scouting Fleet in the 2nd round, but it fires at long range (L) in arriving. The BC Hood may not be completed until these naval counters have been built. It may be “launched” as soon as BC Renown and BC Courageous are in the game (even with 1 unit). Remember: each unit of a built BB or BC gives you NW +1. This increase is applied during the NW adjustment during the Interphase, although the production is played afterwards (this is retroactive, exception). Naval Battle ● After a naval battle, units that have sustained damage may not voluntarily go out to sea the next turn. ● Nonetheless they may go out in reaction to an enemy fleet going out to sea. The British Army Britain has 6 Armies in all at its disposal. It starts with 3 Armies: one in India (the VI), one in Egypt (the V), and the famous elite “BEF” (the I Army, with two 8 3 -9-4 super corps) intended to go to the French front. World War One: La Grande Guerre 1914-1918 153

Britain receives its II Army fairly rapidly. The 8 3 -9-4 BEF corps will then disappear to give rise to this II Army. Beginning in 1915, Britain may build its 2 missing Armies (IIIrd and IVth). Each HQ costs nothing to build. It enters into play as soon as a corps from its Army (with its number) is built and comes into the game. Britain does not have to use the “Expeditionary corps” Action to move its Armies where it wants. Britain has varied nationality corps at its disposal: British, South African, Canadian, Indian and Australian/New Zealand corps. This has no particular importance in terms of the game. Reminder: Britain may only create 2 corps per Interphase (British or Commonwealth), as long as Compulsory military service is not established (through Political Action). Each British Army may integrate and command 2 Allied corps, of any nationality, wherever it is. If a foreign corps is placed “out of combat”, it may return directly to its British Army during the next turn (this is an exception). During the Reinforcement Phase, each British Army may only rebuild 2 corps, no matter what their nationality may be. Britain, like France, has no siege artillery at its disposal at the beginning of the war. To produce it, it must discover the Allied technology “Siege artillery”. Volunteers Britain has not yet established Conscription. It has voluntary military service for its armies. Its RP flow is limited to 6 RP. It may only create 2 corps per Interphase (British or Commonwealth). Military service: Britain may establish Compulsory military service, through Political action A-12, to increase the RP flow to 10 RP, and allow construction of up to 5 corps per Interphase. Egypt Britain has the British V Army based in Egypt. 154 World War One: La Grande Guerre 1914-1918 Suez Canal: the British Fleet, based in Alexandria, may participate in a land battle all along the Suez canal. It equals the support equivalent of an artillery (per sub-battle as needed), without spending any MUN. If the Enemy succeeds in taking Port Said and thus blocks access to the canal, the British loses NW -5 at the end of the turn. Britain may only have 1 active Army beyond the Suez canal (towards Palestine), as long as it does not control 2 rail linked minor ports. (through Gaza, Haifa, Aqaba, etc). Sinai Railroad The Port Said railroad to Gaza (in Palestine) does not exist in 1914. It becomes operational, beginning in 1916, as soon as Britain controls El Kantara. It extends up to Gaza when an British Army arrives there. The rail capacity is limited to 1. The British V Army may then move towards Palestine, without a supply problem. Railroad used by the British The British may use the railroad network of the Allies powers, deducting from the welcoming country’s capacity (e.g.: French network in France). In Egypt, the rail capacity is limited to 1 corps. In Britain, the rail capacity is 14 corps. United States at War When the United States enters into war, Britain benefits from the following 2 advantages: ● NW +1 per 2 new US corps landed in Europe: immediate effect ● Britain has a -1 bonus to its Weariness Test Sea Transport Capacity Britain has a naval transport capacity of 9 units per turn, or 5 units (half) to attempt a landing. France can help it, with its naval transport capacity of 6 units per turn, or 3 units (half) to attempt a landing. Britain at Peace If Britain is at peace, this is not necessarily negative. Britain stays Pro-Entente. It supplies France, and also Russia (through the Baltic). Its diplomacy is very active (with Entente). It constructs its Fleet and its Army (little by little). Its level decreases by 1 box at the beginning of each Interphase.

