Ageod WW1 Manual Cover.qxd

Ageod WW1 Manual Cover.qxd

Ageod WW1 Manual Cover.qxd


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empire, blue/red), no helmet, suffered significant losses during the first<br />

battles in August 1914.<br />

In Attack, French losses are aggravated. This doesn’t apply in Defense.<br />

The result of French losses in Attack are looked at twice: the 1st result is<br />

read normally, the 2nd result is read on the line just above (of the same<br />

column). Take the worse of the two results for the French:<br />

E > 2 > M > 1 > ½ > 0<br />

This rule does not apply when the French launches a counter-attack after<br />

a failed German attack.<br />

This rule ceases to be applied the turn after:<br />

● either French losses rise to 30 losses at the end of the turn (to be<br />

accumulated from the beginning of the game). This Level is<br />

diminished by -5 if the French besieges or controls Strasbourg;<br />

same for Metz (max. -10 for both of them).<br />

● or if the French changes over to Fire Doctrine (October or<br />

Nov–December 1914).<br />

75 mm Cannon<br />

In 1914, the fire value of French corps is worth +1 in plain (with or without<br />

city/fortress), and -1 in other terrain (during attack or defense).<br />

French corps with a fire value of 0 are worth +1/0 in Plain (front/back).<br />

Exception: French corps with a +1 in fire cannot be reduced.<br />

Beginning in 1915, the fire value of French corps becomes normal again<br />

(equal to its counter value).<br />

The Pre-Turn of August 1914<br />

After the August pre-turn, French Armies which have been engaged in a<br />

battle can receive extra RP (from the French RP stock).<br />

Half of the corps, per Army, may be restored to full strength (rounded up).<br />

German Invasion of Belgium<br />

If Germany invades Belgium, no French Army is authorized to enter there<br />

until the German August turn.<br />

On the other hand, French Armies are authorized to intercept any German<br />

Army on Belgian soil.<br />

This ban is lifted during the German game turn of August 1914 (if a French<br />

Army reacts and plays during this turn).<br />

Automatic Reaction of the V Army<br />

During the August 1914 turn, the V Army (Lanrezac) may obtain an<br />

Automatic Reaction during the German turn, to be played before the last<br />

German Army is activated on the Western Front. This Reaction is carried<br />

out without a test. It allows this exposed Army to be played before a<br />

possible double German turn (if Germany obtains the Initiative in the West<br />

in September).<br />

The French may choose to ignore this Automatic Reaction, to attempt a<br />

Normal Reaction (with a test) with any French Army during the German<br />

turn (between 2 activations).<br />

Strasbourg and Metz<br />

When France “recaptures” Strasbourg or Metz for the first time, she earns<br />

NW +5 at the end of the turn (instead of NW +2 for a taken city).<br />

This is only valid one time. The conquest of the second city of<br />

Alsace-Lorraine does not give this bonus (only NW +2 for the city, normal<br />

case).<br />

Strasbourg and Metz are considered “French” once conquered by the Allies<br />

(example: for supply). France benefits from the revenue of these cities. It<br />

receives 1 extra RP, in flow, if it controls the two cities.<br />

Lanrezac, Foch and Franchet<br />

Conflict with Joffre: in September 14, a test is carried out during the<br />

Reinforcement Phase (D6): on a 4+, a conflict breaks out.<br />

Lanrezac is dismissed and replaced by Franchet. In addition, Foch is<br />

appointed to an available HQ.<br />

The French may disregard this and keep Lanrezac in exchange for an<br />

immediate loss of NW -4.<br />

The same in October, a new test is carried out.<br />

Beginning in Nov-December 14, the conflict of the two leaders finally<br />

ceases (if Lanrezac is still in play). Franchet and Foch are available in the<br />

French generals pool.<br />

World War One: La Grande Guerre 1914-1918 151

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