Britain receives its II Army fairly rapidly. The 8 3 -9-4 BEF corps will then<br />

disappear to give rise to this II Army.<br />

Beginning in 1915, Britain may build its 2 missing Armies (IIIrd and IVth).<br />

Each HQ costs nothing to build. It enters into play as soon as a corps from<br />

its Army (with its number) is built and comes into the game.<br />

Britain does not have to use the “Expeditionary corps” Action to move its<br />

Armies where it wants.<br />

Britain has varied nationality corps at its disposal: British, South African,<br />

Canadian, Indian and Australian/New Zealand corps. This has no<br />

particular importance in terms of the game.<br />

Reminder: Britain may only create 2 corps per Interphase (British or<br />

Commonwealth), as long as Compulsory military service is not established<br />

(through Political Action).<br />

Each British Army may integrate and command 2 Allied corps, of any<br />

nationality, wherever it is.<br />

If a foreign corps is placed “out of combat”, it may return directly to its<br />

British Army during the next turn (this is an exception).<br />

During the Reinforcement Phase, each British Army may only rebuild 2<br />

corps, no matter what their nationality may be.<br />

Britain, like France, has no siege artillery at its disposal at the beginning of<br />

the war. To produce it, it must discover the Allied technology “Siege<br />

artillery”.<br />

Volunteers<br />

Britain has not yet established Conscription. It has voluntary military<br />

service for its armies.<br />

Its RP flow is limited to 6 RP.<br />

It may only create 2 corps per Interphase (British or Commonwealth).<br />

Military service: Britain may establish Compulsory military service,<br />

through Political action A-12, to increase the RP flow to 10 RP, and allow<br />

construction of up to 5 corps per Interphase.<br />

Egypt<br />

Britain has the British V Army based in Egypt.<br />

154 World War One: La Grande Guerre 1914-1918<br />

Suez Canal: the British Fleet, based in Alexandria, may participate in a<br />

land battle all along the Suez canal. It equals the support equivalent of an<br />

artillery (per sub-battle as needed), without spending any MUN.<br />

If the Enemy succeeds in taking Port Said and thus blocks access to the<br />

canal, the British loses NW -5 at the end of the turn.<br />

Britain may only have 1 active Army beyond the Suez canal (towards<br />

Palestine), as long as it does not control 2 rail linked minor ports. (through<br />

Gaza, Haifa, Aqaba, etc).<br />

Sinai Railroad<br />

The Port Said railroad to Gaza (in Palestine) does not exist in 1914.<br />

It becomes operational, beginning in 1916, as soon as Britain controls El<br />

Kantara. It extends up to Gaza when an British Army arrives there. The rail<br />

capacity is limited to 1.<br />

The British V Army may then move towards Palestine, without a supply<br />

problem.<br />

Railroad used by the British<br />

The British may use the railroad network of the Allies powers,<br />

deducting from the welcoming country’s capacity (e.g.: French network in<br />

France).<br />

In Egypt, the rail capacity is limited to 1 corps.<br />

In Britain, the rail capacity is 14 corps.<br />

United States at War<br />

When the United States enters into war, Britain benefits from the following<br />

2 advantages:<br />

● NW +1 per 2 new US corps landed in Europe: immediate effect<br />

● Britain has a -1 bonus to its Weariness Test<br />

Sea Transport Capacity<br />

Britain has a naval transport capacity of 9 units per turn, or 5 units (half) to<br />

attempt a landing.<br />

France can help it, with its naval transport capacity of 6 units per turn, or 3<br />

units (half) to attempt a landing.<br />

Britain at Peace<br />

If Britain is at peace, this is not necessarily negative. Britain stays<br />

Pro-Entente. It supplies France, and also Russia (through the Baltic). Its<br />

diplomacy is very active (with Entente).<br />

It constructs its Fleet and its Army (little by little).<br />

Its level decreases by 1 box at the beginning of each Interphase.

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